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Strange News: Deep Time, a Mice Plague and COVID Squatting

2021-03-29 | 🔗

15 volunteers spend 40 days locked deep in a French cave, away from all light and time in a bizarre experiment. A plague of mice swarms across Australia. Over in the US, some new homeowners were baffled to learn the man who sold them the house refuses to leave -- and the authorities apparently can't make him. All this and more in this week's strange news.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode is brought to you by Hewlett Packard Enterprise in the past year. More than two million women in the. U S have left the workforce setting back years of progress on a special us out of the element attack podcast Listen to women intact talk about the challenges and what makes them hopeful for the future search. Spotify for the element: tech podcast, which comes from Hewlett, packard enterprise, This episode is brought to you by Robin Hood. The next generation of investors is already here and it in to you. That's why Robin Hood is creating real human negation resource as truly digest financial news and a platform that lets you invest in your own way. On your own terms, Robin Hood, download the abbot and get started today
we are investing, is risky. Robin Hood Financial LLC Wrongdoing those two psychic powers and government conspiracies. History is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn. Stop they don't want you to know a production of. I hope we hello, welcome back to the show. My name is meant, my name is no. They call me, then we're joint, as always with our super producer, Lexus Code, name, Doth holiday Jackson, most importantly, or you you are here, and that makes this stuff. They don't want you to know it's the beginning of the week, Bello Conspiracy, realist, which means it is time for some strange news in this case some very strange new
Today we are exploring drool corporate scanned I figure goes deeper than just a corporate scandal. I would say: we're explore a literal plague leg, something that would not be out of place in the old testament, and we are wash ginning, be fundamental nature of how we experience. Hi we're human species that visit forty one. actually gets them everywhere. Let me explain the story too much. Have you have you guys ever heard of the Russians, linking Games submarine and we have talked about that now. I'm not to my knowledge so in Russia belong time, there's been there? drinking game called something green and I dont know if you can even hall
a game, Russia, russian speakers or people familiar with this, please right in and explain to us what is defined. is winning. This game has. I am at a loss to understand it in the sun there's, no winning the sea. Ok, here's weapons, so if you wanna play submarine Get together with a crew of like minded colleagues, you find an apartment for this purpose, you black all of the windows of the apartment. You get rid of all the clocks, anything that can help you interact with the outside world or let you know what's going on and you take it. of alcohol in there and you just drink and drink in drink in the darkness, Game ends we run out of books. Whites, like seems dangerous rights, it also levels yet others. I think everybody has close crew of friends by I've never been hanging out with
Anybody I no one thought you would be awesome if we were locked in the dark in an apartment and just tried to give ourselves alcohol poisoning but yeah yeah. But what, if you did it? Instead in a cave skagway, I like it, that's ok, let's go there first. This is this is a weird when some of our friends are full listeners on here's where it gets. Crazy are also aware of this a caught my eye as well. Someone is taking taking the booze out of the submarine concept, and they, launching an experiment which is going on as we record today, too stand more about the fundamentals of her, human beings perceive time. This is fascinating, because time is something, but we talk about as for the time, is something that we seem to
experience right in a linear fashion, most mostly by if you drive down into the way the human brain works in drill down into the ways different cultures encounter and think about time. Then find the rules of the game get a little fuzzy at the edges like if you have ever. If you have ever spent an extended amount of time there, whoever spinner x amount of time like out in the woods. Or somewhere, where your body in your mind, are marking the passage of second in hours and days just based on the patterns. son, the stars and the moon You will notice that, Freddy quickly, your body clock will start to obey something different from the twenty four hour period that all most societies vast enjoy.
Societies practice right leg. It has this ever happened to you guys. Have you ever been away, from the human concept of time? Is it art and then noticed your sleep patterns? changing, noticed, you're waking activity, peaks movie different times? Why? In our view, this is a hot issue for a lot of people, but daylight savings times. All upward saving time always forget. If there's an ass, they are not so always message me up just one hour changes my whole perception of time for a couple of days. As simple as, like you know, pushing the clock forward, or back in our can do that obviously it's kind of a psychological construct but yeah now, I'm in and it also depending covert. Did it too, I think for a lot of us when you didn't have as many things to mark the time with or a commute four eggs bore a time you had to show up in person and be a place. I think there is the joke. It became cliche or what even his time sitting was a covert, knew no situation,
just say them. The internal claw of when the sun is supposed to appear and when it supposed to go away, really lay having that change arbitrarily by the humans Adding that is an hour earlier or later really does something internally. Eighty two, my biology, nay, I can say that for sure, yeah fishermen of pointing out the social structure aspect to this because time zones, you know which largely come about due to the railroad industry time zones have, in some cases, become eight full of control like the way time zones work in China is very different and that, to put it simply very different from the way time zones where in the? U S, and there are also you know, historical accounts of- cylindrical changes where, like populations in certain town felt their days were stolen.
