« Stuff You Should Know

Carbon Monoxide: Please Just Listen Anyway

2023-04-27 | 🔗

It might not be the sexiest topic we’ve ever covered (and by “might”, we mean “definitely”), but there are some things you just need to learn about and this deadly and undetectable gas that’s part of our everyday lives is one of them. So buck up.

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due to the loo attention everyone. This is a public service announcement that you should hear that's right. We have mentioned it before quite a few times, but this is what we would call the last call for our live shows coming up. May fourth, in washington, DC may fifth in greater boston and medford mass and saturday, the six in toronto ontario canada. There are still tickets left. We are not going to do any other shows in the northeast this year for this topic. So aside from a few shows in the southeast, this fall. This is your chance yeah. So come see us if you want to you, can go get your tickets at link tree flesh as well as K. L, I n K, t r dot e slashed, as why is a peanut it'll. Take you to all of the various ticket sites to buy those tickets and come see us welcome to stuff. You should now a production of I heart, radio, the am welcome to the podcast, I'm Josh and there's chuck and jerry's. Here too, and this step you should know psh audition yeah. We haven't done a good old psc in a while. Do you remember some of our other ones? I can't bring any to mind, sure, don't play in the street yeah. That's one.
don't jump out of a hot air balloon without a parachute yeah cellophane bags in you there, for that was a good one. Show us But then this wanted it carbon monoxide. I wondered. There's a few people out. There are searching for our cellophane bags episode now. is the short version, don't put them over your head. That was it. That was our first short stuff yeah, so yeah. I probably should, after that cause they exchange was twenty at all and chuck. We should not be joke at all. This is a very serious episode right, carbon, monoxide, not dioxide monoxide inside. lesser said seo to when I was talking to you of line yeah and if you search for carbon monoxide or seo carbon dioxide still comes a page one it's I carbon monoxide, I seething with rage you now,
but the ceo in the limelight for a change. The reason This is well that's what we're doing right now, and the reason that this is a psc everybody is that carbon monoxide is a deadly gas, deadly poison, toxic gas to humans 'em. But you can't oh, that you're being poisoned until its potentially too late and you're either very sick, verve the dead and the real, why this is appear a further aspect, as we live among carbon, oxide, quite a bit, or else potential when monoxide sources all over. The place, our whole world is laden with him yeah if I can put a piece from later by in this great article from libya bring this one on you, It's also it's a silent killer, known as the silent killer, deaf, but it's not. The same thing is like a gas leak, so a ghastly
two completely different thing: they make a gas leak smell bad on purpose, so you can do tat the gas leak that they don't do that with seo, because it's a smell bits, produced as a result of something? So it's not me they can say hey. Let's eta, forty smell to ceos. Everyone knows when its around frank, because a sleek is like, but the actual fuel that hasn't made it to the combustion process. Yet yet so they can add something, but carbon monoxide is. He is a hundred percent produced I combustion right and in particular the spinning. kind of combustion, which would be incomplete combustion yeah boy. I'd never knew this at all. In my life than ever, of carbon monoxide have carbon monoxide detectors. I knew a little bit about it here and there, but I never knew that come question in lake generally, almost always inefficient, and there
is a apparently a perfect, still com, so the metric combustion, which is the most efficient bade? Something can burn releasing water, nitrogen in carbon dioxide, full stop but apparent Does this that never happens, there's always inefficiency and that's where the carbon monoxide comes from the ice on another another term. For that kind of combustion is theoretical. Combustion like it just doesn't exist. Yet there is no such thing perfect combustion, but I'm sure there's people out there trying to crack that egg sure so with because, like just about any time, we burn a fuel, its incomplete or imp. perfect combustion. Those byproducts I could release with complete combustion, are joined or replaced by some much less desirable ones. Like carbon, Knock oxide, which again, is the silent killer, try silent but deadly,
and there's a few reasons why combustion is typically incomplete. at least as far as stuff that you and I would mess around with right. Yeah I mean there may not be enough. It's gotta have the right mix of Aragon alike and we'll get the the car into the car engines a little bit later, but the mix of like it's a fuel as far as a car burning, lean or burning, rich or a fuel burning leaner, rich and have the same thing with just a fire? If there's not enough air, there are the air mix with if you will like it should, maybe if it is extinguish too quickly, here. The temperature cools down before the few his burned up. Yet this is where you can get those inefficiencies yeah like whether you have too much or too little aids, not not a good thing, so it's really really differ told to get it just perfect, actually impossible, but even to get close is really really difficult. So there's always going to be some carbon monoxide right and we note quite a while that it's a real problem
