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Listener Mail: Narconon and Scientology, Getting Kicked out of the Freemasons, and the Disappearance of Rebecca Coriam

2020-11-05 | 🔗

Critics allege the rehabilitative program known as Narconon is a front for Scientology. Masons chime in to confirm that yes, you can get kicked out of the Masons. The disappearance of former cruise line worker Rebecca Coriam remains unsolved to this day. All this and more in this week's listener mail.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey it's your homey! Sorry, it's your home. I know you like it. When I call myself your whole me, so I have some favours to ask you. If you get rid of the future, is in the living room. My floorboards are two year another easy thing: we're safe, If you bundled your home and car insurance with guy girl, one thing. I know you love lavender centre candles, but could we try to? He should vanilla? I think it would fit my five better Geico for bundling, maybe he's gonna Jacko Dotcom today. Did you know the original to potato head was an actual potato. Did you know that all two kilos or mescal, but not all mescal ways? Tequila? Did you know some goats climbed trees? Did you know there really was a Jones family that everyone in New York was trying to keep up with or their Pablo Picasso was a child prodigy who could draw before he could talk
You will stuff, you should know an incomplete compendium of mostly interesting things. Priolo now it stuff, you should know dot com or wherever books are sold from, with those two psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn this stuff. They don't want you to know a production of. I horribly blue. Welcome back to the show my name is met. My name is no. They call He then we are joined, as always with our super producer, Alexis Code, name, Doc, holiday Jackson. Most importantly, you or you you are here, and that makes this stuff. They don't want you to know. This is our list, your mail segment, so every week we find at least
pieces of correspondence from the most important part of this show your fellow listeners? I we ve got some so deuces here today and as we ve said in the past. We get this ass of amount of correspondence via email, obvious social accounts via our good, all telephone number, one, eight, three, three std w whitey, K and Matt. I believe that our our first piece a listener mail today is in fact a message right. It is It's a message from Lana and let us play it very clearly Why are you here now and there had not agreed industry, has a really interesting to look into. How are you there is a growing awareness of the disappearance of the Korean. She disappeared in
eleven on her cruise ships, which are has since been realised, Human trafficking is that aspect and suffering furnish really in her thanks? What the share by in there we go. We have been talking about cruises quite a bit in the region Passengers are meagre in was first peaked when we just learning about the key phrase The viral infectious trap that increased. can become win out at sea and just a single infected person gets on board and you know a then became. I guess our interest in blood the industry over all has been doing for many years about law when you're on international waters just some of some of the Inn
streets, regular habits, how will they keep costs down? interesting stuff, where we have not talked specifically about any disappearances, I dont think Japan unless I'm wrong. We talk in the past about we ve explored some cases of people who went missing in international waters, while not necessarily on a cruise ship, but just gotta pursuit of always sunny in Philadelphia. You know the rules are different on the high seas in a really loving pointed that out. We have not talked about Rebecca Quorum who disappeared, I in March, two thousand and eleven March twenty. Second, she was a crew member. Ship called the Disney wonder, and I do think that this could warrant a full
so because it already has some of the common policies we ve seen in other controversial, missing cases number one. There are a lot of theories number two there's a lot of valid criticism of the subsequent investigation. Then, of course, we The realize that without having done the kind of recent We need to do to make a full episode of this. We have to realise that this gets very close to us messing with the Big Mouse Disney Disney. Wonder, that's big Mickey! That's the big making mob now man also come for you. It reminds me of that. Show succession knows Fiona scandal, most boilers, but there's a thing. Their yeah there's a massive corporation that has an arm. That is essentially the their crews line arm of their company and you can only imagine that this would be a public relations nightmare. So I did, I would say,
The company that owns this cruise liner, where something may or may not have happened, would have an instant. to keep it as quieter possible, or as needed to be for them. Instigation to continue along the lines assuming I'm assuming others may be looking on at once occurring here. What occurred, how the investigation move forward with a more sceptical I when it comes to the actions of the company, There is a lot to cover in this topic. I would say: there's theirs the extensive timeline that begins around five forty five, a m on March. Twenty. Second, though, you're talking about their ban, which was a Tuesday that Molly saw Rebecca on the phone. It's Assisi tv cameras, just you can watch her being upset having an argument of some kind or being just looking like she's upset by what has been said on that phone call and then she ended up not
we for work, not naturally her post, the next more and that was that she's been gone ever since, and people have gone overboard in the past, but here's the thing to set the state right, the most likely the most likely disappearance or someone on the ocean in a boat is going. be somehow that person going overboard. I the sea were called their their tongues. discrepancies here too, just for anyone he's not familiar with the case of quickly find weird stuff like that were flip flop. in a room that were the wrong size. That does improve anything, but it's weird it doesn't. He likes. You would have committed suicide, but we don't know what's on that phone call We do know that people have not been happy with it. What other screw thing is jurisdiction right, because I think this ship is flagged in the Bahamas, correct so low. Looks initial law enforcement. It has to be cut
it out by the law enforcement in the Bahamas. Yeah we're the human trafficking angle come in the EU oh world, where our collar when I was talking about crew lines potentially being source of human trafficking. And you know I do not We have the raw data for that or the evidence to support that claim but any time you ve got a massive ship That is travelling around through it. National waters too. To other countries- and people boarding the ship their people getting off the ship there early opportunity right now makes sense. I consider I mean consider the employment practices can become so sticky when you are hiring people from one country to work on a ship of the different countries.
