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Petrodollar 101

2015-09-04 | 🔗

When oil is traded in US cash, the currency is called a petrodollar. It's a fundamental part of international trade -- but it's also a continual source of conspiratorial allegations. Join Matt and Ben as they explore the fact and fiction surrounding the petrodollar.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Supposed to ghost and government cover. Ups. History is riddled with unexplained event. You can turn back now or learn stuff. They don't want you to know. I just got this memo today or yesterday from the office of the Secretary of defense. Upstairs it's a five year plan to take down seven countries in five years, we're going to start with Iraq and Syria, Lebanon and Libya, Somalia, Sudan, in number gonna, come back and get alone in five years, and that is equality should fail. Me, gentlemen, named Wesley Clark, former NATO higher up is of Supreme Ally Commander, and is telling a story about how, in two thousand and one a general the Pentagon said this to him, and that comes as reported via the guardian, with the journey
David Swanton, you may have seen that clip before. I know I've seen it on some in several places over the years of him Stage unease discussing about how we this memo n, it seems to reflect what has happened over the past several years. Before we get too far ahead of ourselves? format iron that's are super producer, Oh oil, money, brown man he's got oil money. Well, some I'm sure at some point is the way the mix tape game go all call themselves: oil money, it's all over but it was it money records, someone tried: you start their own oil exploration, no no way I think it might have been Baby Williams. Don't put me on that anyhow yeah that you're here I'm here knows here listeners. Most importantly, you are here and that me
this stuff. They don't want you to know Today we are talking a little something called the petrodollar. Now this the term that refers to? U S dollars and something that they have. They earned that the? U S currency, has earned basically through the export, oil through our relationship with oil are countries relationship. Rain. Essentially when country sell oil doing so at least not always, but it is kind of a handshake deal kind of thing that when countries our trading in oil, their trading in U S dollars so that might sound, a weird abstract economic thing price of tea, China doesn't the main been met there. Now, you might be saying so think of the pattern dollar as similar to the gold standard. We did a video the gold standard we do it
whole series on why gold is not the standard anymore right here, and why- and why does it matter? So we'll talk a little bit about that today, this this week we working on a series on the petrodollar and are long time. Listeners will be glad to know this is a classic episode that we have come out. So I guess it's not a classic evade either it yeah it's interesting. It's it's got an injured from when we were in DC, where we can we're outside a Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan, building for international trade right here we just started thinking. We could talk about the past, dollar and a lot of times. We have a good. I do see the great suggestion we we know a real it's a real good when, because we're taking ourselves for not having covered it earlier. So this is something that took his while to get too, but it's something alone, People should know about and ensure sure that some people might be boring. There are some dry parts to this.
Sure some other people wish we had covered. More in depth- and I am sure that many of many of our listeners out there myself included, are we're just waiting for cryptids If you notice on twitter, people are excited about their exactly and thinks everybody who wrote him with those tweet, I think, was garden who made the initial suggestion and we're on it, but for now pattern yet those are the reason you mentioned. The gold currency is because this in the same way, is the troll. In this form functions as a way to prop up a currency right yet tying the concept of occurrence to a tangible asset, so win other countries are using dollars to export oil right and you you have to give in your country a payment in dollars.
