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CLASSIC: Is the Palace of Versailles haunted?

2023-08-01 | 🔗

When Louis XIV expanded his father's old hunting pavilion he created one of the greatest achievements in French 17th century art -- a massive, opulent compound that became the seat of high society and French government. In the modern day, the Palace of Versailles remains an enormously popular tourist attraction and, according to some, a hotspot for for paranormal activity, including ghosts and time travel.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Get ready to dive into the future, with technically speaking and intel podcast the groundbreaking pike ass for my heart media's rubies studios in partnership with into each of us, unveils the incredible ways: a high technology is transforming our world for the better joint host graham class, as he speaks with the experts by the technological advancements that our power eat a brighter and more accessible future for everyone. Listen, the technically speaking and intel pie cast on the already radio, app apple podcast or wherever you get your papa entered Using apple watch series- nine, Now there's a magical new way to use your appalache without touching the display, just doubled, happier next finger and thumb together. You can doubled have to accept a call you can doubled, have two an alarm: you can even double tab deposits on and started up again
apple, the series: nine magic at your fingertips, iphone tennis or later required, with additional wireless service plan. this episode of stuff they do. What you do know is brought you by top gap. Tomcat makes rat, snap traps and other road control products, so they wanted to They a little rat history with us. Did you know back in the fourteenth century, flee ridden rats, helped spread the black death wiping out a third of europe's population and during world war or one soldiers in the trenches had to contend with massive rats. These rat spread diseases and added to the intense psychological stresses of the soldiers and now enter
tom catherine control. The modern solution to an age old problem, ensure history, doesn't repeat itself in your home. Tomcat kills and prevents holiday. You orders another glass of red regular. You worries about standing your teeth with twice daily, brushing holgate off. If white pro series to face removes fifteen years of things in two weeks, you can live life to the bright as all year, I did it all major retailers, tonight's classic episode takes us to France two to france at the height of french. This You know what I mean: we're taking big Louise time, don't also the home of some, my favorite bans in the history of music bands like air, phoenix and daphne. can you imagine growing up in a place surrounded by the palace of versailles? because you to make some pretty interesting and fancy music. The any lots of cake right, young, so we're at this place has a lot of history.
A lot of injustice that occurred around it and you know, let's say pretty: dress by the people who hung out in it. So there's there's really no reason to think that their art ghosts hanging around here somewhere and that's what sam pursued, is about and with that we ve got You gotta give a shout out to a phrase I learned, because, with palestine hi story folly. Adieu from you weapon it's psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn stop, they don't want you to know. looking back to the show. My name is met, my name is no, they call
then we are joined with our super producer, Paul deck, and you are you things for tuning initially say bonjour. This is stuff, they don't want you to know. We get So many suggestions, b, email, mail, tweets, vs strangers talking to us in the streets, and this this episode is based on a very old suggestion they came in two thousand and ten, maybe away back in two thousand and ten, the good old days. Things were so simple them right.
