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Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!

2021-12-30 | 🔗

No, we didn’t find another international distress signal we forgot to mention in our Mayday! Short Stuff, we’re just that jazzed about our episode on cookies. Are they even better than cakes? It’s up to you to listen and decide!

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Welcome to stop. You should now a production. Have I heard radio pay him out into the pod, cast I'm Josh Clerk, there's Charles of each Brian over there, and this is stuff you should know the delicious dish delicious dish. If you hear my dogs barking, I'm sorry they will not shut. I really don't hear them well I can see them either mac- and here I am always very barkie- that's the shelter Unum here we have set our friends dog. You know, Scotty that has not been came over to examine and like what I meant. You know Binny, they kind of just coexist, really: okay, we can of joke that he didn't know to be a dog binning learn how to be a dog. While he was here a little bit around our guys for two weeks.
Scottie got married by the way, so congratulations guy in the congratulations Scotty Sonny like ice cream makers, something then I get vitiate buffers wedding, which was one is going on here. really enjoyed it quite an honour. That said, that explains why you went through catechism I dye FILA so they get married when on their honeymoon for two weeks we had many but anonymous, with that of any does it bark is beneath. It is now to be a dog, but you learn how to bark. While he was here man, it's not something. You are you dog to learn his at the bark and stocks of all time. He said. Oh, that's! That's there. Ok! I've heard that before this fascinating we try. Life, has nothing, do cookies, no, Everything henceforth in this episode will have to do with cookies, yeah and I'm taking cook
tonight, by the way. Thank you. I yes restarting researching this, as I am baking cookies too, and I want to give a huge shout to sallies baking addiction who brown butter. Chocolate chip, cookie recipe is hands down the finest example of a child to cookie I've ever encountered in my life. Now I guess I mean, like days later, still chewy. amazing stuff it in its worth a little extra effort. Making brown butter talk just totally worth it. I can't overstate how good there s p s. So you know one of those weirdos. Does it likes a good crisp chocolate chip cookie It's a little bit Chris beyond the edges, a little bit you in the middle. It's it's balance of everything button I can go either way. It's pretty. It's gotta be get pretty lousy, chocolate chip cookies for me, do not want. You know how to get crispy when but boy that,
the fresh out of the oven kind. Then like folds down like a hot twice at New York Pizza, yes dear, I actually were and purchased actual cow's milk to drink with, while I ate these cookies, they were. Is that special whole milk here? Yet there are like chunks of fats is knocking around at the top of the milk bottle, there's a working I about the cookies we like and don't like in here, and what makes certain cookies great, of course, but I guess Should this go a little bit with a history and that the fact that a cookie is you know that it's sort of the cake, but the ratio of ingredients is different and that, with a cake you end up with what's called batter and with cookie you end up with what's called dough because of the ratio, your ingredients, yeah and also sometimes the ingredients themselves can differ, but
there's any other big good there. A cookie resembles most closely is probably a cake. In fact, I think that came, G Collins dictionaries both define cookies as we usually round flat, cakes, which it seems sensible, but when you really dig into it, you're like this actually isn't fully hold up a cookies, a cookie yeah, because a cake, if you want to get in a jiffy with it a cookie, is its own thing. You hold the cookie with you eat it with your hand. It's a self contained thing. A cookie is just one cookie and you can eat multiple cookies, but a cake is like one big. You that you cut into subunits called slices and usually it with a fork. So a cookie is not a cake and in don't call it that ever again right unless it's a cupcake, also not even close to it. Gee, that's right, but do you eat there with your hand, which kind of under undermines their whole idea? That cookie is just a dessert. You with your hand, it's a handshake,
I guess sobered, isn't that really a cupcake, not a cookie when others from Santa cupcake oh okay got, it wasn't were on the same page. Finally, it and a bread, even though you might your gingerbread or short bread as we know- and you know cookies, going come from all this tradition of of bread. Baking biscuit making and stuff like that in a way, but gingerbread and shortbreads don't have leavening agents like bread does they're, not gonna rise like a bread is supposed to rise and flower, bread flower, is got usually more gluten. Yeah I go on in it. Yeah I mean if you look at them he dough and then you like a bread, do its bit like two totally different things. Yet two different things: though not really bread now really cake, see my say, pastries, a pastry no wrong again, because pastries at their base usually have some sort of flower of some sort of fat and water in seawater,
yet with a bunch of pastry recipes. Croissants in Danish, is ordered. I didn't see water in any of em for water and all of them none of them have watered and embedded is implied in the recipe to work with Africa. It's so universally known that you put water in in and pastries that you did, they don't even included in the recipe. The one recipe I did say Saw this add water was a Barrack law really like a burglar occurs does it have water and not the recipes are so that's really interesting. So a lot of people, you say cookies, irritable, pastry, I've seen elsewhere that that's not the case. Now it's a cookie. So over the definition of cookies, if I may share it myself, Chuck's a cookie is quote: unquote am quoting myself here, so I don't know. If it's right
