« Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

CLASSIC: Cambridge Analytica and Facebook

2023-07-11 | 🔗

Love it or hate it, Facebook is one of the biggest success stories of the past century. Billions of people have profiles, and for many users it's the only source of online news or social interaction. And Facebook collects as much information as possible on each of these users, ostensibly to better target advertising campaigns. So what happens when someone starts using this vast collection of data for something else? What is Cambridge Analytica, and how deep does this rabbit hole go?

They don't want you to read our book.: https://static.macmillan.com/static/fib/stuff-you-should-read/

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode of stuff, they don't want, you to know is brought you by top. Get tomcat makes rat snap traps and other road control products, so they wanted to share a little rat history with us. Did you know back in the fourteenth century, flee ridden rats, helped spread the black death wiping out a third of europe's population, and during world war one soldiers in the trenches had to contend with massive rats. These rats spread diseases and added to the intense psychological stresses of the soldiers now enter tomcat, rowan control them current solution to an age old problem, ensure history, doesn't repeat itself in your home tom cat kills and prevents hey. This is jason alexander for visible wireless. Some wireless companies say they have no yada yada, but details matter. You should know what you're signing up for so yada yada. I'm reading this ad for visible on the visible plan get one line of wireless on verizon's five g network for twenty five dollars a month every month. That's unlimited data text talk and hotspot for twenty five.
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it is its creepy cos. In its all about why? What what happens when your personal information is just available for a private company to be used and then sold like a go wrong. We're about to find out from you at those two psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now Stop they don't want you to know. Hello. Welcome back to the show. My name is: mankind name is no me Ben. We are joined with our super producer, Paul mission control deck, and you are you you are here. That makes this stuff they don't want you to,
no as you listening to today's shill feel free to were dry in your own emerging reaction, whether its allow was sad, a mad. I dont know the names of those reactions available on Look, I don't wanna go one who's the office, ah just open mouth. I guess that's wow call them well, it could be well or could be o R. Their official names is a company line on what these reaction should be known, ass. I hope they all have specific big proper, now names like Derek or calliope you're. There actually is a title to each of those images right seems like pretty everything in its right place can accompany facebook yeah really let much fall through the cracks. Nea was speaking facebook, a while you're listening to this feel free to peruse our facebook page stuff, they don't want you to note at conspiracy, stuff or our new here's, where it gets crazy group on facebook
just you know, hang out on there the whole time we're listen, it's fine, nothing bad will happen to you, nothing that hasn't already happened, we'd like to introduce you to facebook, if for some reason. You managed to listen to pipe cast and never heard of this before wondering what the heck is. Facebook mean the facebook right, not a facebook and we'll get that, because in earlier physical adoration of facebook, little known fact, if you were like over two billion people across this fair planet of ours. You use facebook on a daily basis. Mobile traffic is a huge part of feed Looks operation nowadays is originally was desktop and it was only four members of certain universities or colleges. Now anyone can get on it with her, provided they have the right equipment and internet connection as an crazy have mobile has advanced so exponentially.
her time where you still haven't both a phone that barely had stuff. You could do on it and had snake and like a calculator yeah, it's what has it been twelve fifteen sixteen years or so, as it's been really really developing, but it's really ramped up in the last more like ten years. Yeah with, like the I mean the funds, only a little more than a decade old, ram, yeah, it's true and it's an spin into growth. That has prompted some questions. in the industry outside of the industry in the minds of fringe researchers as well. Did this stuff grew organically was states ported on some level. The answer to that question both of those questions is actually yes, but maybe not in a super nefarious way, regardless of the origin of this exponential growth. We know that mobile is as nor said, huge and men
people would not have predicted it is safe to say, but as of december twenty, Sixteen. There are one point: one, five billion move, daily, active users on facebooks platform whether mobile through an o s, which is the safer way or bobo through facebook app does that include, am instagram as well since facebook owns instagram know that does not include instagram and that's a great question that number shoots. Even further, through the roof, if you include instagram, which is also hugely popular right, de Graham, has been one of the fastest growing, especially since facebook has been taking an increasing amount of flak over the years. That one point one five billion number. That was an increase of twenty three per cent from december. Twenty fifteen only smokes- and this means you know for read between the lines that there are a lot of people who do not have a desktop computer or laptop, have have no intention of buying one and say I can do is due