They're, then the you have roubles facing a roubles. You have yen urundi and they say none of that. None of that swiss pro I don't know what or some other currencies I dont know too many no, the day the Rand, the Euro, Oh, I learned about bricks than dollars. Have you heard of it would have breached in dollars, masses of local currency in certain section of London, I think its press- and I hope I hope, that's the correct and ok but interesting, who currency that people started using where you can trade in your sterling and you're you're pounds thing than you and local dollars. And use a mad. There are several hundred places that are accept them, so they can it They keep the money in the area. That's part of it. That makes so I guess you if you will limit the area where those things can use currencies are powerful things any easier and currencies are no articles of faith just as much any religious symbol might be because foil
time now they have not been based on a tangible asset in whole. I do we take a tangent, real, quick, tangible way. Ok, so for a long time that I have been talking about bandbox thank you may have It is on the show every time we look into currency, I get a little closer to She just printing some using them around the office. What are they backed by it that's where I'm that's words like you need to be backed by anything. It could just be my good name. Can I and I ll give you anything you earlier- yellow theirs, there are these things called Mountain Box or Mountain Mountain Time Box or some other way Is there another local currency used by a couple small communities in its in power increments. Okay, so you good trades
half hour a half hour of your manual labor, whatever you need like do you need a human being to assist you something I hears half hour and currency. I see ok. That makes sense, because, if you think about in your diet, I had this conversation before with our debate over whether Batman a superpower to remember that, yes, we decided that he doesn't really have a superpower, but he has occurred this thing you can get to a human having a superpower in the real world. I will I that man does have a superpower, and I hate it when people say that he doesn't he, power. Is a superpower acres? He is a billionaire right, but it goes deeper than that in this mountain time. Conversation reminds me because money is the car. Active currencies really just the concept of human labour over time right see you can
build a studio like woman now and fabricate everything, teacher self, help that take those hours and hours and hours of craftsmanship and still in practice or you and give somebody something that they will take, in exchange for their time so currency as a marker of time makes little sense to me, which means we have a billion dollars essentially your time. Everything. That's what you that's. What you're not losing decades. Teaching yourself how to build a friggin back cave you I mean there are just a microphone. Saying that that man is not the world's greatest detective. Clearly, that is the case in a huge Batman fan gives skills yeah here skills, but you, you were
What would it be if he wasn't a billionaire reached alone, Ninja Ninja with problem said the bits of it would be too. I think too, to have the same stuff but anyway, with the gradual, but this currency serve, as you can tell the listeners we're very end to this end, because every body has to use like the petrodollars, bigger than mountain time, the petrodollars bigger than them a dollar is bigger than the euro so far in fact, because Everybody has to use dollars were had to use dollars to by oil. All these The countries had to keep a stash of cash witches a good for the. U S and it's one of the reasons that the U S is referred to as the world reserve currency. So we have a couple of questions. The this one is how how on earth did this happen? How do we get to the point where the? U S,
or is the world's currency when you're dealing with oil, which which will totally tell you buy wayward, he's gonna leave that when hanging, we have other questions to write like how long can this situation last year is there something the works right now that might be, I dont know causing it huge change with the state of the petrodollar. Will U S go to war, to protect itself and its petrodollar, and has done so already First, let's take a let's take a trip back in history. Nor do we have the ship history sound ring. Well,
over the sea. Welcome back to the nineteen fourteen in the Bretton Woods agreements which officially gives the USA Distinct financial advantage on the international sphere, tying the dollar to a value of thirty five dollars per single out of gold with other currencies in new green signatory countries, pegged to the value of the dollar. Now that work for a time, the? U S essentially just promised not to print a rap load of money. Isn't during the Vietnam conflict. Other countries began asking for the gold. The dollar's represented and the value of the currency therefore decrease, because you see the: U S: didn't. Have the gold then brother, Nixon eventually took the dollar off the gold standard entirely and refuse to convert you as currency to gold. Yes, well, in a way the default, I drew my man, let's head to the nineteen seventy seventy seventy seven. So when the early seventies under Nixon Henry Kissinger
reportedly approach the house, Assad Saudi Arabia with an intriguing proposition he said, will safeguard and support your rule over all this alone. I've, given you military supplies, bullets, tanks, anything you need in return. Sell that sweet, sweet crude oil- you sell it in: U S dollars and the steel for a time works quite well. Other OPEC, countries made similar deals. You could tell we're getting closer to the modern day because voices are changing back here I saw his aside note what is OPEC you ve heard about it before right. Opec stands for Organization of the petroleum exporting countries and by nineteen. Seventy Five all of these countries had some form of agreement with the? U S, the? U S will something for you, whether by hook or by crook, they convinced the countries to sell oil in U S.