go into international waters and, as you said, Matt make many stops along the way. It's not impossible for things to go. Awry like this is the transportation sector right. It's the The team at sector sure, but it also the transport sector and the transit sectors rife with opportunity for traffickers lake, sex trafficking and maybe in the way that you might see it occur in LAS Vegas, like the to put a fine point on it jobs are. The people who think they're engaging in some kind of consensual sex work may be actually involved with someone who has been forced to core coerced to be there, but I do the point out. Without too much was spoiler. I two long ago that Rebecca aquariums girlfriend at the time said that
she said that, in her opinion, Rebecca took a lot of drugs and in may be deliberately left off the boat, but that still like not official prove it right here. They're here not at all You really have to look at her parents who have been fighting battles in and out of court since March of twenty eleven with both his new crews line with Disney Company- I guess in there their crews line arm, as well as just attempting to find more information from the various investigators that have been working on the case, I dont want to spoil too much here, but as of twenty sixteen de the company, settle with the family. the out. So so there was money paid. I don't I.
Highly doubt that any wrong doing was. You was admitted there no, no admission of guilt. That's that's it settlement is also you know. It's not necessarily a sketchy thing again. I think now we're all being careful, because we do wonderful So can we don't want to spoil it by by your leave, very, very transparent when a Corporation or even a celebrity, for instance, region, and out of court settlements them what their due is there their pain, the person the pain, the the aggrieved party off but they're, doing it outside of court, meaning there is no legal admission of guilt and the case will be considered settled and no further legal proceedings will occur? at least in that in that specific instance, not me, like we see him cases get go to
trial forget dismissed in a civil cases, successful so their day, avenues which I should like now without precedent in the idea of people disappearing from his cruise ships and has found like a market watch article from two thousand seventeen, so the to be a little higher by now, but since two thousand during this article. Around three hundred people have gone overboard from cruise ships and ferries and that's a court. Into data collected by Ross. Client is professor in the school of social work at memorial unit. City of Newfoundland in Canada and of those folks like there are now several met, many that are still still missing. I presumed dead, senile. It's a thing that happens, people drink a lot on cruise ships and they can just topple overboard of their own volition, expert stena of on there. and is necessarily mean that there's foul play, and I was wonder two like do cruise ships ever like piggy back and carry cargo as well. and apparently that's not really a thing, some wondering
where, on the ship, when human trafficking Nina victims be held I am assuming, of course, there's gonna, be internal cargo for the things that they need to make all the meals, and you know whatever belts. Services are provided on the cruise ship. I'd I'd should to see what the stats are for me now, proving that human trafficking takes place on being a commercial crews lines itself. There I mean It's it's a tough stance to pull in an annual away, because your question, Any of your first question. Many of those human trafficking victims are in some he's gonna look like any other, any other passenger. That's a good point. you're being controlled by you know. They're there main abuser or trafficker who is putting them up under any number of ruses and the truth that the matter is a few are if you are,
a company operating ships that take hundreds and hundreds of people on a boat Roy Jill early. You are going to have a difficult time, giving each single individual a background check other than making sure that their credit card works their day. They can legally travel to whatever country taken them too, so it's it's tough! It stop in its is approved that we know the problem that we know the industry has taken steps to a job Yes, but it's it's a herculean efforts bright or no, I I know I mention this lake every two or three years. If you want to travel across, the ocean, and you don't want to go out and cruise ship and your flexible with your time you can get a really affordable ticket on a cargo ship, then it'll just like you and through people. Maybe two other
People who love unorthodox travel and maybe maybe I'll work on a novel, who knows you you have to bake like two to Tunis. six weeks of flexibility on either side Yanks, I imagine just getting. For whatever reason getting stuck out side and obey somewhere in this giant cargo ship, because you're not allowed to dock yet and there's some kind of trade dispute occurring in numerous. Then you live there on a cargo ship, that's your life. Now, It would be great if guys, if we could record on the cargo ship thou, pretty neat, I'm still, working that out there are some technical difficulty. While Ben I mean you recall and not the two distant past, we were recording pretty regularly in what felt like a shipping container. So there will be perfectly at home, in such situations,
I'm here. I'm in that now, actually only rarely wine then bent units guys. I this is an hour's, though I am, or a cargo ship don't be mad at me. I thought you would see yet tell you what I was on the boat. I thought you might say. No, I one hundred sloshing sounded the wage file. Just a brief back Rebecca Korea, you guys and without spoiling too much. I think they should be an episode that we cover in the future and This is what I want to leave you with. This is from Hollywood reporter article that is discussing twenty sixteen, I guess The result of the court case that went through this is a quote from Jim Walker, a Miami based attorney who represented the Koreans in the United States. Throughout this case he says the case, has been resolved there pursuing an
