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The Clintons and Corruption, Part II: White Water, Dirty Money and Larger Problems

2022-08-12 | 🔗

From the politics of Arkansas to the heights of Presidential power, Bill and Hillary Clinton have become one of the world's most influential political power couples -- and, along the way, they've garnered a ton of allegations and accusations. In part two of this series, Ben and Matt dive into the allegations surrounding Whitewater, financial shenanigans and more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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enjoy the sweet reminder that there is no better passenger for this right now buckle up with a stake: egg and cheese, bagel sausage, egg and cheese bengal or a baking taken, cheese, bagel, there's never been a toast, dear or tastier campaign bought up by participating mcdonald's noise. Through I heard radio please tell me now, but it's infallible uber their collection rickety some you I'm gonna lie not feed, not deplore this barbaric bottlenecks, industrialist pussy! I can then those who sexy those university in bogota so loving, word, envy gay, glitzy, ass leprosy pursuing their goal, mickey damn jake or days vaguely d like ours, manuel booty, sold the gay. I've only got bananas in some of the things that appropriate body to solving tagging ticket must therefore become. We see that do other important work on putting for muslim billows political Duma. Their collection from you opposed psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn
stop. They don't want to a production of. I hope we hello. Welcome back to the show my name is met our colleague, nor is not with us for this episode, but will be returning very soon. They call me Ben we're, point, as always, with ours, super producer, ball mission, control, deck and, most importantly, you or you you are here and now makes this the stuff. They don't want you to know. This is part. Two of to port series that has possibly already ruffled some feathers, which is something something that we breathe. in love. We are continuing our journey
two conspiracies surrounding the political dynasty known as the Clinton's here in the united states? Please do check out episode. One also, please do check out our earlier conversation on this matter. I think it was when he sixteen way We also caught him. He because we get asked by so many of our fellow listeners to look at. Many conspiracies surrounding the press. essential candidates at the time, which would have been donald trump and Hillary Clinton and ask a little bit of conversation with are are good power, Jake hand ran over at popular front. We did I dare to take the benefit of retrospect and really drill down into some of these some of these theories about the Clinton family.
Earlier in our previous episode earlier this week. We looked into something called the Clinton body count and we barely, at the surface of that by the way there are. We gave you a good in true good primer on this by time There are more than fifty or so folks. Now, who were alleged to be murdered in some way, I of former- u s, president or on the way, you as president and I spouse today, we're fine, finally man we're going to white water Sadly, it's not the amusement park. What. I know I'm sorry. I know so excited man meets the slow it's a why water were so epic. When I was a kid hour, I will hopefully this, it's fun and
exciting and there will be some time. Candy involved- hopefully, hopefully, probably not, but hopefully re hopes, hope springs. Eternal here are the facts: so Matt earlier this week, and no- and I am Control explored can t this space between act in fiction right. We looked at the proven, history of both William Clinton and Hillary Clinton's political careers, all the way from their initial meeting at yale. In the library to their time arkansas, through their ascendancy from regional national politics when trace controversies all the way up to build let term as president Hillary Clinton career. As senator secretary of state candidate for the democratic party as president
the united states. I don't think it's a heart. Take me to say that these are controversial figures That's not all take it all law as political, figures go the amount of controversy shared between the two of them is pretty astronomical. Honestly, If you look at other you, recent political figures like look it look at prayer then Obama, just as a case in point, there was controversy around him. There. generated kind of often nothing like some of the stories about his birth certificate. Some of the I mean, if you really think about the controversy around him, like there wasn't a tonne right there that you can just think about in and conjuring you're mine. There was turn about george w bush, I mean there were there were things There are issues with him. as there were with president obama, but they were these like court cases there.
