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Nuclear Semiotics: How to Talk to Future Humans

2019-08-20 | 🔗

The nuclear waste we produce will be dangerous for a very long time. We’ve figured out how to safely store it in the earth until it’s no longer a biohazard. Now we just have to figure out how to warn humans 10,000 years in the future to stay away from it.

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Welcome to step you should now production of Iheart radios have stuff works. Early unwelcome knew the pod kiss Josh Clerk, those Charles the future prime, Jerry over there and stuff. You should know that. I can say that the blanket yeah I was, but I can think of anything. It was literally the blank edition. Was it integrating and you're gonna know that's right away. The divine addressing all gas is a terrible start. Chuck so about this just to divert ourselves from that disaster. What was not a disaster where our life shall we did earlier. We finally got up on age. Everyone since for sanctions January yeah kick the Rostov. Sure in Chicago in Toronto, in both homeward we just killed every
yeah everybody's, a great everyone had a really great time, yet they told us, so they seem to be legitimately meaning what they were saying. Yes, it was really really great to get back comes on stage with you, my friend, and also also also hats off to Chicago for showing up like we. All you guys out a new responded here. Thank you, weren't rice and thank you too, for not making us call you, but There are still tickets remaining four August, twenty ninth in Boston, the Wilbur, and The main you know we're venturing up into the hinterland. Of America right, Tell me what he raised after that, but August thirty. If there is still plenty of great tickets, AIR and then the same can be said in October Orlando and October tenth things October nitrite Moorland October tent the New Orleans, yet that's right, Brooklyn
Wait about that already. Also that the whole thing all three nights- man, we add a fourth cheese. About. Anyway, thanks to everyone who came out, it was a lot of fun, and this is a good when you haven't. You don't owe me yeah so come on out specially poorly, mainly go with it right now. Nuclear synbiotics switch I didn't know I loved, but I do really do you remember? Ninety nine percent visible did a very famous episode on this very topic. Al. I didn't hear that I specifically avoided going back and listening to it because I dont want to be stuck upon by its taint They make sense. He don't want roman Mars state. Thinking on yet more like. I insist, such a classic episode that I dont want and illegal league in one accidently rip off. Yet we we certainly cannot do ninety nine, invisible the same Cosette as a show that exists at the top echelon right this industry
you're. So so it is our duty and wherever there are, but if you like this one of this stuff, like you're going to go into a more goes into the ninety nine percent, visible episode. Yet this thing really triggered a lot of like snap cease firing for me and I think like, I think, a really enjoy this kind of thought. Experiment problem solving stew, Oh yeah. I think I'd really dig like that part of the zombie apocalypse is figuring the stuff out as a team right the whole time I was reading this housing great idea, terrible idea. They should this, they shouldn't do them go sit down. Here you are like the current energy was really go. This had never heard of it. So, thank you. Oh you very welcome I action heard of it before Roman Mars made the episode. So I can only thank him, but while not before he heard it because I think it is well known that Romans First words were nuclear Synbiotics sphere in before Mama. That's right
I can totally believe that actually there so what we're talking about checks, Erica times, for those view, don't know is nuclear semi attics, and that is a very specialised branch. Interdisciplinary branch of I guess science than was all basically any feel of research that you can throw up wall would probably have some function to play in the field of nuclear synbiotics and it to make a long story short to do The two long didn't read: version of this tale semicolon Dvr is nuclear symbiotic, seeks to figure out how to warn the future her humans to come, or with whatever is here sure, was chaotic, good point. I mean why discriminate Riah to warn the future humans or the future super intelligent, jellyfish right whatever to come, hey
This is a very dangerous radioactive dump site that we ve put here. I'd stay away, yeah! It's that easy. Sounds easy. The problem is, is if you presume that it's easy you're making a lot of assumptions that aren't necessarily going to hold up? Oh, yes, a lot of times are like they should just do, and I would even stop halfway through my thought, like now that that wouldn't work, it's true, because our languages might be gone by then are symbols, don't necessarily make sense outside of the contacts we understand them in civilization might be ridiculously advanced by them. Civilization might be in a state of collapse by then we have no idea, but the point of view. Their symbiotic is to figure out how to come up with a message that is understood. Able to everybody in any situation in the future and that the current state of the art. Is, let's figure out how to speak. As far as
ten thousand years into the future. Yeah I mean that's like being generous. It needs to go beyond that it does, because the whole point of nuclear semi eyes all point of warning. The future. Is this stuff, this nuclear way, they were putting into the ground. Now is going to dangerous for tens and tens of thousands of years plutonium two thirty nine has a half life of twenty four thousand years. There's something called technetium. Ninety nine has a half two hundred and eleven thousand years so another is like one point: seven million year half life. This is the nuclear is that were creating now and are putting in the ground. Yeah and Julia Laden. Who is one of our writers who does great work for us. She made a great points which is like the history of human. Lucian is two hundred thousand years yeah and like we ve only