Dollar. So I M one of my old professors. I said said a very blunt thing about OPEC. He said OPEC exist to stop the flow of oil, and make as much money as possible from it. So it's kind of an Damn aware it is able to control the release of yellow like a facet near and end the reason now going into too much of the history here, which is fascinating, reason OPEC Forms is because of the domination of western oil companies. Anglo Eric and oil companies in the area so so it's not as if OPEC came out of the blue anyway, once you get OPEC on your side right near the? U S, then transaction method becomes the international standard. We talk a little bit about why it matters
because it immediately makes every oil importing country thirsty for it, the supply of? U S dollars, and then here's It is an issue which I see those? U S dollars, even though their essentially coupons on paper right yeah. So for these four these coupons? What people do is or what countries will do is apply actual ten all goods right appliances, microwaves, minerals, food, sometimes yet food, importing food or something like that. All all of these things, factual goods etc or exchange, coupons, and then this boost this boosts the value of the dollar and it allows people to lapse reprint more and fed the print more in this cycle here of printing money train for tangible assets and then also like
free time, a barrel of oil sold under this system. It's a little bit better for the. U S: nets that a vast over simplification that I mean that there is a vast over simple duration and it is, although it is good for the- U S at least some particularly great for other countries, especially countries. They don't want to trade in what some called monetary hedge a mini. He ass now Ben yes, I'm gonna say this time: here's where it gets crazy. How far would the? U S, go to protect this petrodollar regime now for more I have found, according to numerous sources, the actual cause Many of the the conflict occurring right now in the Middle EAST and historically that have been happening there have hinged
on the price of oil and the trading of oil with the? U S, dollars. And we see numerous sources. Of course, what we are talking about are theories some. I call them conspiracy theories, but want to be very careful in very fair with it. We would point out that this is not at all. The accepted party lie for We're a lot of reasons. We're gonna tell you some of the things that other that also said were analysed and not just french people also folks like Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, but before you do that we're going to pause for work from our sponsor. Today's episode is brought to you by IBM for businesses around the world. Today is an a restart: it's a rethink! That's why they're partnering with IBM retailers are keeping their systems
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The first of these conflict we would like to delve into? Is Iraq now, according You a couple of researchers. If we Ngos and William Clark, both of them have written books or is this joint the report by, or clerk, is called Petru dollar warfare and the one of the that's a book reference in here and indomitable called the century of war, Anglo american oil politics and the new world order. These as are on the same page, about the same page, about two thousand three led invasion of Iraq, yeah? They? They don't believe that at least according to The original party line that was that was you, know, saying. Well, we ve had these attacks. September eleven, two thousand one we're going to go to rock, because they have connections to the terrorists. They these attacks
they also don't believe that just for the overall safety of the american public, because they feel that we weren't at least on the mainland, threatened by Iraq's forces They feel I need you, don't even think that he was able to go in and save the iraqi people from this dictator Saddam Hussein, They have another idea right. They both clean The invasion was predominantly inspired by rocks defiance of the petrodollar regime more petrodollars system. So here's a quote from the Petrodollar warfare book on September, twenty four two thousand. Saddam Hussein allegedly emerged from a meeting of his government and proclaim that could soon transition its oil export transactions to the euro. Cecil selling oil in euros. Not in dollars- and I know this sounds fairly conspiratorial
right in you haven't. You were here at times, contrary statements from: U S, official regarding regard: The degree to which oil a resource, influenced instability or invasions in the Middle EAST so with one. This in mind. We we see that Saddam Hussein actually did I get ready to make the switch from U S dollars to Euro and by two thousand and two fully converted to a Petru euro. Instead, a petru dollar. You can speak and contradictory statements. You, girls, everything. My analyst or even visual, saying that above the events of two thousand and one four, nine eleven of
