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Fire twucks! Fire twucks! (sic)

2018-11-22 | 🔗

Who doesn't love fire engines? We certainly do. So much that we geeked out on this one in a big way. Enjoy!

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You at Lexus their greatest curiosity. Is you because the most amazing machines are inspired by machines, their inspired by people? That's why Lexus ask different questions, better questions, more human questions. Like? Can you see with your? Here's an answers are is inspiring as you are, which may leave you with one question: What amazing ideas will inspire. You next discover the answers at Lexus DOT. Com, slash curiosity, welcomed study should now from house, therefore stock, how come near the podcast beep beep, I'm Josh Clark, there's Charles W Fire Chief Bryant and there's Jim fired, Commissioner Roland I'm just a class one
fighter. For that's, ok, because this stuff, you should know that the fire tradition, I should say I think, every time you say fired truck. We should they fired, walk again for the whole episode fire to execute. That's about the level of engagement that everyone can expect from us is episode. I love fire trucks. Like my inner three year old is like yes, let's do this and give me like a Fisher price drum to bang on while we're talkin about it. Did you xylophone yeah, and if you hear me sighing repeatedly just to give you context its election day and I'm just in a bad mood, donkey political shock, Mama, I'm just heart. What was it? I said. I said I'm already dreading mine hang over that I'm gonna have to Morrow fits right and I have it. I was like I get a drink for a few days, proceeding Tuesday. I you,
Saving you liver up yet is the man was due to signal. Our trucks are happy. Let's have you been honour, our fire drug yeah, company via Jack. It's the way back machine is now he tricked out fired truck yes and you know what's funny to bring full circle. We have in one of our little quiet rooms, we have little quiet rooms in go like take a phone call centres. Take him out of there and we have one of our old school straightens at least a blow those up in frame them under fire truck. Yet the old house, therefore, excite website led Dempsey, made those led them. And it looks great, and so I was on the phone this morning I got up early to go vote Emily, for you, Emily texted me by the way is I got it all the way, but I waited in a longer line. Then, the first rush
it's a longer line than it like nine fifteen Emily. Well, yes, there's no one here to work here. So I guess it gonna had to I go vote Emily calls me and says it. My daughter, upset because she thinks I went to boat and she's upset, because I didn't take her sailing, so she's crying Emily's Ike know what to do. Can you get on faced time at least ensure that your work, Ossetia and not say right? Let me put on my cat and tat is a mess. I thought of that sort the choir room get on face time and in the ground face time is that fire twog were immediately took over the conversation. Issues like by a drug and our kids, like fire trucks, jury to surmount her daughter, less far trot yeah. So in a weird way, it all. Just sort of came around I want to get in on this to Mama rose fire trucks as well most far too so she loves him
and my dogs howl at the moon. Our young doesn't do really ironstone per year, not begun, thunder yet dogs, don't mind thunder, but they hate. For his iron. Just sirens hither their hearing gesture I guess, or maybe they're singing songs of love like I'm. No, I didn't have never asked to be honest, but they how its iron's. So I want to say- something right out of the gate there. I never understood you ve heard of a fire truck. You ve heard of a fire engine you probably heard somebody point two a fire chalking, go there's a fire chuck and then somebody else points of that same very tricky says: there's a fire engine. Yes, it's interchangeable that actually wrong. There is a difference between a fire truck in a fire engine and the difference is
yeah, but still in the practical world of just people and kids largely symmetrical, but well there is a difference, so people and kids who are wrong. Well, Let me say this: we will explain to you the difference and then it's up to you. If you want to go around a people and say that's a fire, truck not a fire engine, actually we should advise you now, not don't do it, but just hold that knowledge in year in your brain sure. So, what's the deal it to yourself, as it is a big difference sooner one actually holds water and that the main this year, if you take away the word fire right from, you're joking fire engine. You got an engine in a truck and if who understand the origin of fire engines. It would make total its vital engines, were
Generally, just a water pump used to doubts, water and a fire wasn't on a truck wasn't on wheels near his on a sled that people dragged from one place to another man in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe and America. It was engine for pumping water right yes and if today if you are appropriately using the word fire engine while you're talking about is a vehicle with four wheels that is basically the poor than for wheels easier to find wheels. The four and a half open in the centre is fewer, is to move a giant amount of water and a pump some hoses to a fire to doubts water, if I see thing. Is it was in the sixteen eighty as it is today, it's just updated get a lot more easy to get it from point a to point b right, that's a fire engine was a fire trucks well, a fire truck, doesn't have that water tank full of water, Right has like ladders. Fighters,
they can even be hooked up to a hydrant. Yeah play today doesn't like if you live about and sticks and you're ear, farm house is on fire, which is super sad, but in other words we now live near fire hydrant. You can still get that fire put out. If you have a fire engineer by right, an usually with there's a structure, fires something the first truck that shows is going to be the fire engine, they're they're gonna say You get the water and usually the foam out there and start sprain. This thing, Dounia in a fight, trot, may not even show up depending on how the fire engine does controlling the fire with the water yet or that they show cause. Canada, sport, it right and where they are born likely. Chile, five times today, I hired failure by the fire truck if it does show up EL shop with a bunch of fire fighters who probably aren't gonna mess with any hoses they're gonna run in there and rescue people they're going to collapse,
