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How Ranked Choice Voting Works

2018-09-20 | 🔗

In the US, winner-take-all voting has created A LOT of political polarization. But what if rather than voting for one candidate, you could rank all of them so if your first choice doesn’t win, your vote goes to your second choice? So long, polarization!

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Peaches is in cream, yet didn't peaches verb sing reunited and I feel so good neighbours your Clapton figures and others. Three of us here, gotcha and clapped him was in all cream we didn't you. Baker was a force to be reckoned with. Two good point he still as is still alive unless he died recently. Has the great documentary about him he I happen actually watched. It is a good idea. He looks like it is he's quite food. Is it yeah? I'm excited already towards ginger, get out ok hour I'll. Have you seen hereditary Julia Solana? Dear that's, pretty cool huh. I like it. I didn t like to spread anything. Eight. Twenty four puts out yeah check out to aid to four yeah. So speaking of AIDS foreign horror, movies, Chuck. We were down in Australia recently. We just got back yeah, I'm sick,
I know I am not. I can't believe it, but I'm not get sick and where was it Sidney Oh yeah, you were stir in kind of feel under the weather high get a full blown. You seemed ok on the fight back there. That those are the beginnings. I think my body was in combat and then, when I got a cure, adjust it lowered its defences at home, and I got some weird australian, australian arena virus man, around the airport. It was like. Why were you just needs dummy? What is that? What was that the us- and we should point out to people that we took in plain flights and eleven days. Yes, we did so that that's a pretty good way to get sick, yeah endless. There, it was Atlanta to allay five hours. The latest Sidney fourteen hours Sidney to Perth another for five hours,
This is all in. Like one stretch, there is like to our layovers overs and between those three flights and nails is about a thirty three. Our experience getting there yet and without the same on the way home yet was, and it was totally worth it too I would agree, although when we come back, we're gonna, u rude things a bit differently here, oh yeah, like well when we landed and Sidney. I remember my first thought was: why can't we just start here: yeah Thirdly, there is no magic root, but there's probably a better one, although we did the black magic grout if their. If there is such a thing, in the air, but boy it was a grind, but we had a great time had a couple of days off him queen, which was, I don't know if I would have made it had it not been for those days yeah. I think you're right. I think it's been too grueling to do like five cities in five days, yeah yeah,
we're long flight yeah. They were cool down days to you, spent most of the time, Melvin actually south of Melbourne. I went to the morning some peninsula. What, yes, you mean I were down there to this where we saw the penguins march in from the ocean and right gorgeous down there. Their wine country right! It's one of there's another one country, the Year Valley North of Melbourne. But this is the one by the ocean yeah, so wine country slash the most pitiful beaches, I've ever seen and you pretty much get happy jack, yeah, that's cool men and we spend another day in Sydney too, which is a pretty cool town, just walk around the opera house alone, as is worth it, but there's a lot of cool stuff to do there too yeah. I went zip and went nice for which the beach witted drink a lot of wine, went to a lot of wineries and it was time of the year and midweek, it was just sort of shut down. And so you know my buddy Scotty came over as you know, in telling everyone else, but my body Scotty
permit me in Melbourne, so we felt like we kept joking, that we had rented the morning some peninsula because there were never more than two People- anywhere. We went there all but the tastings. They had a heavy hand, yeah thickly with just like this. I guess it on the porch fellows they brought the bottle out and we just sat around a drink with the loveliest people on the face of the earth. They are some really lovely people and not too soon I'll show you did New Zealand, to which I already knew. You mean I've been to New Zealand before so I already had a pretty good idea of just how awesome New Zealanders art galleries as they call themselves. Sometimes by a me. You got to experience a first hand to yeah I mean everyone is just so nice and accommodating like the whole. No worry thing is and is not just thing they throw around like no, you feel it it's for real year, yet pretty cool man it did to just experiences.
