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The Hemp Car Cover-up

2017-01-13 | 🔗

Make no mistake: the United States is a car culture, and the extreme sprawl of the country means the vast majority of citizens can’t realistically live without their cars. This has inevitably led to enormous amounts of pollution and (some would argue) wars over the resources needed to keep the car culture going. So what if there was an alternative? Why would someone cover it up?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Though, we're part these days was sharing more so at Geico, we'd like to say thanks thanks for sharing your savage dance moves thanks for sharing your d, I why haircut fails banks for sharing your inner lips and stop now? It's our turn to share with the Geico give back the fifteen percent credit on car and motorcycle policies for current and new customers, because we committed for the long haul, the fifteen percent credit last. Your full policy to visit guy got outcomes less, give back for more info and eligibility. Technology, shapes our lives and we shape technology on the pod text of you can join me. Jonathan Strickland, as I dive into tax stories, ever wondered how a particle accelerator works or what cost The video game crash of nineteen, eighty three or who really invented the radio on text. If we look at how works and, more importantly, how it affects us. You can find text on the eye heart rate you up on Apple podcast.
Where were you get your pod casts from you at those two psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn this stuff. They don't want you to know what the left of the show my name is now becoming. Then you are you that makes this stuff. They don't want you to do your talking about something that might seem odd for listeners show, because we do typically talk about automobile, will you do and then another life and another incarnation loaded conspiracies, can occur in any realm? Discipline in cars are real no different so whether you out air whether you were proton, Nebraska are
continued Nepal illusion. Serbia, you know what for you find yourself whether you consider yourself a gear head or not odds. Are these heard about all this kind of skulduggery alleged on the part of Otto manufactures oil companies and insidious governments near? We, We all know stories like that right. I who kill the electric car perfect example, and what's what's that, documentary just about how oil companies- and you know, special interests, ultimately were responsible, for. Bringing down what should have been a viable technology in a you know, clean in solution do driving that would have been out displaced some of the pollution caused by fossil fuels. That was the easy one I believe Saturn race, car and out a full disclosure of our old bosses, Marshall Brain who founded Housetop works, was pretty nuts about the V1
and then also that ties in two on the idea of car companies repressing the trolley car system right. This is you, don't have to be a car person per se too, to notice this in the history of the evolution of cars is pretty crazy to that's part of what we get into so there There are many many stories like this in so many of the stories. Here's the strange thing have commonalities ripe tour many times. It's one intrepid inventor alone in his garage or her garage that comes up with some. Mind blowing technology that will completely Lucian eyes the auto into three, the entire system if they are on the outside of it and Inevitably you hear the day get shut down somehow, but like what's a more specific example of this, we could look Stanley Meyer, who,
famous for creating a water car, at least allegedly creating a water, a car that we water fuel cell. That could, The entire thing on each to oh, but it wished, down, allegedly by what the powers that be in there but the only example of a water powered vehicles or alleged water power in technology former NASA scientists like a guy named Sherman, Anderson and Tennessee, there's a Japanese can company, they believe, may still be active, called Jenna packs and they're just scraping the the surface, just wait so soon in the bottom scratching the surface. Yes, I would think he could say The bottom or the surface, where you could scrape the bottom line, I just seems like an arbitrary creation than arbitrary verb. It's it's groping, groping
that sounds weirdo. Fathah, hey, says we're getting weird resent. Can I just say it's nice to be without an all three of us in a room together for the this time in a minute. Like we have the way I saw the damned smashing pumpkins owes a huge fan of. I never saw all the original members. At the same time, I saw like to regional members and then a pinch hitter and then like three to four times a Catholic that, with the listeners openings it's on the show lately was like you just do you guys and then just me a man, and now I'm glad to be back. You wear gloves we're glad. That's well said: no. It led to join the most potent partnership which is you folks, listening out there Also, if the smashing pump we are listening. A Billy Corrigan he's a bit of a conspiracy It is not or not, but he looks like a night severally list. Is deeply concerned at her. Some french theory so filled
Dana, let us know if the smashing pumpkins ever gonna get back together, after all, just insulted him. We can take all this out, Billy Corrigan, used to be my here and keep it all. It was told the truth. Also, really like the name of God, I'd never I shall listen album, but the guitarists James Young had Album called let it come down or something since a James Taylor, the ads that kind of like em pop kind of like cross over country gold. We are way off the track. No well yeah. Ok, so back back on track bigger radios, those are in cars, speaking Cox, here's how we gather yesterday's ill there bull automotive can crises of varying credibility, some of which would be a low out there. Maybe we'll self serving for the people who try to convince you about them. But many which disturbing number of which are now only plausible, but probably
happened. You can hear more about these allegations, especially technological suppression, in early episodes of stuff. They don't want you to know which features our guess who, where I guess, Scott box. Benjamin who host cars, and from there. You just go to car stuff and find all kinds of fascinating episodes. Yell car I learned man, Preston, Tucker, also shut down by the man spoiler bought of all this there's one conspiracy, theory that we have not yet brought up. That is the story that while World war, two was looming on the horizon. The legendary automotive taken Henry Ford proposed and actually built a completely for the time radical new when it seems to completely change,