east as far back as the thirteenth century there is, it is how either missed in spain named aren't allowed. a visa nova yeah. And he he said there I don't know how he figure this out. I looked. I couldn't find it that burning wood, incomplete combustion of wood produces some poisonous gas that she didn't attempt to name, but she did identify. It first I mean there, you have it thirteenth century. Dip, knew something was out there and could kill you a little bit later in sixteen forty four, there was a scientist from France. name Johann Baptista van helmont, very french name names used to be so much better fisher. They have I curly jews on them. You know my god. It's amazing The he described dying basically earth coming closer dying from inhaling what dove gas car bonum, which was probably a mixture of things
carbon monoxide, was definitely in their rank and then Joseph priestly came along right, not jason, Joseph you too, jason right out of my mouth. I thought you remember him. He shut up in our nitrous oxide episode oak, I knew he had heard of him before, because I knew he had made a jason priestly job before. Yes for sure, there's no way you can't ass. He was a chemist from england. and he's the one that they point to as the true discoverer of carbon. excited even though he had a really bad name for it too. He was doing experimentation in the seventeen seventies and he's a guy to basically said hey, you know what air is it. One thing like air has a lot of gases in it, but her in this way thing is really important. We should pay attention to it, They call it def watch man I had it so good earlier, de largest dictated air, Then everyone else said: colored oxygen to some fine.
I, like mine war, got curly cues on it, do floods elicited well, that's it the mouth, full, that's an old timey word. If that's not. I've never heard an old timey word now. So he also found the carbon monoxide, which he called heavy inflammable air, and I finally just aid and looked up. Why inflammable inflammable or the same year? inflammable was original, but apparently it just confused everybody so much, and because it describe such a dangerous thing: they dropped the inn and one with flammable from that point on, Where do we talk about this before it's on new to me now we talked about this before for once. I remember something: ok in my little feeble brain. What was it Well, I don't remember the topic but I definitely member us talking about this, but you know what I don't think you had that little tin that ok we'll get.
When we just wondered about it. Maybe I think so that was back in our days of just like complaining about not knowing something while here at the advent of year fifteen we finally solve their mystery. Chuck! Oh yeah happy anniversary, happy anniversary happy anniversary to jerry drug crime drug how she could speak through the date of some So, while jerry this through me off? That's why we no longer talk chuck. I know quite you by the way, people that think we're military, but damn we ve had through that before him. I think, but that we were genuinely mean to jerry about the stuff, but we're family were sibling, so we put furniture exactly and we haven't for a while. Now we talks with you and I don't poke fun at each other on the air generally? No, but boy of the year. Well, it's a poking fest yeah. He always poking my you doing mine and I say man, kids
that when I was a kid two yearly yet is assuming happen to you right yeah for sure I was such a. people pleaser, I just went along with it like it was hilarious yeah the little shabby belly him. Then I get skinny. yet chubby. So I'm thinking- and it gets guinea in nice the cycles in that here go away there. We should get back to it the way yeah, so you might say Why ok, guys get a carbon monoxide, the silent killer and you have to make our courts every time. You say that everybody, by the way I get it ellie and want to be around a but exactly. How is it deadly and that is one of the reasons we are here- refuse to explain why unsteadily, because if you lie look at the chemical make up of Carbon monoxide molecule one, carbon Adam one since it adam right, but they are bound really tightly if a triple cocoa and bond which me
but they dont react with stuff very easily. So please! and sir safe from it, basically anything Does it breathe? Has The problems of carbon monoxide but we'd breeze and carbon monoxide tricks. Our bodies, The substituting oxygen for carbon oxide is in mines to hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout the body in the blood right right and what the reasons why it takes oxidants places because its two hundred and ten times more attractive to hemoglobin than oxygen, the that's right and just quickly you and me and jerry. We have also a triple government bond, etc we are debating and were very non reactive, right, but what you are saying was hemoglobin is is like harbour harbour when it comes to that sea. Her in