administration had already been planning to evade invade Iraq. In the aftermath of such eleventh. These who, administration officials continually pushed gum their government agencies, like the CIA, etc, to find a connection between who seem governments who administration and terrorist acts in September of this year, or at least make it look as though it is threatening enough to the. U S, populous right. That there's a reason to go in right. And a March nineteen, two thousand three. They announced the commitment an invasion of Iraq. You ve heard a lot controversy about this. If you were around during that time, listen to the news or, if refuse served in the military during this time. The was the fight against Al Qaeda fighting terrorism were there. The mass destruction and was
promoting democracy so for the for the people I car, can in Darfur and that guy jury Robinson we'll talk about a little bit. This war the end, the M, the other people, that we quote in our video. This was all secondary, ass to a twin mission. To secure the existence of the pact dollar Maria and also to slap the hand right. I mean you and that's all a horrible thing to say by two if the regime that would sit would stand up to the better dollar system and scandalous strange from the outside because different times in recent history- you the U s- was supporting Saddam Hussein Washington, for the record, denies any decisions that the Iraq war was motivated by something
then disarming Iraq and liberating its beleaguered people, and I know that this can be a sensitive subject for folks, especially if you are really it to someone who served in the armed forces or a few yourself went with the armed forces. To the Middle EAST, whether in Afghanistan, whether in Iraq, whether in another, country limited offer, even where the Gulf WAR, even yes, or even as far back as far back as Vietnam, the thing is what what I think is: well here is that we be Well, to ask the question about the moon. Motivation and were showing you these different are and for this but in my opinion, now I know this can be a sensitive subject right. War is a very political thing and especially if you have served in the armed forces of your country,
or if you are really the someone or close to someone it can singing. I got. Like a highly again, I'm going back to some were highly politicize thing, but this is not about, some sort of false dichotomy between the left and the right? This is this is about a question that should be ass, which is why people were there, so I won't open if we say if you would like to write it. And let let us know about your experiences and what you think the motivating factors were. Four war in Iraq or for other global conflict, then we would like to hear it because things for sure the entire story hasn't been told in an acknowledged. I am sorry for the site, for the tangent met, no worries I just want to agree with. Pretty much everything you just said. It is
four been an to sit in this room and talk about these things, but you know neither us have ever served right. Being said, you also hear accusations about the motivations foregoing to warn the conflicts in other places, specifically in Libya, the followed Gaddafi. We covered that in a couple of videos. We did get off is an interesting character. Death I mean definitely addict here, sure sure, but of four the NATO operations in two thousand and eleven. The libyan investment authority had like something to the tune of sixty billion dollars worth of petrodollars. Schedule bucks from fucks and since the nineteen seventy three crisis, these. These petrodollars, had been recycled through New York investment banks. So we know
waiting to a book. I began in David Harvey a brief. His of NEO liberalism will, from british intelligence reports the. U S was actively preparing to invade countries to restore the flow of oil and bring down oil prices. We also the Saudis agreed at the time, presumably under military pressure, if not open, threaten the. U S to recycle all their petrodollars. Through New York investment banks no get off. He had tried this before. Didn't apparently didn't like the experience. So this became this like the weirdest thing about the the civil war in Libya and the NATO involvement is that when the rebels, one the city when they when they controlled Libya won the first thing he did was opened. A central bank yeah,
remember that and sir it's a strange thing and you know I've never toppled a country that I am aware of. So I don't know you. Operations or how it does how it works, but We also have a quote from the guardian about this, libyan government controls more of its oil than any other nation on earth type of oil, that Europe at least finds easiest through refine but there's something else here. That's we're great! Yes, Libya. Also controls its finances, right Did oh yeah, ok didn't have a central bank in the way that a lot of countries did there is probably a system. Functions inside the country, but on its own, have that very there is the reserve member hearing about that'll long time ago about Libya and a couple of their countries.