quest in the UK, but I'm not supposed to talk about the case, interesting right who now here here, here is another quote this one from british part Terry, and at least in twenty sixteen Chris Matheson, here's his quote my work, spheres that Rebecca Coreham was murdered? It's a possibility. It needs to be investigated properly, the more Look into this, the more it smells run, the more it smells to crime has taken place so terrible, absolutely horrifying and terrible for the Corleone family and for Rebecca Aquarium herself over for you the possibilities here of uncovering something that we can really dig into that we can talk about on this show in May expose sums What's going on in been problems like you're speaking to know, it feels like this topic is: is ripe for it, so
quicksighted to dig in more. Thank you so much Lana for calling and letting us know about this. Yes, great, thank you and thank you. everybody was written in response our our earlier exploration of cruise ships. There's there's a lot beneath it fish there? You know we can't wait to do again. One of the one of the most amazing things here is just how much first hand experience we ve been learning about in your correspondence is with us, getting an inside peak and we want to. We want to go further down the rabbit whole, as is our what speaking of inside peaks. We, also we received a number of corresponded seas from people who reached out, I had no idea this money. Be, would talk to us about this people
stout and to tell us how you can in fact get booted from one of our favorite secret societies. Will tell you more about this. After a quick word from our sponsors, their its. It's hosts apartheid, genius, CO, founder of CO founder and, like many of you, I'm one of the two, one million people that have picked up gardening in the past six months. That's why I'm here the brand new podcast humans growing stopped Do you by hard media in your friends a miracle grow? Join me, I'm a green adventures. We talk with experts, friends and surprise guest, and hear of gardening means to then listen. The humans growing. mother. I hurt radio up apple, podcast or wherever you get your like us, would solve. This is Adam Divine Anders Home, like Anderson and carved, may return, and you might recognize this sweet sultry voices from the television
Graham Work, a holiday, we're we're on a major hit motion picture game over man heard in it. If you haven't check it out its lakes and we were signal, we were board and Corn Kane. We're always on these do cause, and these do draw like, MRS to MR guys, it's true I do miss he dies. Allow I miss you guys constantly, so we thought you know what our conversations this important tolerate. These are important conversations, whereas in the world needs to hear it. So please do yourself a favor and listened in. This is important on the irish radio up apple podcast. Wherever you get your pockets. And we're back yesterday in the question. As a result, I would have come up fellows the idea of getting booted from the masons. Remember how that came
I was not on a news episode or what was that's a garrison Courtney, who is pretending to be a deep covers, see I answer high as hill to build a bunch of high ranking government officials out a millions he got close. the people concerned were so important that we get close to sign. Some multi billion dollar contracts, which would have also given full legal immunity? At one points he claims to be hooking, someone up in contact with an ambassador that he said he nuth through the Freemasons win the marking question finally spoke to said ambassador. It turned out that the only thing that ambassador knew was that this con garrison Courtney having down masons, and I think where the three of us started, asking ourselves with the four of us ask ourselves how the hell do you get kicked out of their masons. I think it's interesting.
question and also the way it occurred to us is interesting because, because of the poor that, we we sort of follow with some of these stories. You know grew societies have certain air of sinister to them, and I think it certainly simple to ascribe that same thing to the Freemasons, but of the end of the day. This information out there about the freemasons- and you know anyone can be nominated to be a member, and you can even go to your local chapter and petition to to be a member and we'll talk about that in a second but the idea that you know somehow masons are these like high? of all you know Cree evil types criminal, matched her buttons. If something with those were my mind, how do you get kicked out of an organisation that society pure evil by? That's? Definitely not the Is the masons do a lot of good work. For the community, as we know like the schriner is not shoot the masons sponsor all these hospitals, and I know you
argues just a front for all of their nefarious underground dealings. But you know it's interesting thing to think It is also a very long tradition of Freemasonry, as we know, and they certainly and shadowy figures that have been connected to it the years, but also some very prominent and an upstanding figures might have been connected to it one of which I would argue, is, are anonymous, email, email or even doesn't even given name. He just hasn't A clandestine email address, using letters in numbers that I don't know what did mysterious point if its initials or weapons quite a lot in numbers, but he has this to say about the other question at hand here, hi guys I was in the Freemasons for just over five years and in that time I climbed offices in the Blue Lodge as well as obtained. The rank of Knights Templar in the York right.
