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How Music Sampling Works

2012-03-29 | 🔗

Today music sampling is a common practice, especially in electronic or hip-hop music. But how does it work? After all, other artists made the original music, and most of them would presumably like to be paid. Tune in to learn more about music sampling.

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I am Bobby Brown Welcome to my party- has beyond the beauty show from Iheart Radio. Be sitting down different people each week that I think we can all learn from. I hurt radio is number one for podcast, but don't take our word for listen to beyond the beauty. I hurt radio APP Apple Todd cast or ever you get your podcast, because we all have something to learn about the real me front, by the reinvented two thousand twelve Camry. It's ready for you, welcome to stop. You should know greenhouse gas networks got this far. Catches brought to you by audible got com, the internet's leading provider of audio books with more than one hundred thousand downloadable titles across all types of literature. For stuff should know listeners audible is offering a Audio book to give
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simply version of stuff. You should know the superstar sampling invaluable tie, not less choice, Ozma Effusiveness right now, you're, a dollar mail. It in may lead into thirty three. Fifty peach tree road at land in Georgia, care of trash clock through your three one through three to six sweet. Fifteen hundred with that done, we can continue on with the podcast. You know what we should again really creative, and example, the old podcast together in to Jerry. Do you feel like doing that now mash up, that's what they call it sure, as other kids qualities the air yeah? No, I just stood straight instead, boring and guess what you call it. I have an intra foot here
you heard Chuck domain name Ahriman Bull, lady in Armand, Tanzanian nope, now then I remember lady and is the owner and sole employ of a company called Bridgeport, now have bridge for his music catalogue company and like many other music airline companies, they basically just sit on a lot of copyrights to popular songs, the musical composition of the soft drink. It sounds like unstuck. Yes, like you, buy stock in these musics and wait for them to be worth something sure you came allegedly shakily, get your hands on already valuable music teacher and then, like stocks, do what Bridgeport did witches
Third suing anyone and everyone who ever sample that separate port made up of big flap and two thousand five when they soon J C for his son, just My thug, I wanna, go hidden in a disclaimer here. I am far to square the talk seriously a pop like I'm really in the elevator music right now seriously, I'm so when I say things like justify my thug or J C or breaks right, I'm speaking strictly as an outside observer in interested outside observer. I'm not I'm not from the street. So like a child, I was, I was down, as they say from like eighty seven to ninety five wish. That was those are my big hip hop years now and then, but these days you say, Jesse and another stood. That's a handsome man married that pretty
some light on that doubt the news that we had a similar trajectory except that used to be into it in his hands like you, never were right. What name of God is a walk? A flock. You know yes right so anyway, Bridgeport Sieges, e, four sampling. Madame just fine. I love somehow Bridgeport God's hands on the copyright, not justify my love, the pretty big songs you and when Jesse sample that they suit him. Now this gave runs, runs suing. Everybody apparently had like seven hundred lawsuit against just people who sample George Clinton's work for the big attorneys visa they're. Here it is and what but when it pays off, it pays off. So this guy's come to be known. Bridgeport people like him,
I have come to be known were called sample trolls member patent, Charles, when I gave like the absolute wrong definition as well as sample trolls somebody who despise up songs, hangs on copyright and insists people who sampling without asking right. On the one hand, you can make a case that well, these people are breaking copyright larger by not asking in getting permission to use samples of as yet, on the other hand, Bridgeport has made it their aim to sue anybody who sample that at all, even if they taken the work and made it unrecognizable right, which that of a lot of people are, on the other side, the aisle going like that's ridiculous, that their rifles, creativity, this is just one of the many interesting aspects of music sampling. While there was a proper Indra, it's been awhile and
that's one, but it's probably the biggest as far as what people think about how music is used and creativity and ownership, and one of the things that you just mention was Bridgeport some big corporation. And if you talk to like Hank sharply the former producer public enemy, he will say that you know we don't have any problems, paying music to artists who created the stuff he said. But there are. These corporations now illnesses its greed on their part. Yes, but is not. There are two sides to every story in the music industry, as will see, can a went on a tear of like suing everybody in protecting them yells and now you kind of-
stay in like. Oh that's why? No one feels that about this whole music. Piracy thing well knows a big rush at one point, because it was a new genre. I'm? U will get to the history of how it came to be in all, but it was a new thing and saw the setting up of the first. You know several years there was open territory, and that's when, like that, that was the Hague ABS me won't folks, Noirtier than us may be confused at this point, because sampling also refers to digitizing music is what we are talking about, is taking a piece of an already established, a piece of music right, a selection of it and then recreating it using it put- maybe putting it back to back to back any loop, sometimes oftentimes action and then creating something new using this new right. So that's wertheimer, music sampling has been around for wealthy.