Or these pretty intense hum stuff about their backers. and how they rose to power re home. With bush was lawyers dad was president, officially and then you look at his background in the oil business in everything and even with trump. You look at him and you think about it. passed with television is passed with real estate in some of the weird money intact stuff, but it's not at the same as what we see what the Clinton's, multiple sexual assault charges, yeah you're absolutely right there, but it's just its. I think, combined The cleanest just have so much that we have to look at Yeah agreed and we're going into this, knowing that there is quite a bit of propaganda, and, as we said in episode one, you know the clear
in administration occurred during a massive massive growth in political divisiveness rate in terms of the something attended tribalism which plagues this country. Today, propaganda is weird cause the opponents of the Clinton administration, who were also the opponents of a hill? he Clinton's terms. As a senator and as secretary of state, I mean these opponents did I don't shy away from propaganda and did not work we too too often two ardently about whether or not an allegation could be supported by fact this was here. This is what is often called in media red meat ray it's
juicy it's a headline that you can click. We call it click bake now. So our question is even after putting the a ganda aside. Why Is it so disturbingly easy to understand why he's, so many people in the u s and abroad might have problems with this political dialogue. to say again, the quiet part out loud is not meritocratic for members of the same family to hold the reins of political power and enforced. This is a problem that has plagued the united states for many many decades across political parties, euro, one of things that became mimetic wise the the idea of her emails right, eloquence emails, which will get into today,
the idea of this whole white water thing, which I think Matt you and I are both sad, learn is real estate scandal allegedly and not a watermark silk the who also have to ask you a question common to any political force of this caliber which are there nonprofits? Actually, nonprofits is the Clinton foundation just that aid? veritable organization or what and is it a back door for undue political influence? You know what I think Matlin
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It's a capable device with an inappropriate coverage area, actual availability, speed and coverage may vary noise to realise that I've been up in the collections, particularly some yummy, going to line up, did not deploy this better than golden numbers, industrial spicier gun, then those are sexy, plus cbn. But what I saw last night was a big game. Lizzy us industrial net by Google Miki damn good days. Becky G, my daughter's manuel duty, saw the gay I've only been in the same sub, looking to approve a bullet to celebrate again ticketmaster opponent begun. We see that Juba there and boom click on the button for them assume that was one of those juba them collection
I see romeo from the rising crime morning, show on philly's tower ninety nine and I absolutely love listening to podcasts. But after you finish listening and are ready to get back to the music I'd love for you to check out our ninety nine philly's, legendary home for hip, hop and rb. We play the biggest songs from the biggest stars like drake chris brown and phillies on Jazmine sullivan, listen, live on phillies row, our ninety nine or wherever you are on our radio app, don't forget to check me out on the rise abroad, podcast as well. Here's where it gets crazy. Alright, That's why one- and this is something we didn't get to in episode one so we talked little bit about this our twenty. Sixteen episode where we did both the sphere caesar allegations against the trump campaign.
Conspiracies or allegations against the Clinton campaign, which was Hillary Clinton at that time, but this was episodes by the way came out like a week before the election. I think it is worth it had time in our world christmas in July, folks button. But this why water thing I think the news about it. has been around for much. Our lives, you you and me, and probably a lot of our listeners because it dates back to the kinda public. It in june in the nineteen nine these, but the substance of events is actually it it's older than a lot of us. Listening today, oh yeah, I've do recall watching
is about the white water scandal, with my parents at their house. When I was a kid, I have no idea what it was. So you didn't understand any of it. I just knew the phrase why white water and, as our bill Clinton face on the television man I didn't realize you went back to the nineteen seventies, before I was ever conceived to even be a thing or even a potential thing, so This is the kind of years a little complicated, but let's get into it, as you said, then it has to do with real estate purchasing land and then hope to develop that land and just make bookoo bucks on whatever, whatever sits upon it. land at some point now we know because of investigations that way we're done by certain independent council that was a rock star at the time. As someone named Kenneth star, and it's real
is it because out of there was so much ghana, there's so much press about this on the news constantly, but in the end, no but he really got in trouble. Is the cleansed indian trouble there are Yeah well, who were involved in the scandal who did very much get in trump. Yeah yeah this is gonna, have a lotta shades of house of cards for four people right then, I think I think that's it is fair to say that house of cards need very well done the goal drama, it's a bit of it Barbara, I think, is fair to say that it takes I from the public perception of bill, and Hillary Clinton is interesting, but it can It combines the two of them into the tube characters in different ways. So if it didn't need amalgam, where it's not fully oh in hilary as the power couple and house and cards, but they are kind.
A mesh of one another yeah. Just so, and of course, that's because It is a work of fiction house of congress and we can do. We can do tat. Maybe I'm in space, he episode layer, but I would feel from unclean anyway? I love I love. The way you introduced are buddy Kenny, star, He is alive. He is american lawyer, he was a u s: circuit judge, for Several years, solicitor general of the united states He was a guy who is on a mission during this period of time, and is mission which he accepted was to, by hook or by crook down the Clinton administration. That's it
a political statement. Those are just the facts is not a conspiracy. It's pretty clear that this guy and two's puppeteers were doing anything possible to fine find some way to bring down bill. lines in, which is surprising because, as will find the clean in administration? Actually? a lot of stuff that can stars masters probably want as you said, the clings were never formally charged with a crime in the case of white water several of their associates, didn't do as well. Here's what happened? The Clinton family partnered a number of family Macdougall, aims and Susan Macdougall and The scheme was amused
the british connotation asking it was really spirits. He was like their plan. I the to buy, one hundred and thirty acres of land and on this land they wanted to build a bunch of vacations but then the essentially wanted to sell second homestead folks. That was there demographic right for sugar, second home and retirees possibly- and this is strange because this time. This story really starts when built is already governor of arkansas he's the governor the entire state ease like in nineteen. Seventy eight and this time his spouse. Hillary Clinton is an associate at a law firm and there looking for ways to make extra cash. That's totally true and imagine folks,
everybody listening today I in less. You are one of fifty people. You are not governor of state so, wherever you're at your life, you have to ask yourself would I be looking for a site gig? If I was the governor of the state in which I live? Now, that's bad, listen to me, but it happens all the time most governors have you no multiple business interests over sure, so in this business interests back in seventy eight when bill Clinton was governor Clinton of arkansas, working with the macdougall in looking at that tuner thirty acres in a place called or near flippin arkansas, like that hilarious flippin arkansas, We are basically flippin arkansas and we're gonna put vacation homes on it and make kinds of money.
