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How Bounty Hunters Work

2010-02-25 | 🔗

In part two of their series on bail, Josh and Chuck talk about bail enforcement agents, a.k.a. bounty hunters.

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it's ready are you welcome to study should now run faster, for external aid walked into the podcast on Josh Clark, there's Charles the retort Brian. Yes, indeed, I'm here I did not get bail, no, you didn't junk and if you had What would have happened right? Maybe a bounty hunter would come after part, two Josh, our first ever lameter, but this is a two part: sweet, yes, definite. First ever thank you. Steve reader steed
yeah and again it was a mp- are three part series on bail in the United States. That kind of kick this thing off yeah. I guess it is worth reading, go to impurity org and you can check it out. I think you'd probably just type bail in their handy search bar but yeah. We asked the question at the end of the last pug Cassa came out on Tuesday. Here it is Thursday. The question was: what happens when you skip bail right and as we just established, you get a bounty hunters sick done Europe. Yes, in many cases at exactly what will happen? Is abandonment,
no higher what they liked to be referred to as a bail enforcement agent. But of course we like to compounding hunters cause assisted corn, and it is a way cooler name is a name that goes back several centuries right at least yet one or two was sure you talking about the old West yeah. They add when that the whole thing started was when Numb believe in eighteen. Seventy three Supreme Court case Kramer versus Kramer. Now, Taylor versus Painter, Taylor versus danger, disk. Gave bounty hunters authority to act, is agent for bail, bondsman and then starting then, and even if it wasn't a bail bondsman, there would be the wanted poster an old west like bringing back dead or alive. Of course s sister abounding in someone's head right, because you bring him back dead, there's not much good in courts. Dead is easier transport and yet, but that's the way it started, and I believe what was Jesse James was worth five
grant speak yet. Did you go into the currency converter? I did neither hundreds and while I would have thought more, you have been very different than like. Now he would probably like two million, oh sure, actually he's worth about a hundred million a drink dollars. Yeah we're here are basing Matt on an article by Stephanie Watson who talk to a very legendary bounty hunter, the name of Bob Burton. Yet he saw the picture of my. I didn't. He looks like a total bed. Do Leah carrying the shot gun in the cab we had here. He is awesome quotes and I just wish we had same Elliot in the studio to read every critical heavy, also about burden in, I believe, two thousand seven, yes to those seven made twenty thousand arrests yet heinous. His agency, an ace personally made many many thousand over the last twenty five years that he's been in business. Yet his director of the national,
where's, my agency yeah. I guess it's just the name of his company right Thea so will be leaning on him a little bit for some pointers about bounty hunting right yet can we go hidden issued the first quote: yeah counterfeits, Emily as bounty hunters were driving around bad neighborhoods talking too stupid people, drinking called coffee and looking for bad guys, and they talk about the glory of it all for every book we make arresting someone, we make a thousand in agenda dollars right so not just the rush of it all sure you run upon a bad guy, get your gun in his mouth in USA and try something try something I owe you pump. It invited buddy awesome yeah, so Jesse James would be worth about two hundred million in additional or ten percent of that is what the bounty hunter would aren't right. Sure
is the cat out of the bag eminence was thrown out? No, you know it's good yeah yeah the usually get. I think, ten to twenty percent of the total amount of bail right yeah. So they will get this from the bail bondsman, so the bail bondsman obviously doesn't have to pay or not pay. The huge amount will yet literary capital, quick when you go to jail. If you contract the services of a bail bondsman, yes, the bill, you pay them a ten percent premium and the bail bondsman tells the court. I got this guy you're technically this persons in my cut, did. He and I will see to it that he or she makes it to the court appearance in the meantime you're out free and if you skip, then that means supposedly that the bail bondsman is on the hook for you right to pay your entire bail so bright that you gave the bail bondsman a ten percent premium say it was five thousand dollars there on the hook to pay the fifty
thousand dollars right. Indeed, if they are in a county or a state where they're not where they don't have the local court system and the local commissioners in their back pocket, then they might actually have to pay that bail right, and so they send a bounty hunter after you right, ok, so the bounty works for the bail bondsman. Rarely are they won in the same yet two different professions Chuckie said Adam back in the wild West. It there used to be one in pushes a dead or alive area. It's pretty infrequent. These two he's getting the other dead part. Yet because you want to obviously collect your money and you cannot, as about hundred bring in a dead suspect, because that does no one any good. You don't get any payment and you cannot even now do the old reform up. No, because you can bring a raft up.