the world of manufacturing, not just for cars, but just in general forever, and that was the topic of today's episode. The hemp car the what yeah you heard me buddy the hemp car this was Henry Ford. Like you know, is was Henry Ford, like you know, lobby we're talking about like like teach ensure we are not here to make that judgment. On Mr Ford, he was a very stressed out. Man, I'm sure, that's a lot of what pressure to have on you. Three, the head of a company like that, so you know their time, who knows what he got up to, but as it turns out, no LE car was not made of we'd. If that's what you're thinking but hemp throughout history, It's been a pretty incredible resource that has been largely overlooked. Do having a bit of a bad wrath, because it is the same thing as a new drug right. Yeah did this
actually happened was this core actually constructed is a bunch of malarkey and if it did happen, perhaps more importantly, why aren't we driving him cars now, if you're listening to this in your vehicle? Now, why is it built of him running on hemp. What happened? to the original design. We can answer that question as well as several more some of which may have to do with the smashing pumpkins afterward from our sponsor
yours the ball park ass, the new factors with a fresh perspective, culture, bail, you not just sit in a bail down in one city- impress us talk about this there. All eighty every owner is seventy own away out creep in all social media reporting. Ok occurs. I, of course you're wherever they think wipe out by any measure, does also did a million ass right. Oh she's, my explained city and draw some are right out like like young Ya'Ll are alive. My medicine and I started the like someone else. I know it's not right, but I really can't take when I feel what should I do even coupled with your baby, you keep worrisome, makes a huge out on our brand new package. The shell of Annabelle, now on the radio have on our ever you get your plaid cast.
Two years ago, daddy and Barney. Claimed they were abducted by aliens gotta, Lotta Colorado researchers of all levels have been trying to verify these claims ever since in the path of their UFO. Citing I took time Jackson mileage measurements down route three following various parties route. Extrapolating ready models from star charges of Burma to the good life. Incredibly detailed work coming our biggest, not only two hundred six stars and decoding the hills hypnosis in dreams, there is no such thing as hypnotic regression. That's is simply not a part of psychology, even creating the creatures themselves. They join me. Toby ball We unravel one of the most notorious accounts of alien abduction. There a strange arrivals, listen
The strange arrivals on Iheart, radio, app apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast. And we're back here. The facts. First things. First, yes, as knows you alluded to earlier before the break hemp too bad name in a lot of circles, all marijuana is created equal as ensure your local we'd. Man will tell you right now, there's a thing that look I'll, we're about it and I'll be honest, I've always been confused. I'm a big fan of hip hop and I've always been kind of confused by the different names that people have four different strains of marijuana, it took me a long time to figure and embarrassing long time to figure out that south diesel was not just some catchphrase that it was natural thing doesn't
very appeal. It doesn't sound very appealing, especially for paying money for something which what sour diesel, but the though Is that We say no, all marijuana critical, not just talking about new pot, jokes about some kind of indicator or kush difference. We also time at the difference between what people call hemp and what people call weed and we're looking at two kinds of classifications, there's a legal difference which is very important, if you ever NEO pulled over your in court for some reason and there's the scientific difference which is important. If you want to be right so usually when people say him either talking strains of cannabis achiever. There ve been spread specifically for fibre lake or used for clothing or construction oils or other substances. The main thing is that this, Bela term for this stuff. That does have a larger amount of th see, so it doesn't create the feeling of being high
can't wear a hint necklace and all of a sudden, I used to work in air and old theater and they actually refer to the ropes in the rigging. As the hemp lines, whether it's just an old term that stuck around or whether this theatre actually still has the same stuff that was in there when that term came in to use, I cannot say for sure there there's a lot up dated, need updating needed there, but yeah it's if that was a really really prevalent, Resources was use rape very strong as a lotta tensile strengthen whatever for you now using for rope and like Racine Likud's again, it's not something where you would expect some kind of an abbreviation touching it. You can't wear a hip necklace law. The sun see musical some Bob morleys greatest hits. You can't pull them. Line at a play and all of a sudden Find yourself, you know experiencing whose near to a moment of repeated as cause Opie but marijuana,
is different. Marijuana slaying, turn right. Yeah, marijuana pot, we'd t sticky, Google's gold Milroy Elbow medicine? That's a good one party Marty shot charging charge me that's really you can just under any skid doing is changed. Share sour diesel you'll get that seduce payday yeah, whatever you want to call it. That's it that's a sling term rate in its describing strains of cannabis. It's either specifically bread to create. Politeness, resinous glands or try crumbs they grow flowers and on leaves or buds. So the differ. Here. They notice is this. The difference years is somewhat semantic. Because not only do him in what we call we'd or pot or Chaskey. This
Are we starting this now? Are we get a minute feel so weird of years now people start referring to stop his Chomsky. Surely not there's gotta, maybe your name cinders! to us, and let us know your favorite nicknames for drugs, We are Jonathan that strictly the house for its thank you will Will this difference so really is because really semantic, because not only do they come from the same genus, they come from the same species that just bread for different purposes some experts away on, and on this too according to end, rose and thought author of the growers, handbook the legal definition of hemp is a plan that has low tac, and perhaps A higher level of c b d, which is the one is that the cannibals yeah, Canada, Norway, Canada, Doyle. That's attempt to us there is really what it is. I'm I'm mispronounced
