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How Ouija Boards Work

2023-04-07 | 🔗

Since the dawn of civilization -- and likely before -- human beings have searched for a way to commune with the dead. While the methods vary across time and cultures, the goal is always the same. In today's episode, Ben, Matt and Noel explore the story of the (in)famous Ouija Board, a mass-produced device that, some say, allows users to communicate with unseen entities. So: What's going on here?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, I'm Jay shetty and I'm the host of on purpose. In this week's episode, I had the honor to interview president Joe Biden in his first ever personal interview about mental health. We have an enormous opportunity, but the thing I want to change is american attitude. We can do anything nothing we ve ever set our mind. You have not been able doing down together for real, listen to on purpose. We J study on the iheart radio, app apple pod, cause over Will you get your podcasts great ferguson grows in search of joy in talks with actors, doctor stand up and scientists everyone as it love religion, drugs money? Where do you find it craig fergus in search of joy, the celebrations, the dances, science, poetry, laughter and music of joy- don't mess it joy with great ferguson,
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hello welcome back to the show my name is met. My name is no. They called me dead were joined with our guests super producer, max free trade williams. Most importantly, you are you, you are here, and that makes this the stuff. They don't want. You to know great opening quest. in for anybody on our first date. Have you ever tried to contact the dead? Just say it like? As you're sitting down at the olive garden and see how it goes. Tell us your results over bread stakes if you're place your hands on the breadth of the bowl of bread sticks? At the same time, it can kind of act as a summoning sort of like what he called out. Amplifier of europe, but so many numbering more restricts bread or they asked me to leave a bread stakes like time are endless. Since, before the dawn of recorded history for millennia, thousands thousands of years people have tried to
speak with the dead, and a lot of them believe themselves to be successful. The motivations, the methods change over time, they're all sorts of ways, disorder reality, but the concept, always the same at its core pierce, the more will avail you get a glimpse of the number one mystery of human existence. What happens after we're gone from this plane. and today we're looking at one of the most well known contraptions for allegedly making this contact. If europe the? U s you ve heard about it. If you from the? U s, you're in for a treat, we're talking about the ouija board. Here are the facts? Guess, first, what is a ouija board it's a thing: it sort of effects emily like a mass marketed, scaled back simile of a real thing, known as a spirit board. that little guy in the middle that you put your hands on there's a name for those like a ret, radical or ridicule, or something like that or the little hole in it. That shows the letter. They're, probably
other names for planchet, perhaps planchet the the little the device you use the yet and often or go to a pointer, but some versions do have like that. Aperture, As you said, ruddy radical where the planchet will go over the thing and you get the letter in the center, but I think a lot of times. It's it's point shoot spearheaded reset in real deal ones of these from it will go the history of, like the actual, maybe a little bit of the actual spirit boards, but they probably could have been carved from. Would you know or like really hand, painted misspoke one, and you ll even see those like modern ones of those that that artists, marianna at sea? Are you now and like a cool art market will have done by hand friend of the ship? Oh Jeremy, mucks worthy fantastic atlanta artist actually hand designed a really awesome spirit board, but the most important thing is that on this board there are numbers, usually zero denied,
and letters whichever alphabet, usually the one released on one's I've, encountered our english of em is I'm assuming you could have that in any language we. If you only had you know on twenty six characters. Right. the boards, the boers, need to fit the entire alphabet on it in order for it to function. The way it supposed to function. Oh there's also, yes, and no yes, and no cray early and that's a great point about language. is that do have the same kind of construction as like the latin language, if you, we can in a language that uses idiot grams. Then you get to a point where we have the kind of restrict. What sort of question this can be asked where the nature of responses which doesn't make it less well it just is something to be aware of, and no you're absolutely right, the planned chet the time I get to use that word in English. Its legal
The harder teardrop shaped piece of anything it just needs to be something: people can safely put there to resign and move it around it. If, if you use this before you seen it depicted in countless. This is a media, the reason people, or, as we said in our group text earlier, afeared of wage boards is most likely due to a film. They came out nineteen, seventy three, the exorcist, the adaptation that novel before them. and and we're about to get to the history before then. This was all well and good. It was fun for people. Look basically, you probably know how the ouija board works or how a spirit or talking board work. So there's the other street names. For this thing you get some people together. There have to be at least two people operating it and ask the general vibe of the universe,
