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CLASSIC: The Mystery of Coral Castle

2020-09-01 | 🔗

After being jilted a day before his wedding and narrowly surviving tuberculosis, Latvian immigrant Edward Leedskalnin spent almost 30 years building Coral Castle out of huge blocks of stone. But how did he make it, and why wouldn't he allow anyone to watch him at work? Join Ben and Matt as they explore the mystery of Coral Castle in today's classic episode.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Extended ex by is more than just fast its internet. That gives you peace of mind security because of its connected its protected, even Europa vacuum. Can your internet do that learn more extremely dot com, slash the Goal Club was the top step club in Atlanta in the ninety. Nine is with patrons like Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan, Madonna, the king is Sweden, but in two thousand one the club was put on trial with charges of prostitution, extortion, credit card fraud, racketeering and an evaluation with time, journalist, procedurally and I'll, be taking you behind the scenes of the gold clothes scandal from the booty and bubbly to the d c and courtroom drama. Listen to rack. It. Inside the goal club on I heart, radio, an apple pie or wherever you get your pockets Love to many splendored,
noble splintered stew. Third, as well has been noble, splintered at times fractious thing. I don't know you guys. Remember maybe you're your days of Hetty teenage love where you felt like Entire world was collapsing, as things might not work out with someone you were in love with together you guys around that moment. Recall, I Apple emptied the fifth. Ok, I would say yes, I know in the most moving an important thing I could ever do for young lady that I was in love with, as a young man was right, a song. Oh, it felt like I was creating something beautiful, an amazing for them. But you know what who some other. Other people have more grander designs than I yeah. Oh man, well, first off we shouldn't we shouldn't be quick to
throw away your song man I care. I would love to hear it one day. We all would I but you're right people do crazy. Things out of love to recover from love, this episode is about something called quarrel castle. A man named Edward led scowled then spend almost three decades building this thing by himself out of huge blocks of stone, and even today people are sure how he did it to. Let us hear the tail,
from your phone to ghosts and government cover. Ups. History is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn the stuff. They don't want you to know a low. Everyone welcomes the show by name is met and I've been in MRS stuff. They don't want you to know today we're gonna kind of recap. Look back at our episode on Edward led skeletons, coral tat, yet interesting thing First question for most people would be what the heck is. A quarrel castle is a good question, because this thing is not actually castle. No, no, not really. I can't. I don't know what I would call it. A scam and art exhibit a compound
that's exactly what is an art exhibit in its? Not quarrel? Is it no? No, it's made of a kind of limestone called Lyric limestone, which is actually a sediment. Terry Rock will first of all, whereas this thing out right. Yes, yes, this along with so many other crazy things located in Florida. Ah Florida yeah forward. Sazen, abnormally large population of cults, really trust we need to look into this. We do we do now when we, We first started our show on coral castle. We did this, as an audience request right. Yeah, that's correct. We read there were several people on Youtube, clamouring for it and most of our best episodes come from audience suggestions. We were excited to do this one because its both close to us in terms of space, geographic space and in terms of time you know oh yeah, fullest, fascinating there
so there were so many questions and there still are so many questions revolving around how the heck this things made in about the guy that made it himself yeah and the okay, so coral castle itself, it's made of these huge wrought sculptures when we say huge, we mean they wait times their nine feet, tall, etc. But there is great skill, precision in the in the crafting of these sculptures, offering since a door the ways tons and tons that once upon a time, you could just turn with the slightest touch because it was so well Well, that's putting verbal day there also all kinds of other, just very cool there were made under the stone, there's, no there's a sun dial there there's also or they call it. A Polaris telescope much about this thing, I know it looks like a tower and it's got a hole in the centre or not the centre. The top yeah the the hole in the top actually is a
the UN's star, because the guy who created the ATLAS, our body Edward, leads scowling, was himself from Latvia. There there's other course of two like the giant furniture I can chairs a water- well, an abolition of course, is what would strange monument be without an awful at source. I have one of those. We will again we'll talk about it later about that, but he had some egyptian influence in his castle right. Yes and there was no mortar and this right man, it's just so not on fit together almost perfectly and in. I guess there's a reason why their fit together so well- and that's because Edward, had kind of a background. His family had a background in masonry right. Yes, yes, although His formal education was fairly limited, Edward League scowling, Morning, Janeway Twelfth eighteen, eighty, seven, in extensive homes, schooling, regimen likely by his grey.