as well as the thirty second degree in the scottish right. The quickest way to get booted out was by being convicted of a crime. Felons aren't in an getting one will put you out misdemeanour are hidden, miss demeanor smell, with it is largely depending on who you know you can't the for non payment of dues. That was a question that came up but have never known that to happen. There were good Is that hadn't paid for years generally, thing over a year. Passed do will mean you're getting letters I never had access to the quote upper echelons, but I did know people who were from my time It all seems like traditional frat things, the main secret. Is the secrecy and the leaders of itself. Any other secrets are handshakes. code, words and ritual things, think repeat: phrases acting out seems things like that? No one would really care about. If you attack.
a public session that is held once a year. In most places you will witness what happened that even the highest levels really interesting information I wouldn't be surprised if small clicks form in the lodge who may get into the public wouldn't like- but I think you could say this for any group of considerable size I'm willing to answer any questions. The best of my ability, I'm not a bit paycheck wait. Wait. Let me get is a frame but you guys remember this when yeah Does that for help right, yeah there as we all know that Youtube crowd was the real help for the widow son good. I love it, but I don't feel like we're compromising Eddie. Any message Rick organizations in the crowd by saying that this is the age of the internet
Well, I am neither does our anonymous email or he seems to think that anybody going to one of these public gatherings would would witness a lot of the same stuff and then maybe it's not as hush hush as one might think and that the ritual is some of the organization is the notion of the secrecy, but it's maybe not I'm glad as one might think do not Did you see that we are, and we had another email really recently about this? I just want to read this time I saw one for from a another current Mason dispersed and says sometimes a brother, will decide that he is no longer interested in being involved. Maybe who learned that we don't control the world or he sick of eating green beings at dinner? Women? We can then issue him. What is called a deem it, which is it stating that he left of his own accord- and there are no aims against him: It's like an honourable discharge is what this person this idea of lake.
What what amounts to an amicable break up is? Is poor refreshing. That's that's thing that a lot of more secretive organizations don't really have. also one a shoutout as someone who heroic a letter to us about this from, from Maine some of our personal contacts, I have been involved in Freemasonry who have talk to us about it, no pointing make anonymous that there. I really appreciate it. I think we all appreciate it was that the idea of collusion in conspiracy is likely to form in groups of any size, and it is likely to be the result of a small click or faction within a larger community working toward there, ends and larger community may know nothing about that snake. Like think about this, think about
Small town, corruption, rampant in America. Historically right there is who's gonna be there's gonna be a mob in here some equivalent of a mob and three toe. And saw just as much as in Chicago or New York City. They might just not be italian, they might call themselves a mob, but this If in the mare in whomever pro, we run the town, so we that in mind in these small communities, especially it's completely part well, that they would all happened to be members of the same social network, whether that's the rotarian or the lions but we're yes, the Freemasons, and then Would they meet at the lights cover we at the truce masters or whatever at the Freemasons Lodge there able to meet under the cover of that organization, and then they just gonna go to another room, a little. What we call a break out session, then there, like ok, How are we gonna fix this election? You know what I mean
the same thing we ve talked about with all these secret societies. I we we have as companies with with John Hodgman phenomena and about the book and snake secret society at Harvard, or was it where's that or creation? I believe that's right and that sort of the deal is. any of these there's going to be an opportunity to mingle with high level people with which you could pretend, collude if both spots, an end to doing so and but it doesn't mean silly, the entire organization is inherently corrupt or based on overthrowing the you now the status quo in some former fashion year, More we have also learned is that you don't need a secret society for any of that. None of you just need a all you need is a country club
that's exactly own, a giant country club somewhere near Boca return. Maybe I don't know but be area you gotTA, Boca or could be in the heart of Atlanta could be anywhere really who just own and operate a country like war, Abu member, Lena, gradually I've gotta, say too to or not into the other folks were written in to give us some excellent information about Freemasonry which, which I greatly appreciate my immediate question: now it was so hard, not email. Everybody about this is Here's the line you read from our anonymous anonymous lister know where it's like misdemeanour are hit and miss or, as you said, misdemeanor demeanor yeah in law largely depends on nepotism right. The end result of whether or not one can stay with the organization. That's fine!
