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How Sleep Paralysis Works, or The Worst Thing That Can Happen While You're Sleeping

2016-10-25 | 🔗

For as long as people have been sleeping, about half of us have probably suffered from sleep paralysis. Thanks to an unusual fluke in the sleep cycle, the sufferer feels paralyzed and consumed by fear as something on their chest tries to kill them.

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Personal make a beautiful welcome to stop. You should now run housetop works that pay and welcome the progress that Josh Clark withdraws the beach Brian fury over there, so that we should know something larger. My chest: it's the devil. It's the devil is in Turkey, what happened? You were just having what's known as sleep paralysis, bloody, woe, those close to it, but my touch, my gentle touch, broke you out of there actually suit me, I'm just getting people. I was acting. That would stay
draft yeah and we were well we weren't debating cause. I was wrong, but we were talking about whether or not we had done this yet we have not like I said I was wrong. We ve been around the edges of it. So much they. If you like you, how you think here, if you like, if you pull the every little bit of sleep paralysis out of all the epoch, where we thought that it talked at it. We re talking not about you, go wisely browser it's about the most recent one was either exploding head private or night terror here, and we specifically stopped about this reality so that we could save it for the actual. I prefer. Those are always good when so. Finally, here the site will be an interesting train of thought and say none other than I've zappia. That's exactly what we did you. I remember the first time this came up with an trans magnetic stimulation that thinking cap wine. Here this is part of a lie
Was pretty interesting, stuff agreed and spin around? While you know I'm the word nightmare, we use that described like bad dreams, sexually act. Usage nightmare was originally intended, specifically to describe sleep paralysis because now means night nature, the moray or mayor and may e r e that extra e in there really messes up yet let's old English, so I'm on earth I pronounced it correctly or not. Neither is anyone else away, it doesn't matter, but that that specifically means and Incubus in an incubator was a type of devil like the one that was just sitting on your chest. A male sex Praise mailer, daemon that it is necessary that we were the ones making assumptions,
Andy you. While you were sleeping on your chest in maybe till you try to kill you and you couldn't do anything about it. Yeah, I'm in the amended the circulars any give us Among other minded, but that's exactly right. The inky versus the male version of the secular, sir, the old sex crazed hag that sit on your so this year. This whole idea of this has been around for a very long time it steeped in a supernatural and were only just now, starting to figure out What sleep arouses is ending needs even more interesting now that we understand it a little more yeah. I did no the exact definition of incubus until this research, and now I hate that band, even more yeah, I don't insects, Grace Demon, Yale, demon owner, that's what they were gone forth there does that sound cool. Now, I'm sure they now I'm hats off to infer realising that are there.
Making a medieval era, nine, they might decide its ethical. Who knows, maybe I'm thinking you're right. I clearly nothing about goodbye names, This is true, I thought you always come up with a bad name of other people. Agree the good to me. As someone been now ok, now known starting on one of the main facebook none I should say about their now, but my own. Their name is not like it but I'll cheaper. When endeavour a gas station, where else cheap. Oh sir, I know in this out, like South Carolina, might have seen him Savannah Coastal Althesa thought there was a coincidence, their energy it is, it is a continent it is, but people send me pictures of l, cheaper gas station lowercase, delight and see you not named after guess. What is then we would be Exxon Mobile is it's a great battle axes, sure
loves exile. What they ve done, nothing are eight so on the the strict definition, I guess it's not strict, but the definition we're gonna give and where did you get? This article is good. Oh yeah, we british others out this straight out of the british Psychological societies journal. I could tell it was british. It was because they say, whilst stuff like that way off, but it was written by Julia said tomorrow and Christopher, see French and I believe, they're. Both sleep paralysis, experts. I know for sure Professor French's possesses a video of him on video to space. We talking about the city better opposite expert. Pretty solely paralysis, how they define it in I agree is it's a period of transient consciously experience, paralysis either when going to sleep or waking up and dumb
I think I was under the misguided notion that it was almost always in the transition. Of waking up in. It sounds like it's even more common when you're going into sleep, and that is the hypnotic age, as opposed to the hip, no pompous stage right coming out weekly yeah. So I think I might get the impression, but I think I was wrong. I had the same impression area the proper came from us just so. Have you ever had see paralysis? No, neither I did want to mention that I did. I told you, I had an exporter. Syndrome experience after we did that show right like two or three nights later it happened to me for the first time ever yeah. I was worried about getting this last night. I don't want this well that that's bad way to go about it, yeah I'll, get it in your head dear. We should say it's actually, like you said
it's kind of common right well mean depends on. He ask have seen everywhere from a third to half of people might experiences at least once, but I think as far as chronic chronically it's not nearly that common know. Somethin like come. We have sat on it either in here somewhere, something like three percent three to six percent of the general population. Experience with. Isolated sleep paralysis and that's if you dont have narcolepsy yeah. That was a big thing. I didn't realize that sleep, whereas this is a major symptom of narcolepsy where we should they came up around like well. Let us replacing paralysis is the show we got it I had a great great Laura from Mississippi the head narcolepsy. No really.