Yeah. Well, you mention them taking snippet, let's go ahead and get a couple of examples out there. If you want to start out with trying to explain to people to sample is in whose people on this there are no further places to look. Then James Browns nineteen, seventy song Monkey Drum- let's go in here that that little break beat oh, it's like that right, that's instantly recognisable! So that's punk, Egypt, that's funky drummer, and that was who was the dreamer their Clyde Stubble field, yes, Clyde's double field who has never got no said no, but he's pretty cool man. He is not trying to see anybody not seeking anything any damage from in this literally thousands of songs have used that drum break right. Yeah James Brown has been sample.
And this is not just that song, but a lot of it comes from funky drummer, two thousand seven hundred and twenty one time. Ok, so the leader and you can make a case of funky drummer provided the basis for her part, like all early hop songs, especially unlike the mid delayed eighties, all use that jumbo great stubble feels like going after anybody for that. But what he did was get together with some documents: Arians, who made something called copyright criminals documentary call copyright criminals to release a special version of the dvd that has all new ready to sample Clyde Stubble feel jump, breaks, Eddie created just for this. If you want to use them given like fifteen percent of Europe, of your sales nice. So he's like doing he's, trying out a different model. Well, her side to which we have imagined is is- and this is a point that lie the hip hop producers would make- is that some of these people are being pulled from obscurity, for instance, the second clipper gonna play, which is the aim in break
from Amen Brother, and it was a beside very little known song from a group, called the instance. We can hear this- wouldn't do yes and will hear that now about. One to me is slightly better than foggy drummer. So as a member of the UN and break, and do that one has been sampled thousands of times there one gave birth to drumming basin jungle, like all all jungle, music is based on
the deconstruction of the Amen break. If you're interested in hearing about there's a really cool movie, they earn a video like eighteen minutes. Long, it's a youtube. Video and the title is Video- explains the world's most important six second drum loop. While so it gave rise to jungle and of you a straight out account the news that near called cut used it here and third based famously used as well and hundreds of others like their base, and that was because we want to give due to some of these folks who created the stuff that was Gregory, Sylvester Common. Who was the actual drummer that play that lake, and that was the Winston. Yet, though, incidents excellent Gregory Celeste, common, so yeah I over. I think what you really saying is some producers are a thing like your furtive Gregory Common, yet exactly said, they're they're, bringing some these folks
obscurity rang giving in their due and I'm sure selling some records form here, their server that wreckage really hard to find a measly. While we need to press it again, maybe they should Records form here there near silver that wreckage really hard to find a measly. While we need to press it again, maybe they should- so you take in a local J. Ladys local James, for instance, is over Austrians, forget it only that now listen to extensive use, Jane Somethin, I've just fallen off like you, ok, so you take the funky drummer from my James rounds on any bake flying the family stones, trip to your heart, the the background vocals and then basically, you look those over and over and over- and you have a little Sancho Mamma said- knock you out over here well we're gonna hear separately. Obviously we already played the funky drummer and now this is the trip to your heart, backing locals from sign Featherstone, whom I love,
so that's it do over and over and over with the Ladys of Cool James wrapping. Ok and you got a huge huge it yeah allows vaguely huge. I wasn't a big local Jaeger, unlike the wine, I don't know it's called, but it had like the boom box on the cover of the tape like the album artwork was a boom box. That was good it had I'm ban on our- did not always songs that you're sampling, sometimes your sampling, like a tv show a movie or like these living color song cult of personality. Remember that they have taken Sdr speech, adding his Kennedy, Erna was at the r s mother had Kennedy to Hooker, but that that was Kennedy already.
