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The Strange Case of Benjaman Kyle

2023-04-28 | 🔗

Virtually everyone's experienced a slip in memory -- in most cases, the slips are thankfully short-lived. But what happens when your own brain conspires against you... what happens when you permanently forget nearly every detail of your own identity? This was the case of a man who took the name Benjaman Kyle, who for years was one of the mysterious individuals known as the "living unidentified."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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hello. Welcome back to the show my name is met. My name is no. They called me bed where joint, as always with our super producer, all mission control deck and, most importantly, you or you- you are here, makes this the stuff. They don't want. You No, let's start today with a question guys, have you walked into a room only to forget why he came in there in the first consistently It sort of like you're, losing your keys, or something like that. I think is that comes from the same place of kind of you now scatter shod brain agnes, we learn something mothers been something with doorways right right. Yet ear ear on the money were on the same page. I this is a helpful psychological, I don't if it's a hack causes
can it be to the advantage of the human mind, but when people walk through entrances or exit, on some level the neuro the go. Brain will It's a new situation like a new level of a video game. Right so You are no longer enough. Well you're, no longer the person that on the other side of the entry. So if you want I guess the heck is. If you want to forget stuff, just walk ro buncher door, where her. What are your works for me? I'm serious, because this really does happen to me quite frequently in my new, especially in my new house, causes less famille, dear to me. I think so, new. Doorway really is a reset. I walked back out the same door which everyone I went into, and I just kind of stand there for a moment collect my thoughts and then generally. I can remember why I went into that other place. You can also
I don't know as a real thing. They suggest something I do. I call it. My grew mnemonic approach like, when you are before you go to for the thing when you realize you lost something you do so a small motion that will create a small short lives. Its memory like cross your fingers into your point, nor think like cross, your fingers and think keys or put your arms akimbo, a word. We never get to use and and say to yourself keys and go look for them and then, if you're in a room and you're wondering why am I here? What is life led me to crush surfing is again or put your arms akimbo, and then it hit you you'll, be like. Oh I'm sorry to record a show. That's why I'm here, you know very well that the things that you're describing sound an awful lot like
prestigious behaviors or like things that may be a baseball player, would do in order to help have quoted quote good luck right, but that's the thing your basically talking about weapon eyes, psychology it out kind of game yourself into doing you're having your brain cooperate and do what you want. Then, although airing rain yeah, it's it's creating multiple pathways. or the desired. You know train of thought and like most people, if you're, like most people, fellow conspiracy, realist at some point, you have experience a sudden bout of forgetfulness, even people with real life. superpower vedantic memory, which is different from photographic memory, because Derek memories, real and photographic memory. Does it actually exist? Even those folks,
will have difficult time recalling some things it can be really frightening. You know it's weird For most of us, it's kind of like a bout of the hiccups or and unintended fart if reached out and then sky and, and you move on with your life, you know who you are. You know what this object is Is that you call yourself. Is today's episode? explore something really odd, an extra version of this forgetfulness. We're gonna talk about something there I'd be unfamiliar to a lot of people. Individuals who are called the being unidentified people who, for one reason or another have forgotten themselves: they had never clicked back right, they lost key. in this case, where their identities and they are
Still looking for those keys, this is The story of a man who chose to call himself in german kyle I think this is a true that a lot of people are familiar with from you know, film and television, the idea of someone turning up in a town and they don't know their own name or they don't know who they are? It's really interesting way of kind of exploring the mystery in our especially in the person of the centre of the mystery, doesn't have all the information. Like momentum in saying good example, memento is probably the winter essential example of that in the world of film, and then there's also o angel heart robber, deniro right place. well known as were lou, was louis cipher. Yes, neither do. I do the math guys watch a movie called the snow man the other day. Just how individual areas bad
It was our dead in the press, home the main character is harry, hole, yeah. It's a series of books, aerial I, but it's just now. We are leaving euro with zero. Like recognition, Guy's name is harry whole. Come on old matt forget to tell you figured out on a different shoe. We figured out aid rate, alias secular, to choose your own name. You should pay, when we go with, or we respectfully submit that listeners should should consider what what what no, I'm actually, who shall behind you contact a conscious
is the singular and plural of a specific mardi gras polish mardi gras type tree yeah, but we're not talking about pancetta poonch, you talking about harry hole, we're talking about Benjamin man, the man in the a and m I and kyle here or the facts, the story the best way to start story is in richmond hill small town near savannah in our home state of georgia on august thirty, first, two thousand and four right after that, no one I celebrated our birthdays snow who did most of the media, but it's true there was. An employee at a burger king, sun, ill our who walked out to the dumpster their work, walk out to the dumpster, Only defied an unconscious nude son,