There were some of the only only left on the planet that did not have a central bank. That was just a private institution right in this This naming of these countries that we quoted in the earlier thing again: that's Syria, Lebanon or Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, IRAN and five years. This these seven countries are listed. As member base for the bank, for international settlements and well again into the I am at the World Bank and the b I, as we can see that there are a huge or other financial global order right. So that's the idea. The idea here is that the these analyse Clark, Doll and others are saying that: U S invasions in these areas were motivated by protecting the status of the petrodollar,
a lot of people that sounds like either absolute bunk or someone will say, will how can you even asked this question so disrespectful? I completely disagree with that. That second statement, because I don't think there's anything in Berkeley, disrespectful about asking questions about without being said in silence, do check out our video on the fall of Gaddafi. Yes, an interesting stuff there in the locker, bombing, ethically, oven and alive. Bombing as well. Yet so this you mean to one question for you. Man do you think any of the staff to be true, Well, it could be sure I mean it's possible right absolutely possible, but it is problem as in dry on one like one way or the other right. Its proper
You very very gray, and it's probably got hints of of both sides. Both several thousand people who would argue that, yes, absolutely the petrodollar in the maintaining Power is a reason to invade these countries. Would then also they're, probably other reasons right, Chauvelin learned in any kind of strategy at that level. There are so many different aspects right yeah, then, are you getting into a conflict because your allies regional partners asked you to do so. You know that's another part of the two. Is it just helpful that they asked for you to do right right? So here's the thing, though have to do some myth, pastilles misconceptions. I think is more well known now, but for a long time, people thought mistakenly, that the Middle EAST, was the primary source for U S oil imports out. I think that on all of us for movies wines,
got into my head, but that wasn't. That was a belief that I hold true: it's not even the top source of foreign oil entering the! U S is not Saudi Arabia, although Saudi Arabia's number two is not IRAN, It is not a rock, it's not easy, in the Middle EAST listeners. Can you get I know some of you already know this. Maybe we'll do the top five countries Ok, so here are the top five countries in reverse order, so number five with four percent. Russia four percent of the amount supplied. Number four Venezuela, with nine percent number three Mexico with nine percent Saudi Arabia, as we said, number two with thirteen percent, a number one, could we have a drum roll? Please Kay
Ladies and gentlemen, Canada, the source of the largest amount of foreign oil or patrolling imported into the Eu S so far, yes, the distant exotic land of Canada, many regions have been said about the mysterious ways of this remote. An accessible place and the yet ease they gather the oil together in vast battles and of the people who travel To the distant north, only burned, hideously by the horrific glowing lights of the Aurora Borealis. I shudder to think so. I hope you, can tell that we are voting. But it is a weird misconception because you know. Canada and the EU as a hardly look at one another, as these.
Unknown menaces. You know like that. That is the majority of the foreign oil at this time a shell oil technology, which we also did a Eric sees me. I just shale technology, which we also did a piece on with frightening that change the nature of the game for the: U S with oil and here's another point So when we look at the statistics, what we see is that people do at least in the states over summit the amount to boil coming from the Middle EAST to the EU yes and you this, this change in the future, this these percentages ices fluctuate, but another there's a counterpoint here. Yes, so if the point this whole petrodollar system that we have been discussing this entire time? If the point of that is too of the dollar and make it stronger
doesn't matter. Where does it matter at all? Actually, whether the oil is to the: U S wherever it is, created and sold it just matters. That is why it is so. Right because you're selling is in dollars. Okay, so just matters if the dollar, as the medium of exchange Gaia, we do. If it is, then hey we're gonna go, you can sell it to whoever you need to know. Canada needs even more other, probably producing a lot if they are selling us are supplying us with thirty members. That's that's an if right, that's again, but this leads us to the next question: Supposing another petrodollars self is real, The escalation of the big question is what role it plays in global conflict. So our next question four dollars. How long can this some last? Well, it I mean.