Holes into the roof to get the water in their there there, like assisting the people with the and we'll get you much more in depth about this Phyllis, let's talk about the history of fire engines. Little Are you ready for that year because, like you said they were pulled by people in that you know the downside is that their many downsides of that, but one of the biggest ones is once they get to the actual place where they need it. You're, tired pulling like a giant metal tank of water with a pump attached to it like we're here, but hint were not very good. Work right now. We're here we're tired give users who are fairly out fifteen minutes. Eventually they they started to use horses, but again and you know these things were heavy, so even horses wore out yeah. You know after six or seven blocks these horses really Now, I'm tired right, the we'll be like retired horse in the horse had to stop once near, so that that helps all problems
but it was really the advent of the you know now. The fire engine, but the car. Motor well, yeah Firstly, the steam getting our aim truck periodically by the early Firefox, like those things blow up, and there are not very reliable, so it actually, catch on very well. It wasn't it like the motor powered vehicle like a diesel powered motor engine combustion engine. That's what I'm looking for here and I think about the nineteen tens when fire engine started carrying those or being moved around on those that's when it really started. And then for a little while until the twenty or thirties steam. In horse drawn fire fighting equipment yet go exhibit the fire truck here, whereas the fire engine moving this heavy huge amount of water thousand combustion, engine that did that yeah. And then it says here. Nineteen eleven, those MAC trucks started pumping out, genes and motorized vehicles. So right now, We change things.
And then, of course, if you lost your skyscrapers, podcast, nineteen thirty is bill. Billing started getting tolerant, taller and or our hotel fires Podcast India. Then that became a problem there. Like we just figured out how to get here quickly and now you're building these tall buildings they catch on fire. So that's when these latter ladder technology started. Yet there are kind of forced to ramp up their their game in terms of getting people higher and higher up yeah, so when you, when you had like horses, finally pulling stuff you still head- hired fire fighters who had to run to the fire So they write on sideboards this made a harder for the horses. So finally, somebody said less to separate these two things. Right: let's come over the fire trucks in fire engines, the first are going to move the fire fighters to the fire. So they won't be tired and in some Several now a skyscraper. Now we need a different kind of truck the latter truck right. So technically
from what I can tell you're, going to find compelled of all these, and I think all the different kinds of fire was his calm fire trucks. Ok, but there also specialised chuck that specialise in delivering water church took that specialise in delivering equipment in prison. Now and then try that specialise in ladders? Yes, we'll get yes, so that's kind, do. You can have it all in one track or you can have a broken out into three specialised trucks yeah and in what kind of trucks you have in your local municipality or county depends on alive, things. How well funded how many people live there, how rural it is or how jam pact it is. It's really. That means the science in itself. In a city like New York, yeah too make sure your covered fully right, like every nook and cranny of New York City discovered. What was that
early like computer civilization simulation call. I think that his colleague civilization or something like that those game yeah but is a thing we're like fires. Break out in your town. You even think about that. Did you if you re going to send out a fire brigade here and if you just neglected it, then all of a sudden the area around it will fall into ruin and then there be like discontent among the population, a young man. I was him fun, building a shopping mall right now. I think you have is earned Albert building right Hum camera was called, I'm sure, gonna hear those it resumes. Was it no? No, it was. It was much less sophisticated and simple varying growth, for I never played one of those. I think that was actually the slogan. The quote on the box and much less sophisticated assumes bavarian grossing so with a world war, two or postal were too as when you got these buckets. I don't think we mention the bucket brigade. You know you ve heard that term. That was fire engine and that's when they
You know how long lines of men filling a bucket of water and handing him to the guy nastier? That's how they fall. Fires are pretty amazing. Through I saw one zero, quick ass. I think on twitter there's a book storing and believe the UK they moved locations down like down the road still basically a bucket brigade of volunteers, who just handed it book by book how nice and moved from a neighbouring country and other than they large, the guy, a book burning brigade I thought you were a volunteer so postponed were too is when we got. What we know is cherry pickers fever. Seen these bucket sun and extended arm like Maybe someone repairing the phone miner, the cable guy or whatever it is Thing it some much safer, wait a rescue someone than throwing them over your shoulder at the top of the ladder. Which, though, still do yeah there's. There's that will extend you up in buddy you're hanging over the top of the ladder man. But if you're in a bucket emerged, something's now barrier and now I can
because they have ladders that go up. You know, like fifteen stories, yeah there's a hundred, that's a fifteen story. Building to standing on the top of the ladder I would literally lose my my yet United cut out to be that guy now, not a bucket. We just crawl down in the bottom of umbrella, gimme down into scream that the whole time I think I would lose my mind. I just you know, lose my ass well, but most of those bucket, Sir Open cited anyway, so useful, my dad and they have railings and stuff, but now the matter I've been in one of those done. Some said, like I've been pretty high up and a cherry pick her up, and it's here I mean there I don't have the big heights thing, but it was still can like now missing. Something then I would be in bad shape right. Imagine if you actually were also afraid of heights right had like the rational, yet an irrational fear combined. Yes, We do have this with the latter.