I didn't get to see her a lot in life. This is my fathers, mothers sister, but I remember very soon, declare my brother and I go in like one time to Jackson Mississippi urged to below. I think where she lived when I was like twelve and she would do that you now she would not off while talking to us and wake back up in Finnish, her sentence. Those like she wasn't even aware that she darted off Now- and I am of course in I thought it was funny at the time- have little kid, but I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that sure can probably be quite dangerous. I imagine so I would guess kind of hard to come by a driver's license if you are diagnosed with narcolepsy how they get larger of. She was one of those that private
anyway. I gotta she's, like a stricklin type. You now want to drive, can pick me up. It's just that. I like we had to take the keys from my grandmother that kind of thing when she was drinking now achievers and she was gone to an age where she I drive safely yeah. It was we ll grandma, can't driving or you know in Japan. They have these very prominent like magnets or stickers that you put on a car, like a triangle: camera with the other. One is baby on board. One means kinder yeah, but no not all right. It's some one means that this is a new driver. Finally, a teen drivers, everybody steer clear and then the other means very elderly driver, so everybody steer clear. I would love one of those are my car.
I cannot understand why this is a universal dinner. It makes perfect sense. I would like windows to keep people away from me. I hate to leave you here like that. I feel like I was a guy's name from phantasm anger. Somethin you put on a little wig like his little skull cap and you're driving this really driver home There was an accident upon just now by editing catch it. I said you were you put it on why you're driving just to drive at home, but the point on yet I made a really good accidental upon when we are talking about hunting. I said my dad didn't hind too said it is not like he wasn't. He was trying to take a stand or you wasn't trying to take a stand as an dear stand here, loneliness up our aid, so that deal with sleep rouses is how you know that you are experiencing it. Is you can open your eyes? Are your conscience,
But you are aware that you can't you can't move. You can't move your body and the kind of varies between severity in individual experience, but the common thing is that you can't move you feel paralyzed. Sometimes you can even make a noise yeah. It's that bad it's, that bad and in the problem, without being able to make a noise, is a particularly sucks in instances like this, because you want to scream yeah because, most of the time when you are experiencing sleep, paralysis, you're in the grip of terror, but you wouldn't ever normally experience. You're scared. Out of your mind, you have an impending sense of death and you have also to hallucinations basically of every every sense could conceivably hallucinate right. Yet you auditory hallucinations, where you hear something.