citizens like no you're supposed to be binding with me, and he began says, but I'm so much more attractive. the carbon monoxide by her. It is just one those weird things that happens in the body: it's like them me more. The guy is walking with this girl from but he's turned round. Looking at another girl, the other girl carbon monoxide, his girlfriend oxygen: he is hemoglobin I have actually seen that none, but not the biggest meme guy, but I know exactly we're talking again in a truly after. If you ask me actually fits a lot of stuff, but one thing that We have to point out- and this is a reason why carbon dioxide is so deadly its deadly and very very small amounts because it can so quickly reply it's the oxygen in your bloodstream, British tissues, your organs, they need oxygen, so if instead there carbon monoxide delivered to them. There they're going to enter hypoxia and you become oxygen deprived your organs become oxygen deprived. Maybe your hearts to stop you might
for brain damage, if survive at the very least, are probably going to faint, may be throw up and again it's because it's too hundred and ten times more attractive became a global. So I saw this. The stat shock yeah, there's a concentration of point zero I have percent carbon monoxide in the area you're breathing. Does nothing nothing and fifteen percent thirteen percent of the air is oxygen when that, when the mt of carbon monoxide in your blood eke like reaches equilibrium. Forty, one per cent of your blood is going to be carbon monoxide just from just from that. That's too the disparity they takes just that little amount to overwhelm oxygen, your body and all of a sudden you're big trouble, yeah mean it depends on who you are and what's going on in europe, one of our senior friends, if you're a little baby friend you're gonna have a bigger trouble with seo. Obviously, if europe
exercising really heavily in like in a breathing a lot more in your heart rates, really high, then it's gonna be a little more dangerous if it's in the air, but here some parts per million stats for you sixteen thousand parts per million, which is a lot so we're not saying like this happen. You know just around and breathing air yeah, two thousand parts per million, you basically taken rips off of the tail pipe of nineteen. Seventy buick dear lessons as it is a time but you know as evidence that will kill you off in like a few minutes right. So don't do that. he s a cut down d, like four hundred like three. Fifty two four hundred should be fine right now, well, then you will die in three to five hours and you're going to you know, feel like symptoms coming on. So hopefully it's kind of thing, the recognize, is going on like bad headaches you know probably nausea.
dizziness stuff like that one, The problems is it's like be nauseous or dizzy from anything. You know well, people that echo carbon monoxide poisoning. well, and they do say, like a firm there's something this is the acute kind of poisoning, there's others also the silicon chronic yeah, the chronic kind, you say of like if everyone in your house get sick at the same time. it's not always a cold like you might want to check for carbon outside in your house right, so the car- The monoxide in your blood mixing with hemoglobin creates a molecule car boxy, hemoglobin nan. It sticks around, for four hours and his law. as you have a bunch of carbon dioxide stream, through your blood and in your tissues, even though you stepped out into like fresh air, you figured it out. You realize you listen up, so you know that of carbon monoxide poisoning, you left your house for breathing fresher. You stood four hours of the working that stuff out in june
therefore hours it's going to be a very it's, it's gonna, be very. dangerous for you. So you want to go to the hospital when you get to the hospital they probably going Stick you in a hyper chamber a stirrup pumping you full of oxygen, yeah, at the very least, puts you on oxygen in some fashion, just like with a mask, even while you're waiting. Probably yet, although it seems like one of those emergency situations to wear. Hopefully it's wrecked and they get you in like very quickly sure in here The thing, if you I mean eventually, when you flush it out, you can be ok, but cannot economic relapse like a few. later right. You can get relapse symptoms and always, and you gotta brain fog or fatigue or that baker, nausea dizziness or something coming back on her and You know you can get permanent damage if its, if its severe not yet- and we talked about chronic poisoning. You can get chronic carbon night. by poisoning. If your exposed us There is little is nine parts per million
for longer than eight hours, which is well below the OSHA standard. It is days in a row. Yeah I mean that basically wants to be part of your life right I am actually, if you go to the hospital- and you like I've, got all these weird unexplained symptoms, but I'm not faint you're anything like that. There's not you know. I haven't been suchen offered by buick tailpipe or anything right, they're going to easter. Ask you questions about your lifestyle like? Where do you live? What do you do and if turns out there. You like live above. a greyhound bus terminal right and make those phone also as obscene folk halls, where you breathing heavily alot, they might say, I think, You have carbon monoxide poisoning of the chronic variety. We should do our best trips, are those who say: obscene phone calls the loose do that to the jerky boys.
