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Alexander Turney Stewart

2023-09-18 | 🔗

Alexander Turney Stewart is known as the creator of the department store. He make a fortune in business, but the most interesting parts of his life story come at the end – including after he died. 


  • “Act of Congress Establishing the Treasury Department.” U.S. Department of the Treasury. https://home.treasury.gov/history/act-of-congress-establishing-the-treasury-department
  • “A.T. Stewart’s Body.” New York Daily News. Aug. 17, 1879. https://www.newspapers.com/image/329793880/?terms=%22Alexander%20T.%20Stewart%22&match=1
  • “Alexander T. Stewart.” New York Times. April 11, 1876. https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1876/04/11/80328682.pdf?pdf_redirect=true&ip=0
  • Asbury, Herbert. “The Gangs of New York.” Wisehouse Classics. 2023 edition.
  • Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Alexander Turney Stewart". Encyclopedia Britannica, 6 Apr. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Alexander-Turney-Stewart
  • Brockett, L. P. “Men of our day; or, Biographical sketches of patriots, orators, statesmen, generals, reformers, financiers and merch, including ants, now on the stage of action: including Those who in military, political, business, and social life are the prominent leaders of the time in this country.” Ziegler & McCurdy. Philadelphia. 1872.
  • DeRiggi, Mildred Murphy. “Alexander Turney Stewart.” Irish Lives in America. Royal Irish Academy. 2021.
  • “The Decision in the Stewart Will Case.” The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Dec. 28, 1878. https://www.newspapers.com/image/50424282/?terms=%22Alexander%20T.%20Stewart%22&match=1
  • Fischler, Marcelle S. “An Immigrant's Vision Created Garden City.” New York Times. Nov. 15, 1998. https://www.nytimes.com/1998/11/15/nyregion/an-immigrant-s-vision-created-garden-city.html
  • Hubbard, Elbert. “Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Businessmen, Volume 11.” New York. 1916. Accessed online: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/23595/23595-h/23595-h.htm#A_T_STEWART
  • Lenoir, Andrew. “The Nearly Solved Mystery Behind the Missing Corpse of One of the Richest Men Ever.” Atlas Obscura. Oct. 27, 2016. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-nearlysolved-mystery-behind-the-missing-corpse-of-one-of-the-richest-men-ever
  • Resseguie, Harry E. “FEDERAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: THE A. T. STEWART CASE: A Century-Old Episode With Current Implications.” New York History, vol. 47, no. 3, 1966, pp. 271–301. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/23162709
  • Resseguie, Harry E. “Alexander Turney Stewart and the Development of the Department Store, 1823-1876.” The Business History Review, vol. 39, no. 3, 1965, pp. 301–22. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/3112143
  • “The Stewart Will Suit.” Boston Globe. June 26, 1878. https://www.newspapers.com/image/428231391/?terms=%22Alexander%20T.%20Stewart%22&match=1
  • “Stewart’s Body Sought.” New York Times. August 21, 1881. https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1881/08/21/102756034.pdf?pdf_redirect=true&ip=0
  • Walling, George Washington. “Recollections of a New York Chief of Police.” Caxton Book Concern. New York. 1887. (Kindle edition)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This november marks the sixtieth anniversary of president john F Kennedy s assassination, but for those who were there, the day will never be history. National geographic, semi winning franchise. One day in america returns with J f k. One day in amerika, three part limited series told by the last surviving witnesses in a Show collaboration with the sixth floor museum, dealey plaza and using only archival footage and first person testimony J, F k. One day in america is now streaming on disney, plus and hulu ac, her tells by Mary. It is a european inspired hotel brand, where every detail has been refined, crafted and considered to ensure a seamless stay, wake up to the european inspired breakfast with handshake, prosciutto freshly baked croissants and made to order hot items on wind in the ac lounge, with their custom gin tonic served in a scientifically engineered glass, get her restful night sleep with their relaxing lavender turned down ritual visit. Ac dash
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I have a small time, immigrant merchant, in one little store for him, and then he grew this into a massive firm and made himself a huge fortune in the process but in my opinion the most interesting part of his life story come at the end, and this has some twist including one that took place after our they have their died. So alexander turning stewart was born in Lisbon. County, an from ireland on october, twelve eighteen, o three after irish partition. This became part of northern ireland. His parents were alexander, Stuart and margaret tourney stew, and by the time the younger alexander stewart was born. His father had already died. He grew up in belfast being raised by his grandfather, John turning that was after his mother, remarried and left ireland with her new, has been to live in the united states. It is a totally clear like why he lived with his grandfather instead of
with his mother, but we do know that his grandfather wanted alexander to join the clergy. I will say it protects, really related to these very early years of his life, you will read a lot of different biographies that very confidently say things that all contradict each other. So this is definitely the I'll of pattern, recognition of lake ok, visa as do all, seem to crop up in all of them, but there are some versions, for example, to say his father died when he was a toddler versus before he was born. Mysteries will abound, probably alexander, attended, Belfast academical institute and then moved on to trinity college, and that is where he was studying when his grandfather died and at that point his formal education ended. Although he had gained a very solid foundation and would value,
the arts, literature and philosophy for the remainder of his life. He had apparently and appointed guardian, who was a quaker and who seems to have been receptive to alexanders non clergy ambitions to travel to the? U s, to try to make his fortune there. There's guardian is mentioned, but not named in the book, men of our day or biographical, sketches of patriots, orator, statesmen, generals, reformers, find answers and merchants now in the stage of action, including those who, in military political business and social life, are the prominent leaders of this time in this country.