and like reading and writing for how long about five thousand less than six thousand years yeah. So it's it sounds like it like. You said it sounds simple so many times I thought I had. I thought I had it cracked, but only to think like goes like. Why? Don't we just stir? Do something purely visual in and stay play of people at that site, digging in and then dying unethical would he do with it while just put it on a a dvd sure that displays on a loop right cycle, Hagen, our that thing. You know what happens when everybody's converted the Blu Ray yeah exactly or you know all this, or but a solar panel up. No, yes he's! Unless ever. But what have I done? What there's like a forever nuclear storm whatever of the sun resigns again on earth in eight thousand years? That's good happen. That's the cool thing about thinking into the deep you view
it is all the things that will go wrong yeah. It makes you realize, like how specific everything, think in know, and understand, really is to your current time. Yeah, it's very cool. She brings up the point about an apple MIKE, see the word apple. You know see the word apple. You see visual as the symbol of that is an apple right, so it's like it's almost like the words very much the words will just not have meaning any weren't, some point, most again letters stuff you ready to do so. To start, we should talk about where this came from. It came from a new type of nuclear stored solution. Nuclear waste stored solution called on long term geological repositories in it is basically digging into the earth couple. Files into the earth Putting our nuclear waste there again waste it's going to be harmful to health, for tens of that
hundreds of thousands of years and ceiling it up and then covering the site and then putting a warning on there. And right now and the general consensus is that salt beds are the best place to put that nuclear waste and there's actually some pretty good reasons why we can do as an episode on nuclear storage. I think I really want to in and of itself yeah that's a Shorty or along. He is probably along he. But just briefly the reason saw beds are preferable. Is does the fact that their even their suggested, there's no water if they there was water. They would have been dissolved long ago sure it's really relative easy to mine into on and then Woods awesome about salt is that when you mine a shaft into assault bed- and you put your- u deposit their, you pull back out on the solid bed, actually heels itself ever like of just a few decades seals itself back up right. Yes,
put a container. That's been engineered to hold the nuclear waste inside for ten thousand year, yet also in a container, I should point out right: you're putting it into a a boar hole in the salt since the soul is going to grow back around it in entombment print, perhaps permanently in the salt as our strong to write yet it is fairly strong. I mean like fear mining using modern mining equipment. It's it's really, easy to mine into right, but if you just have like a pickaxe or something is rock dude, salt rock is what it's called right. So there's a lot of reasons why people have figured out like this is not idea to entomb nuclear waste, but but here's the thing we can't just in humor and walk away like we have a responsibility for those of us generating this waste today to warn the future and it's on the future. If they listen to us or not, that's on them
right, but we have to make them able to listen to us exactly like. We have a responsibility to do that, because some people had proposed like hey. What's his barium forget about it the chances of somebody actually finding it pretty slim just berry, forget about it. That's probably the best the best way to go and peoples it's not a bad idea, but it's actually pretty bad ideas. He actually I thought that when was it the worst idea? It's not. That was a behavioral psychologists. He is like any was just forget about it, he was like. Maybe the smartest thing to do is to leave it unmarked right because, as will see attracting conscious of the exactly attracts attention, I know it's interesting thought. Experiment right there was that say caused by those doktor Percy, ten embalm haughtily. No wonder I like that of the east. Hampton court So we should point out that there is a couple of a couple of big times that these This has been commissioned. Like hey, we need to think of something one for a site that never happened and one for a site that has had
and the one that has happened to only one in the United States right now, only one in the world, as far as I know, knows its number, We are really is the third largest hooker and see what the other two or it must have been the first in the world, yet probably the first in the world yet which makes sense, because the other two are bigger, this is a new Mexico, it's called the whip. The waste isolation pilot plant and this one they are their actively guarding for they have committed in front of it. Energy is committed to guarding it with people. For a hundred years they ve hired Barney five into a hundred year contract to look over the nuclear waste for at least a hundred years is now look at the end of a hundred years ago. Just like put a padlock on it, walk away and they will keep guarding it his long if they feel like it needs guarding none of the union. I don't know man, I mean we're talking about a government on programme here at least a hundred years. We can rightly said the boy s they agreed to that.
