« Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

CLASSIC: Hollywood’s Abuse Epidemic

2023-04-25 | 🔗

For decades people knew that sexual abuse occurred in Tinseltown. It was an open, dirty secret just behind the curtain of the most popular films, tv and stage shows in the country. And the victims of abuse rarely spoke out -- when they did, they risked the ruination of their careers (or worse). In 2017 this began to change. World famous producer Harvey Weinstein was outed as a serial sexual and physical abuser, prompting his exile from his film company and encouraging numerous other victims of abuse to speak out. As the world wrestles with these revelations, more and more questions surface: Who knew what, and when? How far does this system go? Learn more in this classic episode.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sundays. At nine, a m c and d m c plus present the walking dead dead city new york is the backdrop for the explosive new story from the walking dead universe, lauren, co head and geoffrey de morgan star as maggie and nagin sworn enemies on a high states mission to the big apple now overrun by the undead and rotten to the core. Don't miss the walking dead dead, daddy sundays at nine, a m c and amc plus start your free trial. Now, for each person living with my estonia, gravest or mg their journey with this rare condition is unique. That's why untold stories life with my estonia, gravest a new pod gas from her radio in partnership with our genetics, is exploring the extraordinary challenges and personal triumphs of underserved communities living with energy host martini
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this address bonds or by nasdaq and wish, is inadequate. Listed company welcome fellow conspiracy. Real is to our classic episode for to day just a quick heads up. This ep so does contain just proportions of abuse. Descriptions of manipulation and cover ups. As such, it may not be appropriate for all listeners, but we believe The stories important matt. You remember several years, back when we recorded this. We talked not just about de the predator harvey wine steen he also talked about the systemic cover ups of views in hollywood, yeah This, is a wide, ranging discussion about what it used to take two make it in hollywood. In the system there was in place there of abuse,
Some other folks, not everybody, but some other folks at the top of these major organizations knew that they had the power in the EU in really nefarious messed up ways and enforced. this system continues in many ways today, which is The reason we are airing this classic episode. We would love to hear your thoughts Those two psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn this stuff. They don't want you to know, political and welcome back to the show my name is met. My name is no big,
Only then we are with our super producer, Paul deck into you argue, and that makes this stuff they don't want you to know today's episode, but just cut straight to the chase is about an epidemic in hollywood. That is, you still for a very, very long time longer anyone listening to the show today has been alive unless they are, sent more than a century old, we're talking about the epidemic of sexual abuse. I would as well as the long running active conspiracy, to aid and abet the perpetrators of these crimes. While punishing soup sing black falling and dismissing their victims and that the kicker here this is the very definition of a conspiracy. Some It's been so under the rug, whether actively or just through, in action for decades, and because there are powerful people involved who have connections in places that would be important to have. If you were going to
create a conspiracy such as this, and I just want to say that for for me personally- and I think you guys would probably agree- is- I just want to be an ally to the folks that have experienced this kind of abuse and discuss it in a matter of fact way as possible and put this information out there for folks that, maybe don't know the depths of it, but we are going to get innocent descriptions of of some behavior. That is both abhorrent and possibly triggering so just wing. You right now agree well said we want to caution, all listeners, that this episode does contain reports of abuse and meaning be suitable for all audiences additionally, we have over the life some of these show we we have covered the. That may sound. You know silly or irreverent, but we can see it. This a moral imperative on heart, and oh, it's no secret- that hollywood
by and large, often seen as a sleazy place, and although we always want to avoid painting things with an overly broad brush. tinsel town, has to a degree, earned this reputation a large degree near. There is the thing you may have heard of called the casting couch, and this is a tactic. That's been around for the past century. It's the practice where a producer or director or someone who is high up in industry in the movie industry in particular, will demand or perhaps even hint at sexual favours in exchange, our role in a filmore for even on tv, commercial or anything really, and they will try and get these favours from us aspiring actors. That's probably the most vulnerable people who are hungry and getting into the industry as well