looking at a map of arkansas with little rock cut in the centre of it, there, that's where the cleanse were hanging runnin run in the place flynn is north. Almost due north little bit to the west, and it is right at the top there before you get into missouri and I mean. Is it I'm, I'm imagining it here in georgia. This is just for. Anybody in Georgia is listening to us. How I'm picture in my mind we're in atlanta which is at the centre of georgia, cannot north central georgia, and if go nor from us in the same direction. Same way, you would hit the blue ridge mountains, which is a very popular vacation. a sort of police to own a cabin. As home or something like that. So imagine it kind of like that but probably a little more nice than the cabin that's data and leverage. Yet they concept is sound right, so this
guy genes, Macdougall goes to the cleansing it goes to the governor of arkansas and says: you guys want to get into the vacation o business They have this like series of double dates. You know. J since susan and bill when hilary and they re out this plant. So what they want to do is make a name. Get away destination for folks who enjoy the outdoors and they say: ok, we're gonna! sell these homes and people can go fishing on the right or making high gain. You know it's a place to take. Take your grandkids it's over the summer, that kind of stuff blights the messed up conspiracy, they messed up in just the bay, hygiene of the idea. Now
itself was not super good work genes readily accessible in a lot of ways, was still recovering from previous flooding, that accessibility, peace, something that would not have changed regardless of floods. You would need europe he delay in interstate a little bit closer or you would need to have other things that poor people in that this development could coordinate sort of satellite off like a blue ridge bounds here in georgia. That works because of its location relative to an inter state and state routes. We are, I think, as the state roads are the most worthy. Just like you, if the interstate isn't, that close you can easily get on non dirt roads. You know paved roads,
to the place that you need to be it is that far out of the way, there's infrastructure their infrastructure there. It is that's That's the billion dollar word ripe, nuke and have very opulence play, she's like up there's a place. A lot of people. Don't talk about nationally. Here in georgia called see island see island is very posh. I have to go there. Sometimes it's candidly, not my favorite place people who provide sweaty together by the a lot of inequality he d, the issue with not and not taking questions met yeah the the issue. Is they didn't pick a good starting position like a game of civilization or dismissed.
Your matter in qatar on returning tabletop games, yet does ray you to choose is where your starting point is, I think, very role for it. I can't remember: I'm haven't in ears wealth. We know position is key. The they chose a poor position. They were also It's not really other macdougall sure the Clinton's they were also at the mercy of a larger financial climate interest rate we're on the rise, which means Even if they had a primo position, you know if they had a little corner piece of the brownie pan of hiv in homes a lot of people couldn't afford to buy a second home. They were trying to hold on to the one they had the Clinton's as a result, loss an estimated forty six thousand dollars on this, and this
is again through what nineteen. Seventy eight to nineteen, eighty six years later. The investigation starts at current federal. later are looking at not why water, but another real estate investment. Oh yeah, this Is it's a project called I saw a grand you you don't We heard about this too, if you paying attention at the time this was backed civically by genes of the macdougall in their power couple This investigation led to james mc google having to resign from the company that he started company called madison guarantee was. I believe this was the savings and loan that he was working that he started. It was working where it was. He started. One right fought right after the whole white water thing kicked off and writing. It was maybe even to get why water to happen in the bank
collapsing is pretty terrible. Pretty terrible for gene At least it only went down hill from there. For you, yeah a little bit about Macdougall. He passed away nineteen. Ninety eight, if he was handed and with the world of arkansas finance an art and saw politics? Ultimately, this guy gets convicted. on eighteen, separate, counts of fried and conspiracy charges These were all do too, owns made by his company madison in the late nineteenth eighties, and check this out folks, because this company was federally ensured these sixty eight million dollars that his company owed legally was paid.