earned rash, ridden guy in front of them. Stir and riddled with fire ant bites. so environments and firearms crawling crawling on trying on the poor guy, and so what do this is not what you signed up for. We need decide to get a paycheck burger king, you freak out. Now you go yikes, I need to call someone. This looks like it might be a dead body right. This is not a typical day at burger king ripe and also you know. I like your pointing out the idea of whether nights a corpse, because. if someone's not visibly moving, if they're not visibly, breathing. Then the best way for you as a civilian to see if they're alive is to touch them, and so on. her steadily our pal soon, you our said now, let's call the cops well, it's over it, that's all
real. This serious situation there to think about whether or not you actually physically even worse over near the scene, re shouldn't We talked about the gun. Im going? What do you do like? Probably the best thing as a civilian is raise your hand and say somebody with the authority to professional play careless. Do it please not only that many professional to help the individual, but also to make sure that you're not in some way. Seen as operable or do something wrong or get mixed up in something by the way you guys, you know my first ever job was laying in front of a burger, kingdoms do not not in not in front of an idea. It'll take a lot of trash out to the burger king dumpster that you can get a burger. I worked at a burger king. That was my first job when I was sixteen due to whoppers. Poppers are some have one until late well into adulthood. We were doing this show when I finally try
whopper is the superior fast food. Burgers, no question about it, but I learned in working there that you can do all kinds of stuff. You know their whole. Have it your way thing? That's real! You can ask for it hot you can ask for it cut in half, you can it's for it. You know with all kinds of other fixins and yeah. If you ask for a hot, you get a fresh one, then there's little little modifiers on the cash register. For those things there are very real lotta secret menu stuff at burger king. Well, you can get you can get like if you go to a fast food place, I would hope as long as you're, not rude in wind gene in demanding new thing get people to work with you. You know what I mean like. For sure, but it really is codified within the whole burger king code of ethics and customer service will the thing that is also codified. at least it. This burger king is knowing wind to contact authorities so that they and they did that which is the correct move this person.
Aids consciousness in the system now, for the purposes of law enforcement, their richmond hill? This would be a john doe new idea right because there are no clothes. The officer on the scene we don't want to make himself like a jerk because as the logical thing they in their report He described this individual as a sleeping vagrant, then Vagrant catches, a non consensual, uber to Saint Joseph hospital in the georgia, where the hospital staff decides to call him burger. King dough. Do you eat great street name, but also Also, it makes sense because if you are in a large medical security in a city, and you get a lot of people who were temporarily John doze. You have to differentiate between them, so I advise burger king dough
an interesting lay enough. You know they. They ran tests, they did all the things that they did have cataracts like you mentioned, but that he did not have a nut, has positive for any illegal substances and you find in some reporting on this story that people will state he was found bloodied or beaten. A true it's not true at least not according to reporting in while this environment, better republic, the new republic article that was published like one of the original ones that really talked about this in depth? They did say that they are There were three small depressions found on his skull yeah, but they were older, exactly they ve been around for a long time. He had some. He also had some scarring uneasily left arm and on his neck. But these were all these were not fresh wounds to the freshest wounds she had were from fire
and as any anyone who lives in the. U s can attest fire answer not to be messed with well you'll get some welts from there, but it's not going to draw blood right and in it definitely not going to mess with your mental state, no No seven, let's you or something good like cos. They go into some sort of jacques, but not meant not cod. I can't imagine, even with now otherwise people getting high on fire switch the right cursor someone as you don't know who that is Somebody chatter leonhard has good. He look here. If we try to get high on everything we are talking about fire his silk, but dont trust it by the way, the multiple versions of that work and its important, but they're, not all the same version there is there some trolling in there, but it is how I found out about nutmeg. This there is high
this guy and a delightful seasoning for your heart, cocoa? It's pretty great! So this guy is of european descent ease in his face. these aside from his cataracts, which are pretty severe shield like an average dude health wise. As you pointed out, no there's new trade of serious alcohol, no trace of serious drugs in here system. Nor are there traces of long term drug abuse, which are also very visible. Rape and one doktor seemed Little surprised to say, oh, oh, became do his his lab those are all within normal limits and the main thing They could tell then I'd like your look a car, and you say the engine works needs new paint, job