actually said quote. They usually small, often round usually flat handheld dessert, consisting of at least flower, a fat like oil or butter and sugar that friend is probably the greatest definition of cookie anyone's ever put to paper the if you take his usually round cause I've seen alone chip cookies, but but that's, why said usually ok, what would you sometimes round frequently round am above that of the art I said often round, I thought you said, usually, no, usually small, often around usually flat, ok, character, boy! I like it, ok great! So we the desert definition of cookies? And I appreciate you indulge me because I really did kind of wade through a lot of the internet. I can, but to put that you can hear him, but the the
there's something in there. That's really important to which is sugar. Anything while yet more sugar cookies are sweet, whereas other things you can sweeten cookies with bia I'd sugar, but you got molasses cookies. You got honey cookies, none! there's a lot of different cookies. You can, you can make but dig into those recipes. You're gonna find they still you, sugar and sugar is an extremely important ingredient, as will see a lot of people say basically, cookies didn't exist until sugar came on yeah depending on where you are in the world. There are going to call them different things if you watch less. Oh, you get another common biscuits in England, so Australia in Spain, there July this year the Germans column kicks. I dont know what, Christmas cookie. I now to pronounce that we took German, you don't know, I was gonna, ask you, I don't know man, that's five continents instead to start He a word please Chin,
Two years I see, I would say it's probably like pledged in or Somethin hooker, but again no vowels in the beginning of that, when most of that word yet, what about ITALY? are you talking about to be Scotty very nice which you can find right, in a little jar at your local I'm coffee place. Yet a man of it really depends, but now for the most most pardon which is a good thing, we're not alive and like the fourteenth fifteenth century, because we went ahead, many options. You know I'm saying here again there are many taste- is fine. But if I get up, and calories on a cookie. At eight, it's gonna be a misguided. I gotcha enemy. So the word cookie itself Chuck comes from the Dutch who have the word cook,
k o e k, J E hurrying smaller little cake once again right, so that there's a lot of different words for cookies. That's the point, but cookies are their own thing over thousands of years. People have said. These are great. I like this, I mean and contribute to humanity's understanding of of baking by creating this cookie, and that cookie and now finally were living in what I consider the pinnacle of the age of cookies, because I imagine were going to come up with better cookies aren't just variations of what we have now. I feel like. I agree all of the great cookies and that really, if you dig into it most of the greatest ones, the apex the pinnacle of them were created here in the good old. U S survey agreed, but not the first cook, No a young country yeah, and most people say that cookies have been around since Persia around century c E.
they had sugar for awhile and they had been making cakes and things like that. You had been in a pretty wealthy and as a sort of Europe good thing, you'll see and hear the early days of sugar being available had em, pretty much a lot of money and be part of royalty early super wealthy to eat these sweet confections, but at some, Those are the persian Baker. Are we going to test out and making a cake? if this happens ready. We don't thermometers raining like that. So me, throw a little better this. I guess dough in their men, see what happens and it came out, the subtle, little baby cake and tasted, it awesome, and so whatever accidents the Persians might have? You said this is fantastic. Let me keep doing this of discovered a new thing. Yet I think one only just make a batch of test. Cakes only make cookie was:
That's the store, its needs is not entirely clear. If that's true is brain like it all over the internet, not just like the copy paste way like. Does seem to be that food historians tend to think like that's, that's possibly what happened by even. That is true? It ignores alot of the the the previous evolution that lead to two cookies that came before the surgeons, yeah. You know we can mention this early. You know it comes from the tradition of baking. Bread, of course, something that we ve been doing. fourteen thousand years, but does this have as leavening agents? The Mediterranean is the honey and they made honey pastries for long time the Russians made these cookies called products. Suddenly you have area with one. Now you I don't. I don't know
They are made from honey rifle our and berries, and those go back to Force century Bc Ie there, and then we have a good old biscuits yeah, which are seemed a kind of have evolved from the Romans who created something called Rusk witches you know what you dont like about this yeah the ways more even remotely likeable about his guardian. You got rusk where it was TAT right. It was a higher hardtack. What were like the Navy's? that in an uses, hard taken. The reason that I think it was initially created was because the roman soldiers who were going further and further afield conquering all different lands. They were supplied with this, this Rusk as rations, because what they would do as they were big red, and then they would cut the bread into pieces and they were bake it again, which would remove almost all of the water content. All the moisture content from it and you'd still have the news.
