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Strange News: Cheer Mom Makes Deep Fakes, North Korea Ghosts the US, Texas Rangers Promise to Stop Hypnotizing People

2021-03-22 | 🔗

A Cheer Mom creates deep fake photos in a revenge scheme targeting her daughter's rivals. The government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) ghosts the US, refusing the new President's attempts to contact them. Over in the US, the Texas Rangers promise to stop hypnotizing people -- in other news, Texas law enforcement has been hypnotizing people for about 40 years. All this and more in this week's Strange News.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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From you at those two psychic powers and government conspiracies history, is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn stop they don't want you to know a production of. I hope we hello, welcome back to the show. My name is meant to my name is no, they call me dead, we're joint, as always with our super producer, relaxed his coat aim: Doc, holiday Jackson. Most importantly, you or you you are here, and that makes this stuff. They don't want you to know it's the top of the week, which means time. For strange news, we are seeing a story. This kind of black mirror meets
get on, I think we're like keeping up with the car dashi. Initially, please we're we're travel into one of one of the areas in the world, I don't know about you, but fascinates me, the most, no big spoilers and we ve got a mesmerizing story from axis. Where really really rights I saw. Where should we begin I gotta tell you know I really like the store you brought, because it touches on em it is on a trend that we kind of predicted, but in a really messed up way. Don't you, I am in the most messed up way. I mean, let's just start with, like you look, so the idea of deep vague, We have seen the video of Tom Cruise like doing a magic trick with Narrowly Tom Cruise, for we are locked up I'm crews related deep, vague videos. Then the first one that I saw there was like
most mind. Boggling rousing, oh god. This is a thing. That's gonna have legs was it was like an appearance by bill. Haider on late show and his face as he is. He starts- do an impression of Tom Cruise until the sun. meaning toggery his face starts to more from the Tom cruise as he's doing the voice, and it's just uncanny but but not uncanny Valley? That's the point of view. It is a little bit, but it's like you get definitely has the feel of being pretty authentic, and if you can tell there's something a little off about it, now with all these filters like on snapshot and Instagram, where Can you know smooth out all the wrinkles on your face are like make yourself look like a magical pigs. here, subpoena that's more like in reality, but this story to blur the line between in reality, and these deep vague very So there's now, like apps, used to be tat. It had to be you have a really know you were doing immense processing power to do these defect? Videos
now. You can literally get these like face. Swap app, sir. You know one where you can make your face appear on a character from a movie just by uploading. The different components are picking from a pool of available clips or whatever and you know we ve been talking from the start about how does this effect trust What you see in the news in the news already having been kind of maligned and given this bad rap, but now it is seeing really believing. I think we all know that there can be a very dicey question, but it seems like the first story that he any of us have seen this really kind of becoming? Oh god, this is really could be a problem. It didn't come from where we thought would. Maybe I would would have been may be trying to smear politician or you know, a celebrity or some kind of blackmail means creating these fake videos, but it turns out there was from it absolutely unhinged I believe, is referred to as cheer mom.
So a mom like a dance mom, you know is kind of a psycho helicopter stage, parent for dance. As the US cheer bombs, or that very same thing for cheerleaders. in this particular cheer. Mom in question is roughly Alice bone, great name from Doyle's, town, Pennsylvania and she's. Fifty years old, she devil no better surprise you got hold of. However. How average did this unclear by like Ed now has been much more apple five, so what she did was in order to smear, or you now have objected from the cheer squad, her daughter, two like rival cheerleaders, cannot imagine what that would consist of re like maintaining get along. Maybe I don't know who knows maybe they were out shining her daughter in some way unclear, but she
using something some kind of deep, fake aperture technology ribby she hired someone to do it took these two young women, and so imposed their faces social media videos on to other bodies. that were smoking. The apes raping Some of them were nude and some of them were drinking. So there's one video of the vapouringly you can see and the reason you can see it is because One of the young women actually came forward named Mattie Haim. Who was sixteen? This happened about it you're a girl or a little less than a year ago, now just now kind of coming out and hitting the press, but she was She appeared on good morning America and told the story of literally seeing this video that was tech, did not only to her and her parents, but to the coach directly.