for five years. The non psycho Tropic, is the non psycho Tropic substance. I believe in the state of Georgia, that is what is legal. You can gets right a pill form of that particular part. Two, if you have some sort of you know, clearly fall in line with the other with a certain says, set of conditions, but it is not the same as coding cord getting high, but it does apparently relieve you know chronic Sunday morning, Haines anxiety, so bright, exact, but the the interesting point, no because the governor of Georgia at the time who supported that judge of a very, very strange, very very conservative law, Mozilla Gay, just this one oil, like a certain manufacturer ripe for a certain amount of conditions. Guy's name is Governor Nathan deal
it is his name at the time it s recordings. What's the deal with that, I know right, nominate determinism Ray and he he took such pay and to always say this is not four marijuana. This is not a that hot eulogise issues is now at tea, nodded at stank, not that Google that good ol witches here, which is strange to go to such pains when we're really at a what could be a turning history will were states. Are criminalizing or even alright, legalizing this kind of stuff, because their seen a lot of the a lot of the problems related to drug abuse in America are are more closely related to hard drugs or alcohol me. How crazy is that it is recreational illegal in the District of Columbia, but yet federally still totally grey area yeah, not really gray, federally,
Generally, it is one that I consider that to be gray, because, unlike the fact that it just completely disagree, with all of these different state laws, and it's just like. Where is the disconnect the? I find it interesting? You're right? It's not re, but like the relationship between the two to me as very, very and a contradictory right. So sadly, unpredictably justice we're talking about the illegal stuff, as you know, gets murky, real, quick because in the United States. The state level definitions don't always agree with one another of what your. What his verses marijuana. What is legal, what has not been enough even go drill down even further into the local laws in jurisdictions form zoning. We look at California right now, even if, on a state wide basis, its legal, it may be illegal from Locality, the county, you have like a growing. I don't love to have
farm because or yeah or you know even sell it right. Personal use kind of things were places like Ohio, which have a famously corrupt approached the legislation as the less moves away from their water prohibition out what appears to be increasing pace. States are scrambling to nail down definitions of what would be. You know why, the drug that sweet kitten whisper, I don't know just making up my favorites of what would be hint as an agricultural product, make your rope fibre except So the result now is confusing contradictory state by state legal redefinition based on considered higher levels of c, B, D or th see it's no secret. That for a long, long time, the federal government opposed I had him components in in any way as a bell,
their association with with marrow And here is also the reason why a lot of middle school, high school kids that hip necklaces were coup casual work. Guys like me, I get stuff. Now I feel about progress been made over the boat assures. Please don't get started and we fine, so many websites varying authenticity, insisting that hemp is a miracle crop by God. By Golly by God Joseph now I mean those sites are run by dirty hippies, though with a million uses, George Washington farmed him that no, we wouldn't have good music without pot etc, which Washington was a dirty hippy. And the award winning journalist, my passions when I'm not working, I am obsessed with what's new the movie half baked, you know is reduced, I wouldn't know who Duncan rustlers. If it wasn't for this substance,
but you for that matter. What about cars? Oh yeah heart? How can you get back around cars? the holy forgot we're talking about Bro Year If it were and we'll get to that right, a word from our sponsor here's where about a man you probably about a middle class, a man of his time. I got everything J, and I'm so excited turn out that for these season, finale of my pod Catholic, Ruth and J, we have NBA I'll start and mental Health Advocate Kevin Love, rubbing robys of more human potential them,
it's! So it's like that. The pandemic that nobody is talking about. We talk about Kevin's journey with anxiety, passion and The amazing NBA we're listen to us, be realistic, J on the eye, her review apple, podcast or wherever you gave your pocket. Sir Henry forward theirs it away of well intentioned misinformation, there on the internet about this. Fellow He did have a brilliant mind. I think that we can agree upon that. He was accolade of Thomas Edison. You guys remember that person as well as a bit of, is still called bastard. There's just history for you, ok you're gonna write. You look to tales of him him and Tesla that we have discussed before and among other people that he interacted within his life treasure this. This german Henry Ford even played a small part in the creation of what we refer to as the weekend, who everybody likes a weekend, I do well, you know their new. Ok, yeah,
a collar weekend. Oh yes, yes, other musician. So far as we know there's a really interesting story about that of which may be is a story. For another day. You can learn about in a brain a video that will be coming out soon, but it's strange people make up this misinformation about Henry Ford Mamma how well intentioned his cause. He did enough real crazy stuff on his own raging anti semite I have heard tell of the raging allow bit of alone with his ideas very strict, uncompromising boss, but we see that a lot in these and of industry. You know, like Steve Jobs, sure that fine line between genius and madness, the gray, put the my phone the type in the fish tank. What does what happened to me, I think that you wanted to be thinner, something like TAT and he just like in front of all the designers you'd been slaving away at this prototype. He just threw it in a fish tank, more start over stew.
