« Stuff You Missed in History Class

Licoricia of Winchester

2023-08-28 | 🔗

Licoricia of Winchester was a Jewish woman who was a major financier in medieval England. There were Jewish settlements in England for only a brief window during the Middle Ages, marked with anti-Semitic violence and hostility.


  • Abrams, Rebecca. “Licoricia of Winchester.” Jewish Heritage in Southern England. Jewish Renaissance. Via YouTube. 6/8/2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC6hitEgiEc
  • Abrams, Rebecca. “Licoricia of Winchester: Power and Prejudice in Medieval England.” 2022.
  • Brown, Reva Berman and Sean McCartney. “David of Oxford and Licoricia of Winchester: glimpses into a Jewish family in thirteenth-century England.” Jewish Historical Studies , 2004, Vol. 39 (2004). Via JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/29780068
  • Butler, Sara M. “Who killed Licoricia of Winchester? A Medieval Murder Mystery.” Legal History Miscellany. 2/10/2023. https://legalhistorymiscellany.com/2023/02/10/who-killed-licoricia-of-winchester-a-medieval-murder-mystery/
  • Carver, William. “A 13thC Jewish woman: Licoricia of Winchester.” One Big History Department. 9/14/2022. https://onebighistorydepartment.com/2022/09/14/a-13thc-jewish-woman-licoricia-of-winchester/
  • Cohen, Sarah. “The Oxford Jewry in the Thirteenth Century.” Transactions (Jewish Historical Society of England) , 1932-1935, Vol. 13. Via JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/29777813
  • Goldy, Charlotte Newman. “Prosopography and Proximity.” Medieval Prosopography , 2018, Vol. 33. Via JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/26630013
  • Licoricia of Winchester Appeal. https://licoricia.org/
  • Lipman, Vivian D. “Jews and castles in medieval England.” Transactions & Miscellanies (Jewish Historical Society of England) , 1981-1982. https://www.jstor.org/stable/29778916
  • Lubrich, Naomi. “The Wandering Hat: Iterations of the Medieval Jewish Pointed Cap.” Jewish History , December 2015, Vol. 29, No. 3/4 (December 2015). Via JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/24709777
  • Meyer, Hannah. "Licoricia of Winchester (d. 1277), financier." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. July 08, 2021. Oxford University Press. Date of access 16 Aug. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/odnb/9780198614128.013.369088
  • Meyer, Hannah. “Licoricia of Winchester.” Delivered at Winchester Open Days. 9/15/2018. https://licoricia.org/2018/09/18/hannah-meyers-talk-a-great-success/
  • Rokéaḥ, Zefira Entin. “Crime and Jews in Late Thirteenth-Century England: Some Cases and Comments.” Hebrew Union College Annual , 1984, Vol. 55 (1984). https://www.jstor.org/stable/23507612
  • Roth, Pinchas. “Jewish Courts in Medieval England.” Jewish History, December 2017, Vol. 31, No. 1/2. Via JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/48698359
  • Snappy Dragon Studios. “This Jewish medieval woman just got a statue : Analyzing the Licoricia of Winchester statue’s clothes.” https://www.snappydragonstudios.com/blog/licoricia-statue
  • Stacey, Robert C. “Royal Taxation and the Social Structure of Medieval Anglo-Jewry: The Tallages of 1239-1242.” Hebrew Union College Annual, 1985, Vol. 56 (1985). https://www.jstor.org/stable/23507653
  • Stokes, Canon H.P. “A Jewish Family in Oxford in the 13th Century.” Transactions (Jewish Historical Society of England), Vol. 10 (1921-1923). Via JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/29777709
  • Tallan, Cheryl and Suzanne Bartlet. “Licoricia of Winchester.” The Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/licoricia-of-winchester
  • Tallan, Cheryl. “Structures of Power Available to Two Jewish Women in Thirteenth-Century England.” Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies, 1997. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23535849
  • Uscinski, Kristin. “Who Murdered Licoricia of Winchester?” Footnoting History Podcast. 10/8/2022. https://www.footnotinghistory.com/home/who-murdered-licoricia-of-winchester
  • van Court, Elisa Narin. “Invisible in Oxford: Medieval Jewish History in Modern England.” Shofar , Spring 2008, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Spring 2008). Via JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/42944746
  • Waterman, Hillary. “Licoricia of Winchester, Jewish Widow and Medieval Financier.” JSTOR Daily. 10/28/2015. https://daily.jstor.org/licoricia-jewish-medieval-women-moneylenders/

