« Stuff You Missed in History Class

SYMHC Classics: The King’s Evil

2023-11-04 | 🔗

This 2017 episode examines the practice of British and French monarchs laying on hands to cure sick people from the medieval period to the 18th century. One disease was so often "cured" it came to be known as the King's Evil.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Get ready to dive into the future with technically speaking and intel podcast the groundbreaking podcast from iheart media's ruby studios in partnership with intel. Each episode unveils the incredible ways: a high technology is transforming our world for the better join host, graham class, as he speaks with the experts behind the technological advancements that are powering a brighter and more accessible future for everyone. Listen to technically speaking and intel pod asked on the I hurt radio up, apple podcast or wherever you get. Your pod casts. This november marks the sixtieth anniversary of president John of kennedys assassination, but for those who were there, the day will never be history. National geographic, emmy winning franchise. One day in america returns with J f k. One day in amerika, a three part limited series told by the last surviving witnesses in official collaboration with the sixth floor, museum
dealey plaza and using only archival footage and first person testimony J f k, one day in amerika premier, sunday november, five that eight seven central on national geographic and streaming on disney lesson hulu starting Monday november sixth,. what are its dramas from the life as a green gold. Five cares. We are back with a brand new season now life as a gringo speaks to let dino were born or raised here in the states is about educating and break in those generation curses that men have been holding us back for far too long. I'm here to discuss the topics that are relevant to all of us and to define what it means to live as a true authentically self, listen to life as increasingly on the ice, radio, app apple pod cast or wherever you get your pod kiss brought to you by state farm like a good neighbour state farm. Is there she represents what cats one cats wants. Sheba. Perfect portions cuts in gravy know what else cats want their squeaky
mouse toy which can make this podcast really hard here, find a coupon for five dollars off she perfect portions multi pacts on specially mark, shiva packs at walmart and petsmart today, snapped peel sir, sheba. What cats one wondered bumper purchase coupon expires june, thirtieth twenty four purchaser responsible for sales, tax visit sheba, but com for more details, happy saturday recently on the show we talked about how one of the things that Marie Anne at level and normal had studied. While learning about divination and prophecy was the power of veto the king was evil, so the kings but what was scrupulous and in parts of you, from the medieval period. All the way to the eighteenth century monarchs were believes to be able to heal it this episode originally came out on march. Thirteen twenty seventy enjoy welcome.
Stuff. You missed in history class a production of I heart radio, hello and welcome to the pod has wilson and I'm calling for today's pod gasped was originally to be about aphra, Behn and don't worry if you are one of the many many people who asked for that when and are disappointed by the words supposed to be that episode is still in the works a very early on in researching it. A book that I was reading was sort of setting the stage with the description of life during the restoration. That was the reply. The british monarchy in sixteen sixty in the years that followed it, and why a bit of this description was that when he was restored to the throne, charles, the second brought back a cost
mary treatment, for quote the kings evil, also known as scrofula, and that treatment was for the king to touch people, but I I love it in a minute, yeah yeah. I knew I knew that the practice of monarch, laying on hands to cure sick people had been around during the medieval period. Bet I did not know it had gone all the way into the restoration, and I definitely did not know that a particular illness was so connected to it that people literally called it the kings evil. So that was compelling enough to put off after ban until little waiter conveniently also gives me time to get through the immensely large book. The fifth holly saw that book last week, while I was in atlanta, was quite big. I did Tracy was here visiting for work. She held up a book and so however, by ever give a good three this in committee you really a serious tone. It
it is so I am glad that you have more time to work on that when me too, because I was having that moment where, like when you, in middle school, and you put off your paper to the last minute, except I didn't put off paper till the last minute I just didn't realize, and so I got in. Who had how colossal their research- I, like you, think that's a middle school thing and not say in your forties. Workin It could be that to you. It is for me, sometimes not on purpose, but you know we do lots of stuff, so sometimes things fill in and I don't get as much time as I would like to write a thing I but today we know that scrofula is caused by the same bacteria is tuberculosis and tuberculosis
has been around for at least nine thousand years. It is one of the oldest, if not the oldest infectious diseases still existing on earth and most people are probably familiar with tuberculosis in its pulmonary form, which has also been known as consumption. Or faces the huge list of historical figures who were either known or believed to have had pulmonary. Tuberculosis is huge. It includes people like john key Elizabeth bear browning, Emily brown say and many many many others. It's come up a lot in. Episodes of our show that holly and I have worked on including the history of the grove park in toronto, new england, vampire panic. Alan l art and then, of course, salmonella Men and the development of struck the mice and which was the first drugs successfully used to cure it scrappy, which comes from the latin.
