« Stuff You Missed in History Class

SYMHC Classics: Great Zimbabwe

2023-04-29 | 🔗

This 2017 episode covers Great Zimbabwe, a massive stone city in southeastern Africa that was a thriving trade center from the 11th to 15th centuries. When Europeans learned of it in the 16th century, they were certain it wasn't African at all.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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her work and welcome to the cast. I am tracy, be wilson. I am highly fry. We touched really really really briefly on today's topic way back home It are condensed history of rhodesia. It is written bob way, which is a huge stone city and what is now southeastern zimbabwe, and it's been on my to do list for that entire time. We also recently, I'm not quite sure if the letters were from the same person or if people were just copying and pasting. I'm text. But we got multiple. I then the girl requests were it there. You go from different email addresses, though it moved up the list. After that,
in a way great zimbabwe has multiple. History is obviously there is the history of its founding its construction and that people who originally lived there- and there is also this completely separate- am one hundred percent incorrect history that european explorers and colonists sort of bestow who'd upon it, and this was a history that insisted that great zimbabwe in south eastern africa had not been built by africans. So today we will talk about the site itself and how what we know about its construction and who live there and then were also really talk about these first colonial history is that were written about it and how they were so colossal wrong. The damage that came from that great zimbabwe, which is a unesco world heritage site, was most likely inhabited all the way back to the year. One hundred, but from the eleventh to the fifteen cent, trees. It was a large, thriving city and the words
Bob way means the house in stone, though it's also sometimes translated as sacred house or royal house, the descriptor of grey, distinguishes great zimbabwe from smaller stone cities in the area. It's one of a hundred and fifty major stone ruin sites in zimbabwe in mozambique. There is some debate about exactly which sub saharan african people built great zimbabwe, the most com, we cited are the shoulda who were a ban to speaking people who migrated into the area from the sahara desert sometime around the ninth century, the shown a people still exist today, with a population of between ten and ten million living, primarily in zimbabwe, mozambique, botswana, zambia, the northern parts of south africa there are multiple, multiple cultural groups and dialects. the sort of language within this population. All though
great zimbabwe itself, is a ruin now shown a people still living in the area do view it as a sacred site and use it for spiritual purposes, but there are Other ban to speaking people suggested as great zimbabwe's builders as well, including the van and the lumber lumber he'll traditions are similar to those practised. A great zimbabwe and they were also known for being traders and great Zimbabwe was an active trading hub. Even so, oh, the show now are the most commonly cited and in many discussions of great zimbabwe there, actually the only people that get mentioned the guy, zimbabwe ruins as they exist today, are roughly described in three areas. There are the hill winds are the hill complex, the great enclosure, valley, ruins or valley complex, the hill friends are along a very steep hill that rises two hundred and sixty two feet, which is about eighty meters above the surrounding landscape,
the hill ruins were home too great Zimbabwe's ruling class and through archaeology, evidence. We know that the hill ruins were occupied premium continually from the eleven to the fifteenth centuries. The hill: ruins were basically a royal city built from both shaped granite block. natural boulders. Regarding of which was used. They were built without mortar and a narrow, sometimes covered passageways, connected the different structures to war, enclosures, which are both pretty large, are part of the hill ruins the west enclosure was most likely where the chiefs lived. The east include is your purpose is a little bit less clear, although excavate it was revealed that it contained a collection of soap stone posts about a meter tall, all carved with all tat with carvings of birds, so it clearly had some kind of specific purpose it might have been religious or ceremonial, and these soap stone.
Words are now known as zimbabwe, birds and their represented on Zimbabwe's flag, and also Smaller versions of these birds have been found on the site as well all no part of the hill ruins is a shallow cave that was probably reserved for the use of the king. In addition, providing shelter and a view of the surrounding country side. The shape of the eve, and the surrounding hills basically creates a natural p a system. So a shout from the cave would oh from the hills, and be audible by anyone in great zimbabwe, the great enclosure which lives to the south of the hill ruins, is the largest ancient structure in sub saharan africa. It probably served one of two per is it with either the royal residence or a temple serve the great enclosure was the royal residents than the hill ruins or short of the greater royal city, where other people in them living class lived, but not necessarily the king and his immediate family. The gray
Enclosure itself is encircled by a huge elliptical wall that runs for eight hundred and twenty feet. That's about two hundred fifty meters in places flame By an inner parallel wall, and the walls are made of granite blocks in their quite tall. The great, while is thirty six feet, which is eleven meters issue at the tallest These walls are squared offer rectangular at all there. Actually, a series of curves, the builders of great Zimbabwe built these curves walls out of square and a tangle of granite blocks, the granite flags that are part of the area's natural landscapes, split along straight lines when you break them, which made it possible to shape them into these regularly shaped square erect. angular forms. These walls were built in curves by placing the blocks one on top of the other and position so that the wall itself would have a slight inward slope. That would help keep it stable.
