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How Morgellons Disease Works

2014-07-31 | 🔗

There is a condition that can cause people to feel bugs crawling beneath their skin so acutely that they will use tweezers to pluck them from their eyeballs. It's a terrible disorder made worse by medicine's insistence it is all in sufferers' heads.

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I know that is call sir, because this is probably the most interesting where this can be done in a long, oh yeah, I thought it was I was I had never heard of. This is my way as accurate and some diseases must cover some disease and then act started reading it- and I was dislike him- why? yeah world mine, and I still am skylight totally fascinating were you. Who are in the majority Chuck not knowing about it yeah, it's a mysterious disease of some sort, and there is a great battle going but is it is of a human disease, its very controversial, that's the whole thing. And we're we're talking about a basin and article from house of works. What we're talking about is, I say, more glance
Chuck and Martin Bashir say more gallons, yet I saw some pronunciation Saint Maur Javelins, but we're both gonna make a hearty sound, however, that we can agree on the hearty ok, though, over talking about is this disease. That was, quickly discovered first described in two thousand to initially there Make your radar go up. Visitors super knew, but the name itself is borrowed from a seventeenth century, obscure french medical text. Here more than once more guns have you wanna pronounce it, first used to describe some weird conditions were coarse, hair grew out of the backs of children,
If you go on there, any more guidelines, research site and research, the origin of the name, you also usually see right, afterward ascends. That says: that's not what this is. It's just. This lady used the same name, the first person to describe it Jack. That's the way said because her son had it yeah, though the lady in questions name was merry little. That's on finance and her name without hard G, no but she had a two year old who at the time, was saying bugs and pointing to his lip and he had some sort of sores around his lips and when she looked closely she saw that there is a strange threads are stringer some fibres. Coming out of these sources and his wit,
yeah and she became alarmed. She did and she like almost every sufferer from this I'd. Is it a disease or not, since then has had a really hard time getting diagnosis, getting doctors her seriously so much so that she formed a support group. Website the more gallons research foundation? And I guess we need to get into it. I mean it is one of the oddest things. I've ever heard its term ecological, it's about the skin there are sores there's of itching and that the most monsieur this thing about. It, though, is like you said these blue red black and I think white fibres and you can look up
we're going to have you taken more gallons fibres and image. Search at you're, gonna see these things and they did just like little threads coming out of your skin right or borough beneath your skin. Yet so the thing is check is you know: fibres associated with swords on somebody's body, weird, but not the most mysterious thing in the universe. The problem is, is there is a professor of Pharmacology, Oklahoma, State University named Randy? Why more? Who we took an interest in mortal answers? Is he doesn't have an himself here but he read about it and thought. Well, all we all you have to do is look at. These fibers gets probably in and grown hair, something and with the rest,
she carried out independently by doktor. Why more the weirdness, the legend began to grow yet because it was first identify two dozen too, and I think in two thousand five. He heard about it and started researching, so he got in touch with them more due on suffers and said. He sent me some of these weird fibres and I want to check him out and apparently when he asked for some assistance in identifying with fibers. Were he found that not all of them could be conclusively identified? Yeah like not as well. Tell us some weird animal hairs: cotton fibers nylon, they weren't able
identify them at all, as it did not exist in the FBI database. It was not a plant or animal earth orbit in it didn't matter near the eighty thousand plus synthetic fibres in India if the database here, so it literally was mean he'd. He brought one even to a specialist who, I think, from a police department that does is for being looked at under a microscope unused like a nursing like this, my life, so the the the mystery it took root at that point, oh yeah led the way and the problem is those the more mortal eyes are more gallon sufferers. We have now idea how me There are because the miracle establishment has concluded that there's no such thing
yeah. I mean this article is written in what like two dozen turned two thousand tenets at fourteen thousand confirmed, but if you're not being diagnosed or if you're told you might be crazy, which will get you in a minute, then yeah. Who knows how many people in managing it gets more and more interesting? It does so, in addition to fibres all sorts of horrible symptoms that Morgan suffers report. So first of all you feel, like you are infested with bugs yeah. That's the big, the previous one. Is you literally? They all talk about. Burrowing sensation they all say bugs like something is: you're my skin and yet moving exactly a lot of em report, feeling like a certain kind of greediness under their skin and often on the other. Side of their eyelids yeah and a lot of people.