but I love in number, but there's no, That's great! You actually like that, there's no then, and he had a long scraggly beard with junk in it, and I finger? Nails were all raggedy ann dirty, but he looked like normal guy, who had just been living rough without explanation, psychologically, though, is very, very different and folks in the audience today who have medical experience. First, thank you Secondly, you might ignites, some of these symptoms were about to describe the guy, refuses to eat or speak at first he's in Saint Joseph for about eight days, he does speak occasionally like he come, out of his show a little bit, but mainly to beef. Up with the doctors he doesn't want the doctors or the nurses, anyone on the staff to interact with them the few things
she does say are pretty confusing as he lived in the woods for about seventeen years when, asked him about his identity. He gave them a version of the name it put on him in the hospital. He said. They call me be k around here and ever someone said: ok yeah sure, but what Real name: would say they were confusing him and say they were confusion among purpose and then he would either go back to sleep or fain sleep. So let's get rid of the site. Warden put em on held on their heads. If that is the next logical move, I know I know it's protocol. He was telling the nurse to staff demons and you know spitting at people and stuff. I mean it was the yeah and he was a potentially physical
danger to them. He was you know like thrashing out at them right here I mean strange, so you putting him I understand what you're saying no like it seems like jump right, but he was. did seem like he could potentially be dangerous. Especially given is like confusion is state of confusion. He seemed to be in the I've got some I've got some contacts to work out a hospital in atlanta called grady. yeah. It's a lot lot action. They greatly wizard audio. I guess who folks Paul. You probably saw that two as soon as I said, Grady matt and no both at once went through. It is because we all know green, grady is grady as one of the best burn. Slash trauma units in india
part of the country and therefore the world. It also is up Is that has a lot of similar situations: mental illness, unhoused people, things can get rough folks have to be trained. If law enforcement arrest, someone has to take them the hospital they often take them to Grady and handcuff them correct me. If I'm wrong, isn't there a law, something some policy, a grady where you can if you go to the emergency room, be it's not gonna like bankrupt. You like there's a thing. Yes, yet that's correct. I end its good that that exists. But it also makes it a heavily trafficked hospital to your point. You know hm and mural people don't gotta hospitals, for, right. If you go in the waiting room of a hospital, no then there is having the best day of their life right. So.
I mean outside of maternity wards anyway, so doctors figure this guy for a catatonic schizophrenia He's got all he showing the signs of this without further analysis. That's a real noble assumption, like you said: no, they prescribe. Held all nine consensually dose him up with this pretty strong anti psychotic and a train for him to ace. Like a logical ward, add another hospital, crosstown? It's called memorial whole time way they can get through to the dude, he is saying he has no where's from has no idea who he is, and he has no idea how he ended up in georgia in the first place. It's like a moment of clarity of lucidity decades into his life, and he had
a vague series of you can call them images frozen tableaux about his life before he was found in front of them. Working stuff. You should know by the way shoutout credit words do they did a great purpose. without this several years back, and I think it was I I want to say it was before, the revelations that we're about to explore today. But what is it If tablet has really fast. What what did he said? It was things like. I member of the inside of this one movie theater. I run amber, I think I worked in a restaurant cause. You know, I remember certain things about a restaurant. I add spidey since that I'm from indianapolis save three brothers. He was certain One thing you didn't know social security number right, a huge problem. Are you didn't know any pair
name's any family names, but he was certain that he was born on august, twenty ninth nineteen, forty eight- and he said he had this He said he knew this because he had the same birthday is Michael Jackson, just ten years earlier, while thrill interesting or you know what is it as an attending doctor for somebody like this, you ve have we seen something very similar before where in the end of that interaction. You find out, oh that that percent was putting it on if they were faking it. So you might then by that same logic, to the situations in disguise. Ba the come on here, want to get away from something right? Why would you train amnesia like that you're you're running from the law? Right, but again, that's just logic kind of taking over right, ray ed, we're not
pending the doctors here as jerks at all their working off precedent, an entire say, ten people who were claiming they have this guy amnesia, they're, going to they're gonna get better or they're gonna reveal that they had untoward motives, will end There was saying I Amelia, I don't mean to sound flippant or, like I'm dish, guarding medical professionals. I know it's very difficult to be yeah a physician in one of these high pressure situations. We obviously have a lot of work to do on the healthcare. System in this country, but they're following protocol at an operation of that scale like this are like a grady situation. You have to tick boxes than is only be have to follow a certain standard operating procedure. Not just that's what you do the only way to get people through into make sure that people get the best care possible. Machina, maybe always the best care, but it's the best care possible, and so we ve got.
