« Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

The Future of Death

2014-05-02 | 🔗

Will someone alive today live forever? Can science create real-life zombies? Are there any real examples of the 'walking dead' around today?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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from you, thirsty ghosts and government cover ass histories, unexplained events. You can turn back now learned stuff. They dont want below welcome back to the show, meanings, math and then- and I don't want to die, I'm just gonna without their Ben to respect them. You can go now. I really don't want to die yeah, I don't want to die either. There are quite a few people have quarrelled with the idea of death recently in the news and when I say the idea of death, what I mean specifically is. There are quite a few people who, said, Yo Immortal we may be attainable within our lifetimes, either guardian awhile back published a
for timeline estimation, those very optimistic. It said that by twenty fifty Immortal we have some sort, would be within the grasp of human beings, man that is ah, I just wanted to be true so before we continue with yesterday's ever so by the way is the future of death and You and I have explored concept in all sorts of ways ray I'm just looking at over the span of history, how how hard we have struggled to conquer death and in so many so many different ways. We try to conquer death. By making you know entire religions beliefs, structures to conquer death, sure we are building legacies yeah, oh yeah, there's so many ways that we have attempted to do it, but so far at least that way we are of no one has been successful. Yeah at this point
has not been a single, universally accepted account. Some wine communicating from after death right or returning death now, of course, their entire belief systems built around that, and there countless personal anecdotes of things. Like encounters with go straight and more real. Carnation on you, fine, soon varied serving and fascinating quotation from children who allegedly say things that indicate a die. What am I fear, It was in this list. I saw recently a The girl was hanging on talking in their family or something about being in a car, are being some situation. She had never been in Oh, what happened the day, she oh car and there was a fire mom and my dad we're fine, but I sure was it
something like that. We now have a cousin who swears she was a chinese man in her previous life, and she can recount will reconsider, listen to tell your story of stories and sorting stories about her life about her wife, but her children and all this stuff. It's interesting is fascinated me since I was a kid. She would tell me stories when she was when I was younger, nothing and you guys haven't corroborated it, yet, no, not yet haven't found the evidence. Stolen outwardly break the illusion if there is an illusion in reincarnation is a vast, any topic volatile and there are some really excellent pieces of research- and anecdotes alleging that we can bring to bear on that, I think, will call it
wait for another day as long as we lived through this podcast without, we would like to present to you guys the future of death. Now unjust, terrified, I'm gonna, just crook, on this MIKE. So what is death then the time? Ok, so would be when your vital will there a couple things by the first one is when your vital cell function ceases to occur. Okay, so like physical, physical death, death of the body, yes, absolutely and- and that includes physical death of the brain brain activity. That ceases? Ok right! So that would be. That would be something where you just sort of become a lump of material, says no, there's no vital sanctions no electrical activity in the brain, no heart be cardiac activity. None of that
ass in very soon after that happens, yourselves start a breakdown, and you can you? Can you can kind of look at that process to verify the death has occurred. Ah, yes, okay, so we do have physical proof of what happens to the body after death there a second definition of death which comes to us from Harvard Metal Harvard Medical Elite. Some time ago, a few decades back, I indeed talked about concept of brain death. Now This might be apart. Listeners where you say hang on, did you guys just talk about bringing a sort of, but here's the big difference, brain death maybe hey guys as a persisted persistent vegetative state guys. So, this means that your boy, body, cells are still able to function, usually with some sort of system there respirator, that's the most common thing, you'll see right
respirator sure intravenous fluid stuff like that I'd buy the brain death is called because there is a cessation of conscious brain activity. So we know a little bit about the brain weaving scientists are such that we know that the for food. Facing part of the brain, I is a lot of the who am I kind of things occur in your head and win that stops we have home definition of death because we have the body, but nothing and we have the form, but not the function so well. We know, then, that the body was Assistance can continue after the about after the end of observable consciousness, however, we dont know if there first, is true, and with these with these two definitions of we also know a lot about. To paraphrase
Donald Rumsfeld, we know about what we don't know, yeah yeah there, so ok, the question is what happens then after that occurs, when or brain just when we. Dont know that we are anymore, but we don't know, the we exist anymore in our body. Perhaps is still functioning in some way. But if you took spread off. If you took the machinery away, then the body would probably in many cases, begin to die What happens to you? The person, I'm speaking to you, now that hearing this in your ears, what happens to you when you die an herein lies the biggest question. Perhaps we ve talked rose before then. This is perhaps the biggest question out there. Yet this is the this is the great daily double or final answer situation in human existence, because We know that there are literally thousands
low volume, literally thousands of ideas of what happens- posts death. Eighty May I say that, of course, there is no there's. No, you'll consciousness. That's just sort of an illusion, produced by biochemical reactions in our brains are there be. People are very different spiritual beds, who say that there is, very specific choice of after life or that The mind is somehow recite: into another person, be reincarnation, but the big problem is that we currently and have never to this date. The way to measure what happens or to measure consciousness. After death or the measure you know their when there's no way to to look at it.