Also with veiled suggestions that she kill herself out of shame at like this? I don't know to save face or some right, so you know like hurry carry yourself because you ve brought shame on your family, but to hear this, this young woman, Mattie High can react to this ongoing one good morning, America she's literally like I'm seeing this video- and I know it's not me, but it is me and out of it, no one's gonna. Believe me, she genuinely concerned and in really her mom did believe her and told her. She would the police- and they did call the police and the actual text of the number back closure of the text of the number back and got an auto reply indicating that it was some kind of spoof spoofing system. I gotta Gub led tell him, here's my used to send auto texts for ads or whatever or to be no mask a number, so they
Do it out of college a robot call, the police were able to trace it back to the IP address of Rafi Alice Bone and she's in a lot of trouble. I believe she's been charged with Something in the neighbourhood of like menacing may now be youths like corrupted, No, like I love tat, was something away. Look like she's she's got three counts. labour harassment and, sadly, the child. I get met menacing youths, a k, a misdemeanours, cyber harassment of its idea. What are the misdemeanours? No child pornography, though Korea, a better way to still be stopping charged with depictions of abuse. children are you know under age as stuff like that, like its is to a very
weird area which is going to be, I think, increasingly disturbing and important as the months and years continue, which is if she is making things depicting these children Nude, then does she fall under various sex offender laws right or does she fought under those? You know the various laws that are specifically meant to combat that kind of that kind of imagery. I don't. I don't see her being charged with that right now. Three counts of harassment. Cyber harass
menacing a child to misdemeanours, but I think this is, I think, you're right, I'm so have traced back. Nor couple things to address, I think you're. I think you're right. This is something that, as the technologies democratized is just going to become more and more common, and I wonder like what becomes what becomes the mark of authenticity is? you're, like a watermark that people have or some equivalent of that a pixel alone. Oh yeah, three legged, especially when it comes to like it. No with this as well, but things like official news, I'm in so many such footage is released whether it's like this, if atm footing. Sure that's, like you know, blurry in the first place, and so it's already kind of compromise and little dicey. Inv injuries This angle into it. In that kind of you know, Low, rather, quality of the kind of footage that'll get broken is breaking news. You know.
they can be even more misleading, so there absolutely has to be some sort of chain of custody. Maybe we do through the blockchain, a guy's about that needles, more rain forests, I'm kidding it's don't? I'm only just answer to realise how dangerous blockchain technology as in hell horrible for the environment as every one of these labelling. There are ways that it does verify ownership and authenticity and chain of custody, but there's gotta be something like that how are you can genuinely? No, the footage you're, seeing as other authentic it's an origin, Nino Watermark, what you said from when it was initially created, the canopy bad how about that looks like, and surely there be a way around that too? But yeah I believe this woman, I'm in this looks like a real piece of work and her mammy. Not amongst the most flattering. Just anyway, but she is just like a dead. I'd Leaped very severe, looking woman idle and
I see darkness in her eyes was just put it that way. I feel you like hesitant sir. I I don't like the exploitative nature of a lot of mug shot stories. I would call them why, from what I understand, the circumstances of events are pretty crazy. Philly inquirer has one person saying ah the pair of one person saying this harassment began because he and his spouse told their diet. not to hang out with spawns daughter and that they We are concerned about this kid's, this other kids behaviour and then mom kind of like weeks from cold war to nuclear. level harassment. How did she know? How did you think this was gonna play out? How Would you legitimately think you would not get caught doing something like
what I mean unclear, as I think I have mentioned the show before you to channel that I really like called internet today, and they do the segment each week. weekly weird news, and they did it a segment on this and lovers guys, but they they may joke they well should only used express Vps. You know she might have got away with it because they know they did ultimately trace it back to your ip address. So I'll bet. I mean I think it's likely she could have gotten away with it. If they haven't been able to trace She tried to cover certain tracks by using this phone spoof it's a pretty elaborate to do but her lawyer does say she denies it unequivocally and that you receiving death threats and is trying to pay? Her is the victim? which is where lawyers do so. Obviously you know obviously innocent until proven guilty, but it doesn't doesn't bode? Well, the facts do not smoke, hear him feel em like there's, probably some fine tuning this one. I want to bring up she. She absolutely.
Is innocent until proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's guilty or she pleads guilty in a court of law right so I just want to bring up a counterpoint in. I know it's uncomfortable in I don't know I dont know how to have this conversation without being told them victim, blaming, maybe or something, but you tell me, you guys theirs there is a possibility that some the images were real and the, girls, were very embarrassed they were being released in again says me: painting, withdrawing a pig. Honourable, nothing. Donald early anything got it just saying like if I, if I was putting my of their position in some embarrassing photos came out of me, while I was in especially in high school in the time when Europe's reputation means so much when you're Have you taken level? Is One of the things that keeps you in the thing you love in this case cheerleading or you know my case
Herb Theatre whatever, but some imagining. If images like that came out, it could be really damaging to me. Right so what's the it mean that base area there could be a sinner, Aware small, more of those images were real, and you know somebody was putting them out, putting those images out and for you know, for whatever reason, but it was coming that same ip address, so how did the detectives then analyze it because they are the ones who ultimately said that these were deep fix. I M M I suppose I dont know what the actual analysis was. What it looks like in what those conclusions like were how how tight those conclusions are. Maybe are completely? Like guess, one hundred percent the are all defect, and they came from this ip address now natty. They know the detective I think these are all valid points and I think it's not like drinking,
or you know, entering into sexual, activity or raping is like some outlandish. You now cancel worthy behaviour. from, like you, know, teenage girls. It is certainly a real thing invading and drink, underage drinking all that is. This is absolutely rife in high schools. you're right it is. It is a question of one's reputation, They mean that articles. The reporting that I've seen on it is only a handful of places Slovenia C is actually the daily mail picked. It up, of course, insist as a guide sexy headline they picked up on the story when, when high, when on television so than you have won from Fox NEWS and one from a b c and the you know, the original reporting came from.