So you know who idea arose before that, though, what the other one in Nevada. That's the the mountain one that was the first one right, ass, the first one that that never happened right. But that's when you know seventys is when this idea sort of came about- and I think it was. Nineteen eighty two and it was sort of codified as an official. I guess I answer yeah. It is it's a brain. It's an interdisciplinary branch of science. Nuclear symbiotic says it is it's because the EPA came up with a rule, nineteen to a law really that eighty one together wrong by the way eighty one that they came of law. Well, it became a discipline and nineteen eighty one guy with that Yucca Mountain Repository Project and I thought from the yoke of Mountain Repository project, because we were starting to figure out how to deposit the stuff we vote for a long time. The EPA I'm up with a rule. I think it was one thousand nine hundred and eighty two that said, if you're going to create these kind of
the Tories for nuclear waste. You also have to figure out how to come up with a permanent warning sign and everybody was like. That's no problem, of course in the EPA is to think about it harder than thank you, said just slap that that nuclear waste low that everyone knows sure and every like everyone, They know that what has been around wherever everyone does. It know that now right much less in, two hundred thousand years yet. Did you see the? How that was created, yeah It was a group. Know how that happens. I think that means they can't describe it to one person. They know there's like five people, and one of those giant like silver has been apparent, so cruel occur. Yet as a nineteen, forty six I was at it at Berkeley and it was a group dude the science class is that how my name ruby I gripped- it'll,
wiggles or southern may. I think it's an album tied over here, so the Wiggles group doodle. Absolutely, I guess that's failure, hoping that our gift, you wiggle, sir, but I saw this was interesting and nineteen forty eight, the symbol came under. Consider passion for wider use as a first, it was just a group doodle and then the Brookhaven National Laboratory requested a standard. Symbol of standardize colours for their radiation, so de programme and was more argument about the colors than the actual symbol, because their fertility case yellow because we use for a lot of stuff here they wanted to make sure that it didn't get over used. So bright just become kind of blind to exert, saw it summer and there I give you heard a striper. Is yellow black there, like noise Herman, give us for years that all relevant. I believe me and then, and forty two There's no one will ever so. I think they are Design was paid for it because I saw them in concert. We want even
I value magenta blades on a blue background was the original design and it was chosen cause uncommon, but then in Oak Ridge Tennessee at the average national laboratory they they went. The yellow background and nineteen forty eight later on in eighteen, forty eight- and I guess it stuck the through the acreage boys- were all scientists and answered so it was originally Magenta blue right, yes and the book, we're talking about for those Vienna is called the nuclear trefoil. You know it's a circle and then through the cowardly circles around a blade there and from what so one of the original group do dollars explained it as it supposed to be an atom with activity around it. That's it and which may I never saw it before another. I read that men can on see it in that really what it looks like it's a pretty great little doodle, but it's like you said That is not a universally accepted symbol, which is a big problem here and it doesn't it doesn't it
Oh like oh, I am, of course I know it. An atom looks like right. You saw one go down the street a second ago. This learning can end up here. It's a symbolic represent station of an atom which means that after people stop think about what Adams look like, maybe a thousand years, five thousand years down the road of something happens. No he's going to look at that and be like, oh it's Adam activity around an add on it must mean there's radiation here. Hence this is a danger sign, that's not gonna happen, bright, the other thing you would think is just just put up in a bunch languages done yet here's the thing languages are disappearing. You ask you, actually what is your best guess? a language dies out every blank. Nine million seconds, the right did I never eat church. We gotta get out a calculator language dies out every fourteen day
yes, I'm pretty sure. There's no millionth isn't led staggering God what if it was about to do that you keep talking so that's about twenty five languages per year that die out in this really sad it and it is very sad and granted these aren't you no major. Languages, but they are important to the people who speak them cure, but that's just sort of to take to get across the point that bring it up in a bunch of languages? There's no guarantee and in fact, in Hawaii We heard in and fifty thousand years there won't be english or german. French. There may not even be humans that, as we know about me, we may be what was the calculation four hundred forty let us allow their them there may be. We may all be like post biological humans. You know bloated our consciousness onto like the internet, or something in which point that really won't matter to tell you the truth where the nuclear waste has been buried. But who knows it could be an intelligent species, it could
humans who don't know how to read or write. The fact is this stuff that we take for granted changes a lot faster than you think in if it doesn't necessarily die out. The changes Come along a pretty alarming found a m, putting a lot of Silicon Valley. Lately, I told you creature, I my vocal delivery, sounds a lot like jeremiads. It's a girl. You think a lot, I never really to put those who together will keep an eye out for Nancy Way. Think I may tell me I'm wrong there are already and I would add that this year's dissociate so much because I, like you and jeered like such a pedantic bureaucratic. I love him. I mean find here to watch, but I wouldn't say that he is like the most likeable character. Maybe he is under. No, I would say pedantic bureaucrat is not entirely off for me now dare needs a girlfriend, that is to say so. I do now
because I have a fine line. So let me give you an example of how English has changed. This is a quote from Sir Guy. We in the green knight is written in thirteen. Seventy five now boy as this the lender fifty years ago. This is in English, the steel of stiff staff, the stern be gripped that was wound in with iron into the ones end I'll, be graven with green and gravest works, and you should see a spell. Oh yeah, I mean I was in english major. We had to go through the stuff, it was a slug. Do you have a guess what I just said yeah. He said that he, the green knight, set down one Silicon Valley. Let's hit that the grim man gripped by its strong handle, which was wound with iron all the way to the end, Engraven and Green, with graceful designs. So, like that's English six hundred fifty years, English is still radically two hundred and fifty years we're talking about thousands tens of thousands of years. Exactly so, that's it