Little. Did we know what twenty eighteen would bring and its appropriate that we are looking into the past and into the future and remarking on the passage of history, because today's episode concerns one of the most important historical locations in france. Today we are asking why people believe the palace of versailles is haunted, and if you dont know of the palace of versailles is it is the or it was the seat of royal power and free for many many years, but it didn't just start off that way. Now the started off actually at a very difficult way in fifteen seventy five, there was a fellow named albert de gondi judy. I who a member of the court of Henry the second he purchased
the signori the lordship over this village called versailles. So I purchased yeah, it is bought it. He bought the town. He got the signatory in this area. Better, that's italian find out that it is a matter, took a surly actually to Levin get up early for us. We're died out yesterday yet, and you are correct, he did have an italian background which, at that time came with some stereo. As it did, that's right, yeah that you, the french, looked down on the italians as being sort of shifty not lay about, but more manipulative kind of machiavellian creepers. I guess right, yes, schemers! That was the stereotyped there are labouring under, but the god he had done quite well and It's a well regarded in the court. He also clearly had some juice. He had some scratch. He had some some cash, so he, yes, he purchased. The
ship over this town about fifteen miles south west dish of paris, the population was in a very bad way. They were in a tale spin. They have been damaged by the hundred years wars and the plagues and all in all this, the the series of tragedies for the village of rsi means it's a great buy for albert de gandhi. Oh absolutely sorta, like the bank swooping in after the housing collapse or whatever and like units buying up underwater properties and stuff, you know quite similar, very But you know: what's good business move here yeah, so you know, king ships change over time as they do as the the old man. And dies somebody new comes in and it's usually blood related, almost always blood related. so in the early, sixteen hundreds gandhi
Why did the new king louis the thirteenth to versailles on hunting trips? Because you know you ve got this beautiful area this land that you purchased? You invite the king down to do little hunting you're, always in court, wearing, come out to my place. We can you run down the peasants hours. Maybe then we can yeah, I'm thinking fox, that's what I'm picturing with their pack of hounds chasing down the the sly little fox theirs. tons of wildlife. There it was. It was largely just untouched land, that's true, and these are going to be hunting parties yeah. This means it's not just these two fellows on horseback with with some dogs or with some bows and arrows, and they have a bunch of people who are doing the actual work. Yeah but they cannot watch. Maybe I don't know who know who's to say. Actually there probably historians that will say exactly how much lucy the thirteenth got down
the hunting, but either way he loved to doing it. Yet he loved the police so much that in sixteen twenty three He had a hunting lodge built near by and for him This was a modest, a modest structure, yeah it out of bricks. And you heard, would stuff that the common man would use, but that's all they needed. They just needed a place to take shelter, so they could stay. Their whatever and they go hunting the next day. So then, Eight years later, louie obtained the senora of versailles from the gandhi family and began to make enlargements to this hunting chateau. He continued to expand the structure until his death. In sixteen forty three, at which time the row big player in the story, comes along his son lui, the fourteenth a k, a of the sun king came along
He was a huge fan of the location as well. Yes, the sun king, the one that your history books, rightly associate with the pact, is called absolute monarchy. Yes, he loved, centralized government. He was all about it and he thought the king is the centre. Everything else moves out from their rights, hence the sun, king re, as as, nor has pointed out and its true. He expanded versailles at a massive rate, and this is where it moved from a pretentious royal shit, oh to a palace, in fact, by some measures, the largest palace in the world- and there is a side note here that I want to put in just for all of you listening who have an interest in the bizarre nature of royal day to day life. While we were researching this episode, I found something has nothing to do with whether or not precise halted it is the
ceremony that the king had his rising sleeping ceremony, gas, it is bizarre and so over the top yeah. If you want to go down a rabbit, hole, look up a marie antoinette. The waking ceremony- it is one of the strangest things people would pay to talk to these folks, as they were wake it up until like put their clothes on further jerry address them hadn't. They do the same thing as they were going to sleep and the the one thing, at least in louis' case that keeps popping up, is the the fact that they're the actual place where they slept amid these ostentatious opulent chambers, the actual place, was separated from the rest of the room by this tiny decorative balustrade and they kept using the phrase decorative ballast.