as established well known actors who are trying to recognise their career recently and or even just ask me to go to the next level on me now in their careers yeah. Absolutely and not just actors. Of course, swerved also talk about members of production crews, which only about any one that could be involved in this industry. Casting couch situation is so insidious because it almost doesn't require air, implicit but requesting of of sexual act, It doesn't have to come and say it it's a lot of it. implied with subtext, and there is underlying sense that, if I don't do this in one way or another. I'm not gonna get this job or I'm going to be missed. He did in some way more blacklisted, either you'll fear of being blacklisted is something that's that we're gonna see play out throughout this. It's me, it's a very rational fear because it dies hat It is most
finally happening to people as we sit in the studio today it often see- that. Some people will do almost anything in the pursuit of fame and were power, but it is also true that people who acquire massive amounts of fame and power. Often here very little oversight regarding how they choose to wield it, and we have an example here from one of the strongest voices. I think when dealing with this subject amber tamblyn. She wrote in the new york times on September. Sixteen twenty seventeen she says: for women in america who come forward with stories of harassment, abuse and sexual assault. There are not two sides to every story, however. Noble. That principle might seem. Women do not get to have a side, they get to have an interrogation too often their core it's kinda mercilessly about are. There side is legitimate, especially if that site, happens to accuse a man of stature. Then that woman has to consider the scrutiny and repercussion
This should be subjected to by sharing her side and Of course, we would be remiss if we did not establish that. This is not something that is solely limited to women absolutely button, but very much the majority of people rinsing, as are women in that power dynamic they were talking about, is has a legacy. You know I mean of these. You think about these executives, these powerful male kind of dominating figures that own the town, and that has just been perpetuated over time, absolutely and abuse there's depending upon their position, were historically protected and currently protected by powerful interests too often worked, not only decay, the story out of the press, but also to keep these cuts nose out of jails, were they in arguably belonged decision
appeared to change or begin to change over the course of twenty seventeen prominent performers and executives, who wants protected This invisible system of power and influence found their victim speaking out fighting back in the crimes of these formerly untouchable individual surface without suppression into the public sphere. Today We are exploring this phenomenon to see how what was once most definitely the stuff. Hollywood doesn't want you to know as five it gained mainstream recognition as the dire epidemic that it is and, along the way, will investigate several specific cases. You already know the names like harvey wine steen, which kind of kicked off this whole thing. bill cosby, which was even before that that kind of maybe led to that breaking point as it a bill. As Mr De felt like his own case, where it was. You know this
very wholesome seeming man had done all of these horrible things behind closed doors, but wine steen really cracked, it open, because he represents something else It had its annual cause. Me too, he was a producer. He abused many people that were seeking to work with him and for him. But for some reason, when the wines dean revelations came about, everyone started coming forward, yea it represented the the larger structure or of hollywood. And it's not that much different with louis c k is another person we're going to look at a producer and director and somebody who's has a lot of. Control and we're going to look at a lot more people as well, and we're also going to briefly touch on the historical allegations which were again for decades what ignored by the main stream press in at least a lot of times kept out of the court system, I would say even worse than a crime of negligence or neglect on the part of the press
the crime of active attacking and will end on some questions as well, not just who knew what and when and not just what hollywood as a whole will do in support of the victims, both unknown unknown, but will also ask what happens next. Will anything actually permanently significantly change in here? the facts as we record this episode over thirty prominent men from various entertainment industries have been accused of sexual misconduct, harassment, assault and rape. We have, specific examples from hollywood, and perhaps we should start with harvey wednesday. allegations against harvey ones, dean date back decades. There are early report we're. Talking very early all the way back to the nineteen seventies and they kind of continued bit by bit throughout the years. then? In october of two thousand and seventeen the new york times published allegations of sexual?