A lot of these organizations do operate primarily on nepotism. As a matter of fact, I would say: nepotism is one of the number one things holding the species back overall. Fortunately, meritocracy is too often a myth. What's next As an aside. I wonder what the miss are. Are they misdemeanours solely of moral turpitude, as you sometimes on a customs form or like I we love if there was, for some reason, something incredibly specific and something that seemed relatively meaningless or knock to us. Non masons are the outside and I wonder if that's like the number one crime in Freemasonry, I hope to God its stamp fraud. Some reason there, like the one: there are here- are subjected bore the car, and sometimes they they die. That's an accident accidents happen, but if you make fake steps after you, perhaps coins ordinary. That would be another good rules specifically figure,
oil. Of that I know you are coins, or I know that all your desires, I've seen the signs that all the gas station zone, as is the first point, I did find an article written by a Mesa master Mason, by name of Matthew, Arnold Mackintosh, on a website. Called WMD, masons, DOT, Org and the headline as high more standards of Freemasons and he goes through a kind of rights, a treatise about how that, at its heart, the whole purpose of Freemasonry. Is to impart this high moral standard on its members and then I was sort of like How do I become a mason? Didn't EC law to find a website that gives you kind of a step by step and how to do so. It may sound. Dash lodged dash of that education, dot, com and it reads: almost like an old timey pamphlet become a Freemason. Would you like to become a free may set and belong to the oldest largest fraternity, and the world has how you must
just find a Masonic Lodge location near you, contact them and ask for a petition to join and then you become a free, may send you. Will his like serious selling points join both the oldest and largest fraternity in the world joy brotherhood of over two million men of all aid, from all races, religions in countries and from all walks of life and it s a pictures of some real cool signet rings that that you get. I guess, when you become a member, why do so. Many men want to become a free, Mason the organisation as a voluntary, fraternal organization com. The men of goodwill, good character and good reputation whom most jurisdictions around the world believe in an almighty creator and practise the spirit universal brotherhood to man lot Man talk in this done right, yeah, that's! What are the big things here we need to. We need to give further that before someone's writing to us about this so early,
I think one of his said anybody can get in. I know some lesser. Writing you males about their right. Now, don't worry, PA! sponsor email? Oh yes, it's only dude. There are associated organizations that are not. We entirely just dude spot It is that is one great discrimination and most of them orders, I think also as you as you mentioned earlier, no one. You need not have a specific religion, but must have I'm sort of belief in Asia earthy spiritual all? Yes exactly and then just just to wrap this up. Just one I've got this giant alphabetical list, an eminent kind of just skip around a little bit, but just some some high, you know highly influential and big deal folks. who were masons, and we know this abbot bud. But William Abbot of Aben Castelo fame was a Mason
Buzz Aldrin was in fact a Mason, the second to walk on the moon. Let's see we ve gotta Gerald Ford. Mr President, we know Henry Ford we'll be, of course, of course see to see you these, you throw appendant. This listen, you're gonna find somebody influential Joseph Smith, the founder of the church of Jesus Christ, the latter day saints Kay. The Mormons isn't that interesting. I do the idea. This is interesting to me and you haven't. We ve already kind of expressed what says, but it's interesting, I think, masonry as being all about these clandestine kind of rights. Damn near rituals and to me what kind of fly in the face of being a Christian or someone whose very closely identifies with you now, but now that's not the case that they believe they are hand in hand and one doesn't
acquired the unease. We talked about the re one of the only things you have to have as a belief in a higher power, and it does not matter what that higher power is in your mind as long as you believe that there is one I wasn't Freemasons have been enemies. I've been enemies of dogmatic, oppressive religions and In the past have been enemies of oppressive governed I mean look had look at the french revolution. Look how many founding fathers of the United States were affiliated with Freemasonry. It's kind of a theirs dean, collegiate and salon like about it. Re idea the free exchange of concepts and being able to say well. You know I no not a hundred percent on board with this all Catholicism thing and not go to church jail,
ever thing voice was issued. Sorry outdone redress jail. I like that. I was so early call it. You know it's one of many enlightenment organizations like the rose accretions, you know there's more very well. We were when we talk about the order of the pug member thou art one firm, ridiculous history during his legs, but that was a French was not a friend backlash against free raised by Freemasonry was outlawed in France, so they made this other organization eyes. Voltaire was a Freemason a very influential in french philosopher who wrote about oppressive governments, an oppressive system, so interesting, stuff guys but yeah. I think that that does for this one did you know? George Clinton was the reason of parliament funk Medallic. No, the third vice president of the United States,
my thinking he didn't piquant and others is that, because I knew you would think about that George Clean, I want Anita, he's these mason a funk here, I think, a lot. I think a lot of people would but would agree. there. There is tangible benefit to these organisations both for the individuals involved and for often for the community's right, in which those those lodges exist, linked to the point about the Schriner and funding go care afore I for the medium for children. I think I think they get vilified this sometimes like we never did in episode on the Anti Masonic Party, which confirms mice and in theory that, if you want, if you want something like that, like a political party or religion to be successful, you have to be aspiration.