Even though these walls look quite imposing its likely that they were built as a show of strength, not as an active defence, regardless of their purpose. Though there a true feat of craftsmanship and engineering within the EU. the inclosure are smaller wall separating the living areas for different families, and most of these areas include two living huts, a kitchen and a common area one of the most distinctive features of the great enclosure. Besides that, enormous and impressive encircling wall is a large conical tower and its purpose is unknown, but it resembles a green been is thought to have her religious or possibly symbolic purpose at both the high the ruins and the great enclosure. There are smaller structures like living quarters that were made from dagger die as a type of earth and brick made from granite sanding clay. Originally the dagger structures might have been almost. Imposing as the stone walls are, but because they were made of clay instead of stone. They ve been
jack to a lot more weathering and decay over this, the centuries that have passes they were built. Today, most of the dog structures have been reduced down to mounds, rather than being recognisable as what they were originally originally built to me. the valley ruins, as their name suggests, stretch out through the valley their newer than the rest of great zimbabwe with some of the structures dating as recently as the nineteenth century, and these news chairs are brick rather than stone blocks. The valley ruin It would have been home to great zimbabwe's citizens with the great enclosure and the hill complex reserved for the royalty and upper social class
from the eleventh to the fifteenth century. Great Zimbabwe was an active, thriving functioning city with a population of up to eighteen thousand people, making it the largest city in southern africa. At the time its artisans and craftspeople were particularly skilled at both stonework and making pottery. Many of the art of facts at the site were carved soap, stone, like small statues, figures decorated bowls things like that. It was also an agricultural society, cultivating crops and re cattle, both for food and as a symbol of the ruling classes wealth. In addition, great zimbabwe, as we mentioned before, was a huge trading hub in part because his position between gold mines and the coast. Archaeologists have found beads porcelain, glassware and other materials. They came from china, persia and india there, there
also coins from the arab world. So the training network moving through great zimbabwe was enormous and it extended far beyond southern africa. Eventually great zimbabwe's residents moved, and we will talk about when and why that happened and what happened afterward after a quick sponsor rake. This episode is brought to you by capital when you don't need special gadgets to be a hero with unlimited one point: five percent cash back on every purchase everywhere. The capital one quicksilver card makes you the hero of every purchase, whether its headphones allowed chair or even a well deserved, massage, whatever the quicksilver purchase your the hero, no fighting bad guys getting an epic carcases or parachuting
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Following last year's amazing turn out the black effect podcast network and nissan are helping h b c. U scholars jump start their futures by throwing another thrill of possibility summit. The thrill of possibility summit is an opportunity to network with peers and professionals and gain career knowledge from leaders in the industries of science, technology, engineering, art and math. Also known as thing to kick it off. Nissan is giving fifty h bc. You scholars who major and steam disciplines the opportunity for an all expenses pay trip to nashville tennessee this year. Some local This is a remarkable opportunity to be measured by some of otto tech and pat castings brightest minds, bringing together notable voices of the black effect podcast network, featuring charlemagne, the god John hope riot and Debbie brown all brought to you by nissan success as a journey during the drivers
to learn more about the thrill of possibility summit. Please visit w w w that black effect that calm, slash, niece, and Emily. Fifty century great Zimbabwe was abandoned, at least in terms of a society of people continually living there over the course of the city's hit three, the area around it had been deforested eventually there was enough food available ticket hint to continue to support its population, the direction of trade. also shifted a little to the north, which left great zimbabwe. Out of a lot of the most commonly used trading rates. Freeze of civil war is in the area may also have prompted people to relocate as well. oh while most or all of great zimbabwe's population did relocate, it did continue also to be an important site culturally from a spiritual and cultural per hour. Perspective
Many have great zimbabwe's population, relocated to the city of commie and the commune that also still exist in zimbabwe like great zimbabwe, they are a unesco world heritage site, because so many of great zimbabwe's residents, move to commie, commies construction and lay out have sums similarities to great zimbabwe's. The same is true for pottery that was made at com. It follows a lot of the same techniques as earlier work, a grades and bob way and coming as bait. The a leader creation of the same culture that built great zimbabwe and its the second largest stone monument in zimbabwe after great Zimbabwe way, europeans started hearing. great zimbabwe in the sixteenth century. One of those first sources was slow to borrow. He was a poor portuguese historian who chronicled Portugal's history in south east africa and parts of asia. He wrote of quote a square fortress masonry.
