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Listener Mail: The Sinister Truth Behind the TikTok Ban, Juggalos, EMTs, and Medically-assisted Suicide in Canada

2023-04-06 | 🔗

Tone prompts a terrifying warning about the RESTRICT Act, which is being soid to the American public under false pretenses. Mohawk Mick talks about the ridiculous decision to classify Juggalos as a gang. Medic Grandma shares insider info about life as an EMT. Old Sharkjumper replies to an earlier conversation about medically-assisted suicide in Canada. All this and more in this week's listener mail segment.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, I'm woman of drama executive producer of the new park as day. Why? I believe that first, each week, the incredible legal or fabulous. I will eat the montenegro will play matchmaker for a group of powerful romantics ride vehicle, you know and listen to my only thou first thursdays on the eye how radio ab apple by guest- oh you get your by gas and remember Don't do anything. I wouldn't do just do it. busy does on how rude tanner vetoes the full house. We watch by gas join characters many tanner and Jimmy give learn, also known as actresses, judy sweeten and andrea barber as they re live. Every episode of your favorite friday night comfort. Shall we spent arms higher childhoods on a little show called full house plain enemies but becoming bessys. Whenever the cameras worked rolling and now thirty, five years later is our biggest adventure. You listen.
how rude tanner vetoes on the iheart, radioactive appleton gas or wherever you get your broadcasts, but stale and limited means of communication slow you down with argent younger audiovisual technology, kicker my store, spark and engagement in your organization. Our experts will taylor solutions. You make to your business schedule a free consultation at the modern office. Tat come from but those two psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now the stuff. They don't want to a production of. I hope we, Ella. Welcome back to the show my name is met. My name is not there,
We then we are joined with our guest super producer in super shifter hack. It most importantly, you are you you are here, and that makes this the stuff they don't want. You to know, as we describe previously, we ve been on the road for a bit were so abbe to get back together, not just with us, but with some of our fellow conspiracy realist who will be joining us on air too. A four hour weekly listener male segment, we are going to explore some stuff about? I p we're gonna, get switch from medic grandma we're gonna talk about medically assisted suicide in canada. Many people wrote to us with their experiences and a euro we measure which had to be a little bit. It's a hack it on the block rate, but before Are we do any that we're thinking we're gonna begin an email from our friend told about something. Pretty wild ito, snoozy
we recently got her shoe on tik tok with new lot a tik tok things, I think we are all aware of the recent hubbub about banning tik tok. You guys remember, reading about this ads when it came and went right, leg go where there was a couple times were they made some concessions and then recently there some sort of statements, and now it seems to have petered out a little bit. While there are definitely And within the federal government, if any federal law is an outright ban like you know, for the does, any one fear is our pal tune, comes into play. Tone says the following: It fell. As you may remember me his tone, I wrote to you, a few months ago about a weird noise and a few other tangentially related phenomena that affected me in a short period of time. Quick update on that the fbi has it
contacted me since then, but I'm definitely on a watch list or two we've been right there with you tone. As a matter of fact, tone says who is it? Am I right. You're right, however, says tone: that's not the reason for this email, I'm back with my tinfoil hat, to suggest a topic. I'd like to hear your opinions on the restrict act, or as I like to call it patriot- act to electric booger lou, all I've seen about it in the media is in regard to banning tik tok. But if you take even a cursory glance at the big her picture. You will notice that it is much more nefarious than that, barring the fact that many Opponents of this bill, own stocking competing social media companies, cough cough meadow cough cough, boring, even still the fact that the the shareholders in those competing social media companies and the m s m, which we take me- mainstream media as a whole a vanguard and black rock the danger, which I have referred
