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How Mars Works

2014-04-22 | 🔗

Sure today Mars would kill you with its thin, toxic atmosphere and cold desert temperature swings of 100 degrees, but early on it and Earth were practically twins. Find out how the two planets diverged and if there might be life on the Red Planet.

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Hey folks, available now from Iheart a new series presented by T Mobile for business, the restless ones join host Jonathan Strickland, as he explores he coming technological revolution with E restless business leaders who stand right on the cutting edge? They know there is a better way to get things done and they are ready, curious and excited for the next technological innovation to unlock their vision of the future in each episode will learn more from the restless ones themselves and I've deep into how the five g revolution could enable their teams to thrive. The restless ones now available on the ice heart, radio up or wherever you listen to podcast welcomed. Stephanie should know how stuff works that more progress than George Virgins Thursday. We took fright Jerry. There were there, we are I burgers because
in the early morning unusual early morning edition welcomed morning edition. We should just talk like this. We gather unimpeded, forget taken to task in this night and morning so show host. Did you see it about the acquisition guys like way their release? position on ass when he slept in the face. I respond as it actually came out on fair to say, and by sheer coincidence, for the reply. I responded to him too, as like manner, which shows that clever, who said affected The idea is like our medical marijuana pursued being our four hundred and twenty eight other complete coincidence, guaranteed everybody. I think over the course of six hundred plus shows you're gonna have somewhere coincidences like that. You know. Yes, I certainly did notice Ash Wednesday. I didn't neither until I went through the moisture evening in a third of the people.
Walking around with charcoal across his forehead nice sick. I had no idea Atlanta had this many Catholic they're going there everywhere, Well, I mean they didn't used to be tat, grow Baptist here and I didn't know many Catholics growing up, but oh, I wanna became a transplant town, sincere and I'll. Tell you about another transplant chuck, yes, possibly life here on earth from Mars. Earlier this year in Europe,. You get breaking news now, those it do. You remember we did an episode on the origin of life on earth. Remember! oh yeah yeah and one of the possibilities it was from Margo and one of the pieces of evidence of this possibility was the Alan Hills, Rock from Antarctica right, a martian meteorite that was discovered in nineteen eighty four that was studied and studied in there,
in eighteen, eighty six, basically Bill Clinton said we found evidence of life on Mars and they studied it again and there, like, maybe not. Another studying it again missing. Yeah, it's possible. It's very possible that this four point, one billion Euro rock, is showing evidence of fossilized nano backed here in this house, though Clinton saying it is under way authority talking to the tv again nice for you were gonna, do how Mars Works Tom Hanks. This one for you, the space guy, oh yeah, sure, ok, I didn't know if those missing something there, like you did some movie that it know about. No, if I said Jerry cynicism, For you, there will be a mission to Mars reference. I did not see that mine, bogglingly, odd and pretty bad yeah. I heard that wait and see it that way.
Citizens either one of red planet. I don't know about you, but that can it brings us to a point that we have long been fascinated with the Red Planet going back there. You know where the worlds in early science fiction and Martians and yeah Mars has just always captivated is because you know sometimes you can see it with the telescope yeah and it's not like. What's on the other side of Venus Venus, we'll know much about being a shot him There are no Venus scenes that we're afraid will come down here. An attack is the thing: is Venetians Venetians, which is different from Venetians, yes, which people from Venice right, which, strangely enough a kind of coincides with a guy named Giovanni. She apparently he might not have been from Venice put. Their man was deafening from ITALY, You think the Africa is a it. Can you say his name for everybody Chuck who Giovanni separately is good? I got
and every item of accessing home. Now I just want to pass the good stuff man, so she rarely in eighteen. Seventy seven decided to draw map of Mars and his conception of Mars. What became the popular conception if it wasn't already here, was that Mars was a lush planet with civilizations, any name the regions of Mars. Accordingly, like Elysium here, which, which some culture believe that that will happen. I can remember man ever heard that we always disgusted before Elysium. I haven't retain that. Another part was called utopia. Arcadia,
Basically, all these different names for Paradise reflected the idea that Mars was in a very similar to earth, most likely inhabited by intelligent beings and dumb as proof. The sheer Pirelli drew canals that he noticed them on Mars near which suggested that this advanced civilization. I dug canals to rout water from the polar icecaps which are visible here on earth to the central locations where their civilizations were one or two the Martians. Yet in this establish like what earthlings, of Mars, reserving a hundred years almost yeah, that forty years after that, a U S, astronomer, name, Percival Lowell wrote a book also about Mars, where he actually talked about civilizations and the problem is, he wasn't really based on anything