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This november marks the sixtieth anniversary of president john F kennedy assassination, but for those who were there, the day will never be history. National geographic, semi, winning franchise. One day in america returns with J f k. One day in amerika, three part limited series told by the last surviving witnesses in a show collaboration with the sixth floor, museum, dealey plaza and using only archival footage and first person. Testimony J, F k. One day in america is now streaming on disney, plus and hulu
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hello and welcome to the podcast, I'm tracy wilson and I'm holly fry today, we're gonna talk about lucretia of winchester. and we got a la to request. The talk about her back and early twenty two after an go about her went viral and at a time like I'll, do a basic gut checks. c is they're gonna be enough information at the time it seemed like that answer I'd be no, but in hindsight what was really happening was that, because of this one viral article, there was a bunch of newly published stuff. That was all repeating the same basic points and it just kind of overwhelms everything that was more substance
Lucretia of winchester was one of a number of jewish women who was a major financier and medieval england, and her life also spanned, just a big part of jewish history in england, during the middle ages, and if you're like wait, Tracy the middle, ages lasted for like a thousand years. How can one person's life span? Most of it? There were We jewish settlements in england for a pretty brief window during that period and that very brief window was marked with just increasing anti semitic, violence and hostility, I went on until england expelled its jewish population and twelve ninety, so we're gonna talk about her were also kind of talking about the arc of jewish history and medieval england, and we
know exactly when the first jewish person arrived in england, but established jewish communities followed the norman conquest in the eleventh century, william, duke of normandy, also known as william. The conqueror defeated english king, Harold the second at the battle of hastings. In ten six. The six. We have covered that battle on the show before an we ran. It is a classic beckoned. Twenty nineteen, william, was crowned as king, william, the first at westminster abbe on christmas day of that year vision to conquering england's william essentially replaced the the english aristocracy with norman's, and he also moved nor since a high ranking charge and administrative positions ally of england's existing merchants and other business people were really opposed to these changes and that left william in need of both money and new trading partners. So he encouraged jewish merchants
traders and lenders from rule in normandy to settle in london's bill. Some of those needs one, jewish people started arriving in england about ten seventy. They work. essentially seen as the kings property in theory, they were serving the king in exchange for royal protection. But in reality that protection only existed when it suited the king. Nor can we talk more about that. Initially, jews were alive to live only in london, but by the middle of the twelfth century. Jewish communities were established all over other parts of england as well, although jewish people had to have permission to live or travel outside, london. These communities were generally self governing, especially in terms of anything that had to do with religion or religious law, and they existed at the kings prerogative. This was outside of the bounds of the rest of the social hierarchy.
One of the many things that the normans did after arriving in england was billed castles and most These communities were in a city that had a royal castle or, if not a castle, at least a headquarters for the sheriff who represented the king. This activity to the castle was because of the jewish communities. Relationship with the king and the castle I had a number of rules. It could be a refuge during an outbreak of violence or some other threat against the jewish community, but it could also be a prison. For example, at some points, whole communities were imprisoned in the castle until they it often enormous tax, so they were basically being held hostage with tax was known as tallish and for most people in england, metalogy was something that lords imposed on their tenants, but for jewish communities. The challenge was imposed directly by the king and the amount was totally up to the kings whims. Sometimes it was truly exorbitant.