You? If you live in the united states, it was paid with tax payers money. That's what federally. In short, it meets eyes saw money enough. our boy can he asked for a reduced sentence for James Macdougall because Macdougall was assisting with the white water investigation and question. surrounding the Clinton's involvement with by water only grew during President Clinton's first term in office. The investigation about this. One rarely was concerned with whether they, inspired or whether they did anything illegal The prosecutor who was appointed for this was im, Robert B, Fiske and There were concerns that bill. Clinton himself was pressuring people was pressing
into the fire, actually assisting the white water deal even the land was bad, even though was known by now that people were not able to afford a second home cling report. italy or allegedly push this guy named David hale Lee president of another business. Investment firm into making alone and in other areas, patients come out and ill looks like the money is dirty. It looks like The campaign that bill Clinton had to become governor of arkansas was using laundered cash through embarrassing guarantee via its owner macdougall or its creator It was a three thousand dollar alone there, this guy
David, hails being pressured by allegedly by Clinton and by the macdougall in outside forces, to make to give this alone to the macdougall and the Clinton's through through the madison company that macdougall outright so like somebody pressure on this bank to give this other bank three thousand dollars in then money would go up to white water and that in it would then channel money back. To the original investors than that money back to the original bank, that made the loan, but he shall we but because it seems as though the money, as you said, Ben, was just kind of making a little travel an old trail, so that their money actually be used somewhere else. Does it whereas heck didn't seem like a get used on your white water in arkansas area and again, that's there. That's the thing, think the bugs me about this matter, because
Someone should have known that those two hundred and thirty acres were not prime positioning, while I think they did, I think they know look. This is this. Is me I I you. Can the official records of what happened and who got punished for what in my mind, this was shady way to just get cash cold hard cash to a political, let's say asset. Political asset, for a group of people that wanted to have that power with the her standing come in later it was just a different type of investment right. That's what it feels like to me same I'm with you on that, because it's weird big, the idea of
in this land in developing this land. In this way, if it were created in good faith, it feels amateurish. It feels like people didn't do their due diligence or did not care to do so. Anyhow, I like that you're bringing up the consequences of this I know you're in the weeds here, but it's important, it's important to know the facts. So this guy fisk issues, a subpoena to president Clinton, until everyone as there are both involved related to the problems with alison guarantee which is again run by James Macdougall. This happens kind of Often when powerful people are asked for their paperwork or their receipts. The documents were missing. The long confinement And then later they were found
or they, the same documents or are they sanitized? Somebody georgia, it up a little unclear, but all in all, there will be three separate inquiries into this shell game of money, which I think it's accurate to call it that each of these were targeted. Again with political motivations toward billing. Hillary Clinton and each of those in that respect was unsuccessful, if they did not find enough evidence to charge collins with crimes however, as you are you pointed out, a lot of other people did go down. They did get convicted like James Dougal Cedric. Andrew and his wife Susan. They both got yes, they both car convicted, enjoy
Dual spent the rest of his life until he died in prison. Yes, and this dude wrote a book in the ale he did, they did tell us about the book oh man, ok, he wrote a book called arkansas mischief. He wrote with a guy named Curtis Wilkie use a journalist and MM? I goodness this thing has allegations. Is gas allegations? Ok, we talking about the showed him of money in the book. these macdougall states that they were indeed just getting cash cash money it'd been laundered to bill Clinton. Specifically every month, It was a very calculated move and her will you It's about will give you the specifics here a moment, but every month, jane MC dougal and his associates would take twenty one hundred dollar bills according to james and hand it to bill Clinton.
so two thousand dollars every month and they just give it to cash. You can, is it you can use it for anything. Think about that magic. Getting to that ten dollars extra every month. just as a uk, use, this money and then imagine that that's nineteen eighties money so with just a little bit of car, they all napkin math. we can say two thousand dollars in nineteen eighty is equivalent to. Seven thousand one hundred and ninety two dollars and one sent today. So if you're getting mailbox money, essentially right, passive income in the magnitude of seven thousand dollars. I have to ask: a little bit of a moral question, a moral quandary. What would you do if you
just started. Getting an envelope with seven thousand dollars ages showed up just showed up in your mailbox just was dropped at your door. no return address. Let's, let's make it even mysterious No return address the someone, for some reason is just sending you seven grand a month. How many questions would you ask zero while This is great, then I would put it all away for like nine months and then I would by one of those swimming pools. That's like it looks like a hot tub you can just swim in it. Like a girl, I went about a script, jacuzzi. That's what I call the scourge goosey discretionary, so bright, but oh geez, we do believe in his book. He talked about this and we found some of this from seen in article from nineteen. Ninety eight just want to give you some