Its mandate, so inconsiderate will okay, so run of Henry Ford stories, real quick just to show that there are some wacky one size, one whack, you one is there a slight redesign on. I believe it was a model, a was either model air model and it was very, very minor, so they but it did Henry Ford, like oh here's new line. There was supposed to be everything he said again a cancer how minor this was, and they and tell him about it, but he noticed it any torrid, apart with his bare hands towards our part, with his bare hands its way easier to tear one of those cars. Apart than you know, like a modern car. Still yeah. He lost his. He lost his mind. He also I built because price of rubber those used in tyres in how we use having difficult time getting that he said no. I should to the Amazon, where neither could be cheaper rubber and build my own city and
the people who live in that city just work for me, Void Latvia, YAP F, call it no lie. For landing serious yeah. I just pull that item. I know you are a brain. I did know Nigeria. Will you nailed it through wow really named at Ford Land Area, and I do in twenty? Seven thousand is amazing and their native you, their native people, been living there and their own. Culture for told number of years, the thousands and thousands of years, and so he takes this. Weird is very Strange lake idealize step forward, ask approach to what he the ideal american western life is so, It's all the guys play baseball. Now.
And can drink any more than half the where certain type of clothes they ought to go to church avenge. I change is complete with a diet. Changes completely eventually shine to assimilate natives, basically yet always de trying to turn them into more american than American. So add it does doesn't work, but there so fairly? Recently, there were people who were still living in the ruins of for land here in case Fourth motors decides to come back and start it, crazy about is the biggest problem that bad four, don't even notice because he didn't consult any rubber experts or anybody. That would tell him this before even got. The idea is that you can not cultivate plantation style all rubber in the Amazon Rainforest the because of all the different pests and there they called Blue it affects them when she wrote the trees most together just kills everything, and it's such a diverse egos,
stunned that you can't really have it's it's very difficult to have motto: cultural stuff. You know that's why we lost the good tasting bananas. Once the tastes like the banana candy yeah exactly it's either gross my Macao gross Michael or Cavendish. I girlfriend hey that, like we're talking of Nana Candy other things giving she said, you know the original bananas tasted like banana candy and I was like there's no way- that's true no phone. Your aid, Andrew is true, and she was now to me because I do that sometimes run dislike, no way that another chance, but Right here, that's motto: agriculture is another great idea for an episode, so so get this guy built his first off he's convinced that their shadowing balls are taken over the world in his solution is to make as many cars as possible. Secondly, he The huge temper, tears The part was bare: hands superseded
is MR high level fits of rage and a third built his own, essentially intent your community or commune offer deal but that didn't work out because he never. To ask this questions and every Who is too scared to the guy? You see no, of course, when we, when we hear somebody, tell this Fort HEMP car story, of course, we think makes sense the skies Ober bonkers. He would try it it's. A lucky, he didn't say, let's good car out of dirt were people or people the model, p or soil and green soiling green, will use answer. Unfortunately, no he did not make it. Are entirely out of him and what, I know it's a bummer right causes such a cool story here, but he did two, no brown spoilt. He did me They called a sweeping car hum of what
it contained him. This is just a story made out of thin air here's how it went down right, so and reform had literally zero problem. Dismissing the status quo, he was a rabble rousing. He liked to shake things up. Do things his own way like Frank Sinatra would say, especially when he felt that people were limiting progress with their clothes minded ways of looking at problem but tat is how we do things right. By the late nineteenth, thirty's intensely aware, A lot of looming potential problems on the horizon of the automotive industry and we can go through a few, those here, steel number one steel had at the time A lot of issues and limitations as a building material for automobile or some of those well, I first, it's going to it's going- require multiple.