and this is especially true if there was something that the king really wanted money for like to fund a war, especially if maybe he wanted to fund a war without having to talk to parliament about anything or if he was trying to punish or co worse. The jewish community in some way in terms of light jeanne culture, jewish people in england tended to have a lot in common with the norman aristocracy, because reading from the top raw and other texts, was a central part of jewish religious practice. Jews were more likely to be literate than christian commoners were regardless of how affluent there family was, as was true the norman aristocracy most jewish people's first language was norman. French and most jewish people went by french versions of hebrew names most also spoke and read here in religious contacts, a new at least some middle english, which is what christian commoner spoken,
day to day lives. Some may have known a bit of latin as well. At this point yiddish. existed as a language, but it was mainly being spoken in central and eastern europe, not as far west as england and france. We have evidence to suggest that jewish people in england observes jewish dietary laws and there were kosher, butchers and bakers working at allotted jewish communities. These communities also typically had a synagogue. And a mixer or a ritual bath for the community's use. Sometimes the synagogue was its own free, standing building, usually located somewhere, unobtrusive and out of the way for better safety and privacy sometimes in smaller communities. That was more like a room in someone's home either way, though, the synagogue was at the centre of religious and community life s. As we know, jews and christians in medieval england wharf similar clothing, although eventually bear was one key difference, starting in twelve. Seventeen jews were,
required to wear a badge called a tabula in the shape of two stone tablets, symbolic of the stone tablets bearing the ten commandments described in the Torah and the christian bible. This followed a decree from the fourth ladder in council which pope innocent the third had In the two years before, and this decree ordered that jews living in christian nations had to be visually distinguished in some way some other kind Please also did this with a badge and others require jewish people to wear appointed or conical hat at time, no wealthy Jews in england could pay a fine to be exempted from this requirement, sometimes paying for their high
community to be exempt by the end of the twelfth century. There were more than twenty jewish communities in england they had a combined total of about five thousand people so for comparison, england's total population was roughly five million people. There were limits on which professions jewish people were allowed to pursue, but there were jewish butchers acres teachers, doctors, midwives and scribes, since jewish people were more likely to be literate than christians of like the same status, jewish scribes tended to be it really high demand the job that was most associated with jewish people in england was lending. There were ten or fifteen, very, louis jewish families that were basically banking families working as finance ears, investors and business people. sometimes, essentially, serving as the kings personal lender,
england. Wealthiest jewish lenders could arrange the funds to pay for things like fully out it had ships and newly constructed buildings, but outside of the Few families most lenders were working on a much smaller scale, making small loans to ordinary people. Many we're in a role that was more comparable to kind of being a pawnbroker today. Why, reed, then, why jewish people were associated with lending in england and in a lot of the rest of europe, has to do with religious law. The books of accidents. Do economy and as equal or part of both the hebrew bible in the christian bible. If you're not familiar, those contain the same books in the hebrew bible in the old testament of the christian bible, but like in a different order and the interpretations very a little bit. These include scriptures that prohibit the charging of interests to people in need.
As well as charging interest to one's brother, varying opinions on how to translate and interpret the word brother? But during the evil period. Jewish leaders generally interpret this as a prohibition on jewish people charging interest to other choose, but christian leaders and the medieval period viewed charging interest to anyone as usury, because charging interest was seen as avarice, and that was a sin I read they don't feel qualified to get into all the theology gold nuances here, but many muslims also viewed and still view all forms of interest as usury So, in a lot of places during the medieval period, jewish lenders filled part of a gap between religious prohibitions on usury and the realities of living in a society that used money to be really, We are, though, jewish lenders were not filling all of that gap. There were christians who loan
money and charged interest, in spite of the religious prohibitions against it, and there were christian military orders, including the knights templar, and those essentially worked as banks when liquid of winchester was living. Italian lenders were also becoming well established, all over western europe, generally known as lombards, even though they were not necessarily from lombardy, in other words, even in england, where the kings policies were really pushing them toward working as lenders. Most jewish people were not lending money and most people lending money, weren't, jewish. The idea of the quote jew money. Lenders was really rooted in prejudicial stereotypes like just the word money lenders,
is loaded with connotations that this doesn't apply to a word like finding and fear or banker, which was basically the same thing. This association between jewish people and lending also lead to a lot of backlash. Because of the connection to something that other religions saw as simple ams, because as a whole working as lenders meant that a lot of jewish communities were relatively wealthy. The student necessarily extend to the wealth of any individual person, though, like an individual jewish person might be about as wealthy as their christian name but like as a group, they tended to be affluent. This also circles back to the community's relationship with the king, like if the king was face, Our opposition from the nobility over some issue he might cancel all their outstanding loans from jewish lenders. It was completely within his our to do that or
King might help pay for a war by cancelling the debts of nobles, who agreed to serve rather than directly paying them for their service. Although a series of english kings basically use jewish lenders as their own personal bank, whether they repay those loans that can be totally arbitrary, and that brings us to the life of licorice of wines stir who, among other things with the personal finance to king Henry, the third we'll talk more about her after a sponsor break. This episode is brought to you by capital when you don't need special gadgets to be a hero with unlimited one point: five percent cash back on every purchase everywhere, the capital one quicksilver card makes you hero of every purchase, whether its headphones allowed chair or even a well deserved, massage. Whatever the quicksilver purchase your the hero, no fighting bad guys getting an epic carcases.