grade yeah. I looked it up, it's just cartoonish. What is balustrade it. It looks like a banister is okay! That's what I picture yeah! It's a it's! Just, a a gilded banners! Fancy bannister fancy, that's what they should call, and I think we should write to the editors and ask them to change that. I agreed to a fancy ban, Yes, so it is being a fancy. Thou Louis was the self quite fancy right. He was responsible for a lot of the trends in clothing and cooperate the kind of permeated out of france and into the rest of europe. Right. Yeah yeah. He was a setter. I, u is also
He was also easily angered and angering him was bad, but without going too far into louis, we can say that his qualities ego call it his philosophy of what a government should be symbolically. Whatever the motivation, a result it in this gigantic monstrous compound in this place is huge. We have stats about the palace itself. It has seven hundred rules that are spread over more than seven hundred thousand square feet, yeah, it's stinking giant and that's you the palace itself. If you look at the surrounding area of the palace, that is considered verse, I still or the palace of versailles grounds your covering over two thousand acres and that's
Eighty seven, almost eighty eight million square feet good golly yeah, and this. includes two hundred and thirty acres of gardens again massive, and inside these gardens you'll find too in ten thousand flowers and too Hundred thousand trees that are annually planted there those numbers are astounding and they were very into fountains. It must have been a different time. You know the era of construction because gardens must, been an admin a more popular overall than they are today, also that the funds themselves or a work of art. This makes the palace of versailles, officially the world's largest royal domain in terms of sheer area, and it also has a lot of notable features yeah, I think, we're all big fans of the hall of mirrors, which has
seventeen giant mirrored arches opposite seventeen windows and each one of the arches contains twenty one mirrors, which makes a massive three hundred and fifty seven total. As the hall is two hundred and three nine point, five feet, long. Thirty, four point: four feet: wide and forty point four feet high. We end this cavern near cheating cavern that you walk down. There has a light on this on to your right. Let's see you're walking this way to your right, and then on the left, you get the mirrors reflecting the light in these chandelier, these opulent insane channel ears and above the shit here's are these paintings on the ceiling. It's just I mean it's incredible, What is also one of those things are: how much money can we spend and then Why aren't weren't peasant starving in the streets? Yes and on special occasions
while the same peasants were starving, they would light around twenty thousand candles at night to have that. same sort of phenomenon occur. It seems like one of those things is difficult to imagine until you actually visit me. Yes, It makes me think of that movie the florida project, because in this year, only It's about these very poor. Areas around disneyworld and these really kind of like shoddy hotels where families rent them by the weak, because otherwise they wouldn't be able to pass a credit check and but they're all like things like the magical old castle and like future land but they're all dead fleetly kind of poor facsimiles of disney stuff and then you know every night disneyworld shoots off this insane ostentatious firework display, and it becomes this thing you just kind of living in the shadow of an you sort of like take it for bam. It's like well, we're never gonna get to go there, but here it is indeed you just sort almost like forget
about it at an eight zero zero a year with it. Like here's this thing says we're living in its shadow, but we're never gonna understand that kind of wealth or opulence, and its is it. as saying. Is that a constant reminder, or do you just kind of get used to it and just go on with your life? I dunno yeah, it's stark inequality in very close association or in it means that rumour would spread a lot because imagine all those people who live near that can never go there and we can only imagine what the royal family does up there in the dark so either alert weird stuff yeah. Are they hunting animals or the hunting men? The greatest game right right was the iced tea ice cube one of the one of the qualities, one of the isis. I think it was tea. It was tea. I steep, and we won't explain that reference. If you don't get it you're.