Have more gwan say: that's does their eggs, they have all sorts of source that each like crazy, that from which fibers are pitted or come up from her. Whatever those virus can be anywhere on the skin and the weird thing is they can pop up in places that people can't with their arms right and you're. Gonna start aging. During this by gets. We apologise. Were you waiting when you are reading stuff? No surprise, I wasn't a man I was in my crazily area. A it occurred to me. Have we done one on it and I feel like we have, because when I read some of that stuff, we'll get you later from that that one researcher here it felt really familiar. It did to me too, but I looked it up and there's nothing, there's no podcast in our archive on. I know he then some because our members specifically talking about its being a dull. They thought it was a doll, pain right.
Spoilers care that comes later so does like us to this. Virus can appear anywhere in the body and, sometimes they move to Fewer immortalized suffer your be pretty much convinced that you're infested with some sort of weird bug. Yes, we can parasite. Maybe that's in fact. Having your skin with laying eggs and dumb. You have a basically a compulsion and obsession is how is described by a lot of Moldovan suffers to get these things out of your skin, wherever they are. Yet there is one person. Theirs is awesome. Article called the each nobody can scratch by will store recommended there is its along form article in its worth, every minute you spend on it, and it was Tom Medium DOT. Com, I think, is where we found it and there's one one more violence. Whose interviewed in their who's talking about noticing a fiber,
feeling it on their eyeball and then looking in the mere yet magnifying glass is either thought very tiny bugs and am seeing this little fibre moving across the prisons eyeball, so they took a pair tweezers to their eyeball. To get this thing out. This is the kind of you suffering that these people are going through. Yet this other lady soaked, her body and a bad bleach people like we'll get turned away from doctors, are told her crazy to the point where they content. It or commit suicide because it so maddening in the it's so manning into not be taken seriously. So maddening there may be told us a psychiatric condition in two thousand and eight after thousands and thousands of people wrote in the Congress, people like John Mccain and Hillary Clinton in time, a bomb they urgency. Seated, do a study
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her condition or infectious source that was identified. Most sores appeared to be the result of chronic scratching in picking without a cause. Materials and fibres obtained from skin biopsy specimens were mostly cellulose compatible with cotton fibers. A substantial number of the participants in the study scored highly in screening tests for one or more coexisting, psychiatric or addictive conditions year, including depression, somatic concerns, which is an indicator preoccupation with health issues and drug use
the apparently fifty percent of the participants in the study tested positive for drugs, they demonstrated no infectious cause, no evidence of environmental lake, no indication. It would be helpful to perform additional testing as potential causes in future. Efforts should focus on helping patients reduce their symptoms. So there you have it. The cdc loudly said these are people that are just scratching themselves too much and becoming obsessed with that yes m. With their CDC study, the door can closed, at least for the time being on any help from the medical establishment yeah. So less recap: if you have more than once disease you,
have wealth all over your body from which there seem to be fibres of possibly an unknown origin sprouting you constantly it. So your constantly scratching, so those those wealth are getting worse and worse and worse, you feel like a stinging, sensations people compare him to being stuck with compass needles all over your body, and when you go to your doktor, they tell you that you're wrong yeah that does not scratching yourself. This is all in your head, yet one of very few academic papers that wasn't written by a member of a mortgage loans. Research organization said this is most likely all in their head
and what you should do, if you're a physician and somebody comes to you with what they think is more glance, disease is that you should give them a anti parasitic ointment, just basically get them to trust you yeah and then prescribe ETA psychotic right, because what the medical establishment, and especially now that the CDC study came in here believe, is that this is something called delusional Paris psychosis here, the belief that you have bugs living in your skin that everyone who has mortal eyes disease is crazy. That's what the medical establishment thinks the evident sittings that crazy nothing but the they're saying like you're delusional. You hey, I false belief that you have bugs on your skin, but the thing is If you look at more guidelines suffers. There's people from all different walks of life
yeah. Does that mean the initial kid was a two year old, yeah Oakland AIDS baseball picture, Billy Coke. He left the game because well for a lot of reasons, for this is one of em because he suffered Johnny Mitchell her. Yes, I fainted singer. She suffers from it in this will store. Article is again in Paul whose a successful middle manager, type from Texas and all these people there's a doctor general practitioner who has it yeah to talk about him all these people are, hoarding similar symptoms. So the idea is, if it's all delusional parasite tells us. How is it possible that always people think they have the same thing? Well, one answer that they think might be. The case is the internet because