a specific unseen entity questions it can take up to five minutes if the contact is successful. Something weird will happen a thing will answer, and so you'll be sitting there with your friends and All of a sudden. The plan chap will seem to move towards symbols on the board, spell out. Words could indicate numbers, it could agree or disagree. Give you a yes or no and so on and usually in fear, experimenting with these things. You know you might have three four people there and the fact only increases because everybody starts accusing another. Person of moving the thing on purpose. Then that's enough in point, because you know a lot of help ghosts seances and all that kind of through the lens of hucksters and folks, trying to kind of extract money from people in mourning. You know through parlor tracks in like peppers You know a projections and all of that kind of stuff. But it's like this
They usually there's. No there's no game afoot in that respect. This is it. group of people that are all kind of doing this on a lark reno, just kind of like see what happens or maybe there's a practitioner. This brought it to the table literally game, but you wouldn't really necessarily think by this. In those same terms, unless I'm missing something will, I think, we're it's a little complicated. we're gonna get into that a little later, as we move forward through the story about like how it's been used in the people who ve profited from it. You know, and maybe why but but I don't know I mean, I think, is a big part of it. Nor, but if you don't, I guess I love to stay on the history low, but more just on the old just them, though these and we know what a wager board is and how we got to the thing you can go and buy right now called a week board. Not- and you know I'm ten toes down for this when I love the way, I love weird
ST in general. So what's the weird history, the wager? Oh? Well it it's the it's a thing that we have talked about on the show before when it comes two contacting the other side, whatever that might be, and it's a thing old, automatic writing, which is almost a meditative state of sorts that you can put your son the inner some practitioners of automatic writing would put themselves in an attempt to connect with something somewhere on some other side and have that thing, and all through their arm into a usually a pencil or a pen and write something or draw something right. Ok, so that case there would be kind of a practitioner there would be the conduit, for this It certainly you know that could be. Someone is a true believer doing this and then maybe, but we have to do with whatever revering result or it could be someone just making it up right right, yeah d
to know the difference between those two proposed groups would have to know the inner motivations of the person is functioning as the conduit, but the idea automatic writing, which is really. Like screen. If you think about it, I e the data so far. The earliest mentions go all the way back to ancient china around eleven hundred c e, during the song dynasty, but so is also trace back further, no one's quite sure when the first thing happened, because humans of always wished to commune with the dead. So you can find claims that Something like this was around. In five fifty one b c also in china or traced back to the days of ancient people say haven. Pythagoras was down with something like this in greece, but anyway inch
not surprisingly enough for quite some time. This practice was considered a sort of necromancy, but it was it it didn't have romance. He was not a bad word. It is today it was sort of thought of as a research technique you know like the learning the people of the era would be interested in science and they also be interested in talking with ghosts not on common practice for wild several several prestigious institutions until was forbidden by the king dynasty, who you know everybody knows your total fun police Ben. Have you heard of the japanese version of the wage aboard? It's called cook? tourists on yes, but never used. What I am Actually, I really just found out about it and since its featured in some among gun men pop culture stuff in films, but it actually. Apparently it's is very, very similar to which you were, but it I've aziz, japanese characters and you use kind of more of a coin.
and the name could soon. Aid comes from a combination of light. The spear animals that supposedly are Answering you from the spirit world. The could soon ages a fox spirit, the dog, the coup and the The key, which is the resource, are like a combination of these things. We use italian coin and apparently it came to join pan because of sailors who brought some of those sats things over dogma, something called table. Turning and since tables warrant as much of a thing in Japan. They had to kind of improvise in this game was kind of created than deb is of is a site that I found that says, never play the game alone. Never The game is a prank try not to play, were scared or mentally insecure, sup, probably good advice. In general, I mean, depending on your belief system, but I thought table turning with strictly restaurant. You know service in it. three the doktor at that where this this year, but that just that just goes to show again it's very old
very common practice in the human species at its across the world The wager board is me. Famous, I think in the: u s eye adam. parts of western europe. We're gonna, learn why the modern wager board has its roots in the spiritualist movement of the eighteen hundreds which are you you do know for this episode about the spiritual. the eighteen. Hundreds folks is this. It was that time people in the western world got super duper into ghost. Add at the smithsonian has some great points about this. spiritualism came around in europe before it, the usa s in eighteen. Forty eight do in large part to siblings, known as the fact sisters- and they said look we are mediums- were getting messages
