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Listener Mail: Winchester Mansion, A Hotel Of Terror, Update on VW Conspiracy

2023-06-29 | 🔗

An update on the Volkswagen emissions scandal. A Conspiracy Realist explores the Winchester Mansion. There's a Hotel of Terror in Springfield, Missouri. All this and more in this week's listener mail.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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astronomers check on that, and this is, despite everything, is one of our favorite parts of the week where we get to him. are fellow conspiracy. Realist on the air. We going to have a very profoundly important mission, critical update from an early listener. We're goin to examine the wind, esther mansion famous or infamous for the story of its creation, we're gonna visitor who tell hotel of terror, but before we do any of that, we're going to dive into an old true firmed conspiracy from the world of the automotive from something we talked about a showcase car stuff many years ago, but it Well, it's a real conspiracy. Oh yeah yeah. I remember the old cheater box thing. That was what they caught it
there was a scandal that rock the volkswagen corporation in germany's What does germany is most famous exports and kind of midyear corky I see now that her kind bubbly and have little nevertheless old stem things. staring to have like a flower in a very popular amongst the tea It leads to a house you'll see us how much anymore I'm immediacy offs every now and then, but I certainly feel like syn, this hit the news see quite as many as used to, but that could just be confirmation by us but yeah. Volkswagen was found to have been systematically cheating. On emission standards, through the installation of these extra pieces of equipment in their vehicles right again called a cheer box. That was with the pressure virtue it as an, I think. Probably somebody in the industry must must have claimed that term, but
We have a bit of an update or, at the very least a another perspective. After we did have a figure report. If this classic episode recently, this comes from posed ego killer, who writes so I listened The most recent throwback episode on VW, w emissions scandal, economies you know how easy it was very w to cheat the system and how there was some backlash to what happened as some higher up did get jail time and huge fines as a currency, I had been part of the cars in since was very young, starting with video games and in real life with my first car, which is a pickup truck to my brother, and I then, added the catalytic converter. or to allow for more exhaust fluff my fist vehicle now deceased. It. Turbo charred Subaru forrester was also cat less.
It was easily able to pass emissions with a tuner module that is up dell emissions test places would physically look for cats under the. our powers is. This can be so easily done, while tuning companies make bank offer this with. No, questions after only making a simple statement for further their product as not street legal either they know the majority of people use their product on street cars all the time simple as toggling a switch in the program to shut tears off. The normally would state your car isn't burning clean, interesting thought curious you're back from you guys, thanks and ye all right. Will you rock to post eco killer? I mean this is a tale as old as times for his leg, products that that are sold with no repercussions under the guy. is of being you now, let's say not
Her oral ingestion when it comes to certain types of clearly drugs that that are marketed like incense or something in there. Some little line on the bag with says not to be consumed. But, of course every the buyer and consuming it a guy like frozen grape juice distributor during prohibition- don't do the following things here as well. will create an alcoholic beverage, Any means do not do the following three easily producible steps at home because you will accidentally create something illegal. Yet at the wiggly guy on the side of a pill bottle saying, don't take this outbreak every machinery? That's how you know those in the fun once guys can I just say something: windless, linked to that email in reading through with you. There are no I am so far out of my depth when it comes to understanding what types of products are being reference here, so I ve been over
you're, just searching for catalytic converter modules, indifferent things, I guessed or post other a ton, there's a lot of stuff out there. That's being that was is reference dear and men. I don't, even really understand what it's doing. It sounds like its increasing tell me if I'm wrong, increasing the sure per square inch somehow in your engines system to where you are actually getting more horse power. Out of your system. I think that's right ass. I mean I don't understand, that's what are the mat like those also perhaps more efficacious, the more on ethical lifehack ease to play with the onboard computer system that we doubt would be why emissions can chew. for right, so you can it. Essentially, there are things like: oh freedom, performance, l, L,
The answer to your manufacturer think of video. Think of the game. Genie for old All videogame councils sure yeah. It's a hat, that jail breaking her car. He tries to get around the the epa. Is clean air act away away, So this is through the cpu system that was well. Some of it is, but the question maybe you're asking as well as like. How is this improving the quorum quo performance of the vehicle o taken out the cat yeah is adequate. Yes, it is a year of light. Is it making your vehicle faster? Is improving acceleration all speed as he gets taken the governor off of the union It's also making a burn, much dirtier, it's kind of lake okay. This can be really controversial.