They might result in science fiction for anything in the low observatory after him over their beliefs. Was an astronomer, so it's not like he was he was it is making stuff, but he didn't have like hard evidence that he made a lot of stuff a pretty well, he interpreted it without any evidence. Here he wrote a book in that became the impetus for Mars based science fiction, yeah really captured folks, and that's when I could talk about war of the worlds and advice, boroughs, the princess of Mars, and it's always been out there. And down as yet is speaking of war. The world's even says it in this article. It did not cause the national panic in eighteen. Thirty, eight, that's a myth. Did you know that I don't know, I'm not sure. I need the full story supposedly when we numb who directed citizen Kane, Orson Welles when hours and wells carried
Three no yeah yeah, it's gotta, be when I caused apparent, not more wild and streets committing suicide. Like outdoing also said: no, it isn't true. Apparently the newspapers Wind of this rumour employed it up and down. The reason they played up was to prove that radio couldn't be trusted as a source of news, because it was a big, competitive newspapers at the time have you done it dont be done on that? No, maybe I can I like that. Guy Josh, as webs theory, scalp, don't be done. That is very funny and the strange and you learn stuff. It's like the perfect one. Two three punch weird funny any walk away with them. Thanks man and everyone likes it. That watch is it so we just need more people watch it gimme the weird sausage of interest and commitment that is weird ran out of the director. I owe you a clap and weird wooden.
Ask your fairly he and on the screen who won an Oscar for that movie here for twelve years, a slave do not like each other, There are really over the writing. Credit. Oh yeah. The writer right past. Amidst Mcqueen didn't even turned to look at him as he was walking up to get his ass. I did. Can I noticed that yeah? Well, if you redeem listed, he rooted out and found out that it was overriding. Quite credit is that where he was clapping weirdly, yet you showing his disdain with, thousand leered are so this weird, fascinated with Mars like it, so we didn't have a lot of information other than sort of looking at it from earth. It wasn't until the Sixtys and Seventys that we started in many countries started exploring Mars, but we start sending orbiters to take a closer peak and then eventually, orbiters led to landers and rovers, and it's been like kind of a prime directive of NASA for a while. Yet one
an end, it was them when they scrap the space shuttle programme I remembered ass. I was saying like door, everybody we're gonna go to Mars. We're gonna focus on Mars. Is why we're not doing the shuttle anymore right and apparently they are. There was just as recently as yesterday, NASA testified about its but and dumb and they were saying well, we ve got a really great thing plant we're gonna, get asteroid we're gonna maneuver it with a robot into lunar. Orbit swing go visit it later and the senators at this hearing they said boring really like. What's this backup Mars mission was didn't like a well we're talking doing a man fly by a Venus and Mars, and twenty twenty one sentence like Mars, Mars Mars, while so it looks like this, is gonna, be forced to go to Mars, whether they like it or not, so it still captivating
if it's captivating the dumb dams in Congress, what they even said like the asteroid mission- that's not connotes further public the public amazing nation like going past, sending a person past Mars. That's what you want to do. Nasa s is like our I put this can we could probably mine the asteroid, cylinders on Mars marginalized and they all went to a bar after their luggage you, wanna go to Mars, using, I guess, you're right. So why should we start here? I'm well, let's start with the origin of Mars. It seems pretty appropriate yeah, it's pretty fascinating. I love help. Scientists pieced together
ancient history, customers you now without having ever Senator Ya'Ll just stare at all I mean even before the rovers. It was basically August based on photographs in and surmising from those. Now we ve got the curiosity rover. The third rover up. There is still there yeah I didn't come home. Does it know over road? It is original yeah and everything I think, gives a two year mission, but it could go on I think it's already gone a little longer than that, No one has a really already. I think it went up in late. Two thousand eleven o also things been there a little over two years about good going. Curiosity, I might be wrong. I too, there is basically five things that they surmise happened before Mars, which will will listening into in more detail it initially for from clumping of little tiny objects until it made a bit
Ground planet isn't accretion disk near like just like earth just like then there was a lot of meteor bombardment all over the the solar system in March, as of course affected to slicker just like earth in the moon The mantle was very hot and push through the crust lifting at portions of it like her. And then there were a couple of Now, how many, but at least a couple of periods of lots of volcanoes going on tat, dislike her lover flows and then finally, the planet cool down in the atmosphere thinned out with Mars, unlike earth, right and it Mars is formation- was virtually identical or the process that formed earth. It's about half the size