and the spirits for some reason. Who are we to judge they communicate by tapping? They don't talk to us, except through these taps and out he can channel them, will come and do alive show, with you say, the fox sisters and basically translate the taps, meaning its moral, just answering yes or no, and that kind of thing, but still there There's a medium translating from the other side goes. Can binary code apparently or more? their innocence right, which is also common in a lot of others, ritual belief systems. But it is interesting that the wager board becomes the translator right, so you moved away from asia A person translating to a piece of wood and but now we ve got chat. Jpg is sort of like the move from policies into protestantism. We're like you know, and catholicism airline hard core catholicism. The the conduit has to be a priest
We are a high member of the clergy, but then it sort of given to the people. As I know you can be your own conduit to god and saints, of course, can also intercede in the catholic faith and in other the St Adam eggs in other face systems will do this, that's that's the thing spiritualism was could be, in a sort of a fad, historically buddy also be seen as a a religious system other sort, maybe a little less dogmatic, but as that is there were different different individuals trying to create their cult of personality, some with great success. so the fox sisters, basically there celebrities there like the eating. Reed's version of tik, tok stars and people here about This gets in the national press us socialism, at its peak, has millions of people who were superman
consider themselves spiritualist and don't feel it conflicts with their priests. Staying in a more mundane believe slake, hey, I'm a christian but am also is. It. So you know, Saturday night we're doing the seance and sunday I'm a church, I in his in this time say. Answers were thought of kind of like cool party games. You know like what's that game play we just a guess: trivia, with your phone, you holding out forever yeah heads heads up? Ok, how did miss that would yes, so game Ellen degenerous invented it. Apparently you knew not I was not aware that yeah, but I bought the the is a science was not seen as an inherently dangerous thing was a plain has answered trivia with your friends and a lot of what we know about the weeds report. We know gets its popularity during this time, but for
quite a while the origin. This thing were pretty murky in the modern day I as a bare facts, in all of our nobody, has been all the research I looked into the night her one historian of the wage a border keeps coming up, is Robert merge. I and he's been folk, entirely on this specific aspect of history. Since the nineties, nineteen these I should say as far as I can tell his human. You know it's funny, and e saying that about like it was kind of considered like parlor trick or like sort of a fun party game. The japanese version of it. It just seems like from the very get go it's like this is dangerously me careful tread lightly. is the same. As you know, when you see japanese goes depicted environment, film and pop culture, there are usually pretty malevolent an end psychotic? There are really like friendly ghosts in japanese pantheon Greg
If I'm wrong, then are you know more about that? They that world than I do for sure? It's a is a wide wide unseen world and their yeah there they're not all rough characters but but also how much about his marketing. You know that's fair by code. Dangerous! Is this right because the that's? What gets people excited? You know now like if you choose between yachts ii a wager board, you know in your kid: don't you kind of want the one that has a hint of danger. I don't know I don't know I've Having got really deep, india archie, I don't know much about It- gets broken every time, dude role, the the dice or contact the dead for it there a better way to raise it. We also, however, speaking to them whence were raising here. We ve got a couple of quotes from march. That I think, would be then be worth sharing with our fellow conspiracy realist.
So robert march, as you said, who is a pioneer in studying this kind of phenomenon? Had this to say quote communicating with the dead was common wasn't seen as bizarre or weird it's hard to imagine that now we look at that. think. Why are you opening the gates of Hell and in march, is really been. A big part of kind of tracking on the true history of the modern wheezy board. It goes back to a company much like mattel, you know called nord novelty company as well as as a tie 'em with some of the absolute horrific atrocities of the civil war. Well yeah. I think there's so much of this popularity of the wage war that comes from the civil war. I really really think so, and I think that's that's. What more saying here, be So many human beings died during that conflict that it is very likely that you,
You know someone you love lost at east one person in that civil war right around two percent of the entire population of the united states was wiped out during the civil war, and there are only thirty one to thirty two million people within the united states and then time so if you got all those people that are dead there, you, you know individuals loved, all of those people right and the desire to contact them as got to be super high around that time. We're talking there, eighteen sixties, mid eighteen, sixties, post the civil war, the spiritual movement, arose in eighteen forties just twenty years before that, there's a really interesting confluence here of a way to contact dead people and then a whole bunch of dead people, and I think that was an opportunity that was that was seen right. little bit after this civil war, yet then nationwide a glove.