when an assault against this gentleman in curtly as we are recording this episode. There are around thirty prominent actors and over Eighty women in total, who have come forward with reports of abuse or attempted abuse, at least by harvey wine steam. In weinstein and his brother bob it names for themselves as head of the wine steam company and I believe they so own miriam axe, and yet they kind of were an important worse in mainstreaming in the film- and I guess you could say shortly talking about everything from kill bill and going back in, would turn tina movies. You're you're talking about big ones,
the lord of the rings, franchise or or magnificent works of art like freida and which wide steam fought to suppress and then gladly took credit for when it one numerous awards. If you look at their top movies you're looking at some of the highest cursing, measures are out to gold standard in some cases of during these. Allegations, Weinstein's legal team spent great amounts of money to reach confidential settlements with the victims. In each case, the legal team was careful to include some kind of clause or language arguing. Something along the lines of this is an admission of guilt, but that's a statement that rings for in consideration of the the sheer amount of money made it to be involved here, mainly, Also, he used spies to infiltrate some of these groups to get information out of women that were accusing him of things, echoes ray
he d and when he eyes and piazzi, you think about the conspiratorial aspect of all that fighting back against people who are going to speak truth to power yen. Lately there have been some new allegations that have come up. The director terry's, why Gough, who may one of my favorite documentaries about time crumb also did the at santa movie, which is interesting, but apparently in conversations with wines dean any time he would mention interest in the actress mere survey. Now he would get a click you'd get hung up on. and that had surfaced in another allegation from Peter Jackson, involving mirror survey now saying that any time her name came up, there was just active aggression from from hardy and his brother and they of course denied it, because that was specifically reverently. Lord of the rings movies, which wine steam company initially was going to bankroll within they lost it to new line so
the wine steam line was we had no control over casting because it ultimately left our hands, but then has been corroborated with the terry's Y, got allegation so There are a lot of levers. A man like that can pull to keep things. Keep people hushed up about this kind of stuff, whether it's the victim themselves. Or anyone else in the industry. That knows, and back the casting counting the Why this is so insidious is you don't have to be told the sheriff you just now There's this culture that pervades this in our town it's based around particular industry, where, if you see someone that's really being brave and setting an example coming for. Of great cost to themselves like we're. Seeing now Chances are you, gonna, be terrified into submission, and just you know, fear for your livelihood and that's specific case with mere survey. No, as has been corroborated,
as you said, in addition, there's ruse. Mc Gowan career was also cut short einstein like many other serious criminals, had an m o supper operandi some mode of operation it his typically evolve. Deception, for example, inviting an actor were kali to a quota for business meeting, its leader change, the location, insist they hold. The meeting at nights in a hotel bar were in his office in his hotel awe and he would often becoming our the bathroom and rule book. He would outright, pressure them for sexual activity in exchange for casting consideration, and we have specific example of Harvey weinstein's behaviour from before the scandal broke. Yes, the sun comes from twenty fifteen. Two years ago, two year old woman accused weinstein of touching her inappropriately during an evening meeting at his tribeca film center offices,
comes from the new york times. So the new york times did write about. This thing may add two stories. The first one was the allegation of groping in the second. Was this one. It says the and told investigators that wine steen touched her appropriately after telling her that it was important for casting agents to know whether her breasts were real. So in that insidious. Already she contacted the police, after the meeting in the direction of the dead, the detectives placed another call, the wine steen. They recorded that one and then during this call, Weinstein actually acknowledged that this episode had occurred, and then They had a follow up meeting this time hotel room and she wore a wire. They recorded it here that I have not heard this time. It is shocking as other I word, it's just hit the what he so nonchalant about. It really is a matter of fact about it, and he, basically just keeps telling this woman this model don't various me in the coming.
My come into the room. Let's talk about this come in my dont embarrass me: Amanthis hotel, alot, I'm a big deal around here and then she says accused tell it says you, but you touch my breast, I'm not comfortable with this yadda yadda yadda and he said. Look it's oh it's what I'm used to. He just says it he's tosses it off like it's nothing. is the is the word out. I was looking for well in the end, gonna read a quote from the article quote. This case taken seriously from the outset, with a thorough investigation conducted by our sex crimes unit after wising the available evidence, including multiple interviews with both parties. A criminal charge is not supported, so nothing happened. Harvey Weinstein because this, and you know you can get into the minutiae of the law there about what constitutes. assault and abuse in misconduct and all of that, but it sir,
We seems like something very wrong occurred there and nothing happened, and this this could fill in episode entirely with the exploration of weinstein's crimes. Oh, we want to. We want to paint a picture of this system applied. here, because it is a systemic phenomenon. So, let's move to bill cosby accusation. Against cosby date to at least the nineteen sixties, meaning spend the vast majority of these seventy nine eighty year olds career. He like one again, any other serious criminal also had an m o. His numerous victims described crimes with a start, rolling similarity cause he would make a drink or a beverage for the victim slip, a drug into the beverage and then sexually walter attempt to assault on when they lost consciousness, for example Christine
I really was a twenty two year old secretary to talent agency and allay nineteen sixty five when she met cosby. So she was a sec, inspiring accurately and She said that she let that he invited her to his home, where she says she passed out after two drinks. It was far he and I woke up in bed, she reported to philadelphia magazine. I found myself on the bed. He had assured off here and sipped. His pants, I was just coming to cosby, did go to try love these folks, not even going to a trial. He would retrial last june and the trial lasted six days. It ended in a jury deadlock currently, as we record this book be set to return to court for a retrial in April of two thousand eighteen on three counts of felony assault. And we'll talk about this little bit off air
this is this: is a country with a rule of law right? So, if they're, not then a retrial. We would say that he had been tried and exonerated right, but He is still in the court system for isn't given his age. There are concerns his lucidity which to be think what use is similar to some of the questions we have. The previous shows about prosecuting war criminals exactly what I was thinking you at this The general is in his eighties and No, he can't even really remember all the atrocities there that he ordered way back in the day, But, but how do you bring something like this to justice and I mean it doesn't negate the existence of a crime absolutely and He said how many actual official them charges
turn trial in April, twenty team will be for three council felony assault and I've read the users number as high as forty eight. And many of these are sort of constrained by statute of limitations that that do differ. Statement today by there is a period of time passed, which you cannot prosecute these crimes. And for further information on that. There is an excellent article in mother jones. It contains a map indicating the statute of limitations for rape, survivors or assaulted. every state by state and is arguable with bill cosmic case that it kind of open the floodgates for more people to outwardly discuss of this stuff, I remember when Hannibal burst, like put it in a piece of a stand up and didn't. I knew nothing of any allegations against built.