into lies within the vague wording and broad definitions in the bill. Tik tok would just be the start. This bill effectively as a non elected committee. Access to any and all devices and services connect. into the internet so long as they have more than one million users are owned by where it adversaries and see the acting president deems them a threat, we're gonna allied some of this is an in depth email. Thank you tone with love. These tone says this means everything from websites and video games to mobile apps, and even the cameras in your home could be effected. That's pretty crazy, weaken a well let's tat in this last part. Tone notes that the restrict act threatens in the: u s, citizen that attempts to subvert the bill with felony consequence in the form of a fine up to one million dollars and up to twenty years in prison, right silver, like tampering,
the smoke alarm on an airplane. No railway workers wittingly tag off the mattress, and we know what you did. So what this lake? Ok, the restrict acts. I think, like a lot of people, I first heard about it in relation to tick tock, but It does seem pretty pretty. Dangerously so of you guys heard much about this outside it tiktok. I'm thinking about companies like mantic that we saw gorgeous activation itself south by west recently for love of pokemon go fame, but also prior to that of like- and I said a fame right or when their connection, or there are like a contractor vendor for some kind of surveillance, e government you they are. I don't if the full story there, but I am thinking about a lot of the games that show up in like the the app store or the play store or whatever that are that have
ton of users right over a million users are probably game oriented and data mining oriented yeah. A hundred percent. Don't put me on your phone screen with oh come on, go you! Don't you jabez? I always. What are we gonna poking might go to the polls hot sized. It's in my bag, I'm Hilary equally I remember when I got five minutes of pokemon go dumb and we were out at our spot and you were not having it were. Like nah man, there's a snorlax on your book. Did I get that thing away from me? Yeah? I you know, I I probably trend paranoid it. No, no, it's a smart move now, so I know we know too much. It is now he said zog vice of fire, but it is is reasonable. Bed I we love acronyms on this, shows one to give you the full name. The restrict act uncle sam, very cute you with these. It is the restrictive
the emergence of security threats that risk information and community communications technology super role it off the top there. It's also by partisan bill. It's been led. The charge is being led by two senators mark warner Democrat from Virginia and John soon republican from south dakota. This, It seem to be well fortuitously, broad first It also seems to be a something can a bore. A lot of people and I would argue, maybe, by design the same way they came campaign finance. Reform, is super boring, right, and because it super matters, I d restrict act. Is targeting a genuine security risk like it's true, the chinese government should they wish
Can leverage data mind from tiktok. Just like you pointed out, A lot of these games. Ultimately, are there to figure out your habits, your location, to learn more about you, then you, may consciously be aware of when you click the old terms and agreements. But where does this become dangerous? I mean the idea: Tiny goes into a vibe check. You know that that third thing that tone just named the acting president deems a threat. The acting president is one person out of what one it's not a three more than three hundred third, it's million one person goes, I like it. I think that give his dub well to be fair, we and adviser right, probably from Some big com, Annabelle accurate becomes war is as if we need to get rid of this and
the president. Eventually, hears about goes o blackrock, yeah sure, whatever it is. You say ya Sorry, I guess I almost the strange news table a story about black rock in san diego, where they bought at the affordable housing in two thousand twenty one and wrapped up the price, is by forty to sixty percent, which is illegal There are only allowed to hike it up. Ten percent a year over a year later, maximum you can. I got the prices anyway, blackrock black rack. Yes, you know em, you know and thereby not neighborhoods near you That might be true, actually check out early investigations on the way investment companies and other institutions are leveraging algorithms to see how far they can gouge housing prices before breaking society and they are threatening needle there. It's not gonna get.
Or sue the forever renters dancer. Yeah yeah man did write the tagline for their check it out. I hears here's that which, though, for a lot of us listening, you might be saying well, airily new tik tok was sketchy our mess around with with that, it's clearly an up or has the opportunity to be Europe hope you're, not sorry, so it's not up it's a knob. But while you are correct about that friends his countrymen. Lend me rears while you're correct about that. I he does. This restrict act, does potentially still apply to you in a very dangerous way, because as written now. It could criminalize the use of vp it across the board. yeah, because think about it more than one million users a sort of appealing companies owned by quoting put forward adversary.