Creation of cottage industries to decide why this desire arise across. the? U S, medium, our marketing, their services in every he just city. You could imagine there also travelling like old schools, get revival, Esther circuit judges and the associated press is around its new kid on the block in lady to two hundred and eighteen. Eighty six. They publish a report on what are called parking boards, a bunch of mutual is camps in ohio have started in using these, in the name which does not exist yet there's a ball. More guy is deems Charles kennard, and he says I have read the paper. I sense a bit of going here. I don't need a lead. You board, in divine that so he hits for other asters guy named eliza bond, who is really really big in the story. He's a local.
ernie the time and a purveyor, a veteran colonel washington boeing, and they start the kennard novelty company. Important these guys personally, we're not super duper into ghost there super duper into making money and they recognize this as an opportunity. I mean we could do a whole we're limited series really on the history, the wage aboard, but You want to learn more check out robber merges work. I include in the story of william fold and how the wager board got that dreams, name, just real, quick, so folds, sir, stir in law, is medium in one night in eighteen. Ninety in baltimore their experimenting with this talking board set and she asked the board what they should call it. The plant chat apparently spelled out ouija o. Oh, Oh you, I J, a witch
and then she said was at mean and told her it. It means good luck in egyptian, but is not also not. The egyptian were for good luck as well we know where the common scenarios early eighteen her it's. No. This is med. Ghana violate yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Okay. So this is all just thinking about moore's kind of a spooky place. You know there there's there's, there's got this, got some serious violence, also where, like edgar Allan POE came up so certainly think of baltimore of that era. As this almost love crafty in kind of european spooky kind of place in our sort of like Boston, haunted by the ghost of millions of delicious craps, Baltimore didn t heat into it, so so jabba like us, so just now, why? Eighty ninety smother lawyer the civil war. The long after spiritualism becomes a thing it makes I sense that the popularity of this talk
board is already on the rise and then it's being manufactured by somebody, and then you you, you got to have william fold right. That was, that becomes the big person. What did fold end up doing fold ends up acquiring patents with the n from kennard, so he that taking over kind of the wager project, which is why he is closely associated with it today and we either cycle happen pretty often enough. when history. In the wake of a great tragedy, people look for some method of communication means are primarily gregarious, communicative creatures. So so it does me sets, and I think it's important for us to know these guys who decide demand factually said. Scale they're not, general goal, there not say what will learn about em they're, not saying hey, we're gonna griffith, a bunch of rooms. There saying this is interesting. People want it. Let's try to make something happen and that,
pretty in line with spiritualism, which, on spiritualist would set itself apart from other nations religious beliefs, because it was the marriage of scientific inquiry, do the supernatural and that that kind of we see that reflected later in? this lake projects target and am k, ultra you say we shouldn't accuse history of being original very on their own. I heard it and ever it was also malleable in an interesting way right leg. It didn't require it'll be inherent to one particular faith in you enter your It allowed you to kind of have this. I believe if there's something out there, I don't quite know what to call it yet, but I think the search is worth the effort and then That brings us to the big question. Folks. Does history side, which is really cool and earn deftly worth checking out does the wager Actually you know
doesnt work into it as it could station. Fingers were just having just without the quotations, I would say: does it work but depending on what you mean by all get to it me yeah right, spoiler. Yes, in fact, it does a pause for a word from our sponsors consult with some unseen entities, then we'll be right back at crocs, the personalized asian possibilities are endless: purple clogs with butterfly jib its terms, yellow sandals with gemstones. Maybe the signature white classics. Decked out in beach the chimes it's up to you and which ever combination you, Jews, it'll, be one in a million just like you shop, your favorite combo comfy classics, die
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jody and andrea to tell all as they take an in depth, look back at like in and around the tanner home from the very very beginning. So if you think you know every there is to know about full house how rude will be reliving every moment with you and will be joined by our full house family, including all your favorites from one hundred and ninety. Two episodes will reveal the hidden treasures you may have missed within the show. And we'll take a trip down memory lane together, listen to how rude tanneries, those on the ira, radio applicable by gas or wherever you get your podcasts, the huge, we get crazy. Yes, we spoiled it a little bit just second ago, but in a way before does work as you, as you point out. No, it depends on what process were talking. Working. It doesn't work that way. Some true believers might think and we're not here to poohpooh on anybody's spiritual beliefs. It's just I mean it might, but there is deaf