and offering something you can't found a party just against something as when it. What are you doing that got me like WAR, Polar bears, club, the polar bears are extinct, but we already spent all this money on the on the chips and in the catering so with Bristol Gonna get together while thats, really that's really great, discharge able loud? This is: is something relevant at some: wait. Everybody listening re now or watching this go out, find a list of the former Supreme Court Justices within the United States that were or are. Members of the free and accepted masons just interest, two ceiling winning still law and politics been as you as you noted earlier, a lot of People who are in government are applied this organisation. Would I be correct in assuming that
Many of them who were Freemasons would be more on the Progressive Tipp. Then cancer or is there really not much of a line there? So such line. Honestly. It's tough because the definition. what is or is not considered. Conservatives progressive has changed so much over just a few centuries. You know like, of course, we're not that far from the time when women voting was considered to be like this radical extreme idea. What's next we're gonna blow up the moon, and then later you know a few days: to go. We thought about doing just that. Well, the most important former Freemason to me, as is clearly Robert Pershing, was low. The top human on record, who I believe, is the guy that These you'll see a sculpture outside most Ripley, believe it or not locations the world over and I think handsome family, as as abuse
four heartbreaking song about him, I do not know is amazing, but make sense. Also Matt. I m sorry, I don't wanna, keep us going too long in this by two you raised about the justices. I would ask. Is it possible that people at the higher levels of governments, maybe higher levels of business as well just tend to do more extracurricular activities. Are they also like over leavers, you're saying they like big in their h away. Do they go get like public notary certification because they just like the certificate? it merely members. The toast masters is well rotarian, probably flint philanthropic organizations commanders. Of everything, yeah yeah, the whole nine or how good ones it certainly is encourage. You know when you're in school I gotta get those extra count. Curriculum up to get into a good college only makes sense web we're we're talking about.
The differences in ideologies within within members of Freemasonry thing about this. The first director of the FBI. J Edgar Hoover the guy who called Martin Luther King Jr think I can't tell you these Aqua, but the most dangerous man, essentially within the United States at one point in time, the person who Institute go and pro and spying on people who are attempting to capture there the liberties inequality that guy was a Freemason also someone who is on the other side fighting for civil rights, Reverend Jesse Jackson was a free mason or is it just really interesting to me that you can have this wide swathe of belief, things that you would fight for, and there was a girl in boats president's skull and bones. Think about that
no not to give way, also Ekstrom Thurman those in authority, especially Dixie, cracked, the republican senator who, from the state of joy, Jeff, I'm not mistaken, I hope be burns. These bagging beg pad cat last one and then new darling. Remember there's a lot of interesting names here to talk about is this I was not aware of this just as like a little bit of trivia, William Howard Taft who was not only the President of the United States, but also how position of chief justice, of the? U S Supreme Court, and he's the only man never to have headed up these two to bring, as government only president to be stuck in a bathtub as well as such and just as a counterpoint, you know who else Richard prior go get it. Whoa whoa pause here. Please keep right
into us, with your inside experiences with with the Freemasons. We would love to hear about your time in masonic order, whatever you're comfortable sharing with us move, poorly. Let us know if, for some reason it needs to be anonymous. Let us know about your fitters and let us know about what the mist, what the like, what the red line? Misdemeanours, are. You know how late hour I very books be exaggerated by if you want to learn a little bit more, do check out our past episode check out. Are you to channel you to dot com? Slash conspiracy, stuff, where we also explore things like Albert Pike and a couple of other things will be of interest to people want to learn more about masonic history. Our random shut out to transfer, large one. Eighty eight also Blue Lodge for Life Blue Lodge is that it makes me think of a twin peaks.