Is a very cold trip yet and even flying ten times and Levin days their airports in the tea essay. It's the way people are really made it pretty pretty great like I would have. It would be a different experience flying tint. Around the United States and lemon days had things like it would have been either but it was great. We had a wonderful time were deftly coming back. We both, loved on Koala in kangaroos yeah, so I could then get better than that now man, so yeah, you guys will see us again sometime in the near future, will do another tour sure and are now getting up at six. A m tomorrow to watch. Another ass. He rules footballs final match. Oh yeah! You got into that like for real big time. That's cool man, it's great! Why not? At another sport through the pile well have lost a bunch of sports? Oh yeah, I'm kind of down to dinner fell
in college football, no more NBA, her very little messy it's where it's tough with the hawks I watch a little better. The finals, maybe but then baseball Father braves a little bit, but since they moved to the suburbs, amount is pumped different, isn't it here, and this is not a school and with the ok, we'll shoot it is well, does add another one I'll show you rules for the air were curve in well. Thank you for having us Julia and New Zealand, we'll see you guys again soon, I yes and what a great subway, because Australia, happens to be one of the countries in the world. As far as I know, the only country in the world that you as is right, choice, voting mothers there's two others per year as far as another. Just the thing in Austria is used at the long. What are the other to the other two
Malta in Ireland yea I mean big countries, ok, no disrespect to Ireland. Austria is the only country that also a continent that uses rank choice. So and yet I guess they ve been using it for what I saw at least a century. I couldn't and exactly when they started using it, but I believe it's tied the Roberts rules of order, which is, as you know, a book of rules of fur order that you can use if you're in a voting on stuff, for you have some sort of parliament or whatever you're trying to do. It's the prefer way of voting. This rank choice, voting right out. They been unit for that long yeah century, What I thought I would just for the past five years: no, no! That's it's! Actually. It's coming around in the. U s again, even though it was around before about a century ago, but in Australia, its stock for the last hundred or so years. Interesting a really big article that felt like they did. The need to explain to people
to do at five years ago. So maybe they forgot. Oh really. You, freaking me out now, but here in Amerika you're, not quite on board, so Let me give you a lift. Let me give you will ensure here, Charles Ready, yet ok, so I'm back in the two thousand election. It was the presidential election. There's a squeaker, you might say, between George W Bush and Al Gore, yeah apparent the the state of Florida. So everyone knows about the electoral college and if you don't go, isn't your episode about the electoral college by can win in the United States the popular vote, meaning you get. You got more. People voted for you than your opponent, but if your opponent wins some very strategic state states that have more or less
coral college votes, they can actually win the presidency without winning the popular vote in two thousand. Sixteen I happen two thousand election, and every time it does happen, everybody's is gets up in terms and, in my opinion, rightfully so, because the way All of the people has not been served right and clearly the majority of people voted for somebody who is now the winner and it just really ticks everybody off this country, when that happens, and in two thousand it was so close to the Supreme Court, had to decide who. Was president in all came down to Florida Florida had a lot of electoral college votes and bush Angor word neck and neck, although Gore appointing the presidency as far as
Buehler voting went a Bush won because in Florida it came down to he won. Forty eight point. Eight hundred and forty seven percent of the vote and Al Gore won forty eight point. Eighty three eight percent of the vote, ok, so point zero, zero. Nine percent of the vote made the difference in the state of Florida and with the electoral college. If you win state, you get all the electoral votes which pushed Bush over the edge and made him president right at a lot, people pointed to Ralph Nator who as well all know and love from the Pinto episode is like crusader for people just a great guy, but first two thousand a lot of people have hated Ralph nadir because they said that he handed the presidency to George W Bush by acting as a spoiler. That's they, like ninety thousand people, voted for Ralph Nadir in the two thousand election
Sorry, almost ninety eight thousand, and since it was that close in Florida that those ninety eight thousand votes in Florida for NATO pushed Bush into the lead. Well, that's disorder unfair because it turns out actually like three hundred and eight thousand Register Democrats actually voted for Bush. So you could say that actually the Democratic Party, run a very good campaign in Florida. If that was the case, but forever Ralph, NATO's bought borne the brunt of everyone's ire, because this and the same we see this in election after election after election people calling out people of similar views for voting for a third party candidate, that they split the vote and an handed the the office over to the their shared enemy right and one way to solve this problem, the spoiler it is by fixing what Call this plurality voting system which we have, which is, if you get more,