the time another one of those open secrets they always talk about years before and when the most power things. A survivor can here after surviving, is the You are not alone, absolutely so the hearing somebody else speak about the same thing happening to them are very similar thing is very powerful and that's also what happened with another example. We mentioned at the top the he didn't louis c k in the there's proceeding. Twenty seventeen louis uk became one of the most famous well known, comics in the western world, his I've shows repeatedly sold out his stand, specials played on repeating households across the planet, his independently, pretty tv series met with critical acclaim any based voice on this sort of self, deprecating, cynical but ultimately, honest character, one readily confessed, any number of controversial beliefs, apparently understandable, yet edgy, foibles and so on. However, there was a much
darker side to the actual man playing this character on stage was by his own admission, eventually yeah for well for you. rumours it world around the industry itself, as visibly comics people, we ran the show there about Lucy k being a powerful force in the world, but also back stage when you know when he's kind, in the dark he. was a bit of a monster. Specifically there were female comedians comics on tour would see K who would tell the same story over and over and over that this guy, who is no, not their boss in any way on these tourists, but he's deafening as the headliner there's a position of power answer yeah in he's a big name and he's a draw, and they these and then he would corner them either baxter. Each or at a hotel after a show and would force them to watch him pleasure himself to watch a masturbate.
and while this was, as we said earlier, another open secret in the world of comedy people outside of the History only heard reports along the lines of a victim who does not want to be named has accused a very powerful comedian of sexual harassment result but fears pursuing justice will endanger their career it's interesting in the same way that Hannibal Burress kind of like lit the spark that that sort of blue the cause bethink wide open community and take natalia, had been openly criticising louis uk for not getting out in front of this accusation because he would be asked about it in interviews and say something to the effect of like I don't want to. You know, justify it with or dignify it with the response It's it's utterly not true, and and if I talk about it'll, give it life in some way, and you now tig It won't her show one mississippi was produced by Lucy Kay
and she said that she was not aware of the extent of these allegations when she signed on to his production company. Herb agreed to now saw the show too to netflix, and it's interesting, took as innocent in a similar way to something that Cosby did dear lucy k. What kind of joke about these kind of proclivities? in his routine. I ended in his stand up. And his show any no like about now being basically distant. cordial horn, dog and there's even an episode of louis, where kind of it also loans- will hear ye sort of assault, spam landlines character, who plays kind of his dinner on. if again love interest, he pushes her against a wall and it all billy kind of ends up she's. Ok, but it's a little like knowing what we know now. It does not play well and that's the same for as we had a bit when he talked about them. Duty of spanish fly spanish fly this aphrodisiac that you,
He talks about slipping into women and their drinks, and it's like in this very low hearted silly routine from his early super clean comedy days. So a lot of truth is told in just including unpleasant truth. We have further examples. After a word from our sponsor, a healing were ideals. Them look no further than wish, and now they ve just rolled out some big updates, faster delivery times and flat rate shipping now, you can pay one low fee to ship eligible items, including power tools, clothes baby gear, home, decor and tons of other items, and the second news is big. No more extra long wait times wishes. Delivery times are now way faster, so you can enjoy your orders quicker than ever before. So what are you waiting for? Try something new stock up on essentials or get your pet, a nice toy download the wish app today happy
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daddy sundays, at nine on m c and amc plus start your free trial now Now we go to Kevin spacey, the actor famous for such films as the usual suspects and seven, as well as the netflix add up Nation of house of cards spacey also stands accused of harassing multiple people on and offset again. This was a practice. Members of various hollywood. Social circles knew about four years, this specific claim brought this into the mainstream occurred in october. Twenty seventeen when an actor named Can you wrap accuse species of sexual assault, slash harassment when speed he was twenty six and one anthony rap was fourteen there have been more to pool accusations against Kevin spacey.