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and we are back to examine what is sometimes called a lifesaving organization and times called a branch of the rather secretive. I'll just say it scientology. Ok, we got We ve got an email guns EL from cliffs. I want to give this to everybody and it will follow up on it. Okay, so if you said hello back into them, twelve, I went through a narco non addiction programme in the mountains of southern California. Scientology uses these programmes to recruit people at their lowest and most vulnerable points. The entire programme is based on teachings by Hubbard, by which means L Run Hubbard the founder of first I and then when he got sued the founder of Scientology. This is a topic
worth diving into says cliff, but, as I dont know, if you will read this I'll, just give you bullet points for now in a loose these in their fairly brutal, one, they lock you in a cabin in the desert, telling you that you may leave, but they will follow you with water and only give it to you. If you come back, they will not your family or help during the first month. If you decide to wander off into the desert to They say they have medical staff. This is staff they have trade and ordained as doctors and nurses. Next they force you to sit side. Whitley staring into another person's eyes for five hours without movement? They continue for five more hours. With your eyes closed, if you flinch shore, start to do is off you start again. If you could, in Scientology they move. You do isolation until you promised to stop invade
Large families, tens of thousands of dollars constantly asked for more money and say that we don't actually do Scientology here. They monitor your phone calls under threat, so you cannot say otherwise and then Cliff concludes as with most rehab programs. They want you to take responsibility for your actions, but they blatantly take advantage of this to make you feel like a you are a little life and they Scientology, or do you solution, settle this says cliff. It probably does help some p. but my honest and clean for many years now, thanks to them opinion, they scare people away from rehabilitation and make folks think it is a form of prison I know this is something that may be. We ve heard about before but I dont know if we ve talked about market on on the air with each other. Halfway we haven't, have we can't, remember a time unless it was
No, I don't think our drugs in the military would have covered it or our hallucinogens in medical research. Now I think this might be the first since we're because both Church of Scientology, and nor can I see that it's a secular programme, it's completely independent of the religious teachings of Scientology, but it seems like many people, many people are disillusioned with dark and on or family members who have gone through that programme. They D, argued the opposite. They say it's a front group for Scientology with the ultimate aim of recruiting people. What are you guys think about that? Well Is it actually in any way associated with Scientology? Yes, it is it is like officially as an organizational its parent Company is something called the Sosius for better living in education way for able and able is,
owned and controlled by the Church of Scientology. So it's like a subsidiary of subsidiary. which means they get argue. We exist, independent of that region have or are routes there ass. If you go scientology dot org, they have a whole section on drug rehabilitation and prevention, and that's the thing: that's it that's. What makes Scientology a bit you know. Insidious is They ve appealed to people at their lowest their professional error, trying to get a foothold moved to Hollywood and in others, two like becoming you're screenwriter or whatever, and that's the story, always here this is even more predatory, whereas people that are truly at their lowest points and perhaps from wealthy families, are able to pay the money that it faces. Rehab ain't cheap I always assume. Narco non was like Alan on and that it was just another type of meeting that you go to
and then it was like a family situation that that it wasn't like rehab exactly but the is really news to me. our Non alcoholic, I'm afraid, I'm sorry, that's different it, but yeah yeah Alan on separate from alcoholic synonymous, but I think it was. I dont think there Gertrude or in conflict with one another they think narc, nine So our airlines, founded in nineteen fifty wine right, narco nine- was founded in nineteen sixty six so without sounding concerned tutorial. Is it possible that Hubbard a similar name, Nero unpaid. as a marketing or brand recognition thing and the more read about Norka nine. the more I see problems with just their treatment. Nineteen seventy four.
For the church of Scientology said that nor coins rehabilitation programmes are based entirely on the tenants and teaching Scientology That means no sight psychotherapist they right. something that I wish you would have gotten into with them, with my Are we really talk about the aversion to psychologists and and and psychiatry, and I can probably guess why it is because it gives you agency over people, gas laying his hand, and the tools to cope with abusers yeah, that's my two cents on one why that might be here. Of course, there's there's there's a whole mythology wrapped up in it within the teachings of Scientology is fascinating stuff. I idea about this connection now like without knocking on and Scientology zero. Oh yeah, oh, if you get their website wishes. I went and organ on dot org and I was looking around trying to find something that says Scientology on it.
on their main page. I I did a quick little apple, four Scientology, Annie I found it nowhere. It's not on. There is not enough for a page. It does not Scientology anywhere, at least in something that is searchable, and I can't find it. anywhere in like a image or something you know maybe just be invested in an image where'd. You go all the way to the bottom. under our history. Our technology and you go to about nor Cannon then you do a little apple, Afore Scientology. There you know intervened zero? I dunno viable mentions of Scientology, but if you go all the way down again underneath some heading under about knocking on global mission. Fifty year, saving lives blah blah blah blah. Oh here it is ehler on Hubbard. Therein
there we gotta talk and talk about it. I want you to know right, yeah we're we have wanted to do. You know people the curtain. I wanted to do for a number of years, an episode, dude. I'm problems with rehabilitation programmes throughout history and narc. Nine has been in my thought like on my radar for a while, but it's true, because we want to make sure that were not first off. When I give people, medical advice or legal advice and secondly, that we're not like. I don't want to do anything That would stop someone who needs help from going to a rehabilitation delegation. You know, that's that's fresher important thing, but also you know the thing about nor going on, like he was one, the weirdest things about them in terms of their treatment