everything in my digital life on my phone has become. You know greasing reach more true than you there's a many things that we would rely on. A laptop or computer bill to do that, can totally do on your mobile device and it's so much more convenient and eat Do you always have it right in front of your highballs? He her and you can put your friends on pokemon, go so that their faces will be introduced even if they introduce a system, even if they dont have an online profile the desire to create what you can put your friends. If you're not into poky mine you can. I will be so. Ok, here's here's! My big! I shouldn't in most of you already know this, but you think yourself, won't. Facebook is massive thing with all of these people walking around on their phones. Looking at their profiles and stuff, it's all free, though I want to pay money to down facebook, yes, if you
service for free that uses add revenue. You are not the customer, you are the what the product yet that's true vote You are not the customer of social media. You are the product of social media. Unless you are paid in a monthly fee for it and even Then, if you are paying a monthly fee for something, if it's not social media of your pain, a monthly fee, cable company or your internet connection. There also taking your data, you more than one revenue stream for them and for facebook. This is usually important. We looked into the advertising revenue right where facebook publicly makes a lot of its money and mobile advertisement alone, represents eighty eight percent of all facebooks. Add money from Q. Three twenty seventeen quick explanation, every incase we're going a little too inside baseball in businesses. As you may or may not know profits,
and losses, and revenue are divided up into four segments per year. The reach three months long. They refer to quarters and in business, speak in the lands where people say things like we'll housing, granular laden's these quarters are simply refer to as to one cue to you three queue for so this mobile advertising is huge for facebook. Facebook needs this stuff to her. and for that to work, they need to have someone looking. It adds the need to have users. That's where you come in it might be saying not me fellows, not me huge abronia, because I don't have a facebook profile well, just hold on hold on didn't just for now pretend you do. Let's, let's talk a little bit about you. Let's talk about you, the facebook users, what we know about you so,
twenty nine point: seven percent of users range and aged between two five and thirty four years old, and is the most common age. Demographic of facebook use and is also a priest sweet marketing spot to isn't it. Oh yeah, all those young professionals all that new income fresh for the harvest, or you know the folks stay at home with their parents because they can't afford to buy. You know pay. And anywhere because that's a whole other issue we're having to deal with. Well, that's a lot less than that but anyway, yet We do know that we should do in episode on the looming financial crisis, millennial generation and the post millennia generation, stay tuned asthma, fact, if you're listening you're in that age group write to us and let you let us know what you think the biggest misconceptions are about your generation and everybody does want to.
of some sort of attention or connection on social media right. That's why it works. You know you you, say, something that is a funny one liner or whatever, and then you check back a few hours later, wow twenty four people know I exist near me. sweet addiction. Isn't it it is, and we do see, dopamine spikes both when you checkout mobile phone, just in general, for text messages and when you look at instagram or facebook or twitter what have you so we are going to help you a little bit willingness. It turns out that, faced with users in general are most often on this platform in the middle of the week between one two three p m and there, eighteen sent more likely to engage with whatever's posted means throw alike or comment or reaction, some sort, if it's thursday and friday. So if you want a lot of people to see your stuff and talk to
you do it middle of the day on Thursday friday. So a part of the bell However, my if I'm on a monday through friday, twenty four says we are a little bit different. in that regard, because in interest of full transparency, we use facebook for work. That's just what I tell myself any. And- and there are a lot of people- I think we who would It would be in the same boat and say well I mail we check it every so often, but I get notifications automatically push or. I'm always logged in cause. Facebook wants you to feel like it's more convenient to always be logged it. Not all of these users, though, are real, say why right cnn, estimates there. Eighty three million fake profiles floating around and that's probably a lower number than it is in actual fact. Well I mean that's life size. chunk of one point, something billion. You know users,
That still leaves you with over billion users. True, even if it's hundred million universe, two hundred million there still sir many human beings using this thing, and there are also people who have multiple accounts of their own. There's still a meat sack the other side of the key border, the phone but Does that mean that only one of those profiles counts as real? What's she doing, like you know some folks that we work with we'll make themselves a work related facebook, a what call a public facing facebook, profile and anarchy. Their personal one too? They just you, know befriend their actual friends. Not they were not all friends with you know or are people that, like the show, and then we interact with were all internet friends but you know you have to separate I. On the other hand, I only use my one cause. I don't care and attention or same actually, on average,