Them, and although this might sound a little bit absurd or ridiculous, when we look back with the benefit of retrospect. The point is absolutely true: if you like someone is stealing an hour from your life. Were you when everybody ass, a jump ahead an hour, and you know it feels a little bit like time travel when you get that are our back back. Later? So we do know, we do know There are various, maybe the way it is These various kinds of time, like Einstein's famous quote about relativity attributed I'd, say this. This brings us to a very interesting experiment. In France there are fifteen people near volunteers and they have been sealed in a dark cave
It's gonna run for forty days. They have no access to natural light. They have no ability to tell time so they are living a traveller, dick existence. They have no source of light at all, no force, no Such is the only way that they will be all to have some sort of routine of weak and sleep is gotta be based on their own body rhythms and based on their own reactions to the other fourteen people in their cohort. This is massively disorienting. You know like just like me. they're. All time we record sometimes will will be in the booth here and will start no like matinee movie rules right, Sarah for thirty or something and then we'll leave our back to various and will see that it's dark. That's disorienting! Imagine after forty days right there, this is it ok, limited
read my at around this there's no light in that cave or the using light from out there. The sunlight either. The only source of light from what I understand is through this pedal driven dynamo, that's gonna, be creating electorates so there are people just peddling in the dock. I need to see something someone get on Like while so they gather other work together, one individual asked me and the bike and in the rest of the group can get something done. While the boy, the volunteers, ranging age from twenty seven to fifty their different walks of life, different jobs and they're all fitted with these sensors that scientist outside the you can use to measure their bodies response to this incredibly
actual situation according to neuroscientist, Professor attain Copeland. This experiment is a world. First, are the other anything else like this, like there have been other isolation, experiments right, Biosphere for instance, which inspired a phantom Stick Polly, sure, filth, I'm Kitty was was a polish were made, as I have done. Those took a chair I adore me out one of the first appearances on the big screen of tenacious d as well. I am not mistaken did not know that if everything goes according to plan, this team of fifteen will leave this cave on April. Twenty seconds though not a super long time for us, but who knows how much time calling who time it is then I went to him when they emerge. Will they ever be the same again? That's my question. That's a great question
I mean this also, you, arguably, even though these folks volunteers, this could be seen as skirting the limits of ethics as we understand them for human for human experience. station. Of course they are being continually monitored. So we would assume that, if something, if somebody has again this injury or really bad reaction. The scientists will pull them out, but we don't know for sure just because its net, been dying. You want to learn more about this. You can go to deep time, dot, F, R. U can pick up a couple of differently which is to learn more about this from the point of ethics. This. This could also be seen as similar to the Stanford prison experiment, this it also be seeing as similar to the biosphere. Two specifically by
here too, is a bit of a cautionary tale, because that experiment had the end when the oxygen inside the people container, the Bio, don't hit dangerous levels. And everyone involved all people nearly starved to death. What does this tell us Why are we doing this weird cool, fascinating thing? Well in the future? If humanity does not self destruct, there are going to be increasing cases of long term isolation. That kind of similar to this- maybe not in the fact there in a cave, but imagine you're in space. You are, you are escaping the star that has hold your life first, very long. Astronaut time is a thing and it's gonna, be an increasingly complicated thing as humanity travels humanity. And all the paraphernalia of humanity travel deeper into the ink? Is
on earth? I want to know if you guys would do it. I know that's all as for me, ah sure yeah, I would do this for sure I would do this research ain't mad aspect that well caves are the best. if you believe that he'd old, fully aura, if you're not fully on board with caves, then list conversation, and I will I will change your mind that conversation caves ever bad rap, though math think about me no cave collapses. You now creepy thing live in caves leg where, where you get those positive cave of energy from look my the collapse in that's because humans are turning get stuff out, the holes in the earth then or their caves, don't collapse, and that often especially if you take to maintain them. In your aware, you know that it's in it current structure in school near as a whole is a wholly
system this living down there. The other thing is you're in dark you know, have allowed it tools. You ve got that bike. They can provide do with much needed much needed light. There's not much to do. I'm wondering what I would get up to besides having Phyllis difficult conversations with with my cohort yeah, that's the thing like I would. I would one hundred percent do this by myself. I don't if I want to do it with fourteen other people or with anybody else really just leave me me. Let me down there with the creepy stop that only exist in that ecosystem. You might be startled if you were not too familiar with the caves and coverage? Maybe startled learn just how many are still unexplored. There is a lot of stuff going on under the surface there. I, the point about unique ecosystems, is also fascinating. I'm I'm a big fan of keys
years ago. Ah, we all watched oh gosh. What was planet earth was that alone, at it alone, they they have. These two great episodes Miss Terry typical of me, but the two great episodes I really enjoy with one about the debts of the ocean, the abysmal, plain and ones about caverns cave ecosystems, because the fact of them is everything basically runs on the energy from the sun. We talked about it in that episode, where we ruined sunscreen Kay kind of do a little bit, because creatures that travel to and from Keynes become the foundation of the caverns ecosystem. Specifically guano or that's like the most amazing stuff. You see a lotta caves is fuelled by that. I end that's like that's how the sun's energy get in there,