It's kind of like putting your face mask on your car exhaust its. If you remove the cat, the catalytic converter, then the engine can develop more power. Its also can be. It's also gonna be much louder. Ok, I and the stuff on seeing my guys, it makes it. It seems as though it is a serious problem for carbon emission? because on their on motor dine or more, her dying engineering, dot com- you can buy this thing called a catalytic converter module for long tube headers and it states space thickly below here in red lettering due to car. Regulations, this item not sold shipped to california, also no international shipping. This is like the thing is: ok, the catalytic converter is a good obstacle between your cars engine and the world entire. When you re in
whatever I'm here all day, when you remove the catalytic converter, what you're doing is lead in exhaust leave the engine much more quickly, with no without one less barrier that increases your horse power. Yes, horsepower is cartoonish metric. I'm saving that for a ridiculous history episode in the huge alone, but the eye. The issue is that other people exist on the planet out to breathe. If you, if you were not concerned about that, can make you are one vehicle, really get some get some english on again allowed a power to. Presumably, in our in controlled environments, like maybe stop car races assume those cars have been modified such a way that they would get the maximum torque or horsepower, but so are probably a little more on the polluter side, while they're not st louis
That's what I'm saying I think this is like. You know I mean gracing is illegal, but I mean you know racing on track, While it is an open air track, we know still permitted about the atmosphere. It's not technically the street. I do you think, that's interesting and bend back to pick your carstone brain aren't catalan, Converters often stolen nicely have like precious metals in them or something early me like. Do now discuss wolden and stripped cha cha prices. A single catalytic converters, gonna run you about eight hundred and twelve hundred. So if you are in,
an enviable situation where you're selling recreational scrap ah do try to get above a hundred bucks, the number probably as little higher now, but last I checked yeah. That's why that's why chopped shops exist? You make a lot more money selling the body parts of the car than the car entire. I gotta stop say an entire country, keep it up, keep it going yeah I just googled okay to to to to add that they do contain platinum, palladium, rhodium, and so you, actually get a couple hundred bucks just for like precious metals, love, bonus points. If you get a cat from a hybrid vehicles, stay away from my camera. I don't know it's a camera, camry cameras, those where do they. I did google this case I was wondering if there are any additional updates and there was a piece published back in may of this year, a former
reed chief to plead guilty in emissions scandal, rupert state where a former member of volkswagen mandarin more would be the highest ranking executive ticket. fast wrong doing in a case that rock the industry does look that he is potentially going to get a plea of us. Spend the sentence is still up to two years in exchange for a full confession and payments individually. of a fine of one point, one million euros by one point, two million dollars, and yet was that fraud by negligence. Is it out just hey guys, I messed up because it was paying attention. don't put me in jail contrasts since september of twenty twenty and yes, yes, fraud by negligence, that's interest to tell you that I was that fraud, implied intention can you I guess you could accidentally be fraudulent,
it doesn't seem like. This is true to the spirit of the word, exactly what I mean there's a. I think there is in practice a net worth threshold for being able to plead fraud by negligence. Exactly now But anyhow thanks for the first is totally not my wheel house with it entirely now. But this is interesting information again. This does go back to so many loopholes, products. Roylake radar did As you know, you're not supposed to use radar detectors to figure out where ops, ares leak and avoid them. You know it's as it's just not its intended purpose, at least on paper when they are selling its units. Of course, the only thing anyone's going to use it for and theirs are we laundry list of products like them. This one just seems to be real. However, the environment, the abbot,
the cars sound so loud when their driving around near your house stages. So laugh. I do love it when you know it's good to have interests. Hence we do brazilian side informed. Shit opposed ego killer and hopefully you're not just hot dog in around town and waking up old ladys with your with your loud catalyst. Car may, if you are shame on you, but we still like you Oh yeah, I would just say I've some friends who are good at this in tune their vehicles and know how to do all that stuff restore me hell out of that for me having a conversation yeah, it is having a conversation with somebody like that is like having a conversation with an extremely talented guitarist. That knows the gear right and just as my about my only way into it,