His details, because it is intense to hear from the person was allegedly doing it so oh macdougall- says that in the nineteen eighties here other person that worked with him at the same using loan where he was where he was he had the time person named Henry hamelin. They quote developed a system to pass money to clint. Who was again remember this, the governor of the state that they lived in. here's the cool continued a contract, agreed to pad, though like add money to my monthly construction bill by two thousand dollars the contractor put the figure on his invoice as a cost for something like gravel culvert work. After I paid the full amount of the invoice. So everything, including that extra two thousand dollars the contractor in burst me that extra two thousand dollars- and I
and the money over to henry to give to Clinton so literally a a business invoice that is above board that you know gets looked at by everybody, and it looks fine because you're just pay extra for gravel or something, but that two thousand This comes right off the top and get it'd be cash and go wherever you want it to go. Ah yeah you'll love to see it. You know ill love to see it, especially a man. I've said it before were mad, but I can't get away with a late fee at the library no I've tried. I says They gave him seriously with this book. I really enjoyed it and I m using it, for you earth or whatever, and I still get ass though he had taken to task. So what were the question is why
to do that, but rights right why that lie those a question: why obscure the origin of the of the cash? Well then, in this article, in this book the James Macdougall again wrote from jail after your convicted the stuff. He said he talks about the motivations and he says one time this one guy henry hamilton that he was working with and you know had this whole thing going with medusas hamelin at one point after you know, they're doing this exchange thing that Henry's got the two thousand dollars he gives quote from Henry who says you oh Caesar had his Brutus Charles. The first had cromwell Clinton could profit from these examples if he crosses us lines. We, who are these guys who these guys are italian organised crime here crosses us. Are they just try build their own. Political
our somehow within arkansas. What is going on there so much more to the story? Yes and mix. Wrote that sky henry hamilton was very adamant about position and about how important these payments were of somebody give another quote may do us, as the hamilton quote, insisted that under the table payments which solidify our connections in state government, and he said that Clinton appoint It is recommended candidates to state jobs, including state securities, commissioner, so that's pretty that's pretty intense, like there solidifying their ability to just go to clayton. At some point to say: hey you know, there's this person who He really great for this. Their position, and I really think here's your two dozen noticed that you should see a point. This press, ivy, that's that's true
in terms of like what is described in the book and what what We are telling me today, folks, you can call it propaganda or whatever, but I would be careful to avoid that kind of assumption, because the records appear too he there and again, the skies writing from jail He is not one of those folks who gets imparted by the way, to the end of administration and that You pointed out earlier to off air henry. Molten is beyond the realm of questions. Now because hamilton was passed away in ninety ninety eight, when the articles written and cnn shoot one more thing in that book. Then I want to get to ban, but I think we need to take a quick break. Should we do that and then come right back
we'll hit one more piece of their book and then move on to been gauzy. Never again, the best way to relax in the middle of rush hour. Traffic is to have your mickey. these breakfast sandwich right jack, I'll just go. Enjoy the sweet reminder that there is no better passenger for this ride now buckle up with a steak, egg and cheese, bagel, sausage, egg and cheese bagel or a bacon egg and cheese bagel there's never been a toasty or or tastier campaign, but up up up at participating mcdonald's noise through iheartradio
we used jalapeno, but it's in teleport huber, durham collection, and particularly some yummy cannulae, not not for this, but we're going to end up as industrialists by seattle can then those are sexy, plus you'll receive you could also love. The law was a big game. Lizzy us on the leprosy industrial end up on Google Nicky jam J quarter days, Becky g, my daughter's manuel duty saw DJ only michael by needles in support of puberty. More little celebrate that game. Ticket master pump up on receipt that do for their important book on fighting for them assumed the political juba from the collection
actually romeo from the rising crime morning, show on phillies tower ninety nine and I absolutely love listening to podcasts. But after you finish listening and are ready to get back to the music I'd love for you to check out power. Ninety nine philly's, legendary home for hip, hop and rb. We play the biggest songs from the biggest stars like drake chris brown and phillies on Jazmine sullivan, listen live, I believe, our ninety nine or wherever you are on our iheart radio, app, don't forget to check me out on the rise abroad. Podcast as the can we ve returned. We are going to stay in. That ninety ninety eight cnn article that where you've mentioned, I should just cited it can find a right now, the tight is James. Mc last word is a tell all book, and this I find that science is comes from associated press
seen in india, so, yes associated press good job and reuters and everybody although all the agencies out there that are just collecting news and sending it everyone hates all the good ones, all the center hub. So we talked about this three thousand dollar loan. That was at the heart at least originally part of the way water scandal, three thousand dollars a lot of money, and there was a in that we mentioned earlier David Hale, who those pressured allegedly to make that one even though he knew this was a bad idea well enjoy. He was Macdougall prison book that he wrote. He states that He at least alleges. Let's say that there was pressure replied on David Hale directly by bill Clinton again the and saw governor because bill Clinton, korea.