Adele fewer, but yea. It does say that the investigators determined that the videos or deep figs using images from the girls social media accounts yeah so again if you ve got the original and then the defect in your actually analyzing the you photos and you can determine that. Yes, one hundred percent, this was re, used right, yachting, it's just For me, it feels like to Florida man thing right where it's me you just at that early that early. statement that this person is accused essentially of this thing and now those laws are tremendously classes like the legislation is going to have to be. Changed our eyes extensively as we enter this new era. I do want to shout out a really clever thing that I learned about four for differentiating between deep fates and the real Mccoy peoples,
say the Real Mccoy, the genuine article. You know you, never you bring in a back then thinks fit well. We'll see was the there's a thing called fake catcher, which is a tool that has in piracy rate of a little bit over ninety percent with telling what a video. I is fake or is only actual article. It purports to be a name. you this speech by measuring a subtle difference in skin tone, which is caused by get this the human heart be so every time your heart beat you skin changes color just a little bit as really freaky. If we just if someone's listening, It is in their look in the mirror we might just messed with their day. Oh yeah, do you remember the Tec we talked about before I think it was taxes or baby monitors. There was specifically using that any two: they could alert if you
Child was in danger, especially women. In the very early months of you know, bringing a new baby home. It was using a camera think infrared, maybe not every, but to be able to he just below the skin, to see that pulse just to make sure you always monitor a child was, you know, the heart was beating, and that sounds weird and we are, but I can imagine using that. For the same reason, little more info on the nudes coding quote: Nudes the district attorney for Bertie County Weintraub as his last name and has been Matthew Weintraub. He said that the news were quote somewhat imprecise in the videos, the victims who it was clearly originally videos or images of the victims in bikinis,
where then digitally removed and overlaid with still skin toned bars, which absolutely what triggered you're apple, you're talkin about their ban so yeah, he says quote it would have, it would seem intent was to make it appear, nude with no obvious genitalia described it as a Barbie doll, like effect and the intense was Jews slut. Shame quote this is this is his words the victims. He said, add that the reason that she was not given more serious charges was because it wasn't it like kind, was a botched job ends, and I'm not no child pornography. Are you now sexual exploitation of minors are or what have you, because just so blatantly bad and an obvious scenario dollars she,
I urge that bullet. Then he ought I mean, I'm still so she could get six months by very unlikely this baby. This is just the terrible story for the kids involved. I think totally was, I was afraid you bring it on. Is that cheerleading movie rice, mainly due to the right one? So I believe, is a couples equals do but yeah, that's the one with the eye. What's your name from in an interview with a vampire, I was still together as a little at the idea of Europe as a compliment totally. so great in the Fargo TV series, I believe, season to tip of the iceberg for this stuff, No really think of it. If a cheer mom could do this using an app or whatever I mean think of what people with really advanced technology could do to turn to ruin people reputations, but I guess it's good that all kinds of collectively aware of this stuff,
and started off. So innocuous is like a cute little internet trick, but now, Rita you really starting to see that the true dark side of it- and I can only go downhill from here like question- is how often has the ready habit, show you what I mean right as the next question: an article in the Washington Post. Actually that's profile this very early on. and had a fascinating quote from a universe. Virginia law. Professor named Daniele Citron, whose area of researchers in digital harassment, free speech and privacy. and made the green and flow is to say the first place of this problem. Pop up as in porn right, so you like fakes elaborate. porn. That was always like a thing with late Photoshop always
blatantly obvious see now, but this sum professor noted that the deep, deep, fake sex videos are becoming a thing, whether it's too, you now target individuals or to try to blackmail them or potentially fur Blake. The purposes of entertainment, men are getting better and better, as well as with the comment as an end and there's a quote here from this researcher, saying quote: it's like an arms race pretty soon the dark. Hats are ahead of the White hats and we can't tell which is real. So that's that's gonna were at their head and then also noted the fact that it's gotten very user friendly their Youtube tutorials rapid there are phone based apps, the barrier for entry, for this kind of stuff is, is lower than has ever been and just can keep getting lower. So Don't you get an eye on bananas?
Really trust your eyes when they're on it that's right. What we need is some sassy justice. Hopefully a they'll come or else you gap for sure. So, Let's take a quick break, and here we have more sponsor and then come back with some more strange news. This episode of stuff they don't want. You to know is brought to you by file. Hey, do you love a tv, but you hate paying a giant, cable Well, guess what fire low is the thing for you follow for just one. dollars a month is live and on demand all your favorite channels. All your favorite content in one place you. Don't need a hassle would like twenty different apps. I don't know about you guys, but as it as a cord cut her myself, all these different apps can drive me crazy, we're a golden age of television.