a drummer, I don't know a lot of stuff. I dont understand it. I can sit. There have a conversation with somebody about it, but most everything flies over. My head in It's the same case with this kind of tech on a vehicle stuff. You got immersed and you can't just intuitively find your way into it. You can kind of get the basics like we jelly you and I just did, and then graciously assisted by Ben who is much more immersed in this world, but I'm too we truly understand the stuff it did to me as it requires years of practice and just like really learning the language and being able to kind of internalize it, and I respect the hell out of people that can do stuff like that, because everything else go. Rose pop onto a commercial break very here with our sponsor an illusion. With some more messages from you. Crypto is like
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but I want, but you guys get to get back together, but I say it said boy band aid yeah. That would be yeah. I mean I could imagine Monday night at wembley. We can manage philadelphia one day, one day, one day near the terminal one. While you got all the way from uk, we get the degree you're doing it one day. It's right, it's go ahead. Yeah. It would be a ninety degree. Take that sync backstreet boys, boys to men. New addition, I mean you bring the jacksons back. I know you have some special guests come on. This episode is sponsored by hyundai It's your journey and we have returned guys on it. Do this in this week's strange news I mentioned ufo dogfight story
that name to us be an email from Victoria who sent us to links. So thank you. Got out to you Victoria, for putting us onto that at least mention that we had in this week's episode, but going on we're going to give a shot out to chuck who sent us this voicemail a shock, springfield Missouri. If you, Google, hotel terror, sprang from the very thing you'll get a good idea of white eminent domain envy and how citizen can get together and defeated. Oh oh tell terror, or in some other it's a really good example. Emanate on it have a guarantee that the government can take your stuff. Well, this a really good concrete example of what can happen if you decide you
fight back and see. Guess why? No you can't! Just have my stuff, because you want your creek to be day lit. however, heard of I heard this area is that of super called italy. A hotel of terror also automatically is gonna make a lot of us listening this evening. Think of like amusement park rides but this is a real hotel rate is a place where people can pay money. This for a night. It is not a real hotel. Why This is a way. This is an attraction like nether world. You know those things. It is open, seasonably where he can go. It's owned by a person named sterling mathis. It a building there in downtown springfield Missouri and guys this really really cool. Ok, I'm gonna start a story from ozarks. First dotcom comes,
was from February twenty. First, twenty, twenty three here's the title: any council unanimously invokes eminent domain for hotel of terror. Now this is this a big deal right. This is the situation that has been ongoing for years. At this point, I believe whose twenty nineteen, when the whole Situation started when basically The city said: hey, we really. We need all the land we're going to buy most of it up we're gonna eminent domain, some of it if we have to because we want You literally, like I said daylight, this creek there through this part of springfield and wheat. About day, a creek before a little bit. It, is because remember there is a clear member The story did we talk about it in, but there is a situation. Room, guineas, springfield, vampire tunnel, Missouri away in marine fuel. Missouri right, I think,
This is the same tunnel. I think this is all related to that guy's in a weird way, it's a black, mere episode that we're all in and then I'm sorry, but you are played by the actor been bowling. He is here commissioned his face to play. You in this level can be set galvanise no here the accurate here, the egg nor brown. I'm sorry! I see I see. Well, I gotta say: ok, let's just in the interest of intellectual honesty, gary oldman. We want to thank you for play Matt frederick, for low these many years. That is fantastic work. I work donor high, fit the shoulder schedule. sorry. As for roundabout way to talk about blackmoor mirror season, six, it's also okay, but delighting discreet in a city centre like that you can build over a creek. Basically right
with cornering and steel and all that stuff, and I think the attempt, Here's to daylight the thing bring it back to where it is a creek again, where you can see the water and make a green space around it with hence needing to buy up all the property so springfield decided, hey we're! Gonna eminent domain, this thing they go through the whole process at this point in February. Twenty two: three. It has been for years since the pro This began. They offered this around two hundred thousand dollars initially at that time, for this property, math is came back and said: well, ok, I'm not again Do you buying this property right or eminent an meaning, this property, taking it from me as long as you compensate me for what I need to do to continue my business, because this is a business that I run here, I need I need some, where between one and two million dollars, I think we have seen a quarter couple places. One point: five to two million dollars to fully wreak relocate this business because it is a
anti attraction, kind of thing, where most of most of the things that exist within that building were you know either handmade or custom fitted to that building itself right, That's a lot of labour. That's a lot of costs to start up in a whole other place in like a two or three or more story. Building like this one is woo then basically springs? said will know we're gonna move forward, we're going to work in a fully do eminent domain thing and who will give you a fair value price or whenever the heck that turmoil? Member that we went over, he did. Read by whom the boy I'll get right fair. Must you read? Yes, so math? es the owner of this property and a bunch of other folks from springfield got together and they created a petition because all you have to you guys to beat an eminent domain. this sounds really hopeful cause