I think we have to fear spirits, Algeria doubting Thomas. They were like a skinny puppy, I'll shoot the example. I think the day the earth stood still sure extensively throughout this Now, on the day, the creators pretty get well guns and roses on their songs. Civil war remember the beginning that they played the call him, look that over the guitar and then axles wisely little voice comes here. Oh and metallic is one simple journey got his gun, but right in the video too, So those are all samples you might just think of that snippet from a movie, but it's a sample dislike. You would use the amen break the first sampler. If you want to go back in time of it was the melodrama yet. You're, not not the person, but them getting that someone used that was created for sampling. I
Yeah I mean it was. It was the first time that they had ever units may follow keyboard very basic. I wish I had one there really sweet and it has a volume, a tone and pitched control a low and high active you can switch between and then three samples, a b and C flutes violence and shallow, And it was the first time that they basically it over sampled. Anything like that, so you press the keyboard key and it plays back a pre recorded loop of a single note of that single note on a flute, let's say: ok, which seems take it for granted. Now only bodies keyboard shriek into a million different things, but back then the military was huge. Oh yeah! Anyone before that people would take magnetic tapes, I aerial real tapes than in literally cut in space,
now to create their own samples well and if you want to hear a classic example of the mellow tron fluid- and I do listen to this little clip right here- is an equal on many Aquila. Now that was the intro for the beetle strawberry fields and that was poor Macartney playing the flute, a sample of the melodrama on the military, crazy hours, those this fleet and then my king Crimson and yes and Genesis like they went crazy with a marathon yeah. My genesis was awesome. Early on yeah got data thrilled awesome, but in a different way, in a very different way. Ok see talked about the origin. With the tape splicing yeah yeah, I mean you, you
and the many jobs at the sixties. Yes, there are these two dude They were the two Pierre. I call them Pierre Schaefer, Impure Henry, but probably Pierre Armoury and they were, I guess what you call a couple of about guard musical artists in a creative. It's called music concrete, spooky staff. Did you hear any of you? I did this again view two factors in heavily in this episode. If you want to find out a little bit about music, concrete check out the nineteen, seventy nine BBC documentary the new sound of music, that is very awesome. I'll watch that actually yet that guy was a really great hopes. There was a really laid it down, so he talked about music countrywards. Basically, like these p,
before there were tape recorder. Even I dont know how to do this. It is real, the real or then these guys we're doing splicing they they would record the sound of a can falling or the sound of a metro. No or you know, piece of music off of you, know the radio and they were displaced altogether into something. That's like barely listening all right It was there was electronically reproduce, music gear and it form the basis of everything that came after it that had anything to do with like trying from like pink Floyd to all electronic music to the residents to silver apples to all these people who have craft work here who created electronic music. It's all based on this. Two guys creating this. Unlike nineteen, forty eight or something like that, that's crazy! You can't you see the part of the video where they took. The tape by hand Dragging it through that ended sounding like, and I think was sore
origins of record scratching. That's what it sounded like to me as well. Of course, it was produced back in the days of they didn't say that Four rackets prejudices about to give rise to this. Actually, I was coming out at the same time those nineteen seventy nine net. Unlike dj cool hurt and grandmaster Flash were starting to get really good, yeah they're playing high school, so people were taken notice It is true, so jumping back again in eighteen, sixty one James Teddy took blue switches from Elvis Presley and have you heard this and very often cars to input yeah? That's a good one. I fit into collage number one was what he called it. You know it is, in many many parts, virtually unrecognisable, yeah yeah, it's really hard to listen to. It is very hard to listen to its Thea, a piece of electronic music that deconstructed it. Sir. It's persuade she's deconstructing yapping
and I mean if you look back and you like holy cow. The video on Youtube shows like the guy sitting in front of his set up here, and it's like pretty extensive, and I was obviously out of his mind: lots of drugs wasn't, but when you look back at you like that was what nineteen sixty one that's pretty impressive work, yeah exactly no these resolutions are very, very difficult to keep get more exercise save more money. What about this? We have a resolution that you can really work with. Stop wasting time going to the post office that right you stamped out, instead because they bring all the services of the Eu S postal service right to your computer with yours, business, sinning invoices or packages Or an online seller shipping out products stamps that can handle it all with ease yank it. This was simply come you get five cents off. Every first class stamp in up to forty percent of priority mail. This right? U S posted!