is something we can identify. In play, the piano in a very real way. Magnets how now how no no wait? No keep it. In max, how do they will magnates of the mines perhaps write sexual magnetism? The new album coming sexual magnetism is probably already like eighty indifferent, albums and ass. I am to be. We ve all got that in space. Ok, so we describe the wager board operation, a small group of people asking questions. watching in amazement as an unseen force. He uses them to spell out the answer Here's a reason, people across oceans of time to go dracula. all encountered, the same spooky thing and assumed a supernatural finance by the wager board science currently believes, is something that's hard wired into all human beings. It's called the
the old motor phenomenon or video motor response, a reflex we call it. I am, are when we're hanging lafrance what is ok video motor phenomenon. Is it boring? I think it's pretty fascinated actual the more I learn about it, not working at all. I think it is the idea that, even if you're not actively thinking about something part of your mind, can make you do things party or mine the year, not aware of basically your unconscious mind can make your body do things which is freaky. like exercise its will through vibrations, small little microbe gestures and things near props to julia Layton Our long time, colleague over a house of works, wrote a great article about the mechanisms bind we debate,
in similar things jewel your late and had this great line where she said: how do we towards actually work? Well, the short answer: people push and a long answer is much more interesting push it yeah. Yes, where we type ransom, called shared rules, pendulum and you can see this in kind of in the pendulum pregnancy test. You could also do it yourself, the home was string and any kind of waited object. You talked about this recently in alive event that we did just about yeah, please do I just describe it, wouldn't We, like you, know my my my daughter's mom, who am dear dear friends, with his very much into this kind of spiritual, spiritualism kind of stuff and has
done a similar test, you know it's a? U can use it. To kind of. You can ask the question in the same way that you might ask we should a question, but it's like us, a string or a chain at the end of which is await a crystal. You know something that that holds weight at the bottom and in it pulls the string or whatever line, and it might be taught. And yet you ask a question like in this case it was about a baby's gender and then you know is sort of like knocked times for yes, one time for no maybe an sandra. This is like a directional answer right. and in which action. The pendulum swings woo yeah and you just may not be trying to create a result. That's why, like first of the body moves way more often away more constantly I think a lot of people. Imagine is weird to think about right. You can You can also do this, taking a laser pointer and just
this will be a heck of a time. If you have cats in your house, just try to hold it still is possible and you'll see a tremor there. it doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. It just means that the body is in it. Constant state of movement and that's why the pendulum thing works, because without europe think of your mind, like a gnat, let's go at the restaurant thing from table. Turning. Your conscious mind is like the front house staff, the maitre D, the unconscious mind, is the thing in the back? It's in the kitchen. It's always cooking. You can send dishes out front and that's kind of what happen with this video motor phenomenon. I this was discovered in the eighteen hundreds by gaining anton shove rule, not french speakers superman pronunciation there. He was reason Jeanne hypnosis, and then he realized o this pendulum. Tell they were people really thinking because it magnifies my new move,
even when they are not aware of it psychologically. You don't feel like you own, the movement that happening so it does feel can other entity and in a way it say it is but wait, ok, pause. Are we just debunking We too are we ruining wages for people. I don't think so. I hope that the star and chance I mean and know what we're talking about a phenomenon that can be explained that can be described any action to a real or imagined ghost sir spectres, I think, is still on the table, that's where your beliefs lying still looking out I mean I really do believe that I'd I'd go here is never too away any any mystical anything from life you know. As this god knows, we need as much as we can get how much of it has been distorted sucked out, but I think there are things happen
but there are also could also be other elements and play. The data mean a change the equation so. The idea here is that these Many movements in the same way they function with a pendulum, would function with your fingers on a planchet and all of your friends fingers right a hundred so so that he has that If one person in that group is wrong, really thinking hard about the letter J it end and moving towards that J, even if they're, not even if their not thinking about the J, yes or if it's a bunch of euro, also bad faith actors. It's surreal thing, there's bunch tina teenagers around you know like who's gonna, others, the jayne smith like me or whatever, then you know you might have to romantic rivals.
The way it is now, the ghost can't make additional pushed down just adding that same party where it's like wait a six week and then a nine right are yet. I know it's perfect, it's perfect because that's another illustration of how People's motivations come into play right, sometimes consciously often unconsciously, we're not just debunking it, though, because there is The even stranger at play here even acknowledge the existence proven of the eighty or motor factor reflex in twenty twelve. These rights.