yeah. I've been wanting to do one on the history of prank calling there's actually a pretty rich history. There is a different. Actually, I remember a will, take a break here in a sec, but very quickly I was one of those guys who got the jerky boys. My friend on a cassette like years before it was You know the internet obviously year or any kind of like they betting, like a movie. Even did me. Yes, they do it yet. since, when like the cassette, was being passed around the the schoolyard kind of thing, nice and apple had thought it was. When he sing it ever heard. It was funny we just saying the name makes me laugh turkey, boys, bin laden, laugh, I laughed inside Should we take that break yeah. I think we might jerky boys the
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oh. I know I think you could say the beverly hills supper. Club fire had some p say qualities to it. Right sure, I'm gonna supper. Clubs, we're talking especially in northern kentucky chuck yeah yeah so flammable, fresh, broadly, do more inflammable the but death by fire is not a good way to die, but very few people did from burning today. Usually dead long before you really start burning up through oaken inhalation and although apparently they dont corridor statistics as to this smoke. This type of motor this compound in the smoke killed the person like carbon monoxide, you can make a pretty say, assumption that carbon monoxide poisoning has killed people in fires, pretty frequently I'm sure sure it's part of that deadly cocktail. The churn hailing exactly it's
so part of a deadly cocktail. Your inhaling, if you're a cigarette smoker, no have you are willingly ingesting carbon monoxide into your body. When you smoke a cigarette, others that for you, that card, see hemoglobin we're talking about, which is what happens when hemoglobin binds with the the ceo right? It's a typical level. If your this walking around on the street, is under one percent be smoke a pack a day you're living at about three to six percent If you smoke a hooker space in the traditional way where you're actually burning the tobacco on on coal or charcoal can be a lot more to it than that. Even almost eighty or two An incidence is another offender that can bring if you're Bernie incense in your house a lot. Like all day long, you can get up to nine points. parts per million in your home, MR byrne it used to burn incense in college, I was into it for lower Tammy too, but now what I said
but I'm so turned off. Then it's weird visit said little bit of an established, a hit Oh yeah sandal, wood. Ok, is he talking specifically about nod tramper development conference job. It is like the quintessential hippy, not patchouli, like the hippy, and sent stick would be non charm. Was it black or brown brown like a light brown? I usually like most of the brown that, unlike the black, they were way to pungent were made, but then I just you know that was it was very short phase, a kind of overlap. With my listening to the door space. Probably but once I was done within since I was done such that. If I walk in like some hippy dippy crystal shop in it's its guidance go and I gotta get out of there their ghana to me. But I like it, I was in college, I got so in the incense our current incense I'll I'll move past the stick incense,
little brown earners, not a little brass burners, with little charcoal discs that you would put like resident like frank incense, on an errand to sit around and burn that all day. When I read this, I was like oh there is nothing you say, you're a lot for short yep smoking endorse two as well. You clean up your economic good champ, yes, but I also know I used to thinking a lot for no good reason and throw up on myself, and I now understand. Why is not for the euro Is it not? Well, then, maybe I'll just retract that statement now I mean I'm laughing, but I didn't wanna laugh at your expense and oh, I didn't actually faint and throw up on myself or are you laughing because I was such a hit. The eye burned. Frankincense! No, I thought you were serious that you fainted and threw a punch yourself. Oh no, no, no, no, her death! Why didn't? I have a friend who faints occasionally? So you know it can be a thing. She
you should ask that friend. If they live above a greyhound bus terminal, he doesn't look over there oh, like it said before. If you're a little baby or if you senior citizens, it's gonna. If you have when a car disease, even given nemea happy of asthma, like obviously all this stuff is gonna exist. bait, any kind of effects from carbon backside getting into your body, but about four hundred americans die from act in this include. Fires suggests accidental yo poisoning every year, which isn't a lot, but about a in one thousand go to the e r because of this, and fourteen thousand are hospitalized overnight. So yeah those are a negligible. Not I mean for hundred people dying. Is I mean this is all very poor. annabelle too, as will see because when
when carbon monoxide gets in your house. It's it's not supposed to be there, there's something wrong with something you're using usually I'm some sort of fossil fuel burning appliance is the culprit and- and we talked about an incomplete combustion that basically is is what's to blame across the board yeah one the big ones that kills people or at least to make some sick and send him to the hospital. Is unwanted space heaters, which, if you say those words together? You like this sounds like a bad idea and indeed act on space heaters are number fifteen, an egg sumer product safety commission list of three hundred and fifty of the most days this household products yeah? to be clear. These are natural gas for kerosene, burning, heaters? F, electric eaters yet, but like the kind may be the size of like old times your case, like an old samsonite? Let get really