Look at it with a microscope. You can't look at it with any kind of imaging if there is something that persists after death outside of the go body. We have found a way yet at least yeah. That's a very good point. We being unease, to really measure quantify consciousness, independent Another physical, medium we have, we don't have the tools to figure out why we're trying to measure we assume that the cards now. As we understand it is some sort of energy, then yeah is to a better place, but that doesn't get us yet to a place where we can. We can measure this most of the things we know about consciousness, that our quantifiable are based on our understanding of the way the car his mind relates to a physical, medium and once those too divorce. I, during the process of death there,
we don't have any way to track it. So one of the most pragmatic things personally heard about it. Is that it as brash to assume that there is no continuation as it to assume that there is theirs. Literally no information, I'd like to take a second total sidebar, and mention one of the driest books I've ever read, saying alike, so read aloud to dry books, so this book, which we can fairly call at home The denial of death is about something called a fan, ecology and there's the study of death, the premise of the book. Let me Have you some reading time? Spoiler is simply this that the human fear of the unknown event called death is so pervasive that everything we do in life. All the human institutions in constructions are merely at basis. A way of distracting herself
from the inescapable and terrifying fact that one day, We will be no more while the great bleak I know man, only philosophers can manage that level, but we do know, of course, that death is in in addition to a horrifying philosophical quandary. It's also part of the nature of existence on this planet, for almost every life form death is grand in our genes and we we know a little bit about the size of this- were learning more more every day, right, oh yeah, so all the cells the make up your body. They have this basically a timeline that they can divide a certain amount of times. I don't know exactly that is both once they reach their limit. They die, they ceased their. They cease to function.
Right. Well, the enter a non dividing state right and this is replicated soon essence. Financing is aging rights, age out of their reproductive period, of their life. Just the same way that as human beings, the great conglomerate since of cells that we are will ultimately aged point where we cannot reproduce so, there's a of research. Currently then called Tell Mayor shortening tell a marriage shortening which scientists believe Maybe the molecular clock, the triggers this aging and the idea here is kind of excite because it makes us think well if we can prevent these things from shortening, Every cell division, then perhaps we could call in a situation in which a cell continually divides released. Elongated too,
they were living at twice as many years as we normally would maybe five times as many years. If not you know, cap in ITALY, which is in itself a terrifying immortality is another one of those great curses and a power in a curse. Yeah, Mama, linear, more problems, so It's. A great subway met so immortality. What What the hell are you mortality? Well, it's ok, so mortality? Ben is when I, the mind were the body continue? on with its vital functions for an indefinite period which could be YO A very long period or just forever, Ok, I see anywhere where
drawing on some questions that war. What Europe towards the end of this pot cast to so what stick with the fact that the first part it sounds like their different types of immortality from one that definition, number one. Let's just address the biggest elephant in the room of this debate, and that is physical, immortality, the idea that you could answer, The question in that queen song and say yes, I want to live forever, turns out that you wouldn't be the first, or versions of physical immortality. We have observed. I in we're lifetime listeners in lifetime in my lifetime, their real immortals, what we're gonna, find out. They don't all have the nice kind of immortality. You would what all of the immortality that we're about to talk about in the in the nonsense
has some pretty hefty strings attached. Heather's a catch, there's a catch in the cap, of a It all jellyfish called tour Topsy, turvy topazes, you can be an immortal in Aceh look away. So this very interesting, tiny little creature, I had juvenile state to maturity and eve, something here then do it. If it is injured or traumatize, then it will returned to its Juve I'll state and grow up again soon we're version and immortality cause. What that means for you- and I met- is for instance, if we under went a traumatic physical event. If our hi cast studio, Coreham fire and you had no eighty five percent of your body burned then, instead of
I ain't or slowly recuperating in Burma word, you would choose into a baby yeah, I would, and you would grow up again while and who knows if you would have the same memories, because again, this is something that happens. Jellyfish, which have a very, very different structure. Ok, so speaking of retaining memories, say say you like that idea, but you want to retain your memories. Definitely right Well, you could go the way. The plenary in or the flatworm. These things are fascinating. You can cut off a piece of a plenary in and it will re grow there no peace. Both of them will we, but the little peace will become another flatworm any will retain all of the the information from the parent from the one. Pardoning dropped off, and so in this sense you could have mortality in that you could make infinite copies of yourself