but none of the moisture, which means that it would it would stay fervour keep for very long. I'm like a wooden. It wouldn't mould because it didn't have any water to create mould. Yeah I mean that story like why would they purposely just keep baking it Emma it tastes worse and worse and right but a necessity for four rations. There was exit, preserving it. Yeah yeah there's a bears the name for that baking process. Right right- this God, oh from Italian, means twice baked here in that region, Scottie yeah, Not only is that where you get this guy, he took this also where you get biscuits, what the, U K in Australia, New Zealand and a few other places referred to their cookies as biscuits? That's a dare nation of the Scottish tried pretty name. It is making me nothing but hungry. That's ok, cause there's plenty of cookies and you feel I can see you now and I also see Chuck in our future and break happening. This misery, nice,
coming, So check you ve heard of our flat rate over the duck, yeah, look, yeah, but do you know what they actually do? It's insurance right! What sort of sea most people don't realize that their health insurance isn't designed to cover all their medical expenses, really yeah all over the country. People can get here with unexpected medical bills, even something as simple is going to your doktor can leave you with expenses. Your health insurance may not cover why I never really thought about that. Yeah. That's why there's f lack they can help. Give you an additional layer of financial protection. It's like a safety net for unexpected medical bills, so you can focus on getting better. I, like the sound of that, so that's like you won't be caught off guard. If maybe an unexpected medical bill hits exactly ass. Lack pays.
To help with expenses. Health insurance does uncover will, but the real question is: can you use that cash for other everyday expenses? You sure can you can use the money? However, you choose to help with things like and deductibles order. Even help pay your dogwalkers to injure the Walker Dog man. That sounds like a pretty sweet deal. It absolutely is so to see how athlete can help of expenses. Health insurance does cover visit, ass, lack, a F l, a sea dot com, That's a dot com. ok so, as we said most food historians who think about kind of thing say: yeah, it was Persia, pursues the place where, where cookies were kind of invented,
and the reason you carefully argue with. That is because, if you are of european and or live in a country that was founded through european colonization? There's a pretty good chance there. the cookies that you ve ever been exposed to came after the introduction of sugar and cookies and spices by the Persians to the Europeans through the Crusades that right, the Crusades happen and, any time. There's a conquering nation, one thing: for sure gonna happen and they are going to spread. They're gonna find all the delicious wonderful thing said that culture does and they are going to steal them go back to their homelands and that's how things spread throughout the world and that's what happened with cookies, yea and sugar that right to start in these arab countries, and they said, let's bring back ginger and cinema cardamon and the sugar and all this delicious stuff, and, let's start making our own cook
yeah, I'm one of the reasons why all the stuff was Persia. The time chuck is not just because the Persians had already cultivating sugar that easy access to it, but they had access to things like ginger to, like you, said, which came from Asia, Herb EAST Asia should say in The reason that they had access to this is because they were pretty well located along the silk road by Europe, and especially Western Europe, was located very far off the silk road. So even though this stuff is pretty commonly traded, further east you could not get it in Europe unless you were one of the most fabulously wealthy. people on the planet at the time yeah. You know, as time crept on a little bit. There was a little more access to think. like Sugar, but it was still Can I get special occasion thing you did. This will have to be super wealthy, but it was like. All of a sudden, the working class of Europe
all the just baking cookies orbit, I'm right, but that did give birth to a a tradition which is its especially thing like oh, I don't know Christmas time, then that became a tradition is making cooking and handing out cookies to neighbours because you're not gonna, big cakes and delivered thirty, five cakes to your neighbors exerts a but would you could do like our old friend Mona, continues to deal with me most. It's not something. She listens. worry. Anyone she'll never hear us, but there was a really nice. Like I mean, maybe a river varieties every year, big box of those great great. that's where that tradition comes from around Christmas time on special occasions, baking batches of cookies and cheering them with friends and neighbors scale, because they were splurge, to show off her baby Jesus you're. So to do
How one of the things I came across there was their family in medieval Europe or middle age. Europe baking. cookies around the holidays were probably breaking the law, because the tray guild really powerful at the time in among those triggers where the bakers guilds, who had managed to get laws enacted that said you can't even bake for yourself in your own home, you have to buy your bake goods from a baker who is a member of the trade guiltless trained baker? In a pair Lee everybody said nuts to that or not we're not going to listen to that and over the course of a century or to those that kind of enforcement went away because doesn't want to bake in their own home. You know, yeah I mean I'm a union guy but I draw the line at some point. You know yeah. making in your own home is that line yeah in literally became the will of the people when they were deciding, say none but were not doing this anymore. We got. they get home. They were. You know some of them
First recipes and some of the first cookbooks in north. Erica were cookie recipes, yet What is that given earlier than that? There is cookbooks that came out like the sixteenth century, the early seventeenth century and they started having cookie recipes, venom and cake recipes. Venom and the reason why one of the reasons why was because the european powers and started to colonise places where you could grow sugar because peace, I got a little taste of sugar in the demand was so great that they went out and actually conquered new areas so that they can grow sugar, which lowered the prices of sugar, which meant that the average household was way more likely to be able to afford it and say like the sixteenth or seventy they're, probably eighteenth century that, as a result led to these cookbooks coming up like like there's one called the guy. housewife's jewel Chuck. Did you say housewife no housewife's
What is there to say? I guess a variation of the. I guess, an old old timey english way, to put it ain't, you S, wife, but if you look at there's a recipe for fine cakes in there and if you look at it, you like how did anybody produce anything like this agreed? We expect ink extremely precise recipes these days when you open a cook book Four baking, especially here, because I mean it's a science experience, a chemical reactions you do of baking- cooking is a little more like an art right so with the good housewife jewel with the recipe for fine case, you could find ingredients like take two or three years, of eggs in a good quantity of sugar- and I think each one was- was signed. Like good luck, you figured out yeah, but but apparently people got it right enough of the time that these things really started to take off and people were, would beg cookies, more and more Yeah we mentioned the shortbreads earlier that came from Scotland.