right and that you might have on your house it, especially in the south, where a lot of people in the south south dont have central, he has, it doesn't get that that coal very often not worth the investment, especially back in the day, so They might have an unfinished just a poor evolve space heater. Basically, that rumbling courtesy and the problem is, if you open your windows while you're running that thing there's a good job. you're, going to accidently poison yourself with carbon monoxide and that's counter to active, because people use them because it's cold outside and you don't usually open your windows when it's cold outside, so it actually does led to a lot of problems from people My grandmother bryant my dad's mom metal, opel, who lived to be hundred plus harder in ITALY. torrent done gas fired. But she had gone chill chasers in the wall. Oh you ever did you ever see those in
I'm sure they were all over the place, but I sold a lot in the south in older houses where they're, just built in space heaters in the wall like recessed into the wall? Oh yeah, I guess I know it's hard, mercer, we'll just a. Old timer switch on it. I thought it was super super cool like in her bathroom and stuff yeah. I'd love this like old, timey, details of old houses like that there are like a I cut out in the hallway for a phone yeah like nato alone, likud tiled, too brush holder that matches the rest of the time I was just here, picks out and hold your chief process. Will love that good stuff Speaking of those kerosene or natural gas heaters, though you get a new one day Us always now have a sensor on it and oxygen sensor, her that will read the air and shut that thing off of her, but if you can the older one I didn't have to be like forty years old, you know it I'm not sure when those oxygen sensors came along, but I feel like it's so my recent. Yet twenty twenty two problems
Though not always every boy, I'm really getting you left and right today, just at this is gullible day. For me. Ok, that's kinda no noted, but looking appliances, obviously, furnaces fireplaces cards just as a big one chuck. I gotta stop there, because this is why we're here right now be a satan I, however, in attach grudge that literally the kitchen, the door does and am I stopped there. Are an gotta and went inside and just when it my day, but I had left the car running with the garage door closed. Just I've! No, done it before my life never come loves. It just happened because in my defence is a hybrid show, it's easier, to turn it off, because it is really not a lot going on when you turn it on her off when it's an electric mode and, of course, like it's like
I'd better start charging myself in that the gas burning part kicked in and he opened, the door was like Oh my god, the cards running in so we set in researching carbon monoxide and found that it's actually kind of problem. Luckily, your fine l mamma was fine and budgeting she suspicious. But what you mean, then, you know bring you up on charges like I was trying to poison the lot of us, maybe sure I wish. She knows me a little better than that mama Thus the danger there and lead moment was ok, yes, and that is why we were most freaked out. Because she's tiny. So if you like a little bit of carbon monoxide can can really grew up somebody with a ten pound frame in a year I am one of those hybrids to sake. Are on our I don't know- be very easy to do that, yeah or just keep beeping, or something like that. Car still on dummy
mine, doesn't data or just have to do to the car. and then he could get. celebrity reads: How do you know like Samuel l Jackson, to hurt right around you, gotta go for a walk in the car and baby. That's a man would be Sammy Davis Jr, but do Christopher Walken doing don't do, walk in there s your deal. Car off of events You could also pass that offers a shelter browser car off goodness me, Kevin pollack. He should he should have been on. He should have done a very quick little guest to word read for us ll, it's not too late this! This episode hasn't been edited, yet they probably would let's find out speaking of bad decisions, if you lived in texas in twenty twenty one when they had that I'm terrible frozen storm that came through in and their power grid failed alive, people were like hey
that spring in this. weber. Grill n it fully charcoal and keep ourselves warm, it sounds a very, not smart thing to do but not everyone understands is not. Everyone knows this. Would be emitted, Think people get desperate when they're in danger of freezing the death, maybe they're coming in happen. Eleven people died about fourteen, her people went to the emergency room for the au poisoning in taxes at year, yeah that, like bout store not just the whole year. I think- and there was almost two years worth of of status right there and it was in like basically a few days and weeks worse things I saw you wrote a pro publicly article about this. Is that afterward excess considered in them rejected, require carbon monoxide detectors and houses. It's like what are you when you talk about you and people from all over the world cook with
You know like fires in there their homes and their huts in their small spaces about a third of the people of the world use when fires some of em run on kerosene stuff, but you know we saw in guatemala a lot of times. Things are just just wood burning. Fires in your home- that their their cooking with- and you know they they ventilate things as well as they can. But it's a big power. The world health organization says that cold air pollution and in this area, combined, but a portion of this is but going to be due to carbon monoxide have been killed more than three million people and twenty twenty dear mamma, We did that thing for toyota, about the carnegie melon invention off too dance off one what are the entrance invented a portable basin we're oven, vent hood used endorse in ruminant. You could do. Is super cheap and easy to use. I may let a man