it's in your opponent, even if it's not the majority of votes, you still win its call winners. Winner takes all elections, and that's where we have right now. It is actually creating a lot of polarity and polarisation in the United States. There was impressive, yeah man, I mean it's basically what you have as it is, at least in the United States. Is a situation where if you vote for your favorite candidate, you actually hand the election to your least favoured candid and that's, you know, with the Bernier Busters in the last election, that's kind of what happened for the voting with her heart that were like I can't votre Hillary Clinton or I dont, want to vote, Hillary Clinton and got a vote for Bernie. Very clearly, that's that you know that does Swain election people should vote food. They want to vote for agreed but there is potentially a better way
we're talking about what Australia does ranked choice. Voting what sir, cities in the United States. Do on small local elections, it sort of seeing a test run around the country and little markets to see what people think. Sometimes people are voting. On whether or not they should try this style of voting. Sometimes that path and then actually vote on candidates. But what ranked choice voting is is when you fill how the EU, don't you say, I want to vote for this person say I want to vote for this person and then you know, second choice would be this person in my third choice would be this person. Sometimes it stops there at three sometimes is capped, but sometime You just rank all the candidates, An order of how much what them in office right. So, though, point of ranking of is not just for the satisfaction of putting the person. You like the least dead last
maybe filling in the name, it is all bubble next to their name of the skull and crossbones. The point is comes after the the ballots are tallied. If Chuck, everybody voted for one single person, a majority of people voted for one single person in the first count that person what if they had a majority of the votes, a54. Plus one single vote right. Yes, it's done it's just like a normal election under that under their that circumstance, but let's eat one of the candidates. Didn't get a majority of the vote. This is when rang choice, voting really kicks in, and this is Another reason: why is also called an instant run off folk, because what happens is an instant run off election from those ballots in. I think we should take a break. How do you feel this is a cliffhanger there right after this,
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and then after you hinder ballot in they just kind of work, from the bottom up almost in start striking people out until they get. If someone, as has a majority and is really that simple, it really is like if you, if you think, hard on it, you can over complicated, it's actually pretty easy and if, like we're going to explain doesn't quite makes sense. Go under the web and watch there's a couple of minutes. Long, videos that do a really good job of explaining it using visuals? I think once by kick you d seem to go and others by Minnesota. Public radio and both Minneapolis in San Francisco use rank choice, voting so go. Some videos in you will totally get it. But again, if you have a say, you have candidate a b c and d and you
cast your ballot and you like you like them in that order, Canada as your top choice, Canada, bees, your second choice, candidate, sees third endears. Forthright, ok, easy enough! So far right chuck! Yes, ok, Sir Let's say that, after all, Vitale Sir tallies all are all the ballots. Your tallied, your guy, just didn't, make the cut the heat he came in dead. Last. You're back. Your ballot doesn't get thrown away. It get set of the site, because whatever all the people who voted for Canada A chose for second those votes kid distributed to those candidates in this next round, yeah exactly, and that is how you end up with a majority. So you you, what you want wind up as a situation like you had, with the current governor of main, where he won the election thirty, eight percent of the vote and like
something wrong with your voting system. If only thirty eight percent of the people in and then a voting pool, like this candidate enough and they end up winning yeah. I mean that's that big problem that everybody point C with our current plurality system. Is it you could? If there's three candidates, you can win with thirty four percent of the vote, which means sixty six percent of the people who ve did didn't vote for you. They voted for somebody other than you and the other part of the thing that I've seen from research into Chuck is that when, when it's a winner takes up, takes all kind of election like a plurality election like we have that sea two incentive vibes incentivize candidates to be more polarizing is whether trying to do is energized their base and get their base out. They have no incentive whatsoever to reach out across the aisle to other voters,
they are doing is giving their base charged up to get our vote frequently about issue They don't really mean anything. There is kind of like gum, I'm not quite sure what the term is formed by, nonsensical issues, they don't really mean anything. They just tick. Everybody off! That kind of polarization comes from this plurality thing. When one of the ways that are one of the reasons people are pointing to rank choice, voting as a as a m is a kind of a way to solve. This is because it does the opposite. It incentivize his people to reach out. As many voters is possible, because you want to end up as their number two choice. Yeah mean an interesting argument. In theory, would push politicians toward the center however, that a lot of people dont want centrist politicians, as we seen in recent years people there lots of people that are very hard right and very hard left.