despite their at in the beginning, as far as make up and the processes that they were undergoing, yet they were virtually identical yet being half the size is pretty key to why it's not like earth yet more yet one of the reasons. So I guess we should get no more data others are. I think we should. The accretion that you talked about the small objects about took about four thousand years and as the gravitational you'll get stronger, it kept pulling in more the stuff and it would crash into the planet and in get hot basically in just sort of meld together, gives Omar and that was interesting. I looked at why planets around and the reason why? Because the gravitational field and the spin everything into the dense core yeah. Well, it's the core. The gravitational field behaves like it's coming from the centre and everything else thinks it's come
in the center, including me. So the only way to get everything is close to the sinners possible is to make us fear. Like I receive yet a square. There would be a corner, that's not as close as other parts may be a creepy I guess you yeah, but I wondered you know or why doesn't look like an asteroid, let's say, but asteroids don't have that kind of gravitational forced to draw everything in life that the format sphere right? It's called. I satanic adjustment, nice yeah. I just thought, wait a minute. All these things are perfectly and perfectly round, I want more pyramid shaped planets mechanical eyes. Was the accretion, and now you have being released from cooling after the core and mantle encrusted formed in this hut. Ball right as the young, as the gases are being released in the
ball. They are forming. This atmosphere is supporting an atmosphere there floating out. And I'm gonna hanging around here and I M so you ve got an atmosphere in place if you have a modern core, ever softer mantle and then for that formed like here and dumb as that that a softer me So in the mountain core press up, you have volcanic activity, yeah it really is even more heat and gas, which makes the atmosphere even thicker, and at this point they think that there is a period of water presence on Mars, where it was raining today, after you get a primitive atmosphere and then, as it has in the article by Craig his great right of worse yeah phd right, I said March marks. Couldn't catch a break
pretty accurate in it was pounded by meteors in the solar system for creators and basins and all sorts of interesting Landforms in The same thing happened here, but we had like water and things like that to cause erosion and fill it put in on the moon, there isn't anything like that. He still see this graters right and that the same thing happen Mars, yeah, and actually there was water on Mars. That bombardment and the that caused. The magna come up out of the corner of Margaret cleaning volcanic activity in shifts. In the mantle and the crust all released hot gas into the martian atmosphere, which thickened it in increased its temperature, which led to reign yes rain,
flooding erosion. So there was like a period at least for a little while of the presence of water. On Mars, there still listed the pope, the presence of unfrozen flowing water, the others not flowing water as of September last year, they found water in the dirt yeah, it's pretty exciting to pints per cubic foot, but with the spoiler assert actually gave his father could happen in the bat right yeah, but it never have you ever heard of the area. Sorry, everyone sitting Craig lichens to Mars at this point as a soft boiled egg and as the eggshells, cooling, the the yoke,
is gonna start busting through the mantle and that's like on earth is what is gonna form things like volcano and again, those volcanoes, their activity that led to the atmosphere in the periods of rain and flooding and erosion, yeah Olympus minds the other to give pixies on a set of policies on her dream of the Olympics. Minds: nice once again the little set on an idea of the olympic Minds is the Lord. The largest walking another in its like it, makes Mt Everest. Look like a molehill as manifested the largest point in the known solar system, the highest point: yeah yeah, the tallest member, are myth busting episode here, where we showed that mountain
It wasn't. The talisman Marilla here on earth amount, a lower is something like six miles from ocean floor. Yes, the rises signal chuck and it's a hundred and forty miles wide at its base year. That's a big mountain here on earth on Mars, which again half the size of earth in diameter, Olympus minds. Sixteen I'll stop and that's not from an ocean floor either no cause. There those are my exactly. But if you want to see something cool typing Mars, Wherewith Mars, look like with ocean and people have done. Come perambulations of it looks really neat like vacation worthy like you, we want to go there to make enemies like a sunny beach with notion. It looks like earth, but with weird kind and then its
hundred seventy miles across the limp is minds, is that's large, it's big and they have like pictures. If you, Google, that Comparative Everest and now it is dwarfed it right and you can see pictures of a tuna, they snap photos of its pretty impressive right, large volcano, which eventually went dormant all the work, knows on Mars, went dormant, that's right up somewhere, possibly about three billion years ago and dumb as the volcanoes went dormant. The the the heat was released. Basically Mars had no more heat to give from its core, which meant that atmosphere. Wasn't it