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for those of you new to the party here, discussed extensively, nor Korea is interesting. in nuclear technology nuclear weapons? We discussed a lot of their practices, passed some of the horrific things that have gone gone on their from stories of people who have escaped also just the the fast mating polluting oh and socio economic situation of everyday citizens. They're in the dvr Kay the democratically the Republic of Korea and in this case we had a changing of the guard and the? U S right when, when President Joe Biden stepped in President Trump stepped out and generally with with any country. Well again, like in college. I just want to talk with you about. I want to hear you talk about it, but I'll put it in my understanding, general
You wanna have touch base with your friend. Andrew enemies when you ve got a changing of the guard like that and My understanding is that the United States, since February has been attempting to make direct direct contact we have Kim Jong Moon or the top levels of the government there in the deep e r k, Those email, essentially have gone unanswered or the calls, or whoever else there attempting to contact the government there we'll just read a little bit from this article saying that Washington or over the folks there in Washington, have been attempting to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating because tensions, are certainly up. There were several it. with the previous administration of the? U S to lower those attentions. What is
like those efforts were not as successful as they could have been a middling success there for getting from four billion and a hum at least according to the BBC. They fail. The talks failed to persuade North Korea to give up the concept or the to build nuclear weaponry, This case it's two further refine. Uranium and radioactive materials, The other thing in this one's a little confusing for me, because I'm reading of red several articles for this BBC is saying that the deeper Kay has failed to recognize Biden as the president or binds the new in it, illustration essentially, is that your understanding, then yeah yeah, dad mean a year as a foreign power you're under no real obligation to play nice allotted this stuff. I could be best described is like
polite rules of international society. Just like you said that call the person can grant Let them you know what I mean even feel. Particularly care for them or care for what their country represents to you. But we have to understand. There is a time of precedent going into this ghosting of a president. First first, yet North Korea, as the current and I'll say at the regime, I is their big fans of the Trump administration, because the trumpet
ministrations, was granting some legitimacy that the DPRK did not historically have in in the west, and if you go back to just a few months ago, well know if you go back to like two thousand and nineteen, I keep forgetting twenty slash. Twenty also happens. If you go back to twenty nineteen you'll see that north korean official press had like CALL Joe Biden, rabid dog, said, whose power hungry and that he should be beaten to death. This is all on record. He would he was That Kim Jong only is equal. Murderous dictator they're, not friends as tromp, who is pretty much complimentary. Unity very much clearly at a kindred attitude that it took two to the dictator, for obvious reasons: buddy That must have been interesting, though been euralia get it. It is, but it is sort of like formality. Zella gets the law,
is it me ale alienating sure how much more alienated could we get from this regime, but as sure as an interesting escalation. Right yeah I mean a match, your point lake. It is kind of unconventional, I would say, for these countries not to be speaking to one another by its unforced, like I'm conventional in that country's, usually do speak to one another through some kind of channel right, some kind of diplomacy, even if its back door, but the issue here is that if you look at it through the north korean perspective, I would say we have to understand first, ah, things were pretty rough and probably from what we know. Things are pretty rough on the ground. The average north korean and a lot of the stuff reported both by the country and by its opponents, is
Is it straight? A propaganda is no way around. The waters on Monday. I will stop TED talk after this, but this is a question in something that I dont think were hearing a lot when this report in the west, let's say you Matt, Frederick, through a very bizarre set of sir, stances inherit the leadership of North Korea. There were some stuff going on Twenty three me explained it, and now you are in charge of the democratic People's Republic of North Korea. I, like that old, John John Goodman Movie, Duke of Earl, or something
that does not just read the whig Eolid, like oyster, urine charge. You are in charge of the democratic People's Republic of Korea. You are getting a time of pressure from coalitions western states telling you to step away from this nuclear weapons programme. That's like that's the main thing the West tells you about every day. And you know, they also were hanging out very close in south korea- doing tons of drill with the: U S, military and other powers that seem to be entirely Dick towards us and our goals yet, and then you think well, their offering me some pretty cool carrots right in the carrot and stick idea. Their offer me some pretty cool carrots to say yes, get rid of this this testing.