Good example of right now is get ten percent of the voting public, in that district in that area that city that urine and get them Tell you know you can. eminent domain. This place we petitions we we petition, You do not take that action unless we're talking capacity it does room there you go then, and will work, will you're referring to the fact that someone tried to create a petition to get it off the ballot or to make me voted on in the city keeps throwing it out. So there's always some got a loophole for these of I hope that in this case well, in this case, I linked the petition their and our doc guys and he was on change dot, org it received over fourteen hundred signatures. I didn't believe one thousand foreign eighty one signatures but signatures from somebody online. Don't matter you have to get the signatures individuals who live in that district that can vote,
rain or live in that area that can vote and they did it. They freakin did it. They got enough. Do signatures I'm gonna give you another story here from springfield daily citizen, posted on may night. Twenty twenty three Springfield city council repeals eminent domain on hotel of terror. They voted two zero to revalue. Amid the ordnance yes dies, the job airfield prescribe an its. It says quote in doing so. The city government avoids having a referendum election story by the way written by jack Magee, its richness, really cool story, it's really really cool there's a ton more that we can go into here just about how it kind of fun genes and what the hotel terror means for a lot of the local people, their cause. It is it it's a problem, looking building you guys see anywhere a picture of the hotel itself,
Yet in the earth springfield daily citizen that you they're centrally yeah, how would you describe that building? Ah well, it is clear it labelled a hotel of terror and The always have certain sum, symbols. Inside of the empty space of the oh, there is clearly painted on blood. It's a three story. Building rectangular looks a guy possible garage and transfer bricked over the there's, a bank of eight bricked over or plywood over window. was it it's merely designed to be the hotel of tat. Existing exactly real blood is a real blood. It looks like paint, I hope it's paint good eyes. I think this hotel is really close to where those tunnels are
I'm leaving! I had secret passage. I may be wrong chuck you. You should write to us again or anybody lives in springfield Missouri. How clue does this to those purported vampire tunnels, because I'm getting such deja vu. Looking at the overhead man here. Michael Jordan, creek right, Jordan creek is what the europeans called it. That's the area, that's the water system that runs beneath modern day springfield. Ah this is really cool. Walter, you another thing. Just if you are interested in supporting hotel of terror, it looks like they are not to be active, this twenty twenty three season. I called the number and get an answer there and their voice mail was full, so check on that. If you run tell her unless it's just going away he has gone away? There is a second location that the same owner has a place called dungeons of. Do
guys this place its enemy dust real area and it looks like minds we of the season of true detective. That kind over. Industrial I dunno spookiness kind of kind of nicolas winding refn vibes. You know yeah like there's. Some loading docks are all in this area, but then there's also a haunted house inside the loading docks or something else, pretty cool. It's pretty cool. Indeed, yeah love love. Those kind of settings somebody shoot someone there guys. Ah, yes, maybe oh think I reach out to the springfield daily citizen, because that last up day was from last month, and they said there are no other updates as of this type, but that's it. I guess this story guys it is really short one, but I just wanted to bring that everybody's attention. You can beat in domain you just really got a rally. The troops in hope that you got some good
people on the council. S what a fine city, all your always win, but you gotta, try and and been back to europe his out to maria parker, a lingua franca friend of the show is doing this actually talked about that values, petition to stop cop city and me a very important part of that movement. Right here, neglect if your mind guys, let's leave with a quote from the owner of hotel of terror, quote, I am not opposed to moving. I am opposed to going bankrupt Would anybody here on this panel want to sell their house for ten thousand dollars? I left at stake. just being made at a meeting like that. That's pretty incredible hour. I will that's it for this one. Thank you so much truck and we'll be right back with more messages from you crippled, we like the financial system by different, it doesn't care,
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Augmented beauty essentials if you're looking for a more minimal vibe check out their warm texture, rich winter, neutrals for even more info and the must halves. You need right now, visit macy's, dot com, slash own your style and if you need a little help, finding your style footing pair up with a personal stylist they'll help, you put your look together either in store or from the comfort of your home, best of all its totally free so had on over to macy's dot com, slash personal stylus to beg your appointment today, who Gaza's lives, bathroom, frosted, tubes, the holidays or here, and what better way to celebrate than hosting a dinner party. With some light, fellow boy, benders roger you or I will listen to my new podcast episode, find out who are special guests were out now, where ever you get your podcast, I should say the sun