look at our time now, ripe in august, two thousand for eight days at saint josephs. He ends up in that site war at memorial for four months and after this He is transfer to kind of a halfway house place for people need help. Ores since in one way or another J c louis primary health care center, and he tells the story If he's tired of going the name, be k or became. Do so each chooses his own name, just like your witness protection which come up later, he go by the name, benjamin kyle until someone can help him and his identity still became technically right Now you are saying that affair too, like that's each say like that's how he went with it or part of the inspiration we're we're speculating, but that does have the ring a truth also. He makes a good name for himself
he's not a crazy dude. He likes who assist he's volunteering to do chores he's, clearly articulate I he is able this important is able to remember the people and the events over there, J c louis primary healthcare centre right a story again in this great new republic, article by Matt, wolf. Where where he apparently goes into the supply closet. The clothing donation, bin and dresses in a way that, like a staff, uniform and wants to help mop up, even though we he can't see Very well he's basically legally blind at this point, and he starts to make friends benjamin kyle
for years and years. No one can figure out who he was at least that is until two thousand and fifteen. We are going to pause for word from our sponsor and they will dive further into the strange case of Benjamin kyle. You guys it's springing all ready spray has bring. Indeed, and this spring I have a feeling that you, yes, you need nutritious convenient meals to energize, for all the warmer- whether an active days to keep you on track for reaching those goals, will faithfully there's factor america's number one ready to eat meal kit, and it can help you fuel up fast with ready meals delivered straight to your door. The three of us just tried factor have actually got summer smooth. These ends meals with us today and I gotta tell you I'm pretty impressed kind.
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off the grid either in origin. Having no identity is an exactly a crime. I may I guess it's technically supposed to have a social security number right I mean is that the law? after have one you can use in attacks idea, earn an iron some some, like income tax activist, go with that so yeah does your point. Like they're, there wasn't like a criminal in our report file because I the crime. Hadn't really been committed other than let you know he was naked, but he was a victim as such right. So he wasn't a criminal. before there was really no follow through you know from either the f b I and savannah or the police. You know who initially came to the scene at that burger king rep ray like to match boy. He wasn't actually beaten that submissive
importing. Ah so who are you going to file a criminal complaint against the fire ants you going to take them to like fire ants court? How does that The work is not like my boy river ants, Let's get in this person who held beak benjamin out cap slater because she's real important She she were too late shift like a night shift. At the same time when Benjamin kyle was doing a lot of work there, though some the volunteer work and they ended up striking up of friendship band. They started just talking with each other being very far lee, and she is the one who basically was like a song. ms way more than just this guy. Also, you know who's there, a patient she saw him is human being as somebody that she wanted to help yeah, then again, that's that's. The thing is the humanity right, the empathy inherent,
here. I she she's also a bit of a bloodhound she is. She has an investigative, interrogative nature. she's, the one who reaches out to the fbi she's the one who reaches out to the cops- and they say rightly in their defense. They say well or is there really a crime here? And at this point we should talk a little about the fbi. Lee have come rightly as of twenty twenty three we're recording. They have the world's largest known fingerprint data base. Snarly sneak and largest no because between between justice and the puzzle palace I'm really sure that five eyes has more fingerprints. yeah. Well, I mean I just think about all the background checks there basically two reasons why you were gonna, get fingerprinted in the united states, at least in a desert. by state, of course, because we,
states loss, but it's because you get it's up for some misdemeanor to a felony write, something criminally wrong. You did you're gonna get all tenure digits fingerprinted or you have to go through a mental background check to get a job or to get approval for a couple different things, Trysting other aspect here and I'm surprised more people who talk about this. There was mass collection of innocent people's fingerprints with identical for kids right Jesus yeah, that's how they got a lot of people but weirdly enough Benjamin kyle, does it have his paws any of these databases, so the fbi, gets in this weird blake Joseph Heller catch. Twenty two situation there
you're the guy, they know where he is, but they all know who he is. So they put him on their missing persons page they contact it or and they have to explain this to interpol, yeah, We gotta missing person. I mean I he's here. I guess, but we I know who he is deep de leads. what about you, Canada? And there like a break this down to me, and it's well he's missing, but he's not missing easy. How do you define missing shut to this one special agent who went off the books did the right thing contacted the marshals. Discreetly in the? U s and said: hey is this guy, maybe a witness protection and they said Oh, we don't know he is heavy. Have you tried to run his fingerprints and he's like? Oh, my god, you guys dude. We need. We need to get iris scanners forever we from high protect your children, give all their biometric data there are two to an orwellian government social
out to employ the g. I the georgia bureau of investigation, because every every state has a bureau of investigation. come on just a big all round of applause for the gb. I know they're doing a tunnel work that we really don't hear about very often good work. No o directly. I went to my old friends, we shouldn't say the name on air may mention before works, where the gb I in a basically in the level of forensics, where you go in and figure out how people died and person sense of humour ten out of ten
gala gala. I imagine these are all fair stories, as we all get to specific by remind me were not recorded. There's this thing with the lava lamp you gotta hear it so yeah, it's exactly what you're thinking as it is. It is so ok, let's talk about this. gb I employed bow preston. Bo Preston is training law enforcement in the ins and outs of using this enormous fbi database right. This thing is labyrinth There's a lot of stuff there. I? U you it's not like writing a bike right to build. preston. She knows the system. better than any one else. So she is the person who is probably best suited to figure out whether this guy in german kyle? Is there under a different name?