Did it to the jail all day. Long and six were not taken up because yes replied, the fugitive could say. Oh actually, it was the county that did this to me, because I have deeper pockets and the bell. The bounty hunter. Who did so? Yes, he used. The idea is to bring them in his gently as possible without excessive force, and I think they said only three to four percent of the suspects even put up a I'd and usually that's just I'll. Try to run or offer warm around is not truly like some big violent confrontation. There was a Bob burdens, estimate, ok, yeah, but I imagine that he hardly pretty much prettier, exemplary, the rest of the field yeah, and he also about pointed out that an experience, bounty Hunter can make fifty two eighty and probably up to a hundred grand a year provided- and I have like a tv show her book deal right
get to in a moment ago. We said in the last podcast that when you sign a bail bond contract, you are signing a document that is, unlike any other you're, going to ever sign for the rest of your life. You, I didn't know that you are waving some serious, serious, the additional rights for wine. You are giving the bounty hunter more jurisdiction over Catherine, you than any police agency, yet basically giving them permission to come after you and use almost any kind of means necessary to come and get it right your waving any right to extradition, sure within the United States and you're, also saying that you know why you don't have to read me. My Miranda Yeah and if you know where I live, you can come into my house to try to arrest me yet as long as you're sure to hide its my let's talk about. It is amazing that bill, I'm sorry, bounty hunters actually have
a way more leeway than cops. Do they dont have warrants? We can invest in your house, they can go through your mail gothic trash. Obviously they can took off, go behind the scenes and do some more unscrupulous things. Laws no knows about it. Then it's all well and good burn mention that hill hilltop anywhere from fifty two three hundred bucks, really a motel clerk or sure bartender bouncer right to give them a call. If you show up and what they need to do this Josh
very, very little, not very much know it depends. It depends on the state and in Kentucky Illinois in Oregon. You're, not gonna, find any bounty hunters and I can find any bail bond in companies either, but, like we said that you were you wave your right to extradition right against her extradition within the United States. Arms of these, these states are aware that people do come to their states to flee as fugitives, because nobody, hundreds of right and a bounty hunter, is going to come into their state after him now say like Kentucky. Ah, you can make an arrest as bounty Hunter in Kentucky by you have to go to their court system first and say I need a warrant. Yet this is actually a pretty yeah. I think it would be the ultimate deal for the bounty hunters. If your your suspect goes. Kentucky has basically ago you get a court order and the judge will have a police officer. Do the dirty work in the other Illinois
and a rest, the person and then you can have them, remained to your custody right. So you get the award write to you, don't even have to capture them. Now you don't, but I imagine, probably, if you're a bounty hunter, you probably hate working with the cops he thanked, because it slows things down, share your Craddock and you're not used to playing by the same rules that they are yet dry. Imagine it probably is a fly in the ointment when you have to go get somebody in Illinois your yet and I sat. Can they do anything Josh they want to? Are they completely above the law? No, definitely not! There's some. What one sterling example of what you can't do is cross international lines in pursuit of a fugitive. That's bad news, one! they should not want to go as Mexico. Yes, that is dogged. The alleged racist bounty Hunter, who has a tv show on any, and I call on that because he was famously spouted, a bunch of nasty racist things. Did you hear the record yeah? He seemed like a picture to be honest, allegedly
but yeah he actually caught a very famous criminal in Mexico yeah. It was some Andrew Lustre who is the next factor air back in browsing through you remember those big deal, oh yeah, and he got in big trouble for it. He first recoup some of his share of the million bucks and then Mexico said wait a minute. It's illegal here. You are under arrest her, but we'll. Let you out on bail, they hear the they. They did, let him out on bail and he is given Our job is to bring people who skip out on bail and he skipped out on bail. He did so Mexico wanted to extradite this guy, but by that time had already made a name for himself. There is a famous tv starkey, so congolese or rice write a letter on his behalf to Mexico, saying just drop extradition and less costly,
no we're gonna drive like to vouch for dog. Yes, what? If that's, what the letter said? Yeah, I'm sure it makes guess. I know when I can and extradite and the court said, send him to seize yet have been sent to him, but while they dropped the charges are they did near a couple years ago. They dropped the charges, so he's off he's off Scot free and he stuck his thing. His tv shows can't are suspended for a little while because of the racist remarks in this whole Mexico thing, but it's going strong again yeah. I think, as the american public is the forgive you, if you will