out, but I want, but you guys gotta get back together, but I say it said boy band aid yeah. That would be ha. I mean, could you imagine Monday night at wembley we can manage philadelphia one day, one day, one day, the one. While you got all the way from uk, we get the degree you're doing it for one day. It's it's go ahead. Yeah. It would be a ninety degree. Take that sync backstreet boys, boys to men. New addition, I mean you bring the jacksons back. I know you have some special guests come on. This episode is sponsored by Hyundai. It's yours journey and we have returned. We are going to give a very profound. Thank you to designate dominate, go
Devon right in to c the following howdy. First I'd like to say thank you for such a cool, podcast yours is what got me into enjoying podcast and I am a frequent listener. Thank you Devon. I am very analytical thinker. I'd love to know why things happen and conspire as to what other theories are out there. Second, I thought it would be fun if you all did in episode about the winchester mystery house. We all know about this went right s. Oh yes, Don't go mad and build a house that is nuts easy ass. We got all the passages and start wasn't there kind of a middling pity thirteen our movie made around it in the last couple of years. Happily there was imagine. There are many many spends on this driving. continues. The man who invented the eighteen. Seventy three wind
esther repeating rifle built, a house with his wife. He died in battle and she continued to live there. She was convinced did. She was being haunted by the souls of those which the repeating rifle had killed as punishment for her husband, making such a deadly weapon, her spiritual shrink, slash, priest, slash, etc, told her that to die theirs in twenty five cents was an absolutely reasonable amount to pay for a case idea. Kitty, her spiritual shrink, slash, pre, slash, etc, told her that to get rid of these spirits, they need to be confused, store driven out by noise. She followed as advice and from that time, until her death, she always had her house being built on and added to the noise from the construction was so loud. It was said to drive the spirits away and tears where it gets crazy. She took a step further.
Add them build the house in a way that did not make any sense staircases that lead to nowhere doors that opened and dropped ten feet to the kitchen corridors. The were labyrinth a she filled with fear perceives inside of it in the ball room all caps, a bunch of crazy things. Her house was literally and architectural maize. She wanted the spirits to be so confused in the house that they would not have the time to haunt there is more to this story, says Devon, but I thought you guys get a kick out of this house pictures online show their houses, crazy anatomy and there's more or to the safes within a safe story, the winchesters inability to have children and other stuff love. You show care wait to hear back about what you think, thanks and gig, gee. I e g apostrophe ear must are using their isn't it
Is that an australian term? I know what I like it. I, like the sound of hope. It set a crazy code. Word her dog whistle for something you know not awkward. I tried to assist the tulu here or I'll find out soon enough cause I'm going to be blasting this one out. Willy nilly could be your thing I guess I am chatham, make anything Yet there was a movie winchester stirring, dame Helen Mirren and serious nook I think my personal tv crush from a succession shift the ship. Do not give very good reviews. I did this year by the mid does appear that there Adding some ghostly elements to what is largely a architectural oddity, but I do think it's interesting. The idea that someone would think that spirits would be cool, used by stairs leg, is that house, but who decided that's how spirits work? Well, that's it's ancient! I think the reason, the the speculation
the urban legend build so well is that the idea of using architecture or geography mislead or to stymie or confuse supernatural entities is very, very old. As a matter of fact, you know pre human beings, there is this, not a hundred percent, but there's a pretty convincing argument that that's how burial start it. You know what I mean, the ground, put some rocks over em. In case they come back in their taste. You know so I like it makes sense. The magic league narrative Lee Joseph Campbell style that we would we would see the human species continuing these things the day devon. This is important because cause you need to know tat. A lot of the rumours about Sarah winchester are absolute gobbledygook, their absolute character assassination to some
I agree. It's kind of like a Elizabeth bathory, probably didn't, really kill a bunch of young women and bathed in their blood because think about the temperature. No one thinks about the temperature at which blood clots. Do you know how innovate the technology is a really there? Yes part of some of what we talked about with gilbert king, about how if so, easy to get things wrong in headlines these days with the whole race to be first to market with ideas on the internet, and nobody really read the retraction, so others care dress ass, that you're talking a ban because back generations. It just kind of comes the law because it's the most interesting part of the story, even if it's like the least true part of the story
