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America's Favorite Outlaw: Billy the Kid

2009-07-15 | 🔗

Born Henry McCarty in New York City, Billy the Kid committed his first act of murder before he turned 20. Join Candace and Katie as they explore the fact -- and fiction -- surrounding the legendary outlaw in this podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode of stuff, you mustn't history class is brought to you by the completely redesigned twenty twenty Ford explorer. This is not a vehicle is going to take you to the moon or to the bottom of the sea, but it's one that you can use for all kinds of exploration and adventure and your everyday life azure going around town if you're travelling does going over to the grocery store to get everything you need for your kids birthday party once again, that is the all new twenty twenty Ford explore the greatest exploration vehicle of all time I gave my name is damaging. I've been working as a correspondent, an interview I, since I was thirteen, and now
Seventeen. I am so honoured to be the youngest person to have our own tat cast an eye, her radio, its cause, let's be real, with Sammy, J or in depth and unfiltered conversations with liberties activists, athletes and influencers will cover topics where curious about topics. My guests are passionate about, and topics. Many of us are just too afraid to talk about. I get past the fluff to what real we go there and its on pretty crazy and very revealing, listen to we really Sammy Jane on the eye up apple part, gas or wherever you, your podcast Welcome to stuff. You missed in history class from housetop, looks dot com hello and welcome to the buyer. Cast I'm editor, Tina Turner joined by fellow editor came Lambert's Candor Katy when you think of the American Wild West and all the outlaws fame and legend and nor who comes to mind. Well,
Cassidy for one and Billy: the kid were too Billy. The kid actually had a whole lot of names or a lot of aliases. I should say it, born. Henry Mccurdy bite also went by Henry Interim, William H, boy, and, of course, the kid ass. He was is somewhat affectionately, known and he said focus figure and there's not a whole lot of records that exists to show precise detail his life as and when he was born. We know it died, but because his birthday is a little bit, suspect peoples perhaps some people said he was born in eighteen, fifty nine and died in eighteen, eighty one which would have made him twenty one years old, Sir Wooden, the sheriff who killed him, look so bad for killing a minor, and we don't. Very much about his early life. We do He was born in New York City and that his mother died of tuberculosis when he was fairly young, and
historians and chroniclers of Billy. The kid life would say that his mother's early death is what catapulted him into a lifetime of mischief, making some eyewitness accounts from childhood to say that he was. You know as much a little boys. Anyone else just running around town causing me they mischief nothing extreme and balanced. Father, was in the picture for a little while, but after his mother's death, he was pretty much out of the picture thanks and exactly It was forced to do for himself and bounce around two different foster homes and the details of his young life short of paddling. Compare send the trouble he got into later and he didn't become a kind of colt hero that we think of him ass today, until the sheriff
killed him Pat Garret and any ash ups and wrote the authentic life of Billy the kid a sensational listing tale of his life. Exactly and I haven't read the book K has read it twelve times for different language and counting bite any of you have read it, I'm a little bit curious about how Billy the kid is. Premature because to read some accounts of him. It's almost like you, the troubled teen, who was reconciled to a lifetime of of crime, but it cannot arrive and I'm wondering if Garret makes them out to be just a ruthless monster, because other accounts, a say in his getting a little bit of trouble on his teens. But nothing too. He didn't have much money anyway, so he was maybe picking things up that weren't. Quite his unlike the butter, exist You remember the battle. A little butter staff, a little butter theft is dollar from a rancher begin, had no money, so he filch some butter.
Sold it to a shopkeeper and they caught obviously, but he only gotta a finger shaken in history that points not that we condone butterfat now and he was skinny and hide what some people describe as ladys hands. So he was passed over for many types of employment opportunities that went to heartier, fell whose ah such as ranch hands, for instance. So he started. Working at STAR Hotel, washing dishes, waiting on tables and that's when he met up with some rare jack some bird jack was the first, I suppose one could say bad character than Billy. The kid crossed paths with and he noticed a Billy. The kid didn't have any real close speak I've, so he stole some laundry from a laundromat and gave it to Billy the kid to where he's like bite. If you put this thine, you know you're you're, on risk, your own hide, because these are all stolen and
Billy. The kid was obviously cod when he dawned these stolen threads and put in prison, but he escaped this would become, as Katy is winking at me right now, a hallmark of his later life, so here got some money from one of the foster families he'd been a part of Headed toward Arizona to see if a step farther could give him a hand with his troubles and a step. Salute refused real class act that stepfather tribes Here's Billy the kid. He really is just a kid he's. Skinny he's fragile he's got no work, no chance really and his adrift in the desert, and it was. While he was in Arizona, but he met their outlining John Mackey, with whom he dabbled in horse thievery for awhile and after he would engage in his very first act of manslaughter and some people say it was self defense.