third, any longer so thin, which led to a drop in temperatures yeah in how we mentioned earlier. How this? The fact that it was smaller than earth is one reason why it's not more like earth. That's the reason it cool so fast year, like earth, witness called nearly as fast now ha and also kept a magnetic field going thanks to its more core Mars did not any longer the thin atmosphere near called temperatures. The atmosphere that was their started, freezing and falling to Mars and was stored is any water that was already on the planet surface. Turning the permafrost here and on Mars became a underwent, what's called the great desiccation event, where became a barren, deserted desert planet, yet
before that. These were. This cannot happen in cycles for awhile, like the volcanic action and then at the gas is being released and like major flooding from water. Until like he said, eventually, it's the cold hot but cold dusty place that we left at the end of which some interesting is the earth and Mars were so similar as they formed and about. At the same time, about three billion years ago, Mars underwent the great desiccation event. An earth underline the great oxygenation event, which gave rise to all life here on earth, the print, the appearance of algae, which created a breathable air. Must fear almost said about the same time to be totally diver. Yes, you different paths it around the same time. I wonder if the main reason was because of its size, yet the cooling
but another earth. Yes, it's interesting had it been the exact same size who know here, maybe we'd be like going there back right now, right on vacation, like Arab swollen, Agar yeah, give for common feral. Did you see the remake? No other heard the role Capri make was, like surprisingly, good planets unexpected there. Seen anything here. That's what, if we wait for tv for that, you really don't care about seeing now and not even dvd. I tv well on watch dvds. Ok, I'm streaming like the rest of the modern world. Not even a laser disk talk about what it's like there on the surface. Yes, the surface of Mars scientist divided into three major parts, the southern.
When's the northern planes in the polar regions which we already said, you can actually see from earth polar Icecaps dislike her, but the ice caps are made of carbon dioxide. So it's dry ice caps ran underneath there is water ice. So the southern highlands are vast. Oliver morning shows its little horrific laid back. I feel like yeah, I got sleepy yeah you're, not riddled with anxieties. Yet now that comes on about noon, I've had enough coffee, I say you ve, got your southern highlands and, like it said their extensive in vast, and it is elevated, it's not the highest part of Mars and heavily cratered and again the high as part of the solar system right because the three Olympus month, that's right in
southern region, the southern highlands and they scientists think it's ancient these islands because of the greater because the grating happened close to four billion years ago- and I was just meteors- can adjust pounding the solar system here all over the world so the southern islands are high and others very pronounced drop of several kilometers down to the northern, Planes near which are low, lying regions are a lot like the seas on the moon, but they do feature raised areas plateaus a couple of them. Yeah the sender cones. Yet while the sinner comes or on the plateaus, I think basically, the mantle bulged up through the crust laugh dinner in the northern region and the mantle just pushed up informed like continent size plateaus that are called crystal upwards flickered yeah I kept thinking I was reading it.
Nope crystal uproarious, and these crystal upwards there's two of one's smaller, its Elysium member Paradise. And the other one is called Tharsis Tharsis. The northern hemisphere is divided into eastern and western hemisphere. Tharsis The West Elysium is in the east, yes celestial names or circle. Really what we have on earth. New Jersey, not Tharsis, no release I should start campaign to rein in New Jersey, Tharsis and then, like the main city, could be Tharsis City which and super futuristic right where in fact, it's Newark, every citizen is issue separately. Servants
so you ve called out Olympus minds is the highest point that is where, in this tharsis region, ok, which this articles confusing because it mentions the Tharsis reason region in the southern to him, and in the northern hemisphere All over the place to find the fanatically where it is- and I think the discrepancy comes from the fact that its ecuadorean, ok, it's pretty close to the equator limp is minds, definitely is without it. It made its both right, but it's about at that point that the air, the highlands off into the northern planes that right then, in Tharsis you have some pretty impressive canyons a system called the values Marineris it makes the Grand Canyon look like a tiny little hole in the ground. It is three hundred
seventy miles wide and twenty six thousand four hundred feet deep, not to slam the Grand Canyon, but if you ve ever been there. Imagine something dwarfing that even write again Mars is half the size of the earth and it doesn't even distort the Grand Canyon, its bigger than the merry trench, which is fifteen didn't eighty miles long. So it's! thousand miles longer than the Marina trench and the Mariana Trances forty, miles wide, the values, Marin, heiresses, thirty, three hundred and seventy miles wide yeah. That's not yet. So it's a big old trench like a game comprehend.