at least for starting from one state and forever that way, you really want it, so you could cut you. Often half and then two of you could continue and then just keep cutting yeah. Well, you had a weird form of cloning. Yeah which is aware following immortality. Multiplicity, jokes could go in here right to us if you have an eye, but that is not the end of it. The true frightening fact about physical immortality is that there is a human being. Who has achieved immortality with an asterisk and one of the crap highest most cruel and unfair situations and medical history really that her Ms Henrietta LAX, and we did a full episode on her and I urge you to check it out so fascinating and pretty horrifying
so the Henrietta lacks had cancer. Her cancer was discovered with, her knowledge, treating physicians took some of these cancer cells and- Henrietta lacks the here being Henriette allows passed away her care yourselves now known as he like. Cancer cells continue today. There are still alive they don't seem to behave the way, human cells should, of course, because they are cancer cells. I like in a very strange way. This is sort of immortality, and not only is this a, but if we look at the philosophical ideas of the this is a legacy because the of these cells has revolutionised modern medicine. Of course, her estate, and her survivors were screw. There's no other way to put it
violation of medical ethics every month me in some ways of the gross violations of that they stand by the Japanese. And the Nazis, and admittedly, nine states at various times in the history of experimentation. Yes, I can't argue enough to you and watch the video. Today's absurd is brought tee by IBM for businesses around the world today is an a restart. It's a rethink. That's why they're partnering with IBM retailers are keeping theirs up as millions of orders move on mine. Hunters are using IBM Watson to manage an influx of customer questions with a sigh and salute is built on the IBM cloud are helping doctors care for patients remotely today were rethinking how business moved forward. So, let's get to it, let's put smart to work, is it IBM, dot com, slash smart to learn more though we're part these days was sharing so Geico we'd like
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Your organs still exists inside me, along with yourselves, that are being reproduced, so am. I still in some way alive. I dont know what do you think. I would say it's not a brain transplants are not. However. However, we do know that this week the concept of organ transplants has caused a huge. Brewer in a lot of religious circles, because there is, A string of no the eye entity of some. One arm especially for people who have strict laws what is kosher or what is how you know. Why can what is unclean to report body if it could someone from a different religion have that interest now, as far as I know, those
rulings, the religious council rulings on those sorts of things very widely, not just across religions by within arm. Within the nominations are facets of those religions, We know that that would necessarily be immortality. So much as extending a but your life span, yeah there too, the hen real and relaxing where it's the cells. But it is not you right, yeah, very good point and of course, none of these methods we just described Jellyfish Clarion Henrietta- lacks even organ transplants. None of these are the ideal version immortality because most people, when we think about living forever, we picked something kind of along the lines of the worrying gray in door gray eyes. Most people would call is a
story by Oscar Wilde about this guy, who is just a total dig he's a jerk, is a douche bag. But he never ages. Never has ease, never out of shape. He never ass. The misbehave because as he has a magic pay. In his attic and this painting registers, images of time, and also the ear, the inner evil of his personality, as he does increasingly depraved in and bad things, but most people picture this sort. In the prime of life on aging forever till yeah. That's the that's the dream. I guess that's the ideal version the mortality to be young forever men just to do all the things you ve ever wanted to do ran. Ass. You do with not necessarily it. It was even your body alive forever, but
Mostly, it has to do with keeping your conscious mind alive to be aware ever more something yeah, that's a big part of the two, because I, as as will see Mental immortality might not just be more desirable, but also more plausible in our lifetimes mental immortality is becoming increasing plausible every single year, we're already- So far ahead of what we were doing in two thousand twelve, two thousand wine, I just just by virtue of ongoing research. But there are different types of mental immortality that at all a little closely related, but wait what's the first. One So the essentially a virtual impression of someone like I've, their personality,
So it's kind of like a really. A high definition, high fidelity recording of you that is you it's just the way you might act that kind of exists in a cloud or in the clouds as bits of data somewhere. How you would react to certain things. What you like we're preferences The way you respond to questions and comments in its egos, basically just debts, I asked bits of data that is impersonation, viewed, sort of curated, now sure and one They questions is how that would react to four or new circumstances. So, for instance, if we took the eye the idea of Thomas Jefferson, just just our example, took Thomas Jefferson, some are trapped, through time, downloaded
Spraying made a virtual copy of it and wrong to this world now. You're, so many concepts that the real time the Jefferson would be unaware of so after having these explained They say I the question in it. Would they say I be capable of learning interest? that's your new information from right online and, if so, how would it apply? Because one thing that a lot of us fail to realise about your action with learning, o with any new information, is It is a two way street. You know it you can change your external environment, but it also changes you like the old Cameron. Saying