Others say it was just an act of cold blooded killing, but he got in when altercation, with windy, K Hill, who is teaching him about his size right, yes and ended up, shooting him and some people say again that he attacked Henry Mccurdy. The current who was much smaller, an billion really have a chance and shot him in self defense. While others say that it was just a little bit of sport on Billy, the kid said, well, no matter what actually happened. Billy the kid was pretty scared, and so he got out of Dodge soon. After and New Mexico, he met up with Jesse Evans and his gang termed, very innovatively, the boys no one so that when coming so, you gave incorporated into this little coterie of gunslingers and even though the kid wasn't too fond of the idea of associating himself without law as you that, if you're going to
at by in the American West, which was largely lawless. At this time you had to have some sort of protection and the problem with the boys, you Jesse Evans gangs, that they were involved in the Lincoln County WAR and basically this is, the eighteen seventies and New Mexico and a guy named John TON stall, had moved there and real as for the entire place, was run by Lawrence Murphy and John Dolen. They owned the only store in the entire county, and to an army contract had a beef monopoly as well, and he does, that wasn't fair and wanted to set up shop against them, and it just this battle that went on for years, starting eighteen. Seventy eight when morphine Dolen tried to take stock the horses for a cordon quote out, standing Dat that may or may not have existed, probably didn't and that's where the gangs come in and the kid actually He turned on his gang when to install offered him a job, an extra
for his testimony against stolen and company, and so the kid thought this was a pretty good offer, do something a little more righteous. Then what it had been involved with. So he agreed and he took on the new, Alias William H body. This was an act of reinventing himself away and became part of the ring, leaders the name of the gang that was going to avenge the death of tonnes stall, who was shot and killed by Sheriff William Brady and his party, which included Jesse This gang. The regulators were so my lawful until they killed man, though Morton Frank, anger and William costs, and they also set up a trap for share Friday. They been trying Things by the book you file, complaints and and act in a proper paperwork sort of way by and the American why's that doesn't get you very far. They are almost
send to being outlaws. There are doing their best, but when the government, the local government is corrupt, that doesn't mean with a lot of options, and so it's Billy the kid mexican Cowboys and american cowboys and they finally it took Their guns and started the Gun killed in April of eighteen, seventy eight and was riddled with bullet holes. It just wasn't one shot that happen to get him, they made sure that he was dead and the same with the deputy Sheriff Brady was killed in April of eighteen. Seventy eight and was riddled with bullet holes. It just wasn't one shot that happen to get him they It sure that he was dead and the same with the deputy in a whiff of on some I'm sorry. I didn't exactly reverently at the past. Eventually all of these separate skirmishes culminated in a final event at Alex Mixed Swedes os and mix, we, as you may recall, had been socio with ton stall. The british business man had been,
now as well as his attorney. So regulators are held up and make Swedes house and there's round by Dawns gang and the new sheriff and their panicking. And so. Finally, the kid is the only one trying to keep his wits about em and devise a plan were half the gang, we'll go out. One side of the house and the other will escape the opposite says to distract the gunslingers out front and it works, except that half of the outlaws, got shot and killed and Billy the kid in his cohorts, made off the other side. So he's gay play wasn't the bass. Fetid did save the kids hide, which was, you know, accounted him and he ran, he was an outlaw again for what is this? What third? Fourth time, I must count on you. Famous forest, possibly having committed as many murders as there. Years of his life twenty ion We don't know if that's actually true effort was more like now.