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Now I mean like when the radio stations would do these well. May go and see what it was in place and if it I'm flying saucer, they took a rock and roll from that era and mashed it up with a fake news report about aliens landing from outer space and sounded little something like this. We interrupt this record a ring with special below them, the report flying saucer, hovering over the city have been confirmed. The flying saucers are real at was the latter's recording to real which would you not of on the spot reporter downtown, taken away jobs. If that's the stuff that we heard on FM radio like that Do I remember when I was a kid they would say like we're, gonna call no, it's all right now and, and
what's a hey, are you feelin and also need here, but couldn't sleep at all? last night and then they would another question, if you like an interview, answers were snippets from from rock songs answering which is really like them. You had to say in the seventies and eighties for sure I don't have a clip sermon have discovered that the bet midway thing was slightly different. It would be like that members from it in his purse with them. Patriarch speeches, oh yeah. I remember that. Remember that yeah that low sampling- I guess so, must the Jingo Stick form. At the very least, there was a mesh upright those, oh by the way, this flying saucer guys Buchanan Engagement there they wanna do a lot of those things like they did wondering the energy crisis of seventy four. I remember the writers of seventy nine there, but it be like gum how much gas will be rapid just enough for them dude. I remember that. That's what I was remember yeah
ally is whole. Try was not cognizant identified, but I had a lot and, like my own pooper, my hands from like playing with it at that when you were thinking. While this is really needs, the thousand already get back then I also want to say one more thing. I I went a little deeper in the music, concrete thing and apparently Philips right the manufacturing concern. They tried to get into electronic music, unlike the late fifties and had this whole little wing. That was that let a couple of guys go to town like China make popular electronic music and if you search ass, it has from nineteen fifty eight on Youtube these guys at a pretty good job.
Really is very clearly like the predecessor of thy. Listen about not dislike yeah, you just lie is even although Garda has like a beat to it in a melody, and it really neat interesting, and I have that clip. You reach your Pakistan, the mood, the shit. Ok I'll tell becoming didn't you guys do than on the besides, I think so, but what will do it up, but we ve got requests from our music stuff. That's what this man get, so you flash forward a little bit and are you mention call D J Herc Grant DJ grandmaster Flash whom? What people think that was the group was grandmaster Flash and furious I don't remember, and they hit it Nineteen, eighty with the sun Freedom, which sampled get up a dance by the band freedom yeah pretty straight up, while the that camera took this whole thing into me,
dream, while Nelson scratching started to one yet grimace, suffice, definitely started scratching dj call, Herc started sampling very clearly. Like he's the guy right he's from Kingston make any move to New York in nineteen. Sixty seven, I think inserted bring unlike his turntables, the black parties, and he would just he'd fine like a drum break or something and then a drum break from us. And he just keep like putting them together. Myself, like one on drum break, maybe bring in a little bit of a baseline, and I went back and listen to some of it and it was good stuff. Man was any stillness and, like that, the mid seventies, and yet he started sampling as we know it like turntable sampling innovating, Josh, learning crazy,
morally moral is someone else we should mention. If we're talking about that, the early heyday he was the house pretty Sir, for the juice grew, which was big, Daddy Cain and Bismarckian among others, but he also produced Eric being regime. A local j, and he was like he's often cited, is like the early leader would have a redhead king pin and another one cent he's he's like in there somewhere. Other vague daddy came manages blasted me within histology area, the hat further gummy hair cut yeah area, the yeah, where they called it. The hi hi right. Those colleagues me since you got huh. Well they make up of coming here cannot enter into leader. This evade essentially pig dairy came the beastly boys see what I'm saying that, like back in the day and in the eighties lay eighties. They were constructing foresight
comes from dozens of samples, and this before they had to pay permission, rights and stuff, like that say, get a song like hey Ladys from poverty, which is he asked me the pinnacle for the Beastie boys, possibly ticker, hey ladys poverty. Here I don't know if it's the pinnacle too, I think it's one of several pinnacles while check your head to positive was great, hey. Ladies, you sixteen samples, and that was not on the low side, but terminator acts of Look at and beastie boys would craft saw