their long enough in the abbess needs in every are only stash back. If you usually followed by someone saying such wonderful things to show you have. So there's another type, which is a little bit different, but it's. It's very similar nazi idea of a distributed network intelligence what this would be instead of a down, holding of your brain distribution. Compilation of all your recorded activity. So, if you're on Facebook, your facebook, you instagram your online comments, jeep as tracking your tax conversationally. Rarely any video you ve ever been on this compiling programme there mine, your recorded actions, activities and media to excess I believe you are likely responses present day things. So, what's up going about that is that data mining is at the point where
is able to predict human activity with arm. I don't wanna say with science fiction level, accuracy, boy accurate enough that the concept seems doable. So I could have she's out there's also this one's really interesting me the idea of a snapshot of fourth dimensional snapshot of you where's basely, recording of your personality that you created during past events in your life. I go and little wedding were just a major event in your life. Ok, but that the you take that and then let it exists in a virtual old, a very a very real virtual. At least for this version of you and then you could interact with that version of you in the present tense. Oh we're like a holodeck
thickly yeah. I can see the science fiction version of that short story already. You know where it starts out with it starts out with you No? On the day of your wedding and you're thinking about life in everything else in and take a break to go, get a drink or get some fresh air or something, and then a you The future appears and talk to you about stuff, do you realize that you are a copy of herself on that day, just it's in your wedding, over and over and over and over a weird the clock, ticks every time. It is, though, your back in the beginning. You for your very own idea here. Sodality that will become They are an isolated intelligence about an interesting idea of taking using the current technology virtual worlds in creating stand alone, images snapshots of your life, that's a fence,
six point. I think it's great sag into talking about where we are now in the quest for immortality, which mark my words, is not going to end until people as a species of all about being people until we, die or until somebody passes finish line of immortality, but before we about where we are now. I think it's time for a word from our sponsor. Let's be honest, lightest you got, mortgage bills are rent credit cards utilities axis few directors works the internet, it can all be too for one person, you're right sometimes I feel like, I should just give up, and you should. Why bother with all those hassles when when all most people really want to do? stretch, their legs on a beach weight into the water. Like that, lady from the awakening and vit Aloha, to dismiss
do good work. That sounds pretty good, about my berries, Hobbes, my internet flame wars. My continuing, unless you celebrity crushes my half ass pursuits holders childhood dreams. Oh dont worry about those, you can have your mortality cake and, finally, you can eat it too. Since our all be dead. Sure you might be, that's just where new you comes in Yes knew you the patent, personality replication software experience from. I me the most self centered of all modern social media using our patented, nothing is private. Software will build, virtual copy of you, this accurate enough to handle every single dull tax, you spend your supporting life, avoiding thus far break up spouse go to work on time. Remember tiresome details about your acquaintances,
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race for immortality. If you wanna be glass, half full about an so so one of the ways is so made up of dna. Yourselves cells in your body? Have this information that gets replica replicating tells yourselves how to grow, what to do and if we can find a way to tweak that dna in some way to tell it to stop doing certain things were to never stop doing other things. Then we ve that might hold a key right. Yet if we could convince our deal may not to have this in switch, then the dna could continue to rap and ourselves could continue to divide, of course, we know that out of control. Cell division is one of these more dangerous afflictions, our time as is often linked to cancer, so
we would have to figure out a way to prevent the aging clock to turn it off with now also turning off safeguards because one thing we know is that need is utilitarian and brutal and D. Only reason the death exist is because as nature till Tyrian and brutal. I know it sounds like a bit of technology boy. There is clearly a huge part of the human existence which depends, upon other and being Sty a huge part of the existence of life on earth. Depends on most things dying, oh yeah, there If the cycle you you you You heard this all your life, probably a when you interrupt any system cycles
are you in any way just a tiny make a tiny little change in just destroying entire ecosystem. You'll kill animals. If you kill this tiny little piece of the food chain, you know yet and this goes into some great- what, if civil, exploring a second budget first boiler, why for example, would be the idea that Human beings are much closer to how many of life forms an empire of discreet life, existing symbiosis than we are to watch one union line, so we know that your large intestine, for instance, is filled with billions. Of tiny organisms that just live inside you which, by the way responsible for your flagellations that bacteria farting and not to point them to your friends that, yes, that bacteria can just breathing in a way we're just us all. Very nice and that Now bacteria depends upon.