That I imagine, would reject this kind of voting. Because they want to go towards the sinner, although right now you know, independence are largely ignored. Third parties, its are largely ignored, said they would profit embrace something like this but again I mean we had a situation, Kansas, where the gubernatorial primary was decided by law, than two hundred votes, so that meant that fifty two thousand votes basically didn't count Wainwright they counted in the people, got too to speak their mine and vote their conscience, but fifty to those fifty two thousand people, if you pull them, they would probably say what you know. What I'd might like a second chance to vote, then on these two jerks. That was decided by less than two hundred boats right right and that's where rank choice. Voting comes in because, if you, if you ve, no vote your conscience, which I think it sounds like both of us agree totally should- and I think even further- you should not derived people who vote their conscience. It's a pretty terrible
thing to do. But if, if you share similar views with another candidate, they might be your second choice you might have maybe they're the establishment candidate in Europe more like Thea, the more progressive more far right candidate, you like that person first but you're, also saying you know, person might have a better shots, only to make sure that their my number two rather than the other person and so What you're doing then, is rather than the vote being split like in a winner takes all. If, if your person, your third party candidate, doesn't win that first round your votes are going to go to that other more. Like minded person, rather than splaining the vote you're actually going in helping to bolster it if your candidate of choice doesn't make it to the second round right. Obviously, you need at least three candidates for something like happen, which doesn't always happens. You can always uses this kind of voting,
and main. The state of main is an interesting, what's interesting, a lot of ways because minors are weird and they know that they very independent and just sort of a state into. Self in a lot of ways. So what you add. Here nine of the past eleven governors have been elected with less than fifty percent of the vote. Nine. The past eleven, which is amazing, five of those one with less than forty percent. And as I mentioned earlier, the current governor, Paula, La Paz, Yola page he won with thirty eight percent and as of hours ago, as as of this recording here, vetoed a bill for this kind of vote to continue on his way out the door. Basically, I saw that there is there has been a real push in Maine against this too and theirs. The allegations that it's basically the status quo, is worried that they're not can be able to get enough centrist people to vote for them into the
any start losing elections rather than these winner polarized winner takes all contests that they can win by energizing the base into a frenzy so push by politics? Since I guess right, a push by incumbent politicians know last year because the people voted for they had record turn out. Apparently, because one of the worries is is that more complicated voting in theory leads to peace, being less interested in voting like this sort of. Sadly, american thing. We have to make voting super easy and Superdome. Damn down at ways, and it has just confirmed Then people want understand it and they won't know what to do so. They may not vote by these two main they had a record turn out and a lot of people think it was cause they moved to rank choice, voting and it s also Two thousand fourteen study from the university Missouri that they looked like seventy six actions or seventy nine elections and twenty six cities that used rank choice, voting
found that overall, there is like a ten percent higher turnout than in elections that hadn't use rank choice voting and that they definitely flies in the of one of the great criticisms of rank choice voting that its way more difficult than regular voting, like you were saying right, the thing is: is it not that much more difficult? It's really pretty easy and the average person can figure it out. What I think it calls for more though Chuck is a moron. Warm voter. You know I mean like you, can't just scan Tron it. You can't make a Christmas tree out of it and expect any kind of result rather than just knowing about your one candidate and that, yes, I, like this person, they most
a line with my view, song in a vote for them, and I need to know anything about the other people except. I don't want to vote for him it. It means that you need to know something about all of the candidates, because you get a figure who second in whose third and whose forth, in whose fifth, and to do that, you have to be inform voter. Maybe they should in the states, do it with pictures as a whose and who's not or who bathroom who have both here and in terms of ranking. Just so we can understand it I mean there's. Definitely there has to be as as far as rank choice. Voting goes, there has to be a real, understandable, really robust public education campaign that goes along with it or else is not going to get anywhere.