It could last for a little longer. But then these times there are changing right. Here we are fear about the end of the petrodollars. You follow these sorts of stories, then for years, more than a decade, people can say it No the world tomorrow- and you know I just have to put this in here- just as a caveat- a lot of time- as you will hear, that the end of the petrol coming from a group that may be selling precious metals investment in right little. I just have to take as I've seen it in a lot of places where you know Your dollars are gonna, be useless very soon by realise silver. The skull and you know. Strangely I'd be. If you look at the prices, What retains I'm? Not I'm not
its inherent hawking, precious metals. Are you saying that I am the first to it, but at the same time there is a profit incentive there to get you to dump your dollars. I see as I think that's really. I think it's really good point. You do have to be kind of suspicious someone wants you to panic about a financial system in an attempt to sell your gold. At the same time, I disagree that you always have to be suspicious of the ok so another thing that's happening in the future. This uncertain future of energy politics, actually what there's things right and is that there are increasingly all forms of alternative energy there. Nowhere near replacing fossil fuels, yet nowhere near, but there is a situation around the clock, research going on and it's it's neck in some ways, I think right.
China is leading the charge with solar panels. It used to be the Eu S, but now it's China and Russia is a force to be reckoned with, situation if petrodollars matter, if petrodollars do cause nations to experience, instability, invasions of war, then offers an alternative to countries that are not on friendly terms with the? U S, whether in terms of business negotiations or aid development loans. That would be like. I am affluence and stuff right, also prize, no need for Petrodollar Moliere they ve been taking steps the bricks nations right I mean they're trying to set up their own currency, essentially with the central bank and then to be able to say why you can try Dollars or even train oil with us with our currency right, the break
an acronym br. I see it stands for Brazil, Russia, India and China emerging emerging economic forces with a lot of heft. That's correct additionally, years back. Iran also shifted away from the dollar. Two trading in a basket of currency is not actually happened and that that's where things said about get to those that you know the real reason that is game days, because he's trying to start its own currency system. Not gonna, sell oil in dollars anymore, but the well that's the general gist of the theory We know that whether or not that belief about petrodollars, wars. True, we petrodollar actually exist. So what happens in a world without true dollar. We He had a nice little list here are possible things that come from a writer named Jerry
Robinson and first things first says for nations will begin sending a flood of U S dollars back to the states and exchange. However, the new currency is needed for oil, so, whether it Time is dollars or been box or calorie shells. It doesn't matter it's just what it represents, which is the ability to obtain oil. Yet, can I give you this and you will give me Oil. That's all you need. The federal reserve could lose the ability to put more money which has historically been won, Solutions to America's economic woes. Treasury and FED would meet to determine like the best, scenario. What do we do? This word robinsons opinion salt, in an immediate increase in interest rates to reduce the money supply. This would trigger hyperinflation.
And we ve we ve covered hyperinflation, what it is, what the effects could be and tat of the fearmongering that happens in hyperinflation, but also the reality of just what it can do. He lifted the why my report, Thank you. I am really bad when you're since is valueless is too much of it who good when you the rush to spend by every you ten in the morning because by the afternoon the money will be worthless, release much more work, facilitate currently already is worthless, and that leaves you know that a link this down a path that some might say is absurdity sure and seventy surreal. So what else would happen? Apparently there will be another second, even higher increase in interest rates, because the amount
of money in this system would have to be slash, people don't petrodollars anymore, so demand has plummeted. Both political parties would blame each other your first and then also blame the feds sure Oh it's a this! Isn't a government institution who are these guys? What are they doing all this? So we're a man when you hate to be president that when that happens, people
with adjustable rate debts would have, but have a terrible time and predictably lay offs would occur. Companies would close. People have fired working from home conference calls. You saw me and John with everything we have going on right now. It's never been more important to sleep. We need, while we sleep, is a natural amused and only the sweet number three sixty smart and sensitive movements and automatically just confidence appoint on both sides, drizzly number setting. So all those other things were doing this. They help me unhappy well downward better job. Now, during lowest price of the season, the queen sleep number three sixty C4 smack. That is only twelve. I do not say it. All is only permitted to learn more, go to sleep number, dotcom, twenty seven club, a podcast about famous position to die prematurely, sometimes mysteriously at the age of twenty seven this new cereal, ass podcast, is hosted by me to run it.