Congestion of food or differ gradients chemicals undigested things that in your intestine. So if you don't depending upon the way you're immortality works, if you don't eat, then those things die and if you have altered your own genes. Then it's very very difficult. If even pass to tell how, was genetic alterations will affect not the bacteria inside you for the world. Aren't you what, if you have kids, what happened then you know what I mean they're for every one. Change there are sound. Of unpredictable things that sort of rebel away That decision in kind of you know shake. Spider web yeah. What you are and maybe break it? I don't know so, then we also have. We also has an interesting research. Aging disease, so
we know that there are some people who have genetic. Disorders the that cause them to age much more rapidly than the average person right. Louis perjury operator and then we have another, can do which is only if not more so rare believe it's more rare or its less common. Then, Bulgaria and that's disease, where the body itself does not seem to age. You can find some heartbreaking news stories about children, eight years old, but still I infantry in their in their development and asked logic is, that is scientists believe that many of these conditions, these two extremes variation for aging May, need us to an understanding about away the human lifespan, which is already the cyber here
People are already living much longer than we are supposed to oh yeah. We Don't have to deal with a lot of things that humans at one point in our evolution, had to deal with a lot of the dangers and threats for now. For now, when we have new ones, different kinds like you, we worry about the super bug. Yeah right. I don't want to think about that and you will. We do need to cover that in the future. Very soon that is true. We do yet, but another there's a whole other thing about where we are now, that is probably the exciting definitely the most applicable. Yes, the most promising. I think that's artificial intelligence and the way it's been evolving literally. In a manner play any game any video game. Nowadays, that's the new cutting edge video game, and you can just
in an that's, obviously, not the only example, video games, but it's one of the applications currently for The reason that you wanted a I that's very advanced and men, the characters can make decisions based on you know what time of day it is and they have like if you place, for instance, Cairum. Their characters are designed to do certain things during certain parts of the day because of the the system of nine day that set up inside the game, I mean just think about how in saying that is all and that's just tiny little example of where I is going, sure, there's still there crunching variables. Oh yeah, the absolutely now, but just if you look at it from where, once was why had to programme every little thing now you can essentially give it some
amateurs and on the rest of the programming you ve, created in this world, this virtual world ten, it just runs yet and what's going to happen when a programme develops with enough with enough complexity as such that we can program. In terms of concepts rather low in terms of motions, you know or or zero the ones. I me I'm sure, that's what it all goes back to. Unless we talk about superposition of zero, someone's cloth and computing, which case that gets is to really what is the matter that we can explore, but thing my eye, we should say we're talking about artificial intelligence. In this way, we No, we are painfully aware of how often this of his pain it through a rose, they classes, were pop science and with TED talks and people like Ray Kurzweil, who I do respect say things that sound
will that glossy high level versions of the truth and the truth of the matter, is that often, when who will scientists, make a little bit of progress or even even something small, as learning to ask a question in a different, more productive way, journalists, jump on it and say saying imply that immortality has happened already and Mozilla guys you're just we're having a discussion that come on yeah? You don't have reported exactly and work. I think we were learning is that there is a race for I am, and I out definition of what comes as is artificial intelligence, may change we still don't have a very good definition of what intelligence is inhuman. Were animals right and so One of the big examples of this that always gets trotted out is the turing test and job
to return to see whether or not you are human right, that's the idea or how close right, yes, entering famous mathematician and here of World WAR. Two had this test named after him in the eye. Is that if you were to sit at a table. I buy a curtain, someone else's seen another table and you guys questions to each other answered. Each other's questions are probably types or tight wrote them some light, and we are exactly. Thank you. That's the point. The question that turing test. To try to answer is whether or not you could identify which person we're talking to his human of which was a machine machine intelligence, bring test. Also into this strangely thought.
