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How the First Thanksgiving Worked

2009-11-25 | 🔗

Nowadays, Thanksgiving has become an official holiday, complete with its own trappings of tradition and mythology. But how much of the conventional Thanksgiving story is true? Join Sarah and Katie as they take a closer look at the first Thanksgiving.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I've been seeing them see you now available. Wherever you get pie. Guests welcomes stuff you, Mr History Class, from how stuff works, dot com allowing welcome to the past. I'm telling member and unfair it out here and if you are in the United States, you're getting ready things coming. I'm really excited about eating at that time and the two days off work right when you're in elementary school, you probably learned a pretty picturesque story about the first thanksgiving you might have even stop as a pilgrim or a native American, but some backup
on your shoes or other in your cap and celebrated a big feast with your class are actually I've. Gotta go off in a brief family tangents there. My eight year old brothers, Stephen learned about thanks last sharing on his class and he came home with a very graphic place, Matt that here for my mother, lucky mom that fees pilgrims violently of shooting all these turkeys and there's a lot of blood
new high, feel about thanks giving and he gave us the whole story and after that day, he's never eaten Turkey's. So when we give him his dinner thanks giving we just tell him it's chicken, and so far he hasn't got onto the fact that it comes from the same place. The turkey Stephen, if you hurt us part, cast in a few years and really sorry well, one thing Stephen can be happy about is that the Turkey, which was the focal point of his drawing apparently is a vital part of this method is not something that made up. So, at least that much of this I realize thanks giving story is true, even though plenty of it is not so, let's start with,
the real stories background in sixteen O. Seven british Protestants break from the church of England and they fail to HOLLAND where their little more, religiously tolerant, because Spain and the spanish Catholics have been harassing them for so long and they stay there for twelve years until they run of money, and then they got a nice offer from english merchants. Who will give them money to sail to the new world and settle down start a little town which they do course may fail on the Mayflower, a cargo ship used in the wine trade and they were either hundred and one hundred and two of them, we keep finding different numbers. There is the baby, during a man. I, when I was a baby Mayflower history, but their aiming for near Virginia, but they end up in Cape cod because of wines- and we heard saying what a sad and
changed. That would be if you are arriving in the winter and in New England half of them die New England winter. So again, not fortuitous change, of course, but the settlers who make it through the winter set up a pretty comfortable place and Plymouth Colony, just Massachusetts and there actually not pilgrim That's our first point of data now can I that are not pilgrims, because the term pilgrim lumps together separatists and non separatists, so we're just gonna call them settlers, ok with everybody and we can even go further and they call themselves first commerce, which is a little more
Getting to that kind of EAST phallic there, the first people, first european people settling in what will be the United States and, of course, their night. First we had the Roanoke colony and then second, we had the Jamestown colony, which serenade discuss and our Pocahontas package. Yeah. So the first comers is really just marking the beginning of a wave of subsequent saddlers arriving through the sixteen twenty and play, if an ok place to live. If you're, one of the people who makes it through the winter better than very early Jamestown lot better than gems time. They have seven houses there's a meeting house, and there is some structures for food and storage, but there's still kind of desperate for supplies and they pilfer from the nearby native Americans, the lamp and no eggs ban in the region for twelve thousand years, so the weapon they're, not particularly impressed with the settlers
silly, at least, but I want the no AG named scorn tell her. You ve probably heard and in other knocking at Samara sat are very friendly and they show the settlers how to harvest corn and fertilized crops with fish which are valuable skills to have in the new world in this starts the beginning of of pretty friendly relations between the lamp and flag and the settlers they make an alliance by March of sixteen twenty one offering each other action from other tribes in the area. The one Pineau eggs teaching the set fishing hunting in farming tailored to the seas, and that was an important thing for them to learn to roll with how the year progressed, and this is a nice thing- is in line with them ass. The idea that the settlers native Americans could be frightened. Here it's it's in line with the elementary school story and then it's really line with what you're
likely to learn in high school or something where the eastward Imagine the settlers and the native Americans clashing right from the start until until the end, basically, but further first generation at least- and we should say this- does this peace between them does not? Last long. For a generation. It's there. So after a successful spring and summer of trying out these new farming techniques that they ve learned, the sutlers decide to have a harvest celebration in All of sixteen twenty one and they're going to go out and hunt wild game and make a big feast for everyone, but the wealth leader massive flat thinks that the gunfire means war, and takes ninety men to the family. To get an explanation. What were you doing? Shooting in the woods the other day? And when you have ninety people behind you? There had better be good explanation, and so they say.