and the name short bread might sound a little weird, but it was It sort of a hybrid it was. It basically means crumbly, cookie yeast. swept out for butter and sugar was added in when they had left over bread and these hard biscuits. it became short bread and they each short met crumbly. So that's where the crumbly comes from and the that those attacks on Biscuits- and The scottish heritage site says that Call it bread to get around the tax on Biscuit S, words as own reasons. Gulp short, rather like the basically should have been called crumbly cookie, exactly a somebody. Some tax closures, like that's a cookie synopsis of bread to shore pray, be quiet, Did they got me looking into the etymology of how the cookie crumbles? Oh yeah, in its? It was one of those sorted disappointing ones where they just said. Like mid Like nineteen fourteen nineteen fifties, America,
Scotland, in the eighteenth century, yet it couldn't be traced back to her like a specific person, a basically they some people that it might come from like say lobby in France, but I just this love that line and now the apartment and Billy Wilder's, the meant to night. He says it a couple of times. He says that out crumbles, cookie wise, the citadel, the cookie grumble. He said there was a jack lemon Jack Lemon said that that is the nice little turn of phrase by wilder, it's tough. I ended up watching Casablanca the other night, happens e on and I caught her toward the beginning, really is, maybe the guy Movie ever made. It is amazingly good. I, like I like entering my James Dean like Humphrey Bogart teenage phase but as an adult watching it- I haven't seen in many many years, it's just its astounding how good it the active racy erecting the lighting. It's crazy! I need to do it check you. You will like it is
to get movie. I can't imagine anybody's ever seen. Casablanca me like that sucked proudly so have you seen the apartment? Nine over half, rage. You see that that was on movie crash. That was our good friend S got argument that was his movie back the apartment or Casablanca, the apart, and Scott is such a pro and such a sweetheart, he re watch the movie and like re, read it MIKE multiple chapters, a Billy Wilder's book in preparation for the episode, that's what the court approaches in design and original movie poster for the design. For me he's just as like Scott argument, so are short. Bread is where we were reopen cookies. While we talking. I think what the point we're trying to get across his that, like the Europeans, like up a bonanza golden age of cookie development after sugar became widely available ceja starting in the fifteen hundred sixty
hundred seventeen hundreds, and so you ve got shortbreads. Created in Scotland Macaroon was creative way earlier in ITALY, but it's spread its way to France and in England, got its hands on a macaron right. The macaroon different though the cocoanut kind, that's crispy on the outside varied she we on the inside and it's kind of like a ball almost year, not offend. Oh, I, like em, I like em, to make her on I like a maker onto I dont really discriminate like a has to be again. It's gotta be a pretty bad cookie. Usually it's gotta be a mass produced. Industrialized, cookie is somehow sure did at home, I'm probably going to like it yeah now, I'm with you and then gingerbread cookies to chalk They made their first appearance in the fifteenth century, Yes, we mention Greece coming over from China, but the the cookie itself I believe started in Greece about twenty four hundred
see and enabling whimpered medieval England preserved ginger. was what gingerbread was called, but that's not like the dessert. We're talking about the dessert is that delicious sort of molasses, gingerly cookie that eventually they started making into people shapes because of Queen Elizabeth, the first when dignitaries would visit they would she would should have cookies shaped like them, Can the indifferent in Tribute and that's how I beg him to be made? think those helium you just did. Actually, I think did we agree subsidies, among the bread houses or gingerbread men. I think we did make. It may have been our life when that we did in two thousand eighteen hours to look We got the handy list of everything we ve ever done on. Christians raise odes through university. That
So are you gonna, take a break in and talk about cookies coming to their rightful place where they will truly inner their true golden age? America. You say: yes, that's right. We should insert like ass a ball legal scream here of me. We should all be right back, so you see lay extensions, bold, new initiative Silly ex online is being launched with a mission to re. Imagine all my learning through an immersive, an interactive learning experience for today's global professionals that is designed with the student at its centre. This you see an extension will offer eleven fully online certificates. That can be. In from anywhere in the world, learn more, You see, lay extension that Eu Slash usually ex online