us down doors on tv for them. Yet who wrote this actually? Others, Stephanie Watson? Seventy Watson wrote about dog, a bounty hunter, his malted militia. I thought how shrilly that, if the other thing Joshua was interesting, that they cannot do, and it seems like a pretty big loophole, is they cannot enter the hum of a friend or family member to catch? You know so seems to each decide out with a friend or family. That is becoming quite clear that if you were, I ever jump bail, jump bond church. We should go stay at the house of a friend or family member, no people in Kentucky. Okay, I neither address. I could go stay with us. Stacy horned parent hammer shut, but they can come and get me who cares they can sit outside the house at the moment you come out. Buddy
are the house at the moment you come out buddy. I just I'd, be shutting the chuck scattered all worth that you are right shock, but yet they just about everything else they can do to can't. Russia now can't go into Mexico, although and mine, they would do and they can't go into the houses of friends of family members right. What are they doing like they're, using everything else at their disposal right, yeah, they're, doing stuff that probably a good detective might do their accessing your files in your records phone records, maybe credit card receive yeah asking around on the street trying to find out where you like to hang out. You pull right like anything yeah, and then you stick it out like a cop. Would you know, some of them use like spy gadgets like pinhole camera, I'm at the vision, gotta hunting, yeah, maybe go and but yeah seems like a stick out, is probably one of the bigger parts of the job of a hunter. Yes, several
our several days. I would rise and ours if you're really really lucky, yes, and then you make the arrest right Josh, but that's not the most important thing they have to their advantages. It no Stephanie points out. It is what the element of surprise yeah yeah like this, I'm sure you can your nodded. Police officer. Not so you can totally trick anybody anywhere. You can celebrate dress up as a meter. Reader to get it into their house? Candy grab your friend. Remember, Ranger came at all they open the door, you say you bs guy and then no Miranda, nothing that is best in their input. You down the ground, yeah, that's pretty hanky,
a little thank you, but it is a real job. It's bona fide an you're saying you guys can do this to me when you sign your bail bond contract law, exactly that's the key Joshua. They carry guns. Oh yes, Kerrigan secular, depending on the state, you may have the license it with the state in Georgia. Yet where we live, yes, you have to be twenty five. Ok, you have to check, have a gun since no check you have to work for only one bail bondsman. This is a kind of a big deal there, freelance bounty hunters who worked for anybody Non Bushy, dough code, bounty, hunters, right, ok and allowed estate saying- and I know you you can't do- that- can be a bounty hunter, but you have to work for an express bail bondsman and they have to have you on their books and rang only be him and if you show up in someone else's butcher and huge shovel right, so you're still a freelance her
Technically you not on their upon their staff in some your independent contractor, but you exclusively work with that, but right, I think I can go either way. Legally speaking, I don't know practically speaking, but legally speaking, you can either beyond their staff or you could be an independent contractor, but which are contracted with one bail, Bondsman Bill binding company. Yet that's it gotcha, ok, but there are states that allow freelancers, which ones are those dinner. I think it's more most states allow rather than fewer state that I know of Florida. North Carolina in South Carolina have rules about freelancing. Well, that's all we care about is were likely to get arrested and here in the South EAST sure, ok, but not by freelancer. I gotta know the quote from Mr Bruton: Joshua Ready puts. It is very difficult for a wife to say to her husband when he's walking out the door at midnight with a shotgun have a nice day at the office, so said the worry factor it still, even though its usually nonviolent, it seems
you're goin out on your own without the protection of a police officers. Well, sessile, scary, and there is one other trick- the that burden points out in its called finding out the Judas yeah. I remember we said that in the end they ll binding episode that in most cases, the Bilbil company take something and collateral from outside of your parents, say the totally your parents, how sure? Let's say you skip bail anyway, you're pair
probably gonna, be fairly pissed at you for doing that? Yeah now, all of a sudden, they may say you know what I want him back here, because I want to keep my house met so Burton figures out who you wrong by jumping, bail or exhaustively, who you wrong in the first place, get arrested, trailer drug deal like that and then he'll go for he'll, find that person and get the information of where you are where you like to shew pool, as you put it right. That's the Judas, obviously name from the Bible, as voted by Will character, but I guess I do this is real, sold out Jesus, that's pretty popular name, baby name Judas in aid off her head right, Lucifer and Chuck. Lastly, how do you get to be a bounty hunter believe in and I do there are schools you're starting to have programmes and bounty hunters and degrees and measure what schools, oh, I can guess, but they're out there