Within and without built of stones of marvellous size, and there appears to be no mortar joining them and even though he says the word square, which a great zimbabwe's definitely not square it. This is julie and interpreted as being about great zimbabwe, probably based on a description that someone gave to him, not something he had visited himself Word of this wonder, started to spread mostly through trading ports in mozambique, tomorrow and others who heard about great zimbabwe suspected that it was an important historical site, but they thought it was probably over the sight of king solomons mines, Soon among european people who were interested in such things, that became basically common knowledge that somewhere in south eastern africa, were biblical ruins. So eighteen, seventy one german Karl Marx, set out on an expedition that he hoped would reveal the sight of offer. An
instead that year, he made up with a german trader who described quote quite large ruins, which could never have been built by blacks hired, a local guide and then reach bob way on September fifth of that year becoming at that point the first european known to have actually visited the site, while exploring the ruins he found some reddish fragrant wood that resembled the wood of his pencil and concluded that it was cedar imported from lebanon and that it was an imports brought to the area, the phoenicians who he thought must have built the site for the queen of Sheba. It was really sandlewood, it's not what you. It was just just one. Poorly identified piece of wood really steered things completely off course, because
His theories that great Zimbabwe was built by the phoenicians and had been home to the queen of Sheba, captured the attention of sessile roads, who we talk about a lot in our past podcast on rhodesia roads is views were unquestionably steeped in white supremacy. So he, when he went to visit the ruins himself in the late nineteenth century, was described, as quote the ancient temple, which, once upon a time bomb, and two white men roads and the british south africa company. Then enlisted j Theodore bent to investigate bent, have an interest in the subject, but no formal training and like roads and mouth approach. The task from the point of view that this city had to have been by white men. He visited great zimbabwe with his wife and a man named robert swan who acted as a cartographer before
even getting too great zimbabwe bent and his party pass through many of the other stone ruins an area that even wrote that he added the word great. The names zimbabwe to distinguish it from all the other, smaller zimbabwe's, but the presence of other similar ruins all around south eastern africa didn't signal to him that green Zimbabwe was part of a building tradition of the people still living in the area spanning over centuries. We continued to approach great zimbabwe, specifically as the work of outsiders, drying comparisons to ancient citys and malta. sardinia and elsewhere in the mediterranean bent began then excavation that unearthed artifacts that fit right into the context of african archaeology weapon points to or and pottery- were all totally consistent with what should have been expected of a south east african civilization
but the zimbabwe birds were meant to represent quote the assyrian starchy or venus, namely the female element in creation, and he found it quite obvious that call The ruins and the things in them are not in any way connected with any known african race, the objects of art and special called our foreign altogether to the country. He concluded, that the ruins and the furnaces that were there in the walls were all dedicated to the protection and the protection of gold. Bents conclusion quote A prehistoric race build the ruins a northern race coming from arabia, closely occur, Do the phoenician and egyptian and eventually develop, into the more civilised races of the ancient world. The mixed effort to study the fight was downright damaging from a political perspective, not just a historical.
I am richard Nicholas hall, a journalist was appointed as the curator of great zimbabwe and what he was supposed to do was just preserve the structures not to do further study. Instead, he decided to remove the quote: filth and decadence. the sites occupation by the local black population and he removed and discarded strand five archaeological deposits to a death that ranged from three to twelve feet. He was fired for this. But unfortunately, the damage of his efforts was done. At that point, you can't on ring that bell- and he didn't even seem d perhaps that anything that he had done was wrong or damaging. He wrote or co wrote the books. The ink it ruins of rhodesia and great zimbabwe. He delivered a lecture at the african society on october, twelve nineteen o four in which he described what he done ass quote
Large areas of the ancient temples were cleared of debris to a considerable depth and the original flow, earth, as well as ancient walls and other structures were disclosed, while prehistoric relics were unearthed, which overwhelmingly proved the extensive practice of nature. Worship of an exceedingly old cult, He went on to express some chagrin that J Theodore bent had only seen the ruins in their quote buried condition. He really seems to have genuine, genuinely thought, but he did the right thing. It was not, the right thing, but that's how you do archaeology, you go in with a vacuum in a mob, So you think everything away. This is one of the reasons we didn't have as much to share about what life was like in great zimbabwe in the first act of the show today, so many the archaeological findings that could have told us. This were destroyed by a man, thinking that he was removing quote Lee, filth and decadence.