Room with you is, I should say, there's also like a sense of presence. I guess I'd like another thing here: there's something in the room, usually something that means you harm yet so you sent its present. You may also hear it. You probably also see it then I can be anything from like that secularist incubus sitting on your chest or both things, you're gettin, lilting, fight, like you're. Both fear, I didn't think you find out, at each other and emulate my wife, but I can't move weighing like didn't reared she's, gonna, be so mad. Ah and then you can smell them. You can take them. There's something called goose, datura hallucinations near and then also the sense feeling like a moving in of pressure by new, just like you you feel all this stuff on your experiencing it yeah and dumb. I think pressures one of the big ones like someone sitting
you re not allowing you to move. So Robert Lamb, wrote an article about the sun recite, do not about the full thing, but about likewise it why they demons. Usually and that was kind of one of my questions are wise. It usually malevolent spirit, and why isn't it you know whatever some fantasy right, which is like a rod say like hey, you wanna go play catch or something like that that that will be yours Isn't he liked the most hated man on the planet now? For some reason, oh I mean he can't. I went his endeavours career. He was not very well like why, What do I didn't pick up on? You did a lot of steroids and lied about it for years. Oh, oh gotcha, yeah he's like a repeat offenders that consistently, as I cannot do and steroids. I see I don't allow these drug tester saying I did like you- have a syringe in your arm
Robert said, and he didn't like make this up, but his research indicated that someone's beliefs going into it, might conjure up these negative connotations and win. The experience itself is marked by like pulse rate increase in labour breathing sometimes, and these they does not lend itself to like a good experience right right, because I'm so Professor French concurs with Robert Right. These. He was saying, like the the fear being usually a hallmark of the sleep, paralysis, paralysis, experience, not just you're afraid, because you can't moving there's something in the room with you. That's part of it yet, but he saying you're migdol as also hyperactive right then so you are experiencing
you're, unlike its own terms, relic its own free standing symptom that that, even if, like this, even if those lucky the leprechaun you'd still be- super afraid that he was in the room with the kind of thing, because air you're like that region of your brain. That's that's! Delivering these jobs of fear to use working overtime. Then it becomes that bad leprechaun movie yeah the languages are innocent. I wish she never saw this never did either. The wider also said speaking a movies like your own, like what kind of pop culture you're into like all this stuff can play into it, because they are it sort of like an extension of a dream right. So if its ino agitated by like labour, breathing and rapid pulse rate and a nightmare right, then it's not gonna be a ride floating in onto your up with a baseball. Unless your super scared of then it might be. So, let's take a break.
I will come back and talk about semitic that cultural interpretations of what the hell's Goin on here. Ok jumps, good, hey everybody. I want to talk to you about your website that doesn't look good and this hard to program because square space does it better yeah. They do square space is this amazing magical tool that you can just basically good people and all of a sudden, you have a website to do whatever you want with you can use it to sell stuff. You can use it to tell your world about all the great thoughts you have and now Skurse based also offers email campaign. So you can take business embryo low it up here we square space herself are very popular as well as K live website keeps track of all
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Talking about. I count. Nightmare is like an old english term. Firstly, paralysis. Yeah it's been around for a while and there's nothing it's basically. It seems to be universal, and so, since its interpreted by the person based unlike what their culture believes in there ve been like different interpretations of sleep paralysis. Throughout history and cultures around the world and the pretty interesting yet and most of them. The common thread here is it and. Even in modern terms there described this way, sometimes but definitely in the olden days, is almost always some sort of supernatural thing like a witch were in Norway. Arms are Newfoundland yeah, they called it. The old hag, which is creepy just hearing that in China, the ghost oppression, because clearly the Chinese believe that year