out of dozens and dozens of samples and its debts. Dj hurricane. You give him perhaps too he's too busy boys DJ was he always, I believe so, look at, but I think they are like wrote the stuff together. Ok, as will find out, because that the court case against obesity voice was Newton versus Diamond and we all know who diamond is destined diamond. Might these Breton? No, no! No! groups like De Las all public enemy, NBC Workin, crafting songs, where's nowadays partially, because I think they are not as good and creative and partially because you have to pay rights. You'll get like a kid rock who just place
one loop over and over- and that's the sample he's in a sound yeah societies, crafting a sign that dozens and dozens of samples, more public enemy even said like. After all, these losses and threats of losses, if you're crafting a song at seventeen other songs, you basically acted like figure out something. Because you can't anymore, and I mean what a buzz killed two to make a song and then take it to the to the year. Record company overlords, who say like ok, we get this cleared ring it. This cleared this one
can't clear no way wherever clearness of evaluating as you every they had yet so you have like I don't know, two thirds of your song is intact, but the other third is it has holes in it. That's it can't takes away from the whole thing, but at the same time I mean again it breaking alliance, copyright law, any sudden, arbitrary law, his son is it's not a superfluous law. There is validity to it in a well, let's go and talk about it. Ok, copyright law, the one they changed, everything it wasn't. It was not the first copyright law suit. I think those guys who did the flying saucer thing with a first assert, attracting copyright law suits the first one is
that change tip off, I guess, was Bismarck. He landed a beef from one Gilbert, O Sullivan, who wrote the song alone again naturally, and what was evidently for forty that were Anita whatever now an alone again his nights in only one song from I need a haircut that album its call alone again and on his marquis lifted, pretty heavily from that and he was signed Warner brothers in one arose get sued by the owners of alone again, naturally, right and the judge ruled in the copyright holders, favour against Warner brothers solve sudden, worn brothers, big business big, Bonjour search. Circling the wagons like ok, will allow We're really exposed right now, because here all of our Others are run around sampling anybody they want to write and now we can get sued for it and the judge caught a lot of flak he said, and not only
not only am I really your favor, I think that this should go to some sort of criminal prosecution while right, because this is their defence for umbrellas, defense was its rampant. Everyone's doing this, we ve been doing it for ten year rank. What's your problem and the judges like that's the case. We need to really start looking into this enact shut everything down. That's when sampling went from art to business yeah, I'm surprised you took that long for people to catch on new and it was money is what did it as she sales and when I was just like D Jason Queens was no big deal in the nineteen. Seventy De Jason, Queens was no big deal in the nineteen seventys in early eighties, but all the sudden, these artist, these Hiphop artists, were making money on work from that was previously record of other people, and people saw green, essentially, Should the original people? The original artists like I can understand this hating on corporations, because they didn't create this
be right, happened to own it or whatever, but should the original artists expect some sort of compensation for somebody's king millions of dollars by taking some of that original work today, what do they deserve any kind of consideration? I think so. I think agree to it, depending on how like what degree their work is, changed right, yeah, I say, use the crap out of it, but get permission and pay royalties like it. If that's the John Ray you're, if that's what you're choosing to do I've known forcing these people to do that, that's what your choosing to do than you gotta play by the rules. That's what I think and then go out with it. Well, I guess that's kind of like the status quo now and that's not working a surly, leading to like your beef with kid rock
well my beef? Is it he says not recurred, it's hard is larger than that. You be careful when he gets in fighting stuff waffle houses in Atlanta here. So he knows where we live. I saw Bismarckian. Therefore, on time anyway, you be hung out with Bismarck He wants to play playstation near someone on the little internal train outside. Is that that is about four about a half. A second knows: I am worried that grave curly powdered wig, never he didn't I let's talk about what the cost of it is ten dollars now, not ten dollars at first, it was being caught by out, so you purchase rights to sample a song. Wasn't that much money but, like I said, assails grew in the rapid Hiphop world and rock band, set it to they started pay a roll over rates, which is you gotta pay per year, sales, which other sudden, you know the bill got lost.