Please don't cut in the eye the beholder an end acting president. Does a vibe check and doesn't dig it reappeared as easily tiktok, woe, so, we need, we need an amount reckon vp in company If anyone were a great we always talk about their assets. Will expire european is nor. Nor again now Why is this important? Well, vps get a bad name, sometimes in the main stream, because they are associated with sketchy acts on line. However, like any other technology, it's probably dual use of, multiple use. We have to remember that the opinions provide a mission, critical ability, emission critical access. opportunity to people living under the thumb of authoritarian governments. Super
organizing protest to people who, right now, fighting possibly dying in the pursuit of equality and human rights. Not everybody and of european is just trying to get. You is true. get like an illegal rip of the latest marvel movie or something you know what I mean as a matter of fact, I would say the- and this is just opinion- love to hear disagree. Here are, as always, keep us on us. I would argue that the benefits of vp energy technology outweigh the consequences when he gets think. I agree the question to do those things that torrenting is up now that leg. the streaming wars have gotten so beyond ridiculous, and no one knows where anything as anymore. Like I don't know, pirating of media has been allowed. On time since I've seen any of that, so I don't know yet. That's that's good question. I knew that torrenting
twenty twenty two is still considered a thing, but it wasn't. I think it was a function of people just not be. Be able to find stuff muslims and re later yeah. It sort of like more of a crime of awkward not operate now a crime of it. It means that they are you guys. I may we basically gotten back to the place where you know, if you add up all of the different our car streaming services, you may be paying more than you used to pay for cable When that was me now the issue or the hard you and it's gonna. You know at some point I wanna seneca com. the general sour post, but at some point I Many other entities was just saying come on. guys didn't need your own special streaming service. I get it. I love one here shows, but you didn't you can't you just sell that someone else who sells it to me. You know it's just it's strange.
because you're absolutely right. Nor did that balkanization of streaming services did create the problem. That was originally meant to solve, or it sort of itself, raided, more reinforce that problem put it in a different shape even though the name packages does bread out now I do wonder of europeans are sometimes going back to your question there been because I think I see what you're saying if a vpn wasn't available to anyone who wanted to buy. It then If you are doing some super nefarious thing and you knew you had to be online to do it I'm assuming you could create, vpn type duration for yourself, you wouldn't need giant infrastructure to make that happen. If you are a proper, you know computer criminal, but yeah you know what I'm saying. Let us imagine that some on the cheap
do cyber crimes aren't using express vp n because either We would still have to probably turn over your data in the event of an investigation right to show you know what you're, what your traffic was at an end and how you had mastered, delay, promise complete anonymity or is it and event where they can be subpoenaed and they promise to try, ok, witches and I, I think, a valid promise to make but if something can be built, it can also be broken right does been true ever since the invention of the wheel. This that's on weird, but it also yes valid. But we also have to see the larger pattern right. Legislation again is eternally outpaced by technological innovation and a lot of times the people making the laws about this stuff. don't understand. The full ramifications of they're trying to rule on and we see pattern that, before before Tik tok people
read about jasper ski lab from russia or why you know like this this. the continuing pattern- and this, I think, is gonna- be a full episode. Depending on how tik tok please So what I suggest we do now is ask you, are a fellow fears you really wish to give us your thoughts on the restrict act. Do you think it's a good? Do you think it's over hyped do think people using vp ends are criminals is Pandora's jar already open. Is this going to be enough to stem the tide? We don't know. Conspiracy die her radio dot com, one in three three std, doubly whitey kabir get a pause for word from our sponsor, we'll be back with more messages from you
hey, I'm J, sherry and under host of on purpose. In this region episode. I had the honour to interview president Joe Biden in his first ever personal interview about mental health. The president opens up about grief connection, the childhood battles that if shaped impersonal, personal mental health and mental health at large. You don't want to miss it. The day will come when you open that closet door and you smell the fragrance of her addresses or your walk gone by that we walked with your child or your or your wife, or your husband, or a thing to remind you, enter longest time, will just bring a tear to your eye, but eventually every once in a while a big smile before it brings a tear to your eye. When that happens, you know you're going to make. I made that mean you still don't cry doesn't mean the pain still isn't real. Even years later.
No, you can make listen to on purpose. We J study on the eye, heart, radio, lap, apple pod cause or wherever you get your podcast craig ferguson, grandmaster beyond. jerked of wisdom. Not a ratio of mirth goes in search of joy I here to help you'll, be speaking with actors, doctors, comedians and scientists, artless and athletes, and people of vague, insert job stream happiness states of america last august on a mission. But does that wonders what is joy? Is it love religion, drug success, money, revenge? Is it a surge of chemicals or a deeper awakening? Can it be nurtured, debated and refined. Find out has great ferguson, explores the countless ways people find joy, other, that dances, the science, poetry, laughter and music of joy- don't mess it.