am glad you mentioned that, because for for a long time it started way before his stuff. They don't want you to know. I critics of discourse in media have pointed out that retractions are often ignored and and what a shut up you matt for a a beautiful thing. I think it came out last week he mentioned the context is key. When you talked about the three human heads headline or a foul put on coworker's desk. I and that's a that's a perfect example. Please listen back to, I believe, was our listener mail segment from the previous week to hear more about what we're talking about. Let's also explore the winchester mansion part of the story's. True part of the story you've heard here is true. Sarah winchester was the widow and inheritor areas of the winchester rifle fortune. There is a real winchester mansion. It is a tourist destination on the west coast of the nice
each end, they lean in to the go stuff so hard. It's right now. It's like twenty four thousand square feet, seven stories, hundreds hundreds of rooms- I remember how many even more doors, doors in crazy places to knolls point lots of stairways lots of fireplaces in spots where a human would not normally anticipate a stairway or a fireplace, and this law didn't, tells us that Sarah winchester, upon advice of the psychic spent almost forty eight forty years, thirty eight years building constantly twenty four seven, because she was worried that if she stopped building the ghost would for her. However, it's there
there are. A lot of. There are a lot of problems with this story because it dates back really to the early construction. The windows. Ok, a lot of the windows. There are thousands of windows in this thing, they're, not regular, poor people, non arms, dealer heiress. No they're, the tiffany in co, their stained glass, stained glass on the show and incredible, parquet floors and stuff, so there's like all of the bespoke features of this house in of themselves, are fascinating and beautiful, craftsmanship and there's a lot of spooky stuff about the windows it turns out. Most of that, if you look at the historical record is incorrect. Here's what happens this person, Sarah winchester she married a guy named william, william winchester, William dies not by his own invention, which
be nice little book and historically he dies and tuberculosis nineteen eighty one a very real and dangerous thing: he, leaves her. Ah thirty, six huh weird thousand dollars, and on top of that she gets a little less than eight thousand dollars a year just off the stocks, because you know if you're, very wealthy you'll have to really do anything. You just live off the interest rate. You live off other people's labor. I assume they were
being in boston at the time he dies. Tuberculosis. Sarah visits a psychic guy named Adam Koons and Adam, is the one who says the winchester family is cursed, a f no cap. You know what I mean on god, etc, and the only way to keep the spirits at bay adam says is to build. This thing make this quagmire of a house and never ever ever. Stop here's the plot twist. If you look at the work of the historians, then you are in the autumn coon's. The psychic is made up a author named susie smith, but made up this psychic adam coon's for a book called prominent american. ghost and she sort of expanded an winchesters alleged obsession with the paranormal
that is some creative license right. There yeah it's a little little little bit of freestyle little bit of sway in the morning on that when none, I so so. The word on the street is that apparently winchester liked being her own architect. She also had multiple homes because she was very well to do. She wasn't a trained architect. She was kind of going off vibes. You know like elon musk with rutting twitter, just what feels good in the moment. You know, and the construction therefore was If you take one person's fluid brainstorming and create from it a concrete structure, so there are a lot of remodels halfway through. There are a lot of changes
and the idea here is that she just kept going with it and the entire time. Also in her defence, her real name is probably sally, not sarah. By the way in her defence, she was a philanthropist for the rest of her life. For those thirty eight years, She wasn't just a crazy woman running from ghost and there's a lot, a massage any that is wrapped up in this modern myth. Now I can that then I have been perusing. The official winchester mystery house, dot com, where you yeah good time I mean you can put your wedding it'd fun here, you're married, you gave do it at that, the mystery house. I guess you can also just have a group tour. That's pretty cool! Ok, so it says here that it costs
around five million dollars total in nineteen twenty three to build this thing, which, if we put Then the old inflation calculator. How much would it be in twenty twenty three dollars? Let's, let's pull the inflation calculator and check it out. We get some books and it is this area. Million and nineteen twenty three. As of now, while we're recording june twenty first, twenty twenty three is: did he seven million eight hundred nine thousand I hundred and sixty three dollars and thirty one sets. So this is not. This is not just I got one and died and fine weekend. It's not imagine. This is something else ben. You mentioned some unusual construction of the window, despite the meaning like highly decker. They had an endless spoke.