there, like a high sculptured too, if I'm not mistaken, or at least a college student in this respect, two thousand eight so had his off. that person's foresight, an insight totally should we take our heads often take a break. Do yes, let's we'll be right. Back apple card is perfect for when you're on the go earn up to three percent daily cash on every purchase anywhere. Mastercard is accepted and use Apple card with apple pay is safer to know, handling cards no exchange in cash. Apply now on the wall, it up on my phone and go explore subjected credit approval apple card issued by goldman sachs bank. Usa, salt lake city branch terms apply from
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compatible devices visit decks, come dotcom, such compatibility or alright. We're We did talk about all the dangers of like home appliances and fires and what kind of stuff there was one more that we didn't talk about an that happens very frequently after a disaster like say, a hurricane where people use it portable generator, too close to their house edward. The few who's that, while the carbon monoxide ends of drifting in and killing, people You need to get the thing away from your window at least twenty feet, especially bids open back alright I'll, give it another little positive, but peace, within appear, say chuck, so I guess seconds per second words. I think you know Six people like azra bonehead term yeah, but, like I said we are talking about all these dangers of of things
You can use that would increase the carbon monoxide in your life, but you're also gain experience. It just walking around the world. In urban areas can be higher, usually about ten parts per million if very heavy traffic city. It can be his eyes fifth, parts per million just in the air that your breeding walking around better- and this is from You know just from humans driving cars, mainly burning, feel of any type the year old nemesis the leaf. Our other, This is a hard to believe stead. but libya found this estimate. This one source. That said again, es powered leaf blower for Half an hour has the same amount of hydrocarbon emissions as a thirty nine hundred mile drive and it s one fifty raptor yeah, we, We talked about that stand in the noise pollution episode about leaf bloodworth that they were, that that also put up
much emissions to all this to say that and have to be some big gigantic car right, like your ear, small two stroke engines are putting a lot of this in the ears were right, but if you put enough cars together, although bits of ceo. if they put out, are going to combine and in be problematic, especially if you in places like fair banks, alaska, red wine, there is, they call them atmospheric inversion. That typically happens there, where the warm air, kids on after the cold air and traps that coal there, which is why The reason for banks so call them quite sure, but it also traps all that pollution that would normally drift off into the atmosphere in tat and so fair banks was legit sorry for having really bad air quality. I believe, still has issues with particular matter, but they kind of tackled the carbon monoxide, a problem that they had think back in the seventies,
that would surprise me just think of alaska as this pristine affiliated place sure, but is discuss the way the land is then fairbanks, while they a city underneath and atmospheric conversion. It's gonna get that bert that yet inverted gonna him very nasa has something cool that they launched twenty four years ago, wish, by her called the terror satellite, and it has a sensor on it called the market. measurements of pollution in the troposphere. So this is measuring way above the earth about twelve thousand feet above the ground. in carbon monoxide? yes, other things as well. But this allows you know nasa to sort of fine hot that's all over the world. Obviously, when there's like over cities can be hotter. If there's a big forest fire or something like that, but it will show just
zones in the world of maybe like hey, something's, going on down there and if you're forces and on fire, maybe you should look at check it out well look into why your whole population is failing in vomiting on themselves right, but the numbers the numbers are going down yet, which is great news there, their market map and a switch to tee, switch is a little redundant eg. Don't to the t. I find it very satisfying that they take the letter to every single word gathered in it. Wasn't like a wedge. You know those wedge acronyms we dislike. This is the opposite of that no agree and muppets of onward sure but they it, found that the concentration of gases decline since two thousand from point one to five to under point one zero, five, which is great news, I'm one of the other things they figured out from the terrorist satellite and its market software and then some other satellites that have been launched since then, that do similar things. There is a lot of