And father who was also a mason, so you trained in new ways of stone masonry out. It's cool too upset. Let's talk about what leads a person to go to Florida and build the castle of coral or of of limestone, it's it's a good words, a sad story. You wanna hear it anyway. I do owner art, so Ed. Twenty. Eight years old, nineteen nineteen below of his life. Ladys lasting was scruff. I believe she is sixteen eighteen, thirteen, twenty eight- she sits there and she doesn't want to marry him even though, even though he asked her in everything hold them. Did she say? Yes, initially? Was there an engagement? There was Indeed, those kind of an engagement there was a spurning. Oh ok, Osbourne. Lover spurned so bad that he went across the EU
land, take landed, I believe in Canada and shrieked about the east coast until tuberculosis concerns are, shall we say, tuberculata concerns how I, like it several dyke associate? Will keep it to work? loses drove him to Florida and hopes warmer climate would help alleviate some of his pain. The golf club with the top step club in Atlanta in the ninety nine is a twentieth century, balk at all for the rich and famous, with patrons light. Dennis Rodman Michael Jordan, Madame the king, Sweden people from all over the country. Everybody came to the goal club and it was the spot to go. The golf clubs owners, Steve Kaplan, was able to make almost four times the amount of other strip clubs where three under fifty dollar bottles of Don Perry on private rooms and the sexiest, entertainment and the south.
Jane up a girl and drag or through the club dragged across the stage, it was kind as an m and the guy's loved it, but in two thousand one the club was put on trial, which are just a prostitution, extortion, credit card fraud, racketeering and an evaluation with like a festering cancer and if you're going, allow it to grow and prosper You're gonna have a problem going forward. I'm journal Christine away and I'll be taking you behind the scenes of the gold club scandal from the booty and bubbly to the deceit and court room drama, Pleasant, a rocket inside the golf club on the radio, apps apple pie or wherever you get your pothouse.
It was made nineteen nineteen, eighty three in Springfield organ in the middle and otherwise peaceful cool spring night. A car arrived, can't you will admit Hospital, Diane, downs and hope, the children had been shot Charles Levin, was dead and Danny Three and Christie ate her life. Threatening injuries, a year later, Diane herself was found guilty for the shootings in the eightys there. Was a shocking headline story of fatal attraction. Authorities believe Diane's. In fact, we with a married man who said He had no interest in being a father to anyone's children was the possible motive behind her shooting her three?
adds one year later at her trial, she was pregnant that child was Becky Babcock for years. Becky has tried to come to terms with who were mother is, but one mystery has haunted her. Who is our biological father she's? What I call a jackpot match. Did you find Becky's biological father join me as search for the answer and explore Becky's, and are mothers passed on this season of happy face present to face listen Alma, I hot radio, app apple pie, gas or wherever you find your favorite shows an once got them for the future something very interesting. He started kind of this monument to hear lost love? So ok, so the
world Castle is if it was made for her, it was made for his lost love. That's interesting. Attitude after he's been spurned, he went ahead and decided. I'm gonna make this monument out of you. Think you do that, despite like yes, why that's what I mean this afternoon about you know whatever I made this, you, but you know whatever her, that the inscription on the stones. Well, it's it's strange because you spend the next thirty years or so building these. Ruptures an he dies in nineteen fifty one. As far as we Oh no, I'm letting him were pretty show, but something interesting would happen. I he would charge people to check out the the check out, the structured, pretty reasonable price like a dime or some
and then, when they asked him how I would build it, she would say I've learned the secrets of weight and leverage. I've learned the secrets of the pyramids, while the builders of the peer yeah, ok, so inner in the video. We talk about this a little bit about what those secrets could possibly be. There are some people who think there maybe magical or hidden technologies that he found they're, even other people. I think there is some kind of energy that he was able to harness LUCA Electromagnetism. Nor just magnetism or even oh, well, their harmonies of Some people are saying they use and has harm, these that allowed limitation to occur right, yeah, that a certain frequency would be able to negate in part the the effects of gravel.