I one title and that book was written by l, p, brockett and published in eighteen. Seventy two- ah stewart was still alive at that time and it includes a biography of him, which does offer more details than are found in other places. There's not a lot of sourcing information for those details. It did indicate that this nameless quaker guardian had enough connections through the quakers to get letters of introduction for alexander so that he could present himself to various merchants.
new york when he arrived there in eighteen, eighteen, when Alexander Stuart got to new york city, he started looking for career opportunities and, in the meantime, taught classics to make ends meet. He left teaching when he formed a partnership with a merchant to learn the trade from, but then that fell through and he briefly returned to ireland. This was also in part, so he could convert his inheritance that his father left him into cash. This was something that he inherited his twenty first birthday according to an account written by elbert, hubbard and nineteen. Sixteen stuart intended to use some of that money to pay for his last two years at trinity. But when I got there He found that life in new york had changed him to a degree that now the school felt quaint. His schoolmate seemed much younger kind of lost his interest in and rolling again
the others. When story that other students had just kind of automatically started, calling him, sir, as though he were an adult as compared to men still being college kids- and he just was like- I don't belong here anymore- instead- be used that money from his windfall to purchase. Fine irish laces, primarily from bell fast, as well as lemons and problems and several thousand dollars worth of it. Stuart then travelled with those goods back to new york and started a dry goods business in eighteen. Twenty three at two, eighty three broadway in one telling of this story. Alexander had first trusted a man that he met on the crossing from ireland back to new york to sell those goods, and the man did make sales, but then he use the money to buy himself and his four,
a great many drinks and so Stuart realized. He really couldn't town on any one but himself to sell his wares and he started running the shop. He was essentially be one employee who is handling bookkeeping, administration stocking sales, etc. They also placed a notice in the new york daily advertiser, which read eighteen stewart just arrived from Belfast offers for sale to the ladies of new york, a choice, selection of fresh dry goods at two hundred and eighty three broadway, and the moment he opened that shop. He had customers. He was very good with women customers because he was polite and respectful, but he was also very friendly. He would also throw little extras in with their purchases like a cart of buttons or some thread or a little bit of braid trim, and he made friends with them essentially and made a very loyal customer base. He greeted every single customer personally, and that was a practice that he meant
aimed for more than a decade before his business had simply grown too large to continue doing that soon, he had moved to a larger space to sixty two broadway that had a parlor on the second floor, with a dressing room and according to some versions of historic. he also had the first full length mirrors in the. U s for this new slightly larger shop. He also started having regular sales and, on occasion, having sidewalk sales, where he would open a case of goods right on the sidewalk in front of the store and then So whatever was in it to the first interested customer. This got him in a little bit of trouble. The business next door complained and police arrived and told Stuart that he had to keep the sidewalk clear, Stuart turn this into a sales opportunity, and he advertised that his shop had too much stock to fit in sight of it and they were having a cost sale so that their neighbour would not be inconvenience
a longer that same year that he started his business. The twenty year old alexander also got married to a young woman named Cornelia Mitchell. Clinch cornelius father was a merchant to dealt in supplies for ships. The couple had children, the number of children is not known. They all, sadly, I'd soon after being born, alexander and Cornelia seem to be genuinely devoted to one another. That devotion will manifest later on. From the start, seems, like alexander sewer, had very strong feelings about how his business should be run, for example, One of his salesmen quit the first week because steward didn't want him making any false claims about their fabrics just to make a sale at salesmen, told him, and everyone did business that way and stuart was very clear that he did not want that to be his
mutation, but stewart was right. Emmy was a really good businessman, intuitive moves in the market and capitalizing them that eighteen, seventy two who rocket biography includes the following description of his business. Savvy quote MR seal for early began to survey the political field, and when he foresaw storm ahead, there would be a silent. Perch. of all of certain goods in the market, which would be sure to rise in a certain contingency. At other times. He was the first to foresee a falling market and to put his goods before the public Such swiftness and address city cleared his shelves with the least laws, while his slower friends were carried under the current There was a time during the war when Mister stewart held more cotton goods than all the other drygoods firms put together. There was also a time when he was the first to sell at the reduced price. He