No, but he was and getting himself off the hook, but when he got word that there was a new governor and Lincoln in lieu while he offered, you surrender and come back to Lincoln and give a testimony in it. Change for getting the new governor stood Gray says he said he was tired of being out long wanted to do the right thing and kept writing him letter upon letter no offering to give himself up in exchange for some and of Amnesty and Lou Wallace. I believe at one point did agree to it or made some sort of promise to him that maybe that was something they to do, which he later recanted Wallace was, still not fully aware of the kind of power and Cloud TAT Darwin and his gang had. So even if wanted to give the kid some sort of asylum and some sort of pardon he wouldn't have enabled here, because it were tied any sense of court
system more legality. There wasn't Lincoln was overruled by Darwin and Billy. The kid time is so notorious from the Lincoln County WAR, the upshot of which does no one one and they just large gun battles every couple of days that it was impossible for him I'm in politically to make love not to mention that at this time the news we are really getting hold of his name and splashing it everywhere, and maybe people had had some semblance of sympathy for him in that, passed by and now now that he should people on than Lears and gives of interviews about it he's in jail Where are you know, they're they're thing in his travel? No one wants him in town Oh, he goes after Fort Sumner, so it goes off the Fort Sumter and there he gets embroiled in more gain conflict, surprise, surprise and then opposition party of his kills Adele
evening. James Carlisle and the kid gets blamed, even though, is appositely friendly fire that helps deputy he's so notorious. At this point any where he goes. He's like a little black rain clouds on the west troubled as follows: him in it so easy to scapegoat him. When, at this point, I believe he has a abounding on his head and thereafter him that's one too many and it's about time, the law catches up with Billy the kid and the came in the form of Pat garrets. He was animal did you S, Marshall, on the hunts and on December twenty third eighteen eighty he trap them and I am to surrender, throw him in prison and convicted of murdering sheriff Radiant sentenced to hang on to hang so April eighteen. Eighty one he's in prison he's supposed to hang and being Billy the had he murders his guards and escapes good job
this one's on us. Where did you go back to Sumner because he felt somewhat safe there at the place where he feels that you, someone belongs, but good it is not going to let him get away with us, so he gets words oppose it for this guy Maxwell, whom he knows that the kid is in town and Maxwell is somewhat friendly with the cat, or at least the kid that he is, and on the night of July, Fourteenth eighteen, eighty one he came sniffing around for dinner and the events of the evening of July Fourteenth eighteen, eighty one are a bit murky, but how most people and but the story is this: the kid knocks on Maxwell's door, hoping that he can get his dinner. The kid proceeds inside the house, and he can make out a shadowy form and MAX little bit uncertain of wits going on because he ceased to strange men on the front porch and then She garrets two deputies or Billy. The kid proceeds inside them and he can make out a shadowy form and Maxwell's room. He called out
asking about the two men get so answer, so we call gone, but this time asked the question and spanish, and at this point it's pretty sure, that's Billy, the kid so He ain't gonna cheats and MAX lingered about side they can. Again- and they ascertained that? Yes, indeed that was Billy the kid and now he is dead on Maxwell's. For others. Some people refused to believe that Billy, the kid died at all and there were several people who years pretended that they were him and he had escaped that evening in a staged death spreading. Evil given office sense prior to his suppose. It does bites for people who really get into American West Lauren sorts of legendary figures like Billy the kid it's rather anticlimactic to think that The kid died after I'm, not the sort of trot that he's been springing his whole life or other people, but allow they got him in the end, but today,
The state of New Mexico really does have Billy the kid to thank for bring a thriving tourism industry to its affair borders where people can see different spots, where Billy the kid and gay stun gun, slinging and all sorts of pranks. Harmless or not, go, see the stamping ground with Billy the kid that and if you want
information on the wild west and guns gunslingers. They shorted check out the website at how stuff works, dot com for more on this and thousands of other topics, does it how stuff works, dot com? Let us know what you think: send an email to podcast, Housetop Worth Stockholm and be sure to check out the stuff you missed in his request: blood on the health of workers that come home. This episode is brought to you right, Norton, lifelong when you shop bearing and browse with your smartphone. It feels like your personal info is right.
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Transcript generated on 2020-02-07.