In larger and larger and you're, not necessarily displaying one person. None of you might pay the copyright We are of the composition of music and if you use a specific according rather than record that composition yourself in use it bright, then you have to pay the owner of that the killer, recording which Norrington ICE airily one and the same rights, and they both might want equal amounts of money. Rather than giving you a deal, you know or if your vanilla ice you just slightly altered queens famous baseline from under pressure, not even so much as let them on your album, forget asking for right, seed and even say like special thanks to we and settled out of court eventually for and undisclosed sum of money he raises jet skis now under the name, vanilla, ice,
He is a hammer innovation. So too does he really? Oh yeah. He flipped houses yeah spree, weird that weird for him to do it and see hammer very famous for his sampling of and can't touch, this understands super free. There are even I pay royalties. Now he did. That was on the up and up his irreverent. Now. Is he really here he was back then, while his you get away until I get a prey just to make it, the right says: run from Burundi and Zebra and in ice baby as other footman houses. They all got to do something in just a diamond from saved by the bell. There was not he was affected. Here is in the process of being evicted. He had he won
a web campaign to save his house. I remember that I wonder what happened the drum intro fur led zeppelins. When the levy breaks, the thing has been sampled dozens and dozens and dozens of times yet, but it's so massive, so immediately recognisable that it takes over a song. Like I know, I don't think it's just it's basically like. Oh this. This is like Japan Sample, rather than like the great thing about a member other think no one had ever heard of that proposal. Effect from break. There was the love when the levy breaking the steward Zepplin, so too He needs a war in your off of it. I d start thinking about our replant right. I think there were down their Jimmy page. I remember was totally covered it with amusing. That course it wasn't his leg, nervous german he's not
say anything. Now. Here's the thing: saving money with Geico was almost better than playing pick up: basketball, there's always that guy who joined your game. He never passes the rock he instantly bricks theories and who can We have you and then put his hands up and say no foul, no foul with Geico it's easy to switch and save on car insurance, no need to fake an angel sprang because you're absolutely exhausted. So which in save Geiger it's almost better than sports in two thousand three, the BC boys, I said the landmark case Newton, the diamond. Mark case Newton, the diamond. They did a sample and more here right now, the very beginning of past. The MIKE contains this six second floor
it's like three notes on a flute and they got the the rights, the sample rights for this recording, but not the compositional rights, because there are like you know this guy played it will pay him. But it's three notes on a flute like we don't feel like. We should have to pay compositional rights. I've always thought of something like notes. Was they cut off or something like that? Like there's a number of notes, I remember there from being a kid I don't know why they would come up when I was a kid, but I seem to remember that. Well, We see boys one their case actually in the judge said that the brief composition, consisting of three not separated by a half step is not sufficient to sustain a claim for copyright infringing so that was very critical of the year. So that was it
Also, you know a here at the very beginning about song, but you underlying the entire zone, with the best sample of all time. Best best use of a sample Your favorite about that doesn't have to be best. You know what my favorite is from the B boys. Hey. Ladies remember when it's it's from my ballroom blitz. You know that song. Room. Let's hear a terrible terrible song. Yet that's a sampled, not disappoint them. That's a long and hey Ladys. When they break that one Cardona goes, she thinks she's the passionate one less from ballroom, blitz ha ha. That's my favorite one, I definitely wooden of ever ever caught. There are still other BC boys back in the day. I have you heard
with the pop Walid itself back and like the early ninetys there can you they had assumed their whether one big sounds like a sexual, actually, sampled, a classical composition, Eric Saturday's June. A pity is really awesome. I I'd heard I love Juno Fini and I love psycho sexual and then one day I just heard it just rise like how my cat- that's that's, that's one of my favorite, like probably of all time, was ice cube good day yeah using the Isley Burst footsteps in the dark here that was good and then doctored raise the chronic was like the soundtrack of one year of my college. I failure- and that was a lot of George Clinton. Air tons in tray was actually one of the first people to stop sampling and start recreating stuff with live musicians himself, which is called producing new height, and now he has
line of headphones. We talk about danger, Mouser good, sir. The gray album he famously thousand for did a mash of the Beatles White Album Jaycees, the black album and called it. The gray album and am I who, on the Beatles recordings, even though. Gazing upon Macartney were totally fine with it. They shut it down in said you're, not sullenness. No, but it made his career. Yeah and it got around on the internet such that I find that selling it, but everyone's gonna hurt anyone overhang out, see low inducing stuff and am emeralds is the makes my from land, then oh Chuck well cover sounds yes, since nineteen o nine, you can cover songs. You can play a song faithfully, especially live here, and not pay the owner of the composition, Assent
as long as you don't alter it like played in a different language, is something like that right and there's a lot of people who say will wait a minute. That's like that's a sample in its entirety. This is crazy here. What is the deal and everyone who said we don't know will figure it out another ten you know it bugs me is when these new country artists will cover a song. That's like a year old. Like another song, and release its a great acclaim, although they used to happen like a lot like more than one person would work, the same song Leanna give released about the same time. We are in the fifties in the sixties. So just be glad you don't live, then, because you'd be going crazy. That's true! not just so you guys know the reason we are able to play these clips, because something called fair use which we ve talked about a lot with Jerry.