also was said to have just been so good at knowing the market values of things and memorizing them that even his later life. He could recite what the average prices of various staple items had been in each year of the proceedings decades. There are a number of big drivers of stewart success in the dry goods business. One was that from that very first purchase of laces in belfast. He always paid cash in full, for any of us in dice. He said to have never bought anything on credit. So in times when the market had a dip, he wasn't suddenly on the hook to pay off stock that was sitting on the shelves going unpurchased. He was also said to have never speculated with even a penny. On the flip side of this policy, though, he did offer his customers credit accounts. For another thing, he had set prices so prior to this,
the customary business approach to sales involved a lot of haggling, a customer made inquire about the asking price of an item, and then both the seller and the buyer would try to get the best deal for their own interests, but Stuart bought. This was inefficient. And also as someone who was running a massive operation overtime was so many salespeople. It meant that he was unable to control every transaction, so a set ice meant that no time was spent negotiating prices and everyone from the customer on up to Stuart himself knew the retail price of any. Given aid He also allowed customers the chance to return or exchange purchases, which was not customary at this time.
And he understood that stock that wasn't moving was bad for business, but made the retail space look dated, and so he would sell the less popular merchandise below cost just to get it out. So he wouldn't have this outdated stocks sitting around, and this worked. He was known to always have fresh items and then that kept customers returning regularly so eighty steward and company was always profitable. The other way that Stuart excelled in business also involved streamlining, but this was not great for his employees. He sounds like a hard person to work for He established a set wage for everyone who worked for him, which sounds fairly fair at a time when a lot of you were working on commission that Money was consistent, but it was also kind of a low rate of pay and employees
financially on the hook for their performance, meaning that if they underperformed stuart would find them. He was also said to have fired a carpenter for something as small as losing a nail. He had this river. Patient for being really really miserly when it came to dealing with his employees, but there's this contradictory thing, which is it he also had employees who were with him from early on in his business that stayed until the day he died and beyond we're talkin decades. Well. There seems to have been at least some level of loyalty to him among his workers, which makes it a little harder to parse out whether he was a rough boss or a good one, yeah I've, I'm I've worked at places that I thought had like really legitimate problems.
That co workers of mine were there for years and years and years, and it was like the things that they liked about the job, just kind of outweighed the rest of it. Coming up we'll talk about some of the big moments of growth for eighty steward and company, but first we will pause for a sponsor break This episode is brought to you by rocket money. There are subscriptions for everything these days. It seems so convenient to sign up for something that's going to get delivered to your house or give you a fitness program on demand. And you dont use any forget to in your paying money for stuff you don't use. That is why rocket money is here right money is a personal finance apt that fines and cancels your unwanted subscriptions monitors you're spending It helps you lower your bills, all in one place with rocket money. You can easily cancel those things you don't want with just the press of a boy.
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Geographic comes J, F, K, one day in america. It's a three part limited series told by the last surviving witnesses. if k one day in america, is a minute by minute. Retelling of the events of that moment. In u S history and the days that followed it. His only archival footage and first person testimony and it offers viewers a unique and potentially final chance to hear first hand accounts from those who, there that day, this series is: maybe An official collaboration with the sixth floor museum at dealey plaza in Dallas and the Emmy winning critically acclaimed franchise one day in amerika returns with this second instalment J f k one day in america, is now streaming on dizzy, plus and hulu sat episode has brought you buy AC hotels, ac hope
else by Mary. It is a european inspired hotel brand, where every detail has been refined, designed crafted amp considered to ensure a seamless stay, a simple, yet elevated design creates and uncomplicated experience, providing every the thing you need and nothing you don't wake up each morning to their european inspired breakfast with hand, shaved, prosciutto freshly baked croissants and made to order hot items unwise. I am each evening in the ac lounge featuring their custom gin tonic served in a scientifically engineered glass and paired with delicious topless. Get her Full night sleep with their relaxing lavender turned down ritual ac hotels takes ownership in the effortless pride and the precise and inspiration in style visit, ac, dash hotels, dot com and learn more about the perfectly precise hotel ac Hotels is part of the marriott bon voyage portfolio of hotels.