in this database. You fine eighty thousand active missing persons cases next year again. You know just to your point then preston taking this and herself. Actually you know combed through three hundred. Fifty cases general and by the system personally with no no real reno results. No no hits she was trying to find stuff. It could possibly be tied to the sky, so late, she's, plugging in demographic data, basically right bereft fingerprints, that's what she's check so then she had a pretty genius idea too. Oh, you know aids incorporate kyle's case into her training correct. You know where we're jirga, which made sense as it was our teachable kind of k, in terms of how to deal with cases. Folks, like this, but also Perhaps one of the trainees may recognize,
We know that that's really what it takes. It is all sadly none of that works Nobody has still nobody recognises the picture that moment in every class she's teaching you know where you're essentially playing the lottery and you're like and here's one we couldn't find Anybody bueller you were it just yet so props depressing, because that's writing to do but again looks like they're no leads. In its two thousand and seven. So it's three years since kyle was found since be cato was found in that burger king parking lot and this nurse catherine slater reaches out to the media, then Jimmy and kyle becomes a news phenomenon. The stories first report,
in some anna national media picks. It up he's on him, be see he's on a b c, you name it. He starts a facebook page and, as we all know, facebook is really good. Getting personal information, but even mark Zuckerberg doesn't know the sky it I feel like. I walked a little bit down the street to take that path, shouted sucks, disease, personally going through all of our private data free for for laughs. Who is this guy every year, four years, each in racing single attempt to discover this dude. True or former identity ended up with butkus failure across the board and its like. He wasn't shown on the news like seriously the news woman's face, was honour their reports about him. He went on red, it ended in a may, and this
in a time when read, it was in its heyday when everybody was like all we gotta use, read it bread, it's the best ellie that's winner it's we week and a amazed big deal there at least for a while and mature, where they stand right now, but he went on. He did all that stuff Nobody buddy recognising still its ten years later, and nobody knows the sky, and so, again it sound like were shouting this guy out a lot. The journalist matt wolf, with whom we have not spoken, direct but right now, wolf has at least four for my been bucks. Wolf has the to reporting on this in the new republic. He really concur story yeah. He he wolf as this beautiful quote. Ere? He notes just how extraordinary and unusual and disturbing the kyle cases he says quote we live
in the age of extraordinary surveillance and documentation. The government's capacity to keep tabs on us and our capacity to keep tabs on each other is unmatched in human history. Not wolf Welcome to the show we wait. For you know, marriage isn't bad episode or please, just like Matt goes into like the n essays. You know capabilities and, like outlines a lot of this stuff, discussed on the show, and I look I love he points out how ridiculous it is. It seems ready those that somebody could fall through the cracks. Yet this guy's, a ghost this is a real weird habeas corpus case. You know you have the body, nothing else right. This get like this guy's either the worst person at committing suicide, or
he's telling the truth, and even if there a great point new republic article, even if benjamin kyle quorum quote, is faking amnesia there would have been some trace of him somewhere I get logically, it would just be. The case of finding the name right where for someone who's never had military service they ve never had a background check, leave ever been arrested, at least brought in right even to a tank, and they they are not one. whose generations that got signed up the finger printing in childhood. Listen true guy out of it, our home town, a neuro psychologists, name jason, king jason, king, is the first expert really gets an in depth, psychological, or analysis of kyle,
He was able to take a look at him, speak with him examined him directly. He came, the conclusion that kyle was, equally suffering from once called dissociative amnesia as you name have put together, is a kind of memory loss that is best if brought about by trauma stress associated with trauma, specifically so in two thousand and eight slater and kyle do, which the next logical step here is the fly to allay and go on the doktor phil show I'm sorry, I'm only laughing because it's just the idea, it is. You know you're going to man, you tell it right. I think it's wave blasphemous out be now by giving it a wider audience, a wider reach and the hopes of keynote turning up some results digested the terrible person. My is headed by all that in two thousand eight doctor Bill is the view I need seriously,
Two thousand a doctor fills a little it's a little different because because he was so here as well liked by millions of people you can see that by the numbers here right. It's not like nobody saw that episode yeah exactly more than four million people tune in when the apple, It goes live october, sixteenth, two thousand, eight, it's it's a segment called or the episode is called who whereby spoiler. They don't answer it because they dared blue trying. You know can't do it and you can you didn't? he that catherine slater but she accompanies benjamin kyle. She doesn't want to go on air, but the producers really push her to do so. So, against her better judgment, she becomes part of the brouhaha. now we have the rights of people, see their doktor feel segment or whatever they see