Scan assize when you're standing there now imagine when you're in it, you can't see the edges or anything like that you're just for she can't be in it. Is people can't go to Mars, but in another to me we will eventually you think you almost predicts he will retire in die and be buried on Mars, the thirty he said. It's not it's certainly, but it's a possibility, but that's it go yeah. Well, he's got the data make it happen again and the vision, but you say the same thing. You just got the vision right, you don't have the billions of dollars and I've, never my vision under reporting, where you I must say, though I thought you wanted to do that as well. Now that Oughta Mars, you wanna, get shot out of a cannon out I have been in there a long time ago that there was the new plan to speak cremating distributed with you me she's, really can't you down. She's, like
first things. First, this can above all right he's gotta go the polar regions you can see from like we said, and it is surrounded by a bunch of dunes and they are like, I think he said those fruit frozen carbon dioxide right to reallocate vice. Your honor notes, while we have it your own earthrise, whatever just polarized, respect and like earth depending on the season jobs, are going to change, shape more time, the seals, from the northern caps melt away in and there's water ice below that so not dry ice. Is they call in spanish Agua, and that's, why, apparently, would we sent the Phoenix there there like say nothing? and dig down into the frozen dirt and would see what what is made up of right and they found
water. They found the two pirates Phoenix in find it Phoenix fat like found that the martian soil is filled with perchlorate, which is a big problem for Mars missions. Yeah, that's like very bad for human beings. It's extremely toxic it. The thyroid toxin, has very quick effect as a developmental effect on infants and This is so reproducing on. Mars will be a big problem and even in adults it it has a big effect on your thyroid, which affects year hormone production function in it everywhere. It's in the light. Martian dust in Mars has tons of dust storms that enveloped the whole planet. We'll talk about Everley weeks at a time yet, and there there's perchlorate in those does storm, so he would get em
we were here. They just found out for like a couple months ago that this is everywhere and it's gonna be a huge challenge to Mars missions in the future, but they're saying never. We know about We can design around it. Yeah, it's a seems so uninhabitable. Like an ovum, our lifetime, we're gonna, see it the man emission maybe a whole, definitely a fly by yeah yeah, a man fibre, look at union level, I wheeled that's, not even this region. For me, Elon Musk, Emerson, Myers. There also excited so checkers up next we're gonna talk about the interior Mars because it's what's on inside that counts, but we're gonna do that after these messages
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or in the liquid outer core bright and the interplay between those two creates earths magnetic field. Its right, which allows for the northern lights, encompasses what else that's about it of Mars is core radius is only about nine hundred between nine hundred twelve hundred miles, and it is probably Meda. Also of iron but thrown sulphur. Maybe low oxygen, and they believe I don't think as he said it may be made up, maybe maybe but it's unlikely. So they still don't know. I guess they think that the reason they dont think that its Morton, those because Mars, has very weak magnetic
Field, but maybe not always be- I probably had a strong may know, feel and before the great desiccation event right, but now it doesn't have when they do. They think that if it is Morton, it's not there's not a lot too ok, I'm except around the score is softer mantle, like toothpaste and its wayless. And it is iron and magnesium surrogate about eighteen hundred miles thick and that's when you see a volcano and lava flying from a volcano. That's where that's coming from who had come from the magma through their the liquid. He hasn't it
So we did a packet some against her years ago and remember that was a good one. As one and butter I was worried about it and check the mantle pushing up through the to the surface near accounts for those crystal uplifts up a corpse of works, its way and here on earth. We have things like volcanoes active volcanoes in earthquakes and their largely due to its nice sclusively, due to the fact that we have continental plates right like The crust of the earth, which Mars also has a crust earth's crust, is broken up in these plates that drift and move around something rather against one another year and network fault lines exist alone is following you have volcanoes. An earthquake sprang a Mars. This not the case as a crust, but it's not broken into places solid yeah.