have a great time this weekend, googly this over the years. Resize also been home to not one not to not three but five channels, and they have a royal opera house neck in their it's just an opera house made out of wood. I think actually still host some fully produced opera performances there and you can obviously, by tickets to tour of the power of her side and the opera house is included as part of their inlets return to the history. Here short, we, let's jump forward almost a century to seven in fifty eight? This is when the next king louis the fifteenth he had another chateau constructed inside the gardens themselves. Member that to an thirty acres, he called it. The petite triathlon in it kind of mirrored the larger triathlon that existed in the palace. Although already in it, it was just meant to be another royal residence on the grounds it was supposed to be able to house the king. If the king was in town as well as
kings entourage so enough enough rooms to house a small group of people, then, when this king louis the fifteenth died of the parks in seven, Seventy four, the crowd was passed down to yet another lui. This time, the sixteenth and marie antoinette, and did she later enter into possession of this petty crianan Yes, it was given to her by the king. and she really took it ass, her own. She made all kinds of additions and alterations to the surrounding structure into the petite tran on itself and she spent however, time they're like inside the petty tran balustrades glorious all over the place, and then, of course, we must mention that the palace of recite itself had a close brush with death due to
the french revolution in seventeen. Eighty nine, the revolution forced lui, the sixteenth to leave aside for paris to this commissioners have no appreciation for fine things. What's wrong with them. Come on the french revolution. Is this startling chapter in history that I think more people should know more about when one of my favorite parts of it so weird sentenced to say one of my favorite puts the french revolution, but one of my favorite part was the effort ray make the calendar to create a different calendar entirely. Absolutely there. So many new answers to the whole thing that you don't get in the broad strokes, kind of high school education version of it all right or in limits, are able
right right. The palace would never again be home to french royalty and in the nineteenth century, eighteen thirty, seven specifically it became the museum of the history of france. Today, it's one of the most visited sites in the country, up there with you personally that the other, when the Eiffel tower right and in the centuries, between its construction. then, the modern day it's been host to numerous storied visitors and residents. Some rumor has it never left. So is it about to crazy? Yes, right after this quick break, introducing apple, what series nine Now there's a magical new way to use your appalache without touching the display just doubled happier, next finger and thumb together, you can doubled, have to accept a call. You can
doubled, have to snooze an alarm. You can even double tab deposits on and started up again apple what series nine magic at your fingertips, iphone tennis or later required with additional wireless service plan. this episode of stuff. They do. What you do know is brought you by top gatt tomcat makes rat snap traps and a bunch of other rodent control products and since their fans of stuff, they don't want you to know they wanted to share a little rat history with us. Did you know, folks, back in the fourteenth century, flee ridden rats inadvertently helped spread the black death? This wiped out about a third of europe's population and during world war one soldiers in the trenches had to contend with not only enemy forces, but also with massive rats. They spread disease and added to the psychological stress of the soldiers making the harsh conditions of trench warfare even worse and in october, a night
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Years where it gets crazy in the past, as well as in the modern age, multiple visitors have reported otherworldly or, to their mind inexplicable phenomena at the palace, they've alleged to put a fine point on it and that they ve seen ghost yeah, specifically king louis, the sixteenth, the fourteenth the thirteenth. All of these. These kings have been seen roaming, the halls of the palace itself or in a hunting party that never ends the great hunt. Yes, yes, yes, yeah, and we clearly just established earlier in the show that we think It were recreational hunting, people a. We never said that it was just tina. We hinted at it. Thrown out ideas in Dennis Reynolds would say it was. The implication is correct. There are other ghost that our rumor,
I heard the grounds Marie antoinette, of course, and then there are the ghost of visitors such as benjamin franklin, whom friends and neighbors you may recall from an earlier episode yeah. He he liked to hang around there as benjamin franklin, probably not as a killer, probably not, but definitely a landing francophile earth. Indeed. Indeed, there is no proof of these ghosts, of course, but from our tourism perspective, a good ghost story is great for business, and these are just oddly enough and the kings would be very insulted to hear this they're. Just the also ran in the stories of hauntings of her side when most people mention ghost or paranormal activity in beside their thinking of a singular strange afternoon that occurred around a hundred and seventeen years ago, this august was it a wrinkle in time
old in death. It starts with two teachers who travelled there from england on august tenth, nineteen, oh, what these two academics were an overly and eleanor jordaens, and these were the the principle and vice principle of saint use college in oxford, and they were in france on vacation and they wanted to go visit. Precise as you do, because most people when you're in there France gotta versailles, if you can and after touring the palace they went on search in the nearby gardens of the petition. I can remember the one with marie antoinette. Well, they notice that thing seemed a bit off somehow the further that they travelled, that they kept going, and things are feeling strange and again. This is a huge area right in the past.