without learning out too much about caves. This could so this experiment could also instructors. I'm how'd you handle the physiological psychological changes. Humans experience in submarines, she had brought it back. It was just a russian drinking. And you didn't, I knew you were expelled and with with this in mind where we want to hear from you folks, would you do this? Have you done something like what is the longest? You have been away from the concept of human time, as we understand it today at last, find fact here, you go to your point. No, I think a lot of people experienced some surprising shifts in their body cycles security. Rhythms the weak sleep device ratio during covert enduring the pandemic before the ad Vince,
of mere man made white electric light in particular, people did live and waken sleep following the patterns of the sun, but people also tended to practise what today is called Paul basic sleep, so that the ideal sleeping at an eight hour stretch, every twenty four hours is like a good ballpark. But for many reasons that doesn't that doesn't work for everybody in the back. In the day before people had electric lights, clocks, alot of folks, we sleep, unlike for our Ingram, then you'll wake up in the middle of the night and that's when you get up to the weird stuff. You know that's when you do things you didn't want the other people in your village to know about Gautier sad it you know cast some spells, sneak around and steal stuff and there's a good argument to be made
The concept of human time, as we understand it now, will prove to be somewhat of a fad. Thousands and thousands of years in the future, like a few, if you live on Mars in the future or if you live your further out somewhere, then what what good really is the calendar but is only what is your birthday at this When do you? When do you sleep when you are out of planet? That doesn't have what you understand as a twenty four hour day and even further, and the current concept of time becomes even less relevant when we consider how complicated it is to measure time while you're traveling right select, let's say you're traveling from earth to Another solar system for summaries- that was a good thing to do. The technology was, their Ella must really pitched you hard at dawn
what are somethings you're onboard? What good is that fuck it'll it'll count you know in your spaceship will be like okay. This is definitely five hundred and seventeen p dot m, and it's definitely Tuesday here on our spaceships, but that will not mean thing to the people of earth or the people were whatever destination rat shut out the interstellar. The way they play with gas exactly in it It's very interesting to me, because it feels like you'd only keep that around as a means of organizing everybody's actions and duties, right, That is the only reason why you would maintain time on a spaceship. Make sure that everybody who needs to be in the engineering, rumours in the engineering room, make sure that everyone gets to use the washing facilities separated out over time. That's real yeah, that's
you really think about their when you're, watching the folks and STAR Trek just hang out o the enterprise doing stuff in everybody's synchronized. You never really think any always does markka date and time. cast, our large sturdy, whatever is It is using a real system. There is that he's gonna made up within the law of the universe, Well, you know why you may concept. The time is relatively made up. You could on as it s a really good plan. I can ask you before we move and, if you think you know the biological stuff connected with it sign? Is more powerful, ass, powerful or less? then the way we interact with other people and our routines because, as we know like so much of how we mark time, has to do with how we interact with other people who are on the same time, standards we are so if we say one of the West Coast or overseas. It takes a few days to get up to speed with everyone else
who's been existing on that, let's call it, you know timetable or what have you worried us think about them? Yeah, I think am, I would say, why would we know there are two aspects to it? We know there is a biological circadian rhythm thing that we all have to some extent whether or not we stick to it. Kind of up to us. The hum. No, I certainly don't you do not sleep enough. I know several of us on the show do the same earnestly, That's right, I don't know how you feel do come hoof, but I would say the most beneficial thing for time and time keeping is to be in sync with one another year. I that's what I would say. No yeah time is a tent The agreed time is the way human.
As I understand it time and sort of a study on relationships right. It's time exists in context to these needs task. In these activities these interactions I would argue, you know freestyle here, but would argue biological time or the timetable that earth moves on without humans is more important because you could destroy all the clocks you could destroy all the clocks and methods of measuring time. The way we understand it and you would still see biological type, which cannot be east and you will also, I may be impossible to tell people nobody build watches. You will be arrested
have a sun dial that will never work. Poland- and you can obviously tell time by just the passage of the sun- is very it's very easy, but but what, if the sun say, was like blacked out what, if the sign of that would like being a web for all intents and purposes, do a lot of harm. If not completely eradicate life on earth are what, if we didn't have that and we lived in complete darkness for artificial light, and we had to do make benchmarks for ourselves. Lay how it. How do you think that would affect our minds when we have finished agree when this? it is. Obviously the constant here is that we, as human beings, need to sleep at some point. for some duration now hear your rights studies all about that's exciting thing going on here. As going to simply wool we'll have to ask. our fearless volunteers, when they emerge hopefully unscathed. This this is gonna be,
very important question. We also want to hear from you folks, as always do let us know conspiracy at Iheartradio, DOT, com or give us a call one thousand, eight hundred and thirty three s. data, be Whitey. K was the long You ve been away from human time. What did it do to you? Did you return The quorum pulled normal, or do you still sleep in lake were to our increments spread across this somewhat arbitrary. Twenty four hours then kidding it's not arbitrary, there's a logic to
What are we are going to pause for a word from our sponsor and we will return in time with another piece of strange news. The world is shaped by the voices we choose to listen to the leaders. We pay attention to the ideas we choose to embrace. What have we made the choice right now to create a new one, with better outcomes for more of us by listening to more voices? What have we made? The choice right now to design a future inspired by the diverse voices of a hundred amazing women. Women are speaking, listen to them, learn from them join us at Pee, Angie and choose equal right now for an equal future and now here equal introducing Senecas.