Site that I have and get rid of the icy be items that I built up, but wait. You start thinking, maybe oh you're in this you're, like the number one adviser you you're, the smart guy smart guy, the room here and you go hang on. Why happened to all those other countries that peacefully step away from their nuclear programmes. Ah a rock not do and super superhero. Who stay Libya, Gaddafi, also didn't have a particularly happy ending. So the idea here, if you, if you're mad now and if you're, not divide The idea is that I is North Korea, no, the! U S,
Have the number one goal of removing my ability to have nuclear weapons eat? No matter what you want to call it I'll try to remove that ability and if I help them, if I agree if I comply, then history show me to very recent examples of just how terrible the outcome will be. So what do you say met at that point now now the new president? U S has been elected? This guy dragged you through the press for years. This is my response. We do appreciate your comments the United States is most certainly our biggest enemy, though I am not opposed to diplomats. Maneuvers moving forward. There could be something we could work out, though you would have to make
First move United States, because you know where we're here or North Korea and we're just. We need you to show us that you mean business and then maybe we can do something, but any interim book don't do anything, here's what I need- and this is what we're gonna do just until you make the first move, we're gonna build longer range, better missiles, we're gonna, build hypersonic missiles. We're gonna build some satellites. Eureka we're gonna, do some solid fuel, intercontinental ballistic missile work, Dorias cool, we're, make some new nuclear warheads? New girl, yet were also gonna build some tactical nukes and also some, U Avis, a brand new you av. They can you do all kinds of fun stuff force. So that's what we're going to be doing you decide what you action you actually want to take in order to reduce the tensions here and then we can talk man not quite sure how to feel about this. It scare you trivial, scared a little bit just enough, but especially if
in South Korea or you're in a within a certain radius, DV archaic. They can hit ask her, maybe maybe California, the was song fourteen can probably mispronouncing, but that's the ice. That's the latest icy began. I think the jet they just right like twenty seventeen? There were revealed begin. Of course you gonna say that way and then, Also in this conversation at some point, although it hasn't been widely reported yet boom, China has entered the chair. Because China very much once North Korea to remain as a buffer state right between South Korea to lessen the possible influence with Japan, etc, etc. So at some point, the president's in the? U S, whoever that president might be Biden currently halls China. They have
they're like hey, why is your boy on radio silence in China. You know that the government of China who knows they do have led approach. They say, oh whatever you talked about that. That's strange came always answers the fallen for me. Can you think of anything you might have done? Who knows who those ban will listen, listen to the rhetoric when when Joe Biden was on the campaign trail, he would often, whenever asked a question, you know about tensions, in North Korea or about dictators? There kinds of questions are weakened allowed at him and he would always respond now. Always he would often respond by refer. two Kim Jong as a thug and other Authoritarian people, ass thugs This is a quote from Joe Biden the day,
of closing up to dictators, are over clearly and were in response. previous administration, in the views that that administration was, you know how to add a different relationship with leaders such as Kim Giant and, I believe, I believe North Korea has referred to Joe Biden as a quote: rabid dog, yeah yeah, that's correct them. Spiten words and they went on someone, I believe, an assurance. I think he was maybe just someone representing the deeper K. One of the one of them said that he should be beaten to death with a stick. Yes washing imposed reported that to it here, yeah yeah and again legged deep, your key as consistently referred to the United States as their biggest rival their biggest enemy. The quote, foremost
principal enemy. In anything we could do. to lessen the tension there, an like legitimately mm, be in some way, actually get proper things that this? The civilians there need, I mean we ve, won't we'll talk It has many times we have to, but there are people in genuine with genuine concerns that are in need. They live in GPS, ok, who are humans. Just people like you and me, and of their living it they can't help for their living in their regime because I ve learned that, when one attempts to obtain to get away there major issues and we ve reported on some of those here and we ve also been seeing it for four decades. Yeah yeah is still the problem. The problem, Is generational punishment? You know
meaning that, if someone does something that violates law, North Korea are their relatives can also be punished, may be sent to detain the cap or even even executed when people leave North Korea attempt to defects when they goethe. China, there is a huge likelihood of huge possibility of these people being trafficked being sold into marriage are being caught by the chinese authorities who do not consider them refugees I consider them what are called illegal: illegal economic migrants and they'll just be returned to their home country, where of course, they violate any number of laws by defecting these. These are huge issues and one thing that is crucial to remember: is, whenever your hearing a story about a government, that's doing things
the world order disagrees with the people who live in? That country often have very little very low. decision making ability right like nor three is not. Checking with everybody lives in North Korea about what the next policies should be there, there's tremendous food insecurity, the international sphere or of nations, still does really know how hard covered hit the country that was already in a very tenuous existence, China probably has a lot of information on this, but why release it? You know it's it's terrible, because the needs literally being used as a buffer international bargaining chip- and this is this- is a very old game. It's a game. Countries applied for a long time. We're gonna keep our eyes and ears on it, and you know it.