I dont think, but I think you so far in like main, which I think you said already is the first state ever uses statewide elections in the. U S, right yeah they hand count there too. They do, but this article, I'm worried about that. It's like well. How long is this going to take if they haven't counting? Well, if, if, if under the first count they normally do. There is a clear winner, a majority winner, all his basket gets into the capital which, which I think is a software from that point on. So it's not that big of a deal as far as Mangoes Vienna read the governor remains the reason why you so tat- he wrote like a better, whatever made a statement in a heap here for reasons, one was financial because they came back and said it would cost an extra three hundred and thirty thousand dollars or something- and he said you know, they're still in it to you, there sticking knew the taxpayer with more money for this election, which
no, I haven't done the math. I can imagine that would amount to very much money per person like per voter anyhow. Said that it was sort of voted on and run through in the middle of the night, one of those type ideals where you know a lot of you there wasn't debated, it was voted on in less than five minutes You know late at night in that kind of thing, that kind of sneaky politics. So right, that's that's what that was his can and although I imagine if the people of main voted for it to begin with, then I mean from everything ever read. It sounds like he was a sort of like on the way out the door, given everybody the finger yet us that every that's what I've read too. That's that's kind of my interpretation. I wanna hear from people the people of main, though about this. While the people, university spoken on, and I think June eighteenth they using the brink system for the first time,
first, question on the ballot was: do you wanna keep using ranked voting and it was. It was passed like a sixty four percent vote, so clear a majority of people in Maine at least say yet. Let's give this a shot was that rank choice was always yes used, rank voice now hurry and then maybe, but only if this- and I guess they don't do this, then we should do this right. So maybe we'll take a break talk about from history Let's go
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in nineteen. Thirty seven City Council election, a communist, actually want to seat because of right choice, voting and that changed everything I think, if it hadn't been for that it might have actually caught on yeah, because I think, a decade later they use the the red scare to basically say look, you can't have rank choice, voting, it gets communists, empower you crazy. In a room at all, Calles get away with rank, as do I drank choice, moaning and they did, but as this case, as in all the other cases were ranked choice. Voting has been tried out and then left and later on, it's been tied. You some other issue. It doesn't seem like rank choice. Voting itself is the problem. It's the the establishment, whose threatened by rank choice voting tends to tie it to an unpopular political thing, and then
gets rid of it. That way like him in Burlington, Vermont back and I think the mid two thousands, they tried rank choice, voting and this mare that got elected was a super progressive who upset, I think, a republican incumbent and the progressive was doing finer, those happy with them Then he got embroiled in a scandal where apparently, he use public funds to keep a telecom company in business that did not make the p a burly TIM Vermont very happy here he be he became a very unpopular mare like almost overnight, but he had been elected through rank choice voting. So the Republicans, the next time around said, look Frank choice, voting day to get the right. This scandal plagued mare in office. Let's get rid of ring choice, voting and people voted, voted against rank choice. Voting there was very close vote and it was.
Lee Republicans who voted against it, but more of them turned out to vote against rank choice. Voting so went away same thing with the Communists in New York. The Democrats did that they said look had elected communists to New York City Council. Let's get away, let's do it rang choice. Voting saint thinks it's only three choice. Voting there is anything wrong with it There may be a lot right with it. It's just that it gets tied to political scandals pretty frequently to get rid of it. I think it's its cause a new thing people are like all. Yet I was we are. That was where they go back to the old way, even though the always broken yeah Oakland, how for me as a pretty interesting situation. Two and two thousand ten, because people could make arguments. I guess on either side here thousand Sanford's mayoral election. There were ten candidates on the What's he gonna break out in an see anything about like is about. Count. If you only rank like for a less really good point.