And a lot of them have to do with a young men, very young men in their early teens and a lot of is just so disheartening. I don't wanna talk about it, but you can find it here. This also, will you also here direct o brien singer mentioned in some of these cases rinsing, I directed the usual suspects of film that made spacey quite famous em and as of the time of this recording more reports of space, you have surfaced. Police in the uk are currently investing new claims against him and one a one crucial thing for us to emphasise here is that it is not just the film industry have so lulli, and it's a you know: it's it's any industry where these sorts of inequalities of power exists,
the music and entertainment mobile Russell simmons would be one just one example from the world of me and then even the world of celebrity chefs who will end up in the television industry- quite often like me, we'll battalion John Bush television host news, castors, matt, lauer, child we rose anne and more billow reilly other when we get more in spurlock and have a smiley jeff, We more stephen seagal, brett, ratner, Dustin, hoffman, Jeremy pigeon is a new and they can t J miller. Who was you know really in silicon valley in these earning a popular stand up some allegations that date back to his college days surfaced where a woman. He was fairly getting at the time said that he,
choked her during saxon penetrated her with objects against her well and left her bruised and men bloody, and you know, as he wrote, in prominence and all of you, The allegations have started to surface. This is a receiver seeing people, ok been carrying the surrounds you know a long time in a mac intuit anymore, and you finally like feel like you- have an outlet, you you're, not alone, and that may be Maybe someone I'm gonna. Take you believe you yeah and we're in the case of miller. I believe they were originally in a comedy group together, along with the person, is currently married to it's really heartbreaking, oliver and Emily Lewis, and it just doesn't stop and in a way it's it's cathartic and in its it's a good thing. To finally see some come up and put its also just so
ordinary to see how much of a how many of the people whose aren't we love and who you know we ve been entertained by over the years, are at the heart. Just like run rotten people. It is hard to fathom being a fan, of a lot of the names that we have discussed like over the years supporting with our money, supporting with hourly adoration and while this stuff is going on, it's it's a tough pill to swallow. But the worst thing is that there are real real victims who are snow out there. Just having to deal with this in real life, garrison killer, exam they didn t r, It goes on and by the time, this episode reaches the air is more than likely that there will be more exposed criminals to add to the ranks of powerful cereal, sexual abuse, I mean in short, there is one thing we for sure. Does that this point and that's that there are
boy stories we'll come delight, my hopefully as the system of silence begins to break down, but here's where it gets crazy. All of the dates, the names, the facts and figures from earlier that we have just discussed, are as of this recording conclusively proven, but these reports appear to be the tipp of a sinister and tragic An end disgusting iceberg: it's at this point virtually impossible to know for certain how many actors, crew members Their studio industry staff have also been victimized and its I also to know whether all these criminals responsible for this behaviour will ever receive punishment for their crimes, because as as we mentioned earlier, interesting was booted from his job? He was fired, but that's
not the same is going to court, but it's also only when it becomes a good business choice. Do those things happen? Finally, we are seeing in- and I think he's being very sympathetic about this, but really scott, for example, had a film storing spacey that was dine and they went back into production and cut spacey out of this movie, and I think that was the way he tells it. It was the right thing to do, but it also like it would have affected the grocers of the movie. So start. So you see these decisions being made our thank god they finally winding up in hollywood. Are they just feels like? Ok? Finally, we have to act because it's the right business move right, like Bob. Steam. It is wildly implausible that he had no clue what was happening working with his brother over decades.
