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Strange News: The Pentagon Doubles Down on Aliens, QAnon Still Waiting For Prophecies, Havana Syndrome Update

2021-12-06 | 🔗

On the heels of a recent report on UFOs (or UAPs), the Pentagon officially announces plans for a new, acronym-littered initiative to investigate mysterious things in the sky. QAnon supporters continue to wait for revelations in Dallas. The CIA director warns Russias spies that there will be consequences if it turns out they are responsible for the rash of 'Havana syndrome' incidents occurring across the globe. All this and more in this week's Strange News.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Hello. Welcome back to show my name is met, my name is no. They call me, then we are joined, as always with our super producer. Lex is called a dark quality Jackson. Most importantly, you or you you are here, and that makes this stuff they do what you to know you the time of the week. It is fellow conspiracy realistic for listening to this on de the show, comes out. Welcome back to strange news. This is where my car Jane, I dig deep into the minds of the internet, to enter into the minds of people who work in the world of all things fringe defined stories that either haven't made it too use will give some important doors for discussion and future episodes, or we just to talk about, and I was thinking because northern working on trying to be a bit more of a positive person with mixed results. I was thinking we could
been today show up with a spell So congratulations to six. He won. People in the UK who recently I recently got out of a tough situation, We all know the band oasis. There's a cover band called no aces that was playing a gig. This was to be a one night. Gig at a remote bar in the UK, but unfortunately do a storm. They were stuck there until for three days up in will a couple hours before we recorded this episode. So they're out. Congratulations, I dont know when it will be when enough time will have passed for them to hear wonder wall without you know, reliving the events, but I had asked guys. I know we talked a little bit about oasis off air. You guys are oasis fan still right. I think that hit us at the right generation fan
Like you know, I mean they had some bangers. I like dollar, back in anger, Oh, I don't know that. I know any deep cuts, you'll, never really like. down the oasis train but certainly occupied a place in my Meath. There's no question about that I still wonder walls No Gallagher does either Elsner there. There are definitely that like, This generations beetles right, but for Unfortunately, this past week is when beetles documentary finally dropped We got to all learn collectively how they get back was written. has translated, was late, I have only made by half way through the first part, is quite long and incredible footage We show another all these rumours that was like a really cantankerous, Sir for them, and you get all we see that you see them being pretty kind to each other.
definitely having their own personalities and he flexing little, but in general they work together quite well it's really kind of me to see it's almost like sitting in a ban practice, but it's like you know, legends who, I guess my point is that there ought to be. off the internet are always now not if they wanted to be. I mean aim high. You know what I mean. I applaud audacity and ambition and I think they need some great songs. So congratulations to the folks who spend some unexpected time in the ten hill in Great Britain's highest Altitude pub. I also on a positive note. No may be made some friends for life. That's what happened. Ass were stuck in an airport for a day. and then you know maybe telling your blessings that you were stuck with an oasis cover band and not the actual guys from OASIS
be a little cranky. Very bizarre talk to each other. The brothers Gallagher am pretty cute little detail. Apparently the folks in the pub pass the time by doing like you know pop sure quizzes like pump trivia, my guess it they had on hand, they did some karaoke and I guess that Theo discover ban, also regaled them, but I'm a lot of the folks in this event sorry referring to the banned as snow. Ace, yes, which is great big The original name was no Asus anyhow visit but you get with strange news folks, a hard hitting facts. The who the report the bear we see it in well, we'll cover, but see it in probably did get to know aces today, We have some important stories some day, Durban stories we're gonna talk a little bit about outer space. We're gonna talk a little bit about good old spy. Crack cough cough trade craft. We're going to all
we will examine the world of colts. I would also say it's a way for us to examine how courts have changed in the world of ubiquitous social media and so for two days, first story. I suggest we start on whatever call another positive new Congress, deletions to the Pentagon. Congratulations to all our friends in the field of apology. The Pentagon is a fish, really back in the aliens in a big way. That's our first story also turns out. Canada is ignoring aliens in a big way. That's like the byline, that's the you know the snark paragraph at the end, but we talked about this little bit off air MAX. And all we did a series on those two disclosure reports that came out and were called nothing burger by some, because the De Classified report, which we did a whole episode. I is, is pretty short, its mainly
in for more money. Labour government reports do, I did have some regulatory stuff in their. It said that you were there. few sightings that appear to be things. Operated by some sort of intelligence and appear to be technology beyond the grasp of at least the? U S, military industrial complex. So when that report came out, it sort of fizzled a little, because the more substantive classified report is still classify. So the public doesn't know what in there and probably won't know a lot of it for decades to come, but the big question we all had once you probably had a whole followed. Conspiracy. Realist was simply this. What next what's gonna happen? You know what I mean is it. going to be any action from this. From the world's mightiest military, pretty I say we don't know,