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Language, you can listen to the twenty seven club on the Iheart radio Apple podcast rarer. You get your back ass in the worst thing is that pretty much anything that you own just devalues so badly your home, your car, every that boat scenario, especially that boat way to go guys a good investment so could this happen? Would it happen Should it happen? What do what do you think this is one of those things where whether to good or bad, depends upon where you live on personal situation. We know that one. Persons vision of paradise is not often someone else's, then I just want to say here that I sometimes when we're in
friend together discussing a topic or when I'm or their editing, something we're. Looking at. I forget home how privileged the life of an American is because of it these systems that are set up in this one, in particular the whole petrodollar system, the way it it me thus, all a little just that much more wealthy. By having a strong currency in this way. I take a Take that, along with a whole host of other things, for granted, just being an american citizen, you ever see there was a comic strip. The aim I loved for some very gallows, humorous reasons, but there's one panel Strip ice, from from somewhere and listeners may be remembered as to it was soon, where there were three people that jobs walking past a homeless person holding out a cup for change and above their heads, they had the amount,
debt. They have you this familiar using this. Yes and you others like a student, well series of student loans in credit cards and mortgage whatever and they're all in the negative. All these people walking by and then the homeless, guys up like six dollars and when he hasn't and a really affects year perspective A clear and well so What you're saying no about about? wage, about how isolated people can be the weird Things seem normal if you do them long enough up. Well, ok, out of context that quotes gonna come after me, speaking of hunting. Do you hear that we are now hearing you? Oh hey,
ladies and gentlemen, is our super producer? Nolan? No, Norway in all those perhaps being speak against ITALY would still be speaking guest you got no worries. Me yeah yeah me. I tried a little. I will do what am I gonna? Why supercilium? So what are you you think about this whole thing. Man do you think wars? Are wars for oil This guy had a sense that that was the case, for his kind has been one of those sort of get feelin thanks from watching in the way politics place out about he's, got the resources in society, as I can't really back it up with any well there their statement so where people mention various government officials on Damn right mentioned self about resource.
Soil. There is one I think it was a senator senator from somewhere and he says Sophia love Ass well ass, unlike what do you have deserted the global burn level, both countries ultimately about oil, and he said, of course, where do you think national interest means national charity ran, that's one. Guy yeah got secure that oil right. Ray a Sou liquid. What do you think you think it would be? The world would be a better place with this wasn't around her. The petrodollar system didn't exist. I mean it would be. I think the world would be a better place if other people didn't have things that that other people want everyone to get along we re power from magic.
How do you get our societies or solar power? Oh goodness, of our hearts or power like I'm, willing to carry out our Zack with fairly noticed how everything industry with the carrier stare we'd, be in good shape, but we would be in the slave in there. Health care bears ended. This is ridiculous. You're! Ok, ok, really, do you guys think we there a small number of humans, at least that will some day have ubiquitous energy. That is and causing emissions. Absolutely I dont know if those will humans by that point, but yeah sure, o ray of body. If we manage to keep this crazy ride called homo sapiens going than eventually what its homo or whatever comes after us will have some sort of
some some sort of ideology that will be indistinguishable from magic to us. Neo say they will look like they are care. Bear staring The moon moves. Any ideas minute is always moving. Try to imagine a reason that Unita we need. You know the change. I don't know The way the water is currently over here, let's change the tide. Ok, good, yea! That's me! That's the future That's how you get your energy, you have oscillating moon and then you can just casually thirty four turbines. I don't know if the science there yet there like that you're thinking, vague and no ancyra man- I was excited about this- I was being has been so rude- would have. What have you been thinking about? This is the moment with you. We want to hear from you discharge. I'm a two cents ban in Armour MA blank slate on a sunny day, huh.
Then suddenly a day. I altered it a little bit later, Mount Flare retweeted. What thinking about? Well, the pc on my laptop doesn't work anymore, so ritual keyboard up and come out. They had a p. I gotta click the mouse on the piano virtual keyboards episode entitled the true dollar, and now it has as the ritual keywords one may, and I feel that we should lay off things that require you to take p Well, you know what it is is the word podcast estimates the pieces, the couldn't handle anymore, just as a reminder that everyone listening Knoll produces from where he sitting all of the house of Works, podcast, one more machine, one then, my dear one, then army at is correct. A kind of you guys at sits true tat- are so really before we wrap this thing of, I just wanted to make a quick announcement.