Searchers at the university british columbia did something really interesting. They found that the effect is cumulative. It creates power when users believe multiple people have their have contact with the plan check, so they blindfolded folks and they would tell the blindfolded people. You are one of two folks touching this pointer and then, as the pledge have moved, the subject often claimed that silent second partner was pushing the thing and they did not know that there was no second person involved. real, but they they felt that they sense them. They felt they were there and they felt that person was cheating. How interesting is that? That's not cheating that answer the whole point. Eight billion
and that's in that scenario are now it is fascinating stuff. The way the parts of our minds work without our now, it's just I never get over how bout cool that is then also scary, oh yeah, I think about the two men with a lot of the people who have managed to gain conscious control over over the involuntary functions of the body like the heart beat in the thus raising digestion and so on and a body temperature. A kind of freaks me out you know, that's insane, but you gotta wonder to if folks who are suffering from things like you know, it's a free media. Is that, like basically that stuff? Just unhinged and is kind of like the guard rails taken off you know and made the subconscious mind, has just now kind of like blending with the conscious bind. Again, I'm sort of describing maybe version
I've. Seen of that condition in you now cinema and stuff, but it strikes me as the mind is the summit so much powerful stuff that can be unlocked for good or ill now in the mind and that warning about the that, though warnings that you will find on different which boards are are talking boards, I should say there they are coming from a good place. It's not just cynical marketing if you have, if you are not mentally in a good place, are mentally secure. As that one japanese example said, then that this could be a knot. Pleasant experience for people, but again it you know, knowledge is power. So, knowing a little more about how this works helps you enjoy, enjoy the process, maybe a little bit more about this experiment and twenty Twelve shows that a person's conscious belief that they're not moving the pointer kind of enhanced
Is there unconscious minds ability to trigger those minute movements, which means science proves are the fundamental rules of wages, the two or more players bit don't play it alone, the more people touching it easier. It is to believe you are moving. It gets six people on that bad boy. Now it's definitely a ghost and if you have a preference for a specific I'll come a course that doesn't mean you cheating. It means like you. Or, like you said my really thinking of the letter J and oh my gosh, something answered me you know how mass market boardgame usually have like a player count on the side, like minimum maximum players does. Does does the wage lord start with two. Yes, ok, yeah, and euro again we're not seeing people are actively cheating or necessarily acting in bad faith or trying to be deceptive. Also, we have to note the plans A thing doesn't always move its in the rules
originally was give it five minutes and if nothing happens, try again it'd take a break, try again and take a lap or take a lap, I guess, or maybe you're more of a magic, eight ball kind of guy. You know what I mean like. We should also we're, not Barroso, saying they're, not cheating, right right, yeah, could be because you you could push me it's a light thing urim and you can push and have it not really read to the other player, as as you pushing But you always see many of their second moves over the now you're pushing it now now europe wash your hands off and it keeps moving yeah by my, hence the magical snap at well. Almost original ghost will get through the ghost of a second, but this This idea was no Luigi manufacturers as well. Sometimes it does work sometimes suggests spit out nonsense and
one early patent didn't call it otherworldly or supernatural all. Instead, they said the motion is caused quote by the voluntary muscular motion of the hands of the players or through some or agency. So there, hedge of their bets lets, you know what I see. Let's take a break for where from our sponsors, who hopefully the good voted we do which is an illumination global, unlimited, prepares, subsidiary and working to talk about, even though the weirder stuff there's little bit of a twist here yet
Follow me: have there is woman about drama executive producer of the newport guy's name? I will eat the first part of our radios, Michael tudor part gas network each week hosted the courtiers and of william the lily element. The negative will play matchmaker for a group of hopeful romantics who are putting their trust in albania to find them await. Your job right now is to get, and I really does really good site our leave. That evidently knows best made my only the first three single contestants will live for a date with what
lucky main vader, except to get their hard. They have to win over our leader, Liliana prayers, and I really am, as we are ready for love through speed dating rounds. Hilarious games in vienna intuition one contestant will either be a step closer to getting that balloon said. You know what I mean or a step closer to getting that china lay back. Let's see if cheese possible fly or a v singles will be sent back to the dating asked. Who isn't do they might already? The first on the eye how radio ep apple by gas or wherever you get your broadcasts? How rude diana readers is the full house we watch by gas you ve been waiting for each week, get together with iconic characters, stephanie tanner and Jimmy kepler, also known as actors is jody sweden and Andrea barber, as they team up to relive every episode of your favorite friday, night comfort show we spent our entire child. on a little show called full house plain for enemies but becoming bessys whenever the cameras, weren't rolling and now thirty five years later, is our biggest eventually get ready,