vulnerable. Your soul is when you were asleep, so I think that sort of the common thread here that all these countries there is a. I took a anthropology classmate, can't remember what it was talking about in general, but one of the things that seem to pop up around the world with something called sphere: intrusion yak when you're sleeping your spirit got up and walked around and if, like the tether between your spirit in your body, was severed. You're like anybody could come in possess. You know it's a big like that. There was a big explanation for mental illness in cultures around the world for those interesting that there was also an explanation for, firstly, paralysis to yeah it. I think it can depends on whatever the the. In Google is in your country, certain region, because in Europe of Course, in the fifteen, hundreds that, through the seventeen hundreds, it's gonna, be witches you're, which written
there was that one of the witch trials and one thousand seven hundred and forty seven. This woman testified about her husband in bed and he said he was, their stiff, barely drawing breath. You woke up, and he said my Lord Jesus help me Fiery, witches made, a marrow morrows? They put six hundred weight of salt on me, which were laughing at but if you break it down that has all the hallmarks of all the different rules. Nations, whether its travelling or the weight on your chest. Or you know that all these tankers yeah hallucinations, like wrapped up into one nightmare, share with exclamation point
They were really enough. I thought this is pretty interesting in Saint Lucia, the Caribbean island. They have a term called Cogema and they think they're its little. I'm baptized babies who were haunting the area letter that are causing sleep paralysis, redoing. Also it's a horrible things to you, while you sleeping but you're, not sleepy, we should re. I want to restate this again. Is it that's a little confused and when you are experiencing see process your laying their and your eyes are open, and you know that some things in the room with you. Maybe it comes over and climes on your chest. When it does, you can feel its breath in your face. You can smell and taste its rank breath you can feel the pressure of laying on your chest. Its stare
you in the eyes and you cannot move down. Only can you not move? You can't make a sound as much as you're trying to scream her head off because you're scared out of your mind here, and this experience can arise from a few seconds to I'd, seen up the ten minutes and from anecdotally each second of those ten minutes like a decade, I'm sure, because you're just so scared in its is going on and on and on yeah. So it makes total sense that you would say there is a spirit in my room last night yet because, if not you you think I'm losing my mind right. So let's blame it on and we will get into some of the other reasons. But. Employment on something else like in Japan, Canada should bury. It is now. They believe that its evil spirits messing with the same thing,
Korea, with the have we knew later, how we no later than I thought, that's pretty good pronunciation didn't like we said that these are all sort of versions of the same thing right, no matter where you go, which are always find interesting, sort of universal regional things and then most recently, though the- and this is where I think we first came in to sleep paralysis with the Trans Cranial magnetic stimulation episode was that it is to blame for basically ever You are fo abduction account earlier was our we talked about her for sure they have done studies and they found that if you are thinking believe and alien abductions. That's part of your belief system right then you're more or did they did a study of people that experience sleep
and all of them believed you know maybe, and you are those I think they did. The reversal linger simple, who have report having been abducted by your folks. They experience leap rouse, yet they have a higher frequency of experiencing sleep, proud gaseous, so they just the people. We thus need is father, arms again get right, yeah. I was an idea, but there I mean, we in the EU are far lower. The sleep paralysis has been accounted for so like you, when you doctor, you remember being paralysed before and after, but you if they wipe your memory of the actual like abduction out, but they leave the sleep, paralysis and, like I remember, an x files. I think when Fox Mother sister was taken like she was levitate it off the bed and liked to stiff is aboard floats out the window. Yeah, that's classic sleep, her out
symptoms where you can't move, and yet you still feel like you're floating, removing your levitating or that there are six hundred weight of salt being put on your chest. I love salts. That might not be a bad thing. He be like a delicious and terrifying. Just entered up toward my done that deadly the part that was making you tree, I couldn't get to it, They say it usually occurs when you are lying on your back in bed, although it can occur in any position at all, because one of the accounts, this article schools, zip at first hand, accounts you wanna guises, land on his stomach and he felt the demon the Incubus, I think, on his back or maybe it's a secular us a mature and you can break it sometimes happens on its own Sometimes you can break it on your own on purpose right. They recommend- and this is a good idea. I think they are
men to try and like instead of saying I gotta get run out here they say to try like just blink or like lift your little finger right is any conscious movement that you can get can break that thing