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is all very unclear, regardless of where she was born. Lucretia eventually wound up living in winchester, which was home to one of england, the largest and most affluent jewish communities. A jewish visitor from free, described the city ass quote: jerusalem of Jews in those parts most jewish people in winchester lived her what was then known as shoemaker street sharing the same neighbor head with christian merchants, goldsmiths and other business people shoemaker street later became known as jewelry street, which is what it is still name today when licorice was born.
John known as John lackland was king of england and twelve ten. He ordered the arrest of england's entire jewish population and commanded them to turn over all of their wealth to him. So this was something that she lived through when she was still a child. She also would have lived through the first barons war, which started in twelve fifteen. This is a civil war that started out as an uprising of landowners against the king. The baron's sought from france and Louie son of french king, philip, the second captured winchester and a lot of the surrounding area temporarily taking control of roughly half of england. This is something else she would have lived through. This war ended in twelve seventeen when look which was probably in her mid teams. So in EL. Sixteen, as this war was ongoing. King John on died of dysentery and his nine year old son henry. The third succeeded him Henry. The third reigned until twelve, seventy two,
and Henry's. Overall attitude toward the jewish population is encapsulated in his statute of jury in twelve. Fifty three quote: all Jews wheresoever they may be in the realm of right under the tutelage and protection of the king, nor is it lawful for any of them to subject himself to any wealthy person without the kings licence, Jews, The all their effects are the kings property and if any one withhold, money from them. Let the king recover it as his own henry often referred to the anglo jewish population. As my jews. and one of his most important sources of royal funds was the challenges paid by the jewish community at some point, probably some time between twelve fifteen and twelve twenty licorice, I'm married a businessman and financier named abraham. They had three sons, isaac known as cockerel
barred and baruch known as Benedict. They may have also had a daughter called Delia. Some sources, though, conclude that delia was a daughter in law. A lot of stuff is not totally clearly documented, in twelve twenty five, abraham and five other jewish men and winchester were accused of murdering a christian child. This was part of a pattern of ritual murder allegations also known as the blood libel. So far, It's accusations of jewish people, murdering christian children as part of a rich tool, or to use their blood for ritual purposes, although we're earlier precursors. The first such accusation is generally noted as happening in norwich england. In eleven forty four after a boy named william was found stab to death, Jewish population of norwich took refuge in the castle, as their entire community was threatened in retaliation for a crime. They did not commit
mrs husband, Abraham and two other men were found guilty of these allegations, and normally the punishment would have been hanging, but there's no actual record of abraham being hanged, There is actually no further record of him at all, but in twelve thirty four, which is the first written record we have of licorice she's described in a way that makes it clear that with a widow. We don't really know how licorice supported herself and her children after abrahams death. All of his assets were confiscated after his conviction, but it is possible that their original marriage conner, act had set aside money for her in the event of abrahams death. This was a common provision in jewish marriage contracts It's also possible that she was supported by eva colleagues or others in the jewish community. While
He don't know what her original source of funds was. We do know that lucretia made wise use of those funds by the end of the twelve thirty is she had become one of the biggest finding answers and winchester and by the twelve forty is she was in depend We wealthy in twelve thirty nine. The royal council demanded a talent of a third of all the channels or tangible property of england's jewish community in during the value of outstanding loans, ultimately calling for a total of twenty thousand marks. this was a truly enormous sum, especially considering that, with only a couple of exceptions, the taliban have been between two thousand and three thousand marks per year. Over the previous two decades, a mark was two thirds of a pound which would be very approximately. I've hundred british bouncer, six hundred thirty six, a m, reckon dollars in today's money. So this challenge
it's worth millions and millions of dollars yeah! That's when I saw I put very approximately and attacks here because, like it's almost impossible to make an actual comparison and it's complicated by the fact that, like a mark, what wasn't really a currency that people went around buying things with, it was more a figure used. calculate things like this so yeah. This was an enormous amount of money, and people started trying to collect the money to pay it and late. Twelve. Thirty, nine. In early twelve, forty by september, though only a thousand marks had been collected, records of loans by jewish lenders were kept in both hebrew and latin and locked chests that were known as Arche and at various points, the king ordered those chests to be close to the the royal authorities could like tally up the value of all the bonds there were in their adjust. The total do if they needed to this ceiling, these up