evening news at their regional affiliate and they think heart that's weird, and they might go to internet forum and do some armchair sleuthing, but eventually they forget about the story and the thing about who cycles is that the stories continue well after a b, c or and b c or in sir here stops talking about it, and I think we should pause just to acknowledge how much, The situation is no other way to say at this. Situation? Socks where this guy, you think awake? Ok, so there's can order of operations to exist in? U S, society right, you got social security number. You gotta have some version of a birth certificate, whether it's from hawaii or kenya, who hotcakes how do you get something like barbara was born in the. U s is brigades
yeah. Ok, no, I'm just her, but nobody really. So you don't have a birth certificate How do you get something like a social security number which is issued after you're right right after your born? Yeah, that's what kind of getting at you earlier belly is not illegal. Tonight but scary number, but I guess you do your support. have some sort of identifying like the wind number argument refugees to be alive, you're supposed to be tagged. If you dont have those two things: what form of identification or you taken down to the dmz to get a driver's license or estate state idea right either I would say again: you can get that like taxes, eating or with white, though, when I Attacks I deal with us not this guy parents,
Do this he is into european law, is not illegal on the books To not heavy social security number, but I would argue it is functionally. It also yeah yet same way like in the movie garriga awesome felt in the movie garriga. They don't baker illegal, not to be genetically modified. They just make it in practice. Impossible to succeed in society. Prohibitively difficult does live. Do basic things you know depressed people out did out. I had to get my mom's car title tray for it. To me, I went to the dmv in two cities. No less than six times before I was before I had all the appropriate documentation. Bureaucracy is crisis, and so this guy, like it's terrible you care
get a job. He can't get a house car a bank loan of any sort. You know what I mean and you ever get jammed up with the law. things are immediately escalate. Who is this yeah. You know what I mean: what's your real name, I don't amnesia. I bet buddy get in the car, so luckily, We said this is gonna, be a bit of good news episode. Luckily, there is good news. Dna came into play, so we're going to pause for a word from our sponsors. come back with some good news and some four million,
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this person by looking at any potential documentation that could exist around him. No scant check that box off we ve tested as fingerprints will know. in any databases we ve even that is dna, but it's not in at a basis, either there's another technique is developing around this time in twenty fifteen hours little. Before that, but it's it's really becoming more robust set of technical oh geez and techniques called for in genealogy, where take somebody's dna and you compare it to others apples of dna that have been given right. We ve talked about this with several companies that do this, and you have talked about with cold cases like with the golden stay killer. What if we were his genetic data through one of these processes. This is where one a shout out. A team of geological forensics
led by sea, see more capital, c e capital c e m, more more gets into the trenches radner finding some relatively weak matches, but then they hit the mother lode navy and a very strong match. They also find a couple of implied skeletons in the closet. things that are described euphemistically, is non paternity events whole other bag. address does really matter for this story. What does matter is that see more and team found a connection for Benjamin kyle and he goes on to his facebook page, and he says the following: Lower. Two months ago, I was informed by sea seymour. They had established my identity using dna. Many people are hear their dna profiles that they may be compared with mine repressive elimination, they determined my ancestral bloodline, in whom I relatives were a dna
taken by a close relative has confirmed that We are related and this was all courtesy of moors company. The dna detectives decamp two years working on this case, So as not just like a google search you now than genetic google search, the word detectives here is pretty appropriate, so the guy says he always said back please be cato. He always said he he thought he was from indianapolis how very certain that he knew his birthday any related to Michael Jackson, the king, a pop I and ii, also had a couple of other views? spidey sense recollections. she's more and her company, they in dna detectives they go through this quite ro process of elimination. Eventually, they fight
in a family called the power or group of families and then from there they find a sub group, a very specific said, a powers and these powers are in lafayette, indiana. Ultimately She and her team get to a high school yearbook. Nineteen sixty seven in the town and in the book she finds a picture Have a guy named William powell is intense great when the pictures taken he's wearing glasses wearing plaid, you didn't, you can find the. and it's one of those in you know. There are two we're point here, because for a decade people have been looking at this picture. benjamin kyle and saying hey you look kind of like a guy. I saw at a waffle house. That's true! That's someone said that. So now their armed with dna