hey. This is tanya rad from the scrubbing in with beckett, chilean tanya, rad, podcast you'll know feel when you get it it'll say ebay, authenticity, guarantee and you'll feel it. Maybe it's head. Turning handbag, a watch that says it all jewellery. That makes you look like the jam, sneakers and street, where so fresh every step feels fly when it comes to start. in luxury, Ebay gets it. There are making sure things you, love are checked by experts, not just any experts specialised experts. Real people love this stuff with real hands on authentication experience. So when you, see that shiny blue check mark that says authenticity guarantee shop with confidence, every inch stitches soul and logo is verified authentic through a detailed inspection. That's how you know that Ebay is got your back, because when you finally step into those niggers put on that watch, get your real a gold glow up three
latvia bag over your shoulder or step out in that street, where you will realise that feeling is, unlike any other, with ebay. Up until now, guarantee, you can trust that feeling of real is always in reach and sure your next purchase. The real deal visit, Ebay, dot, com for terms. in, in forty six after twenty three years in business stewards enterprise. this was so successful that he built a huge new facility to house in this building was nicknamed. Marble palace because it had a marble facade, and it was the first purpose built retail space in new york city like not a building that could be used for retail was only intended for retail by eighteen. Fifty. He was reportedly selling ten thousand dollars worth of goods a day. The civil war was a lucrative time for stuart when they started. He became a supplier of the uniforms to the union,
troops. He was an active supporter of the union and his work would come back with efforts to honour him later on. Right in Will the war in eighteen sixty two had to expand, so he built another facility this time a huge retail store on Broadway, that's believed to have been the largest retail or in the world at the time. Once this massive space, which was dubbed the iron palace, was up and running, he was doing a reported, fifty thousand dollars in sales every day I was talking about how it's very hard to lake make equivalencies of of money over time, but one of the ones I read was like. This is like one point: five million dollars a day that his business was doing. So can you like more than ten million dollars or around ten million dollars a week, which is a lot ah with the building of the iron palace? Stuart is
then cited as the inventor of the department store, because he had overtime, diversified his offerings from things like fabric and trim to adding in ready made guard it's from Europe as well as anything a person might need for their home and they were set up indifferent department He had also manage to shift the nature of shopping from simply being unnecessary errand to kind of being a leisure activity from the early days of his small shop, he had always focused on the shoppers experience at that methodology carried through to his companies largest iterations in eighteen, sixty eight ulysses s grant was elected president and because of the work that Stuart had done with the union defence committee, he was offered a position in the new president's cabinet that was, as secretary of the treasury, had turned out, though he could not take them.
roll. The seventeen eighty nine act of congress establishing the treasury department, which was signed into law by president George Washington increase, We did language that specifically excluded someone like alexander t stewart, because he was a merchant with specific languages in section eight of the act, and it reads quote that no person appointed to any office instituted by the act shall directly or indirectly be concerned or interested in carrying on the business of trade or commerce or be the owner. the whole or in part of any see vessel or purchased by himself. Or another in trust for him any public lands or public property or be concerned in the purchase or disposal of any public sector. Ladys of any state or of the united states or take or apply to his
only use any emoluments or gain for negotiating or transacting any business in the said department other than what shall be allowed by law. Grant wanted stuart to be secretary of the treasury so badly that he asked congress to override that part of the act congress did not do that, though. No there's, some political issues that were involved in Y got shut down, but it was not going to happen the year after the cabinet position was offered and then retracted. Stuart began work on his manhattan mansion on the corner of thirty four fifth avenue. This was one of the very first such luxury homes. On fifth avenue it was three floors plus an attic, unlike his first big store. It had a marble facade though he was, credibly, successful and had more money than anyone could likely need stuart, always
had an eye on expanding his business and his wealth after years of buying from textile mills. To resell the stock retail, he decided to gain a financial foothold in the manufacturing side himself. He purchased controlling interest in several mills to further ads. You is business. Stuart next, expanded internationally
ireland, england, france, scotland, germany and Switzerland were all homes to Stuart offices. Some of those countries also had warehouses where purchased goods were stored before being shipped to his. U s: retail operation, the stability of stewart business and its huge growth led to accusations that he was purposely trying to put smaller goods dealers out of business, and he made a number of statements on this matter that are kind of open to interpretation, which is how a lot of his life is. He was adamant that he adhered to his business principles and that anyone who didn't was doomed to fail things like his refusal to buy stock on credit were part of those principle.