They. The latter will go up and then its I'm usually on turn table which is basically gear, their moves. It left and right yeah, but with one of those pickers, usually an arm that has, like I m at least one or two joints in it. You can kind of move that thing all over, like one of those nineteen eighties robot arm, yea, yellow Joystick and your basic plaintive. Again, Flickr Rock I'm sorry, I'm robot over the fire. But the nineteen sixty six, where we really sort have got to where we are now with deep quoting club, modern fire engine in. Since then is just gotten even better. There they're not a near If you have a red fire engine, those like what are you doing hackers wiped? Do you hear the chemical missing communists to me by the yellow. What is that yeah. I've seen yellow ones. I think I had to see Charles when I was researching this article
there is no more guarantee of local press coverage, then it city buying a new fire trucks area. I cannot tell you how many countries. There are four different around three look. I got fired indeed use new fire truck air? There also shiny here all the crow likely how much it costs there it's all hours, because the taxpayer owned it pretty cool I think it's cute, as I think should I mean to do another follow up at some point on, like fire houses cause thing initiative about in a kid you're, just enthralled by it yeah, because you walk by in others, one right there and oh cursed behind where all the rest answer so people with KIDS constantly walkin by the saying in the door, is always open, smothered chile in the I mean always sitting around like an mean. Obviously there there on an active fire there enjoying each they're just enjoying
each other and they always smile. Invite the kids in and to take a look in it is such a cool job might have some chile, I love it. Is there a cooler job where you're like putting your life on the line, but you're still? now so just like I've been military bases, as most people are hanging out of my way on military bases, can't chilean your backpack, I know you don't want that. This is to keep you alive at c rations in joyful about that chili. You know, I don't know. I think you make a good point. Do you want to take a break let's take a break and will we'll talk about what's on these amazing trucks idle
America has ever gone back to the way that it was before nine eleven. The anthrax attacks fear was really that there would be a second wave of attacks and then along comes the DC steeper and all of the countries. Worst fears are realised. The gunman, mostly Leah skilled marksmen fired six times in the course of sixteen hours and then ass. The juicy sniper case unfolded that terror boldly group she found out This terror court in this message to police, the police say have never had a crime quite like this. Quite a mystery, I do believe he was brainwash the lack of a better terms. It was scary to go to the grocery store, Philip, your car with gas. It was actually brilliant, say, mother. What the house. This was the most intense man Hunt in american law enforcement, history
listen to monster Deasey sniper on the eye hard, radio, app apple podcast? or wherever you get your podcast Ok, we buried. Let's get down to what's on fire, the stirred the fire engine, this house of Works article, the waves it dry, it was what's on fire, but stirred the fire engine, this house too, for exotic, the new toys it dry. It was trying There was a lot Why what's it called when you come I guess allotted conflation, were basically they make only gets all the someone truck, and I guess it was because I think they made a visit to a North Carolina Fire Department to look at their truck and embraced the entire article on that. But writer was gonna fight he's like, and then there was this thing and then those listening basic endorsing was cool, and then they had a thing here and they, let me sit in upholding the sirens, but it
again. This is not there all shapes and sizes. Right, that's my point. I think this is sort of justice standard when you see a stand fire engine. You can count on a lot of stuff being on? It? Is that ok, so one thing that you're gonna you're gonna have an engine? Is a big tank of water, mostly right right, but you also have the ability- and this is really need- if there's a lake near by or swimming pool, even or the fire, hydrants or handy you can see, water, from those things and use it. But it's it doesn't just go straight into a hose It runs through the truck and then through the humming, their houses it attached to this stuff or suck it out, but but you're running it through the central engine.