yeah and apparently the moment you do that the spell is broken yeah is how it's been put forever. Herman Melville was the first, I think, to write about this immobile Dick Ishmael Recount Sleep practices that book again a half and then I think, one five or fifty years later, the first time it shows up in the medical literature, yeah Silas, we're Mitchell, who we know from the exploding heads and write. He also. He also described that, for the first time to the sky was like knock out. The Paris Omni is left and right area, but they both use this terminology that the spell is broken all it takes is just the slightest stir and end the sleep processes over with. But the problem is you can't move? You can't make a sound
They said even try clearing your throat yeah, but even that can be challenging year. But supposedly, if you can't even get just a little bit going area, you you wake up a little bit and then you can do it a little more and more and more and then all of a sudden, your screaming and you woke in yourself up or if you can make a sounder signal or something to get your partner help you something tat. They noticed that you were in the midst of sleep. Browsers always produces like touch you right and it brings you back. To reality, or this reality yeah and is not one of those things were you know it's dangerous to wake. Someone up experiencing sleep browsers right in it like totally fine yeah, that's the only thing about it is as terrifying and horrifying in just what a horrible experience it is. Its physiologically is harmless. Aside from raising your blood pressure yeah I mean I guess he could always like trigger a cardiac arrest or something maybe, but right was supposedly it
mimics having a heart attack, and that's one in some way, so you actually could be having a heart attack and in thinking asleep process, or am I think it also mimics epilepsy in some way right says the Agnes, but if it is it just actual sleep paralysis its harmless while yet- and I know we did mention this- it might have been the Trans magnetic trains. Cranial magnetic near simulation where they recommend. One of these things is to just tell or might be night terror, so people just like learn to embrace it and go with it, and then it doesn't could sometimes it can be a joyful experience. Right does not always terror yeah Maybe if you roll with it, you can control it a little bit more, it was, it was exploding. Heads hinder visit at just learning that it's actually harmful. Yes, same thing like let people something
got over an immediate right and then other people here with this have learned to actual enjoy like the feeling gravitating allowing our in it all comes down to hearing that is harmless year in hearing that is harmless, relief, stress and stressed is actually what brings both of those things yet the related in some way and we will get under the scientific, nitty gritty after this break chuck. Yes, sir, if you're trying to eat new year's resolutions are very, very difficult to keep
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ever go to the post office again. I do what's really going on here old hags aside? Well, I guess we should talk about narcolepsy a little bit.
Because this is one of the biggest side effects of narcolepsy there, actually a couple of them sleep relatives and then once called vivid, hypnotic hallucinations, which is when you you're falling asleep like we talked about, and apparently, if you're narcolepsy about seventeen, forty percent of our collective are people who were have nor collapsing Wrongously nor collective, probably probably, I think, with any any condition or disease like identify the personnel, as is right it somebody with it that right to somebody with narcolepsy nice. Now I hear from you people, by the way some people who have not left will be like I'm in our collective gonna get another people say like kudos right for saying that he would not. Let me see
seventeen. Forty percent experiences paralysis. If you are stricken with narcolepsy twenty to forty percent experience, does vivid, hypnotic hallucinations and damn it pretty much as individual. As far as how much you're gonna have these, how much you experience it, whether you have normal
you're not, but if you are non narco epic in that population, which is most people twenty to sixty percent of those folks, apparently will experience at least one right, pretty wide range some people experiencing is experiencing very frequently in apparently, if you have basically chronic thinks it's called severe and chronic sleep paralysis right so severe is where it happens like multiple times in a night, and then chronic is where that happens over a period of six months, if you're, one of those poor s obese, who has chronic severe sleep, whereas now this can happen to you like up to twelve times or more in a night yak, as would you go back to sleep it'll happen all over again right yeah. So that was one of the things when you went if you're moving a finger blinking and I are making a sound and you wake yourself up- you want to actually get.