Sounds great on paper, but it would of course, exclude anyone who had not had the good fortune to inherit a sum of money to start a business. Additionally, he made statements that explain that some of his expansions were just necessary to prevent logistical issues. Things like one building, having been too small to put an entire department on one floor, so he had to build a new space so that he can make them not a big train wreck. He also told an interview are ones that he had been pressured to start selling specific products in one of his stores by customers, but that quote the moment. We throw open that department for retail trade. A great many smaller deals in the vicinity will suffer the advantages we possessor
so superior. The competition of small dealers is out of the question. In the moment they feel the pressure they cry out against monopoly and a tribute all kinds of vindictiveness to the firm, but he then went on to say that the public would really benefit from his ability to both manufacture and sell, because that cut down costs While stewart was shrewd in business, he could also be generous during the irish famine. He raised money to send to ireland for aid when things became particularly dire. mill workers he chartered a ship and sent it to the area where he'd grown up that was filled with food for the workers. and there was also an offer that came with the ship but anyone who wished could board it and return with it to the united states. This is and cited as stewards, big philanthropic effort, as though it was the only such grand gesture, but there were actually others, for example, in the wake of the franco german war,
He similarly sent a boat to france. This time it was loaded with flour, but that did not, however, have the same offered to take people back to the: u s in north America he gave very generously to chicago to rebuild after the eighteen, seventy one fire. All of this falls in line with the ideal that he mentioned in a letter to you. Less assess grant during his presidency quote. The merchant The future will not only be an economist and an industrial leader. He will also be a teacher and a humanitarian
stewart also started buying up real estate in new york, which we have talked about? Many people on the show that of them ass a bad being kind of a big key soon to their wealth growth. He acquired to hotels, the metropolitan and the grand union, an to theatres, the globe and nibblers garden, and then in eighteen sixty nine. He purchased a twelve mile tract of land on long island, known as the hempstead planes. He paid fifty five dollars an acre for that plot of land and then acquired an additional fifteen hundred acres from the surrounding residence on this vast expanse. He intended to build his own city which he named garden city today, it is recognised as one of the first plant communities in the united states. He mapped out residential and commercial spaces and even set up a wink yard, so that construction could be localised as much as possible by eighteen. Seventy six alexander
Stewart had created something truly remarkable: there were roads, there was green space, there was infrastructure, including a state of the art, waterworks and a railroad for commuters. There was a hotel, the garden city hotel, which was that a to the railroad station. There are these lovely brand new victorian houses that people could rent for a hundred dollars a month, but there were many residents yet and then, with this project still not completed, Stuart died on April tenth. Eighteen, seventy six at the age of seventy two in a moment we'll talk about what happened after his death, including a rather surprising turn of events, but first will take a quick break in here from the sponsors they keep stuff. You mister. history. Class going this year is the sixtieth anniversary of a pivotal movement. In u S, history, the
fascination of president john F Kennedy and for the people that were there that day, it doesn't feel like history from nash geographic comes J, f k, one day in america, it's a three part limited series told by the last surviving witnesses. They have K one day in america is a minute by minute. Retelling of the events of that movement in Europe, history and the days that followed it This is only archival footage and first person testimony and it offers viewers a unique and potentially final chance to hear first hand accounts from those who are there that day this series is made. Inefficient collaboration with the sixth floor museum at dealey, plaza in dallas, and the Emmy winning critically acclaimed franchise. One day in america returns with this second instalment. J f k one day in america is now streaming on: discipline plus and hulu. Set aside is brought you buy AC hotels, AC hope.
held by Mary. It is a european inspired hotel brand, where every detail has been refined, designed, crafted and considered to ensure a seamless stay, a simple, yet elevated design creates and uncomplicated experience, providing Anything you need and nothing you don't wake up each morning to their european inspired breakfast with hands, shaved, prosciutto freshly, baked croissants and made to order hot items unwell. I am each evening in the ac lounge featuring their custom. Jim tonic served in a scientifically engineered glass and paired with delicious topless get her restful night sleep with their relaxing lavender turned down ritual eighty hotels takes ownership in the effortless pride and the precise and inspiration in style visit ac dash hotels, dot com and learn more about the perfectly precise hotel. Eighty hotels is part of the marriott bonvoy portfolio of hotels.