So you can regulate all that stuff right. Unlike an engine has three components like every fire. Engine has at least three compose a tank filled with water that it transports to the fire. Yes, a pump, that, pressurized that water, Vietnam pump out and then lines or hoses that that the pump out waters shoot from under the fight, so many houses at the lot of different, whose is this article spelled out. Every single one of them yet in what I gather too, was they want option, options options here, so they can have speed, speed, speed right, so the poses, like till they happen, huge. You know five hundred for her But then in compartments have twenty five footers and fifty footers, because they just want to be able to get water. The fast possible way, and that's it all the times with the longest toes yeah and its also necessarily the hose with the widest diameter. That's the best for the job right. It could be a smaller.
Air? So you don't need quite ass, much water, so there there is a lot of thumb. A lot of split second does vision, but decisions in an hose selection, basically, and from what I gather the fire captain is telling the truth. Like were probably in any these hoses you take this owes you take that Hosea ready bright colors thank on the way to the fire right. So it's only good. The individual firefighters are necessarily deciding for themselves. I could be wrong. I don't know I'm totally speaking at a turn but just cobbling together, separate facts. It that's the impression I have yeah. I think you're right, I think I mean We see when they get there. There's an assessment period that super fast on the way. I think you're right. I think they have an idea because they ve been radioed. We ve got up, you know, an apartment building, that's for story light in this many units, Fire is largely on the top floors so on the way to captain who sits in the passenger seat. Is radio into the?
fire fighters in what is called the jump seat area, which is that little area behind which carries like what six people? Forty five, forty six, forty six, either that like eight people in a fire, from what I say so their radio in back in San aright, when we hit the ground we're gonna need. Three one hundred voters in their different. It's on the! U know sides or the back of the top of the fire engine is not just well, there's only one area where we can get this water right again, They just want all sorts of options so Yet there they gonna hit the ground running right, so They literally hit the ground running when they get there there, driver. The hustle works article made it. Sadly, the driver is invariably the pump operator. I don't know that that's who were not, but there is somebody who's designated. The motor poem operator the embryo and go look at. You
they half out and they jump up onto the truck and they start the pomp and the first thing happened to that pump starts at the very least this house works article head of truck, they had an employer water pump on it and it you centrifugal force like its rotors, like a turbine, basically spinning Fatima water hits it. It swings it. Outside here and in doing so. The centrifugal force applied to it creates pressure so pressurize the water and they open the valve in the tank cause. Remember got maybe a thousand gallons of water. I gonna demands but yeah. That's a lot of water, the tug war, the invasion the pump on and they open the velvet dumps the tank, the water from the tank under the pump, so that's being pressurized and then the the pump send it out to the house. The reason that they do this, as they were, to be able to start dousing this flay this fire with water immediately, but at the same time there
Looking around for the fire hydrant to connect to four, like you said, pond to drink to drain from a swimming pool near my they can train or swimming pool of, they need to turn their fear. The hormone already know that, out of my poor that neighbour that much here they're looking for other sources of water and they can actually set up something called a drop tank, which is basically a cow lapses. Portable pool above ground pool is that we that is yes, ok, added that we confuse it was a little confused by AIDS is something that is semi. Did that you stand up and other fire trucks come in from other areas and dump their tanks into the pool, and they ve got the main fire truck drawing water out of it. Do you think a temporary holding vassili, but you look for another source of water, because if you thousand gallon tank and you're
using one of the young, the coastlines, that yes out a thousand gowns a minute, you have one minute of water. Do the math? You need a lot more than that, So that's just basically to get things started, while the other firefighters on the engine hop off and start connecting to another source of water, whether to fire hydrant. A ponderous swimming pool, yeah I would like to hear from some fire fighters about use of the onboard water verses. Drawn water, but I have a feeling. You're, probably right is that fast? for the immediate, like while you're getting hooked up to the hydrant right, we're gonna go ahead and doubts. This thing get time is of the essence. Time is of the essence, of course, so all these lines, it's really can a beautiful. Simplicity. These lines are color coded, so the houses and the lines all have color so that the person up there doesn't after, like