And for brood sow his extra pulmonary tuberculosis, so it affects the body outside of the lungs. Specifically, it's an infection of the lymph nodes that is caused by tuberculosis. Although lymph nodes, all over, the body can be affected in general, scruff ula has been used to describe, but an infection in the neck and when untreated it causes swellings, sores and sometimes accesses in particular around the lymph nodes at the top of the neck and under the jaw. There's a little bit of debate about why a word for soule came to be used to describe, scrap and some accounts. It's because pigs were. having tumors in their throats and others. It's because graph Yola makes your neck like thick and swollen like a pig's cash. spielberg's. He was riding in the year. For forty seven said it looked quote just like the swollen neck of a sound and some thought that may be
It was that the swellings emma sores, brought on by scrap ula, looked like pigs themselves. Now one seems like them. The most unlikely to me it weirdly. I read a lot of old medical documents of people be arriving about why it was called that firm. Like the seventeen hundreds, you know, it's worth examination But today we have diagnostic tests to confirm a tuberculosis infection. Am thankfully we have the drugs to treat it especially basis with reliable access to modern medicine. It's really rare for scrofula to become a serious problem, with the exception of patients whose immune systems or compromised or occasionally in a drug resistant strains of the disease and when treated quickly. The symptoms are usually limited to painless.
swelling in the lymph nodes, but before the development of antibiotics, scrofula could become incredibly painful and disfiguring It was also often mistaken or other conditions that also cause swelling or source in the throat or neck or whose conditions were mistaken, I feel, and these included mumps glandular disorders, various skin conditions and cancer. Prior to the germ theory of disease. physicians had all kinds of other ideas about what caused scrofula under the ancient greek idea of the body being regulated by four humours scrofula was caused by an excess of phlegm. Charles the seconds royal surgeon wrote that scrofula came from the gulf. Ends filling up with humor, some positions in history believed it was inherited and not communicable and eighteen. Thirteen, william turon described it, as quote a genuine eddie, a pathway, hereditary diseases and any
in thirty three john can't called it quote. An hereditary taint can't went on to say quote the other car of this disease are bad and unwholesome diet, insufficient clothing, neglect of exercise and want of proper cleanliness I may also observe that it frequently makes its first appearance after an attack of measles smallpox, rheumatic fever or other debilitating affections, and it is often excited into obvious existence by blows. Sprains bruises or other accidents. According to thomas spurned, he wrote a treatise on scrofula in seventeen o nine. It was quote a preacher, natural, malignant, tumor or humor, produced by a particular. Acidity of the serum of the blood either gland muscle or membrane, which it both coagulated
an endurance or in the marrow, which it always dissolves and also purifies the bone. I hope nobody's eating breakfast. While they listen to this Several parts of this house where, if, if this were an episode of saw bones, it would be the part where you were justin is going, we can move on. You can tell. He just wants sydney to stop saying the gross part yeah I don't I don't want to. I just occurs to me that if somebody is a little bit delicate of telling me to these types of things, this may maybe pause until you're done with your meal but inference treatise.