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He died and the only one in the top three who had not inherited his wealth estimates of stewards net worth at the time of his death range from forty million to fifty million dollars. That is not addressed it throughout his life. As a successful business, men alexander t Stuart received a steady stream of letters from people claiming to be relatives and asking, of course, for money when he died. This stream continued now addressed to his widow in the hope of gaining some of the fortune they claim they were owed as next of kin and this escalated and dragged out for years in eighteen. Seventy eight, the brooklyn daily eagle road of the problem quote Mr Stewart died under the impression that his relatives were few and quickly enumerated upon his death. The number who sprang up in all parts of the country claiming kinship and rights under the will was astonishing, suits, were begun in large numbers by all sorts of people
Stewart had left money to a variety of people in varying amounts, but as he and Cornelia not had any children live past infancy. He had no primary ere, he s who had not set aside any kind of charitable trust for the bulk of his money and his is considered to be a great fortune lost through a steady trickle to things like legal fees in a little bit to ransom. That's because on november, seventh, eighteen, seventy eight so two and a half years after alexander stew it died. His remains were stolen out of their grave at ST mark's church. In the bowery, there was evidence that whoever had taken stewart's body had unceremoniously dragged it out of the churchyard and over a fence, although it seemed as though they had entered through the padlocked gate. Using a key. A reward was offered in the new york times by stuart's right hand, man and executor Henry Hilton, but that caused mass
confusion, as people came out of the woodwork with all kinds of claims of knowing the location and the body, the location of the body, and what had happened only for those claims to run called. This is unsurprising. Given what happens when rewards are offered. Yes, exactly if you have wondered about folks like burke and hare and people they were known for grave robbing. Firm illegal purposes. A lot of them were like yes, I know where it is, and then it was like you're not going to get the reward and they were like forget them most of the people that were stealing bodies for medical purposes. It was not two and a half years later. No, this would not really been a viable body to you. Now, although, Those were folks that word now for those crimes were the first to be investigated, know anything because it was like who else robs graves. It's weird
the strongest led in the case came in early eighteen, seventy nine! So, just a few, a couple months after he vanished when the postmaster of new york paul henri jones, was contacted by someone named romaine, who said he had the remains, which did sound like a funny turn of phrase to me and who provided the name plate which had also been stolen from the casket as proof. But this whole thing only cast suspicion on jones when he claimed I've been contacted with lead and nothing came of it in eighteen. Eighty one authorities received a tip that the body was in Cyprus. Hill cemetery in brooklyn that site was excavated but Stuart remains were not found.
Cornelius Stuart, undoubtedly frustrated that neither the police nor the private investigators that hilton had hired were making any headway is said to have taken matters into her own hands and started communicating with the purported grave robbers she traded. Twenty thousand dollars for a map to a meeting point, and Is it needed time her nephew made the trade in a late night meeting and returned with a bag of bones and a piece of the velvet that headlines, stewards coffin, at least that's how things played out according to the account of george washington walling, who had been chief of the nypd when Stuart spy It was stolen when he wrote a book titled recollections of new york chief of police in eighteen, eighty seven in which he included this story. The also relate the detail, but the steward, Two had been broken into a month before the theft. Although nothing had been taken, his version,
also indicated that helpin didn't want to give the grave robbers anything on principle. The cordelia, wanted her husband's remains desperately whether or not the remains that Cornelia got back were alexander's, that's a matter of debate and then to explain what happened to the next. We have to go back to the garden city project cornelius steward had after her husband's death, really become a state word of alexander's plan for garden city, including Allocating one million dollars for a cathedral to be built in his memory. She also managed to get the diocese of the episcopal church to move its main offices to garden city He had been in brooklyn. She also spearheaded the building of schools and other key elements to turn garden city into a viable community. An people started to move there when alexander tourney Stuart, or at least what his wife believes to be, him was buried the second time
within the cathedral of incarnation and garden city. When she died, Two years later, she was buried by his side in an interesting but of coincidental timing. When alexander his body was stolen from the grave and manhattan it was scheduled to be moved just day. Later to be reinterred in garden city. You are there. lot of theories that that whole thing was like an inside job by somebody that new this plan, and they really it's gonna, be moved anyway. It will be ready, we know no one of the tragedies of flailing nature of the steward fortune was that their house on if they avenue was demolished in nineteen o one and when the man it was destroyed so where most of alexander's and cornelius paper so there's little record of their day lives, even in
his own time. He was seem contradictory terms by some as a miser by others, as a generous benefactor as a moral man in business and as a cut throat who would crush the little guy as the years have passed exactly where he fall. Any spectrum of measure of his character gets blurry or in blurry here and more open to interpretation. We do have a quote from Stuart. Give. And during an interview which seems to sum up his business ideology and to some degree who he was as a person quote. People come to me and asked me for my secret of success. Why I have no secret, I tell them. My business has been a matter of principle from the start.