You know again with time being of the essence, it's very simple which, because they are in control of their own, that board of which hoses are being enacted at any given time right and there are, you know, There are relief house built in. So if you shut one one hope the other one doesn't go. I will appreciate the isle of sudden. It's all the waters going in that one tends in like a cartoon fire hose like eight people like that, was it Iraq's Amnesty Martin with me here that are happening yes, Sir, the updated version of sea are no divert debars diverge Erech unfamiliar now, but I couldn't pronounce a right as it met but they were firefighters Ipod do they end up like began, offer their feed. There were some funny seen elsewhere that Eve Martens like on the telephone and the background at it this fire like Zane. This is going on. I'm surprised in the background,
I don't remember that at was Good Movie Blackburn out the whole movie at least their part here. Are you sure that's that's. What's going on with the water. There is also foam like you were talking about and these days this, this foam fire retardants do a great job of some. I'm so sprayed on to make sure something doesn't catch on fire. Get the picture that it's always to put out a fire that right I think they use phone to make sure such doesn't reignite yeah, depending on the type of foam or depending on the type of fire. You use a different type of foam right, like one prevents ass. The glassy, I think, is to prevent, ignition right of, like maybe like a hot wood fire, maybe It says here: class B is more for car fires or whether there is like gasoline that could drag. You know big night yet, and I was looking into very I think,
they form deserves its own. Podcast has apparently it's like five soup toxic now, I'm sure, unlike routinely, destroys water supplies when he gets in it, I also saw that they make some from proteins which, as you know, some natural sums it's fine, you probably eat it after a does that mean. Is it like weeds the cow into foam, glues from in Jello near still shown Jello. Now wait did I think we did now. That was Lego, know dude. I think we did a member general moulds deadly, yes good. Lord owes a good one. If I remember correctly,. I'm no memory that I really believe that we did an episode Angela. I, and I think it was good.
See. This is why I guess ask still like what is your favorite episode of the egg. I say disco every single time, because its only one, I can remember room Manly, but there are so many lives. Early, hundreds of episodes that I'll glove done, which makes me feel a proud of our work Like that, we now look back on it and say, like you know, just jackhammers, basically, I think it's great. I agree pat ourselves on the back or break arms doing so on the same kind of proud of what we ve done. A realistic agreed. Congratulations congratulate! so the whole area forget that She's, debut she's got a salary She's, not paying attention so hoses are called lines. I think on the job my gun, fire fighters and come home
No, you can't why there you're a chump. If you call it a hose, hey we're gonna go is that you get laughed out of fire. So way hoses are hoses. Well, I think that the earth laid on the ground that right I believe that they are coiled up weighing over one another and their easy to get to you on the side of the truck eager to grab the end of IRAN. Ok, and they may even be pre connected. There's a type of hosted bits. The appropriately named a pretty reconnect. It's already. Connected. So, if you're the pump operator- and you see when you guys running with the pre- connect three, u turn on INDIGO lever; three, that's right, maybe yellow for whatever it is now suddenly got water coming through dead booster lines, I mean again. We're not gonna, go through all these different lines, but it's too
determine how much water can come through at a time sure- and some of them are up to a thousand gallons of minute at the Lahti juice. But again, that's your whole tank to how much water can come through at a time like and some of them are up to a thousand gallons a minute answered the largest. But again, that's your whole tank in a minute, and I was like gosh that so fast that there must be like whole limping who, in an hour something eleven hours. So, if you the merger bundle. No doubt it would take to fill. I must exert Depends what gonna, whose I'm sorry line right real fun part, though like if every child and adult alike depends what gonna, whose I'm sorry line right you should go on, and that is the thing that is not a hose. A child and adult alike are once did look at that deluge, gun and added the thing that is not a hose, but it is the thing that
its atop, the fire engine. That is like a sort of equivalent of the the when gun on top of the tank in warfare that you can this point that thing waters being sucked from them the hydrant Yup he's gonna than simple. It is, and I imagine that I do not know if everyone I am curious to hear from firefighters like if you have a permanent designation or if it's a tiered thing like you work. Your way up, are you gonna know if everyone I am curious to hear from firefighters like if you permanent designation or, if its it, weird thing like you work, your way up to deluge gun or, if that, the lowest. A job, because I would guess not discuss its cause you're.