Ethical dilemma of you know: if you cat determine its human or a robot, and that means that the robot itself must be intelligent. Were past the turing test here, released it the equivalent of intelligence to the person whose answering or taken the test at Sir, how man it's pretty interesting, yeah you ve heard of clever by right. Oh, I going clever by every probably once a month, yet to see how it's been changing when clever by came that night, I used to have conversations with it in the Office because course clever I'll say wildly inappropriate: oh yes, everything You can tell a lot because it's just taken things. Other people are said to it right. Yes, you can learn a lot about clever bought because it continually accuses but being a robot, oh yeah,
getting and philosophical discussions there and I'll just keep grilling clever, bought. If clever bottle want to change the subject. May we get up This is an important the I love how he says. That sounds like something a robot would say, because clever bodies continually giving you deterring tat. Oh yeah, Well, that's interesting issues, it Was that we all, increasingly arriving at a point where the ability to since then. I always think about when I'm writing. Something is what happens when what happens when an internet search broke the questions that I always think about. When I'm writing, something is what happens when What happens when an internet search programme ask its user? Why it's looking for something rather than what it's looking for? That's a scary thought
here. It is it'll happen, though I hope on deck, it's just what is exactly so the bay thing is what happens when we achieve or if we find a way to achieve immortality, and you can do it. You just have to talk to the right. People can probably gonna cost a boat load of money as like that self, episode with MAGIC Johnson Hell, yes, and it turns out that AIDS is solved by money yeah as cheered by money. It'll, be like that at least for a little while and with a little, while, probably a lot centuries yeah, but What what what happens you, because Only a certain number of people will the able to get access to it. Just because of how amazing this new technology- and I have a feeling it will be- or it will definitely be a technology not as medical or no more of a tech minority that you have to be seen, but it will definitely cost you your hair
I'll, be person. Okay, so that's cool ideas. If immortality is unequally distributed, will be situation where the halves have him reality, and the rest of the world, is left to grow live and die, because a few poor people sure I mean you just have to look at the current medical situation: healthcare situation on this planet, in how how its distributed, even in this country, you think about access to medical care. That's true between, if you're a twenty year old, who has really medical care and you break your arm in horrific way egg, as opposed Someone who doesn't have any medical care bracer arm is the level of carers, so disproportionate right. Yeah and the United States has its own special case of the problems presented there. What those things
can occur even in countries that have legitimate first world healthcare Well, you know the United States does not the one of the other things that happens here, which I think is really interesting is eve. Somebody came with a technology will see gene therapy that could provide. Mortality anyway, the patent office with it there This very interesting law that you and didn't know about for a long time which surprised both of us. I think what we learned it and it's this there. Really are secret patents there so secret that if you, if you can invention that the threatened national security or upset the echo, The status quo passed a certain threshold. Then the a patent office, can put a gag on your patent and a gag order on you automatic the way to contested, for a certain amount of time you or not,
then allowed to talk about what happened surfing some people say: hey man, why and to that what we have into that new car, you built that just, he's on air pollutants area I honestly don't know: you're tired, Melvin, yet kind alike, The only reason we know about this is because some info journalists found a way to. The number of these sorts of classifications, come out, and there are more than you think and your course itself. As for your trial, is apt. Really true these cases knowing what has been suppressed, we do know The technologies that suppressed were probably things that were Eddie being worked on in a government lab somewhere and a lot of
we're probably conceptual so like a method of a method of figuring out. A certain path or a method of organizing data or a method of transporting things, He always its highly unlikely that someone cooked up fusion power, cold fusion, try depend in gas smack down. It's possible. But that's what happens when there is no transparency, but I have a feeling of someone comes up with a key to immortal like this tries to patent, so they can. You see you can obviously get make the gains on this new thing, this new technology and they get slacks with a patent like that, have the feeling they could find a way to get it out. Just when the internet, then for me, I mean were not necessarily, they would want to lose all their money that would come from mad in the prestige light they could. I think there would be a way. I think that that might I think-