languages of all languages die symbols, don't quite make sense out of context. So, there's a lot of challenges that face the people who to try to explain this stuff and figure out how to explain it to future people, I think is a better way that's right: they have looked in semi, oh, Semi petitions were people who who really want on this stuff. Sure thing amateur semi addition. After reading this that's great, but when that they're looking for it is what you want is ideally is instant recognition and not something I mean yeah, maybe if you have to figure it out, but what you want is something that conveys danger, yeah right when you look at like just steer Clear that Russia not come closer and stirred poking around just go away. That's right! So she So great point, though, that, like it's, a double edged like your tongue about earlier. If you know human beings, if you show a extreme skill
sign. This is danger, Dunsky, ski this way, sure he's gonna say bra: let's do it in a gimme, some homicide power drink so there's a day. Very fine line between warning people, an enticing people yet even inadvertently, you're exactly you know, I mean there's some. She she points out, haunted house, it's cool Mckenna, revised like a rebel extreme sports person, but people do like a haunted house is too so what other abandoned, like scary places so creepy? Let's go there for Halloween right because maybe Halloween survive, but the english language didn't. Who knows so you you, you really walk a fine line here between warning people away in saying I dare you right, yeah, my whole jam is, I think they need to the. Will survive if there are humans at all is emotion, so I think any to appeal the human emotions, like fear. More than words and symbols, ok, well, let's take a break and we'll get back.
As far as this is fine, yes, miles. It's me jack right here right next year by next to me, just like a work, hey one day I join with you to tell people too, tune in to a very special episode special year of tedious,
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Today I took so we you talked about how things go away we just fall away. Symbols don't make sense any anybody. It is really a strike. So whoa. What will last, what have nuclear semi petitions come up with and should we explain was semi out? it is in general, They even know oh just kind of in shorthand synbiotics is basically the study of how and why signs have meaning hooker. Right, like you, were saying earlier, how the word apple doesn't evoke thoughts of the word apple. It evokes thoughts of the round shiny, tasty fruit that goes on a tree. That's a sign bright in semi attics, minister, as specifically a curse of sign. It
the use of language, so what they ve done, and in many cases is- and this is a great idea for stuff like this- is due to have a competition. They had wanted. You see away, I think, in two thousand one comes a cupboard desert space competition and what one that year was a cactus yucca cacti glowing blue and then the idea was plant, a field of these regular green cacti and then over the place where the nub of the waste is the report hurry. And then, if you see the sign of a glowing blue- and I mean I don't think I didn't see the rest of him, but at intervals at great I'm sorry to the person who came up with. If I now, I think it is a bit as something they should do is go even further. Back to younger children can sometimes like cutter like an elementary school and ass kids or high school right, or you just take each kid out rubbish
face in the sand. Ability suit you stay out of here now I mean had the kids like throw out ideas, because I thought oh, I see here, I think the like my eyes. You think a lot of times children can cut through the to the simplest. You have something better than adults can easily. So that's my dear and throw it out as it is a science fair project. Why thinkers the cool things about nuclear Semi Annexes so inviting to like any but he can get up with a great idea. It's just so confounding, but it's also so accessible yeah we'll get ideas. In fact, we want to hear from you if you think you have a cool idea. Good idea. Like a guarantee or we're gonna get some good ones. Yet, when I get a passing along or anything, so rather than just like pulling the glowing yucca one there's the here's, the proud with the glowing yucca idea. It requires explanation right somebody
so part of the glowing yuck is to say these things have been genetically engineered so that when there's radiation present they glow. So if you see this yoga glowing, it means that there's radiation here stay away right, if you lose that that additional story that has to go along with the glowing yucca then of glowing yucca and I can't think of a more attractive thing is going to draw people to a site than the legendary glowing on yucca that only glows ins ones is out on earth. There. That's kind of the problem, with it. You know I, like the other idea from that same year, a little better that did not win fields of asphodel, which is a eurasian lily. They said, let's just cover the site with metal, blades, that screech, when the wind blows, it makes a horrible noise right MA bad here's, the problem with that ok moving parts, ok sure it's been pretty well established that if you're trying to convey something to the people in the distant future. You
to have something: that's monolithic in made of one peace, because if you have multiple parts, that's of opportunity for weathering to occurred through the place where the two parts, meat or three parts or five parts, and if it's a moving part, just kiss the movement goodbye What about this case? I've had the thought earlier today about a mountain of razor wire, ok, here's the problem with that and this is the same problem also with the what is the problem of steel, the seal stuff that move everything does not want to lose. You oughta, but you want to use. After it has no value whatsoever, not just financially but usefulness like someone say. I can harvest that razor where you can go use that to keep the cows in my house next door here, but if you have so much of it