Histories working together right their steel manufacturers, so you have to work within your own You buy a supply steal from them, your own, the means of production, that's tough, also when it comes to material science at the time, moulding steel into Epps can be imperfect and laborious process, but that wasn't the only problem. Converting orange steel, also a complex operation. So again you times of industry at this time are all about owning the entire? they call it a vertical integration right. Standard oil, once their own everything from the ground the well comes from today pump yeah that puts the gas it Ford also started looking into alternate materials. Tail is old is time when it comes to manufacturing. How can I do it cheaper? better, faster gable to plastic,
Eventually he wanted to find something better than that and guess what He picked out old soybean as a building block two to build the body of a car. The panels- You see there and there's another factor here that doesn't really rear its ugly head quite yet, but where get into that We will see if you can figure out and guess what it is rumour has it one day. At some point, the past Henry Ford visited the dear field Village, trade school, and he learned about a crop that was, at this point in time, obscure and largely irrelevant in the west. Not was the sweeping it nesting. Got obsessed with the soybean he loved them. He, he was probably one of the first Americans to ever drink. This thing called soy milk. And you didn't on a regular basis. You guys doing so.
I do like Mama them yet at a mom is the business but swim got my jim. He loved it, though. Had some almond milk that I enjoyed. It's now really milk, but is it some almond concentrate in some other things suspended in it milky liquid yeah. What even held a lunch for journalists that the nineteen thirty four worlds fair, where he served and also many were taken, sway. Crackers soy, bread, Sir cheese stew absolute beans, milk and so on and he also believe the versatility of this crop doesn't need to be limited solely to foodstuffs. Well that saw he was consuming. I'm really starting to feel like behind the scenes he might have been doing a little little Turkey, Turkey, smoking, the soil yeah.
Either you many was gonna, be having a lot of gas, oil and soybeans at that. They may be that the worst studies that have come out in the past years. That allege excessive. Something sway in new products like tofu itself can Roger more nor levels, Rees Estralla, levels includes interest. I don't know how true that is. I have read the studies myself so He thought this stuff is so useful. No is hanging out with his entourage, people that it hasn't like killed or fired yet and he's Goin man soybeans there. So amazing- and I bet and use them to the car, instead of just a buffet ones like white and he's like you're, fired ready. I says: oh great idea, robes of building a cheaper, more durable, lighter car. He richly listed the help of in the skies important a style listening e t Gregory. However,
where did not like the work that the scheme, and his team were producing. So he took em off the project and its He handed it to a guy named Lowell, overly low before she was working at Ford's soybean laboratory. He d have a dedicated soybean laboratory. Overly was designing tools and die. Overly because you, the chemist, found a chemist Robert Boiler and boy The real like hero, wrote this way, question mark in this story. Nineteen forty one August a thing called Dearborn days, this community festival, Dearborn Michigan, Henry Ford, unveils what is called the soybean car the frame was made of tubular steel and had a fourteen different plastic panels connected to this was a two thousand pound car.
Which was a good thousand pounds lighter than steel car. That's a big deal, possibly a little dangerous. Now, maybe baby way lightweight plastic windows and it had a one. Thirty, six c Eyedee Flathead Ford, the eight sixty horse power, Dr Train, so not bad at all. For the time. Here's this His way we hear called hemp car so often simply- might be wondering why we go from here, too sweeping the exact ingredients of these plans. Panels made by the chemist Robert a boiler are unknown because no record of this formula exist today you'll, see articles claiming that the panels were made from a legal formula that included many ingredients, soybeans wheat hemp, flax, and some other stuff. However, that guy talked about who was sort of the bureaucratic or business head will designer
overly claims that it was soybean fiber in, residents with formaldehyde used to it. Now the swimming fibre into the resin flights, still second hand, we literally don't know what Robert Boyer, the chemist design and we know the experimental with several stuff and there's no question that this brooch desire have potential lighter way. Makes it more efficient. You know and the ability to pay on the engine for high level of performance, because, right now, so much material science in scars or exotic superman where's your neighborhood Lamborghini, and why have you so much? energy is focused on making engines bigger, but also making everything else in the car. Much much lighter it's why people are all twitter painted about carbon fiber. However Ford was also convinced that not just with this make it more efficient,
this would also save lives in the car that it would be, more durable and safer enabled to roll without crushing so there, instances, radicals where apparently, who walk up and you have steel panel and then he would have wanted these miracle mystery plastic panels and take a bat and just knocked the living tar out of it and then the pay about back and still be all dented and stuff. He was always fine reasons they had things, but this is the one thing we need to remember what you said when this is essentially a prototype I created. So this is a small batch of whatever material Boyer created raised. Have to be this giant. Thus real size. Vat of these That's true! That's enough! That's a great point and in full like many industrialist, foresaw a possible and serious shortage of metal in the future. He wanted to get ahead of the game in the summer summer, the golden summer of nineteen, forty one, the car made to public appearances? That's it one you're born when the Michigan State Fair grounds,