jody and andrea, to tell all, as they take an in depth, look back at life in and around the tanner home from the very very beginning. So, if you think you know every if there is to know about full house how rude will be reliving every moment with you and will be joined by our full house family, including all your favorites from one hundred and ninety, two episodes will reveal the hidden treasures you may have missed within the show. and we'll take a trip down memory lane together, listen to how rude tanneries, those on the ira, radio applicable by gas or wherever you get your bar guests, I'm J, sherry and under a host of on purpose in this region episode. I had the honour to interview president Joe Biden in his first ever personal interview about mental health. The president opens up about grief connection. The childhood battles, that of shape
tim personal, mental health and mental health at large. You don't want to miss it. The day will come when you open that closet door and you smell the fragrance of her dresses or your walk going by that park where you walked with your child or your or your boy for your husband or that thing to remind you after a long time, will just bring a tear to your eye, but eventually every once in a while a big smile before it brings a tear to your eye. When that happens, you know you're going to make, I made doesn't mean you still don't cry doesn't mean the pain still isn't real even years later, but you know you can make listen to on purpose- we Jay shetty on the I ha radio lap apple pod, cause wherever you get your podcasts, the Ok, here's an experiment. If you want to ruin the halloween party are, we not find it out. We party
her father, halloween bodies, you always say that we are going to be a week. We elena, how a parties, but if you want to disprove, I guess we bored, but I don't know if this fun thing to do, but it works conceptually blindfold, some folks, you're gonna use the wage abort. Let em look out at first without their knowledge, rotate the board. Ninety greece and then see what kind of messages they get without the visual input feeding into their unconscious their responses. Will probably seem a lot less purposeful side. No, if it still appears to be, E is obviously take a video. Put it on ethics? Are you saying, like the visual gloomy It wouldn't let me some situations where maybe folks would say everyone close your eyes while you're doing, but the closing their eyes. Still,
if the memory of the board, as their worries, laid siege to that close and then and then actually, I would cease pre. That's pretty effective, that's great question, because if you ve, like four people centred around aboard, if all looked at it from their individual angles, they closed their eyes, Then, if there are all on the same page, dating highness self correct to get too like the person, the top left those were? Yes is the person the bottom right as their perspective, insulating kind of move on cod, retorted yes, implication being the ghost has a full view of the board at all times. So had not be thrown by a a ninety degrees turn. That would be the idea but again, email us. If you see at work and so interesting. What this is about the human mind, the idea we can make movements will realize were making china tells us we should
be so smug or confident about what since we think are ours in someone else's, I mean it. Here's the twice. This is the is the coolest part, if you think about it, despite science, which again is pretty conclusive, pretty watertight, even with all that, if you think about you are sort of talking with ghost and unseeing unacknowledged entity that, through you is capable of reaching the mundane world, it's just europe, not sound too pixar about it, but the real was inside you all along the haunted house right. We are the hard did, houses test I mean, I've seen this analogy, really well in and oftentimes, unlike films, about mental, You know where someone thinks there seeing a ghostly nobler than it turns out there just kind of hallucinating or something was going on nina psychologically. I think the idea of most of the mind, is the closest,
we can wrap our heads around it actually understand as far as ghosts, because we I have memories. We all have kind of tortured things that live with us in their linger with us, some things that we pushed to the back of our minds but they're, always there. now and an those things exert themselves over our day to day lives. No, shut up she's like so. gets even weirder, though this is cool that experiment in twenty twelve you can. It published in February the february issue of consciousness. Incognito cognition want to shut out the author doktor, rhine, wren sink a researcher helene, gaucho and doktor sidney fells she's what they found this experiment. They said people thought someone else was touching the planchet their unconscious I was basically able to slide into those muscle movement dm end,
You can do much better with the wager board on questions that you don't really think you know, but something inside of you guys know. When they tried this with with a robot player, stead of a human and the roma, We just amplify the existing human muscle movements. They they said, ok right about fifty percent of the time we were asking questions like is one of the the capital of Brazil right just now for all control. Question right: managua, nine, emotionally related questions, and then when they asked the participants. These things verbally, just like in a quiz, hey where'd, you, where were the were the two thousand olympic games in sydney,