it's like: the return tino came out and was like first, I didn't know, and then. It came back a little bit later saying I knew more than I let on you know. These people were cronies. They were hanging out at parties together and It was and live in the high life going to these film film festival you observe this kind of behaviour and you can't not enough and people are. the human species. Out of all of the strange things our enhance cognition gives us, the human species has won in credit, the disturbing gift, which is the ability to rationalize. Why or wine. Individual is doing something. People do a lot when they like their careers on line and ignore lot to, Thirdly, hollywood, like any in sugar industry or many other. I should say that a reputation for protecting its own this has been a long standing tradition, a roman
and ski is a great example. Roaming plan, This is not allege, he was convicted, it is proving he drugged, and sexually assaulted, a child, a third. Ten year old and either today in recent years, some members of hollywood society has to allow him to return to the: u s, with no legal consequences, and in the past his supporters in france, where he lives as a free man have fought against, extradition if it meant that he would serve time for again an assault on a thirteen year old child, can I just leave now I want to talk about this anymore. Well, I don't either, but we have- and I mean this this- is what the show should be about you're absolutely right. It's just tough this. This is tough ok, other person brain pack into
enforcer of sixteen months in prison for engaging in sex acts with a child star whose working for nickelodeon, This gentleman brain pet continue to work for disney when he was out of prison, so this terrible thing he went to prison for a little while and then he got to continue to work with kids, right. He went on. He was in to expend films who isn't three living dead films, and he was in two disney television shows. I believe- and this was this was afterward they think is another. Only disturbing example is rector name, victors, salver, you're, familiar, perhaps matt, nor with the films g, where's, creepers and films powder
Salver made both of those. After was convicted in nineteen eighty eight of sexual crimes against several children that he cast in earlier movie alone. horsemen agencies did find commercial child pornography in his home. He played guilty to every count. He did actually vote of course he was sentenced to three years in prison of which he served fifteen and saw a little over one year. He, play a parole and eighteen. Ninety two jupiters creepers became a franchise victor salvo, made his most recent film. As of twenty fourteen again, a free and powerful man, and we won't even get into woody allen. another aspect of this system of silence theme the sexual abuse so prevailing hollywood didn't apply solely to one type of person, not to a single age group. It was
his end is pervasive for for debt its allegations of sexual violence against children have just been dogging the industry. With multiple former trial there is offering their own experience their first hand. Knowledge of these crimes occurring both the past and some of it actively for eliza would maintains that he only managed to escape. This sort of abuse which are the vigilance of his parents. One thing there is currently common here. Is that often What happens when child actors enter the industry, or what do they when was that managers. Producers directors would isolate the kids from the supervision of their parents, Kid would be emancipated right and work as an adult even that initial space, he story or anthony rap accused him of
on to him inappropriately? He was a kid at the time and was at a party for this broadway production that they were both working on and dear and tell it was young to really kind of hobnob, with with some folks couldn't drinks was just sitting in watching tv and as the night progressed, he gonna stay there and then spacey just came in there and there took advantage of him were tried to anyway. So you know it requires utter vigilance, violence, and so a would counted himself very fortunate, but he said that he and his family and everyone else were fully aware of. The presence of this sort of abuse on and off, film sets in in interview with the sunday times would indicated that he believes this is systematic. Systemic and much larger than handful of offenders operating alone. We have a quotation here where he says clearly,
something. Major was going on in hollywood, it was all organised, there are lots of vipers in the industry, p If we only have their own interest in mind, there is darkness and the underbelly were burned me about These situations is that the victims cannot speak as loudly as the people in power. That's the tragedy. attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people. They can't be squashed, but their lives. Been irreparably damaged inquiry feldman backed up woods claims in twenties. Sixteen notably yeah, he went on to say quote, are not able to name names. People are frustrated. People are They want to know how this is happening, but, unfortunately, California, conveniently enough has a statute of limitations that prevent that from happening. Because of where to go and mention any what his name. I would be, the one that would be in legal problems and I'm the one that would be sued Yeah in that is terribly poignant thing that he said there
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great sleep visit, big big mattress dotcom. Today, that's big big mattress dot com in november of twenty seven to the former child actor musician. Corey Feldman spoke with vanity fair about his experience with child abuse in the film industry and well. Who is refusing to name or all of the offenders that he says, he's whereof. He is planning and hoping decree film that will die from his perspective. Fine the end in argue The irreversibly expose the active had a failure rings operating hollywood and beyond. He does bleed the abuse he and his colleagues encounters children caused irreparable damage and he attributes the death of his friend and fellow actor corey haim in part to this abuse, and he has a quote where he says it's all connected.