start itching and they think what in the world is going on with the sore and they look on the internet and they find more gowns disease, and then they self diagnose all this came about in two thousand to. Nor is it a coincidence. I don't know, but I know that self diagnosis is a problem, and I still don't know what to think about this. When you read these stories, you feel awful for these people. Yes, that's the science can usually crack. At some point, though, everyone is saying there, these people, no one saying that they're not suffering right, like these people are very much suffering, but the medical staff has been saying it's all in your head. We have a name for it. It's called delusional parasite, toasters, yeah, I'm the people who have more glass disease are saying like no. This is in my have got fibres like some of them have trapped bugs. Supposedly here, like
the dead, they're saying you guys aren't listening to me. You can give me a psychotic all you want, but it's not gonna curate yeah in its there. Also that you fall into the trap. I read that psychopath ass by John Ranten fantastic book by the way, but there's a guy in there that tried to get out of a jail sentence for an assault by pretending use grazing got set up to the worst middle institutional one and was like I'll be able to get her no time the more saying he appeared to try to be the more crazy. They thought he was a lawyer and that's, the same thing that goes on with a lot of more gallon sufferers is the more rationally we tried it. About this, the more they were like. Ok, let's just take it easy and we'll get to the bottom of this and its and they point out. I think the author of the the thing you recommended was called a chicken and egg thing like
It makes them spin out of control and depressed and suicidal right in and not so, but is that you know which came first exactly so, are you suffering from these psychotic symptom, right or mentally imbalance symptoms here, because, as a result, an from not being listened to write or are you you know? Are you suffering this these these physical symptoms because you're out of it a little bit there and it is a chicken or the kind of question? But the idea of the fibers that once a big one, that a lot of people with more than one suffers pointed there like we'll wait a minute people found that these fibers can be explained by anybody, so is that the case well your body Randy? Why more he's really taken them?
for here, like a really like this guy's done this year, he the first time like we said he went to the police department and they found no known match in the database didn't figure out what it was later and he asked for samples from south and had them send them to him. He took those in and was pretty disappointed by the results. He sent them to a lab to identify because they found that they were somewhere cotton. Some were nylon. He said pretty disappointing? One was a fungal residue. One was a human hair was a rodent hair. One was goose down, the unit author, this paper was seen worried when he saw yeah sure I was, but there were Some there was one that was unknown so it was unknown, he said well, they said it was a big fungal fibre, but they weren't completely sure. So he was gonna debunked a little bit.
So it's weird is like. Sometimes these fibers are real things, and sometimes it seems like they're, not right so in with the fibers, its there's, a definite belief among the medical establishment that these are just ordinary everyday fibres and if you start paying attention, spot on your body right, you're, probably going to be able to find fibre, and if that suddenly has some sort of significance to you here and you fixated on that, then you can easily fall down this mental right. The whole that Morgan suffers supposedly or are under the influence of yeah inheres attend and this is something I didn't know about. If you, anything on your body that you take off your body Ernie. Strange skin thing and you put it in his block back yeah. Take you to your doctor assigned to them and had never heard this, but is called the Match Box sign bright and it's better. They ve been calling it listen to nineteen thirties and apparently doctors,
They see you bring anything into hey. What's this weird thing, they go. Ok, here's another another crazy person right, so you you as a huge catch twenty two, because more glance suffers one of the symptoms of this disease. There are things that come off your body, whether at some sort of colored fibre, poor little blacks backs this, that fall off on mass from the body air forget about those they come off your body and if you're Morgan suffer well, you think, like I need to show this to my doctor- is evident slowly, but in doing so as far as a medical establishments concerned, you're immediately prima facie proving yourself heavy mentally unbalanced, and that's your problem. You all you doing by bringing this evidence is supporting this diagnosis of delusional parasitology parasite or yet
Are there go to you if you bring it in ITALY match boxers about back there? I think I hear we go this person. Things have bugs under their skin, exactly so I'm gonna give him a little anti parasitic loaf That may or may not really do anything in real life could be a placebo and then after they trust me, I mean I recommend they try some anti psychotic so there are a couple more people. We should talk about here. A couple of doctors actually to have some more interesting findings that will get to rapidly spread Josh yeah. Let's chat about square space, my friend who came because if you need a website and you don't have one. There is really no easier way to do so. Now I mean the whole thing is drag and drop is very intuitive, there's no