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the small story that win more applied and taken. You know as a whole. It's a huge story I being cryptic yes, it about mice story about my specifically in Australia, and they have had some real biblical issues in Australia over the past few years I mean they did, thank God they did such a good job eradicating coded super quickly. They seem to handle that really well, but then they obviously those terrible wildfires that were absolutely out of control, so they they needed a break with the covert thing so that it says ass. He, but now they have another one. That's barely been happening since October, and it is a an essentially biblically proportion plague of rodents, So. Why is this happening at a better level of a hard, I think,
are having a hard time kind of perfectly nailing a doubt, but it has to do with a significant drought, followed by a significant portion of rain rainy season that cause the mouse population to absolutely balloon, so essentially what's happening in the eastern part of Australia. Is there just seeing enough? thousands and thousands of miles. I saw an article that would describe it as like eight, since she had carpet of mice just moving as though it were one giant. You now organised like a hive mind- and this is happening specifically in. New South Wales, Australia, Southern Queensland, to the point where it's like people are just have all of these mice war stories. There was an account in the guardian from LISA.
or who lives in the fantastically named town of two wamba, and she said that they have had to strip the fabric off of their furniture, because smell so bad and when they did that they actually found a nest of baby mice inside the stuffing local officials are recommending everyone plug up any entry or exit point to their houses like in terms of like little. You know holes or crevices with steel wool, because these mice found ways to get in just about every way you could imagine there video. I have here from Matilda boldly it's a tweet hashtag mouse plague and it is absolute nightmare fuel, it's a shot of like one of those like office type. You know the concentric squares with the slots in between an you literally just see dozens of glinting eyes, peering at you from out of the darkness it is, it is terrifying stuff and
or at least so bad, in the same way that you know when covered here, we're having arts, I'm getting toilet paper and saint its iser or you know, of the various cleaning supplies now, traps are impossible to get in this part of Australia, and people are saying, the smell is actually unbearable. As these creatures hide in the walls and then they, die, and he said, is so difficult to find all the bodies. There is one report from a store owner saying that their catching between four hundred and five hundred in a week's time, and yet they literally like this grocery store owners. they have to get rid of five or six bins of groceries that their having to throw out each week.
And you're here sort of her explanation that that they think might be the case of why this explosion of the mouse population is happening after quite a few years of severe drought, which responsible for those wildfires in world new, South Wales and parts of Queensland, they had a bit of a rainy season that came and gave them a bumper crop, but with all of these new grains and vegetables came explosion of this mouse population. They started noticing it as far back as October, and it was literally just eat out waves in waves of these mice just taking over the land and issues gotten worse. There was a one report objectives for that same shop, owner saying that this is so far cost his business, thirty thousand dollars and in the same way, that covered ravage. So many
businesses. This is doing the same in the they're, not sure how they're gonna be able to continue with these kind of losses- and this is talking about after three months of this, this type of law and is affecting people's daily lives to their they're. Getting into people's cars, you now they're getting into people's homes in bedrooms, and just like you know, everywhere in urinating everywhere and, like I said dying in the walls, and you can google this an you you'll see just insane footage like. I said these things, falling into underneath the bottoms of cars into refrigerator, here's industrial equipment, things like that and its edge. I just don't know how to even deal with that and that there are some action from family saying you know we're making a kind of a family affair. We get the kids helping us create improvised traps, out of wine bottles in buckets, there's an account of
family, having drowned more than three hundred mice in a bucket adjusted just a kind of make a dent, and yet, with the absolute scale of this infestation, people don't think is making a link of difference yeah there's a there's really interesting thing going on here for a very long time. The island, slash continent of Australia, is a unique environment right like if you look at just the preponderance of marsupials animals that do not live anywhere else on the planet. You can see in very clear terms, How the arrival of the outside world alone, with all its accoutrements and living creatures, how I just how profoundly affected the natural, australian environment plagues like this or like this one in particular, I would argue, can occur because
the miser an invasive species, which means the ecosystem here has not has world a response write something that caused this off in. There was more food available, a bumper rob- means an unusually large harvest strike, so this causes the mice to get get. Myson earlier in the season than usual. But one thing that I think we should point out very important here. This is not the first mice plague Rodeo for Australia. They came. Mice came with Europeans in one thousand, seven hundred and eighty eight and they have had other plagues like ever since then, for the past few centuries, I think the biggest one at least before this was one thousand nine hundred and ninety three like the size of the plague, is accelerating
exactly ninety four, I believe was called the Gump. They have literally call it the mouse plague of them. Thank me before I just never really thought of the term mouse played before what, if that's something that you know part of your world, I guess there's no better way of referring to it, but you're right. Then, the government of New South Wales has been pretty unhelpful and they now citizens and store owners and been small businesses, etc. Have been asking to get relief in the form of whether its pesticides or or traps are more like analogue kind of methods just to help them. They are not so far coming to anyone's aid. Apparently there very wary equerry this guardian article of spending. What would essentially amount to tens of me means of dollars to try to wipe out this plague when they believe in this problem,