bigger darker power. I dont know how high up the chain that power goes, but I know that it probably is outside of the film industry too it's probably in government, it's probably throughout the world, indifferent, dark aspects. and we know that this This concept of sexual abuse rings operating had in the past relegated to redeem domain of just wild alarmist conspiracy theory claims, but he also have seen in recent years with what's happening in the uk, with Jimmy seville o with international pornography breeds rings. Reading pornography. With these things, or something like them. What form is talking about, do indisputably exists and I felt indeed name at least three men
Yes, some of those names were a child actor manager. Marty Weiss, former actor, John grissom and the owner I have a place in LOS angeles, called alfie's soda pop club alfie hoffman was this man's name, and I did not know what this was and I looked it up and it was basically a disco for child actors that operated for a handful of years between nineteen, eighty, six and nineteen, eighty nine and the whole idea was that you know it's gets. Clientele would be six in or younger, and they were able to get you now, an alcohol free environment where they could have a dance floor. and yet we reassert above all knife, he showed above all night. None of the sounds creepy it. Oh, no, it really really does yeah end. It was up here
Leah toxic environment, especially as it got later in the night. There a lot of things that occurred after parties that occur even after that stuff. These are allegations that are made in several places by multiple people. The althea often name came up when Feldman a quarry feldman went on the doktor I'll show, and I guess there staff went through all of this things that corey Feldman has written over the years and they tried to piece together who it might possibly be this person that he keeps mentioning and doktor oz showed a picture of Elsie hoffman to glory feldman without showing anybody else and asked this man and cordial feldman says yes, and then they go into a lot of these allegations were talking in his vanity fair interview, really said, he could name six people right off the bat I saw hoarding demand others survivors of this. This is a systemic thing, which makes it organised crime
Not only that there is a great article. Great, my guess, is totally the wrong word, but an article, vice called him himself and he and it is about Corey haines experiences in this environment, specifically in the sort of pop club, and, as you know, corey haim was corey, Feldman's co, star best friend and memory. I know also that he came penniless and addicted drugs and pretty much died alone. I believe in a hotel in l with no no no work, no career, and that's systemic thing you're talking about it really summed up here in this quote from him from this video the is part of an eighty nine called me myself, and I- and it goes like this-
growing up a movie sets, has its ups and downs and ensure its great. You get lots of attention only three hours a day of school, theirs I grew wardrobe movie- premiers limousines, it all sounds like fun, but when you're, twelve or thirteen years old, you're very, very impressionable, it's easy to get off track like some of you, don't have mom and dad to bring you up. I mean, let's face it, it's tough! Being a kid so be smart, dont give messed up, stay in school, be anybody you wanna, be Overall is a very powerful and positive message from a survivor yeah. except he wasn't a survivor. I mean he. It is ultimately this life into the way I see it can be argued for myanmar ultimately ate him away. You know and its loose, I got a large a word and having positive reinforcement and somebody after him and having his back through all this stuff,
He seems, like a really well adjusted human person. When you see him today, that's yeah, that's what I was saying earlier that Feldman also attributed This fall, I guess what I mean by inspiring is on a personal level frames character. It is so profound that he was able to Take this message to other people, s virtue percentage. Yes, this is This is not the only video on this subject as a documentary named amy burg, who redress this ongoing scandal in her film and open secret, which include statements by victims and later attempts to expose criminals within the film industry. According to supporters faction, of hollywood conspired to stop this film from spreading just like em like somebody in anonymous buyer, bought that discovery documentary near they came out a few years ago about sex.
Troll abuse or within the halls of government right yeah. That was called conspiracy of silence, and you can find at least most of the film online if you search for it yeah on youtube, and we haven't even gotten into how this is affected. politics I mean we're starting to see a lot more. My resignation in politics because of these kinds of accusations and it actually affecting people's careers, snow himself, The pieces might move slow, but but hopefully they they move in the right direction. fully. The old adage is true: hopefully, the wheels of justice Slew, the attic exceedingly fine in euro one and glad dimension politics here, because in a way one of the thing is that people reexamined wines, So much of this abuse came to light concerned and need a hill and current supreme court judge. clarence thomas in and need a hill going back to
the earlier quote that brought us at the top of the show was interrogated right. Was called a scorned woman was roundly undermined and worse of the investigation and now clarence thomas is on the supreme court of the united states is one of the nine ring rates that runs this democracy and, although you know this situation was deemed consensual. Look what happened with monica lewinsky and bill Clinton document was. Ultimately he had some egg on his face by he. Ultimately walking around today given speeches doing one razors in heading up, the Clinton foundation and lewinsky was just wittily demonize and dragged through the mud and made to look like some sort of awful home, wrecking demon some vilified person, yet ask yourself is- is in there power dynamic. If that kind of power dynamic exist in