Deserted farmhouse. They notice an old plough line by the side of the road, and they both claim. They began to feel strange as if some sort of emotional oppression was occurring, they got a bad vibes. Mrs something we hear with ghost encounters or store,
these of ghosts encounters throughout the centuries that there's an overwhelming feeling of dread that occurs before you see or hear anything, and they serve to see other people they saw. According to their reports, they saw two men dressed in long grayish green coats with small three cornered hats passing by and they asked the bin the way to the petty crianan and they were pointed toward a path that was directly in front of them. They walked on. They came to a gazebo shaded by trees. The dark mood han even heavier over them here. In this shady grove, everything was very, very still and all of a sudden, a repulsive foul, looking gentleman s face pitted with smallpox
standing by the gazebo, and he stared dire lee unpleasantly at the unlucky s and just then someone came rushing up behind them and warned them that they were going in the wrong way. They were told to cross a small bridge and when they did, they arrived at what the assumed to be the petite tree on and where they found a woman sitting on a stool sketching. They said that she wore an old fashioned dress. She was covered with a pale, green scarf and all the sudden that gloom came back over them that intense sad disturbing feeling
suddenly a footman came rushing out of a near by building slamming the door behind himself. The footmen told them at the entrance to the petty channel was on the other side of the building, and so they walked around the house where they found a wedding party waiting to tour the rooms, and at that point there encountering other human beings that they can confirm or human review and the dark mood lifts and nothing else unusual happens to them. In fact, they didn't talk about it for a long time later, so the story goes, they realize the people they encountered were dressed in garb from approximately seven to eighty nine. They also found that some of the buildings they passed existed in seventeen, eighty nine, but not in the present day. Again, that's nineteen o one so from what they believed in what later came to be known as the mobile liege ordain incident, thee
somehow they thought had travelled a hundred and twelve years into the past or seeing things that happened two hundred and twelve years ago only to be rescued by the tour guide. Who is leading that wedding party in nineteen o one? I want to see a drama decision of this. Like you know a reenactment. This is a cool scenario yeah. You know they were just experiencing the flat circle. You guys, I think, that's what happened quite possibly ray well we'll see, within months of their encounter again august tenth ninety one. They had published an account of this in a book called an adventure, it's very important to note they used pseudonyms. They did not use their real names. Their experience became known as the versailles time slip, which sounds cool
the ghost of tree and nor, of course, the mover liege ordain incident, their alarms going off in my head about this already, just because of the garb of what went down at the palace of versailles did the smallpox of epidemics that were, you know, ravaging france around the time
that they allegedly went back to. I feel like there are signs pointing to maybe an explanation that would be less otherworldly yeah. So what happened nowadays, there are several popular theories, we'll go ahead and say the the first two that everyone thinks of. Did these people travel in time or did they have? What would be a retro cognitive experience, the opposite of preakness right? Or did they just happen to see a bunch of ghosts and if so, there's an interesting debate there? What would the difference be? What's the difference between them traveling in time and am seeing a bunch of ghost, or it's certainly hard to explain away given them
at a shared experience, whatever might have happened, so that's you know, that's how I see it. That's a great point. They were the popular mundane theories as well right, but the the primary thing is yet a shared experience. It wasn't one person saying who's that dude with a weird hat: what's wrong with that guy's face yeah cause, even if there are both like tripping their butts off on some sort of psychedelic they're not going to see the same thing they might just. You know have a weird freak out over sigh but they're not going to see the same dude in the green coat and the woman sketching with the you know the veil or whatever the green scarf, but what if they did, have some wine and they were walking the ground
and then they came across something that was real, that they both saw that maybe they just didn't know was happening or understand that historical reenactment of some kind. Yes, that's leaguing, that's one of the theories. One is that the teachers accidently crash in historical reenactment. Yes, a woman named joan evans, who is jordaens, literary, execute her. She wrote in a nineteen seventy six article four encounter magazine in which he argued that the two whims- it simply walked unknowingly into this historical reenactment. Where there are people dressed in seventeen late, seventeen hundreds, herb hinder even with perhaps face paint of smallpox in there all just You know going around in the period attire because they're waiting for the performance, it's like backstage that's like disney rules, man, you never let them see with your head off You always you don't, unless