might stand for most situations in our this kind of patent thing, gag orders replaced well. Yet if the current state of the internet holds that's a whole different bag of badgers eyes exactly what I'm thinking Another thing that is fascinating, to examine only only talk about the sort of stuff, is whether immortality. Naturally be a threat to national security and the answers unequivocally. Yes, oh yeah, if we define national security increasingly loose definition of the term as it used in the modern era. Nash. Security also means economic stability. So if we had immortality, people did not have to worry about depends, I kind of immortality you happen to people didn't have to worry about death, and you Let's see you didn't age, past middle age or something Numerous industries would collapse, oh yeah and dumb. If people do
have to feed them. I'll see you if we, if we didn't have the necessity, is that we need now there on the way, as we know it economically, would be irrelevant and you just have to do some hard changes right pretty quickly, and I don't think I don't know that kind of immortality is within people's grass. Least in our lifetimes unless we intervene immortal and then here's here's, the one of the other ideas for first, Collins, oh I'll, say that we get you another one by So we talk about what, if immortality widespread, brings disastrous consequences, overpopulation fanning violence, religious clashes you? Is it a sin to live forever? Who that's a very good question right? Is it Is it inhumane to live forever?
but I think about when we unequal distribution of immortality is the ideal of Jonah, sulking, polio and The idea of past realisation the idea of a small pox faxing which, for the record, existed african continent for centuries beforehand and YE got pretend discovered by the west by her mother conversation. I love it when those little com nations bite off the hands of these part, Caspian yet ended the point. I make no talking too much here, but the point. Making is that if you who are listening were ever in a position where you can make money off They like immortality or you can, make the world a better place. I hope that you will choose to make the world a better place for you
yeah. Of course, it's very easy to say yeah and obviously there is a huge there are huge pros and cons about the human brain is obviously not equipped to live forever. Currently now, I hate to imagine a world where we have billions and billions of people. Over ten thousand years old and all of them have become vegetables. Just the inability to retain information now so without being said, we are now at one of my favorite parts of the Pike Ass, where I I ask you what you think the future death it's. What are you? What do you think about all this? As I said at the very top of his podcast, like pretty much every human most humans don't want to die and,
I understand how beautiful it can be to exist in a virtual world, at least to exist there ill through a game. Or even through movies. Now, and I really want that to be my future somehow and I think we're getting point whereby the time I'm hopefully I will be there by the time, I'm eighty- the age From Asia my grandfather when he passed, I really think that somehow Pardon me will live on virtually somehow you know, even if it's just the river we'll copy the words not really mean anyway, I'm not conscious of it, but I my entity will exist in the future. For my grandchildren? I think so they can pull me often have a conversation with me. In the end- have that Thomas Jefferson thing happen where they ask you about stuff yeah. They tell me about the newest below cost came back in twenty, fifty one
they get. This new machines can be incredible. All about it, I'll be I'm river, one say you went down ass, crazy, You say we drive cars. Our South Africa is a crazy virtual grandfather. Teleportation was not a viable technology that does make sense, I like the idea, there's one other- that you- and I were talking about off air, which I guess we'll be might take on the future death in its. We always hear the disturbing version of immortality as the very wealthier they connect it. Or you know decay in aristocrats have been able to jump in the line of billions of people who do deserve to live longer, make them the better place and that they are the only ones, have been more their jerks which I don't think will be completely true, but there's another do so impossibility and it is found within the realm of
will so we increasingly approaching the end of privacy as a concept right especially in the west, and when it becomes possible to compare while all of a person's online activity recorded activity like this distributed intelligence network, we talked about earlier, then it it just might happen that all people are required to have some sort of virtual representation of themselves, whether another physical body is alive well, which I know this space age probably won't happen, but to me, just as disturbing as a very Very strange and hellish proposition that you can't die, even if you want to even if You actually die right MA. Blow a mine ban, in my mind, man
Sorry just makes me think of tricks within matrix is where you have to get legal. Mutual legal represent representation in the virtual world. Within that virtual represented He has to get its only. Representation virtual world that runs inside Thou world. We have to go deeper right area like reality, is a series of mature shit all for the Roma, is: how do we go the opposite direction? How do we find out about. The hour or non virtual copies that we are virtual copies yeah. That's a good question. I'm sorry! You blew my my I feel like, and I thank him looking at two mirrors facing each other mean I'm trip out. Well, that's our show. I like I could talk about immortality forever, probably something else that we should do. Instead right yeah, we got work to do but what you guys you ve been we as emails.