you hear anything, please write to us call us whatever you got to do, will tell you how to do that at the end of this, but for now we're going to take a quick word from our sponsor we'll be right back with more strange news, and you aren't gonna believe this one. You sell stuff online you're in the right business with more people shopping online chances. Are your handling more orders than ever. That's why you need ship station The station makes managing in shipping orders so easy, simply import orders from any sales channel access, discounted rates to ship with any carrier and automate just about any shipping task. You'll spend a lot less time on shipping, so you can focus on growing your business with ships station. You can manage all your orders and one interface from anywhere, even your phone ship with all your carriers, Including- U S, p S, bed, acts a new PS and with access to discounts, usually reserved for fortune five hundred companies finding the best shipping solution for you and your customer is easy. Every time ship more
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and we have returned longtime listeners, you know that I struggled every week to pick simply one story, because once upon a time in the predecessor to this segment, I was doing three stories every day, ice and snow, it's going to get an opposite problem, I'm glad you're. Ok, after that, that's a lot less of the orange is maybe ok. Who was the bother being ok, it's twenty twenty one passing headway. I went past One story that I really enjoyed, which is the world's first unmanned soup Sonic fighter, I looked to the news about the etiquette thereof mechanism right. That news is pretty much out there now and it should be easy to find they ve been yeah that that the fastest unmanned thing is that worry from popular mechanics about Bree, using the s our seventy one engines in in like
an unmanned vehicle. I thought it I India Times, ok, but Imagine what would be reported in popular mechanics is right up there alley. I guess we're were entering the age of supersonic. I'm mad. I gave my dog must be eating, something she showed me. But yes, that's awesome, say I dont want to make that that sound, true interesting, because I want to shoot us in the audio foot here. Ah, it a great it's great stories. Fastenings holders being you should read about it, but instead instead of supersonic, man jets. It is time to make the official announcement folks, Texas Rangers have said that they will stop trying to hypnotize people in Other NEWS, Texas Rangers, have apparently been hypnotizing asian turn of people from more than for decades.
We were there like charming southern drawl, or are they going about this? No, they ve got Chuck Norris. These roll around me just gonna put his she's down really slowly. Chuck, isn't around. They use me quite prestigious Texas, Ranger, badges and then just look into the rotation of the badge I gotta get were asleep sleeping who kill J F K, I knew I know it's only your a crazy story goes, but it is true. I did not I was not aware tat hypnosis was being used this this frequently by the Rangers. Specifically, I end an odd bit of synchronicity. I believe somebody has also posted this. I'm here's where it gets crazy, which is rated
but rarely by us as the absolute best page on all of Facebook, here's where habit so since at least the start of the nineteen eighties, maybe a little before then the tax system men of public safety, which overseas the highway patrol and the Rangers has has been using hypnosis techniques to get statements from victims and eye witnesses. If have used this technique according to the dolls morning, news at least eighteen hundred too, times over the last forty years, and this this kind of hypnosis is not the idea we ve talked about this in the past is not the stereotypical, ha ha
but like a chicken swap like a chicken or whatever, were you know, you'll hear this magic word and then you'll moon people, or anything like that. This is meant to give to help people mentally regress through memories so that they can have more clarity of what they saw witnessed. Exe he had so late if this stuff works than the idea would be less some someone has witnessed a carjack right and they say: ok, we're going to put you wonder and we're going to use these hypnotic techniques to help. You fully remember what you saw so now, you're just not say it was a dude in a red shirt, you're able to say it was due in a red polo whose wearing blue gene I had a had on this later regression hypnosis sir, what now? Yes, if not,
aggression is this. Is this is blowing my mind when I didn't I don't think anyone, I don't think any law enforcement agency would be using this generally. It's you know controversial even in- let alone for like Eyeball witness accounts right because the yes Natasha, sleep unreliable. So there is some. There is some solid science to hypnosis there's really dangerous thing with this kind of with this kind of approach and the in its this if you are listening and you are human beings in every time. You remember something you're, not remembering that actual events every time after the first time you remember it- Instead, you are remembering the last time you remembered thinking about this thing
and your memory will be affected by smells sites sounds sensations, even temperatures. all the stuff in your environment that let you countering in real time, while you remembering something in the past, so it is very easy. for new memories to be created and you as the person experiencing these memories, will not be able to differentiate between those memories and the real what's like in in a way. This is all helpful Google is this in a way this is like a predecessor to the deep fake of the digital age, You don't need technology to do it. You just need a calm voice in a relaxed environment. Someone who will go with you for the ride.