time over ten thousand year old, like Hake and taken Vienna re wireless. I mean that's why the pyramids are stripped of lake there more attractive outer they used to have legal, a white. I think limestone shell in casement, it's gone and because the locals were like, I can use it to build a final Hauser minus eight, a hut, that's exactly that's what people will do if you play something of any kind of Andrew, like my dad is the beauty and every idea. Wrong as a whole. Is so great it's pretty great. I love it so the one of the most often cited bodies of work is from nineteen. Eighty two, eighty three and this was a call for idea, from the german journal of semi attics? That basically said the same thing: You know what are your ideas? This one got a little to say the least some months ago an artificial moon as a storage vessel either for now, and if you ask me, Hermione would get that why
like gum. How do you make sure that the information about this site right stays protected? put it into an artificial moon in orbit around earth. But it's like how are you here too, the artificial I didn't get, that's what they meant that better. Yet that doesn't make any sense. That's what I think what I mean is said over, they beaming it down to the tv they won't play that differ yeah- I just don't understand this at all. I don't know stand that radioactive cats either, even though that's a decent ban name, so the there was a big part of the ninety nine percent, visible episode, nuclear symbiotic. They talked about the re cats and I think that we hired a musician to create a song because just like with the glowing, yet right, you have to explain. What's going on when the cats glow, you need to stay away, so they had. Somebody come over the re cats honourably for the episode was issued in the blow fish. Yes, it has good guess not
When I thought was had a little. I thought it was interesting. At least this semi addition name, Thomas Seebach. He said this What has survived more than anything else? Religion, religious tax, that date back in a couple thousand years and the catholic Church not a bad start. Yet the ideas that you hear Catholic Mass today are a couple thousand, years old in summit has and if you go back to the original text, which we can still read for highly you can say yet. This is what their talk about, like those ideas, have survived that long, because right that the practices that so interesting idea- but it gets a little goofy because he thought why don't we almost create a fake religion around this thing a fearful myth that you can generate appointing an atomic priesthood to tell people and tell them to future generations, but I mean I guess he, I D,
is that it's all false and it's just a big made up story. Yeah this bed, Mc priesthood would know the truth and they would indoctrinate people buck out and eighty around them here it would be a closely guarded secret because everybody else thing, DR whatever this fake myth about why you have to stay away from this haunted whole area is true when really the atomic priests are the ones who know no actually theirs there's radioactive stuff. They just came up with this threefold ten years ago? Gary body away but initially a decent ideas for us trying to make it or incorporate like what legion does, but it just defiling strange. It is me, though it is at its base, despicable it's a despicable idea, because it is purposefully introducing fearful false superstition into the future. Like we're, gonna purposefully introduce fearful
false superstition into the future, just scare people off from radio activity like what kind of sweeping side effects kind of wars might start of his will die for defend this fake thing that they don't realize is fake because Thomas Sepia chemotherapy this idea to keep people way from a single site in New Mexico right, that's crazy. They didn't fair. Well either among his colleague. Knowing rightfully soak is again it's a despicable idea, so he was on the human interference task force. We mention the Nevada site that was was what was launched for that UK mountains. Back in eighty one from eighty one, eighty three so as whatever CBS original idea, was he had one some other closely They did ideas that were great, though yeah like he's now against a total Japan and really, I think, resistant misfire, in an otherwise illustrious career I think I don't know that much about him, but
one of his other ideas was ok, let's take the the atomic priesthood away. Let's take the religion and all that stuff away and was just give him like the facts. But figure out a way to make sure that those facts get passed down and what he came up with was called the meadow message where it's a message that says this is it this place has nuke radiation. It can kill you, you need to stay away from it. We invite you to take this message and translate into whatever languages you guys have on earth at the time. Assuming you can read this right, but if you do that often enough right, there will always be somebody who can translate it, OSHA and then that Are you form a bridge between now and as far into the future? Is people around to read and in add their own interpretation or their own translation of it? but then you want to leave the original so that there is ever get a disagreement about what some. What word meant. Hopefully somebody can go back
which language language and connect them so that they can, the original version, yeah like what I say as a society develops in isolation. That knows none of these languages, oh just totally trust that when the symbols come in, right, so what they settled on as a panel, though men eighty want from eighty one. Eighty three was What's the long term, communication was going to be the most effective thing. What kind of what you were just talking about right and they said a system that combines physical markers and archives that cover the two major forms of this long term communicate, communicate direct in successive, a direct utilizes markers and successive is humans. Like you were talking about, I guess what this met a message. I guess you could write it down, but it still humans caring message through time was more like a direct one is the leg. You can write an inscription on a monument
and that monument is going to deliver that message directly to people ten thousand years from now yet mean it's a physical thing right, whereas with success of his kind of passed along like a game of telephone. Exactly- and you know that goes right, it can get along hanky tried, but it's always won a slumber party monsieur, so they came up with Multiple ones like you are saying that they settled on a monument that had a massive stone structures. Remember you want monoliths their anger, with warnings in all currently known languages, so our languages are you gonna, Reed vault, that has all the info. You need about radio activity about the site, all that stuff, her you on a bunch of carriers around the site not necessarily to definitely keep people out there enough to basically say: hey, hey we're, trying to impede progress here yet mean to me that's one of the most obvious ones. If, like you, see a huge wall again. It might entice you, but it for sure indicates to any culture that you're, like you're, not meant to come beyond this right.