I don't know, that's an incomplete bout. It is, and all that counted, though, is your first vote. So in the future, round of voting your ballot count, whether you rank one person or for earth with three However, if you dont fill it out, you just fill out one. It gets counted once she right nine out of ten, and it only counter the first from what I understand. Yes, interesting are its. When there are ten candidates, the front runner named on Parada. He get thirty five percent of what they called the first choice about which, as you know, I was pretty low for. First choice did not when and then Jean Claude Chief in it pretty far behind. You only get twenty four percent of the first preference, but she winning with fifty one percent rod? Is forty eight percent Do they rolled all those other votes up? Yes, because she had on to the other candidates who were long shots and said: hey, let's, let's form an alliance here. Let's, let's try
If I get as many voters as possible, the vote for us and that's one of the things that rank choice, voting does chuck. Is it it it incentivize? Is you to appeal to it many voters as possible, rather than alienating another candidates, voters and just appealing home base. You want those second choice, votes to be they count in later rounds, and that means that you have to say hey. I know I'm not your first choice, I'm buying I'd even be from a different party than the one you're planning the vote for. But let me tell you about some of the thing that we have in common. That might be changed your opinion of beef, which means that probably going to be less negative, adds less negative campaigns and in some some cases, I think, for the main attorney general's office. Some candidates have come together Two to basically run adds like joint campaign,
saying, hey everybody. I know you planning to vote for me but may be put. This person is number two thou. The person says the same thing and in doing so what you're doing is is is, rather than splitting the vote, your consolidating, what would have been previously split votes in two thing that could actually lift one or the other two to offer yeah. I mean, as far as appealing to the centre, where there are people that that's that's, gotta, be better than what we have now, which is people digging in, so far and so hard to the left. In there that their basically, they might as well just say screw you fifty percent of the country right and as they could broken. Damn right and there a lot of people, including Bloomberg view who columnist Leonid better she, ski speaking of communist, just getting. We ended up to your find him
and he wrote you know he basically came out road article. That said, if we had gone with this type of thing, Donald Trump not not only would it not be president but he would not have, even when the primary, because there were so many sort of establishment traditional conservatives that would never have voted for Donald Trump of even set out the election that would have written in, like maybe John case at first then Jim, a second and then who knows? Third, I can't I can't imagine who they were thick. Third better. They probably would have put we'll drop dead last right, so he would have never rolled up in the primaries. Even right, So the reason why people would have put trump dead last in this case is because he was so. We're so far away from the clump of other guys who were little more towards the middle and just by day of their being more these guys more towards the middle that mean
there are more voters voting for those people and so trumpet have been left out and somebody like JEB Busher somebody who is, centrist would have been more likely did to reach the primary and that's the point, because more people tend to aggregate toward the center, then toward the fringes rank Choice It serves the centre a lot more clearly than it does the fringes, an image it drags the fringe candidates toward the center more in and get a does away with the polarisation that creates the fringe candidates in the first place. Yeah. I guess we should point out that sinner sinner your own party, more like I don't know man, I think, centre the thing. The centre of their own party is that the difference between the two is not as pronounced, and so it's a lot more reaching across the aisles which I think is why a lot of people value you know the centrist politics
a lot more is there's a lot more compromise that comes out of it rather than gridlock. Here I mean, I guess in theory, centre right and centre left is more towards the overall center. But when I hear things like TED Cruises, more centrist I mean it depends on how you compare him too. I guess exactly his easel or more central to compare to Donald Trump, maybe on the republican side, but Betsy any Democrat would have been if I, with them share agreed. So I think you could make a case that rang choice. Voting would probably keep somebody like tat crews from being President one day to you know, maybe so Who knows what I am interested in is the money like one of the things that the Governor Le Page or Lepage? Do you know what it is? No, I don't hurry pronounced that remain. Let's go at LA paused sounds fancy yeah. So La Paz, you talked about the money is one of the things that critics bring up? Is it cost a lot of money, but I'd be curious to see-
or signs on run off elections what they cost. I saw all that's the other thing to is this would eliminate those It would right now from whereas others twelve states, they have run off rules the rest of the sites. Don't it's all winner takes all, but the only those states that do have. Of rules, that's only in the primaries interesting yeah, so in a federal election rank choice, voting a general election. It's going to cost more just because it's it's a little more expensive, but what I saw was they cause. I mean there's a bomb, ten globe editorial by the editors of the boss and global said. Let's do this Massachusetts here today. They said it was this like a hundred and ten thousand dollars more for the entire state of
to run this this election over ones? They didn't have wrecked choice. It used plurality voting. Yes, that's like fractions of a penny per voter, probably right, I should say also since time of bringing to Massachusetts, I thought during the subsequent member friend Dave freeze to work at Sweetwater Day moral area, he running for the I think district five house for the New Hampshire House District for New Hampshire House he's got my boat. He of Miss aim here fortunately, we can vote for him, but Damn Davis, saying one of his platform planks is bringing rank choice, voting in New Hampshire, interesting yeah, and he I am happy to be your number three, I think he wants to be your number one well criticism that this one is the one that gets me like everything else. It's pretty good, bye a lot of these cities limit
I said earlier the very beginning to the top three candidates. So there's something else How it exhaustion, if all three of your candidates on your list are eliminated, then gear ballot is basically just burned. In fact, I think they burn it they hold it up and they burn it and for your face like tone. Color in hereditary and then laugh at you so you would think, is from it and have been much though, but those a study in electoral electoral studies in two thousand fifteen, the said enforced cities between nine point. Six and twenty one point: seven. Percent of voters were eliminated through the ballot exhaustion, which those numbers, Perhaps they are very high- almost waited get around. That is too not just rank your top three, but to rank every single person. I wonder why they did that, though, Maybe to make it easier, I'm not sure, but the San Francisco just ranks the top three four mayor may all races, which is kind of I don't know about that, because they have frequently have like ten.