joy with credit for this here and now on the hard radioactive gas, where ever you get your plugins? Have you ever covered a carpet stained with a rod, ignored a leaky fawcett? pretended your half painted living room is supposed to look like that. Well, you're, not alone, we ve all got unfinished on projects. there is an easier way. Thumbtack is the app that makes it easier to care for your hot pull out your phone and in just a few tabs search chat in book highly rated pros right in your neighbor download thumbtack start caring for your home the easier way, and were back her fell into just see the tick tock congo, with hearing at all c o shouts, eat
she was, quoting quote grilled by law makers. The question about the war: yeah man there is what is really they ask the guy forget who was, but it was definitely like. A boomer go home can a situation where this salami, there was like so can Tik tok access Wireless network became picketed, ceo depositary yes, in order to get online tiktok needs to access. Your wireless, which goes like well, if you give it access to wifi, So I can answer the wireless network is out of you. I have explained smartphones today,
is that yeah today is our country is run by people older than your parents? Alright, here we go so that the phones with no wires whatsoever. What is this black magic? Had I dunno why I had an image of black rock in my head again. I dunno why again guys, but I keep seeing the monolith the black monolith. You know it runs harder, yes, that the ones of monkeys are hidden with the idea that the black rock, I think so just a theory, are guys We are a long time ago because we're just now catching up one voice mails from life. last month we talked about. One point how the insane clown policy was being categorized as a gang. Do you remember this? Yes, ok. the fbi. Yes, Oh, we got a message from mohawk mic who we ve heard from before, and he
the story to tell us so you're gus guys know log make again. So I figured out my lord Simon with my little to send some the edge took a little gang situation, I'm I was in Nashville tennessee. I was arrested for possession of a single solitary.
when I was a pulled over for speeding, they found a joint in my pocket and I had to go into jail for the weekend. I've been arrested many times for possession of marijuana before and er. I was used to thinking no big deal. I'd go to court and get on probation at worst and let out in the morning or by monday, rather and ah so I walk into where they have me- are scheduled to within the jail, and it was a new part of the jail I'd, never seen before and instantly upon being set into a cage with a hundred and fifty bunks in it. I had men walking up to me asking me what set I was repping now, because I of course, am a street kid a little bit. I knew what they meant and they were asking me what gang I belong to and I started giggling like I'm, not a gang dude. I just got arrested for a joint, no big deal and, of course, a little jumpy kid decide to get in my face talking about yo bro. This is a gang unit. Do you want revenue or say you're going to get knifed in here? So, of course I walk over to the ceo I explained to my sister. So this is misunderstanding. I've been misquoted,
I do not belong in the gang unit. He doesn't clichy clichy on the computer. Tells me tattoo left shoulder swear. I have my hatchet man tattoo, because I am a judge alone. It's my family, that is my friends. We take care of each other on the streets in a way that a gangs even don't even take care of each other, and so I had to turn around and announce to the entire pot of one hundred and fifty actual gang bangers that I'm a juggler and that's why I'm classified in here and at the eyes recently put us on the gang list. Then, if any of you have a problem with that, it'll be on my bunk reading, a book in one by one. Every one of those gangs sent over someone to speak with me and told me that I was cool
there's that they had a jug, a little friend who juggle a cousin or juggler in their set and ended up being alright, and I ended up on the stage table with a whole bunch of gangbangers boy. Imagine being a! Maybe someone not quite like me, maybe someone a little more suburbia just thought you to outlast your parents and get a hatchet man tattoo, because he likes music and then one day maybe get picked up for the most innocuous charge and end up in a gang in it. Imagine how that might change your life real, quick, fast and in a hurry, maybe get you associated with the wrong types of people. The wrong crowd kind of looks like it could have backfired on the us government, but anyway this is mohawk mic you can use my voice, my name that were much stuff on my shoulder and I don't care who knows what it is. You have great day, I'm out clashing as faint oh, nearly all right that side of the ramifications of what a classification like them means the hunters interesting yeah yeah. I just made
I just wanna play that cause is first experience of danger of being gang associated right monument. My group here in I thought they d classified it there. I thought they pulled it off her of the list, is now. I don't know my Did he say where recently this was like? I didn't catch that he's dying about. You know back he's your priorities for about a month ago or so ballot. The I see I see p is currently I mean so curly, going back and forth with the fbi, or that designation to the great point you raise muhammad being put it like a gang unit. highly raises your chances of what's called recidivism, which means your odds of going back into some form incarceration and we know the justice system still calling it that here in the u s is incredibly flawed and imperfect
A recidivism rates here are so high at times that one must ask whether it is by design whether it is a bog or a feature and Look you know we heading. We, we all read some great reporting on a juggler community at large, which has a lot of them diagrams, and reality is that often times people were told the civilians but get popped for something like that, they find themselves needing to join is set just to ensure their own protection or survival. In those pretty brutal systems mix them. Complicates life. Well, you know when you get out right hundred percent dude. I I think I may have said this before when I was on the show I've been in jail one time and it was
because I had an unpaid, or at least my ticket, that I sent in the money for hadn't shown up as being paid a speeding ticket, and I was commuting a lot like kind of on this, like part of between atlanta and athens, georgia, coffee sixteen goes through some kind of you house, real small communities there like don't take payment online. at descended in and I got pulled over a guy. I got a little finger. Bender and my life this had been suspended? I didn't know it even though I had sent in the payment, I went to jail and light. There was this dude and sell it. I was then, and he'd been in there for life for days for failure to pay child support, and why What happens when you are in jail for four days? You are you lose your job and then you can't buy child support. It's like it is this to be even just something as simple as that and not gang related at all is designed to keep you in the system and entered just completely hamstring. Your whole existence.