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It causes blows eight dollars a month and includes a free domain name. If you sign up for a year, that's right. To just use our offer code. Suu F F, to get that ten percent off your first virtues I was talking about a doctor and Louise Oak Lander, because the author IQ come author. Who was it again we'll store. Yeah well store got in touch with this professor at Harvard Medical School and she is an Ich specialist, a neurologist and he thought you know she would quit. Dismiss them, but she was actually had heard of it and was into it what she thinks is that it's a chronic each disorder that is being taken seriously. Yes, she feels like them Establishment is mistreating. Mordaunt suffers bite is completely discounting. Them is all crazy, rather than doing any real investigation. Yeah, I'm sure he was stuck to meet her at least,
that's the case also, I should say the general view of the CDC investigation that Airbus is basically them going through the motions or at worst they were looking for evidence to back up their own ideas that it was delusional parasite is yes offers. I think said. The study was jump going in, so he was a garbage going and garbage comes out right, so they didn't take much stock in it. But what we are talking about earlier and nineteen eighty seven, a team of researchers in Germany, found the itch: wasn't what we thought it was, which was a week form of pain and they said that each has its own separate, dedicated network of nerves, and she thinks that, if your brain in our sheep lichens it's like a mosquito lands on your skin and We can feel it. You don't realize you're feeling it but you're your brain picks up on it together, each at her slap at it and she thinks that that's why we evolve to which is too
that insects from landing on right. In that that's all this is your Does it differentiate? If you think there's a bug, then your brain thinks there's about whether or not right. So. Her idea is that it's in each disorder, where there's not a bug but your brains, getting those signals, price driving, you crazy, and that this isn't being investigated and as a result, there is tens of thousands, if not more people out there suffering being treated their crazy and being offered absolutely no relief whatsoever from medicine, and then the after was the one that really blew me away at the end of the article, the doktor from the UK, the general practitioner, His name is doctor, Nick Man you didn't he's an author. When he got in touch with Doktor man, a doctor yeah, he does but he was a story. More gallon suffer when he does His experience that his leg started, itching after walk use. Can something was on em
it got really out of hand and he eventually stripped down naked and his kitchen and tried to dig, went out and he said stood there for three or four hours waiting for one to bite as soon as it did, I went for the hypodermic needle his wife came aunt, em, all bloody bleeding from this programme and other places as nipple and was horrified obviously and got three of these things into a glass jar and said, look at these look at these and she couldn't see anything. No. She thought he D gone completely off his rocker yeah, but he did actually send these and eventually to the two hospital they could identify it and then to them. History, museum and within one day they identified it as a tropical rat might, and so I thought I will thus answer than these tropical rat might, but I think he's his was. The only case is to try to look at more evidence of that,
and you didn't find anything besides him a threat there was that unrelated, you think, is he D had a mite alone. There are no answers to this network frustrate low in the big, MRS there's, nobody really investigating there like a handful of right, take people who were investigating in in the problem This is their running into the structure of medicine and science, the scientific establishment. Establishment of both of these things and where they they cross and foreigners Van diagram. This is where these people running up against. So it's like, if you're going to prove, produce a legitimate academic paper on this And you manage to get it policy may get another policy, then another one, a real researcher, but you're the only person producing, can, I make papers are more lines. Well, you just look like a crackpot who has access to a couple academic journals and can get saving public because you're the only
and who's. Who is writing about that in anybody else? Who is who's ever even paid any attention to? It has dismissed as delusions of parasites, toasters Yang, push you're, not getting any funding you're not well. You can there's a few research organisations that you find that kind of stuff, but even so, in the eyes of the normal establishment, you you're not going to be treated very seriously, so you're you're running into that, and then you know one scientists made up its mind. Apparently nobody's gonna look into it, and so there's no treatment for whatsoever. Because it's been determined. These people are delusion. And that's that, so why would we spend any more time getting into it Well, why more even had a problem? I remember at one point getting labs to look at these fibers once they found TAT. It was for this disease there right now we're not gonna touch that right. So I guess that would even if that's always reputation of allow even like no one wants to touch the thing
and then a lot of more than one sufferers are helping their case by just kind of supposing what could be the problem might and bugs, since it feels like bugs, are an obvious answer and that each researcher says totally sensible. If you haven't each disorder in your nerves are going haywire and it feels like bugs. Why? Wouldn't you think it was small, tiny, invisible bugs, and it makes sense? Yes, but then there's been other ideas proposed to like its nanotech. Knowledge or genetically modified organisms that have run a mocking. It's part of a government cover nematodes, yes these things are like these suggestions are not helping the case in the past I now or in the eyes of the academic or scientific establishment, that these people are mentally healthy yeah. There has been linked to him trails, ok, so, and the thief not gonna get married