People in there in the race, like you were saying so just to rank the top three. That will lead to a lot of ballot exhaustion, which is a real problem. But again if people just rank all the candidates there, ballot will keep getting getting counted round after round here, because after your first two were eliminated in three and then for those your vote. For that rank keeps guinea added, depending on the round that IRAN is really pretty interesting, stuff manner. I know you think it I'll catch on here it is his piqued. My interest same here, I think anything that does away with them with the polarisation and does away with people who share pretty soon our views, but anything that does away with that. I'm in favour of trying for sure agreed but if you all know more about rank choice, voting go check it out. Some of those
those on the web and you probably going to learn to like it, but whatever make up your mind and since I said that some four listener man It is a bit long, but it's a good one. This is her actual recent retired New York City. Detective, hi guys love the show. I was a Nypd detective for twenty years and just retired in a word to say you guys remotely spot on with the lineups episode been and then Some really interesting tidbits. Here I can't wait. This double bind lineups or better, but they are a huge suck on resources. You have to transfer to witness or witnesses who so need to be separated. Fillers, the suspect requires two detectives to safely transport from one side to the next, and now you have to find another detective. Who were you knows nothing about your case, So that usually means do go to an outside detective squad who themselves had their own cases, for which they may need
and administrators. So you can see how. Ripples outward photo would be helpful in terms of logistics but they are inadmissible as trial evidence in New York. We can only be used Jennifer possible suspect, but in all to bring charges, you have to conduct a live lineup. Additionally, many victims more confident looking a real people than it photos defenceless, will claim they want to be present for the line up to verify impartiality, but do not actually to be there and in fact rarely are if they're not present,. They can then accuse officers of all kinds of Miss needs in an effort to have the identification suppressed at hearing. If they, our present and observe nothing untoward during the procedure. It becomes more difficult for them to your claim otherwise super interesting lawyers Lastly, I spent the last four years in my career in a robber unit that worked with federal prosecutors. We beg squad. Detector not to show photo arrays or conduct lineups No ajar said many times is true. When this testimony
off the not as terrible we build most of our cases using tokens your testimony. Perpetrator statements, dna criminal listings, so a social media analysis cellphone track. Security, video license plate reader data, etc, etc, witnesses really just muddy the waters, their best used to say hey, I got robbed and then just that also takes you tional burden off them a trial. Should it ever come to that I think our big vans, potato many road trips thanks guys have a great day, and that is from former today Jason Alison. There is an amazing email man, I'll bet. Social media is a huge tool because our budget, so many goons is run around like I totally just rob this plate check it out.
Is the money. I still speaking of huge tools here given Chuck review on again touches us. Like the former detective, did that's pretty asked, and we always want to hear from experts in the field that we talked about you can get in touch this be a social media is go to our website stuff. You should know doc. And it's got Oliver links up there or you can send us an email, just send it to stuff podcast House, works that are more or less and thousands of other topics, as it has happened, hello, I'm John and of jobs and where the hosts of serious rash, a new weekly hip, Hop Parkhurst ring on our radio. John I've been friends for over twenty years and debate about hip hop life for current events has always been a part of it.
And now we recorded every week for yonder. Listen to so check our serious risk ah ha. Radio at Apple Bacchus, wherever you go back, is peace, peace.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-05.