Yeah guys, I don't. I dunno. I don't have much else for this one. I want to play one more message: if that's okay, just want to say thank you to milan make for sharing your story. Those really Thank you. This next message comes to us. medic grandma, that is now, that is how she labelled herself, is not applied this, person. Is amazing torture. the phone for little bit. She was calling in about the can anyone diet, disney episode at that our friends came in and co hosted, are hosted, guest hosted for us destiny. Awesome awesome job in this is comments on that episode. I medic grandma, I had been apparent. for over thirty years. Doing nine one one, nobody
I was in my ambulance either. I was commenting on their show from disney about disney and nobody dying. There there's a very good explanation for that. Once a paramedic gets on the scene, they can declare death or not one six, and not that death is not declared until you get to the hospital. There is no inbetween at all. So if I'm putting hands on a patient that is in cardiac arrest, which these patients would be at disney, I'm we either work at or we don't once we work at they're not declared dead until they get to the hospital, so that would stand for the explanation of bill, but he dies at disney
because, once the paramedics both hands on they dont declared death once they start that level of treatment thanks today by the lobby hosting think so, met it grow mine and not you! You spoke with our our fellow listener directly. Did you glean any additional information our time? Oh my gosh, I her name is deanna when I'm allowed to that, I can talk to for hours guys. I think we could have you really want a conversation with her one of them, yes things every she'd cell in the message there once per medic arrives right, whether that's ems, m t right under There are different levels of e m t right, there's kind of a basic train de m t and advanced trained e m t and then a full on paramedic and there's levels of air sociedad with each of those that can be applied. If the
be an uncut central uber arrives Ben. I told her that you say that all the time on the show- and that's not necessarily sexual hoover yeah, but It is time that the different levels of care that are associated with it It shows up to you and that purse if there repair paramedic kin clear someone dead on the scene right so and if that occurs, if that occurs, and the ambulance is not used as transport so the avian flu is only used to transport, a patient that needs care to us, little facility. I was going to ask Only a doctor can declare someone deck, as that would certainly be like I'm open and shut answer to this question, but you're saying that data a paramedic somewhere a higher level of of that kind of on the spot care can do that Any indiana was saying that once What is in the message once that patient enters the ambulance care
provided so let's say that person goes into full cardiac arrest. Their heart stops the pyramid or there Ain t you in there is going to revive that person, if possible, right a hundred percent like they will just they will attempt to revive that person. The entire, you have the time they will give them depending on the level of care they can administer different drugs thick in may. You ve seen it in the movies deck in shock, someone back into at least their heart, beating right He just fascinating to to hear her talk about how much can occur there. and there are so many other tension, Your things we talked about guys I didn't realize that tease in emergency responders, like medical response that is the most. The role of any first responder on innocent. I never would have fun. Never. We also there also cartoonish lee underpaid for being on the front lines its I have been to talk,
are there. There are these medical professionals. Right my goodness I didn't realize that just is- nature of having to put your hands physically on a patient right to provide care to somebody and depending If there's a mental health crisis going on or affair a family member of a patient that is angry about whatever situation you could get. Could give a bad situation real, quick as refugees have occurred to me now. That is fascinating I've seen the film bringing out the dead. Yes, yes, it's out any it's very stylized. It's very do now score size, but it is it is I I was always very taken by you now I m going from the perspective of one of these professionals, see now and then