Children, whose parents had scrupulous, especially if their mother did, while nursing were more likely to develop it themselves and quote here. I cannot amend one observation by the bye that children also who are begotten gotten and improper times of the moon, have been often subject to be afflicted with this evil and, to the last degree, to a virulent seem Let this be a warning to married people. The let this be worn out to a people made me laugh a lot and make the first time I read a lot. I just love the idea that, depending on what time of the the lunar cycle a baby is made, might make it more, you know likely
the contract. This yeah, the food, went on to list others who were more prone to scruffy law, including people whose blood was naturally too acidic children who had rickets people who were generally weak people whose bodies didn't have enough quote heat for good digestion. living in places with air that was too thin or too thick or was bad and also quote: salt sour slimy meets or links not getting. of exercise according to him was yet another way you could develop. Scrofula, ok, purifying bone is not problem but slimy meets, is linked with the word were creeping up to the edge of violet cope ability here. Some physicians did conclude that scrofula and tuberculosis a related, even if all their other ideas about it were completely off base. John can't, for example, who had named its cause quote an hereditary taint, also wrote that concern
She was quote neither more nor less than scrofula of the lungs in an eighteen, thirty, three edition of a text on scrofula and cancer, but it wasn't until eighteen, eighty two that medical science pinpointed the bacterial cause of tuberculosis and confirmed that scrofula was com. By the same thing, even then, there were naysayers who argued that scrofula was unrelated and not transmissible. Over the centuries. A wide range of treatments were used to relieve scruffy lauer, try to because the glance in question were usually in the neck. Surgeries could be particularly dangerous, although some doctors did attempt them, while still in the world of four humor theory to treatments were often meant a balance, the humours or drain excess through purgatives diuretics and bleeding compress
This poultices and topical bombs were applied to the swellings as well, and for those who thought that too much salter too thin air. Those sorts of things where the problems are. The treatment would include a change of diet or a change of scenery and we're going to talk about how scrawl fuel, came to be known as the kings evil that could be cured if the king touched it, but first we're gonna pause for a little sponsor break. We are coming
on the sixtieth anniversary of the president, John F kennedy assassination and for those who live three that day. This is not history. It's a living part of their stories from national geographic comes J, f k one day in america. This is a three part, limited series, and it is told by the last surviving witnesses. J F, k one day in america, is a minute by minute, retelling of the events of that pivotal moment. In u S, history and the days that followed, and they are using only archival footage and first person testimony to lay out this story and it's gonna give audiences are really unique chance to here. First, and accounts from those who were there. That day, this series is made an official collaboration with the sixth floor museum dealey plaza in Dallas, the Emmy winning critically acclaim franchise. One day in amerika returns with its second instalment j f k one day in amerika, J, F, K,
one day in amerika premier, sunday november, fifth, that eight seven central on national geographic, with all three episodes airing back to back and streaming on disney plus an hulu starting Monday november, six
in a world where modern technology is rapidly reshaping our day to day lives. The new podcast technically speaking and intel podcast uncovers the remarkable ways. Tec is improving. Our livelihood across the globe brought to you by Ruby studios from my heart media in partnership with intel. Technically speaking, is your passport to the forefront of a eyes marvels in modern technology. Each episode will take you on a riveting journey. As you discover the awe inspiring innovations of our modern world from game. Changing innovations revolutionizing early cancer detection too. I software that detects pests on crops that can be detrimental to seasonal yields, tune in four conversations that are shaping our tomorrow today, listen to technically speaking and intel podcast on the island.
radio app apple pod casts or wherever you get your pod casts shiva presents what cats one cats wants: Sheba, perfect portions cussing gravy. No one else. Cats want their squeaky. Mouse toy, which can make this podcast really hard here, find a coupon for five dollars off. She were perfect portions multi pacts on specially mark, shiva packs at walmart and petsmart. Today snapped peel, sir, Sheba. What cats one wondered: bumper purchase, kiwanis buyers june thirtieth twenty four purchaser responsible for sales tax, this issue, but I call for more details Where interrupting your favorite clearance, bad news. This is a commercial. You might think we want to sell you, king critically. Yes, we want to sell you some always fresh, always good on the cargoes from mexico, because they make breathing better. This commercial goes on, but here's some good news. We ve gotta contest you're going.