Better get up the move around, basically shake it off yeah, because if you don't, you can fall back asleep in the same things can happen again and again. Then even more mind. Boggling. Is this one of the other traits of sleep paralysis or vertical false awakenings, right, which some straight up inception stuff yeah? He thinks you're awake and screaming, but you're not right. Then you, up and realize. Oh, I was dreaming that I was awakened. Yes, ferreting surprises, so it's a bit of a mind vendor. It is including that these false awakenings, according to Professor french and video, can can be several here's deep yet so when you have any about asleep browsers
finally scream and wake up. You realize, oh, I was dreaming right. You might experience it again right and then you do the same thing and you you go through this multiple times until you finally actually do wake up, but you can go through sleep paralysis over and over again indifferent layers of a dream. Yet and then you get up and go to work at your stupid, cubicle unknown or any has any idea of the living held it fearing button or just the amazing journey to spend on with a rod. One thing that really snakes as if you know to combat it, like you, said to get up and fully wake yourself up that that kid screw you. If you have a hard time fallen back asleep, you might be up for the night right in this. One person in here described the feedback loop. Stress, lots and stresses what brings brings it on, and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy that your stressed out about what's gonna happen, which makes it happened
and you're gonna not not again, not again and again, and of course that's. What happens right right right so like the stress is, it is messing up your sleep pattern and that's where the whole thing comes from right. So the first two guys who were described in medical aid to vessels were Mitchell as having sleep. Browsers are actually healthy, but it was people with narcolepsy who ultimately lead to. Basically the solving of the mystery of what sleep paralysis is yet in one of the characteristics of narcolepsy is something called leap, onset, aryan periods, yet they think that may be the key there. I think it's the key. Yes, what that is. We talk a lot about aryan sleep that usually happens an hour, or at least an hour or more after you fallen asleep and what's happening here is is syrup. Can we call that a yes
sleep onset aryan periods is when you are experiencing this r m, for that. Our so is passed like right. Is your falling asleep yet straight into the aryan sleep Cyrillic. I think my own private, Idaho, either key reads a river phoenix when they like fell asleep. Yet one of those said our gloves right, yeah one and exert like their their eyes kind of fluttered, because river okay, so like that was a perfect, perfect portrayal. Yeah of narcolepsy because your eyes would flutter during our young sleep and it would have immediately. If you had such nonsense, aryan periods right right, so the idea that somebody confer sleep in immediately going to orient sleep rather than go through the sleep cycles stages like you're supposed to that, apparently, is what counts for
so. She had very strongly with episodes asleep arouses with people with narcolepsy with people who have syrups, whereas You don't have to have narcolepsy to have sleep answer aryan periods, it's it's a trait of narcolepsy by even people who, who don't have narcolepsy, can experience that an usually it's when you're very stressed in your sleep pattern is out of whack ya. Think what I'm trying to say was that doesn't explain when you have of sleep paralysis, absurd coming out of sleep right, which is the hip no public right, but I think it was probably yeah who is a doctor, french, Professor French Guyana, Mr French, in the conservatory with the Candlestick Professor French. I think reasons that it doesn't fully explain it, but it could relate because its
more state of consciousness, either way right, falling sleeper waking up yet so, basically exiting or entering Orient sleep suddenly into this reality here can can be attended by an episode of sleep paralysis. Yet it's, my studies in Japan actually elicited that sore up. These are mean here. What you think how they would do that, but they elicited storm in participants, and there you sleep, interruption and nine point. Four percent of the ones induce had an absurd, asleep paralysis. Yet, but there was that was going into sleep corrective, not figured out how to like, you say, created in bringing somebody out of our m sleep but again associated with it and yet what they think is going on.
Is basically this wind you when you suddenly going to orient sleep from waking life, your brain can get caught in this dual state of consciousness here, where your brain is consciously awake, but it's also in the exact seems seem stated in when you dreaming, which your dreams take place in our aim: sleep so you're in two states of consciousness at once. That's amazing to me yeah, that's sleep paralysis and the paralysis is explained by the fact that another hallmark of Orient Sleep is that you can't move. You must their paralyzes yadda flexi right so that you don't act out your dreams. So your dream,