This is nothing the rangers you're doing this at all there not like purposely trying to implant ideas or distort recollections, but its very, very easy to accidentally. Do that and that's where it gets dangerous, also its controversial but Matt raised and good question which is he said you know I don't. I don't always pay I'll picture law enforcement doing this kind of stuff, but we know that law enforcement- been taken in by very unorthodox ideas or claims in the past lake, so called psychic. Detect is right which we should do in episode. I imagine we are that we have actually the wherever we when we When we made the show about the Atlanta missing murdered, we were so surprised to see actual news reports of land in a pity and a couple other police departments using the psychic detectives or psychics to help them
locate people really remote remote. Viewing type things like the fifth to find bodies are all that essentially to locate remains the gave a strong image. bridge, there's running water. There's a sigh I see aside. It starts with a bad, but did didn't waiting Williams surf the guy? Actually, that's how it works. Cuz! There's a lot of cold reading evolved there, but law enforcement past week and emphasize this enough in Erie. The way it's supposed to work, Is that one forced my ass to evaluate in value? all citizens, like reports, so is often not them. sincerely going out in finding a psychic air someone who claims to be a psychic. Instead, it somebody proactively calling them and say I know what happened because
I have information about this and that they have to say: ok will tell us, because otherwise, really doing your job are you I don't I didn't notice before, but at least twenty one states have banned evidence in court if its cleans entirely through hypnosis. They are no longer going to let you play. He said she said with your past. Self, basically makes complete sense, do. We have any understanding of the people who actually administering this, where they bringing people in to run. Hypnosis sessions or were they were there? actual officers. Doing this are somebody in the Rangers how does it work is there, was a programme that was there's this programme that was based on the work of an LAPD,
psychologists, name, Martin Riser in eighteen eighty, he wrote a book called the handbook of investigative hypnosis, and this is one of the vessel in the bed rocks of that programme in Texas and pictures would be using these techniques, so they would be trained. At least in this regard, there have yeah, I think, not quite nine hundred police have been certified by the State of Texas in this investigative, hypnosis in other words in this year, it is. It is a lot but to be fair. We also don't know how many of those eight hundred seventy four people are still performing this stuff or how many of them just took the course and then said, okay. Well, I had that box check the often now I don't have to ever worry about this again
I'm here is this something that pops up and other law enforcement agencies Simeon I've. Always probably because of Walker, Texas, Ranger assigned a bit of a mystical vibe too, like the Texas Rangers, but now turn the fuel little more. Like a jedi, then like a detective, and I mean yeah, it's still- I mean it's still been used by some police agencies or law enforcement outfits. I should say as well as some intelligence agencies, but it's like you know. I think the thing that startles a lot of people, if they've just being lie, detectors on television and stuff is it polygraphs are also kind of trash science. It's weird that they're still being used, at least in the way that they are, and with this idea
hypnosis yeah, it's been a rat like people have been using or attempting to use these techniques with what they would argue or are some credible results since at least the Second World war. So this is this stuff is around, but there's another issue here then again, this is not eat. witnesses of lying. This is not accusing the individuals and law enforcement of purposely stitching someone up for a crime they didn't commit by dub. We know that multiple multiple cases that result in convictions are based on what later turned out to be a witness somehow misidentifying perpetrated, and these people who were wrongfully convicted made languish in jail for years before say a dna test comes out or before they are able to get access to legal assistance.
That can address the problems in their case also. I don't know about you guys, but I'm a little tour reporting on this, because I think that got the idea of like I hypnosis Ranger is, so cool. It is so amazingly cool, hip, no Ranger Walker, hip, no ranger tolerating green. Why it's more like came from Kung, FU or somethin you knowing again it's just got this real kind of mystic lived to it but I guess the way they use it, though it's almost more like an interrogation technique that van and then, when I came look into my eyes kind of situation, while you ok so, but it's four witnesses right is for people who, crime is for people who were victims of crime who were a part of it, trying to recall stuff about a suspect right or person of interest not exactly what kind of what you just refer. Do there? No, when you first read this, then I thought it was.
Rangers going out there getting son of interest in the custody and then like hypnotizing mammals and then like trying to get them to tell us that tell them the truth. I was outside of that. That's the one I want to see yet said of a gun they just like use there I powers and hold out their hand, trees That's the mind control noise, yet I would be awesome, but the issue is that it is our biggest is actually white difficult and somewhat unpredictable too. Use hypnosis in that kind of nine consensual way thereon, ways around it and you can exploit certain cognitive susceptibilities in certain individuals
but there is not really there's no really a silver bullet for that, even for the people, who are very very good at it. But I totally agree man if there can like, if you could hypnotize criminals, that's a great tv show, but it also means that if you were an officer who hypnotize as criminals every case you land is automatically suspect, Donnelly really confess or did you know, did like Walker, Texas mesmerizing, fuck em over you know, violation rhetoric has certainly been considered coercion, or You know just suspect thread suspects. Testimony yeah, but if Walker have no ranger, if his techniques get us to the murder weapon. Then we're ok, xyz, it's a physical piece of evidence that gets us their rights yeah it just in those twenty one states. It cannot just be hypnosis
if a conversation under hypnosis leads to DNA, evidence, leads to you like he's out of physical gun or they find the car that got stolen, etc. Then it's it's a different conversation. So that's that's the huge controversy but may be interested to note that long. Psmith. Just in general, you S. Law enforcement has cited a number of cases where these hypnosis yielded positive. Actionable results are the most famous infamous was the kidnapping of a school bus there, like twenty six kids and a driver aboard in child Sheila California. you have heard about this when I heard a story of it when we were making Zodiac well I'd it buried or was it like? I'm just something is fine,