an interaction. Is it possible for real consent to it her it's, you know, I it's it's an enemy quality of power in an inescapable one and critics. Of the film and open secret even misses the mark on the importance of the abuse by presenting things and disingenuous or misleading manner, and while that might be up to The interpretation of the person watching. The film of the critics of the film are saying that this doesn't exist now no one in their right. Mind is saying that abuse does not exist in hollywood and I would hope no one in their right mind is arguing, and twenty a tool that abuse doesn't exist in politics. It clearly does, and, as we draw this episode to a close, we do want to note that at this time,
many of these accusations his these criminal acts have not. Been examined by the court system, gas. keep that in mind when you're thinking about all this stuff, they haven't seen a dane courtyard, and we have some questions which we hope that we have presented this and profoundly disturbing topic in the light that it deserves. Europe, which is not a series of isolated cases, is not a series of one person being monstrous. It is recent multiple events occurring and multiple other people working to cover those events up to keep them away from the public eye. She's pretty to keep them away from the public eye to literally conspire against victims to sing the top show. This is the very definition of a conspiracy. We when we know that that's what this is. There is no theory involved
absolutely agreed, and so we want to in today's episode on some questions. Do you think or revelations will follow. Yes, absolutely and they're gonna continue to follow, and I think the child sexual abuse scandal is the next thing that is going to topple. Probably at least one entire section of the film industry I really do think that's coming and another question that you have asked us. Folks is what naval, these revelations to come into the public sphere. Now there There's conclusively do show. After all, the multiple victims continually came forward in almost every case, only to be blacklisted and ignored, and again we we have concentrated on hollywood here, because that's where a lot of the sufis coming from by it would be dishonest
to say that it is limited in any way. To hollywood I mean we haven't even mention the the meat to hashtag, which became now mean like a standard. The people were able to bear for this cause. As not only in the film industry but people. in general is site. It just blew on the internet. Me too, and this is real sense of this. We don't want to think about the fact this happens to people. I was talking with my mother. I had dinner with my mother, who was an opera singer. And she experienced kind of stuff all the time, and it was just except that it was like you, just keep your mouth shut. You do this What are your secretary, whether you're a star. you're going to have powerful figures, typically powerful male figures that are going to take advantage of that, especially back in the sixties and seventys. We ve seen this progress, so thank god we do have these digital ways of spreading. This like wildfire.
finally shutting down, or at least starting the process of shutting down those who had been said that the top having that message of I also experienced this and then having him amplified at that level. I think it created a current there were allowed for it to happen. I think that's what happened right away. going back to that, would enable these relations to finally be treated. I would say seriously by the mainstream media I do it your people, saying that wine steam How wronged in a visible system and and that's why he finally had to pay for his crimes. But I'm concerned that that diminishes the strength of the people who spoke up You know what I mean he just got caught in a way that you could no longer cover up. There comes a point where you reached critical mass words like okay. We weigh it
are we gonna keep covering the supper. We just gonna like furthest behind basque as he's a cancer, and we can no longer support this behaviour because it is not in our best interests, as did the people in that sad and gross, but that's what happens on the business, know, that's what I have, but in a cancer analogy, wouldn't you say heart wine scene is almost like getting a biopsy just a tiny part of it, taken who wrote that whenever wherever the reasoning is having it happen, is better for the body quoting go the other the human condition you know, like that's good, I know, but I do feel like it. These things only happen when it when it costs somebody too much money and that's when they finally will will you know kick someone to the curb someone's power?
for his army, Wednesday, in in one of the other things, and that has to be said here, as we kind of mentioned already, that it's not just in how it was not in these other places, it's it's in homes across the country across the world. Its you know at large in churches. This kind of thing is everywhere in just being a brief conversation with my wife last night about this topic. She mentioned to me specific its examples that she knew of in our circle, like thou, our friendship circle of of women, who have been a view. And it is so prevalent- So, lastly, and most importantly, if you or someone you know- is a victim of abuse, whether sexual physical or otherwise. Remember that there are other people who can help you, you can contact them directly or you have to do is call one eight hundred sixty I have six, four six, seven, three and
You'll be connected with a trained staff member from the national sexual assault telephone hotline and that person can help you. now. You are not alone. Thank you. So much, Or listening to this episode, as we as we Sadly, several times throughout the shoe is an ongoing phenomenon, so pure listen to this at a later date. It MA maybe information that was not available as we were. The show and that's the end of this classic episode. If you have any thoughts or questions about this episode, you can get into contact. Thus, in a number of different ways. One of the best just to give us a call our numbers, one, eight, three, three std w Y t kay want to do that. You can send us a good old fashioned email. We are concerned. We she at? I hope radio dotcom stuff They don't want. You to know is the production of I heart radio, for more podcast from my heart, radio,
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-27.