But I don't know I don't know either, but I would guess that if your manning the dealer humanising the dailies gun, you are pretty experience because you got basically the whole trucks where the water at your fingertips or whatever water. You know all the water in the world sure connected, but if you haven't connected up yet there like start with the dailies, where the water, at your fingertips, so, whatever water, you know all the water in the world sure connected, but if you haven't connected up yet there, like start with the dailies, gone right, which, from what I understand would be something that they would do because use dailies gun kind of damp and down a fire, you that an old man, yet it you can get closer to it. Yet with the lines YO and the personnel so yeah, it might be like the first thing you had a fire was the peasant, maybe the most experienced firefighter cause. If you put the rookie, there there like yours buildings, not even on fire. I yes in a totally wrong Jackson, because it my last name, sir. I like somebody,
give you gotta, be a fire named Jackson, firefighter Jackson, the rookie again more hoses, they have hoses, called curb jumpers because you're on the curb so many they have hoses that debt, are just carried up the that you can put over your shoulder eyes. Color this package like all bundled together, so you it carried out on your shoulder up the ladder in so once you get an area like any another, fifty feet a hose madame inside and you ve got one. Slung over your shoulder ban, bundled together, ready to go. They also have her is there will run up ladders to There is a line that will run alongside the latter, usually a five in diameter line, which I think a five day five. I I think you can shoot watered down onto a fire which can be helpful yeah for like a roof fire,
I thought I mean that's a lot of water, but they do that so that, as you know, you can shoot watered onto a fire which can be helpful yeah for like a roof fires, something like that so I have a lot of different nozzles two oceans, you know, a different nozzle does different jobs like if you have a piercing nozzle I hadn't heard about when these listened extremely dangerous, it can chew, right through walls and I'm guessing like drywall walls, probably not brick wall, but who knows the shirt? right through a window but few have a fire in another room and you can't get to it. You just use windows piercing novels and it shirts right through the wall. You know what I called out. If I was a fire person, a master blaster ticket, master blaster up here, we gotta there's some sheetrock wasn't the guy with the those small guy yeah controlling the bigger. Guy in beyond damn right,
that was the only when they appeared in wasn't it. You just nailed. All of that. Thank you. I didn't spoiled beyond the funded under it. Yet, if you have to say it like Tina Turner yet to Saint Master, Blaster and improve on what you just did and then there's the latter's of course, like you said some of these bad boy, This can go, a hundred and fifty feet in the air, the hydraulics, which is totally frightening you're goin that high up the truck is going to have what are called out rigorous and basically, just these huge heavy metal, legs that come out from the side of the truck land on the ground, to really stabilize that truck. They expanded centre of gravity, so it doesn't Tipp yeah, but there's so they had so much pressure enforced they actually have to put down pads and between the owl rigour and the grounds that it doesn't go right through the
ass, crush the concrete sidewalk, pretty pretty cool. This is all cool here, it's a funny how the little Kay comes out here. You can open. You start talking about the stuff like big heavy things. You want to take an outbreak and need to settle down. Here. We the put her in her five year olds in time out what was your first musical memory or the first out and ever more that first contact, my name's question over the
and those are some of the things I want to know about, when I and my team Supreme sit down with the guests for new episode of my podcast Questlove Supreme Week, we chat with one of our favorite creators and thinkers, and we find out what makes them great it's not about gotcha journalism or trying to get the most salacious stories. Although I'm not if someone wants to spill some tea all over the table, it's really about knowledge, increasing Florence's and the hours upon hours of work that goes on not only when the spot lights turned on, but also long before the spotlight is even been plugged in listen to Questlove Supreme on the Iheartradio, app apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast all right.
Ok, we're back in a five year, olds are being very quiet again their behaving yes, so we ve got the fire engine done fire or ladder truck done. Quickly right it that ladders telescoped up, you get the out rigorous in place, it's a forest, Fire. And things are going well. So I'm your we're going to see other fire trucks show up. Yes, this is the class, literal version of the fire truck, which is basically a human and equipment transporter that's what it's four year and you know if you look at a fire truck and they ve got all those compartments running along the sides and they are all
full of goodies by nearly all kinds of one stop baby lamb. Your time at the novels, of course, there's something called a barrel strainer. So if you have to throw, if you suck water out of a lake. You d want to suck up fish through there. No, I want that would be kind of funny. Looking it be mean it would be Superman. Have you ever seen video of a young salmon ladder now see there, yet it's pretty amazing fish ladder some, but when they, when this, it's not see of stock when they start the lake earlier, sometimes they do from airplane and seeing the one of the closed over the first is gone like I have not it's it's something to see It's either animal abuse or it's a wild right. Did the fishes. Like man, that's cool, I think it's both an and now a big new home, and then someone will catch by putting a hook through my mouth. You write in there