but the thing is: if these people really do have something, whether its image disorder, whether to bug that's not whatever it is you or if its delusions of Paris, I taught us either way, there's still suffering yet. I still need help the ass Oh there, but no one's giving it to me? Well, they are in the form of psychiatric treatment, but that's not good enough for a lot of these people because they say I dont need psychiatric treatment, because I have a physical issue that the complaint as they think I'm crazy and I'm not crazy right said it has said. I want to follow up on this I mean I'm sure, they're things. What bothers me about sciences? There may not think that they could discover some new issues so easily. This message is gonna bugs me a bicycle,
but I mean there are some: U ear in science is defence or medicines defence. There are there some evidence that it is fictitious or delusion you like is supposedly- and in this well store article there's one guy who's like his wealth, were healing up, and then the author asked him. You know what what did you do? That's different! That's making your wealth realistic! I just stopped eating rescript stop scratching than ever Every doktor and the Roma see their exactly such scratching. You're gonna stop giving the world because the welter produced by its here, but then there is the other side, is equal about the wealth there are parts of the body where it's like. I can't reach re rightly explained there yet so I guess you we need to review Like you say yeah, I would love if we have a listener out there. The suffering from this. I would love to hear a first hand account of your experience. Yes, we won't judge, you know, of course, If you want to
learn more about Morgan's disease. You can read that really awesome article that each nobody can scratch eyes very compelling by will store. I think it's him. Idiom, dot com, you can also take them more go on M, O r, P, L, L, oh Anne S, in the search bar has to forge a common will, bring up another article as well as excessive search bar it's time for listener, we call this empty follow up a guy's, manure and had been living upsets, I'm also a Phd student in Cinema media studies. I was excited to see: do MBA episode, you did a great job covering a lot of its current controversies. Explaining the common misconceptions about a year are a distorted
add a little bit explanation to the Ex rating, which is such a strange portion of the EPA history when the ratings code was instituted, nineteen sixty eight Jacqueline to use an ex rating for films, but he never copyrighted the Ex rating because he did not want to encourage the rating. I'm off is among monopolistic at midnight cowboy claim for winning best pictures and x rated film, actually self raided itself x and in a marketing campaign to exemplified status as unique and artistic fair for adults rather than pornography. Soon, Graphic films also began self. Imposing ex rating in newspapers refused to advertise for x, rated films, theatrical porn was booming, so we are to think about the ethical born here like going in a theater and watching that with people films like deep Throat placed in the top ten of the year. I, while Hollywood push for legislation against the ethical porn, they also distance themselves from that
ex reading that they once controlled the Mp A quickly expanded the operating in re rated films to avoid it West grave even illegally quote. Unquote, I'm sorry, don't even dare quotes illegally in the spliced in and are rating banner from a different film into his ninety. Seventy three from the last the left, because he could not get the empty a to grant him an arranging the strange time and somewhat more fluid since big theatre change, multiplex were not as ubiquitous as they are today. Sadly, then see seventeen doesn't seem like much of an answer to the Ex rating legacy. Since its films, only to limited art house audiences. For the most part, you are right that view de poses hope, though, that video on demand
I've. Anyone is interested in this. A more Navy aid is check out John Louis's Hollywood, the hard core. It's a fascinating reed, thanks again guys are the best that is Dan from you see our echo ruins nice thanks a lot less good emperor. Yet totally those basically like a treatise on the history of the Ex reading agreed gone. It was Dan for museums, thanks, Stan and go bruins. Indeed, if you want to get in touch with us to give us more information about something we talked about, we love that can stuff. You can treat to us it s. Why escape? I guess you can join us on Facebook that counts. Lest he should know you can send an email to stuff. I guess that has the forks I come and check out our website. What's your problem seriously go to double
w w dots stuff. You should know doc for more on this and thousands of other topics for the House of works that calm dear young rockers, applaud, cast coming of age story about finding a home in rock music and learning to flourish in your own weird way. It's also a series of letters of advice to my younger self ass. She navigates pashas, adolescence seals or social inside each body issues and relationships and discovers a transformative power during rocker comes from double Elvis productions is created and hosted by mutual citizen and executive produced by Jake Brennan of disgrace. Land episode, one drops ones, a genuine fifteen. Listen you dear young locker, on the I hurt radio up, apple pod costs, or were you get your pod guests.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-15.