Google may or may not probably courting him, was having a air with Susan Macdougall, his spouse, ok, so let's just jump in it as in the book courting to this aid, seen an article I may do said that law of soup and macdougall brothers. Ganem Jim henley witnessed this speech if a meeting and now this is your say right- and even in the This is hearsay Jim him, we witnessed a meeting in which Clinton allegedly urged hail to make this alone. They. a lot of fraudulent loan. Just means- I guess it shouldn't have been made. Macdougall said Clayton appeared unexplored Thirdly, at the end of some meeting this meeting. That was witnessed right. He just pops in here, yeah our gunners, like hey, hey boys? are. You are all we time, Susan's alone
allegedly says that yeah did do urge you discuss susan's loaned, tell them about it and the big question I was like well. Why is the governor here? Why is he asking specifically about this weird loan for Susan mcdougall? Why did he care about it and James Mcdougall, at least? According to the book concluded? again that clean and an susan had resumed this. This is a word that used in the article resumed an affair which, which we don't have the context here, but that means that he was likely something that happened before and now is happening again early. There are some points sure on bill Clinton to make this loan happen. So then he was applying pressure to David hail. Andrew years, numbers of our aid right. That's the best part about David, hail, appointed by the governor bill. Clinton. Dave ale is about in judge by the governor bill Clinton and then so,
guy who made you make sure career early, the point of it comes up and says it's with that: it's gonna that alone brought one lieutenant idols, basically ah jeez, so ok, so all the same there are books out there. There are a lot of things. We have to be again very cognizant and clear minded about the: revision of a lot of these sources. Khazars always gonna, be propaganda smear pieces whenever you're talking about anybody in the world of politics, but from now from what we are saying here again speaking, objec If what we are saying here, we can conclude the following: Whether or not the clinic and were involved with
or aware of financial shenanigans in the case of white water. It's never been proven, but it doesn't look good. They know what does not a great insight to the point where you would have to be kind of incompetent to be aware of what was happening the narrative of oh, let's get people vacation homes in flipping arkansas. It feels like a views. Legged skipping. Wanna steps. You know, I have to say one last thing genes we do we'll just from the writing that I saw something I don't know rituals about him? I don't know of any of this is true but allow the writing us all about him says that he was attempting until his dying day to get his wife acquitted of everything to to get a pardon for his wife. even though it leads to
morning to his writings in his book. He knew that she was having an affair world. At least believed issues over. Our largest seems like he will. He knew his ship assailed, but he wanted to save the others if he could release his wife. Love is weird thing: man, it's a very strange thing. Also, he had a lot of time to think about it, because that's what prison gives you so at this point there are a couple of other things we haven't gotten to do. You want to touch been gods the the emails. I think we do need to talk about the Clinton foundation So Benghazi is something you can look at specifically it's way more of a political scandal. There are deaths, involves theirs. Tragedy involved in that scandal, just say been, and how it has a lot to do with the reaction rostov precarious state. Then, secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, press Obama and
the state department in how it just how quickly it reacted to a crisis and how much early warning was given to people who are going to be affected by tensions. There were rise september, eleven, two thousand and twelve. Yes, three, u s nationals and The ambassador at the time Chris Stevens they are murdered during the seizure of a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, which is located in libya. Members congress at the time said that then secretary of state Clinton was misleading people about the reality on the ground. And then there were. There were rumours allegations that then president Barack Obama, Anne s who s Clinton were watching this stuff happen or were getting report.
Some of it in very close to real time and just not doing anything about it. in these accusations- came largely from their political party opponents. The discharge is a as you can see, amber, amber Phillips right. You found this one does a great job, laying these out in an article for the washington post from twenty. Sixteen, which is you know, has the benefit of retrospect the the five ideas. There are the five key factors. Patients are that the state department did not protect. U S, diplomats in libya, it's a little bit the that sounds. Add boy, it's even worse, when we remember that this
data. Burma has a long, long standing policy in practice of only protecting certain sorts of assets or employees. There are a lot of people left out, old, especially when you remember that mama gaddafi was killed in the previous year. Two thousand eleven so before these attacks tasks that the french good maintain hedge ammonia over the currency. The reason Libya fell and it should have been unknown thing that this area was danger, right and there is potential for some kind of attack in any state department property. so you just feels. I think that accuracy, in the state of our failed to protect its diplomats. There it's just its added because it was a time of high tension right right next to accusations are of incompetence, essentially that the cia missed signals in advance that the
defence department, you d didn't respond in time, and then there is the idea that the presidential administration, the obama administration, stymied the investigation, put up stone walls. Also the the concept that. A clinton aid, cheryl mills, I believe former chief of staff for clayton- had influence these state departments. review and investigation. Theirs eleven our long hearing on this socratic side is saying that it's it's a hit peace, that the euro the implication is that the republican side. Only really wants to get the Democrats in trouble right, and this is a little bit supported by the way
a comment from the your house majority leader at the time representative, Kevin Mccarthy, whose As hell this panels, work is hurting. Me Clinton pull numbers in that presidential race, but that invest the for a lot of for a lot of people, what a lot of just like- Common observer, in the: u s that loss steam, p We'll became much more concerned with the thing that was magnetic an easy. You could say at her emails and real quick with email thing, so the fbi, and the deal J department of justice looked at. To whether or not hilary Clinton's private. Email server was movie, Secret information right