you'll, know Roy Far Garter Emily gets a sad when she suspicious Fisher people knew she just can't help but think of the fish even catch unreal yeah and I said that what about catcher unleash she's like? Where would you once a month you pull you out of the water and then just remove the hook? And though you back ass, he makes a good point. She does what else there's all sorts of of tools to, the bus through walls and pull down ceilings yeah. Well, that's! So! Ok, let's just those put this other you show up on a fire engine, your job is to run lines running the pomp yeah you're, the captain B. Unlike do this, do that to my light, my cigar, I think anything, but if you show up on a ladder truck Europe, probably working a ladder. If you shop and fire truck, you are there to work the fire you there to rescue people inside the fire. Yes same at the latter trot probably too
you're there to manage the fire, your tracking it to see if it's moving from one place to another guy, a horror of his soaring to die down you're in there pulling down she rock with a pike pole yeah. If few points from the ceiling or a halogen tool, yeah your point walls down, maybe that may be Halligan actually probably sounds irish. I sure which, by the way I want to say rescue me probably the greatest fire fire related tv show of all time, I've never seen it. The dentistry we show another shot. Our two, I was really good. Really yeah was bonkers but it was very good fairy intensely. Does it go job. I'm surprised. You watch that the distant seem like a Joshua me. I wasn't here for a while, yet there and then the shield to interesting yeah right. You know me: that much better though drowsiness. So probably is the Halligan tools, my point but you're in there. If you were a fire fighter who showed up on a fire trucks, your messing with the fire,
make it easier for the line. Operators yet too get water on the fire. Where its needed right, yes, exact depending on how advanced your truck, John DOE you're municipality has, you might have the jaws of life on your truck, which are but about? I even looked at that article to see that was worth doing one on well. It may just be thirty minutes of us talking about how the fact that it is a super high power four hydraulic powered can opener, I didn't even something better. It might have been like jackhammers. Ok, you know will steer clear that yeah, but that the jaws of life every one knows is that super, high powered hydraulic? Can opener can cut someone out of a car which is great exhaust Vance narrowly thought about that, but there What types of fans and exhaustive answers when you would in an entry to suck out smoke. They also
Is it a pressure fans to blow air through and out the other side? and they can work in concert with one another depending on their placement. You're, a Gregg who was an illustrator for awhile to dislike illustrator day. They worked with us, yeah yeah. He had a house fire and ISA like his house, is generally fine, but the insurance companies considering totalling his house just because of the smoke damage yeah like a gets everywhere. I'm sure it's announcing that forever yeah. You can't do anything about it. Actually, Brayley, not good for you, yeah till two like live with that as its disappear for years and years and years. You know I never really thought via you always think, like structures damaged in compromise parade, the structure can be intact right and the smoke can can RO a house I when I worked disappear, did an errand one time for a very wealthy but pretty rich producer to his.
Condo in Santa Monica, which had caused like couple million bucks and I walked in by myself. He was wasn't air gaming, the keys, and it was this Thank you must use a smokescreen. Smoker and he been smoking in that place with a window shut for years and this two million dollar sweet ocean view, condo The most discuss smell like a bar the next morning who is ruined ruined, and I just can't imagine MIKE mean I do decency, typees used to smoke it as a matter of not notice it or does not care. Now he does a notice interesting. He does not know, maybe if he comes back from a vacation or something he might be like a Muslim life, vaguely monkeys, I better get going again or something man it was it a stale and grows man like here like for any. If he wants to sell it, you would have to sell to smoker, because any savvy person who understands the hell,
risks of there is like right. This is places dine you'd have to pull up the floors pull out the wall. You pull out. Ceiling, just strip it to its back. The story girl it yeah scrapped Are you and place man and he had a balcony fire and its own. How, then slowly they had so lazy here? What else? they have bought cutters, sledge hammer chain Saws small ladders? You know you seem running with a ladder over their shoulders like ten or twelve foot, or they saw have those little guys it's all very useful they they Scully have everything autumn. Have EMS equipment? repelling rope? It's just like everything you can think of yeah, basically to save lives, debts, you'll, see like a fire truck at the scene of like a heart attack or something like that, because the ambulance might actually not have everything they need for a medical emergency, so they'll send the fire truck out, which seems like a code
I saw a waste of resources and money, but I think I think then you said earlier might explain it a little bit there alone The board, maybe light hearted tackles girl, I'm sure it's nothing like that What what my hope is from the show that will hear from firefighters that are like you guys get, and it must have a right and thanks for shining allied on us, it's the best we can Have you heard a word? Did you look at these tiller trucks? In other, like that last job is to drive. Oh yeah, the back of that thing like Kramer yeah, those recalled tiller trucks. Until her drivers drive them and it's a little. Pit, one person cockpit. I got this hot rod magazine- and you have of course take a certification test sure you can drive it. And, as everyone knows- or maybe you may not know this, but the whole trick. Those things is you get a steer, the