you're on, unlike in the game, you don't let people walk up on you just doing your thing. Well, that's the thing they were. They were just why during about through the gardens trying to find their petty, try, and perhaps all these other people are just getting ready and you think maybe they were drunk I don't know I'm just saying if you are a little bit tipsy and you see something like that in your in your feelings. Gloom or whatever was it there feeling? Perhaps everything became a little more sinister or strange than it really was? Well. Ok, ok, just say: ok, but here's. The thing Evans is seeking a way to defend this explanation, name without attacking the protagonist or the
the people who believe this happen. She researched reenactments, but she didn't find any events that would have been happening in nineteen o one. So if that is the explanation than it was some sort of underground historical reenactment, which I guess people do, I would love to accidentally walk into one with you guys, but they are not Not that common writer yeah hear here's my theory, part of the wedding what's going on was the reenactment the reaction, and the wedding were tied together, the one that they crashed from earlier, because it was just around the corner to enter the petite anon. I think it was all part of one just opulent wedding party. There is another theory did. Did you hear this? Wouldn't this also comes from evans? She based it on a nineteen. Sixty five by
groovy of a french artist named robert de Monti, skill, the biography by an author named philip Julian, noted that this artist had lived in a house in versailles and was noted for his performances that were called tableaux vault, in which gay parisian men perform the roles of both men and women. Can a man of shakespeare, style and evans says that may be morally and jordanian were encountering some performance like this? We should also add, after they were speaking to each other about this incident. They both became convinced that the woman they saw sketch, in outside the petit trianon was Mary. It either alive one hundred and twelve years ago, or dead and ghosts sketchy, which is you know, obviously their version of ghostwriting. The whip go sketching the horse right exactly
scared, there's there's a problem, but there's no evidence indicating this artist would have thrown in event in nineteen o one and ever since her article this theory had been reported and bree reported as one of the most likely explanations for the versailles time slip. But again, no hard yeah, and I wonder it does make sense that a an historical reenactment of that sort would be written down somewhere in some record, because there's budget associated with any time. There's money associated. It probably got run down unless he was like a black market requires. So your black bag operation, the government of france- or maybe it's just in you- know the father of the brides to record somewhere that he paid
Were you really pushing this wedding party? So there's there's another there's another aspect here and it goes back to a point we established earlier. It said the experience this together. They had shared, call it a delusion if you will, but they had the shared experience. Where does that leave us we'll find out after word from our spots, introducing apple watch series. Nine now there's a magical new way to use your appalache without touching the display just doubled, happier index finger and thumb together, you can doubled, have to accept to call you doubled have two snoozing alarm. You can even double tab deposits on and started up again the world series nine magic at your fingertips. I've antennas relator required with additional wireless service plan.
This episode of stuff they do. What you do know is brought you by top get tomcat makes rat snap traps and a bunch of other rodent control products and since their fans of stuff, they don't want you to know they wanted to share a little rat history with us. Did you know, folks, back in the fourteenth century, flee ridden rats inadvertently helped spread the black death this wiped out about a third of europe's population in during world war, one soldiers in the trenches had to contend with not only enemy forces, but also with massive rats. They spread disease and added to the psychological stress of the soldiers making the harsh conditions of trench warfare even worse and in october, a night, in eighty seven, a rat chewed through a power cable, causing significant blackout in new york city is financial district. This led to the new york stock exchange delaying its opening, which was a big deal given the aboard,
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is shared a delusion which is counted. The sticking point for me, if it wasn't a stir that's enough drunkenly stumbling into a historical reenactment theirs currently a shared delusion going on here. If it's not me, no actually physically seeing ghosts, and this is cool. This is something was called a fully adhere or madness of
and you ve- probably heard this term before I am connected with stories of identical twins who, for some reason, go in saying at the same time, such as ursula and sabena, Eriksson, I argue that they didn't go mad. I still think they're like secret spies or something well this. This interesting you off too, will hear about the madness of two or could be followed. The twa you hear about this in terms of twins, one twin, goes crazed. There's there are a couple of cases in the united kingdom that involve this sort of this sort of emotional teaching spreading and when we hear descriptions of someone saying oh, we both felt a palpable mood. We have to remember that the majority of our in person communication is non verbal. So if someone