I thought those pretty interesting and that's why there's no active volcanoes right now or one reason, and we were talking about Mars while we probably soon emitted it on the surface, but it's a neat little to bid. If you ask me Do you know I Mars is rust. Colored now causes coded unrest here, it's oxidize iron and the soil which makes it rested. It's a rusty, your planet, a rusty, dusty, called Wendy, but it will perhaps planet yet again. The reason why it's probably uninhabitable is it lacks an atmosphere or it practically lax. Atmosphere? There is very thin ones, still yeah. I guess we can compare that too
to Mars atmospheres, mostly carbon dioxide. Ninety five point: three percent on earth is less than one percent right like you to stop right there yet tyres like less nitrogen. Two point: seven percent compared to seventy eight, not much oxygen are only point, one: three percent: that's the big factor toxic again, and about one, thousandth is much water. Vapor is on earth yeah Unita to inhospitable, which is why they are that there are proposals to cede Mars to tear form it yeah, basically going like artificially stimulate an atmosphere form so that in ten thousand fifty thousand two hundred thousand years it could conceivably be habitable yet, and we ve shown that you yet these are coming together to long term plan, but
sure, which means will never do it. Elon musk, well, maybe his grandchildren. So the atmosphere pressure on Mars is interesting to its super low and super cold, and that's it There is no water liquid flowing because it's either going to freeze or evaporate Ryan just exist as water. These days nope, but like we said possibly probably did at one point yet so you ve got a thin atmosphere, which means a lot of fun. Solar radiation is not blocked, is not refer. Yeah, I'm, which means that you have very wild, swings in daily average temperature on Mars, because Mars does have a day. It does rotate yeah and actually rotates at about the same rate as earth. The Mars Saul, which is short for solar day. It's just about forty three minutes longer than earth
day area yeah, but because it further out away from the sun in orbit around the sun takes longer. So each year is about twice as long as you're an earth. Six hundred and eighty six point nine eight earth days, which means the seasons last longer right, which makes them more extreme, as will see yeah, and you talked about the temperature fluctuation, it's almost a hundred degrees Fahrenheit on a daily basis. The difference in temperature is that this is not a that's enormous again, not very friendly. For us humans not bore figure it out. You have to pack a big suitcase. You know you have the backyard, your phone as well as your arctic explore coat? We could therefore thong under your Arctic explored Commonwealth, courtly layers, Mary so the key, the Mars, where layers pack big. Where layers
but, like you said, there are seasons in the spring. In early summer, the sun heats up the atmosphere in the dust lifted. And then makes it even hotter. What's that just as in the atmosphere- and it basically is what causes those big dust worn through talking about yeah? Does the dust particles get suspended and invite more heat which spends more particles in they create wind, like iron twenty mile in our wines, yet you're just like here on earth. It creates convection cells which creates wind and, as those wind speed whip up, because the atmosphere thinner, you have to have higher speeds, because the wind has west to push against excess air to push against their. So it
higher speed winds, but once they do hit something like a hundred twenty miles an hour, the entire planet can become enveloped in a desert, storm gear that can last month that's crazy and again it's not just dusted dust with one of the more toxic compounds known to humanity. In every bit of it here and it's not gonna blow off a Mars rover. These things in no way like in the times the icing their realities, one time went on, and actually what strange is the dust terms it says? Are beneficial Keziah blows Any am martian dirt cake down the solar panels, yeah them, since they were. Maybe it might reveal something yeah there wasn't there before, like a pyramid that critical Chuck. I won't talk about water on Mars, but first, let's you a message. Hello step. You should know listeners. Do you want a new year's resolution? That's easy to keep yes resolve to help
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So I guess we'll get through the water part that was NASA's directive. Follow the water from many years and still is really cause they think therein holds the key to the big question: is their possibilities of having life on Mars? Is her life? Was their life on Mars near and we're not talking about Martians, unfortunately, were talking about. Bacteria, which could be Martians. I mean if it lives on Mars its Martin. I guess it's a good point. Everybody does basically needs to lower the bar for their expectations of what a martian is. Yeah right. You don't owe me and said little agreement. The bacteria and this article was her nose. Pre curiosity, but it just a couple months ago curiosity confirmed that there is water present in the soil and they think it's everywhere It's basically, the soil has a very big gum, leaching property yeah where it absorbs water,
and the atmosphere and locks it in there so that, if, if we went up there, we could extract about, like I said, to pint of water from every cubic foot of soil that mind to recall. It is critical. Again, though, we have per chlorate problem is everywhere. It would get in the water and one of the ways that it transfers to humans and becomes toxic is through drinking water. So we'd have to deal with that, but I radically the thing about her glory being there. It's also used in solid rocket fuel here on earth. I really so we would need it to get to Mars thought we got to Mars. We wouldn't want to have an interesting
It is very ironic thanks, so you're talking Chuck about how water could conceivably led to life on Mars. Yes, we its vital the life, it's one of the vital parts of life. You can remember the term for him, not building block that one of the essential something's for life component. Yes, yeah yeah. I believe it is essential the life we work better together. This has been morning edition, and now now they found on Mars and confirm that it is there and they knew all along that there is water ice on Mars. It makes that Martian Rock from Four billion years ago seem all the more likely that it is displaying evidence of fossilized microbes yet and they use
think that there was methane and the atmosphere trace amounts, but I think that has been debunked now with our really upon further research, yeah yeah, because again in this article was written, it sounds like they thought it was still like this Build had detected methane and they didn't know whether it was from of biological and chemical origin. Yet more is, as of October, two thousand twelve. Analyze the atmosphere for methane six times and basically found no more than one point three parts per billion net. It's not good for evidence of life. Yet that's about one six as much as they had previously estimated in there. Well, maybe it went somewhere, you own it in and data.