that is going on right. We talked about the rights that poses. We talked about the problems it creates and we talked about whether or not anything would happen or whether the news we just go to some like distracting story about a celebrity there's, something like that, which it did by the way, I gotta say that pretty clunky name they have given the sticking. Yes, Our board object, identification and management. Synchronization group or all was the figured is what through me another, not a particularly sexy academic. You can actually speakers, as you pointed out, that what is degradation aspects. The idea like connecting with other governments in getting people on the same page or light. What is this angle here? It's connecting other offices in its aid sort making a central, though, where were you
then, we have to go and acronym lead there going to be a lot acronyms firing off at your real, quick, so v AIR Board. act, identification and management synchronize Asian out? That's like a sound like Corfu makes yes. This is. This is like a repository they're, trying to bring together all the information from these despair? It parts of the deal, DE and different. U S govern agencies, because for a long time they are two huge problems. One a lot of pilots, and a lot of other professionals thought it. we're gonna lose any change the promotion, maybe they lose their jobs if they sounded like total wing nuts and second, even if they did reports which was the right thing to do this, whatever department therein, whatever branch of the military
may not have reported it anybody else. It may have just been filed away and ignored canadian style we'll get to it lovely neighbours to the north. We were gonna play out some stuff, we Canada and a second, but I yet the they appear to make a good if ever there trying to gather all these documents in all is information and their focusing on something pretty interesting. Something called special use, airspace or sue, we're going overboard with the acronyms. I think we got up. We gotta get him out of the way. So there's our which sounds like a scandal, avian persons drank too much falling in slow motion right. You can hear that I haven't, then there is aid, Other thing that comes into play was just run through the acronyms here owl she's going to also be involved with something called Elam next week
which is airborne, object, identification management, executive council, there just kill it it with the names we may secret in the past on this issue that I feel it is ok to see it as we made the show but stuff you do know is ridiculously long name for a podcast, and even we have nothing on these guys, they're. Looking for actual ufos, and they're gonna lose so much time just typing out their names for things, anyway, the way, so this is good right. Did you guys think this would happen or that this week and publicly, I think we all sort of assumed it would go on underground Aliona, it's kind of like a successor. I the sum that was already happening, that a task force for this disorder elevated and gives it a little more weight. Perhaps the debris, questions was. Would they get more money? Would their internal kickstart
campaign for the budget and had to go and be one hundred percent funded handed. It appears to have worked so yeah? That's that's the question and it's it's a tricky question. Answer. If you are someone who holds the purse strings of government, because you we'll have to defend your decision and its. I risk decision, because what, if. What are you far there's some political cause of the day in your district and someone says well, Euro Senator Jackson, who would have put, millions of dollars into I donno. Stopping he's from being kicked, which is a huge problem in our town, but no instead, she sent it on a spend it on a wild, goose chase for aliens and intergalactic snipe hunt. You know, that's that's the kind of stuff they can come back to buy
but this is also a necessary thing to do, because special use air space is missing. at a goal to the? U S, you guys have heard the phrase special use airspace. I feel it just hearing the phrase we can all kind of guess what it means right. It's the is the place, is where you can't just fly racket. and that's everything in the places We would easily recognized within Washington DC in Virginia and a couple. their places in that in a kind of north east of the United States, so as well as places out in the desert place with special special strategic importance. Do you know in the energy field and all kinds of other research right you can just imagine all the places its money The special use airspace is not a termite her before, but young,
this is a lot of terms that you probably have heard before, like a restricted airspace, you know, or national security areas are a military operation areas, and things like that is quite a few other ones that I dont fully. They control the firing area, autonomy for like war games or something artillery testing re engage stuff like that. I mean yeah, you're you're spot on, because they this is a group term that I guess the diplomat greater put. It is this: is a group term describing any airspace that involves possible activities that could be hazardous to an aircraft like hey, we shoot missiles here for practice, so you have to fly around it or you have to get where you have to convince the sap shooting all these missiles are. One of those is knees easier, yes than the other. I imagine the Orient Not allowed to go to their health, AIR bad airplane don't go to their. So that is what is happening. That's exactly what's happening unaided
no five things, whether they be objects or just the more wisely word phenomena, unidentified things can absolutely smoke. Manmade aircraft are showing up in these areas in these Jerry operation areas in prohibited airspace, no one knows what's going on or if someone does, they are certainly not admitting it. This is a big deal, because while the more sceptical folks in the crowd me say with validity. could be a misplaced priority right. We have real provable problems that need to be tackled. While that is somewhat valid, it is not entirely on base as we said earlier episode. You have protected airspace and you can't, that airspace. The not me