people are guessing. They were right about fifty percent of the time, but when their unconscious came over, when their inner ghost came into play, they answer correctly about sixty five percent of the time. You're unconscious mind your your personal casper, his axe, Pretty smart. This episode brought you buy casper mattresses, it s, just the right sink, just the right bounce, the haunted sleep casper matches this episode is not sponsored by casper just so you know it's definitely here that it is monitored by illumination, global and reflection. Everything we do is the blood rice, as we add so that's I mean That's it. You know your average wage aboard probably is haunted, but you are, and the real good news, they sing it and the show on, is that it sounds like you're, probably being haunted by a friendly ghost who, at you
ups your chances of random guessing by fifteen percent. That is such a weirdly specific, like superpower. If, if like we're in an arbitrary for sure fisher go inner, casper, fifty plus fifteen percent. what I guess. Gas jet judge jpg certainly seem to think ruining our fiji us an that's very close to that is very clear with the idea of communing with nonhuman entities. Isn't it I mean all the stuff. We thought we were myths and legends their increasingly going to become true. I look forward to the creation of the first minute. we now be great hasn't watching. I was only really quickly again the so civil war, popularity, spiritualism lots of dead people interesting contacting the other side, gives people meaning right
or potential meaning ten potential way too feel like there's something more like their loved ones are still around. I think something weird going on right now, as we record this, it was announced last night. I guess that one of the european president's reason. American president is maybe definitely being indicted is, and I did and theirs a lot of followers of that person, it feels a lot of followers there. Upset by this array. Now, probably, as this episode is coming out, a very upset by this an eye, it makes me think back to eighteen sixty the election of abraham lincoln. It makes me think of a political divide in the country. Is it's what we ve talked before with the civil war, I'm freaked out that something else is happening and guys, instead of spiritual ism, you know we have to fall back on. What's that ufos
I'm sorry, I'm just I don't know what I'm saying they are their own kind of little gods were ghosts in a way. I just like the term ghost is so interesting, because we really were ruined talking with thy with flame monroe, the other week and allay and about, goes and inflamed then she didn't really believe in goes, but did believe in like energy of places and events that have affected. You know environments and I would say that energy applies to our memories as well, in our minds and- and I think this ghosts of the mine isn't saying that, like anyone, using goes is just imagining it. I just think that something is something different and like the Memory of our loved ones in and of themselves can be kind of goes because they can then connect with something something you see something you smell in us
new taste or here, and then their memory joins up with that and then all of a sudden, it's like there's a person there. You know you like that What about the way sense memory can do that beautiful description. I would also add that if we think about it through that lends reading they are speaking with uganda. Strew ya, know it so! Guy eddie, I think that's, I think, that's a beautiful point for assent on first for anybody who His is what matt saying there check out. It could happen here by our pal robert Evans and to the fascinating point about you, p. You know we have to remember the importance of perspective in cultural lens right. The way that the way that these
different world or nation wide paradigm shifts can occur, and when we're in the thick of it, it is very difficult to understand how it will all shake out right. That's why history books will definitively say stuff, like the spiritual, spiritualist movement started here. Then did here are the civil war started here here? The ink and that's it it's too cotton dry and you have to do that for the purposes of writing and for vacations? We also know that history, written by the victors, or at least the ones who write the history, books and oftentimes is over simplified will, of course, it's over simplified, but also they have the benefit of retrospect it is also an yes, yes in humans, love information! So we about this. How about we ask Our fellow conspiracy realist to help us a sense of a new definition of ghost. If you were to redefine what a ghost is or how
whistling counter works after him check out her episodes on memory and emphasised, and so on. How would you must act, whitley described the experience of a ghostly presence and do you it was a wager bored. I weren't people He was a dangerous have you had any weird experiences. Matt, like you said, a video would be great here. You are the best way, send its video scores email. You can find us all over the internet, the genuine, like technology, spooky We are creating the supernatural now right, though social media is kind of. Weird waited communicate with people, oh yeah, but that being said, find us
yeah. You can hear conspiracy stuff on twitter, youtube and facebook, where we have our here's, where it gets crazy. Facebook group get in on the conversation there, and you can also find us on instagram and tiktok a conspiracy stuff show if you'd like to call us call one eight three, three s t d w t k, it's a voicemail system. You ve got three minutes. Please give yourself a cool nickname, not your real name. If, if you don't mind, please let us know whether we can use your name and message on the air and to put that number in your phone as a contact. Just in case the ghost calls back if you want to do that instead, why not send us good old fashioned email. We are conspiracy at, I hope, radio dot com
stuff- they don't want you to know is the production of a heart radio. For more podcast. From my heart radio visit, the I hurt radioactive apple pie or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-07.