all the weird crazy situations that they can find themselves and again it's a it's a it's a movie, but it's not always go immediately, gets always going for realism exactly, but it's interesting. I think it's something that you don't really think about just like how they probably tv series that deal with it as well, and I'm not that wasn't really my cup of tea, but I always think of that, now. You saying all these things is gonna come into mine. I think it's worth a watch. It's a tremendously important position in real. I find it's often ignored the as a very non fictional, very real need for each. Tease need for paramedics, need for life, saving first responders. I right now. If who, in the atlanta metro area, you will see either in that part of the world alone. There are almost four hundred different job offers right. That's
there is a big problem. It's like up then overshot the recognition that teachers still never again what's idea was saying, is a massive nation wine shortage of aromatics like especially fully trained paramedics but mps in general as well. just saying it is an extremely mentally and physically taxing profession, and She is a bit of a unicorn. Having worked for thirty years in the field and then when it has evolved, you know laws and technology. All of that I was gonna, do you die of aids and the thing she's above oh it lantern by the way and the thing one of the things that I pointed out, that I had no idea there or pre that companies that provide the nine one one emergency responder care? It form huge parts of
a huge parts of the united states, because county services can't handle the volume that's required. but there are these private companies a more as the one, the handles the cab county, which is here in atlanta and issues interesting to so much stuff there guys about how nine one one as a service is attempting to be turned into a profit. Oh enterprise, however it's just a we need right are the beast bribe. Would you Who is you what you do? Is you cripple public services? The taxpayers are pains, And then you use that as a misleading way to say. Look how bad this service is. It would be better if its privatized and You give your buddies and your campaign donors some stuff off the top a little bit of a vigorous, and then you say, look how good. This is an just, don't talk about how rarely privatizing works. We could dress it up, however, you want, but that is the order of operations
well. I do I schools and then leg. You know third party groups, the interface with with with me I'll local blonde. where's and in terms of real invitation a pay me and to be able to return back to normal. It all goes into what we were talking about a little while ago about people getting stuck in the system. Lot of that is, you know, just a money cycle, a money pit virgilius tons. promise with healthcare in this country, guys yedo get me started. There was a time. when the cab county, when an ambulance right when you the county running. It used to run your three hundred bucks flappy fee, thousands now we waiting for that's why I ask you why people are a life threatening situations or even like in the midst of giving birth to a human being and say: let's call the goober. Let's call the lift
because our insurance company won't know about it and they won't taxes, because your local insurance company is probably aid for profit and did you think about those kinds of things you got trees and looked at you know. People might say: oh you're, you guys are being so box year whatever, but we're speaking factually here and thank you too medic ram on thanks, also to mark make their. But like the thing is I ask yourself that aside from calling an in an emergency situation. Ask yourself the number one cause of death. Is in the united states. Now it's packaged is a lot of things. It's packages, things like heart, failure, cardiac arrest, cancer, etc. But really, if you look at it, the number one cause of death is not being able to before privatized medical care. With that we're gonna hear a word from our sponsor.