And then the The last one is of a network of archives, basically the same formation. You would have not buried vault right, but elsewhere. Scattered around the world. So something happens, the buried vault somebody can come across the archives somewhere. Be like oh wait. Wait we want to stay out of there and, along with that, they said while you're at it can we can. We at least like all agree around the world on a nuclear warning symbol if it's the trefoil or whatever wishes, all codified- that as the thing, which is not the case right now, No there's was a triangle with an arrow pointing down, and then in the head of the arrow was the Bio hazard symbol, which is not great You want some is going to be so simple that even as people that get fuse me any to see it, I guess it's even when you see your like white what, but you want something simple enough, so that people can of creative shorthand version of it still retains its its meaning right or visually. I'd say that stuff was
the younger project in the early eighties. They decided not to do that. They just pack packed it up put, it way, and then it all came back again with this New Mexico plant right when the department, energy said once again: hey. We need two things. Give a sign and assemble or whatever you can come up with, and we need the best in the brightest. Thinking of this, so called Carl Sagan give me sagging Jimmy Sagan Gimme easy ten embalmed step in this guy named John Lambert is a science writer and space illustrator, and he had in semi onyx before for NASA on their mission to Mars, Megan was an ill health, so he declined to come here, but he sent a message from the present. I guess that said Scotland Crossbones do done yet universal. Everyone knows that he gave a really good example. He said it has its mark, the way Those of cannibal dwellings, the flags of pirates, the insignia S,
divisions and motorcycle gangs. He makes a pretty good point. A lot of people out there going crossbones and no, it means I danger sure problem it means the hangar. You were yes, you know, you'll be a skull and so that the working group for the whip project they- Now that doesn't work its younger and archetype. It doesn't really exist outside of the West me I'm like now. Sagan was deafening onto something I think so I mean tell me: if you go to to China and hold up a sign with the scope proper crossbones illegally, I would think so I mean that's a dire warning, isn't it or nine? Their point is that the school used to be like a momentum arrived men like rebirth of death, so they could be like a wonderful, a skull and cross sure, but to me that is the one. Indeed, symbol that always going to be around as long as there are humans, because what happened?
when you die in raw. What's left your skull, every human knows that even humans in the future gonna know that even ones that are in like a post collapse, tribe, write running around like an inn- have lost all of the languages that around today they're going to know what is skull, looks like or what is Skol means, or at least one of them is going to be like wait. I don't think this is that the rainbows coming. I think it means like death or danger. It was taken other break yeah two. It will come back and talk about the approach that the whip panels and what they came up with right after this miles. It's from work yes, said across from each other record a pike S together to podcast gut
yeah on a daily basis. I want to tell you about the perfect white elephant gift to give people what they actually want for the holidays. The sheer vodka visual- yes, I really noticed I bought ok, you Talkin about Smirnov ornaments yet well. So this one's kind of a two in one decor looks cool around the house and la so vodka. Yet- and I think you know holiday hosting, you know, can be hard or China forgot. What you get people, how you bring something fun to the party besmear enough, makes it easy and you can give the best gift this holiday season with this mere, not vodka ornament. Also, we know some of our lessons. We they may have low glue now gee this gluten free baby, who filled with Smirnov twenty one, bad car, which is the
The number one vodka so for some, not so silent nights, this holiday pick up. Some smirnoff, ornaments and police have responsible only share with those twenty one, an older you know, go defend Sagan, my boy, her love that guy someone should ask her. Neil aggress Thyssen sure why not nobody's gonna get adhere to a bit. They have est. Although Lana Virtue, oh, you were vocs- think a cub energy centre. Oh, I think that even more seats than now, it's less sorry like three thousand people which has nothing to you. No purpose think about that's a lot of votes. We have not had their network
No, we have. Did you hear the star tat goes on? No, it was a good. It was pink. If I so myself, sisters are those to be like rapid, fast responses. We got you. Four questions in and consider like rapid, faster That is not my specialty meal limit is still distracting here. A more deliberate, so think of deliberate. The whip panel was very deliberate and methods called they divided into teams, and approached it from that. The two things we're talking about direct and success of forms of communication debate, the lot deliberated, light, the recommendations they had to propose. And they did overlap a little bit. What I thought was pretty smart as they both Had a multi level approach from the surface down, they got more specific and intense, you went down here. The first one is basically like you, Ding Dong. This is the yours go away exactly that's like level one, and then level too is like