basically froze the ability for anybody to make new loans or to collect on existing loans, and then that made it harder for people to try to get the money together to pay this tallish. During all of this, the king also ordered a census of england's jewish population. Finally, in january of twelve forty one, the king ordered the sheriff of northamptonshire to quote cause to come before us at worcester on the sunday next, before ash wednesday, six of the wealthier and more powerful of our jews of northampton and from each town in your shire, in which Jews dwell one or two jews according to their numbers, if the sheriff did not
Do this quote? We will so agreed you, in consequence by your body and by your channels, that you will for ever feel our hand to greet you immoderately, so this meeting was called. It became known as the west or parliament, and more than a hundred jewish delegates met to figure out how to pay this challenge. The results of this meeting also illustrate how much the jewish communities. Wealth was really concentrated within just a few people. Three men together are paid more than half of the total amount they were erin of york leo of york and david of oxford. Licorice, interestingly, was one of the wealthiest people at winchester. At this point, but for unclear reasons, she is not listed in the detailed accounts of how this challenge was actually paid aside from ten pounds that she paid in twelve thirty nine. So it's like we up now, if
did, she contribute to enter these records complete unclear. We don't know exactly when David of oxford and licorice of winchester met, but it may have been connected to all the activity around trying to pay this tallish David was probably in its fifth. ease and was one of the wealthiest and most influential jewish men in all of england and licorice was probably in the third and was one of england's wealthiest and most influential jewish women. So it makes this, that they might have had some things in common or that they might. wanted to combine their financial assets through a marriage, but also David, was already married to a woman named muriel david and Muriel didn't have any children and its possible. But David used this as the justification to divorce her when a jewish person died a third of their estate,
to the crown, but if they had no air than the crown got all of the estate, so David may have wanted to try to make sure that part of his wealth stayed within the jewish community, rather than all of it being forfeited to the king, by divorcing, his wife and ideally having child with someone else. Although divorce was not particularly common or accepted, and jewish communities at the time there was an established process for how it was handled through a bait, din or jewish court. Depending on how large a jewish community was, the court might be made up of rabbis and lay people, or it could be a panel of rabbis. Only the husband, is the one who had to bring the matter before this panel, but the custom at the time was that the wife had to consent to the divorce. So David initially went to the bait den in england, which approved the divorce
Muriel, either didn't consent to the divorce at all or didn't consent to this settlement that she was given. So she had some of her supporters, one of whom may have been Brother went to the big din in paris kind of as an appeal. The jewish community in england had a lot of connections the jewish community. In france, we talked in the beginning about how these are mostly folks, who had come from france to settle in england and in general, the jewish community in france, was seen as having like more experience more knowledge. A greater authority David apparently dealt with this by taking the matter to the king. henry. The third issued a decree that rabbis, regardless of whether they lived in england or france, could not force David to quote. Take or hold any woman to wife accepted his own, We will- and this also wound up having much wider ramifications. Henry also d me
did that muriel and her supporters explain why they had gone to a french court to try to overrule in english one and he banned the convening of jewish courts in england. This ban, though, does not appear to have been strictly enforced. David's divorce was completed in twelve forty two, and he and licorice married some time after bad. They had a son together. Named a share, also known as sweetman some sources describe. A share in sweden is to different people, but that actually seems unlikely, because David died in february of twelve,
For so he and like russia were married for less than two years. It is possible that she could have been pregnant when he died, but if she had been, this probably would have been mentioned somewhere specially for reasons we're gonna talk about in a bit and it it just it wasn't. We don't know much about what happened to muriel after the divorce was finalized, she doesnt seem to have remarried, and the written record suggests it. She struggled financially, among other things, there's documentation of an unpaid challenge. The last written references to Muriel are from twelve fifty three First, she was ordered to repair the house that she had been living in which she had gotten as part of the divorce settlement. Then the house was turned over till licorice and a share we Oh really know what happened here. It's possible that Muriel lost the house because she hadn't made the required repairs, or even