Hence our lawyers, because we now overdue, and it's only in the United States, and it is the exclusive right granted to us to play a snippet of something without acquiring permission is on his. We use it as commentary criticism. I researched teaching or news reporting all wait a minute. That's what we're doing this. I mean that everything is heard in Australia. Vote is that we still covered by fair use that I don't know well. This is for music sampling is to know better than I thought you anything else now, Urim the anymore samples. Now I'm putting my turntable back in my pocket. Ok, you know they have as little Iphone turntables now you just
Jerry. I guess if you want to learn more about music sampling integrated into the Hindu search bar ass, the words that com, which means it's time for a meal Your mail Josh. I want to point people you're into sampling in the history of Saint linked to go to who sampled dot com I'm glad you mentioned. Is that meant to mention it to it's a really awesome website and its allows you? Basically you can. If you can search for artist to have, and who had been sampled, and so songs and they basically throw up side by side is to turntables like the original sample for the original breaker, whatever, then how it was used. Sprinkle the complainant simultaneous yet this autumn.
Whose ample that come. I Josh and I read this along, but this is about the spies and this is from Tom and he said that his family has a strange tendency of being arrested on suspicion of being Kiwi Spies museum in Spain in France. They all work since the first story concerns my parents on their honeymoon in eighteen, eighty five Immediately following the sinking of the Rainbow warrior and often harbour by french sever tours my parents were travelling into France from the UK when they arrested and detained a suspicion of being New Zealand counterterrorist. Nothing could be further from the by the way they are held in separate holding cells for two days when french agents would come inside the cells- king cigarettes and yelling at them in French is pretty too I for my mother, who was only twenty one time after time. Asia released and drop off
New Zealand Embassy, where they learned of the incident back an often. So that's one time, in story is my comes from a great great anti, an or sister Marie. None of the order, the little sisters of the poor- and she is ninety years old this year and are still going strong. Her story originates with the Nazis. She had been her fellow nuns in rural France, looking after the elderly, had been abandoned as the Nazis approach, There also sheltering three to four british airmen who had been shut down nearby Nazis arrived, they rounded up the nuns and airmen accusing unto being spies. She fellow nuns, he was mother superior were taken to appeal W camp interrogated by the gestapo officers. He's none Eventually she was marching to the commandant office, told she was being taken away, believing She was going to be shot, she told them. She would not cooperate
unless your nuns were also set free turned into a pretty still negotiation infrastructure guns, even though one point was looking down the barrel of one well, the commandant they agreed and bundled all the sisters together on a freight train. They believe they are going to be executed together. Suddenly the train stopped The guards on the train, through the nuns out one by one into the snow, the doors closed and the train sped off My sister Marie eventually let her nuns to the convent they spent the last two years of the war not only helping the elderly, but also sheltering and feeding members of the French thoughts, so she he said Tom, said if I could read this on the pot gas, Anthea, I would really appreciate the airtime combat in which he is headed over seventy years too, and I would appreciate letting people know about why nobody and my family feel safe in France.
So ninety eight year old, anti an the nun. We thank you for all your work over the years and I hope you make it a hundred and twenty waited for the Nancy about that. That's from tat, are these. What Tom for letting us know that we well! I guess, if you have a year or family story we want that were always rose up for those for a plethora of entirely untreated. Actually, just there's three waiting in particular electronically wine is through twitter. On twitter handle is as wide as Cape podcast onward grandfathers, untutored you're, missing out believing agreed. Also, you can hang out. Listen. Facebook were on their pretty frequently facebook dot com flesh stuff. You should know
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-18.