We're hunting for a feast and then once once they get that explanation the native Americans are like. Ok well, will hunt for a feast you and will when together so giving meal is a bit different from what you and I would have for one thing it started. It went from about what three days too weak different cars for it between a week in three days, and they were ninety Montana flags and fifty three settlers which, even with my huge catholic family, we dont quite measure up and the food they have is also a little different. They had turkey, indian corn pumpkin, which makes on those some pretty standard practice. Let's use view My family does not have any offer thanksgiving most year. Sign also doesn't have swans seals, cranes eagles or corn porridge Guth Duck. Does this sound? Ok, then
then onions. Radishes plums, parsnips leak strike current. It kind of gets good again towards the end of that list, an odd, entirely new period between eel, an eagle but the settlers season me with cinnamon and ginger and nutmeg sources and pepper dried fruit, so it felt kind of tasty. It seems that for the most part had they didn't have forks services not quite medieval times, because they did have spoons and knives and big napkins that they used to grab the hot food and they ate never was in front of them, which there was hope has whose mother wouldn't be proud of that and the highest people. People are highest in the hierarchy, got the best food Maybe if you really liked somebody- and you were kind of high up- he could send a dish down to them. Maybe some eel pass the ear
please, and there is intertwined as well. It wasn't all just Gluck mean they played blind man's bluff and pin game for the kids. There was target shooting for the adults, dancing and singing so all together. It really something a lovely time, the native Americans Polly, would have had to establish their own lodging too, because they lived away is outside of settlement. So everyone hanging out four days eating in having fun and some of the illustrious people who would have been there where mass flight scorn toe governor, William Bradford, Captain Mile Standish and William Brewster, who is the religious leader. So there are there'd, be the guys who get a really good dishes in front of them seriously we earlier issues a car. You know it's like having a celebrity at dinner like squander when she points- and I don't even think of
just turned around. He led her into the other department. I was pointing out and I have to live with that most of our information about this feast in sixteen twenty one comes from Edward Winslow, a journal of the pilgrims at Plymouth and again we're not using the term pilgrim, but he can but he can if he wants to buy. While this was certainly a monumental feast- and this is what were essentially separating when we celebrate things giving wasn't really the first, that happened in Plymouth two years later in sixteen twenty three following a two month: drought and where this all got kind of mixed up was, with the writer editor Sarah justify Hale, who edited the Goodies Ladys book and also Arthur Mary had a little lamb. Interesting,
and of many literary tell him, but she thought that the sixteen twenty one feast was thanksgiving, but its understandable, why she makes things up a little bit, because what we celebrate today is a combination of two distinct celebrations, this religious thanksgiving and also a harvest, sure where you celebrate abundance yeah, and we also have another thanksgiving, the religious thanksgiving on record that earlier than both of these, and that sixteen nineteen when the british settlers, under Captain John, with leave celebrated their faith passing in the Berkeley station in Virginia near the Charles River fell. That further muddy the waters. So again we have a lot of early celebrations go along and balance the star. Time and on the other
and for relatives but settlement, it was Abraham, Lincoln and who gave us and by assigning the United states our national holiday for the last Thursday of every November, so happy Thanksgiving I- and if you to learn more about this first thanksgiving and all sorts of interesting facts about Turkey. Do you can go and search for everything he wanted to know about? Everything is getting on our homepage, W W W that house the fork stuck for more on this and thousands of other topics for the house.
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Transcript generated on 2020-02-06.