and after those appearances- I am sad to say, it got destroyed yet so no one could ever use it again and find out the secrets of the soybean vehicle according to overly the tool maker who took over that project, the guy who originally had the job. Eighty Gregory here is the one who ordered it destroyed. Not Henry Ford really, and we may never know exactly why, so that a factor that we mentioned earlier, the the upcoming losses he'll resources, yeah that did happen, and it was even worse than forded imagined that this thing called attack on Pearl Harbor occurred in December of the same year. Nineteen forty one and you was drawn in the world war. Two, so guess what all that steel? That would have been used for these vehicles was going into weapon production creating
all kinds of tanks, airplanes, different kinds of war vehicle The birth of America is a superpower. Absolutely the second unit in production, a second plastic cars, wiping her his car, whatever you want to call it in, action. This was also halted during World WAR two and when the dust settled First, everyone had forgotten about the curious soybean car. Today there are questions that remain first. Why don't? We know the composition, this miracle plastic was a bake light. Was it maybe the classic substance on the toolbar and Why did the guy who originally lost the project become the one who destroyed it? If conspiracy afoot to suppress this technology. Where would originate from steel manufactures agriculture,
executives did they just lose a formula as it wasn't that good have an idea. Was it actually created by all of these organic substances there talking about, or was it was a little winking nod? Maybe just more plastic right will not as special as they throw em. They said it was yet list. Forget? Henry Ford was consistently trying drew out his entire life to Marian meld agricultural industries. A lot of people dont know this, but so the model tease come out in nineteen O. Eight right the original model tease could be run off a hint based fuel is only due to a kind of scale, when gas became cheaper, that they said. Ok, we'll just get rid of the hemp option, but originally you want in plant based fuels. Is pushing so hard for ethanol. He thought that was the way we were gonna move in this. It doesn't not here cause
as were according to multiple people around the globe, are researching the growing potential of hemp as a fuel source and beyond, not necessarily for carcass although there is a guy, a former Del executive, that a sort of taking Henry Ford idea areas secret formula came running with it, so the man named Bruce Michael deeds in who lives in Florida and has struck did from a Mazda chances, car made entirely from suitable woven cannabis. Hemp material has been was talking about comparing the bodies of modern Super Carson things of that carbon fiber. It does have almost like a woven. Look to it. When you look at it, you can see the grain of the material, and it is this. Incredibly lights and he is attempting to kind of lake debunk the the stigma that associated with help which
it turns out is still illegal to grow in Florida deeds and so we had to import the woven kind of fabric like a material, from China The body is ten times more debt resistant than steel, it wouldn't need nearly as much body work after an accident, he used a hundred pounds. Sounds of woven hemp and if you look at the car, it's a really cool sporty night. Looking cut a modern design and the article here, takes great care in using lots of marijuana. Pines building the car was no pipe dream for deeds and who found Spatial. After hearing about famed industrialists, Henry Ford using the durable material in nineteen, forty one to build the world's first soybean hemp car, and accustomed two hundred grand to make this car. So you know he is
Going out on a limb financially too cannot bring. This back into public consciousness will be, but I think it's interesting experiment for sure, and this is two thousand sixteen eminent- I'm gonna jump into defend this gonna. U you brought us the story. Why, What I have to say is: whenever somebody does the the duration of something or whenever they do it on their own and it's their first adoration. Even with someone else's idea, it's gonna be expensive, so the fact that he could do it for two and a grand and that's it is- is pretty low. And pretty. I will speak very highly. Of of his approach, so thought them would be that if, if he manages to get people to say: well, maybe we giving this material a bad rap, then the next cars, like a hundred, intend, oxen and then go on and on and on until, ultimately, ideally every perfect world, you know, every everybody gets gets one for free
Well yeah this model. It does run on biofuel with something I wanted to bring up. It uses recycled agricultural waste, and I remember I mean a decade ago, more than a decade ago, our member bans hearing about bands touring and converted like school a system that could take veggie diesels. They called it yeah you could strain out in process. Friar using a writer. Greece do actually fuel your vehicle why don't we hear more about that? I mean it's just you know all its part. That's the thing for he knew it was possible to ferment vegetable materials and other plan materials to create fuel, and you could do it and its possible the problem was in an is now: do you all, oil industry, I mean that's. Why cars are made out of classic. That's why they run on oil. That's that's.