Which is interesting there or the even at Edward, leads common himself had psychic powers, because the food, the reason We hear a lot of stuff come out is first, it's really cool in Sydney, road safety and it's interesting, but second was fairly secretive about his process. Working with this stuff and third people who coral castle and we'll get to the cool part. Where you can visit quarrel castle, they have a definite financial interest in sort of space in at the store so the more mystery they can report to have borne. If he was selling tickets to it or you know, hurting small amounts. He also had probably high stake in making it mysterious and mystical Oh and he was weird to dodge every those pamphlets that he wrote you can find some other. My ma, I read some about morality and how to court a woman, well yeah. I think that's a book in every home
the name of that when I dont know aid all kinds ban, and I was I was interested at least he wrote something down spare than I've done well. He is also I'm just cartoonish Lee politically incorrect in this day and age. He would say this if you would say: stop, for instance, like her Well, we shouldn't let people who are poor, don't have jobs, vote you let the weak vote, then that's what's wrong with the country which I dont think would fly and most debates today, however, near there might be some people, I really believe that, but he also wrote some strange theories about magnetism, and this is one of the reasons why people thought that he had said. Other unknown power or technology, however, is more probable that He learned how to use Canada basic mechanisms of physics, some of the basic tools like police lever
is our simple machine, simple machines, exactly yeah, that's point in our n, you know that's kind of the best. The best theory we have for how the Egyptians did it just manpower and simple machine? yeah ingenuity. I think in our episode we talk about some modern hobbyists too, I figured out ways to move gigantic blocks. By themselves, like the guy building, a replica of stone in Africa, you can see. Edward leads coalmines tools. Fine display, I believe, a quarrel castled stay. There is also an interesting I named Orville Erwin a friend of lead scowling and he wrote a book with a terrible title laid out on you guys right now. I think the title was terrible. Are you ready? Dear mister cat is dead, the story of the coral castle? Mister
Can't. I assume that that refers to something in the book. May like the title more after read the book, which I will read by all or vote, claims that leads gardens methods are not as mysterious as some would have us believe. Right like here. He points out that exactly what you said, these principles of weight and leverage that Edward lead scalding. Did you work on his own, which is a mazes all ready by that he did it through stingy newly through knowing how to arrange these stones, if anything, one of most extraordinary powers would have been that he was very, very good at figuring out the centre of gravity, oh yeah, gigantic structure and keeping a secret and keep it a secret. That's very good! Go over power, but,
We so we hate a bus, the bubble for some people, but everything that we found about Edward led scalding does show as these an eccentric individual. It does show that he really did build coral castle on one of the things we know We covered in the video surgeon, somehow my head there was that he bought a say, no acres of land for some ridiculously low price in Florida Regional you any started to build his coral castle, then, for some reason, had to move it. I think there is the Burma with Romania and cited remove it and he got a friend to help him move. All of these giant blocks asked a truck driver, yeah or in any didn't, even have a truck at the time. I don't think I think he has chassis of a truck, or at least a small. He had parts of a truck it could move, but it couldn't function. So we had to get another friend too. I guess attached to his truck and then move
nobody move the entire thing any got. I think it's ten acres. Yeah. It only takes up about three acres on the ten acre plot, but right any some of that land and that's where he got a lot of the money they say: Matthew live for a there by selling from land and as far as we know, he was never reunited with his loss. Latvian love, I doubt she's ever even seen it. You know it's weird since she is tenures was ten years we're than him it would be cool if she, if she did see it now, I'd like to hear that if anybody, if, if you know of this please let us know citizen, email or something. Yes, we are conspiracy, discovery that car we'll, go and drop that in sometimes you boy as we said at the end, but will say it again if you just like hearing it lets in on this note, met people can visit quarrel castle. Yes, it's still. There
Still there you guys and most of the stuff still works. There was one one gate doesn't work as well as did because they had to fix it, but here's I get there, you go toward homestead Florida in Miami Dade County, it's at the intersection, South Dixie Highway and Southwest one fifty seventh avenant there. It is, and you can even taken into Google MAPS now and find coral castle, which is gonna, go! Oh yeah! I wonder if you just the street view having checked that whenever we call that either look around in the gas forecastle, oh no man, they they probably of blurted, in some way to make sure people still pay money to get in and look at everything yeah. That might still be some they don't want you to know.
Every time, I'm alright we're gonna head out. We hope that you enjoyed our episode on quarrel castle. You can find us on Facebook, we're all over twitter we're conspiracy stuff on both of those avenues and at the end of this classic. So if you have any thoughts or questions about this episode, you can get into contact with us in or of different ways. One of the best is to give a call or numbers one. Eight, three, three std w. I T K veto want to do that. You can send us a good old fashioned email. We are conspiracy at I hope. Radio dot com stuff they don't want. You to know is the production of Iheart radio. For more podcast. From my heart radio visit the I hurt, radio, app apple podcast or wherever you listening favorite shows blood on the tracks is a new podcast about legendary music producer fills Spectre in the murder of Laana Clarkson. This podcast is hosted by me, Jake Brennan,
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Transcript generated on 2020-09-08.