You need to question every assumption. You have made about your defence capabilities and probably or force projection as well, which is your your Billy go off pensive eyes. So this is. This is inspiring buddy. It's also scary If you live in the, U S, you should be a little freetown near. I came with a new active were then I think July this year is the nuclear arms pathway, protection program or nap. Without one could also be, strategic arms. Then it would just be sap. So if you would like, play the acronym game with us. You can read the official d o d statement on our own. It is, I would say, just looking at it it's about twenty percent acronyms yeah. Yet and there
they didn't save the closest they got to say anything about you have always is just mentioning that there was a report submitted to Congress in June of twenty twenty one, and then they use the phrase you a a couple of times because they don't wanna get caught dead, say aliens or extraterrestrials and in their defence. That's because no one has proven the aliens rapture terrestrials exist if you want it more about that. Do check out our episode on that story. I, u can also read that food declassified report on line. It will take you about ten minutes, Billy is long and it isn't super technical either because his last stuff, they can't mention, but we will close with this Canada thing. I was teasing early So, whether or not you are a fan of the way, the? U S, government, tackles things
whether or not you are a fan of the way Uncle SAM is handled. You have fallen Delegations in the past. We can a good on them for at least making public signals right. Those signals being necessarily be for you: U S residence, they may be for whatever entity they think might be behind these you p. If there is something behind them. If they are part of the same thing, you know what I mean is still completely possible. It could just be and agglomeration of errors. That increasingly doubtful, though especially Pentagon believe something is going on, make no mistake, but good on them for being public. Canada has not done the same thing over motherboard advice they obtain some documents from the royal canadian AIR Force, and it turns out that the real canadian Airforce
has been receiving the some pretty significant reports of ufos or you a p, and they just haven't done anything can't hit the Thatcher. Rushing out of the room situation is like a nothing to see here. Folks, if you wish so one example comes from We hours of September twentieth twenty. Sixteen, when Royal Canadian, therefore Squadron in Ontario, got gotta call for the some air traffic controllers in Vancouver, and they said, look something crazy happen. There was this pilot for AIR Canada Express who saw this very weird series of lights in the sky. We don't know It is we wanted to pin get just in case, which is what you're supposed to do so
RCA absolute. Alright. Let's look at the radar they looked at the rate. Are they didn't see anything? They could explain what this pilot had seen and then they started sending out reports. They contacted the transportation department and then they contacted the Sab. China's secretive part of the Canadian Airforce, intelligent surveillance and reconnaissance division, and then those folks just didn't do anything so who we also wouldn't have known about this advice had not gone through. Canada has access to Information ACT which is sort of our very late like, the? U S fire, but for Canada, freedom of Information ACT what they saw. According to Navy having consulted retired fighter pilot named John Williams or Jacques to his friends. What they saw is that The authorities were aware of this kind of stuff and they also worth taking a line of action. Now
Isn to say that they were doing their jobs or they were being incompetent. They filed reports it's just there was an ounce or something like that to follow up with so maybe just maybe Canada will be too new page from the? U S is book which are normally wouldn't advise the end digging a little deeper. So that's what we're gonna leave it for will follow up. Let us know what strange things you're, seeing in the sky when eight three three STD w whitey k or conspiracy at I radio dot com or going to pause for a close encounter of the add kind. this route. I wrote that down earlier as good at it
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I'm. Sorry to keep bringing nobody's thy by those, not picking on you met each thereof, jeez their own. Indeed, until his picking on me, I mention this to guys before we up. Bring it s sent you a screenshot, I annex literally have like fifty. In calendar events on my counter for today, all of which reminding me and encouraging me to renew Mcafee anti virus. Is this the dead hand? Is this the thing it seems like a real, missed upward, Only one thing I have one for two p M I'm saying important, renew Mcafee and then one for three and this is your Mcafee has expired today, then over four p M activate Mcafee and in five don't forget to renew Mcafee and then renewed Mcafee licence now and then Mcafee lasers expired today goes on. I am really kind of free down. I have no idea. My calendar, it seems super fishy. Does you guys think you could have been in older email
maybe out on work, related email that just like got pulled back up in their banks- or I said it the group chair, two men. If you want to get to the bottom, you could just contact Mcafee and say what now let's go and her father I that can of worms, inevitably bizarre knock. it is bizarre, In sad as the story that I'm going to talk about today, we ve talked about this same way: Army as best they can. You thought about this to some degree, this group of frankly, fringe Q Non conspirators, I am not saying a lot when the whole Chiunagon conspiracy, theory and in kind of me now call what it is called cyber calls. I guess is about best friend, as you can get in the world of conspiracy theories of sort of this. Like weird mash up of conspiracy theory, we know about the luckiest ones anyway, some Illuminati stuff phone and there's some. You know.