a more grounded in reality, belief than that of you know, Covid nineteen pairing with a change of season, and they believe that a cold snap or heavy of rain could wipe them out. Naturally, but you know, that's a lie people to bank on when they're they're, literally, you know having to kill hundreds of mice every day, and you have these pictures of like children, you know like making improvise mouse traps and holding up these meets these visa trophies I use me now. I had one situation. I lived in a house three temporarily when I first move to Atlanta, I was staying with a friend, and we mice in the walls and it smells atrocious and we d have a situation where we had one in a trap that was still half alive, we don't know what to do is like
wanna be humane and it so inherently inhumane, but I imagine allow gusher at the window and you're dealing with just literally thousands of amino Jia there. A couple problems here The first one is you can't really Do a Charlie day thing where you just go down in the basement with a mental Paul and you just bastion rodents right. Kids, you about how the right, but being is, because they're, so small and so fast there. So many these industries, tiny do that. What I am proposing. I want to see what is happening about this some kind of new vacuum system that incorporates cheese at the of the large mouthed hose that the cheese is a fixed at the end the large hose and its asylum vacuous. We very quiet and not signed by just quiet choir running so there in part is far away from where the actual hose and is, and then you just
vacuum, the mice into container safe, doesn't kill him, and then you can transport them to mice island. Now we can either bill. mice Island or we can decide this island is now mice, island, which We really doesn't matter. I feel like building. My silent could be cooler, you know No, no I'm, unlike my intense gazes, is need like thinking through a wondering if we can get this get this lock down with like Dyson or something before for someone screwed is your son of the Snake Island, that's dives, coming directly from dark holiday. I love it. I live, more, even cat island can island would be, would and then have a field day I mean I had an indoor outdoor cat fur for awhile the girl who had constantly bring little mice trophy Guenaud, serial killers,
laying kind of him leave them at my doorstep. So I know their game, furlough, mice, eradication and be an absolute field that I do want to point out too. That, like this, is a several fold problem because obviously these creatures can can cause the spread of disease, and They are a self rep trading system of ITALY because they breed, Sanely. Apparently female mice can breed from six weeks old and give birth to fifty baby mice or pups. A single year, so you know multiply that with the thousands already in existence. That's absolutely staggering! Yeah and its also stick legal rape from what I understand this league returns around every four years or so, and you know I know Mr definitely the quorum pullback guy antagonist and this situation, but they're just do
and what they evolved to do, and I Aren't you when the populace. reaches this kind of densely the miser miserable to growers, are resources, aren't short supply? A lot of them are gonna, be living very short, very brutal lives, but still the disease factor is the main thing for for the humans involved in, and it is called this like this pensive we're taking millions and millions of dollars. They damage its true damage to tiptoe crops. Property we're talking about like bales of hay, even that are being in stood by these mice and you know their urinating in and then the bales of hay, and there is some figure that has caused the farming industry, several millions of dollars already just in bales of her that have to be destroyed because you can't feed hey to cows, because it would kill them or would make them very sick right. So it's interesting actually
to your point about disease. That is in any of the reporting that I've seen. So I don't know if that's an ambitious as required. A longer time line to be able to a tribute or to track, but got hoping for that cold snap man. The story is only about three or four days old in terms of the press cycle press average. By, like we say it's been going on there being a since October, so that is just wild stuff. I don't know it's. It's scary. You darling You have to watch out for a limb. Is it lymphoid acidic, having lived acidic Yo Meningitis, similar does its foreign meningitis. That can be spread by these guys, but it is very rare, and also the symptoms. Their described in a guardian article, quoting Priscilla Stanley from the local health districts are, the symptoms are illegal. Had been de level on discomfitting and vague the one of the sentence that Stanley
points out is sore red eyes hey we're reporting this because it is a symptom, but I ve anybody who just add a panic. Look in the mirror. I promise you It's probably not related to mice plague. If you have survived Is there any number of other things that could explain that model? guy Our lack of sleep, you guys, can Can you imagine the the extra terrestrial highly intelligent species version of this conversation about humans? Oh, yes, I was, You think it about He can agree they can replicate. One or two more, every nine, eight to nine months, They just take over everything. There's the resources there filthy these diseases, they rule every ecosystem they interact with what it
sweating mention that mad, because we're talking a little bit off ere. I feel we mention this on this issue before, but there's a sigh fi author, named Adrian Tchaikovsky that I got really into recently who dies without spoiling his work. He has these fantastic novels that exist nor what would happen if there were, if another life form a wall to become like the evolved to fill the ecological niece of humanity right, they became sentience the Ravens, the Corbett's the the process and so on, and there is one I believe it is it's in the door. Even but there's wine there there's one exploration of what would happen to the planet, had a rude. It, like creature, evolved to become the code on human and its its disastrous because of
overpopulation, but Irish yeah sure when you consider humans a plague. If you were an extra terrestrial creature- and you saw them- you know hadn't here, moon on Jupiter or whatever you like, these guys, news? Totally enemy in humans are much more calculated. Lee bad news, the mice it's hard to blame them for just their biological. Paradise Ray I'm in humans, make some pretty dumb. Decisions were mentioned no better You know I'm with you, and this is the kind of thing to or it's like I'd, be fast You need to know what the very extreme animal rights. Folks think about this with their possess and be no, you can't kill the mice. You know, let him let him do their thing or would they even kind of understand and heard more at stake here? Then? The lives of the little by little guys. Man is where these one is a living thing that feels its violent.