So I said now it wouldn't damn it would have been super exciting, but its methane doesn't distribute and leave like that that quickly around like it would still be around here. So unfortunately, no speaker methane as evidence of life. Remember our termite episode, somebody wrote in to say: did you know? Termites are like a huge contributor of methane. The earth there, the second largest contributor of methane after livestock, while even being out humans, will have us crazy because we shoot allotted docks, we humans, Some of us than other termite service be applied to an insect, so bacteria martian. Soil has been known to be like, formerly chemically active, but maybe not biologically, but it is the maybe, because ever get example in Greenland. They found bacteria that was doormat hundred and twenty thousand years,
in the Eyes and when they unfrozen it sort of multiplying again in the beginning of the apocalypse here, that's gonna creepy her by like not stopping possibly in the polar icecaps on Mars, maybe that's going on to which don't know yeah yeah. They think that it is very I suppose you could take some of them- the extreme file bacteria ones. They live, liken, volcanic vents, undersea and things like that year and transplant them to Mars and some of them. Would survive specially mineral, thriving bacteria ones that like eat, minerals right, you can put them on Mars and they would they would do ok, possibly well spaceships, like.
If we could possibly bring our own bacteria, thereby accident as well. You know, just from like I think the international space Station had a collided. It yeah and possibly legionella millionaires disease. On the eye aside, while the ISIS that sounds like a bit like a movie waiting to happen, Sheriff Argosy sorted it, Without when I was there was it a disease are now in a disease that was just a cop Jason, a bad guy here, like a wonderful hold that I doubt it if it held up it, be alien. Like it would still be in the rotation, but that went unplanned, cable, very open you, I'm really does it
that is pretty good evidence to I remember the outlined a mad magazine didn't have the only another given so suck. You remember. We took him out way back how the Viking and Mariner and Mars Orbiters year provided this. Evidence that Mars is just a dead baron planet and really undermine the idea that there is possibly life there and that it was lush yeah. Well, it also provided some conspiracy theories, pretty solid evidence that there was or is some sort of civilization on Mars has yeah Viking one and nineteen. Seventy six produced a photo that looked
a whole lot like a veronique type face slowly. I am. I have seen that the face Amara pretty clearly a face. Look at it. It was two miles from head to toe from top to bottom, that was Jesus on a piece of toast, no, I mean it looks like it. Looked like a artificially constructed monument of faith Wasn't like Jesus on a peace, a toast. No I mean it looks like it looked like a artificially constructed monument of face of a monument, maybe when they did toppled and was now just poking out from the Martians. Kind of a garbled look right. I looked again more recently, maybe two thousand and eight or two thousand eleven, and it's very clearly just emesa most disappointing. It is especially likely look at their original. While here will now go and you look at the Viking one photo here, it looks like it toppled statue had their, does it actually factored into that
terrible movie mission, Martha really what I saw a hippie wrought by the way, a really knew that the last Amazon there was among their. He just walked into the woods. Tat have been exceeded, one that that was brand upon my when it I think it might have been supporting I mean it had an also kiss Dearie cities Don Tito here, I think, built Paxton, maybe or comment now thinkers Pomerania, but I might be confusing bill pack them from APOLLO. Thirteen anyway. It didn't pan out very well here, but you do anything else. Yeah I know why this article is a mention of Mars, has to move forwards in data, say I didn't get into that. It all now
and Mars Potter AM pops up impact culture lot. There's the Mars Walter, the band yeah. He had. The boy had Sancho life on Mars. One of the great aunt the misdeeds had the greatest MAR song teenagers from Mars. That's a great song, yeah. Oh, what's his name your letter right, thirty, that against the more he sat near they're, gonna, Inter right after the Asker win I had never heard any of his music until the other day. I was like what are they like in and we tried to describe it. Then she, despite the song, is not my bag, my name but good. For him. Oh yeah, I think there is a huge internationally he's got gout. You know that I did not know that he is lay off the pathway now think here, I think it was had to do with his weight gain and loss for the job. Linen the Mark Data Chapman move ahead.