To love when you deliver your bad news to the tune of the other cargoes, were mexico jingled and share it on social with hashtag them? Jingle challenge will be under the win. A trip to this year's jingle by bad news, like I forgot to pick up the kid that's called for. I backed my car into your new car or the worse news I ate the last. I can't see, however, cargoes make everything better senior bad news share with hashtag them jingle challenge and cross your fingers that you'll win the trip to this year's jingle learn more at advocate us from mexico. Dotcom other cargoes from mexico, always good public others from single aw. In mediaeval england, the name the king, Evil eventually came to be directly connected to scruffy le, but the basic idea It was back earlier than that and also connects to other diseases, and
rome, the latin morbus, ridges or royal, do these was used to describe a number of different diseases, including jaundice leprosy, which today is known as hansen's disease. It's not entirely, clear where either of these associations came from one is that right, all was a reference to gold, so jaundice being called the royal disease is because the color of the patient, skin and other things, he is that particular royal or noble families were prone to certain diseases. Long after the time we're talking about today and in other parts of the world, epilepsy and hemophilia have been described as royal diseases because of their elections to royal families. There is some suggestion that people thought hansen's disease could be cured through a royal touch, but there is the
very little evidence of a king actually trying that, although of course, there are biblical and other religious references that are not about a monarch, there are a few very spotty references to monarchs in england and france curing people's retouch prior to the tenth and eleven centuries. The first was clovis king of the franks, who reigned from four eighty one to five eleven other the record that one is very sparse. There are also reports of miraculous cures at the hands of robert, the second of france, also in his robert, the pious or robert, the pious who was co ruler of the franks with his father for ninety seventy nine ninety six and then he was the sole monarch until his death and ten thirty one, but the widely chronicled event of the royal touch was under edward, the confessor. You live from one thousand eight to ten sixty six and he ruled england. From ten forty, two until his death, we ve called the confessor arabic
of his reputation for being a deeply pious man and he's the only king of england ever to have been canonized edward. The confessor reportedly cured a woman of scrofula, the woman had an infection under her job that was causing swelling a bad smell and multiple source. She had a dream that if the king washed her with water, she would be cured. So she went to the court and asked to be given an audience. Might sound. I'd do today, years, but asking for an audience with the king, for something like this at the time was definitely not unheard of edward. The Vassar, along with other monarchs, distributed, alms and offered offered comfort to the poor and the sick. There, too, early on religious holidays and in this is when the woman was brought before the king. He asked verbal of water.
There's some variation in exactly what happened next, as described in later accounts, but in general it was more than just a laying on of hands or an anointing with water. Combining the miraculous with the medical, edward dipped, his fingers in the water and touched the women's accesses, which opened up and drained with some of the descriptions of what came out being far grocer in others. He kept dipping his fingers and washing and pressing until all of the putri essence was gone, and then he ordered the woman to be fed and cared for out of the royal purse until she covered. I will repeat that if you go read up about this on the internet, some of the descriptions are incredibly graphic.
I recently had more graphic stuff in here, and then I was like you know where we're going to read this at ten o clock in the morning would have hoped for a little. You know still get used to the day. Maybe this is the will to intense I'm. Ok with that the abscess drake I'm still back on slimy meet her nervous, so there is some debate. It's about whether this woman's symptom were really scruffy law or whether it with some other condition, but regardless this one event, solidified the connection between the kings, evil and scrupulous, and soon the royal ability to cure through touch was connected. Pretty much only two scruffy le thomas fern hues, treatise on scrap we referenced in part, one wrote quote, but I beg leave here too,
one digression by the way about our english term for the stream out or scrofula as additives as it is now commonly called the kings evil in everybody's mouth before I begin to define what I have hitherto only been describing by name and some writers think that this name Was given to any scrupulous or streamers disease long before edward the confessor time, but over all agree, at least that from here. His reign was called nothing else generally and I may say vulgarly too, but the kings evil in england. Fern also wrote that the ability to heal it through touch was quote a particular gift to him at first and to no body beforehand as a singular reward of his holiness, and it was from there. Hereditary through the monarchy, at least according to this guy
Also comes up in the work of shakespeare and act for of macbeth macduff amalgam. Our stance, outside edward the confessors palace and a doctor comes through and mentions that there's a crowd of people inside seeking the kings touch malcolm explains to macduff what is going on quote: have called the evil a most oraculous work in this good king, which often since my here remain in england, I have seen him do how oh he's, elicits Heaven himself best known knows: butts, usually visited. People all swollen and elsewhere is pitiful to the eye the meat, despair of surgery? He cures hanging a golden stamp about their necks, put on with Lee prayers and two spoken to the succeeding royalty. He leaves the healing benediction with this straight