Hey, I'm very study and under a host of on purpose in this region episode. I had the honour to interview president Joe Biden in his first ever personal interview about mental health. The president opens up about grief connection, the childhood battles that shaped in personal mental health and mental health and large you dont want to mess it day will come when you open a closet door and you smell the fragrance of her dresses or you won't go my lap We walked with your child or your or your wife or your husband, or a thing to remind you after the longest time will just bring a tear to your eye, but eventually every once in a while a big smile before it brings a tear to your eye. When that happens, you know you're going to make, I made doesn't mean you still don't cry doesn't mean the pain still isn't real. Even years later,
No, you can make listen to on purpose. We J study on the iheart radio, lap apple pod cause or wherever you get your podcast cried ferguson. Grandmaster project of wisdom. Maharishi of mirth goes in search of joy, am here to help you'll, be speaking with actors, doctors, comedians and scientists, artless and athletes, and people of faith insert job stream happiness states of america last about girls on emission about girls. That wonders what is joy as it love religion, drug success, money, revenge! Is it a surge of chemicals or a deeper awakening? Can it be nurtured? cultivated and refined find out has Ferguson explores the countless ways. People find joy, Celebrations the dances, the science, poetry, laughter and music of joy. Don't miss it
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with a very very in depth and and thoughtful and heartfelt email about assisted, medically assisted sewers in canada, so such a little trigger warning here we are going to talk about medically assisted suicide, but also this now mentions non medically assisted. So if this is something new, just triggering for you or that something that is uncomfortable. You could probably just skip to the credits, but he would firstly, they call me old shark jumper and you have all the permissions quiet of me. I do live in canada on an island off the west coast of british columbia. I listen to assisted suicide, comments had felt compelled to write A friend once told me: he had terminal cancer, then went home and put a shock. Into his mouth, because I'm older I've had some experience with loved ones die when my mother passed we had to tell them to unhook the machines that were keeping her heart beating. She was already brain dead. My first wife, past few years
We ve been married for almost forty years. The time she had come during her brain that had hemorrhage into her brain. She was in a coma no chance of survival and in pain you could tell, because of the way her face would move the closest. Anyone came a suggesting. An early death was a nurse who answered our questions about keeping her on fluids. She responded with the fact that we were belonging her suffering as a family. We stopped the pr fluids, I wasn't it. From the doktor came to tell my brother. They were no longer treating his cancer. He was too weak to take the massive doses of came out. It would kill him and his doctors, they couldn't I know how strong he was at that time and all the cancers he had and they were correct. He lived about another week I have remarried and my present wives first husband that she divorced had cancer and they made the decision to not have treatment. He lasted about three months before passing. In all these cases, we were not pressured to end anything.
Early and assisted suicide was not mentioned, I do know a lady. who did use assisted suicides and she was suffering from a alas and what our quality of life. Below what she wanted she requested and was given at present, I have cancer hard to My chances are not great, but at no time has assisted suicide been mentioned, I'm going to get treatment and fight it, the people and councillors at the clinic. I have been excellent and very support. of living, I have given my family, my instructions, if I don't make it enclosing I've I should mention that the cbc is not always a gain broadcasting company, but is not always the best source as they are government funded. The present liberal government tends to expand their funding. They definitely back that party, as opposed to a party that to get there finally hoping to continue hearing your excellent biogas old shark jumper. Thank you old church upper, we're thinking of him it no doubt I mean what
on an honest and candid email. You know what I mean so many experiences and then- and then you know your personal experience as well: This was, of course, in reaction to our discussion. Of specifically, thickly assisted suicide. Wasn't it wasn't about canada, though right we did a whole episode just on the concept and- and just you know, the kind of troubled history of it and and the lack of acceptance and it being very controversial. it was specifically about canada was from earlier lister males. I can't believe also learn, helped us to bigger picture discussion. this in the past, as well so yeah, either at the wheel, Oh did a story, though, where, like we ve heard, gosh in over, the handling of the conversation around six assisted suicide is, is very important right,
my gear you will towards its or or lang. You know, whatever, like literally almost being coerced into its right, isn't that Martin wins yeah that list your mail segment where they were believing MR male, we add a fellow conspiracy. Real is right to us about the controversy. He claims that there are being people who are kind of will the accusation. The geishas at their being proactively offered the dear of medically assisted. She was I in a very vulnerable time in their lives, and it's it's quite refreshing to your shark jumper say that in there since this is not the case. The variation almost being to free up beds are something right, like the callous implication, There were certain intent in that discussion. If I'm not me out it's hard to know what people are thinking, but they did not seem right. There are some patterns were perhaps it was being seen it prematurely even yet