my brain when I would need to go under hypnosis to tell you exactly how I remember I didn't sleep a year. You write. The story goes that a hypnosis expert spoke with witness help them do this regression exploration and while they were under this not questioning. They were able to recall the full license, number of a bad that the kidnappers drove it. Since I mean you can do what millions like you don't necessarily have to hypnotize people. You can you can help your friends remember things much more clearly or in a much more distorted manner than they would alone until
new, just like so many so many very small things. If you're holding a hot drink, you're gonna have more of a fond recollection when you think of stuff in the past its nuts it so easy to hack, which means we have to ask ourselves. Can we trust the science, how much of the? How much of the curriculum of these sort of these sorts of programmes. How much of the curriculum focuses on how to make sure you're, not accidently, creating the memory or attempting to discover or you're, not leading the witness, and it could be so easy could be daring brown. Does this a lot? It could be a quick slip of your speech, so instead you're saying wake up the sailor
ok, you're, getting very sleepy what was the name PETE of the person you spoke to add the dairy queen and they're. Not gonna, hear that peat, but later as their euro. As there are increasingly compromise, then of course there not just gonna. Remember the name: PETE there see in their head the name, tag that says peat and boom this portion the dairy queen is going up the river, it's terrible, if possible, It started feeling really sleepy for some reason. Ben I don't know what's gonna on they get that's going to bring that's your attention, folks, of course, that dairy queen example is hopefully just a hypothetical example and has occurred in real life, but the danger there is very real and we need to be aware of this stuff. So I applaud. I applaud the decision to stop trying to hypnotize
witnesses and victims of crime, and I applaud, their attempts to turn around and make it perpetrator facing rather than victims and witnesses. You all applauding we all know. What are you? A blotting were all applauding right. Now I do know I'd I'd really just kind of snapped out of this weird stupor that I was in this Fuchs stay on a what caused it, but I feel, like I lost time there. All snap you out within with an AV club headline of a story. We're not gonna talk about. You ready, please scientist plan to shoot massive low sperm samples onto the moon. While they had any issues that they really shows. Does words carefully in the that's almost british mass of massive load, they gonna just said massive low. They could have a yeah. Well. That said that
True, there is something very much like a doomsday vault being proposed for construction on the lunar surface and there is an editor who absolutely had their day made with that headline. This is strange I do it in a one off the Rangers year officer named: aims. The brow is quoted as a person is performed, this kind of investigative, hypnosis and trained other officers in it and DE brow defends the practice. He says it seems very well aware of the danger, creating a memory when you seek to retrieve one- and he explicitly says we're trained, not to be suggestive were not here too information hypnosis session we are here to retrieve, but with that folks would love to hear what you think about it noses and deep faking memories. Please let us know, let us know what you think.
The future of deep faking in the digital age is: how can we write a law about it and if you happen- and we have to say that every so often, if you happen to be a member of the elite in the deep you, ok you can we can you email us, an email? If you can we're not clear I'm on the how that would work out for you, but also, if you have experienced first hand in the country. We want to hear your story. The world is wondering what on earth is happening in their hermit kingdom? We try to be, easy to find out. Why, as right, you can find it in the usual social media, corners of the internet, Facebook and Twitter or where conspiracy, stuff, Instagram, aware conspiracy, he stopped show. We even have a ass suggest, digital, but ass, a sort of
You can see the riches with a rotary phone is digital on our end. But if, if that's, if that's how you roll, you can still reach s at one thousand, eight hundred and thirty, three St Dwyck, where you will hear the sound of Benz dulcet tones, which will prompt you to leave a three minute message: do your best to keep them there three minutes, so we can not fit in to one of our weekly listener. Male segments, that's right, given. call. We definitely want to hear from you. We love getting messages that way. We recommend. If you do, leave a message. Please state your name. Whatever it is. You would like for us to call you no, it's ok for us to use your voice on the air and tell us your message: try and keep it short. If possible, tell us everything you need to know, and if you want to talk directly to us, her say a personal message: resolutely But at the end of the message please, you ve got three minutes. If you want to go over that time. You can always send us a good old fat, an email by the way a number you guys Mallory
I'm gonna be watching this Zack Snyder cut of justice, Obviously I don't agree. I don't it's good, What are they? Gonna sell a seventy five percent on run tomatoes, but I love how the Snyder cut has become kind of internet shorthand for dislike the ad It was intended, like the Zapruder, felt the Snyder cut, the unabridged dynamic. There's criteria governing the criteria on the only way to watch played runner, I think, I'm gonna, I'm devil you're, watching a sucker for a superhero films, even though that we get a lot of great feedback, more listers on the military, entertainment, complex episode were pointing out. You know you argue that allows superhero films in some ways. Function is military propaganda and then, everybody who is asking why we didn't talk more about sports, that episode stay tuned, smart,
Why? I think, does it we're gonna, give you the email now the last thing huge, shut out the whole cast in crew of people that may the umbrella academy I free and loved it Ivan Why should I love that marginal longtime, good work, congratulations. It's so good. I have affinities ensue, but, as he's in one was, was a banker I think cool about do for my chemical romance like comics, where his first, before he was even like. You know, a mass. GMO rockstar and now he's returned to said. First, love and he's quite good at quite a good rhetoric, hard way. All I know is I loved it. If you loved, Do you want to tell us about it? Hey do all the things we. they said contact us, we'd love to hear from you. Our email address is concerned you and I are radio dot com
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Transcript generated on 2021-03-23.