its virtue. He half a heavenly gift of prophecy and sundry blessings hang about his throne that speak him full of grace. Although this scene takes place outside the palace of edward, the confessor, his treatment of this woman for scrofula seems to have been a one time thing performance one person not amassed ceremony with a coin involved. However, it's a really good description of what this practice morphed into in later centuries, as monarchs in england and france started touching large groups of subjects, It's special ceremonies and holidays yeah. Even though shakespeare was writing about edward, the confessor hear what he was describing was what was actually happening. While he was living when people went to get cured of the king's evil, we both sixth of france, he rolled from eleven o eight to eleven thirty seven viewed this practice. As quote customary,
and he treated whole crowds of laying on of hands and the sign of the cross edward, the first of england, who ruled from twelve seventy two Eighteen o seven touched more than five hundred of his subjects to cure them of scrofula. In the course of a single month by the of his reign. He was touching more than a thousand people every year. People travelled grew distances to the court of philip, the fourth of france. He ruled from twelve eighty five to thirteen fourteen and the people who travelled the farthest to see him were also rewarded with large sums of alms. All three, the fourth of france ruled from fifteen eighty nine to sixteen ten touched up to fifteen hundred people in one single ceremony, I'm just going to interject here. That seems like a bad public health me.
I was thinking about like the germs, that how did all of these monarchs not constantly become ill themselves? The great question because they were magical. Clearly it was edward, the third of england who ruled from thirteen twenty seven to thirteen seventy seven, who first started presenting those he touched with a coin which was described in that passage. Tracy read from Beth. These coins became an ongoing practice known as angels or touch pieces, and were sometimes strung through with a ribbon to be worn as a talisman, edward, the thirds father edward. The second also started the practice The monarch, donating gold or silver on good friday, which would be made into cramp rings, said to have healing powers for the most part. The first few generations of this royal touch were viewed as an outward expression of the monarchs personal sanctity and, if the monarch didn't have a lot of
Personal sanctity eta gifted go away. For example, philip, the first was came, the franks from it and sixty two eleven o eight and he reportedly did practice the royal touch at first until he became too simple for it to work for him. Wound up having the nickname, philip, the amorous, but that connection to personal piety shifted a little bit after the protestant reformation and we're gonna talk about that after we pause one more time for a sponsor break
We are coming up on the sixtieth anniversary of the president, John F kennedy assassination and for those who live through that day. This is not history. Its living part of their stories from national geographic comes J f k one day in america. This is a three part limited series and it is told by the last surviving witnesses. J F, k one day in america, is a minute by minute, retelling of the events of that pivotal moment. In u S, history and the days that followed, and they are using only archival footage and first person, testimony to lay out this story and it's gonna give audiences are really unique chance to hear first hand accounts from those who there. That day, this series is made an official collaboration with the sixth floor museum dealey plaza in Dallas, the Emmy winning critically acclaimed franchise. One day in amerika returns with its second instalment j f k. One day in america, J f k
one day in america, premier Sunday november, fifth, that eight seven central on national geographic, with all three episodes airing back to back and streaming on disney plus an hulu starting Monday november. Six,
in a world where modern technology is rapidly reshaping our day to day lives, the new podcast technically speaking and intel podcast uncovers the remarkable ways. Tat is improving our livelihood across the globe brought you buy Ruby studios from my heart media in partnership with intel. Technically speaking, is your passport to the forefront of a eyes marvels in modern technology. Each episode will take you on a riveting journey, as you discover the awe inspiring innovations of our modern world from game, changing innovations, revolutionizing early cancer detection to ay. I software that detects pests on crops that can be detrimental to seasonal yields, to infer conversations that are shaping our tomorrow today, listen to technically speaking and intel podcast on the ice,
the radio app apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts ooh shiva presents what cats one cats, one sheba perfect portions, cussing gravy know what else cats want their squeak. Mouse toy, which can make this podcast really hard here, find a coupon five dollars off, she perfect portions multi pacts on specially marked shiva packs at walmart and petsmart. Today snapped peel, sir, Sheba what cats one hundred bunker purchase combining spires june thirtieth point. Twenty four percent are responsible for sales tax position, but I call for more details. where interrupting your favorite clearance, bad news. This is a commercial. You might think we want to sell you, king typically. Yes, we want to sell you some always fresh, always good. Over from mexico, because they make breathing better. This commercial goes on and on, but here's some good news. We ve gotta contest you're going.