Jesus outright. Why in a lot of companies, lie about their emissions? They see they're much lower than they are in. These satellites can arise sensitive. They can pin point like basically factories, output, at least the city's output and say that countries fudging their numbers about their c o, two or c o emissions or whatever kind of emissions that said It feels like testing that they're nice, I mean it's drops in america, certainly the clean air. I did a lot Eighteen, seventy one help clean air and I, Think then nineteen seventy one before they are when they enacted it. The percent of the locations that they were monitoring or the ceo were in violation of what would become those new rules, yeah for sure and there's one Other thing about carbon monoxide, that's problematic for it being outdoor pollutant. We did. It not reactive, it kind of bounces off of other stuff, but the problem is it enough
directly contributes to climate change in that it does hook up. hydroxyl radicals, which are so reactive that leave and react with carbon monoxide. in normally those molecules are running round. Hooking up with methane and turning it into other stuff besides methane, which actually removes that greenhouse, ass from the atmosphere. When there's a lot of carbon monoxide up there. It keeps the hut. Axel busy and methane is allowed to dissimulate go on who ray He come up the opposite cheer of Hooray right. Let me think on yellow This is a very important thing for us, the egg the limit converter, was a big deal for reducing seo put in cars, was invented by a french engineer, name eugene, audrey how'd, you pronounce it. I think that's pretty cos,
there's a nineteen fifty, but that had gas was still a big thing back then and lead a gas does not mix well with catalytic converter. So they finally got rid of leaded ass in the mid seventies and the EU. Ay said: hey! You got a serpent, these catalytic converters on your card, the huge the they the interesting I actually wrote the article on the old house, which website on catalytic converters our need. They are interesting. They are in. It was a bit of a because it's not my thing at all, so it was a bit of a slug to get to the article by air It is interesting how they work. They use metals like play, the and platinum and rhodium like expensive metals, which is why people will cut in steel, a catalytic converter out from underneath your car can like a though still copper from us, house being built or something I have save deals as metals are very valuable and they trigger chemical reactions that use free,
This agenda turn that seo. c o to an age to o yeah and then also other stuff, like nitrogen dioxide and hydrocarbons. All those proud of incomplete combustion plants converter says I got this before that stuff comes out of the tail pipe nice pretty cool so catalytic converters actually coming along using her dree disarming, say it he's coming to save the world in a lot of ways like you really help those emissions out she's. Basically, the reason why the f one fifty truck driving from texas to say, fair banks and puts out less emissions than a leaf blower running for half an hour. That's why so I mean women taking our hats off here there in this absurd, I'm taking it often leaving it off for eugene. taken that bray off bulgaria pay up as far as what you can do in your own home. Obviously you're gonna wanna inspect that furnace. One of the few
once again happen with that inefficient burning is when you don't Something simple like not having your filter changed right, means that your furnaces and getting the air that it needs deadly, It is doubly you gotta. Keep that furnace filter clean. You gotta have all your exhaust fans for all your appliances. We have gas appliances, make sure those exhaust vans are working. You could make a switch to from gas to elect or to what those called induction induction. the various wireless. Not a fan Barroso ii, get used to it. I guess I love you, Where am I as I know, another they're problematic, but I gotta configured well, if you have a gas ranging you're using it or a gas cooked up in particular, you should have somebody come out every once in a while and tune it up like there's a tune up process. They can do to then they'll test. Your the combustion your flame, to make sure and it's burning as closer to
not rich or not lean, but in the middle of the two You mean a guide is comes out and lights of art basically, but he has expensive little device? Thirty, stick right at by and tests. How much the like carbon monoxide is in it. I'd pay for that he should pay for and then one other thing you can do chuck, and I know you'll probably go do this right after we finished you, yourself, a wire brush and some electrical contact cleaner and you take off. Little plates on the burner on your cook, top in scrub, em, tell her totally free of corrosion and build up. I will do that. You should It'll help a lot actually the guy who got it out to do the tuneup he's act. We adjusting like the amount of light gas and air. That's going to your stuff. It's something you to really do cause. You don't have that expensive device. I got the definitely want carbon monoxide detectors in your home. And if you have
I mean I think most of the new likes me detectors, are also seo. pictures ahead, I haven't no, but I feel like they're kind of all that Purpose now gives a yeah look and what I have to tell you. But if you do have an old school detector it may not be also a carbon monoxide detector so check on yet, and you can get those pretty easy. Cheap I'm in a buzz market one. I was doing some research, the kitty. You know them the fire extinguishers their night hawk, which is thirty five dollars, if has nine votes battery backup and it tests air, every fifteen seconds as a digital read out of what your carbon monoxide levels are in the immediate area, thirty five bucks, its everything you need there and just put one in every single outlet in your house. Oh just pledge raided yeah, it's just not something goes in the ceiling nope, it doesn't hard wire. It has like I said it's battery, but it's a battery backup, so it's actually really helpful and what are they?