Is there some material that was meant to lay block out so theoretically block out spirit, sir? Keep them from entering great questionable. To my knowledge again, this might be a full episode and few to my knowledge. That was not a real world calculation at the time, a construction, but I would not be surprised if modern myth makers have traded as such. That's the problem. It just reminded me of there's a community of values, roma people that live near where I grew up in Augusta. Georgia called georgia calmly, the travellers travellers, have them They build a new house. They live behind that house in a trailer for like a year and they cover the windows with aluminum foil
The legend is er, though the scuttlebutt, as you know, not hearing directly from these folks. They don't really talk to people as if they're doing that, to to kind of exercise or cleanse the house or keep spirits from going in there and that's why they don't occupy it for a full year and it's just as interesting. Yet weird Come up with. This is definitely what works. We ask sneer way into nowhere and tinfoil on the windows you now, I'm so glad you mention. The travelers too There are so many communities that do not have real representation, a mainstream. Discourse and, as a result, much like widow winchester. Their stories are misrepresented and that's what's happening here. That's what's happening with the winchester mansion David dude, not devon. The dude also call if you like him up, I didn't go. We have to realise that what's happening here is a bit of a rift the
people who are charging tickets for the winchester mansion probably do know the reality, three of the story and they are leaning into the narrative that makes sense from a business perspective that doesn't make these people. You're, not letting anyone harm themselves on the site there not villains, but we need to be. We need to be sceptical consumers of him mason o o to that point been- and I'm sure you know this- and it was Harry houdini's visit to the property that ended up dead. In at the winchester mystery house, because you know he lay use a big DE bunker. I was something that he was famous for doing figuring out magician into their trick. Sir debunking psychics, like you, use, really anti psychic and he went and apparently well at least again. This is all marketing material. According to the timeline on the winchester mystery house site, he left with more
the questions than answers, and but at least at the very least he did refer to it in the press. As the mystery house and it was in nineteen thirty year, thus, nineteen thirty, that they rebranded it. The winchester mystery house, and she it's and she got a lot of hit pieces because we have to understand this is a one per center at the time in the time of her life, she also went by sally for most of her life. So sarah to the put a sarah to the press, sally to the friends and people just treated her incredibly unfairly. I she was very reclusive. She did not have the inclination to respond to the court of public opinion and, let's, let's leave it there for now, we ve spoiled the winchester
mystery house railway, but there is something more mysterious going on here. It's it's the dilemma of who lives, who dies? Who tells your story, and I think we I think we could say that without getting sued not shaking his head. That's like leading global actors. I just believe you said it without. You know the cadence forget her we? So so speaking of getting around, we wanna thank oliver fellow conspiracy, realist who get around them. World get around such interesting adventures and misadventures and take the time to be part of our show. Thank you so much for calling. Thank you so much for writing in. Thank you so much for playing with the ouija board and sorry about that. John I've got something for you
wait been giggle kingdom etymology gingham. Let's do it in originates from texas, an m university and those who have attended, university since nineteen, thirty, apparently, or something like that. because it was a phrase that was yelled out. It is associated with also with a thumbs up with, right hand to show off your. Taxes, a and m. I guess last ring or whatever. So that's what giggle means australian, sorry about that. I'm silly Yeah in the family, guy universe, ring more political parties. A couple of these regional things like blue eyed, bigotry, average serve for polly associates with you like fun. Words like who are now like in the military, the eye and then the marines I want to say and then his wine
that's they they say in new orleans, alot, when Definitely, as down seller, the worldwide me out so yeah go down into the cellar they just happen soon. after that, our part of the world that it becomes a statement. But what about? Our lives are good at who that, oh, who does indeed good aspects in speaking of who that will end wish as we have a mission critical update from a nemesis of our in the southern hemisphere. You may recognize this person or this entity from earlier abusive correspondence they sent to us nobby hood rights in to say mass of correction. It's actually nobbing hood, get it it's like a robin hood, plus a work.
Got it. Take you that's what we're here for the issues of the evening, and we hope that you will join as here in our continuing mission, to explore the stuff. They don't want. You to know just off the edges of the map. You can contact does we are everywhere online until of course, obviously imminent domain applies to pike asked can't wait! For the day you can find a halo conspiracy, stuff on twitter, you tube and facebook there's stuff show on instagram and tiktok. can call our number one, eight three three, std w. Why t caves of voice mail system? Three minutes, you ve got say whatever you like, give yourself a cool, nickname and let us know if we can use your message and voice on the air novel Who'd hope you read all the sarcasm in those messages that we just sent out your way because they allow the real years, but why should I
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-21.