until last love, when you deliver your bad news to the tune of the other cargoes, were mexico jingled ensure it on social with hashtag? Hey jingle challenge will be entered the win, a trip to this year's jingle by bad news. Like I forgot, you pick up The kid that's called, or I backed my car into your new car or the worse news I ate the last. I can see, however, cargoes make everything better senior bad news share with hashtag air them jingle challenge in cross. Your fingers that you'll win the trip to this year's jingle learn more advocate us from lexical dotcom cargoes from mexico. Always good apple gathers sickle over the Here's some circular logic grew up around the kings. Evil and the royal touch scrofula was the kings evil, because kings could curate and kings could cure could cure graph, because it was the kings, evil
following this the same pattern, the monarchs practice of the royal touch started to be used as evidence of the monarchs legitimacy as the monarch. If the monarch did this thing clear, We may were legitimately the monarch it sounds a lot like the lord of the rings, legend am gondor about the hands of the king or the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known. This shows up, especially in the post reformation reign of queen Elizabeth, the first, who was queen from fifteen fifty eight until her death in sixteen one three, her first attempts at the king's touch seemed reluctant. However, after pope Pius, the fifth excommunicated her and declared her a pretended queen and a heretic. She revived the practice in part because her detractors claimed that god had taken the gift away from her for her heresy and in one account, a catholic woman came to her and begged to be cured and when Elizabeth's touch was successful.
The woman announced that the people bull was clearly no because god was still working through the queen. Today's episode of the pond cast was inspired by this description of charles the seconds revival of the practice during the restoration under the rain of charles seconds, father, charles the first form for healing epoch. and of the king had become a part of the book of common prayer. Charles the first had also had touch peace coins meant it that way. Does inscribed in latin translated. To quote the love of the people is the kings protection he got It's a so apparently love was not enough protection for him.
Charles the first was king until he was executed for high treason and the monarchy was abolished. Oliver cromwell then became lord protector of england, ireland and scotland. Cromwell was not a king and did not practise the royal touch, but charles the second, while in exile continued the practice in part as evidence of his place on the throne. When the monarchy was restored, Charles the seconds touch pieces were inscribed with latin for glory to god alone, John evelyn wrote about Charles the seconds, reinstatement of the practice of the royal touch after the restoration of the monarchy in his diary bridge. Why six? Sixteen sixty hears what it said. The majesty began first to touch for the evil according to custom. Thus, his majesty sitting
nor his state and the banqueting house. The surgeons cause the sick to be brought or lead up to the throne, where they kneeling the king, strokes, their faces or cheeks with both his hands at once, at which in a chaplain and his formalities says quote ye: have he put his hands upon them and he healed them. This is said to everyone in particular when they have all been touched. They come up again in the same order and the other chaplain kneeling and having an angel gold strong on. Why ribbon on his arm, delivers them one I once he was majesty, you puts them about the necks of the touched ass they pass, while the first chaplain repeats quote. This is the true light who came into the world then follows an epistle at first, a gospel with the with the liturgy: prayers for the sick with some alteration. Lastly, the blessing
The lord chamberlain, emma controller of the household, bring a basin you're tallow for his majesty to wash samuel peeps wrote about it as well. On April thirteenth, sixteen sixty one rating quote: I went to the banquet house and there saw the king heal the first time that I ever saw him do it, which he did with great gravity, and it seemed to me to be an ugly office and a simple one Currently, charles and second also to set up a system to keep people from coming back four seconds. Basically, trousers I can use the kings touch on ninety thousand subjects between sixteen sixty and sixteen. Eighty two he and his court also tried to stop to any one else. Treating scrupulous through the laying on of hands Charles the first taken, similar apps in his reign, and they hit both also taken steps to keep people from coming back repeatedly.