And if you don't mind, do you mind if read a message that we got? Some Always Susan was her. So this is the message from Eileen She says high mountain Ben, trainer recently show me some photos of a mysterious forest in Romania, where the trees are oddly bent their bases and there's a is a ball but in the middle, the forest, where just nothing grows and People were entering it. I've been known to get sick when they do some people, it's a: U S, landing site. I don't think you ever on. This is a topic and apologies. If you have we haven't but I've. Might be an interesting topic for you to learn more about and it's called correct me. If I'm wrong here been the Jolla back you for I closed the latter. I am it's in Romania and she left us a link and its each oh, I a
c r, U forest dot com! If you want to check out the euro I would love to do that. It's been a long time since we did a mysterious site or any you have all related hasn't he, while yeah the closer we get to it recently was our our co host with the robber on said, the lawyer mindedness fascinating. Please check that out. If you have not yet, if you like, you like this show you all you also love stuff the blow your mind What's he looks like a one more while her? ok, no from North London, England, wrote to us and said hi guys. Listening to your opinion. Land podcast and I had a mill in about some things that have happened to me, dream one night in any ran past in old work. Colleagues that I haven't seen in years. He would just standing there. Looking at me with his bike, as I read ass. My shouted that I was sorry. I was in a rush and I try to catch up with him soon.
Tat morning when I woke up. I went in work- and someone told me the same guy in writing. Homeowners bike drunk, fall into a river and drowned. I was so shocked because I had thought about her seen this guy, since he left my work years before there have been other things. This would have happened mean daydreams too, but I don't A bore you with them. I was probably that exciting to others, and I tend not to believe in things unless have experienced some first hand. What for me Definitely something that's real. It's not as we perceive it. Anyone living. The pike has gets me through the boring parts of my job. That is a great email, thank you know, and I lean for writing into us and thank you listeners for listening. We did you in the show. Now you and I are a little bit back logged on responding, illustrate email me we're going to do our best to always have a little, must remain in the show from now on and are right back as we can
Oh yeah and rest assured, we read every single one that comes through and I M goin to be responding to everyone, but maybe not in the most timely fashion, rebel our best do. We will do our absolute best. I so we hope as well, that you enjoy. This show to us we're all over the internet. We love sinew facebook, friends, well his post, interesting stuff that doesn't always make it onto our video or audio, shows you. We drop us line at Twitter. We are conspiracy, stuff at both of those places. Are we ever website? Oh, that's a big one go to stuff. They don't want you to know dot com, the longest url you'll ever type, but once you put in their first time, it'll just the auto populated genocide. It's about the journey
Our url is so long and we say about the journey. Ok, but there is one other thing: if you want to be like, I lean and Noah, and have your letter read on air. If there's something you feel like other listeners needs, no, then you can talk to us directly, how are email address is conspiracy at discovery. Dotcom from one this topic and other unexplained phenomena visit tests to darken, slash conspiracy, stuff, you can also in touch on twitter at the handle conspiracy? Stuff, a fancy? To think
Yet here bringing your favorite red, tabletop episodes to podcast. I want to introduce you to the most important women in my life, my mom gamete, she's, really old school. I never wanted you to be in that situation like that they will at all, and then we have my daughter. Will I'm gonna be my ancestors and just do what I needed to listen to the red tape? Will talk podcast presented by Facebook, watched them, Westbrook Audio on the eye, hard radio at Apple pie, cats or where you get your pockets, never has the world of golf and more fascinating or more in flux, thanks to a suddenly newfound appreciation for a sport that millions, love and even more millions of Miss watching my new pod cast, the shack show us did buy me. Jeff Shackelford will be that say space to discuss matters both vitally important and totally escape us, so
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Transcript generated on 2020-06-26.