then you're, probably gonna, hear if you start to research. This is that you should put Carbon monoxide detector, either very high or down low, because some but I'll tell you that it's either heavy, lighter than air sexually, not true either way. It's all the same weight as air what makes it really well and it goes wherever air goes, so you can put it pretty much where you got air enables a technical. monoxide because it disperses pretty evenly easily and there sir Oh, we can close by talking about some of the beneficial uses of carbon so because they do use it for things. Her whether or not they should be. Always purposes debatable? Sometimes chair, I would like to do a short stuff. Some time on the fact that occur Monoxide is used to keep meet looking red That's not the myth that it is a food additive that makes meet looked red.
Right is supposedly just preserves the red color. That's already there and supposedly is not dangerous, but as started digging in. I was like oh boy. This is a big rat's nest, so I can't wait. We're gonna have to put on that one and The one that stuck out to me that that was so awesome is that it has medical uses. Paradoxically, they figured out that they can use carbon monoxide and like relatively high concentrations like four hundred parts per million is remembered. Nine parts per million can give you a chronic poisoning. Before hundreds alot that they used to treat acute respiratory distress syndrome. because somehow they found out that car Monoxide has a protective effect on your lungs that protects it from injury or sepsis. That's just nutty an idle. I look to see how that happened. I could not find I like. I think that the actually don't quite know yet it's that that new finding that ground. Breaking a love it
due to the very bleeding edge technology here. Are you anything else? I have nothing else other than a listener. Male. We did some good work here chalked if I do say so myself, yeah given going the kitty hawks youth close enough you're symbol applying for defence search that kid kitty. I don't like you right, if you want to know more about carbon monoxide and chitty nighthawks then start looking mill round the internet and you'll probably find quite a bit about it, because we did and since I said that it's hyper listener man, I'm just picturing you and you may now, like the day after your mishap, leaving with a video, a cart full sick, the kitty, hawks and all sorts of other products in an offensive is two days after you had a day readers later round. Thinking, oh my god. There we were the my mind in its
it's long for them. Alright, here's the listener mail. This is very cute when a guy's, my mom and I are longtime listeners and huge fans. I live overseas in germany, so my mom and I will see each other about once a year where your podcast was a great way for us to share together. Despite the distance, We talk on the phone almost everyday things we ve learned Instead, we should know come up often starting points system, my group, grandma german immigrant used to end phone calls by saying cute hold grandma boys Well, I don't know anything which is really great and she says this hand. Oh by the way says I don't know can calumet. I dont know anything new or we're talking about, so I guess Get off the sofa since she died. I've been using that a lot. However, we got inventive a few months ago and now have incorporated something job says, ray episode in your conversation. So now, when I wanted to get off the phone, I always say
since I said blah blah blah. That means time for lesser male. We both get away. Out of it. We thought you might do you keep up the good work guys in jerry disregards at his Hannah and mom, amber very nice thanks anna and amber thanks for letting us know its Your jerky boys makes me laugh every time gonna, be like china and tangentially amber, didn't touch of us to. Let us know something cute about your family, we this year that you can wrap it up, spank it on the bottom. Soon it off new stuff podcast it I heart radio, dot com. The stuff you should know is a production of iheart radio for more podcasts. My heart radio visit, the iheart radio, app apple podcasts or wherever you listen to your favorite, shows.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-29.