We are well, it is because it's cheap enough there, the infrastructures in place to produce it right there. There's a thing that happens. We talk there a lot in international affairs or international economic matters do there's a thing that happens when you have an economy of scale. That has indeed it in industry or region. Whole clearly is not best answer for a lot of things right, but if we have, infrastructure completely designed for all than it de facto becomes. The best answer for now know it's like that that old joke you see, people talking about Mr Right verses, MR right now, whoever that's on some inspirational meme somewhere, I'm sure, but that is that's the situation we are now in this is your story from history, but it has
locations for the present and for the future, a lot of people forget How powerful the your factoring companies. Are we see manufacturing we're not talking about the people? May factors stuff directly for you to buy in most cases were talking about. The places that sell to those manufacturers were tight. Of the organisations that own those manufacturers them? powerful companies on this planet are the companies that you all rarely ever hear of it, Nice for us to do is show on that in the future gas. Unless they owe us, I don't know Talk to I e g you and see what they had to say. Yes, Jack. Rachel resignation global unlimited in the meantime, while we're writing a letter to them. That reminds us of writing letters, which means it's time for Chad. Con asked a first message
comes from Ashley Subject line says: please A spy in the USA is set up. In the. U S army in the: U S, army, that's what it says. Let's find out, she says. Yes, I totally intended that title to be a Putin, in Vladimir Putin upon while that's great all with all the Russia talk. I'd get around assuring the story about my grandfather. I've been holding onto this for you all, hoping that it actually get to sit down and writer record the story, but we rarely see each other and he was not at this year's Christmas function for a family of hermit. And you, my grandfather was in the: U S: Marines an elite fifties, he served time the Pacific and also once bummed a cigarette to Lee Harvey Oswald then known as the idiot who shot himself in the foot. Grandpa s foot stresses elbow, and apparently he caught a glimpse of the US. Are seventy one blackboard and a hanger? Well,
before they were public knowledge and was told to essentially move alone. Here's rickets good right grip also talks about a man named Robbie Robinson This gentleman was a quiet man incredibly bright, but kept himself didn't socialize and and well liked He also didn't go out with others to bars and other off base excursions, but he tended to vanish. Periods of time by himself. That sounds familiar don't remember of Grandpa ever said what role he played, but after him and his comrades all came home and went on with their life, distorted, back in touch with old military bodies Ex no one knew whatever happened. Oh good, all Robbie Robinson, no one knew where he was become of him and never made any contact. He was pretty well gotten until one day, many many years ago, grandpa watching tv, and what do you know that was Robbie Robinson except this time He was a russian politician and he was calling
of Vladimir Putin. Our claims that this day that the resemblance is striking and with all the recent russian hacker talk in the history of spies between our countries, will maybe what say you perhaps an episode dealing with the history, Vladimir Putin, Is it what the history books say or is there more love? Your part ass. You shows on the first ones I found when I start listening to them and tax stuff, and I was so annoyed that you were the only the you're only doing videos at the time. Much love, that's very, very sweet, actually an a coup, story about her grandfather, both with Leon, Harvey Oswald in this gentleman may have spy and now runs Russia. Yeah I find this fascinating, especially because we so often talk bout in the mainstream media. Would dont often talk about the deep state and how. Former President H. W Bush was in charge of the CIA before becoming the present.
The? U S and how led me, Putin was in charge of the KGB. There is a famous picture of Vladimir Putin as tog refer when Ronald Reagan, I believe visit visits Russia one day, I'm going to maybe posts that in response who posted somewhere on the internet, but I really appreciate, riding in and I'd love to look into that because honestly, Ashley the global public know very much about Vladimir Putin personal life here just for as for giggles between us assure you guys the picture so there's President Reagan, and they are on the right. The circle more hair. In the spring it looks like a like a tourist like a dad, like a striped polo shirt on and has the hammer around his neck, like he's a fixed
Disneyworld right right, maybe he's posing, as they kids dad that kid had a weird day but it is common knowledge that there have been embedded spy programmes in the? U S in Russia during the cold war, and I watched the show the Americans, which concerns itself with some of that. Next shout out comes from Alex heightens. See guys first off, I love the show thinks we're getting me through the work day. I have recently been digging into your old pod chasm of listening to the one about the J F K assassination. You meant There was a classified file with secrets, possibly concerning this that could be opened by the present in twenty seventeen the inauguration less than two weeks. I was wondering if you have heard anything more about this or if you think the trouble release any of this information. Well, if he wants to the tag cruises dad had something to do with it. I sure hope he unsealed that document that just might
I also listened to both of you episode and whistle blowers, profound, very interesting, with everything going on with the election and Russian. It would be great you could do another update on this info, as well as update on the people like Edward Snowden that you had previously talked about again. Let the show Alex Great letter smell, it sink Roman, oh, we can give a very small update on this information, so D thing that we know now is that out of the wealth of dying agent surrounding JFK assassination the national archives released a list in twenty. Sixteen of three thousand two hundred and three thousand sixty documents that have been fully withheld. That's that's the way it This doesn't necessarily mean that these are all Blake,
first the alien contact it wasn't a bullet that went through his head. It was a spaceship or anything like that, although that would be really strange cool. I would, this means is that I just have a release. The stuff. We don't know what it is. Of course you speculation, runs, rampant thee arguments were listed, they were released in response to a freedom of information ACT of from the political outfit and a group of other researchers in organizations they were all collected by the assassination Records Review Board and now something that was created by a thing called the night. We now need to J F K Records act that same act. The JFK Records ACT requires All the documents on that list of fully withheld stuff be released by out
Bert twenty seventeen October of this year is our update, Alex unless the next president decides to keep them class. Five year executive order or something like that, so At this point we saw on the wire were several months out from sea. What these do contain and then Clark Eyes when they release this list of documents. Say you're what's in them at all. We can emphasise that enough. They just said here the things have that you don't know about. Which is terrible, that sequence and my dear forget a text when you friends is just like we need to talk. I hate that just don't. To me, the thing I will reader long tat so our final, shut up From Michel in and Michel Route, with an interesting question a once, you guys think of it always do you think of it is to as well as others. We shall says.