So what the reasons are the people check who are like stop term. Oh great America, and its cookies are one of the reasons why our cookies are so great is because America has he's been a melting pot of immigrants coming from all these different places? in one of the things that all these immigrants brought with them, where their cookies and their cookie ideas, their cookie traditions and all that stuff got blended together and it inspired people to come up with new stuff too, and now we have even better cookies, but they improved upon the tradition immigrants who came here. In the first place, the tried and depending on where you go in the United States. Today, you can see traces, are those original and populations in the cookies that they brought by pro how popular the cookies in that region still are. Today
If you go to the Midwest, maybe I don't know Michigan Ohio, you might a pistol. I praise possess Brazil, I think so yeah visit. I remember people colony in Toledo, ok, they're, relic caoutchouc, like the one up? It's like a pizzas around flat thing, a position is like a little round flat thing basically but is now exult. Have you ever had one I think so. It's like a little like a little waffle, but not a strip off yes, oh. It's like a waffle. It's a little thicker than his troop waffle part. It almost like, oh Chris Beer, How do we hear funnel cake? That's much thinner and flatter and its often we were with an ascendant, can be really good. They can also be really dry and not good. yeah, but it's made in a little like waffle of yarn mould. Yes, I think it's one of those
Things. Were you really want to eat a possess like fresh out of the the iron? What I call it a pencil fits all: that's not right any. That was a bits all cookie. I believe that the scottish shortbreads We became t cakes here in the south, which can be evidently a home of tea cakes, but I think it's like part of the old Southern tradition, yeah and, like you said to chuck, I mean, like Americans, were cool cookies from the from the earliest stages of the country. first ever cookbook that was written by an American printed in Amerika was printed in seventeen. Ninety six call the mare can cookery by Emilius Siemens and she had a bunch of different cookie recipes and there she did. She had the few gingerbread cookie recipes. I think one report Lee his by George Washington's mother, and the kinds of fun. kinda woodest, here
how about a about it no breach. I like that one, that's pretty good about pockets or cry babies crybaby since pretty good. It is but there also the name of that little lamb in the sugar, Daddy BAR sugar, daddy It's very varied. She we should be ok, so they cut in the little kind of rabbit poop size pieces in. I think from a chocolate in called those sugar babies? No, they are not quoted in chocolate, which I think is a failing. So that's what I was associate with with cry babies, even though their culture, babies nappies better. Their Johnny Depp John Waters movie of the nineties, dear crybaby eighties, a jolly boys, there was another cookie name, cookbook you're gonna find ethnic or doodle, not in their no and apparently snicker Doodle has give some sort of german derivation, but I'm not sure about that. One thing I found researching cookies chuck.
is that there is a lot of contradictory information out there sure this is gonna, be invented. This yandah, we invented it. While the sugar, the secret doodle sort of a play on the sugar cookie. As is the sugar Turkey, which is the only sugar cookie? I like oh yeah, the ice when you don't like snicker do, I consider that a snicker dude over an astronomer standard sugar, Cookie Alec, is an incredible sure. Ok I live in the sugar cookie, but it is a bit like the plain white sugar, cookies yeah. It's almost like you're kind of like when you didn't finish, there's no crossing on here. Yet exactly so yeah that'll old? If you re average, is hard up for something like that to some like regular break and bake sugar cookies, any like a tub of vanilla frosty, is all you need to recreate a world of wonder for yourself
said the snigger, Doodle Anderson cookie, I think came from Germany- Immigrants, the Moravians Pennsylvania, very famous for their stars as well. We have an arabian star light, which I am a big fan of recalled Nazareth Sugar cookies because of Nazareth, Pennsylvania, yeah or people, com, Amish, sugar, cookies and some people say well. Why, when they just column Moravian, surely cookies, because that would be too confusing. So we can also thank you, friends, the Amish or the Moravians, the the group who move. North Carolina for inventing the moravian spice cookie, which is a very crispy, very thin. Little cookie made with Molly assessing ginger cinnamon cinnamon that you have around the holidays, yeah it's close to Gingerbread but Chris Beer and yes, and that was an american made. Cookie is well so both the sugar cookie and the Moravians vice cookie were invented by the same sect of german Protestants.