bring her time as the secretary of state or or hiding their eyes it. From other official source right exactly whether whether it was getting a little too casual, ultimately Long story short, the state department says: look they do. Follow the rules for it, safeguarding information, basic object, hygiene, you know, and that Clinton. As secretary state, she had not asked for approval or given a heads up to use his private server and they said this person would not have been given permission. if she had asked for it. So for anyone. I feel like the best way to explain this. One that is, is through comparison. So for anyone with office job this my familiar alot of people, including us, please fast and loose with his gun
hygiene. When it comes to personal stuff. work, email or work. Email work, conversations on personal things, you know like but you can play fast and loose without not anymore, you know, you and you and are, are our differing no and I have a kind of off the books group chat that we use and a while back. I had asked us to move to a more secure platform, which makes me sound like a night. You know you have these kind of conversations your mileage may vary depending on your occupation. If you run your own business, then you might try Your work, email address is a personal account, but if you like our pow warrant, shot out to you. Man. If, if you work the info sensitive industries, tech propriety, range engineering, fiat, etc, or you know, matt the tie
levels of the world's most dangerous government ever there are proved calls in place to make sure that official communication stays with. You know you at work. Ever work. Email address instead of euro big case india, vat rate at gmail, or what will, especially if you're you know the head deplore. Essentially slash. trade craft kharkoff, either you're like the time. Of the state of armour right. So you're, like you, run serious things for the government I can, and I can imagine why it would be advantageous- be able to control what information is public domain and what has not yet absolute, even if its even if its classified or top secret right, if it's almost He's government servers. It is part Public record is just who has
just to earn or not right, right and also there's it's it's like some. It's like guacamole congress be able to have an upon request right. The the american people, like the halls of power I call on request, sir, this all happens way before you know this that's going on now. Is we record with a clear cover up in terms of deleting communications from january, six right so tat a little bit of time left. We need to talk about something called the Clinton foundation and again we are being, interactive ai for anybody in Anybody in the audience today who feels like the An administration are a bunch of sweet. I you should know
we should be well aware, by the way, that the rest of the world recognises this objective fact. The Clinton's in practice in policy are not leftist. They are centre right and in the polluter spectrum. That's just true, and euro of a lot of political opponents have made a killing not by deploying daddy count killing, but they ve made a killing by pretending. That is not the case. So, let's look again at the money, which is he political, by the way, everybody's just trying to make money ripe, shut out to policy or in taiwan, and shut out nvidia as well so jolly them geodata, yet them jobs the bill hilary, Chelsea Clinton foundation is an international charitable organization that was founded back in
nineteen ninety seven originally to create the presidential library, that's cool, that's cool you know knock on effect of being president of the united states, Whether or not you survive your term. Even if you do like reading you get library the end, that's kind of cool it happens, fleet, but irish cycle retired retirement needed to sixty. It is then, the books in the speaking tours by you have to survive. Your turned do those no matter. What happens you get the library, so this is where, because not a personally endowed private charitable foundation. Those usually serve as pass through we're donations to other groups that, due on the ground, work right like the yom, like the bill
melinda gates foundation funds. Other initiatives, that's a big part of what they do. The Clinton foundation, in contrast, is an operating foundation, which means that it takes the money and then it does its own charitable activities. This is controversial because it's an organisation that brings in billion of dollars in donations from around the world, its operated by former? U S, president and another very high powered, very influential politician, who served as secretary of state therein, another presidential administration. This creates weather, whether you're a fan or foe just objectively. This creates some kind ex venturist. You know it's it's also,
it's so far away. Money moves at the top right in the official channels, so during the presidential campaign of twenty sixteen, both candidates sign stuff. There was this and simply removing them from money right, both tramping collins, so Clinton signs is this die made that says I am not going to participate in anything that could have a quote direct and predictable effect on the clinton founded unless I get like a permission. Note just like going on a field trip when your account Unless we get a permission, a written waiver for the overall administration critics of clayton hated this. They said this foundation. Opens the door for donors to have undo
act or influence on the actions of Clinton she should become the commander in chief more in it. It sounds like the white water schedule. right, it sounds I will we were genes. We do around his book about getting no extra money under the table to the Clinton's, because you could you the foundation, not saying they did he's a foundation to get on? Do access re or Yet you know money, just that's what we mean by access right, here's some money. now have a meeting with me death, We really get, and also its we're too, because. Bribery is a huge part of politics in this country, it's just you call it lobbying right check out her hogwash, You see, in the user part check out our chapter on lobbying in the forthcoming vote stuff. They want, you know and get ready to be depressed so right. This is an opportunity. It's not that
thing as saying This did actually occur I also want to shout out a book from twenty fifteen by Peter Schweizer called Clinton cash. This book attempts to lay out an argument that this back door influence paddling did occur. There were several back and forth on this in twenty. Sixteen three different fbi field offices said we need to launch a pro. Into possibilities of conflict of interest between the Clinton our nation in the state department, because, There, hey, there's been some near. They were like It's been some we just to honest with you folks, and so this book made waves, the justice department conducted it