Sexual predation, purportedly Mina being carried out by high level officials and members of political aristocracies, and all that good stuff, some pizza, gay, wrinkled on the top for good measure and its one decentralized kind of conspiracy, Is that so convoluted? It just keeps getting added to an attitude attitude when my favorite Youtube channels. Internet today referred to it as I caught a mockery of conspiracy. Theory, if you know the game, it's like, will do the rolling up all the stuff, and then the ball gets bigger and bigger and bigger, and then it starts rolling up subsequently bigger and bigger stuff. That's, I think, been really great way of living q and on as well, we How to talk about unit in general. If you haven't checked out Jake Hanrahan, incredible podcast, serious Q clearance get ye to applaud tat right now in check it out. But- an interesting new development. There's this fringe group that has got in downtown Dallas Texas, indeed,
plaza specifically, which is where, of course, John F Kennedy was assassinated. There also hoping to see a and appearance from John. Kennedy son, John F Kennedy, Junior of who died in the plane, I should like nineties. This is all kind of being masterminded, are led by this dude named Michael Brian props men, who is known by the internet moniker negative forty eight over background him, first of all, He is known, pretty widely to be virulently anti semitic. He's a lot o dog whistle type language. physically referring to people of the jewish faith. Cause or some sort of like ever gets a catch all kind of term for just bring to this group
in a way that disparaging without actually be now using anti semitic slurs by everyone. Just when it is, it's been used for a long long time. Your folks, purporting that there be no people of the jewish faith, shoulda media banks and all of that kind of genome out their stuff out patently offensive, and you now obviously hinges on a lot of tired and offensive stereotypes about. Oh you stupid it's worse, though its name like your ear nailing, it buddy it's deeper than that, it's like deeper than rap level, because the idea extermination ray, I mean essentially will the idea in Anti semitic, theories like the kind of the blood liable stuff dating back the protocols. Elders of Zion, which was a new one of the most popular hoaxes of its time in the the Anti Semitism still propagated
and a shared as though it is factual. Today it is very much not so. The idea is that of anti Semites will tell you that people who claim to be jewish true day were identifies jewish are for them whose part not that they were actually reduce, sure something right right. Did they remembered an aristocracy right that they were actually cause hours and that they have co? Op? Did this identity as a way to, further, their incredibly over complicated plan to date, go over the world, and this this this goes back to like the eighth or ninth century, and it it's like it. It's so far back it's about the idea of Causar is reportedly converting to Judaism
and this this could be all episode of its own will really we really do hate speech, but you're you're right, I'm glad you highlighted that, because whenever you reading something that sounds, spiritual day you can learn a couple of quick flags to that, can help you question the I guess the sincerity where the credibility of some of the other claims He savage joke about it off errors like how far do you have to read the whole face because you never know what that paragraph on page thirty five might just actually say adsense, with the Welsh. control all the horses in the world in the aesthetic IRA, whatever what this guy absolutely
Is that thing? What you're talking about them? No question rowdy, obviously has tried to veil it a little bit, but now a whole lot apparently is given a lot of attention to a ten part documentary Series called Europa. The last battle, which is considered incredibly anti semitic, amazed claims like the jewish people, of communism and started both world wars On purpose, as part of that great grand scheme, blogger you're, talking about to help them found Israel by voting, the innocent Nazis coding quota marinas from a description in a great vice article. That gives a run down this guy's background. It is chilling. here again he has posted links to this documentary was available. He also promoted a film called. off Hitler, the greatest story never told levelling. Apparently,
an end to your point about the Khazar can have by ideology. He literally, was heard in recorded speech that he may that I think made the rounds Ali. Isn't he meant to get out, but it did. He said there are nodes quote. Is this quote in this? Isn't this pretty defensive? But I'm going to read this. You understand glimpse into this guy's mine quote: there are no Jews period anywhere. Period. There is no english race and the jewish leadership are basically the british Empire, the roman empire. It's just the criminals. So this is the guy that has claimed that he knows that John F Kennedy and John F Kennedy Junior are going to return and Meta Usher in the second coming of President's Donald Trump, which The union is a big part of the holster the steel and then the of the idea that Trump was robbed of.
victory in that he's, actually staging some grand coup. It's going to happen in some elaborate fashioned like this. Now you start. Until I dead Nino former students, celebrities, the easy and mention like Michael Jackson, I make an appearance, just Diane, I think maybe was mentioned as a couple other ones. These gather this fringe group of Cuban on. is, and they ve been hanging out there he's been hanging out there and in an Dealey Plaza areas in Dallas they ve got hotels. People left their families their just posted up, and they're waiting for this prophecy to come. True that he has foretold or whatever, and the thing some really interesting, as he is probably one of the more I don't know. I guess I think of Cuban on, and I know there are some leaders they what's his name, I lose that Guy Flynn has become a kind of a big big face.