she died, we'll get the what happens you licorice and the rest of her family after David's death. After another, quick sponsor break. Brought to you by the capital one venture ex card, when you book through capital, one travel using the venture ex card, you earn ten ex miles on hotels and rental, cars and fight. the ex miles on flights and with the venture ex card You earn unlimited two x miles on all other purchases plus receive up to three hundred dollars back as a statement credit when you book through capital, one travel or you'll get capital ones of best prices on thousands of options, the venture ex card from capital, one for those always asking where next capital, one. What's in your wallet term, supply see capital. Wonder com for details this year is the sixtieth anniversary of a pivotal moment in. U s history, the
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like an effort to make sure that Lucretia couldn't interfere with that assessment process or remove any of David's property before it was assessed, is also possible that she was basically being held hostage to try to the jewish community, in line. While all of this was going on, six jewish men were appointed by the king to licorice as business affairs. While she was in the tower her son, a share would have been a baby, so he may have been in the tower with her, but we don't really know. Lucretia was imprisoned for about seven months and there's no record of her being pregnant or giving birth in the town, which is part of why some scholars have concluded that a share and sweetman were the same person. Ultimately licorice seems to have negotiated a deal regarding her inheritance. She paid the crown five thousand marks to keep control
of David's whole estate, including all of his outstanding loans, rather than just the two thirds of it. That was normally how things were handled about. Four thousand marks that payment was used to build a new shrine to edward the confessor at westminster, abbe, who, at the time was considered the patron saint of england. The shrine was kind of one of the king's pet projects. She also paid an inheritance tax of twenty five hundred pounds and she was exempt from future challenges as long as she paid the on twenty four marks a year, as we said earlier, really hard to try to convert a medieval currency amount. So, like modern equivalence, but one source that I read approximated, that five thousand marks was about two point: five million pounds are roughly four billion american dollars this with a touch of money, but it also does not seem to come even close,
like a whole third of David's estate, after being released from the tower in september of twelve forty four licorice kept expanding her business travelling all over england. To do so, her clients included- the king and members of the royal family, as well as members of the aristocracy and the catholic church. She also made to landowners, farmers and other less affluent people. She met with the king regularly, most often when he was in winchester she came so prominent that her sons were often referred to as some lucretia rather than by their fathers names. This is most
striking for a share. Since his father, David had been even more prominent and powerful them his mother. A lot of the records that we have of licorice of later life come from financial in court records, there're court records, in which she sued other people for unpaid. That's ants records in which she was the one who was sued, some of these cases sound, really dramatic, for example, in about twelve fifty sir thomas Charlcote died after drowning in a lake on his property, and he had a loan from licorice still outside. having by law, licorice, was allowed to keep control of his estate and earned income from it for a year and a day, but in twelve fifty three, his son, who was also named thomas, took heard a court because she had exceeded that time by at least two years licorice. Then
aims, but the younger thomas had killed his father or at least arranged his death. Licorice was held in the tower of london, while this trial was going on, which is one of at least four times that she was imprisoned there when the court found in thomas's favour saying that lucretia had to vacate this property. She went to the king about it. The king ordered a retrial mandated that licorice could not be penalised any further and set her fine. Add half a mark, not a lot of money in this, text also in twelve fifty three henry, the third issued a new statute of the jury, the one that we read from early iran in the show this statute ordered no new synagogues be built in the jewish people could only remain in england if they serve the king. In some way, a number of its provisions were focused on separating Jews from christians and making jewish people less visible in english society
It ain't, like jewish people, had to be quiet in their synagogues so that christians would not hear them. Relationships between jews and christians were forbidden and jews were forbidden to have christian, wet nurses working in their homes. In practice, this law also seems to have ended. The custom of allowing jewish people to pay to be exempt from wearing the tabula around the same time. Henry the third also started routinely demanding higher tallish is in part because the worcester parliament and twelve forty one had documented just how affluent some members of the community were. Jewish people in their communities had always faced prejudice, persecution and at some points, violence in england and this really increased in the mid thirteenth century. Those included