I've been Pennsylvania in North Carolina respectively, mind blowing the heat We gotta talk about the state cookie of New Mexico, this. Could she do this was brought in by the spanish colonist I sort of co developed by the pueblo people there You know there is like New Mexico. What we now call me Mexico and biscuits oh means cakes in Spanish, so Biscuit Tito means little cake and bid culture should be like. Oh yes, I kind of like vis koto, which it is its derived from that as well. daddy yeah exactly throw cognate. I have not had a biscuit cheetah cook you, yet in my lab in either, but I plant Cinnamon and Anna sounds like a very winning combination. I'm up a manner that they look tasty to do that. If we do but then I propose it, it's maybe
most famous cookie of all. Would you agree or disagree, and my over overstating things now? I think the chocolate chip cookies the release from our view of the most famous cookie of all time So the cookie is one of those few origins, where is that you can say definitively this person? Did this so when they did it, no there's, not some other person out there who says that they were the ones who did it in? There is some evidence that they may have done at three years earlier. That's not the case. The chocolate chip cookie was in entered by a woman named Ruth Wakefield in Whitman Massachusetts. Possibly in nice, ten thirty, maybe nine thirty one pair She didn't remember exactly when she did it, but she is the person who when the chocolate chip cookie and with awesome is she invented by accident? and where was it at the tall House in the town your house, in there you are everyone. She was baking
she needed bakers, chocolate. She didn't have any that's that Sweden, chocolate that gives you know like fudge and Kay a lot of flavour and their color, he's at our heavy. That's all I get the same as we chocolate and then a junkie. real good and She put it in there. She found that those chunks did not do Melton become a part of the entire cooking. They held a shape and they came out like little chocolate chips. Because of that. Lower cocoa butter content and Bang Bang Boom Chocolate chip cookie here, and if she served him anyway, I guess she tried. One is like this is pretty boss. And they became like an instant hit, the toll house in so called the Tall House cookie, and I guess words spread enough. There Oh, she approached nicely earnestly approached her, but they struck a deal that they could print heard recipe for Tall House cookies, using semi, sweet chuckled chips on their bags of semi, sweet chocolate, ships that hurt
cookie recipe was now hoping to move pretty good in exchange for a lifetime of free chocolate. The ideal He said she apparently thought it was just fine, so yeah actually did end up cashing in she soldiers fully soul. All the rights right to the Tall House, cookie. What we call the chocolate chip cookie tenacity, I think I don't remember exactly when she did that, but they had it until. Nineteen, eighty three and then lost the rights stuck yeah I think it a certain point. It was just sorry this belongs to the world. There was a: u can own this anymore, I saw a nineteen. Seventy eight pull that said that more people associated the term toll house with cookies or chocolate chip cookies in general than the with nationally or any of its products. There is not he's for me. I was called chuckled took cookies, chocolate chip cookie. Did you ever call M Tall House cookies now Jack chuckled,
cookie says a weird polar or people who were pulled in this weird polwarth, very weird, beckoned. Seventy eight, the greed, although I dont remember, maybe if we did say that when I was seven, I just dont. Remember it at all, coming on tv muscle said it, but that in doubt, but there is a commercial for the necessary bag of yeah chips, they were told us what I always thought of mass media and remember the butterscotch chips. I would just. An entire bagger, those things by myself. I just I just right out of the bag. He emmenthaler peanut butter chips, butterscotch chips, if either little love the plane them those are all good variations, but but your classic chocolate chip cookies is just a hands down winner yeah and in particular, sallies baking, addictions brown butter trouble. mere Gaza birthday, peanut butter, cookie and the brownie. The cookie
can we skipped brownie Russia can talk about that, should evolve, pedantic yeah, because I'm sure some people brownies cookies, that's me at is how really it yeah is. This is one of those things. Where is this? It feels like a pedantic argument to Collar Brownie, a cookie technically, it's ok, cookie, but to me a Brownies brownie. Ok, if someone comes up, I think it's the other way round. say no Abronia brownies to say no rude, technically brontes, your cookies well yeah. I mean, if anybody says it's easy to say: hey you, wanna Brownie in there just takes care of exactly why talk about it just eat it right. But the point is this: is the brownie is at I'd I'm just not letting this passed by a brownie is type of cookies, a bar cookie, in the same way that a lemon bars of bar cookie nano emo. a bar cookie appreciating that right and it's just a cookie where you been