Q anomaly also recently was caught, making some disparaging remarks about how he knows that all the followers are. He believes that allow the follows or idiots and and it's the kind of thing that you would think would shut boil down to make them a screw. This guy's talkin trash by us, but instead like happens in many, well laid cult situations is Any sign of you, no negative. Any like no proof in the opposite direction of what these I want to believe that issues as an opportunity to double down and sail actually Flynn is just plain. The long gave me now things like thou, o the privacy and come to you on this day. That means you're things are going happen next time. You know it's it's tales all this time by this dude negative. Forty eight was, will scrutinise name Michael problem really has started to take on an almost Jim Jones is kind of stature. I mean you know is absolutely commanding the
it's in mines of this small, you know, admittedly small but loyal group of followers. There's an article from the the Dallas Paper the Dallas morning news? The interview is a an experts on conspiracy theory he's in you know, donation, this guy named MIKE Rothschild, who wrote a book called the storm is upon us, and he specific really calls out how this guy is undeniably a cult later, because in this article I Michael Williams, there is absent. we behaviour, control and thought control going on he's telling people what to do he's. Having people stand and straight lines to have conversations he's telling people went to go outside, went to look up, went to look down. It is unfair. Fortunately the behaviour of a cult leader? and this is again. This cuban on thing is always felt kind of decentralized. To me, there are some.
gears that emerged like that. The Cuban on shaman or whatever, and some Flynn who has been fully with another Chiunagon kind of Luminary Lynn, would who was one of trumps lawyers. I believe, and has now become kind of like a q and on booster. I guess you could call this guy process, man, really is starting to feel more. Like he's taking in a religious direction meal, I gotta go to treating people like followers. You know like almost like other subjects, its very interesting and they're still hanging out ads in Dallas. They got hotel rooms. There's a guy video that emerged of the flowers like covering sky and like roles and rolls and rolls of toilet paper, while singing him happy birthday In writing. The do yeah they d they rolled them, did they rolled this guy, but he's like you know laughing, and it feels like a ceremonial candidates. You seem silly, but also a superpower,
Then there is the respect for other cultures practices, fair enough, fair enough ban, as do I, but undeniably a little strange in his work, stranger than I want to throw its you guys and see thank I really feel are you this guy? He doesn't alot acute on groups from violence and an uprising against the government he's not doing that. He is true, much more like the stoic you know, kind of of contained movement that is awaiting the second coming of some day. Yeah almost like that's what it feels like urban, but the EU has no kind of confrontational language. Is rhetoric about you know, rising up like you sound like the kind of guy that would necessarily be pro insurgency or uprising, but here's the power it gets really really spooky. He has claimed that quote. Ultimately, we have to experience that physical
death. Let go come out on the other side. It's almost like, then. He also posted a sum coordinates are like a Google map, location a screenshot fanatics who was a screenshot of like a Google maps situation, that show the destination of Waco Texas, which He remembers most of us. Do a certain age and neither was echoed Netflix Series on pretty recently afraid, furniture crime, the teen ninety three siege of Mount Carmel, which was where the branch dvd and religious sects kind of you know to the teeth, went to battle with you now the FBI and resulted in seventy six people being killed cutting twenty five children. Obviously there is a lot of false the government's part in that debacle as well. Why is this guy opposing things like that in? What is what this whole idea of you know
experience the death of the body to truly understand starts to feel like it The kind of thing that could be heading in a really scary direction when he was young well, matura that I just know I've seen this before using. Something called geometry thing is how you say it been. We talked about this during numerous ology explorations years ago, where you just assign each letter of in this the english alphabet? A numerical number so Would be one be, would be to go down the line think twice to get to twenty six, which Z, maybe that's wrong whatever and then you take off, let's say stuff, they don't want you to know you put it in energy matters, calculator of swords. Are you just do the math yourself and you come with a number in the scheme would be one hundred and twelve, which is number on the back of Protestants negative forty shirt or somebody in at a time,
morning news article so the last dances, one twelve so stuff. They don't want you to know guys. Coincidence, The point is to say that this kind of thing I dont see I personally, I dont believe, there's anything to this kind of thing, creating somehow meeting out of your letters. In that way, I I know there are many people who do believe this stuff and see it as a preps sign that there's deeper. in some regular the phrase or even you know, a mixture of specific phrases that add up to some other specific number yeah. I appreciate the geometry. A shout out new point of irony, their stars. Consistency goes geometric. is often considered a jewish form of new morality, so great job, guys with consistency, but I want to add I don't wanna show box, but I do want to point out that you made the earlier
comparison to category, which I I've is well and I think, a whole job, but I would say structurally alot of courts or call poultry systems that have a built in expiration date or milestones or time lines there, like matreshka dolls, where the doll the structure of a conspiracy and win win. The conspiracy does it like when it acts, and passed the timeline, its eighteen, thirty nine June in the world didn't end. Then you just build a another, larger doll of conspiratorial structure in which you how's that other thing, what's happening now is that people are starting to either get hip to the drift and drifted is very much so or there are starting to just get tired of it as a matter of fact of white recently former cured on follower, I think, still may be current chewing on follower, wrote an open letter to Donald Trump over the very