watching six feet under merely really special wonderful show if anyone hasn't checked it out, but I'm news, Despoilers the character that comes up in a later season play by Rain Wilson friend of the pod castor. The network was a territory. Jim drivers and then to his character on radio rental. He plays an apprentice that joins the fishers in their their funeral home business, Fisher and sons, and he, Ruth, the mother, I gonna hit it off. One of them is the initially hit it off as they both say. The same thing Well, I would you have all living things, but mice deserve to die because they carry germs Asia. Brigham yeah, Four guys. I've been that from what I. stand on these plagues tender subside with the seasons right. You mentioned the cold weather earlier yap exactly and that certainly what the government is found-
Look, I understand that this hard decisions you have to make when you're a leader yet make the calculation of like. Is it worth it to spend the resources You know quail this thing now that only affects a certain portion of the population when we think or are pretty confident that something north natural going to come along and fix it without having to spend a dime or are you essentially being cruel and subjecting your citizens to a hellish existence by not step again, I don't know the answer that it seems to me a little irresponsible, because who knows when that cold snap will come. and who know now given the weirdness of weather- and Who knows when that super rainy seas we require will come given the drought conditions, so I just I don't know it seems pretty pretty irresponsible to me, while with with that relatively bleak story which will actually keep
an eye on were, went to hop, chewy, another commercial break and then we'll be back with one more piece of strange news. This episode is brought to you by Comcast because of confidence. Jeanne internet traffic has spiked, but Comcast is prepared. They ve created a powerful network with one simple purpose: to keep customers connected since twenty seventeen Comcast invested twelve billion dollars to grow and evolve a smart, reliable network, and now with Many of us working learning and entertaining at home. Their coverage has helped to millions of people stay connected when they need it most learned more at Comcast, DOT, com, slash network. Support for this podcast comes from mainline health home to Lincoln. Heart Institute, we're heart care is delivered human to human, resulting in go breakthroughs and tinier scars delivering options. And you ve run out of them. Thanks to the region, most trusted team of cardiologists who believe in the
the power of science and empathy. Treating you patient and a person with a problem to hear more than your heart, because what is hard care? If it's not human, learn more mainline health dot, Org, slash heart, hello. Welcome back wonderful! see me. Can you see me? hello Moussa, diameter video, effective Matt, going through the work. I I'm sorry, I don't call now, as is definitely gonna, be the Youtube just gear. Trying to give equality ideas for more the media. We ve already got somethin working with its Taco Bell and what was the name of that thing were discussing this: no longer there them may easily fees, Fiesta, potatoes, water, many items died, a new items died. Mexican pizza dogs, favorite was the Maxie melts from tax. Email is young.