yeah. This is from we're this year in February. I want to say we received an email from ghost regarding allegations of forced medically assisted death very, very dangerous, very, very controversial stuff, but other hand, you know given shark jumpers per se durban in these situations, something should be on the table. We now for individuals to choose in in junction with, I guess, with input from their families and ultimately it should be up to the person. But the idea of this woman is that he was discussing, who felt that her call of life had fallen below what she wanted. No one should have to take that into their own hands, with a with a weapon knew now I don't know I mean- maybe it's a controversial thing to say, but it feels like the obvious choice to me anyway. Maybe I'm missing something it's a boy it's fraught, I know. Well, you know it's a strange thing. It feels like you should be able to choose
we have agency right, we have freewill, theoretically, is it technically illegal to kill yourself like? If you fail? Can you I get in trouble I know that I'm not being funny I'm just soon it pens on the it depends on the country, suicide. Is a crime in some parts of the world and if you look at a place like Japan, for students where some people taking their own lives by jumping in front of a tree, ass baggage, two also occurs in in other metro areas or someone. I want pan than what you he is in some cases, families are fined for the clean up or other damages occur, which seems twinning others in a cold yeah. I mean is pretty other people in danger for sure you're right about that by, as far as whether or not it is on the books are crime. It depends on the part of the world that you are in
in the? U s right now. I think it actually goes state by state. So in many states suicide itself. The act is legal. Please folks do not count. Is that in any way with ice condoning the practice we very much or not, not just such as to question it popped into my head. Yeah? I don't know where to go with it. That is really think. This was just an opportunity to see the much like with the job willow story- notes very, very, very different, but to see from the inside how these kinds of things really affect people. You know it's one thing to do:
his story about like a a law or or or you know something an event, but it's another thing entirely to really hear it from someone. Who's who's lived it and sees how it really shakes out, and I rl that's redundant just ira data. I don't know that. There's really much else to say thank you shark jumper for the year old shark jumper for it for the really sobering. Effective and thoughtful email and we're working to help end the show with something a little different. That's right, yes we wanted to. We wanted to share some day. You know in lesser male we been endeavouring to kind of clothes. to sum up notes, and- and you know, we opened the door to terrible ponds, awhile back right, or you know amazing, pines riots be the beholder situation. We got an el from our good
our friend the show samurai and samurai and to share with us a poem that he co wrote with chat jpg impersonating, edgar, Allan poe the property. was explain the stuff. They don't want you to know podcast in style of edgar. when personal and so jpg wrote, a poem uphold and edgar Allan poem hope unless I'd yeah, yeah we are going to we are going to? amaze, ourselves or problem group by color. Tv sharing, this poem with our fellow listeners on air start. This way will just switch back and forth once upon a midnight dreary, as I pondered and weary over many, a curious volume of the strange, not explained lore. Suddenly there came a tapping
as if someone gently wrapping wrapping at my chamber door again of the chechen pretty made that part. Who could it? he. I muttered disturbing me at this late hour. Is it a friend, a foe or something far more bizarre matter, as I opened wide the door there's no, are we going I opened wide the door. There stood a trio, nothing more been nolan. at the hosts of a podcast, I did a door stuff. They don't want you to know whispered in my ear and thus It was very bad bad. Can you do it like real as a bar, whispering creepy, like actually whispering in theory? Keep the whole thing is super shift will do will do the quiet storm the stuff? They don't want you to know, their whispered in my ear and thus speed
and a journey through the mysteries we hold so dear from secret societies. Cover. Ups, the paranormal and the strange the hosts explored of the unknown seeking answers to arrange, but, as I listened to their tails, I couldn't help but feel Chill for that Ruth, they sought was often elusive, hidden from us still and yet. They urge their listeners to question and to seek to never for easy answers, but to explore and two critique answer. As I bid the hosts adieu, and closed my chamber door. I knew I'd come back to this They don't want you to know for more thank you so much samurai. Thank you gnp, which I didn't think we would say today mohawk mike figures show
much too medic grandma thinking to old shark jumper, and, of course, thank you to tone. Do you want to be a part of our show folks? We would love to have you on a weekly listener. Male segment, all you have to do is opened the door and there are many doors to open. yeah. One of them were. Several of them exist on the internet in the form of social media. Our we, conspiracy, stuff youtube facebook or we have our facebook group, hears rickets, crazy and also twitter, experienced oh on instagram and tiktok. If you to use your phone call one. Eight three, three std w. Why t k is a voice? Male system? You ve, got three minutes, give yourself a cool moniker. We don't care what your name is lungs. It's not your real government name. Do not give us your government name yet like deanna. but she said we should use it if You give us permission. Ok, that
You want, basically what we say. We will call you whatever you that's correct, but this is not about Please do let us know if we can use your name and message on the air if you don't on a call us. Why not instead send us a good old fashioned email we are in spirits. I heard radio dot com, stuff they don't want. You to know is the production of a heart radio for more podcast. From my heart radio visit, the I hurt, radioset apple pie or wherever you listen to your favorite, shows
Transcript generated on 2023-08-07.