The failed predictions drop in that and chat own over Wanna talk too much about it is at all, I think, a cage, but in a later episode why I'd? This is where you can see Serbs of this just go to news. We would act. Read em out loud here by just go news: weak and check him out. You'll see that people are starting to lose steam as a mass appeal thing, which means that the people who are left are going to be increasingly radicalized and they're going to encounter an exacerbated form of group polarization and that I posit is when you get to the very dangerous place. A lot of the folks you're, just you know, like any other colt leader, their drifters, who have up deservedly large sense of ego such that they begin to believe their own cod kind of the way. The example. I was uses Merlin in Connecticut, Yankee King Arthur S, court. Remember that right guys were where
this unnamed yankee shows up to King Arthur S, court needs like firstly, things: oh wow magic is really thinks. Oh no way. Merlin is a cod artist anew, oh no Merlin, crazy. I think that's what alive people are gonna go through I think so too, but unfortunately, in the meantime, families are absolutely being Bonaparte's there's another really great. Vice article about this specific, you know little splinter group of of cuban on top to family members of folks who have gone on this in our pilgrimage to Dallas talking, worried there, never gonna come back, maybe in a larger sense. If there concern about this. You now suicide called type situation. Again. I am onawandah overplay that and anyway I mean it. Certainly not everything is proven, but we do know. You know from experts that, when the narrative in these types of called situation starts to shift to achieving you know
Utopia are like LAO how our something like through you know, death of the body. and knowing just how closely these folk follow, this guy is certainly something to take very seriously agree. So would ballots Skip ILO story, obviously adds ongoing. Does there there are gone anywhere, but never happened so we'll see if aiming does haven't, hopefully it's not something horrible involving the actual people, and hopefully they come come to their senses and go back on their feet. Louis and if you're gonna get me how I say this: if you know anybody, that's struggling with this type of imagination. There certainly are resources for that. Yet there are places like dare to doubt dot work which is more more focused on the broader picture. It's not. She went on specific, it's it's about how to help frenzied loved ones detached from what they call harmful belief systems. Yes, actually check out. If you know anybody that struggle
this more if you're trying to look into some resources to understand the problem better yourself, so as to equip break to her work responsibly back with one more strange news: Allah, I'm darling, gusty yeah, I kept searching for a pot half that was about my community about working and living in electing a community about standing in our own space, and I couldn't find it so. I went ahead and made it here's a taste with Ex Maya won over driver. I will never do this. Now is far more mature.
But I was arguing with him. He was literally trying to tell me that I'm dominican, like as if I was ashamed used. I know you're not next again, so I didn't know you know splashing having so much pride in being why I am, and as far as being in allaying Mexicans, Salvadorans guatemalans panamanian. It's never been like that. So that was interesting for me. Listen to modern, either as part of the micro stood up hot CAS network available on Iheart Radio, Apt apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast. If you're podcast as earning cash, imagine earning even more hoster podcast with Speaker from my heart industry, bass, programmatic monitors asian tools have made sense the platform of choice for some of my heart radios. Most successful broadcasters make us which today at spree Gerda come disease in football, born you in a building the every snap.
Every day with full gay, replace the logging plus watch your time in this game. We blame on your times within a Belgian fell down last day passed start your free trial. Today, alright we're back. Lee transition over to brain injuries or home anomalous. Health incidents, as the government has been calling them recently The Havana syndrome, we're back we're in a sort of others more time, because there was a listener mail. Last week from Jim, who told us some stories about the trade trade craft, inspiring Kafka, Kafka, Shaka ahead,
we we mentioned Vienna, Austria and how it was at one time the place to be a spy. If you are engaged in cold or activities on either side or for any help. here in the middle there and how it is still today a place. Spies, go and hang out and try and recruit people envy to spy on somebody else. Then it just the game of of tag. Tat, you're being traced, that's what we call it tag your traced, her it's fun game. There were instantly we brought that up last week, then there was news that came out over the holiday week in whose thanksgiving here last week for us and the CIA and FBI are both getting heavily involved in Havana, talk Havana Syndrome talk specifically so the first thing. We're gonna red comes from the Washington Post. It is titled
Cia director warns russian spies of consequences. If there be, Havana Syndrome, incidents, really says it on the face there in the headline of what this is about c Director, William J Burns, Accord, The washing imposed delivered a car. Potential warning to Russia's topic, in services that they will in fact get in trouble. They are the ones who are behind these attacks incidents, anomalous, health things occurring to people in the State Department, both diplomats and spies and sometimes the same well. reason why this is important is because this thing has been happening since two thousand. Sixteen, that's when it We have an assent. Room incidents were first reported there. How Blake lied pump? Yes, publicly, their acknowledged, at least within our a billina within the news, so that the public could hear about them?