it's now a physical resemblance matters a lot more. At the same time, by the way, his life still stinks, he's forced off the grid. Because he doesn't have the paperwork and the idea that you need to Just in this country outfit out of orlando nonprofit called I dignity, get it They have no idea ignominy. from its I dig knitting entity. So now It helps about with get we get enough. Where do I and just a month later november? Twenty first, he official? he finds out, we was or who used to be. you got yea is real name, william burden powell the person who used to no second on their efforts
Person used and no man like I was right about his birthday, bright, he was right about going with a b as a first name. Billy, He probably rhyme grown abuse rally Billy a resumption of your man, I believe that is the very diminutive nickname the way it should be. should be saddled with billy tired morgan baby, If I was you doesn't go by that goes by william, Our aid is near where I am so. Builds a little boy named shot. I bet I bet the hardest of hard cases that listens to the show right now goes by seriously there, and then it's like having been aiming at a time when you're a big, an elderly, lady? I don't you know,
billy, magnuson right now become so yeah, does go a bill, it seems ok, but the mysteries not solved because all this reporting where we found the name of the former identity and it does not. like the guy's faking no. But he said, hey this willie Powell jerk skipped town responsible for rampant selling, a loose cigarettes in counterfeit stamps or anything running from anything, yet only crime, but what happened We don't know man some time in nineteen. Seventy six, it looks like he cut ties with everyone. He took the first steps towards pseudo side. He abandoned his life. He was living in mobile home at the time he had a car. He just left them there and skipped town
when two colorado with a co worker, the out in his brother, attempted to find him For years his brother rated, a missing persons report and his brother been looking for him for forty years, and he basically gave up easily. I spent forty years this guy, died somewhere. I just don't know, and I guess that's an William Powell, slash benjamin tile was twenty five when he moved colorado. Also, you can find other reports that you home life of the panel's, was not super great. The brother furman boom Who will get you in a second He is on record a multiple sources saying that their father was at times abusive and that he believes, His brother, William, got the worst of it near johnny amnesia. They were treated there. That's that's the operative word right, bend them in return, now this dissociative amnesia.
Having been, I guess diagnosed with an official diagnosis services are of like I'd speculated. This is what with whether another thing is brought on by trauma. Serious emotional So we know that there is some mental health issues at play. That probably would have been at play. You know from the beginning when, when this one, this person did split town yeah and this the neuro psychologist greasing king four million, is qualified to diagnose people. with with these states. So that's why we bring back I up, because it's important to have an expert. It's not just someone who is not familiar with the least blake disciplines and assessments. The guy knows what he's talking about and we'll get back to him in a second What we need to know is that again, our journalists. Here, Matt Wolfe was able to confirm
by tracing powell. Security number that as william powell benjamin kyle, worked couple a different jobs. At least until nineteen seventy seven. The last case is nineteen, eighty three and from nineteen eighty, three, all the way to two thousand and four, this guy was a ghost which is very different to do she. She more reaches out to the brother that you mentioned earlier map. Herman powell and binge and who now goes by bill ended up moving back, to indiana in a great peace by the journal courier? You can you can see how his life has progressed that quarter pieces from twenty. Sixteen. I think these now just a regular. Do this summer August is coming up. As we record bill powell, Benjamin kyle,
we'll be seventy five years old is a happy ending, but there's serious Andy, no one sure what happened, what could call as somebody to completely lose track of themselves, especially because people are obsessed with themselves. How would you just forget all that, especially considering wasn't on a bunch of drugs right, or at least he had been off of drugs for long enough time to where they were not detectable within his system ring it's not as though he was out thinking every night, because again alcohol was not detected in this system when he was found unresponsive early, mostly unresponsive. If I don't know man, it feels like he did, get in some kind of altercation at some point because of the small indentations within his skull and were first discovered when he was found dead because that feed