indicating that there feeling a mood and you are sympathetic with them close with them their friend com, legal, a neighbour, a family member. Then you will unconsciously pick up on those queues and, if you like them, you will unconsciously star practicing some. In called mirroring, which is when you subtly mimic the the sales folks are doing this to you all the time before and after you listen to the show the where they'll subtly mimic, maybe the placement of your arms and the placement of your legs or or start nodding when they ask a question this stuff. All this, this whole quiver full of strange non verbal arrows. I they can affect people whether or not they're twins, and in this case I would. I would agree that there's some sand to it, although it does sound weird because usually, if we think about a shared delusion
Imagine your kids one upping each other backing each other up when they're telling crazy stories and they all know on some level. It's not true, but they want to participate. So how could do people really believe this? The problem with this theory, which seems really solid in my opinion, is that it comes from canvas screwed up place. These scuttle, but about mobilizing jordaens was that they weren't just to colleagues who taught closely together and took vacations into at least one former student. They were romantically involved and had a long term open relationship wherein they were known to pursue other teachers and students as well- and this comes from a book and nineteen. Fifty seven by a former student named lucille iron monger, who wrote a critique of their book, an adventure in her own work, called ghost of her sigh, miss moberly, Mr Dordain, in their adventure, a critical study wow,
award for a title there, but it does it. It gets across exactly what it is, and so iron monger delved into the nature of their relationship of the two women and basically concluded that their adventure was this fully dead, the ideal gap and- and they had been so you know she suggests that they had been so decide did by their relationship and by their time that they were spending together and again, I'm gonna insert may be some wine there that they merely misinterpreted ordinary. People and objects to be things from that time period to seventeen eighty nine and they became sobs best with proving their story in the kind of retelling there. The that it grew and grew over time that they even convince themselves of the reality of this ghostly encounter. But do we have any reports of them doing historical reenactments at the palace of recite during this time period? No
yeah, had said it out. This seems like a little bit odd to have done in, early, nineteen hundred idle? No ok! So, let's imagine the colosseum, the greeks see ok, that entire thing was. Based or at least it became in the end, historical reenactments of war. As a that things, like that, I mean I think this is celebrating the past, especially victories or something good or a previous king. No that's true! I guess I'm just thinking of that as being more of a tourist e thing that you would do like at vienna like stone. Mountain. Like you have, like you, know: civil war reenactments. Instead, that seems like a much more of a modern constructs. But now we were called seems a good point. It is about
I have a life hacked for everyone. Listening, it is relatively unethical, then, is not particularly good, though there is no recognised statute on the amount of time that needs to elapse between reenactments. That's true. We all have sort of a rough spider sense about it. You know, if you don't feel it, junior closed. Just tell people the next day that you're doing a reenactment. I've only been re use the event. I think you can get away with it once I'm gonna use that block argument. I back pocket for one, I'm really funky, just between its just between us super producer, Paul and millions of people. Tat, so don't tell anyone folks, everybody uses. once and I would say, b, b, excruciatingly specific about the time period, lecture, people about little known facts
or the time period or the day before. Yes, so, aside from the excellent point that that there's no evidence of an historical reenactment occurring, I we do know that there are factors that cast doubt on the truth of the couple's claims that come from the skeptic side. So first england, society for psychical research, found that the teachers originally did not think anything was wrong. Originally, they thought they just had a great afternoon touring verse I and they got lost for a second. These were some kooky ladies, was going to throw their on out there and they didn't think anything was strange until as much as three months later, when they compared notes and one of them not both
With them said. Hey. Do you remember the thing that was weird? I remember the smallpox faced guy, that was weird and the footmen and they republished the story multiple times and each time they republished it. The story seemed to expand and it caused a stir. Didn't it absolutely did because you'll verse. I already has this: I conic image. People want to see mystery being a great historical events transpired. So this sounds like a likely candidate for something students to occur. The author of this study for the society, a guy named w each salter, pointed out there, the embellish versions of the tail published later additions were also written much later than the couple had. Originally claims may be as long as five years afterwards, only after they have made several return trips to versailles and there's another thing here, both of of the authors of the original tale.