and that was diplomats at an embassy in Havana or the embassy in Havana. Experience weird stuff migraines severely your headaches, feelings of dizziness, able to stand Vertigo feeling like, therefore being forgetful all the time just stay weird symptoms of brain injuries, that it turns out sure. Now my gosh guys it's been five years of studies done on victims. this Havana syndrome, or these anomalies health incidents and in many ways It has been shown that there are actual brain injuries to these diplomats and spies. So fast, the things that you can measure scientifically, that show something is going wrong in their brains. So something is definitely happening, there's some kind of it. It's not psychosomatic. I would posit as the b I originally posited this was, kind of
hysteria. There was going on the CIA believe that perhaps there is something going on that wasn't an actual attack, at least in the beginning. Now it has been acknowledged by both the CIA and the FBI, that something is definitely happening and we need to get to the bottom of it. I think, We do all episode on this guy's, as we believe mentioned not long ago, been yeah, yeah actually already said that in our secret plan scholars keeping an eye on this as well. We we originally did story. We had a lot of questions. First, Episodes go back to and see how close we got to some. Of our gases by I've, got that in there for a a re examination of Havana Syndrome, because while there is no official formal consensus in the EU intelligence community, as we were for this. There are a tunnel, people are using the same group of ultimately
being responsible. Oh, I don't want to see a judge yet your story that boy I've been keeping an eye on this of fruit for while low key one of the big big things that happened, that gave lie to thee. original intelligence ideas of of mass hysteria- was a universe. Pennsylvania Study that was published in jam up in Two thousand and nineteen looked at the brains of forty diplomats who play in the event affected and that's where they first prove that something happened. Something happened that caused physical trauma to their brain, so they were making it up, and people are still divided on how much you can learn from that cause. It was a sample size. Just forty people, you know, would have been affected by the
ass, negations or on going and frequently. I don't know how much we can trust these accusations, but more more frequently the people who are saying it's out psychosomatic or have some kind of accusation are isolating one country, above all others. I dont know if we have to say the quiet part out loud Oh, maybe people can play at home. Who do you think it is difficult to dash is as it were. Barbuda, Is it not? Russia has this year, director literally just said hey Russia's stop bits. Admittedly, Russia, deadly Russia, IRAN Russia is doing the old. It's always like there Freddie, Newman Vibe, whether they. Why me
Pretty Newman from magazines is what me worry, so just a picture picture. Vladimir Putin is that I this yeah this is this investigation is going to continue in this makes, I think, also an interesting book end when we're talking about suppressed or speculative were classified technology, because we started These strange neat. While we started today, strangeness congratulating an oasis cover banned by our first story was about the possibility of a massively advanced hidden technology and what what governments can do about it and now? Oh you nor anything stories is quite similar. Isn't it because we're looking at me? I talk to some physicists this about what it could be, quite possibly nad. Really interesting notes, but whatever It is very much real. You know what I mean it's. This is not
part of the horror movie, where it is just the wit, the house, his hat currently, the people actually looking into it. Scientists as as well as people in the trade after an investigators they're saying it is a pulse energy weapon of some sort, a directive most energy weapon, alas alike, to hear that, NBC News, which you can watch right now, numerous videos, if you type in Havana Syndrome, you can find experts on in public saying it's a direct. did post energy weapon in an attempt to explain what that means, and they fail miserably is not their fault is hard to describe, but it's basically micro, a microwave weapon right is being pulsed at a brain. So it's super each yourselves and then it could they cooler really quickly. Then super heats them again in the cool. It's it's like this thing that causes damage, because it's all occurring inside your skull. So it's lit your neurons. There are being cooked rapidly just for a second,
a microsecond a moment. Then they're not quote any more than there cooked in it just causes these pulses inside your brain, Colin Waves, but again is very hard to describe, but in the end it causes trauma within Urim and somebody is doing it. The FBI, literally just said that dealing with Havana Syndrome is quote a top priority you can read a Reuters article all about that you can head on over to the guardian, read the same thing that the FBI is warning its its agents of this thing and if you start to feel any, like this, while you're a case on on duty operating anywhere, be aware, and alert us please as soon as you possibly can. I have two questions. First, they may first question: is: do we have any public speculation on the moon innovation. I public speculation by officials on the motivations like these
has tons and tons of embassies. Why the specific places why these pacific people, that's a question. I have heard somebody officially ass. Yet there is a lot of noise, I'm meal in the in the public sphere. But then, while your answering that question, they know and put you on the spot, and put you in the microwave beam spotlight here? Do you think that intelligence age, she's in the? U S, know more about this than they're letting on and have you ever heard the Moscow signal? I know I mention it off here just me: your signal, but no I'd I can say, is it's been to take it? I think six or seven places there were diplomats and or spies, or have been operating, including in India. in Vienna in Havana die no there. Others, Berlin, I want to say isn't in several places where it's been reported but I was well yet China. I've