well you're awake. That's sleep, paralysis, yeah Earth S, Doktor French says wakefulness has occurred, but the body and part of the brain are stolen, Aryan, sleep nuts it is. I can. I wanna have one of these you have it. It sounds so scary terror. I'm up for panic. Where there are used for I know I want to have one taking it lightly for people who suffer from it and how it can be awful area, but I would like to like the exploding had thing like now know that feels like a kind of like having these references in life. Like personal references, you no sir, I remember we did the slinky upset. You went out body flickering, that's not true! So, like we said how you can break it is by trying to move small things, clear thought, maybe aside from that, you can try and avoided altogether by if your age,
to have a really regular sleep schedule and stuff like that. But if you're they make a good point of your travelling. If you're in different time zones has worked the night shift, you have a kid yeah, exactly waking up all night, you might can be me now at the mercy of the sleep prowess God. Here some. I was glad that they put that in that realism, because so many times whenever you're talking about sleep disorders like the CDC, recommends yeah
apple a day, and it's just like this is not helpful like this is a real, but this guy's like a year you're in trouble when you're sleeps all jacked up a new, have sleep paralysis, alot? What else is there? Oh with narcolepsy in particular- and I mean there are drugs that you can take, but they don't necessarily work with sleep arouses with with narcolepsy. Sodium activate is prescribed in line with that of exchange fee. Yet, but that's just for narcolepsy not for sleep browsers right with the idea that if you carry the narcolepsy than you won't have asleep brows there I think is how you could cure it. But it's only if you have narcolepsy right, not isolated, sleep paralysis. I think the official recommendation, aside from other little tricks that we mention is like we said: hey, it's not gonna, hurt you
Train refrain how this is in your brain and don't be afraid of it. Welcome the incubus who'd. If the ban Incubus is what showed up in your room, while you had sleep paralysis on those, on the agenda. No another way to treat this is for everybody to be nice to everybody else and cut down on everyone. Stress. You never know who s here, paralysis, they might think they're being abducted, you referred, namely probed every night and our two freaked out even mention it yeah
It is another thing that professor french points out like we needed. Let people know about this because there are more people. We know that this is actually harmless yet and fairly common. The less stress they're gonna be about it when it actually when they go to bed. So you out there, you tell somebody about sleep, paralysis and then also be nice. Everyone. You me yeah posted a there's, a documentary about it, gave him the name right now, but a posted. This documentary trailer quite awhile ago, Netflix camera what it's called, but I know you
the dream, maybe some like that it's got a pillow, but I am opposed to the lover on Facebook awhile ago and a lot of people chimed in that had bouts of sleep browsers. I am personally very common me out and looked through the common sedate was pretty interesting stuff in my heart goes out to everybody theme here and hopefully learn just sort of live with it be a dream sailor. You live with it and invited out. There would be a kind of cool. There said be like levitation on yeah bullet Incubus out circulars in going here now, If you want to more about sleep, rouses well just type. Those words in the search bar
the very limited amount here and how that works. For you read Robert lands. Great thing go check out stuff on the internet, ok instance. I said whatever I just said, Hey guys, I've been a fan for years was introduced you on a twenty four hour road trip, my best friend when I picked them up from the name. And delivered him home, and then we can was family somewhere halfway home had been away from us. Thirty hours had six to go, and my friend for on the latest episode Sufi should now and we revelled in the business. All the way there anyway say thank you for saving my butt I am a narrow psychology, major studying in Melbourne, Australia, observing very very unprepared for exam, but was reassured by mother that my novel bases much wider than what I was taught in class thanks entirely to my beloved and off reference stuff, you should know
I laughed at the time, but did a little Mary jig at my desk when I open my paper, define questions and answers that I knew thanks to you guys. So thank you and boy. He put seven exclamation you bet translating the money. Upon. Learning that I pass with flying colours with you. My mother caught bought me a card on the front reads: I want to listen to all the pied gas you do for a moment. I thought that maybe I talk about. Yes, you much, but promptly dismiss the idea. The thanks for the show, the awesome I guess for exclamation one academic to several others. Three exclamation point of his stern dwindle many many thanks that is from tee again thanks. Describes herself. I guess Dickens. Ladys name right
as a nursery and narrow psych major from Melbourne. Thanks a lot taken. We appreciate that the time and all the exploration points, those were very nice lazy toward the end, but attorney trailer. Maybe she broke the key. Maybe she has no gloves if you want again said to this like tea and you can t to us it s. Why escape? I guess you can join us on Facebook, DOT, TK play stuff, you should know you can send it to me mail to stuff park at the house. The first dot com is always trying to sell your home on the web stuff. You should know for more on this and thousands of other topics, house, half workshop com or your brain pop culture, Are you up on game? Do you know the labs, if not the pollen their show, parkers keeping you in there?
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-11.