We're prone to hallucinations, one of them moberly was prone to loose nations, both audio visual since childhood and there's a person here writing terry castle. It says quote as a child. She had heard the words pinnacles reality as she stared at the spires of winchester cathedral. She had seen to strange birds with dazzling, white feathers and immense wings fly over the cathedral into the west in cambridge and ninety Thirteen she saw a procession of medieval monks and at the loose in nineteen fourteen he saw a man six or seven feet high in a crown and togo like dress whom she had first took to be charlemagne, but later decided it was an apparition of the roman emperor constantine so well, perhaps she actually has some form of the second.
Maybe she truly is seeing historical figures throughout the past. All at circle is opened up to her. that's syndrome you have where you get overcome with great works of art, you're talking about not just a garden variety, epiphany, something that stays with you here, the stendhal syndrome. It's like a reverie that you experience that's very I'm all encompassing borderline debilitating. Where were you when you are in the presence of great, are, I think, is really fascinating, matt that all of these times that she had these hallucinations she was either at some sort of historic sight more, a at amazing art museum. I'm just wondering if there's a connection there, because it, it seems like
and I could see what you're saying too about the second sight. Surely you know if, at these these historic locations, where you now many many events have occurred in and historic figures have trod upon these hallowed grounds? You know I could see that as being a potential thing too, but I'm wondering if her hallucinations weren't triggered by These breathtaking sites out there that's a really good question and I'm I'm tempted to agree with what this does proof is that the the teachers are not or were not purposefully, misleading votes, they worked themselves being. hucksters or trying to you, know Sela book yeah we're selling a book they were, but they were, they were attempting to purposefully mislead people, which, I think is, is a huge difference, because
It sounds as if they genuinely believed in the veracity of their story, despite the fact that it was changing and expanding right and part of the reason why it seems contradictory at first to say. Well how could they both believe? This thing was true and expand upon it. At the same time, the the fact of the matter The memory is tricky. Deceitful, treacherous air will betray you every time. You remember something you're just remember the last time you remembered it, which we mentioned on the show before. That's why, as humans each earlier memories. Take on this strange feeling right with this encapsulated tone, you might remember just a snapshot from a time when you are for a new burned, her hand or something, but that probably
and in a very different way. You ve just been a creeping these new interpretations of it. So at this point there is no proof of ghostly activity in versailles. However, the two teachers captured the public imagination and this book sold like gangbusters, multiple issues, multiple languages, you can go to versailles to day and if you wish attempt to take the path that they took. You will likely not see Mary antoinette, but if you do please let us know and if you do happen to snap a picture of any ghost any apparition, he has some time slip whatever it is, send it to us on twitter we are conspiracy, stuff and on facebook we are the same. You can find our facebook group, here's where it gets crazy, post a picture there maybe-
If you just go on a trip, tell everybody in their community about it. I'm sure people will want to talk about this. We want to talk about it too. If you want to listen to and at the end of this classic episode, if you have any thoughts or questions about this episode, you can get the contact with us in a number of different ways, one of the best Just to give us a call. Our number is one eight, three, three s t d, w Y t k- if you don't want to do that, you can send so good old fashioned email we are concerned. She at I hope, radio dot com stuff Don't want you to know is the production of a heart radio for more podcast from my heart radio. Is it the? I hurt radio apple podcast or wherever you listen. Your favorite shows this a sort of stuff they don't want. You to know is brought you by top get tomcat makes room snap traps and other road control products, so they wanted,
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-25.