Seen anything were somebody saying. There's is why they're going after those buys a diplomats other then why? Not, if you were, you know it can attack us. Why not yet caught by which you now do it in a measure of counter tolerance. The only thing is there actually physically attacking it's not like there jamming signals right, which is like part of the trade I'm gonna prevent you from sending your information out in this case, it's like causing physical harm to others who are playing the great game along with you, very strange and years. Why I saw how go ahead I'll say it. Here's why I think Uncle SAM knows more about? What's going out with, and a syndrome they may be publicly signalling the MOSS Our signal was us somewhat similar attempt from nineteen fifty three. Eighteen, seventy six! there was a must I'll write operation you
microwave transmissions between two point: five m for gigahertz two apparently have I do ask, be knowledge attempt on the? U S: embassy in Moscow. There are apparently no ill effects on the health of the staff of the embassy, but that's the official conclusion and people are still fighting that and I was from nineteen seventy six again. A lot of time has passed so if there is any sand to that, then I This means the russian forces would have had a lot of time to refine their techniques. I know some out of this, but I think it's it's a good place to start digging. You know what I mean. Also the Moscow Signal perfect name for a post rock band. Ah there was a lot of things must be asked to be simple talking about that earlier of air. The ivory. Also aid you're out there and you want to learn more uneven giving you some articles, you can check out check out, sir
used by some invisible hand what it feels like to have Havana syndrome. He could find that on NBC News, if you go to Youtube check out early victim of Havana. Syndrome speak out about ongoing health struggles. That's again NBC new sorry for doing the same thing. There see me news as one called form. CIA officer, sheer struggle with Havana Syndrome in which you will hear from Mr David Roman who's, the chairman of the National Academy of Sciences Committee, who is looking at this he's, the one who is talking about directed energy Weapons and how Europe will bring us microwave, so we're gonna continued going down this rapid whole morning to combat to you with the best info. We can find and look for the covering, More in the future is scary thing. It's real out there
stay safe if you're in the state Department in any way shape or form right now, right on yeah well said I end and keep in mind. You know this kind of stuff. affect people were just in the building, know what I mean: it's not safe, high enough to target people based on their job. It's targeting people based on their location, so he was happening to people in their homes, rational, urban homes near where they worked like exact yes, so there is more to the story, and there definitely is, I would say in all three sorry we explored today is definitely stuff. They don't want you to know in each of them. sure, I'm more continued radicalized right. Vanished syndrome will continue to remain enigmatic, Unless there is serious public investigation and and again apparently thinks that someone has some stuff. They don't want
Uncle SAM. Do no strange, bedfellows desperate times make strange bedfellows of US All we want to hear your strange news if you were trapped with no basis with that in we want to hear your story, we were here. Your adventures in that regard- and I would love to hear people's thoughts about Havanas syndrome- would love to hear people's thoughts like if you have some one that you You felt was going too far down any rabbit, whole weather was something like you or non or something you know a little more of a deep cut. before the age of social media, would love to hear those stories to they always put this out. Occasionally, you know every so often just a reminder, if you have proof of extraterrestrials, are aliens go ahead, send it to us. We are all eyes all ears, literally just put on human skin. For the LEO parts this show? Oh, are you guys you re really and all the time
far as I know, his unhygienic you sure why you got a shower back here dame his mark, Polly, miraculous in Europe, former CEO Liese, reach out to us. I'd love to hear Your story was watching an Al Jazeera interview with you, earlier and if you're actually out their we'd love to speak with me. That's a direct call out to you mark not that you would ever listened to the show. You have much better things to do our work, is listening right now. In he's thinking, I love the show. I want to talk to you guys, but how on earth do I find you mark you're in the right? of today's show. This is where We tell you expert transition beds. True, you ve got it all over the internet. We are on Facebook. We are on twitter we are. Most importantly, I wanna most poorly, but importantly,
Youtube under the Handle conspiracy study can find as an instrument of conspiracy stuff show So we use a telephone was old, fangled devices- the focus on our number is one. Eight three, three STD Toby Whitey K when you call in give yourself a cool, nickname, no. If we can use your message on the air, your message can be three minutes. That is now the maximum length. Do too phone system that we use them. There is certainly a lot of discussion on podcast lately. Several though listen to regularly about german accident is one of the last accents you're allowed to do. For some reason. Talents additionally, Germany. These demands. Hundred irish Russian. I think her though I think those are the four Uncle Adam FAT, american accents. Ah which I proposed as a separate category, so Delay Platypus
yeah, that's right. You can give us a telephone call at one. Eight, three, three std w whitey cared sort of it that american action. The messages verdict. It's perfect Threem, it's you got it. You know what to do. If that minutes is not enough time for you to give us your whole message. Please instead send us a good old fashioned email. We are conspiracy and I are radio dot com
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Transcript generated on 2021-12-06.