and is it like evening and we can schools economic problems or maybe online schools which I have to say. Gaining more more accreditation and credibility before they don't want to point out one of the co little tricks. I saw as though the rig certain things ahead of time to make it harder for you to escape like if they know they're gonna, go to your house. They'll go to your car first area like jam, something in the keyhole like paper. Yes, I think that they get away out the back door opposite there at their car fumbling with their keys, and you walk up with your taser and put him down the ground or learn just run and put your that your gun in their mouth. Yet he could do that to you can be a female. We keep saying Camelot. Yet he pointed out that you know it's a judgment call in the use of force. He said if you're coming up to a twenty five year old girl here was wanted fur kiting checks, he's gonna, say, look to come with us. You wanna handcuff, you as well, how usually goes down sure not like in them
ever seen a good value for money dead man yet demands good. When we talked about that, what about my favorite Josh was besides midnight, run on the company and was the Hunter steed Mcqueen Spinal picture. I never saw the two Goodwin I don't know they have ever seen a Steve Mcqueen Movie. Why you never seen bullet know you never seen the greatest gape. I think in most of the greatest gate? Isn't Dustin Hoffman. There are some really think cocoa, glasses, Nathless Pappy, on a kill than I seem Pepe on Sea Mcqueen was another ok, so I have seen a steamer clean, but yeah check out the hundreds last movie and nineteen eighty I was confused. The great escape with hooligans here is similar That is bad, is it done bearing on? We are. Those are two part sweet again check out. The MP are expos ay. I guess you color on bail binding in the United States, its pretty eye opening,
always going to want to keep at least a hundred fifty dollars in your socks, just in case in a chair, and you can also no more about bail and bounty honing by typing those words into the search bar has to work that come, which leads us, of course, Chuck listener mail. Not yet, sir. I am now so we are going to issue what I believe is our first ever official apology that can't be right to people where we apologise other place all the time, but this is official because we inadvertently offended Jehovah's witnesses and be listener male segment from last week, where the kid road and about his uncle, who gave the blood transfusion others witness, even though they refused at first the portuguese Doktor Brazil. Yes- and we did it was this week- is too was it? Ok. Well
I want to apologize officially to them, because we had quite a few Jehovah's witnesses right in and it came across as saying that they were just willing to let their kid died and they were callous in this non Jehovah's witness save the day and Bubba Blah, and that is not what we were thinking it's time is. It was just like a a nice hero letter in my mind, so sorry guys, we didn't know he had so many of you out there listening to us and also they also pointed out bloodless surgery would be a topic, and it's very viable thing. So we can look into that. Ok, so you feel better. I do so. I guess it's at right. Right now sent from yes Josh. This is from a call this canadian email. You will say that this is from James K in Calgary Alberta. Doesn't Canada is it? Is we ve been chided for saying, Calgary, Canada, that's like saying,
that's an upper envy is a big devoted listener and basically has mainline them since the end of September, like so many people, do, will discover that back ass. It was like a hundred. Fifty of them they hate us and not the case with James. He says I listen to every part catch you have and there are no more left no more I'm drowning man a wash in a sea of confusion and lethargy, amiss
the day to day, knowing that you will not cannot be there beside me, I've worked my diction up to the point of frenzy and then got cold turkey in an instant and it hurts it hurts more than you'll ever know. So please, please, give me more. Have it might be destructive might be pulling me down away from everything I firmly held dear and into the pit, some cesspools intellectual fervour, but I dont care. I want my fix, I need it and you are the only ones who can look me up doors for ever James. She could change the cynicism money and he actually pointed out a few stats. A hundred and eighty three podcast, there's a few more since who wrote in three hundred outside three thousand two hundred thirty four minutes of information and entertainment. I don't know about either those and the first podcast with me does gum really stand your stomach for seven years. Those days when we recorded intention
Five minutes I came and episodes without me. This is nineteen at another that many without me there. We should probably rerecord those nineteen the race them. There is somebody topics in it: S, okay, if you any ideas for podcast topic. So we can create new podcast Virginia in all the other S, why escape junkies out their competent, an email, bang it out to Stuff Podcast House works that camp were more on this and thousands of other topics. Is it how stuff works out com What more enough words check out our blogs on the house works that come home, brought you by the reinvented two thousand twelve Camry. It's ready are you text. They will be here
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-28.