have you ever heard of nice? It like nice and bombs? Yes, yes, this is where some of that comes from would do somebody with four thousand milligrams a day of nice and in This is meant to do this like part of a vitamin and mineral supplements, regimen that is simple. to address preexisting nutritional deficiencies, help help you offset nutrient lost through sweating, but the nice thing. Was back to Hubbard because he believed nice in would increase. I think it's free fatty, acid and though like the mobilization of free fatty acid and then it will help. You get rid of toxins, so they were, they were dose you up with these
massive amounts of nice and nice in any other particular substance tat, are a diminishing return. You know what I mean if you have too much nice and it can be dangerous for you. I've heard people about using nigh to like spoofer, p, test now for drivers and I don't know factually works or not by it. In the same way that you're talking about the idea that it be, I think what it does. Is it like causes, EDA, sweat like crazy and causes like that capillaries on your skin sort of expand and you really read: that's my understanding, its interest. I don't know if it actually works in autumn. It does fly sue. I it does give you a flushed your skin. It's also and in the and France. Because of this you'll see one health agency in Quebec. Specifically that said they had shut down a marker, nine in Scientology, Beast rehab centre because for separate clients
had been taken to the hospital do do the methods used there. This is stuff lake, having people dejection go, call Turkey off something, you know methadone or step downs, etc and end. These long detox sessions in saunas that are meant to help. You sweat out drugs. Euro know they pump you up with a tide of vitamin switch may not always be healthy, for you is also quite expensive. So there's question about the profit motive, but yes, in response to it, female here it yeah very seems that the very much seems that these, to organizations Asians on in the church of Scientology are related. The question is: how independent or they are in an cliff to you and other folks who have had experience with dark, and I feel that their
My goal was to recruit you into Scientology were to help you get clean. Can I read the official I found it. I found it on their website the right laid eyes. Ok, so this is Norka Non, which is, but it's not spell. The way you may think it should spelled, it is any r c, o n, o n dot org, just everyone knows slash drug ash rehab, okay, this is really really says, since nineteen fifty six superior results law, term effectiveness, the on programme is based on the discoveries and writings of Ehler on Hubbard. The found of Scientology religion, however, nor can on is nonreligious in a person- does not become a scientologist. By doing the programme, Mr Harbour, the humanitarian, whose works include discoveries in the fields of education, mental health in criminal reform, as well as drug rehabilitation. He began
research into drugs during the nineteen Sixtys and Seventys. When recreational drug use had reached epidemic proportions, he developed technologies to overcome the adverse virtually every type of drug wanting to help those lost to addiction, Mister made his discoveries broadly available, and the result was the esteem which meant of knocking on who said it they know what's up the question- is just house those organizations are. You know what I mean like Be the only person who found out late night after their series of poorly informed party in decisions that Hoddan Toggle well run by the same organization. You know what I mean. They literally split the building and half the blue my mind and the song about is quite good too. So maybe maybe that's what that's one of the big Quest it was like when someone is helping us
when you go into a program like nor can I would they make the same decision if they were aware of its connections to Lee Organisation, known as Scientology. I mean that's, not a d on either those organizations as just a question of why that message is not The centre on the website is mad at me. I you're really good, you you're like Heaven knows for digging into stuff. We all do so if it okay, that long. I feel like We there are a lot of people who admitted you know what I mean: co, yeah yeah. It's not easy to find that fascinating. and there we leave it. Thank you so much lotta. Thank you anonymous! former Mason, are not multiple anonymous former medicines and end. Thank you cliff for writing in a we can't wait, to hear more from you all. I think that we have found we found rich,
fodder for several full episodes in the future, assuming of course, that the big Mickey doesn't get us, that's always a possibility, or you know, and as you a fair man. Big rehab, would love to hear from you specifically you we get a lot of. We get a lot of folks who contact us and say you know. I know you always say that your talk to me by. I never had a reason to write em before you're, really have to have a reason? the euro. Give us an idea shared share. Your experiences and friend, wine. Who is us ogling with substance of one or one sort or another. There are multiple resources available to help you nargonne not the only one in the game I so soon check it out do reach out you're, not alone, and you are worth the effort yes and
civically you anonymous person who called and left a message about a curse and possibly something that occurred where there was a murder trial. You know who you are. I texted you and I do I will just. I need to get a little more information from you in order to actually talk about it on the show. So if you're out there look at your texts, Maybe a weird went and respond to a police, and if you like yours, to us. Of course, we try to be easy to find you can find us on Facebook. You can find us on twitter. You can find us on Instagram we like to recommend here's where it gets crazy, which, for the second time in a row been confirmed to be the best page on tired of Facebook by us just on on the show Great he's, really crazy, go there now. But what, if you hate social media no, you go to Youtube.
because Youtube is kind of not social media but Youtube Duck Arms conspiracy stuff. What you Videos are fine. The internet, and you can blood idler call call you can t I underwrite yet the legislator person one eight three three std, W Whitey K. That's our no you'll hear Ben. That's how you know you're in the right place, leave a message. and we would love to hear anything and everything any kind of story. Any kind of idea. Just talk to us. Please add, if done quite jostled european vessels. Can I say that on air Gal guy apostles either that way, Jostlers Euro parcels and you're not you're, not on board with phone calls we'd get it. You know
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Transcript generated on 2020-11-06.