Joe. You know that the chat I hope I just want to say that, yes, you fear, the potatoes came back, so there's hope yet, for these are extinct new items? Ah man and there stood out that she lupus Supreme. That's my time. Fair actually know the Gardena Supreme was my favorite. I love tat. I loved the confidence. You know what I mean the delight: the spur to put supreme in the title you know just sour cream. Man is sour supreme in some sultan stuff. Ok, so- We are going to talk a little bit about Epstein. Today we mention it at the top of this little bit. We're not gonna. Do that we're turn rather later. But when we are going to talk about is one specific instance of what happens when one person decides not to leave the house, we ve,
mention this before on the show a couple of times, I'm trying to think of the full context in which we discussed it, but the concept of evictions and the right it's that an individual or group has when they are living in a place. What changes a lot over, especially in the United States. It changes on a state by state basis there some rules that apply overall, but most of it is Gonna be handily, whichever stay you're living in now, I'm gonna red story to you from Fox to Detroit. This is the headline couple by Riverside, dream home, but seller risk uses to move out in eviction. Moratorium loophole, so they concept here. Is that just do the overall thing. Man, one owns a five hundred, and six thousand dollar house is a big really nice, five a thousand dollar house he
he calls up a real estate agent and says: hey man. I really need to sell my home really quickly. It needs to be at least five hundred and sixty thousand dollars, and I need to sell it in like two weeks. Let's do this. so real estate agent in Man number one put out add as you do or here's the information in this house. We need it so quickly, the other side. You ve got a couple, a younger couple that are trying to purchase a home. They identify this home realise that its worth more than that amount of money on the market. So they think all this is a great deal and by this house we're going to scrap together all the money get some loans make it happen right now. Let's do this I was in January of twenty twenty. I believe when that occurred January. Thirty first, that is the purchase date of, though that is when five hundred and sixty thousand dollars went into the bank account of person, one
the guy who owned the house and was living in the house now that occur and usually there's a contract if you're, buying or selling a home. If your renting you're moving anything like that, there's a contract that says when you are to move into this new purchase or this newly rented newly least home. In this case that date came and it went because in the couple arrive there to try and take over the new property the man decided he wasn't gonna leave. He says I know you you, you know paid for this house in train for all of these documents to you. It's all legal, it's all right now in everybody's got it, the banks are involve, everybody knows, there's a leak purchase here, but I'm not leaving and there's a of weirdness occurring here, because this was in early January of twenty Twond.
and we all remember that a couple of months from that point just licked, I think around a month and a half from them we all realised as a world that there was a pandemic going on and no He could really leave their homes at all. I dont see in this reporting exactly how that came into play here, at least from a timeline standpoint, but it is very, very odd to I urge that this could happen and like a sheriff or a police officer, would it be able to go to the house. Do the police knock on the door and then just saved get out get out. This entire house leave an apparently that that will not occur as it be has a squatters rights or something and understand. Why can't they do that, like the people get evicted all the time people's stuff gets thrown out into yards if they miss a rent payment there,
saying I mean weird like here hears here's a quote from the article from innovation attorney named Dennis Block. He says this person is not a tenant. It's a pretty! his owner, whose enjoying the benefits of the money that was transferred to his account. He doesn't want to move out of the premises that he no longer owns. He's just saying like that's: what's goin on here run so wearing two what's been written up here in this article there saying that they close escrow in January, twenty twenty and they ve contacted authorities. They ve been attempting for a long time now, this too, this person out, but they ve got nowhere in their saying it's like a covert tenet situation, the car have to wear. There's been a moratorium on evictions right places B, rightly so. It's been. It's been made a much more difficult to evict someone from home. If you are
the land owner and someone is renting that property. You can't just kick someone on the street Those people are having problems, making rent payments right now. Obviously, people are having well doing that wants John Oliver he's got a whole special on it. You look, all about it, but in this case that is not at all the situation, and it appears that that's what is occurring here. So it's kind of like just for comparison is the other two comparisons are no, which is helpful, but the easiest one is say you sell someone a car, and you say thanks for the cash An you drive away in the car, you saw them right and you still the garden and die. You just refused to hand over the keys, the other, less helpful comparison I would make just because I enjoy it is let's say: ah, let's see you go to talk of a bell and you pay for Maxie MELT and the person you pay takes the money
and then starts to eat it in front of you. That's why that's just cruel yeah, that's inhumane and it seems like This case, this person dispersed doesn't fall under. some are they shouldn't fall under some of those in pulls because it's not as if they are financially unable to acquire other accommodation right light they knew they were paid house level money which lets you do some some pretty big moves if you wish the idea, I do understand why that personally, guy you're right squatter rules, as is their commonly called. I dont know how they would apply, because some states have you. Some states have a big didn't statute right, a time when light.
fewer squatting, unknown abandoned property for insert number of years. Here, then you become consider like a legal occupant, others a path to that, but- you- and I want to be very careful that not to ascribe motive if I dont, if I'm just guessing order, call this person a terrible person. If we don't know their circumstances right, there may be some compelling issue which we have no idea what this situation is again. This is like a little fox report on this about, worse than you sold a home and won't leave of the show Peyton Fischer, who believe on that is a and eviction attorney in Brooklyn New York, and he has some very interesting and colorful sue characters in scenarios of all varieties that you know cross different kind of life.