Is a big life change occurring in my one of those, my life, I'm anyone say at my wife and I are having our first baby. I'm not doing anything she's doing all the words- and I am kind of standing there go and hay it's some water, that's pretty much What I would have been doing for the past few months here, and I'm going to be a way that is happening imminently. So, we'll be away from the studio for a bit I might. Swinging in when I get a chance you will notice on our you two page there going to be several classic videos. It's actually, I think our last batch of classic emphasize that we are going to producing not classic as in the style, but is in videos from original house, the Forks channel, which and slowly moving tat, our own Cham. This will be the last bit that we, to get over there and by the way, I think we had three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
Neighbors on Youtube, and that's huge. Thank you so variously guys, you, oh my goodness, yet just want to say. Thank you guys so much, because this is your show with set it before free show. A lot of stuff is free on the internet. I saw this. They support means a hell of a lot to us, and also, you know events like it's cool. The shows that the school, but congratulations Thank you very much so evil you're, no thank you men, so want to talk to us about petrodollar about anything we ve talked about in past episodes or If you want to get me some parenting advice, I could take it because I am lost right now, but you know we will make it work. The whole band situation. Just I just have two great really fast putting things together for babies all of the all of the different
no what most of em recall like the glider The other thing We then Greek makes no sense, Greco, just very difficult to put together so anyway, Ok, we too have a kid and then really worry about him. Falling, of one of these great machines I put together, hopefully correctly Anyway, you can write those about any that stuff. You can find us on Facebook, you on twitter, we're conspiracy, stuff on both of those What's he gonna stuff? They don't want you to know that com. You can listen to all these. Hopefully your listening to this on stuff, and I want you to know that com. If you are, you are awesome, you're awesome, either waiver having this in your ears. But thank you. And this one last thing, but I guess if you have an idea and you'd like to email is, if you have story about your time I'm abroad or something relates to petrodollar we'd like to hear it,
wanna hear more about the situation. We want to hear whether its true, whether its utter bank- and we want to hear from you the best way to do that, if you dont, like social media and just a real quick word about Facebook messages it we, see them off they. I try to go in and respond to them as as possible, but if they are opposed to- age or their messages you like or not getting through its because big. When I'm looking through all this stuff, it's either for me to miss things. So doing the one man army thing, but not quite as well as no at times so. The best way to contact us Don't wanna play the social media reindeer games is to write to us directly, and this could be just hey eyes. Looks going on. I d is for
if your show response or as as you said, met some congratulations. Some known, I said I do. I said yes, I gradually aid address not only here. That's why I want to know is how do I take care of this baby? That's so as be doing in poltergeist dead, all are welcome. You can write to us directly. We are conspiracy and howstuffworks dot com for more on this topic. Another unexplained phenomena visit Youtube dot, com, conspiracy, stuff. You can also get in on twitter, but the handle piracy style.
HI guys Katy lows here, actress mom and hosted the parenting podcast Katie's a show that helps women navigate the colossal changes that come with motherhood, you'll hear from resilient Mama's, knowledgeable experts and meet asking a whole lot of questions. It's real talk that offers real perspective on what is really like to be apparent. So join me, new episodes published every other Thursday, listen to Katy Scribble. I hurt radio app or an apple pot
wherever you get your podcast hey, Pham Data Pink Smith here, bringing your favorite where table taught at the sides to podcast. I want to introduce you to two of the most important women in my life, my mom gamete, she's, really old school. I never wanted you to be in that situation like that they will at all, and then we have my daughter. Will I'm gonna be like my ancestors interests, do what I need to do? Listen to the red Tabletop podcast, presented by Facebook, watched him Westbrook Audio on the eye, hard radio at Apple pie, cats or where you get your pockets
Transcript generated on 2020-06-24.