People who had actually built the place and lived there thinking it had instead been built by white people man at the actual artifacts were instead a contaminant most of the analysis made of the site before the and the destruction actually happened were also made by people working off of the assumption that what they were looking at was really relics from a phoenician adoption or greek civilization that had moved into sub saharan africa, not a sub saharan african one. So while they were people who did study of the site before this Induction happened happen. That study was not archaeological. Sound yeah was all based on a completely incorrect presumption, but there-
was finally set, mostly straight, and we're going to talk about that after reverse pause for a little sponsor break, brought to you by the capital, one venture x card, when you book through capital, one travel using the venture ex card, you earn ten x miles on hotels and rental cars and five x miles on flights and with the venture ex card you earn unlimited two x miles on all other purchases plus receive up to three hundred dollars back as a statement credit when you book through capital, one travel where you'll get capital ones at best prices on thousands of options, the venture x card from capital one for those always asking where next capital, one what's in your wallet term supply, see capital one dot com for details before I can help you business predict, demand, accelerate growth, informed decisions, automate tasks, revealed insights, generate content. You have to trust it.
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although Richard Nicklin hall never seems to grasp what he had done. The fact that he had done real harm was completely understood by the british south africa company and they then hired David randal Macgyver to investigate he who he was an actual archaeologist, and his verdict was that the ruins at great zimbabwe quote are unquestionably african in every detail and belonging, to a period which is fixed by foreign imports, as in general medieval. So this was in nineteen o five. It was after europeans had thought that great zimbabwe, with a biblical city built, buys someone not from sub saharan africa. Four hundred fears and that it was a phoenician city built for the queen of sheba for decades. Her english archaeologists, Gertrude, katyn, thomson confirmed random macgyver findings in nineteen, twenty nine and she wrote quote exists.
The nation of all the existing evidence gathered from every quarter still can produce. Not one single item, but is not in accordance with the claim of bantu origin and medieval date, the interest Zimbabwe and the allied ruin should, on this account to all educated people, be enhanced a hundredfold it enriched it's not impoverishes- are wonderment at their remarkable achievement for the mystery zimbabwe is the mystery which lies in the still pulsating heart of native africa. The idea the great zimbabwe was the work of white people, rather than africans persevered do why colonial governments in the region were explicitly racist and they viewed the black population. As inferior and frankly and capable of building something like great zimbabwe. Talking about its real origins became at best a touchy subject.
during the period in which the nation was known as rhodesia and was governed specifically as a white supremacist state. The government actively tried to suppress discussion, of great zimbabwe as an african archaeological and historical site built by africans in smith, rhodesia, prime minister, even commissioned a false history to them. and eventually, Zimbabwe became an independent nation with a government that more representative of its racial demographics and even So great zimbabwe has continued to face obstacles as a historical site at various points, people managing the site have undertaken well meaning, but poorly documented attempts to rebuild fallen walls, and you know other things that naturally happen to hundreds of your old historical sites
you're a great zimbabwe became a unesco world heritage site which happened in nineteen. Eighty six, the process of conservation and restoration move to be much more in line with modern standards, but even so, it's far from perfect process the spiritual and cultural significance of the site to the shipowner and other ban to speaking peoples is sometimes it With its status as a historical site, for example, what is now overseen by the national museums and monuments of zimbabwe, which charges admission, which some do you desecration or a closing off of a site that used to be open and alive, and the nation Zimbabwe has had ongoing issues with corruption and hyperinflation, so, even though it is a protected sites, There is still controversy that sort of broiler around it yeah. This is and I started working on this. I knew
because we mentioned it in our eye episode about rhodesia that it was so impressive that, like the white colonial governments that arrived in the area just assumed that it could not have been built by people actually living there and instead cited things like phoenicians or egyptians, which just to remind everyone, Egypt, as also africa. So late like I already knew that piece of it, but I did not realise until I actually got into researching what had happened that that wasn't so much this. This people got there, we're like. Oh that, probably like anthony It is built that, but it was much a much bigger effort to classified site, add something that was both not build by sub saharan africans and was related to the bible that part with news
to be when I got into the episode thanks so much for joining us on this saturday, since this episode is out of the archive, if you heard an email address or a facebook, you rl, or something similar over the course of the show that could be obsolete. Now, our current email address is history. Podcast at I heart, radio, dot, com, r old, how stuff works, email address no longer works, and you can find us all over social media at missed in history and subscribed to our shadow on apple pod, Google podcast, the iheart radio app, and wherever else you listen, the fog casts stuffy missed in history class, production of I heart radio for more podcasts from iheart radio.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-28.