Oh, really got a fat to play more David Chapman than like girls can again. I think I got because of it and then got even skin to play ring on endows fires, Claudia Dude, have you seen it? Yes, how thin can two people get pretty there Yeah like the two of them together. Making me and there's gotta be happening, but there's gotta be a safe way to losing regain wave yeah, but I'll bet, there's not very many safe ways to gain wait to make yourself look pudgy now I mean, and then they lose it again. I'll bet when it's been down like from the narrative fat MAC on our Sonny, I think they said it is eat, like lots of garbage near and as pilot on.
A bit it all now, but you know that's one of my Pepys when you take a fit person, unlike the gain thirty pounds for movie in it. Like that, you don't look like a fat person, he looked like a fit person who, like has descended belly. It takes years to get this look set to work at it, the sculptor, yeah. Ok, you got anything else. I got nothing else. I think this is better than the sun. Oh yeah, Those are our celestial episodes, go far less physics that we had to deal with. What we have done, the moon tat, every link. We have heavy theory, have we done the moon? I think we did because we talked about its origin, whether it was calves, whether it was a separate accretion, I'm pretty sure we ve done the moon will look at it does get bad when it we need to get a list We do so quite boring everyone with this year. You think we doubted it out, but we just don't worry.
If you want to learn more about Mars, you can type. The word into the search bar has the works that calm and, since I said, search bar sign for listener mail, Josh call this your theory on eating what you crave. Did you see the c now? just listen to the salt, podcast deeds and Josh posture that you can get just fine eating only what you grave, I'm, not sure how serious he was, the fairly serious failings. I agree that depends on whether they are all agree that a hundred and fifty years ago this may have been pretty viable these days. It's a different story. Lot of evidence that points to food manufacturers actually designing junk foods that make you crave. More of them a mainly sugar and fat heavy foods. Others, one great book in particular called good calories. Vat calories by Gary Tubs basically tells the story of how
a lot of what the FDA in USDA recommends is wrong and how it got that way. For instance, the guy who conducted these seven countries study, which is what caused the government to save that, will kill you simply throughout data that contradicted the result. He was looking for throwing the fact that corner subsidizing super cheap, where the recipe for an obese misinformed population, this addicted to sugar, it has been fed terribly wrong information about health for a long time. Yeah I've learned recently like you're supposed to have fats are good fats and there are bad like low fat is not a good way to go. Anybody hurt in kind of foisted on foisted differences. I regret that Steve gown the bomber in what he calls good old, New Jersey or, as we call Tharsis hers,
from Tharsis City. That is Steve ARM. I don't know if he's from Tharsis City or not, but he's from somewhere versus there is a really good article about how food scientists engineer foods to make us crave them is on the New York Times is a couple ago, via Ganem, Michael MOSS Year in and year defence, I don't think you were Thank you minute. More is along the lines of craving real foods and not necessarily craving beneficiaries, Right now, I meant like, like the craving estate or something like that. The area not Knowing that, in going with you know, I had a letter straight Bulgaria,
I can't find the name of the article by its Michaelmas article and its from the New York Times and dude. It's good. It's one of those really extensive long form ones that, like should belong form because there is so much greater regulation, and I opened so look it up everybody. It will open your eyes if you want again touch the check in me, you can tweak to us that as well as care package, you can join someplace, but that complex that you should know you can send a city mail, the stuff Pike S discovered. I can't check out. Are you to channel Josh and Chuck it's pretty fun and also be sure to hang out on our website stuff. You should know dot com.
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-15.