Ding Dong in your kindness, my friend explained a Ding dong that the reason this is dangerous because our southern buried here and it's gonna hurt you wish to show I'm sorry about the real things! Oh shit. I thought I was so group a this was theirs. They studied the surface of the site with what they called menacing. Earthworks so a field of spikes and then a big massive disk painted to look like a black hole in quite get that partners. So dumb, I get the spikes. I think it's the yeah, of course, but the the black Well, I think it's busted me Lincoln. Voyager chaos- I don't know, I'm not sure I could see how you would think that that was kind of universal like nobody wants to fall into a whole or something, and maybe it evokes that kind of like stay away. I didn't have large markers all around the site which, like you said, or the really basic messages in the warnings, including- and I thought this is so interesting- faces
invoke Edvard launches the scream the one's eyes. A word at them. The scream It goes a line drawing the guy from his own people, yeah like in It agony and pain that to me, we know that it is in bed. I dont know, though, is that more universally understood than a skull cross border on our earth. Art survives for people like oh Hunter, FED paintings down there will, I think, what they're saying is in semi. Petitions can feel in ways that Edvard bought monk. So perfectly nailed the scream that even without the art like it? in semi additions. Kind of feel this way is that Edvard bought monk, so perfectly nailed the scream that even without the art like, if you I might have said much. You know you said I think he's said monk. Is it much as I think it's probably monk isn't there's no way. His name is much I might have said much. You know, you said I think he's a monk is much as I think it's probably monk. You didn't they might. I would, as foreign you said monk,
group a below the surface. This is when they actually start talking about nuclear waste. What it does to you add details about the structure and all that stuff, but where they add where they they teach you a little bit about radioactive. A group be. This was when they went super informative and really what they relied on was that people had a little bit of knowledge and the future about stuff like that that they also have trusted that did people didn't have to just be spooked, you're scared we like that that it's like here is the facts in him, patient rights, why you want to stay away from that here there above ground work. Was these big earthen walls in the shape of the nuclear trefoil, not bad? I imagine at sea above even know, though yes, but was that's part of the the requirements was that you you wanted to be easily visible, not just with human cognition, but like remote sensing to write so like magnetic surveys, a they. They said, we should presume
and it's in here yet not just from when you walk up to it right, so you and you also to be able to see it from your flying saucer They said we should pursue magnets in here right, not just from when you walk up to it right, see any such views here from your flying, saucer exactly and then inside the law languages, writing, indifferent languages and then more human faces increasingly contorted and agony. As you go down near, it looks to me like the guy's getting drunk or and drunk her, yet that's what it looks like, but maybe that means it happening bar exam. Really that's how I would take it. If I were a future human, close clamps gotta go I'll go down here. There were also picked a grams aids digging through this and get area there also pictogram. That showed like, the ground like real, easy you're, saying drawings of the rich active waste. The war, groundwater flowing through it.
Taking the radioactive waste up to the plants which are than eaten by the humans in the picture, one of whom died sneer, which makes sense, need to understand anything about radio activity. You don't need to be able to read anything. It's really like it makes sense, especially as some people are sitting there. Thinking about it was the final images going bones, are a boar. Pile abound nose like a person. Three people standing in one of the last was like dead. I think he might even have access for. I was about to say that I mean, if you think, about twenty thousand you're sure now, maybe maybe they're, like others, induces a nice nap, maybe like, but to your though, like the bones right, is where you need to end up right. Yeah somebody, like others, these virtues her, give you great buzz grown on those grounds, excess for eyes right. Yet the bones do make a lot more sense. I think Sagan was right. That's that should be a teacher study should know tee. Shirts signal right taken was: don't even need to have any contact your email a few days from the guy from these days
Carl Sagan saying that do not make that teacher What did they go it? In the end, though, they went with a thin work. Earthen Burma basically to provide an obstacle entered to block easy access. Some granite slabs monoliths that have, or warnings written in said, languages you're, never ho, and then the six languages of the EU in tow arabic, chinese, english, spanish, french in russian correct, which makes a lot of sense, but then they took Thomas CBS up on his idea. They can, built on the earlier than religion prayed exactly and they left blank spaces or they. In their plan they leave blank spaces on these slabs for future generations to add their own translations of the inscription. That's a good idea. It's a great idea and the faces of humans and pain and anguish, writes that did survive in the end, so that was the final
report on this whip panel. It's pretty good idea makes a lot of sense, because it not only so their tube to groups that they're trying to say stay away. Not really like urban explorers or thrill seekers, whatever be arrogant, die they would have. They would have virtually no chance of getting down to the actual radioactive material to enough miles to people who are worried about where technology technological aunt civilizations that were drilling for resources right, like an accident, like God, help this. This sum this this waste disposal site if SALT B. Incredibly important in the food right and then less advanced civilizations, they could accidentally change the flow of groundwater to go through the salt bed through massive, like irrigation projects, covers all of it. Yet mile thing is just make it inaccessible wise in New Mexico, wise it out, you know. Well, that's I mean that's pretty inaccessible, it's not as access inaccessible is