that's all. There is about it. If the golden rule can be incorporated into purely mercantile affairs, it has been done in this stabbed judgment. Then you must have noticed if you have observed closely that the customers are treated precisely as the seller himself would like to be treated. Were he in their place, that is to say nothing is misrepresented, the prices fixed once and for all the lowest possible figure and the circumstances of the buyer are not suffered to influence the salesman and his conduct in the smallest particular. I think you will find the same principle of justice throughout the larger transactions of the house and especially in its dealings with employees. I do not speak of it as deserving of praise. We find it absolutely necessary, but we cannot afford is violation of principle. So if nothing else, he was a man of principle. Gnats alexander tasty
Where do I find to be quite a fascinating gent to have them listener may offer us. Do I am going to read too cause. They are short ish. Both of them are about our william morgan episodes. She got a good bit of mail about the swim is from our listener. Shane shane get ready to play for your class hollywood tracy. I am a long time listener who really enjoyed your two part episode on william morgan. I teach advanced placement. U s. History and my students have always found this incident fascinating, sidebar chain. Thank you for being an educator. Ok back better. You added much more depth to what I knew and will make that lesson even better. The political consequences the anti masonic party is only more impact, will do what we are studying. They were the first party to have a nominating convention, but I wanted to add a fun fact. All three candidates for president in eighteen, thirty, two Andrew jackson, henry clay and william wert- were in fact masons. This is particularly odd since William
was running as the anti mason candidate. I have read everything from that. He was a non practicing mason, who grew weary of them to the idea that he was a plant in the party who, just ironically, got nominated either way it's an interesting twist. You make my commute far more interesting to mornings. Each week I sent you this email from the city of sandusky one of the few towns in the united states laid out upon its founding on the masonic symbols of a square encompass. It helps explain some odd five way intersections an sharp turns, I'll send us key is much more well known for its amazing theme park, cedar point rollercoaster, capital of the world and its beautiful, revitalize downtown waterfront p s. If you happen to mention as feed back in a future episode, I can use it to prove to my students that I am still a history nerd
I find to be a compliment? I mean you want your history teacher to no doubt over history. I got a shot out in a twenty ten episode and unearthed in twenty ten five historical fines and to that effect, and I play in class every single year. Well, shame now! You can do it again! Thank you again for listening all this. While I am again for being an educator, we sure do appreciate it. and then I have one more. That is a little shorty about the morgan affair. This is from a listener. Eric said, I've enjoyed your excellent broadcasts about freemasonry in them. Affair- I am a member of an albany new york lodge in our district. Masonic burial plot is in albany rural cemetery. It was consecrated on september, twenty fifth eighteen, eighty eight and is low, hated very near the grave of thoroughly we'd who was laid to rest in eighteen. Eighty, two, every time I visit our plot for a memorial service, I look at the classic.
broken column, marking it symbolizing life, cut short and can't help a picture it as a rebuke to weed for my pet tax, attach a picture of my eleven year old boy trevor. The best cat ever trevor is so cute and looks a little like he might be trouble in the best way. Ap. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for that. Eric thurlow weed, as you'll recall, featured somewhat prominently in that episode. So if you would like to rate us with your insights on such things or just to say, hi, I have to have any kind of comment on an episode. If you don't want me, it's like email, you could do that at history. Podcast at I heart radio dot com. You can also find us on social media and you can lose some of the show unsubscribe anywhere you listen to your favorite broadcasts. Stop pms than history class. The production I heart radio for more pod cap.
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-11.