take the battering you build it you'll be bake it in a single mass and then cut it in the squares rather than, making them individually, but it's still a cookie, not to me it's not. Fine. I was solely fine. I just I couldn't not explain it further, but I did that I dont consistency is different to me that the little flaky top is different. This is our different is currently well. Let me ask you this shock: what about a chocolate chip, brownie It is nothing more than a square, slightly thicker chocolate chip, cookie no, do you mean a bedrock appendix chocolate, chip, cookies yeah Well, that's not a brownie! That's that's! A pan big chocolate chip, cookies it looks exactly like a brownie. It's the same but as different consistency and another flaky top so to you just just the brownie is its own thing. Ok, what about a lemon bar? That's a lemon were ok. I think I can
I couldn't do it the on both of those actually, but I mean this is Nina again it, sir, This is a pedantic argument that that no one should ever have those are my favorite kind. What would she should do is to sit down it. Does cookies ethos brownings and eat those bar brownie cookies. Those are my three months up, some Hartford somewhat cream put a lemon bar on there. But the big lemon bar- oh, I like em, but they have to be totally by themselves. You wouldn't mix that with anything now, I'm, not a big fan of lemon cookies, either like lemonade sweets. Aren't my favorite, I gotcha idle love. Them I just feel like how, if you take your likes in my likes and my dislikes in your dislikes and put us together, we form a fully formed whole. Yes, and you know he would like everything everything so check. There's a cup, Other kinds of cookies, meaning to shout our real quick they cut out,
cookie where you roll a mountain cut him out, that's why they're called that, like a Christmas sugar, cookie, are often air cut cookies, they're, fine, I don't love to eat. Those is much like a Christmas shaped cookie with sprinkles on top, not my favorite. I'm sort of a dropped, cookie purist, yeah job he's kind of like a chocolate chip. Could you were you like the schoolroom out by the spoonful, drop, the mound on there and they kind of spring in flattened out as they bake PAN sing a round flat dessert Trish that's right and by the way brownies we know the animal earlier. A etymology Willoughby, just origin story. What Fanny Farmer in nineteen o five invented the brownie either story that a housewife and main forgot baking powder and their chocolate cake and became a brownie and that's unlike some cooking, likely is not true. Because I was in nineteen twelve and We farmers recipe was printed in nineteen o five yeah.
Farmer actually did a lot more than to cement the brownie. She also is credited for inventing the oatmeal raising cookie to a really yeah she's, very prolific, see here's my deal, listen to a judge on Hodgman the other day and Jesse Thorn our friend in a bailiff of that show called raisins ate a bs to any sweet treat which are generally agree, but I like an oatmeal recent cookie and about the biggest raising guy, a good one for sure, but that's pretty much the made of raisins and in deserts unless it's just a fistful of raisins, Great Clint, Eastwood movie. They are really scraping. The bottom what about the icebox cookie, sir? came along after the image of ICE Box, Obviously, but usually you take the don't you roll it into a log yeah chill it. When you cut it into slices in those slices, are bakers, cookies gear. If you look at a pin cookie that that's Worley
shape and arms, because its rolled up in an chill or the logs of like ready to bake could Do you find them like the dairy I'll? That's that's a nice box, cookie technically disagree cassettes not rolled glad. That's just a big tube, so no it's not real fire. The pillow cookies are all fight either its role into like a too But cylinder and then you cut the cylinder into slices, no, no it's rolled flat and then its role. So it's got it's got real. I was the only reason I gotta get yeah yeah. I think the final product in the fact that it's a tube in the fridge makes it an icebox quickly It's not me saying that either your classic sandwich. Cookie. Which everything from an Oreo to a MAC. to those great writs peanut butter, writs, chocolate did things it and we re mothers domains are really good.
Who, by the way, is turning a hundred one. The sheer amount of Facebook anymore, but Mary said: a hundred and one and a couple of weeks, hey did Facebook, I good for you, Jack yeah, deleted my account. I'm am, I was out there, that is where they call mental health and now did it getting kind of transition period for you. You know waiting? I miss that was we genuinely hard was the movie crush page in the movie crushers page those were awesome and it was a great community. It is ray community, I hope still that was the hardest part to leave, because I really really enjoyed my interactions. There was a very kind, the corner of the internet, but having said that it was all for my well being so I had to let that go even so anyway, marries a hundred once in one. Let this we should know army that letter but actually because she's she's, no, you know
doing the best year, two hundred one, but just hang in there were a super duper Hooper, happy birthday, You marry a hundred and one that is a major one. Nineteen twenty that is really impressive, backed a sandwich cookies, You also get your stoop awful thing: emitter, the mackerel De Mello Mars Catch Moon, pies, Orioles, yes classic Apparently the would be pie is the original sandwich cookie and that we can thank our irish friends for as well supposedly the name came from amish workers on job sides going would be when they opened their lunch. Pale and founder Whoopi Pie inside you're alive, It will be by just the cake if it has too much cake do filling it becomes. Cumbersome, definitely has to be just right, but research, Miss Chuck. It may be wonder if Orioles were meant to be like kind of some sort of manufactured Whoopi pie.