get in your head that you steer opposite so when you, making a right hand turn up front. You ve got to turn that we'll left. I could not do this That kind of coordination will be tough on. Do you mean, thank you get used to affect your job, sure, you wouldn't want to be like right again, but will you your car? United action is still have time. Maybe he'll be tough. I think, like you, gotta, be a with flick, that's which in your head, because I believe, they're turning right, you're turning them We left it makes it much more maneuverable and apparently they are as long as they are. If you ve got it Sperience tiller person back there They are really super maneuverable on steady stream of that's why they exist yet is like it's way easier to get a very long truck. That's cut into two that can take take corners, rather than one long truck. That's one. You know one long length of truck. Yes, that's
The whole reason there there. I never understood that until like yesterday yeah, apparently they really work well in cities, especially in here's, a couple, a little tricks that I never thought about There is a light on a ride at the on top of, the front cab and as that year that's there for the tiller driver, tiller steer to look at that. Sinner point like that's how they sinner their wheels and if they make a turn they count, because you know straightened back out afterwards. They count like two and a half rotations on the wheel for the stern, so two and a half back in the other direction to get straight again you actually making any anxious right. Now, I'm imagining myself having to do this. I got no eight or fire a busy city street where there are usually the apparently the first version of the latter two. So that is not the job for you. Tiller driver and ladder guides feel like I quit yeah
in its money. They they interviewed and and took her like a course test, the hot rod author And they are so you're like what happens if, if you turn it. The wrong way and their alike will then care Carbon, your knocking out cars and people who, like it's, not good, pretty goal, though yeah. I think they said there here is another step- that operating angle for a ladder, normal operating angles, about sixty five to seventy degrees. And the biggest hassle of the latter's is wiring. Oh, I guess I'll bet think about it. You don't wanna get tangled up in no no good, very interesting yeah. Anything else, I'm fired works. Now I want to try out tiller truck owing to failure. Is a like us, just like, unlike the bigger, close down parking,
it probably depends on the level of corruption of the mare of the town at the fire truck lives in well. They the hot rod magazine I do it the journal gives some say, unlike cooked up her, I quickly copper region right area will be like. Where it we're doing another episode on fire, then, logically, this test, Don't you mean fire looks like you speak our language, buddy If you want to know more about fire works, go down dear local fire station. Maybe ask him for some chile. They love the love, you ask for a two hour, a guarantee of ill. If they're, not busy, they'll, say sure, come on it and the apologies Joey without Asking- and since I said Chile time for listener meal I call this went on warm asks that I was there. I thought I was pretty get upset off the press. Yes, it was a good Chuck greetings from Dublin, hey guys fairly recent listener and moved on
and from the UK about a year ago, and not knowing many people, you guys have kept me provided a real comfort for me just listen to that sort of more mass something already kind of new about. I used to work for a pub your specializing in military history. My found the dwarf. Vision of orbit sickening. I was it was really interesting to me of injury, mental and physical. On this on the soldiers we published book called the Whistler's room about so called deformed german soldiers and she put setting quotes as if to say you know it's not proper nomenclature gear. Yeah getting medical treatment and a hospital before heading back out into the wired wider world. The mineral whistler's because do the injury they cannot breathe through their mouser noses instead had hope, cut in their throats, which create a whistling noise? look in turn. Lead me to a film called the officers. Ward the french film Lush Omber overseer well basin novel based on a true story in full,
The french military engineer, who suffered extreme injury to a space and throat on his first action were one in the street, involved facial trauma and a warm ask the engineer, ingenuity, compassion and perseverance showed by the doctors and nurses, apparently very accurate as well movement shown. It is utterly compelling heartbreaking and erect and at one hundred percent, that is from anaemic Adams keep up the cracking work was that so called officers? Ward, French, from going to check it out here for sure schomburgh DE officer. I tried to get a badge good work thanks a great name to Anaemic Adams can agree of the term legal punch. You if you want to go, toto this like Hannah MC atoms, did you can find us at stuff. You should know come all of our social link. So there are you
this all an email to stuff podcast, a house of works that come from on thousands of other topics as it has happened, where's your first musical memory for some or the first constantly ever attended planet was quite lover. The legendary was croup and those the kind of questions I like the get. The answers to questions of Supreme Muslim Supreme is my weekly passed for I am. I t Supreme sit down nerd out with her favorite creators and thinkers and find out. What makes them green and you'll learn something. That's a really good. Listen. The question of Supreme HARM Radio have app apple pie, tat wherever you get your brain
Transcript generated on 2020-01-02.