You know Siberia know some one of the recommendations for nuclear waste the shooting it into space, just send it out in the outer space and forget about it and if you believe, in the fairy paradox that it says were the only intelligent in the universe, may have more power. Here here that the head, not their vat of an idea. It's a horrific idea, but it's actually kind of a good eye yeah, but then I wonder about the dangers and the risk involved. I mean we ve seen rockets blow up space shuttles blow out? I would be banned like what, if the thing that their shooting it out there malfunctioned or some tabby, really bad, be really bad. As agreed points like Oliver, nuclear waste has just been released o into the atmosphere agreed at the great point chuck. So here's the thing is all this just wasted effort, because I was getting so into the stuff and then this article was a real alike, sad trombone cause, it seems like
seems like nobody relieving cares the people that matter, while the first the first group like their whole thing One will probably never be implemented because the Uk Mountain project got shut down right, but the whip group may actually have there plan come to fruition because it is an EPA rule that you have to create this kind of marker and they ve got until about twenty forty until they estimate the place is going to shut down. So it's entirely possible that twenty forty or time in the hundred years after twenty forty. When the deal we stops protecting the deity they implement. This earthen works in these sixteen granite slabs and we we may live to see something like this. Well, Side of the: U S, it seems like no one a super concerned. Sweden- and doesn't Levin had an application to build a rip repository, enforced mark and in there air in their literal application. They basically said you know it
the worry about that later. In seventy years, when the sinks finished, they said see this can kick this revenue down there, and this way national archives. They consulted on their application. They said, that's really insufficient. It said gives the impression that one intends to postpone important documentation efforts until the closer the repository seventy years and psych. It doesn't give him action. It literally said that right, so I think, they're being all true polite yeah think my Sweden, people in the? U S, though, don't tell a sub rocky than they had her. Don't even know what that means that the singer right, Yeats the rapporteur is imprisoned in Sweden right now and did not know that oh man would do it, he do he a fight with. It is kids in May or may not have been. Their father looks on video like they definitely provoked it, but the king of Sweden, like sorry rule of law, plies, everybody, including super famous Americans, mild, true Donald Trump call them too,
to get the thing resolved at the behest of Kenya, West God and apparently AIDS is made everything worse. Another king Sweden is like there's. No change is getting released early, wow man. Where have I been this is reality. What I just said is actual fact. It actually happened here are two thousand and nineteen everybody humans are the far future can you believe it humans of the near John Lambert Guy. We talked about earlier. He was on that original one thousand nine hundred and ninety one wit panel. He told vice just a couple years ago. A lot of us had been around the block a few times before casino. He was back then doing the same thing and knew this and to be reported. The government only did and is the U S We are putting more thought toward this in any one which is really surprising. He said they only did this because they need to show compliance. They didn't really care what we said
and then in from the nineteen eighty one human interference taskforce during the competition they basically said the most effective sign will be the dead bodies of those foolish enough to ignore which make sense, whatever sign so basically like who cares someone else, someone will get in there and they'll all by and then that will be the big morning right, which makes sense if humans are in communication around the globe and you ve got the same morning round, but if they're not than its catastrophe catastrophe catastrophe, but at least we ve filled our part of the bargain. Where we really tried to warn everybody agreed you anything else. If you will indulge me, I would like to plug the end of the world with Josh Clark, the one the end of the world with Josh Clark, if it's like thing think about things in like far deep time in the future of humanity and all that stuff kind of floated your boat. I would recommend my little pod seriously into the World Josh Club for sure who, as is right, if your alley thankee Chuck,
since chucks right up your alley? It's time for a listener, mail. Guys we are strangers, but we aren't. You ve been with me during the most How many times in my life it was new show for about seven years. Man, english teacher, my students are tired and making fun of me because I always start lessons with so I was listening to. You should know. I went through a huge light. Changed recently opened a relationship for five years, engage before them and move Phoenix to Charlotte. After ending that relationship which was incredibly difficult to do during the driver. Listen you guys for the entire thirty four hours. Imagine no! I honestly, king! No music do you guys my heart was so broken? I didn't think I would ever be able to recover from the trauma, but the trauma, listening to us for thirty, but you didn't know that you are able to come for me and call me down my brother who helped me move asked me what needed to listen to during the driver. Told them want to listen to step. You should know
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Transcript generated on 2019-12-30.