Maybe I will say this: the only Oreo worth eating is the double stuff. Do you? like the the Golden Kinder, the chocolate kind or both Try, the variations are like the regular. Ok, whatever you like Pretty much all there has only been a couple, a weird Orioles that I was like men at this one at that. There are tens of crazy flavors. Now right, yeah the birthday cake in the rice krispies tree. Orioles were pretty the birthday cake thing, his infested every area of the sweet yeah for good reason, though I mean you get some processing in their well, that's pretty much. It does exist. crossing in its. Then there was another lies. There were good or in the case of an oreo you're. Putting frothing inside of frost in that is amazing. I get somethin else here that we get a few more little tidbits cookie dough trade find out sort of the rise of eating cookie dough and it becomes,
a thing and no one really knows when it started to be a big thing, I mean that Nostalgia obviously has a big part at it. With look in the back author, the mixing thing: but they said that this new generation, like Jimsie his into a new level, and they college towns, cookie dough is triple and sales what it is and irregular town partial because dorms don't have ovens but partially does the younger generation does its stuff up. Gathers, and this is all safe to eat now. I know everyone thinks its eggs, but It's usually that the flower that cause this problems. What yeah these bacteria in the flower, and so they said seminal and eggs is really. If you take area eggs is really not much of a problem must exert pasteurized. Now for that too, but like if you, if you buy cookie- do that you're allowed to eat in the grocery store, like just read out of the thing like Cookie Dover Eden
he's got treated flower, its is called, he treated flower, the thumbs. How would it means? Yes, it is, the flower up to about a hundred and sixty five degrees Fahrenheit for a little while and then that, but takes care, any bacteria, and then you can just eat cookie d like it's gonna. He did not know that. Thank you, for that would mean its effect through the park yesterday and the cookie do ice cream that started in nineteen. Eighty four, by beneficiaries in their Vermont scooped up yeah, that's good stuff, apparently was it. Anonymous suggestion on their suggestion or up man that was nice to somebody, the prelude, stout of some big royalties say left another not of a suggestion. Saint, can I have a little bit of money from my idea, yet some other good facts here? Don't you yeah best selling cooking the world check. What is it. oh geez. Under no oreo I was real. Or Ellison, two thousand fourteen the latest I could find was
but I think that bears reminding that I know we talked about it before the Orioles. Actually, the knock off that high drugs was the original in Oreo, came along and knocked off high drugs and then became the greatest selling cookie in the world. Right, I loved. Story like this bit. You haven't famous AMOS to the very famous famous Miss cookies don't think I knew this while we AMOS was in agent. The first african amiss an agent of the way Amours agency, and he would make these cookies to give his acts to be like a about some cookies. You want to stay with me right and they were really popular in heaps, but it often founded is on company. Yes and then I got one more check. Ups people leave cookies out for Santa right. sure, you'd, think they'd be pretty old, but actually, apparently they traced back to the great depression in America.
Santa cookies near that they were teaching kids to show gratitude and approach further, the gifts that they were getting. There was some parent started that, and that was where kids started, leaving cookies out for Santa That's what I saw multiple places very unlikely, this rain idea. So that's it. cookies. Everybody. I think the only thing left to do is to go eat some cookies, I wouldn't know, and you know how many people are gonna be cookies. Tonight. That's great, that was your lines. The point I wanted everybody to bake and I also want to shadow some of our sources. The nibble was cooking. A mare, many many many others. since I said many, many many others and Chuck said yum. That means a sign for listener. Male. Well, what it's time for us to talk about sketch, vest because we are returning to the life stage, everybody
and we want to see. What's a vaccinated only show it is a mast, show we're going to do it as safely as possible, and this on January, twenty first, the best comedy for, people in the land yet will be at the Sydney, Goldstein Theater and you can get tickets it s a sketch dot com- and it will be the first time in two years that we will have been on stage so it's gonna, be fine to see. for you guys, one way or another, whether we bomb or not. That's when Oblebee right. There will be a lot of fun and I'm looking for a really mesquite non stage, so that this can be great, so we'll see January, twenty first, twenty twenty two and Chuck speaking of twenty twenty two This is our last regular episode of twenty twenty one, so first, I want to wish my dear sweet wife. You me very, very happy birthday today. actually, I said: hey
Would you rather know more about contortionists or cookies, and she said cookies, so the dedicated this episode to her damn. I think we should wish everybody out very, very, very happy new year and also twenty twenty. Two is a really really great you don't you thanks for all the support not only this year but over all the years that allow us they have one of the best jobs in the world, is everything to us in yell mean everything to us, and so thanks a lot of you had a great released a better twenty twenty one and twenty two and maybe things would be even better next year. If you want again touches us to tell us how great your newsy was you, send it in an email to stuff podcast. It. I heard radio Doc stuffy should now is the production of Iheart radio from our past My heart radio visit by hurt radio apple had passed. Wherever you listen to your favorite, shows
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Transcript generated on 2022-01-03.