Reach, you think you forgive my mind, occupy one doing the kind of work that only uses the other half my brain parentheses, I'm a designer I've learned a So she says street to you guys cover, weddings there. Maybe if you, conspiracy theory in there, or maybe there is, but the wedding industry definitely makes huge money by making women and girls believe from a young age that they need to have a beautiful event with also frills and bells and whistles, and they need to be more beautiful than humanly possible because it's their special day and when you, actually look into it most of the wedding conventions or patriarchal or just plain archaic and meaningless. Now, for example, I originally carried a bouquet to mask the stench of their poor hygiene back in the day with people stank all the time, but now bouquet some flowers for our four decoration, and there seen as a convention, that the wedding industry keeps pushing, because make so much money from people buying hugely marked flowers, as you may have
says: Michel, I'm engaged in plain in my wedding were hate you. I congratulations for sure of huge congratulations. Michelle and yet, even though I know all these traditions are meaningless and patriarchal in taking my money, I've still doing them and she talks a little more in detail about as industry since she sums up my saying so. Basically, the wedding industries, brainwashed almost all women in this country, many others, please tell me how they did it, because my emotions have definitely been manipulated for profit. I've been, I addition to want stupid and family, I will say this reminds me of the diamonds episode and that mentions that right here they ve already covered diamonds and if companies monopoly, we haven't this, sir, in this amount of debt we we have not, and it would, it would be great to get some of our colleagues in on this too may have more expertise.
Our position on the whole thing is that you can make your wedding whatever you wanted to be sure, I think you it's easy to feel susceptible to these pie in the sky, big wedding. Special day scenarios by I mean you can have a family affair and invite your friends and do the directive migration yourself or get some crafty, is to help you and have a bee. Just wonderful! You now only does what my wedding was. I would say depends on your family because My experience, weddings are about the family later using the family, whatever their wishes are others. More than the individual couple getting married. We can also, I just want it not to be too loose varying about it, but you are not by holding two other people, except for the one, your marrying right, ideally sure. So, if you want to just a loop the money you would have spent and have an adventure around the world with someone you love. I don't know- maybe if I was a summons family in their like hey, we're, not doing wedding because
to spend the money traveling the world over, like that's amazing, its greatness, forty alone, do without whilst been plus yet plus. It means that I don't have to go somewhere and interact. In a crowd. I'm all about that. I will kick my feet up our rights and creepy horror fiction, and I will think of you guys Godspeed that speed, as we often say here and now in our. It also means our episode, but not our series. Never fear, ladies gentlemen, ends the others amongst you. We will be returning this week. We have big. In the mix we want to hear from. You find us on Facebook and Twitter, where we are conspiracy, stuff, while you're on our Facebook and just recently posted
a question for you, which is question or suggestions about what topics we should cover in twenty seven teen our best episode, ideas always come from you, so you can drop on Facebook and let us know what you think as he sent for you: can catch of our car shows so of course, is on our website stuff. They don't want you to know dot com along with every other audio pike, ass we ve ever done, and for those of you who are saying Poppycock, larking what buffoonery I would never use Facebook, don't worry
other ways to contact us besides chanting alone, in the darkened room which always works, you could try that first, you can send an email. We are conspiracy, it has stuff works, dot, com. We ve quickly found ourselves in tough times that none of us could a predicted. Just a couple of months ago, small businesses and individuals are experiencing really hard times with their personal finances. That's why we Wrapped up how nobody episode releases to three times a week, a threshold,
every week, you and I we break down these timeless money truths as well as timely money information that you need to know to put yourself in a strong financial position, making it easier to whether these uncertain times like were currently experiencing so listen to our show, how the money on the eye heart, radio out apple, podcast or wherever you was in a pot, casts a guy J and I'm so excited to now that for these season, finale of my Ipod Catholic, Ruth and J, we have NBA I'll start and mental Health Advocate Kevin Love, browsing Robys of war, human potential them better. It's. So it's like that, the pandemic that nobody is talking about. We talk about Kevin's journey with anxiety, passion and the amazing NBA, we're listen to us, be realistic, J on the eye, her review, an apple pie or wherever you gave your pocket
Transcript generated on 2020-04-30.