draw legal kind of areas, sometimes ass. I would be interested to get his take on this because it is such an. Interesting grey area. I wonder if he's ever even heard of this this this idea he added It is definitely a word secure, well when I would just they didn't. I would say and maybe maybe maybe just like this very much. I think there needs to be a company like a private company that is kind of like a towing company. You know these two companies there will find out there's a there's, a car that's overdue, or something on the on the payments. For like three months, they can't low- hey the vehicle by then we'll have essentially private investigator, track down the vehicle in tow truck will go on real repo repo come every that. Thank you. Thank you for split in one word. Well, that's not me famous by Emilio S to this matter
read the weird where it was a very azure genre can ever be movie, repo man very strange, but by a classic. Interesting stuff was Let us not forget that the genetic opera, but but what I'm saying is there needs to be a company that is like that before, like a lawful alike. Innovation, where someone just won't leave where they ve got elaborate ruses where somebody comes to the front door and go puts on a show of some sort to get outside of the home than another person like sneaks out and, like you. this amount of the house and locked the door and the changes the watch really fast. There is potential for it because the recent carefully, from where I stand. Illegal owner of this house went and tried to fix. yard, and then the dude ran out and tore up the sprinklers sprinkler line. They had set down
this is definitely get off. My wine type, a dude so just get on the line, get a move on made him out like the mice yeah lock him in a place where he can't see for forty days and you ve got a full episode of stuff. They don't want you to know you. I have to say One thing that really stood out to me this man is that the deal, A journey you mention Dennis Block, says it's not unique in almost ten other examples of this plan. At the risk of sounding unemployed? That it feels like the most important thing to remember here is that these eviction moratoriums
written in a hurry, and they are very much necessary for a huge part of the. U S population, but this. This is very clearly not the spirit of the law as it was intended, and I don't think you have to have graduated from Harvard or Somethin to clock. That love the people who bought the home when all in you know what I mean this is they did not, as they say in gotta, see anything for the swim back and the poorest Who is to add insult to injury, petty insult to injury, apparently, person who is concerned going to live in the home. They sold there not taking care So imagine you spent thou like yours. for years and years and years, and you have basically paid for a very expensive piece of sadistic performance art where somebody makes you watch then ruin your.
Smells like this. In the end you paid much more than you will have a million dollars were Maxima. I know more about this. Person's has a good bit of a sociopath Who knows again? Who knows what's going on their right, but again I'm ready. Start that company if anybody out there listening, watched and I will, if you're a heavy like you'd, whoever you are you'd have play, the heavy probably but I can, I can dance around on law and make a nuisance. I can play that other part. Just let me know what about you. Ve heard of him rob everywhere right. They be lonely for this tower yeah. That's with that Why we contact just it just to immediately its improv everywhere is a a really fun and smart optimistic approach to the generation of fake crowds and its view.
you like it is incredibly easy to do so. You can you know, I don't think of it like a government manufacturing a protest is much easier than that. All you have to do is I owe you have to do is like get on the right forum. Tell people to show up if you depends on how honest wanna be with the people to in this company. Man, like you, could just say your casting extras for a film. That's what one bank robber did something like that cast extras. Had everybody show up in the same costume as the bank robber was wearing and then just proof Keyser Souci into the crowd? Brilliant, don't do it legally co sign that by the year this this is this. Is it problem like no. I want to know more about the person in the house the reason that they cannot leave. You know
in there I imagine their spending that money on something right. It was a thirty thousand dollar tax, leaning on the property, but are they like? Is there perhaps some sort of physical? go condition right and I dont know. I was wondering how to manage a really good point. Perhaps the person is unable to leave for some reason and it's not just a wilful disregard for the contract painted into apparently is in his ironclad, as one might think. I did pass this on to a friend of the show and tenant lawyer, Peyton Fisher and hopefully will have some word back by the next episode proudly can do a follow up. My right sounds good. Will firm for me guys if you Like any of the stories we talked about it ain't, you want to discuss them further. You want to add your own personal experience and just get us up into where you are now you can reach out, Yes, you can find us anywhere. We are all over social media.
twitter and Facebook. We are conspiracy, stuff and uninstall. When we are conspiracy, stuff show on Facebook, you can find here's where it gets easy. That's our our show page which, by the way, as we ve been getting an increased number of these fake facebook provocations about our page and violations watch out the real ones. How about about content being removed? Does our real? Now no it's about shutting down. You gonna shut down all this stuff. Click on a link be careful out there if you're, getting those too is now real, ailing most of them. If you say well, that is a great argument for not using social media in general. Right I spend my deep time differently. Then you can give us a call. Tell us about telescope. Mace plagues, tell us about other plagues teller.
what you think we should do in episode and water rights. I think that's fascinating, I'm and tell us whether you would participate in a crazy deep time, isolation, experiment! You can tell us directly just cause it's one. Eight three, three std doubly Whitey K. You have three minutes, nay, belong to you do with them as will we do like to recommend if you, if you like kind of stumbling, stressed about that three minute time limit we, you do have a helpful structure. Tell us your name or nicknamed prefer whether we weaklings your name on air. Tell us your mind in there's something you want to just send us personally. That's fine seen that for the end, most importantly, if three It is not enough time. Do not edit, do not sensor yourself right to us and tell us the whole story. You can do that very easy the our girl fashioned email address where real conspiracy it
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Transcript generated on 2021-03-30.