most people being falsely accused of crimes and twelve. Fifty eight another lender named Delia of bedford, gave licorice a gold ring to give to the king is a gift. This ring disappeared and licorice. Neighbor evanna accused her of stealing it. It turned out that it better herself was the one who had taken it. The second barons war started in twelve sixty four and continued for three years. Like the first barons war, This was a civil war that grew out of an uprising of barons against the king in many areas, the barons and their allies saw jews as agents of the king and some people use this as a justification for persecution and violence, which became even more widespread people also stole or destroyed the r containing all the loan documentation, meaning that lenders had no way to recoup their money shortly after the second barons war ended mcchrystal, son Benedict was elected to the merchant
skilled, making him the first and only jewish person in medieval england to become a guilds men without I made him a full citizen of england and christians and winchester rioted over it to the point that the king had a dispatch guards to try to protect the jewish community. Lucretia was probably in her sixties is all this was happening, one court document and twelve. Seventy describes her as failing to appear when she was summoned saying she was too ill to leave her home in twelve. Seventy two henry the third died and was succeeded by edward the first. While Henry's attitudes toward jewish people had been fickle and self serving and increasingly stringent. In later years, edward was devoutly christian and An immediate anti jewish stance. He ordered a allege of a third of all jewish assets and in twelve seventy five He authorized towns around england to start expelling their jewish populations.
He also issued a new statute of jury that bar jewish financiers from charging interest. This oh specified that the amount repaid could not be more than the original amount of the loan. So, for example, lenders couldn't use late fees to try to deter people from missing payments, and this statute also replace the tabula with a yellow badge in twelve seventy seven to just about two years. After that, licorice was murdered in her home alive, with her maid, Alice, evicted, loquacious daughter or possibly daughter in law, Delia found them stabbed to death authorities treated. This is a robbery gone wrong.
And they focused mainly on the goods that had been removed from the house. That part was really not uncommon, like the fact that jewish people's goods were described as the kings. Goods meant that a lot of times of the jewish person was the victim of a crime. The only thing people were really focus on was the king getting his property back. There's a lot of speculation, though about whether this was really a hate crime. Lucretia was extremely wealthy and prominent. One of her sons was the only jewish guilds men in the country and had been named as cheater for the jewish community and keeper of the queen's gold. Alice of victim was a christian, so it was illegal for her to have been working in licorice, his home This crime also happened in broad daylight, so it may have been met, as some kind of threat are warning to the rest of the jewish community. Some aspects of this crime are weird and confusing
Russia's house, was supposed to be sealed up until assessors could go through all her assets, but she'll of Benedict sons were accused of breaking in with the help of two of the sheriffs men and stealing much of what was inside the share. himself was initially accused as well, but he apparently proved that he was in london at the time. One of bennydeck sons, Abraham had already been accused of other crimes, but we really don't know what was going on here or why two of them, sheriff's men may have been involved. The fact that these were Benedict sons also reflected not just on him, but on the entire jewish community. A sadler themed ralph of chisale was accused of the murder, but he had fled from winchester. He was outlawed, but he was never tried for the crime licorice his sons, a share cockerel thought this man with a scapegoat and they tried to bring charges against two other men who they thought were more likely culprits. There's no wreck,
If anybody ever being tried or punished for this, though, a year after licorice as death benedict was charged with coin clipping. At the time coins were made from your metal, so people could shave or clip small pieces from their edges to melt down for profit, and it seems that both christians and Jews did this in roughly the same proportions, but jewish people were accused and convicted of it. Far more often benedict arrest, was part of an enormous crackdown on coin clipping. It is likely that coin clipping really was on the rise edward. The firsts predecessors had really set up a system that encourage jewish people to work as lenders, but then edward had made it impossible to actually earn a living. That way
but this crackdown was effectively pogrom. England's entire jewish population was imprisoned three times more christian than jews were accused of coin clipping, but ten times more jews than christians were executed. At this point, the jewish population of england was only about three thousand people and its estimated that three hundred or ten percent were executed for suspicion of coin clipping, one of his was licorice the sun benedict who was executed in twelve eighty. This was not the last time england imprisoned its entire jewish population into Lady seven, the king imposed a challenge of twelve thousand marks and imprison the whole community. After only five thousand pounds of it was raised, Licorice son, a sheer, was imprisoned at winchester castle and scratched graffiti
to the wall there in hebrew, which was discovered in the seventeenth century. Only a piece of the inscription survived, which noted the date that everyone had been imprisoned by referencing. The scripture that have been reached. for the sabbath that weak, along with I share inscribed this in twelve. Ninety england expelled its entire jewish population. At that point, numbering about two thousand people a share and any of liquor.