like some, you know being hidden with some, probably not an impact from a fall at least again. That's. Can't say that mrs arts, but that's just where I know if you're deducing It- I don't know it feels like he may be. It get rattled at some point, well when he was living rough. And while we also dip fair point, we also don't We know if he was living rough, like the evidence, is the finger, nails and the beard he might just that have been to burn it soon were into two more severe mild, head injuries, don't cause long term amnesia, but more Severe injuries can cause permanent amnesia. This guy still rediscovering his life you know, I mean imagine if you woke up one day you found out that for decades your work, you are completely different person. You only out a few things com, it. You know,
this is where we have to mention the good folks at the national missing, an unidentified persons system. Here in the? U S, street name nam us now. Mass nemesis part of the. U S, department of justice and they have a lot of databases, but there's still stood plain to assist what they call the poor living unidentified and while Powell slash kyle's case is the most famous by far he's not unique. There are other living, unidentified people and I don't know. Maybe we ended this way. We could he of fate. It could be fake. The whole thing for some unknown reason. You know, there's a really really excellent. Film called a model spare us. There is a character whose, like
he's an assassin, but he looks like a vagrant any does that by design where, at the end, the minor, whether I guess he, He needs to make a getaway, so he trims his fingernails and he cuts off his beard and he looks a completely different person and I thought that was really brilliant lake storytelling cause, as they are what a great way to operate under the radar you know like as as kind of lake scene of his he's, invisible for all intents and purposes most people don't regard folks like that with much attention you know, so they can kind of float in and out and do what they need to do and that just always does this makes me think of that trait tend to me. I'm sorry, the roundabout way of saying I don't think that he faked the but if he did, maybe it was something like that and it would have to be hell. I calculated. Do they really did subject to trick this Psychologists and been off mikey, we are not the only way to truly no would be to do some really intense tests, hooked up
Are you now to monitor brainwaves and you would have to you would have to do. You have to do active brain in monitoring. I'll ask being polygraph level questions right. What do is it and then measure brain activity right your name measure brain activity, re who is the president any new these? He knew these third party facts like when he was in the hospital Joseph. He knew who the president was like. Yeah drew, was incompletely adrift here, about the invasion of iraq into into doesn't three. So guy was up to speed on a lot of things, just not himself which a unit Not not sound flip about it, but this is the the real thing and because people still don't know exactly how it happened. I, like your theory, mad about possible matic brain injury,
because it seems most logical and most possible, but without knowing how it happened. We can only speculate that it could happen again. It could happen to someone I mean, then buddy walking down the street. Could it happen to cheesy dramatic music to you see? This is why we all everybody on the Planet needs to get on the back of their neck, a qr code tattooed that has all of your information. That is a little tattoo on our interests while we're at it. I think that's a great idea, guys. Let's we can use the freemasons to roll out the plan for eliminating global, unlimited it'll be thrilled yeah. So, with a with a shout,
after I d you we're going therefore serene and pass the torch to you here. What do you think it's it's a bit of a dilemma: big again without some serious testing that tar knowledge has not been conducted. It is financially impossible to know the the absolute truth here guy. I will see that after we dug into this, I don't think he's faking. I think you will probably be offended someone's? Probably ask them, I'm sure the cops have it doesn't it doesn't seem like this guy. Has in pretending. What do you think let us know we're all over. The internet sent us a picture of the cure code. On the back your neck,
Some of you got em. Don't do that? Really? I hope you can hear the sarcasm there. We emanated. Let us know if she support mats plan for its italian. Terry in future regime is coming in, is gonna happen and were you had it in you? I swear to god. I was just get on board. You get on board with us. We as social media by reaching out to us visa, twitter, youtube or facebook at they handle conspiracy, stubborn instagram and tiktok. We're conspiracy, stuff, show I'm asking you jpg right now. Should all people have idee codes tattooed on their bodies? Let's see as a perfect chit chat, jpg said tight No, I didn't, is as bad as it is as a day I language model. I cannot blah blah blah blah blah, ok, ok, I cannot dictate how
going to brand you ok. So if you like to call people one eight three, three std w whitey k. That's our voice mail system. When you call in you ve got three minutes. Please give yourself a cool, nickname and let us know if we can use your name and message on the air. If you don't know who you are, please don't call in asking no questions about who you are, because we're not going to be able to tell you, I'm so sorry do reach out to the national missing and unidentified persons system If you ve got more to say they can fit now. Three minutes went on instead, send us a good old fashioned email. We are conspiracy. I hurt radio dot com
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-08.