Own review of the allegations made in in that work and the justice department came back and told the fbi There were no grounds for a formal investigation. Still There are continuing questions about the objectivity of the justice department throughout administrations right so What were laid out is there are genuine prop raids, not for nothing that people have this criticism, but we would like to call who's on some genuine problems. So have talked about the conspiracies. You talked about strange like bubble of perspective, that happens when when people are taught you know to to treat politics like ports, which are very much, should treat it ass. I so the question is the question Why do these allegations have such staying power? Huge part of it? Pre
His campaign cycle, the trump campaign leaned in very, very hard to various rumours without fact checked many of them just to discredit as much as they could their political opponents things faded from the national discourse. It's a brand new high octane gas in the age social media, you ve a spouse. There was running for president. So any again there inextricably bill and Hillary right any time one of them makes a move. All of this baggage moves that way. the other one moves and their baggage a shift towards that person. So it's just a constant constantly shifting bag of badgers that they ve got attached to their belts. Right, yes,. He's, got a lotta badgers in their bag, and this there's this other thing. The people need to talk about
or it doesnt matter. Right now you voted for or who you agree or disagree with object. Tivoli, one of the most damaging things that occurred to every american in age of ubiquitous communication, current under the Clinton administration, the telecommunications active nineteen. Ninety six, very pro big business very like free market policy. It opened door to monopolization of media the thing this way in nineteen? Eighty three about ninety percent. Live forever A piece of media you could see was controlled by a mix of fifty different companies. So any kind of small right today
about ninety percent of mass media. In the. U s is controlled by six companies when for fifty two six and that's you too, that telecommunications act and also yes. Yes, he did perjure, self in regard to little lewinsky scandal and the the lake now depends on what your definition of is is about eight there. I you know pointed this out for a while. I was eventually acquainted, but said it was split, fifty fifty as to whether or not he had obstructed justice and then the one of the things that I think is very important, and I ever. We talk about this right, we're not trying to assassinate characters here, we're just giving you the facts. The Clinton in distribution played a big role in massively accelerating incarceration in the united states and the united states, it has indeed
when the doorway, when it comes to the prison system and ultimately there are going to be there already are, intergenerational consequences, but ultimately that society, the? U s is going to have to reckon with the consequences of this action It is not normal, it is now. good thing, nor is it sustainable forest show very many people to be imprisoned and then click in administration played a direct role in what is happening now so go ahead. and just right now why you ve got time search for truth in sentencing When do that, you will find some terrifying Things system, realities, debt
it's had a lot to do with. In a crime bill, there was passed in nineteen, eighty, four, the vital crime, control and law enforcement act. Just looked that up. Gonna be an episode on that coming, a war or pay forget about everybody paying. No attention the crime behind the curtain. Look, he he's your president play saxophone, how cool yeah, Don't listen to private pilots Larry the saucy, a plane, jeffrey ups, in don't listen to him, testifying the bill. Clinton was on the plane and trump and a bunch of other people in prince Andrew. It's cool, don't worry about anywhere. If you're on the left, don't ask these questions right. I know it's. Only the good guys and bad guys look essential. What we found is that the more alarmist claims against the Clinton's are easily debunked, but the Clinton political diners
He doesn't walk away, looking like unassailable paragons of virtue, spoiler No one at that level is an unassailable paraffin cop and virtue a lot of the attacks and allegations against them or propaganda made by political opponents blood. There are compelling cases just in this. In this introduction we dine there indicate evidence back room dealings and lets, say creative ways of juggling money: the sky these part of all this fellow conspiracy? Realist, that's how the game is played in united states and many other countries at The point you have to ask: do all politicians have a closet full of stuff. They don't want you to know. We ve got one skeleton in our class it's a literal skeleton. Her name is Scully. Haven't we Nothing I these folks, I'll will mention Chris.
We're Higgins. You know him. He wrote this delightfully spiteful, and obsessively documented work. That was meant to cause problems all no one left to lie to- and this is this issue- a pretty salad read the guy, the guy's, a pen that spits fire. I he dearly, I was very, very angry all the time at a lot of things and when he applied that cantankerous perspective, to the Clinton administration. He makes he makes a solid case that down administration. Actually, despite you know their public messaging to the political left, They did a lot of what the political right wanted. There shouldn't be, this many people in prison and its
you know it's not as simple as blue. We read it's as simple as good versus bad, and the important thing to remember, but the most one thing to remember is that we can't wait to hear from you met this. We we went long, we made it the two parties, it's almost three partner who, what do you think you think people find some face, hopefully, hopefully, I can remember in the sir, do you talk about politicians in the console atlanta, lewinsky and yeah man by the way. So you know Nor is it just to be clear folks, nor is
is working on a real estate deal with us stuff. They don't want. You know we're we're. Looking at about two hundred and thirty acres of of prime time floored swamp land, it worked for disney. Fifth, if it's in freak in florida not quite as nice as flippin organs- are, but it's really a freak of word. We can't wait a year. We did the math on climate change. We think it's gonna work out for us. Oh geez all right, well, eddie landing landlady can walk away from yet folks, we we will have no returning soon Matt and I will be coming back with episode. We know you love what is the truth about truth, serum no spot!
wheelers is going to be a wild ride, find this on the internet. In the meantime, we want to hear from you and if you don't sip the social meads or why not give us a call with the euro with your hand, your ears, your mouth parts. Oh yes, you can. Well as one eight three three s t d, w Y t k when you give a call, please give yourself a cool name. Let us know if we can use your name and message on one of our listener. Mail episodes you've got three minutes say whatever you'd like, but if you've got more to say than can fit in there instead send us a good old fashioned, email, we're conspiracy and I heart radio dot com
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Transcript generated on 2022-08-16.