His other surviving children and grandchildren were driven from england. At this time, people were allowed to take their possessions with them, but their houses and anything they couldn't carry was forfeited to the king. Although they were supposed to be allowed safe passage, a lotta people still faced violence as they tried to leave, including multiple, truly horrifying accounts of ship passengers being left to drown as they tried to get to continental europe. This was the first of a series of expulsions all across europe, including from spain and fourteen ninety two. We covered that expulsion on the shovel for the prohibition on jewish people in england remains in place until sixteen fifty seven, the licorice of winchester appeal, is a charity. There was established in twenty seventeen to educate the public about them. Evil jewish community in winchester. The organization raised funds for a law,
a statue of Lucretia. This statue is now complete. It is a thing that prompted these are does that went viral last year in this statue, she's walking, along with a young, a share, she's holding his hand and carrying a talent role in the other. He has a juridical. This statue was sculpted by in rank broadly, it was unveiled on jewry street. In winchester, on february, tenth of twenty twenty two king, charles, the second who at the time was still prince charles, was supposed to be part of this unveiling, but he had coven, so he had to visit about a month later. The licorice of winchester appeal also commissioned a book which came out in two thousand and twenty two as well. That's titled licorice of winchester power and prejudice in medieval england, and that's by rebecca abrams. Do you have listener mail today? Do you have some listener mail? This listener mail goes back to arts,
where dancing apis says this person inside their messages. Annex eight thousand and said hello. You briefly mention that in the caribbean there are variations on the quadrille as well as ring dances and column response. In fact, in the nineteen fifty something emerged that has become a present day, cuban version of square dancing, but has spread through the? U s and beyond we dance it here in LOS angeles, it's called rueda, we'll dancing and it started in pre revolutionary casinos of havana. All this particular dances. Clearly modern likely has some connection to those earlier influence you mention it has a collar pew tells the group as a whole, which passes today usually I read a group- will develop its own passos as it develops zone identity. The music is better than square dancing. Music too. There are then some links to learn more about this. and then on a related note. The cuban mumbo is a descendant of the english contredanse as well. Thank you so much was even
I did not know that. Apologies for me not being able to say very well. I feel like I have lost some rolling, I urge the ability of my childhood, and also I I don't know I stumbled over there. So thank you so much. I did not do any of this, and if you would like to send us a note about this or any other podcast pirate history, podcast that I heart radio, dot com, we're all over social media myths and history, it's where you'll find our facebook in our pinterest and our ex thing and instagram, that's the other one You can subscribe to our show. Also I hurt radioactive or wherever you like, to get your podcast stuff. You missed in history class the production of iheart radio for more powers,
gaps for my heart radio visit by her radio app added mankind's or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. This november marks the sixtieth anniversary of president john F Kennedy s assassination, but for those who were there, the day will never be history: national geographic, emmy winning franchise. One day in amerika returns with J f k. One day in america, a three part limited series told by the last surviving witnesses in a initial collaboration, collaboration with the sixth floor, museum, dealey plaza and using only archival footage and first person. Testimony J, F k. One day in america is now streaming on: disney plus and hulu introducing over teen accounts. If you have a teenager, you probably drive them around a lot, maybe or even driving. Memory now knew
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-13.