In sixteen thirty seven, a father and his seventh son were investigated for their use of the sums purported healing powers Aber had had scruffy and the grandmother, had held the biggest hand up to the neighbors neck, who had then reportedly been cured father and son went on treat many more people but were told to stop it. They were, however, spared further punishment because folks were basically afraid, that their followers word would be angered if they were treated too harshly the miller lee a valentine great rakes, also known as the stroker, had been a lieutenant in Oliver cromwell's army, but went on to become something of a faith healer in sixteen sixty two. He was suddenly struck by the knowledge that he had the power to heal the kings evil. He started healing people with prayers and laying on of hands, and eventually his fame spread. Far and
that he was summoned before the court and ordered to stop after repeated orders from increasingly more powerful figures within the church failed to get him to stop. The ecclesiastical court decided that they were risky. the eyes of his followers, and they gave up. He finally wound up summoned to whitehall to appear before charles, the second, the results of which did not make it into the historical record, its There are so many different ways that conversation gotta gone because he and charles the second both touching a whole lot of people to try to gear their scrofula. So it's it's not! under percent, clear whether charles second was like dude you gotta lay off. This is my territory or whether it was more like a meeting of the faith healers or maybe they touched each other and event horizon opened up. Things got really crazy, no
So the idea of the royal touch as being evidence for who was the legitimate ruler, appeared once again during the glorious revolution and the jacobite attempts to return the stuarts to the throne. A third also known as william of orange and his wife Mary became joint monarchs in sixteen eighty. Nine. william only proof only performed the royal touch once sang afterward quote: god give you better health and more sense me while the exiled stuarts, including Bonnie, prince Charlie, kept up the habit and queen Ann last monarch of the house of stewart, touched hundreds of subjects. One was writer, samuel Johnson who she touched when he was just two years old in the words of john counts. Team. Thirty three treatise on scrofula, which we read from
here in the show quote, it appears that queen Anne was the last sovereign who practised such a ridiculous and superstitious imposition an successor, George, the first put an end to the practice in england. After becoming king and seventeen fourteen, because he thought it was just a supercilious hid in france. France revolution, put an end to the practice by overthrowing the monarchy in seventeen. Eighty nine see what you did and how we can have the kings touch there. is, of course, lots of debate about what was really going on here from both a medical and a religious. Since there were doctors and clergy alike who viewed the practice with a lot of scope. Cism. It wasn't like. Everybody believed that this was a legitimate healing practice, in spite of the fact that, speaking out against the royal touch got at least one person convicted for trees
Much like all the other people who were told to stop being faith. Healers with scrap ula, The sky was ultimately pardon because they were afraid. you have angering henceforth one common cause: draft isla then medieval and early modern europe was contract a bovine form of tuberculosis through drinking contaminated milk, and this comes up a whole lot in modern treatment of this all phenomenon. This, for of the condition. Didn't typically leads you other symptoms of tuberculosis and had often resolved itself lay you're, giving the patient a heightened immunity to pulmonary tuberculosis as well, so there a lot of people who were like, maybe because so many Oh, get aims: bovine form of tuberculosis through contaminated milk, and then it was resolving coincidentally after the monarch touched them. Maybe that explains at all
That's really not really not quite inadequate explanation for something that went on, but that many central he's a very long time. Thousands of people be here. I wonder if there is much on record about the time line of the healing right leg other than the one where it there's discussion of the pressing of the obsesses and draining them. You know it's is it as though people magically walked away with a swollen necks ends were instantly healed according to the record, or is it a case for it probably was just it running its course, and they are like the king touch me three weeks ago and I feel much better now yeah or people selectively, remembering the people who got better rights, not remembering the folks who didn't like
at the top of a show. I knew that this was a thing among medieval marks. I had no idea that it continued on and on and on all the way it's over french revolution in this room, for a little bit of a loop thanks. So much for joining us on this saturday. Since this episode is out of the archive, if you heard an email address or a facebook, you rl, or something similar over the course of the show that could be obsolete. Now, current email address is history. Podcast at I heart radio dot com. You can find us for social media at missed in history, and you can subscribe to our shadow on apple podcast, google podcast, the iheart radio app, and wherever else he wasn't the broadcasts
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-06.