guard of whether the user is real or a bought. The usual tend to spend twenty minutes on facebook per visit. Advertisers love this number, because is an amazing amount of time to spend on one website, especially one there's continually refreshing ads for you, crazy, there's, a quick question: if ever it either of you ever been taken in by an online add had as an online at ever done anything more to you than just register annoyance. Have you if you have any at a successful interaction with an online add. Were it knew something about you and served you just the right product or reverse that you were immediately like. I must have this new me like a civilian thing where, instead of going to complain about. The error rate now now, whenever I always wonder I did, is it just seems very ham fisted most of the time, the way you get served as online under some wondering like how successful is it really? I don't know I can't think of one it's interesting because you're right. It reminds me of the early
days in the terminator universe when they say the first androids were easy to spot right. They didn't sweats, bleed or whatever, and they got increasingly so stated that's what's happening now, so it may be ideal well the ideal world. For some of these add providers and data aggregation centres, it may be that, They want you to not know that you are being taken in by an ad. They want you to feel like you just had an epiphany, and realized you needed a whopper you got a wonder like. Maybe even think that the ads that I see as being unsuccessful, maybe they're somehow implanting that water, idea in my head through subliminal means. No, no or they're just doing it outright fits a beauty products there's something I want my wife watches on social media. It's you know, someone that she likes in is interested in and follow but then all the son, a beauty products like show up that the person is whole.
I will mention just quickly and thence. how she wants to buy it all of a sudden will in that's you that super, effective thing. That's happened ever since were children, toys, ripe and then there's right now for a lot of facebook gods. If you ever facebook account, you have probably encountered the following cartoonish situation you have. let's say, made a big purchase? You have purchased a new car this. Is my new toyota corolla that information bounces around backstage? Were you, at sea and then boom you, the sudden or inundated with ads for toiled, cruel acts delhi and it makes no sense. That's exactly yeah, but that's what happens. You know they're, like you know what this person who just bought a boat for the first time probably wants more boats. Why not like a boat shamming, though, or like a boat trailer,
You know what I not like vienna get a little smarter and granular with it, because you write every time or even if, like I've, looked at a product on a site, and maybe I didn't buy it Maybe this is smart in it It's me with ads for that same products that I almost bought that I could see Being my well guess I mean I could buy. and I keep getting reminded- maybe I do need it after all, but the whole boat with a boat thing just seems like a waste of a of algorithm, but if twenty thousand people ignore it and one person says you know what Yes, is that the ratio, you think two boats know as way too high? There are way less, but we know that regardless of the reaction people are seeing this and you don't always have to be on facebook to see it on average. those like in sheer buttons that go across all these websites, their viewed across
ten million websites daily again estimated, probably a lower end estimation to every sixty seconds on facebook. Five, in ten thousand. Comments are posted two hundred ninety three thousand statuses rub dated, and one hundred and thirty six photos are uploaded and one in five page views in the. U s occurs on facebook, one in five twenty percent of every single page view. That is crazy. But how did facebook get there? How did it start? What but let us to this strange thing. Well, you have to go back to two thousand and four year of our lord February. Fifth, in fact, it was the in child. A man named mark Zuckerberg, Marcus Zuckerberg. He and his roommate, you ve all seen the movie we ve all seen movie fantastic move is pretty good
remember when you first heard there was gonna, be a facebook movie and you're like how's that gonna work yeah, that's going to be dull. I had no idea there was actually compelling stuff behind the creation of this, but yes Zuckerberg in his harvard roommate Eduardo sovereign. They created this way site and it was built after or off of Other programme he'd already created called faced. Man All one word you and a home that one. that, one was created in two thousand three near prior to it, so smash was developed by Zuckerberg. He wrote all the software for it. He made a website when he was in the second year of college, in so it was set up as this? It's like a harder, not game. You ve seen it before line at least around that time. The there is even hot, not dot com. That was a thing you just say. Yes, this person is attractive No, this person is not attractive and it was entirely female students to young female students, side by side and then would vote on. Who was hot, and
it was not so this house and we should like tender basically arm. You I don't. I don't participate in in dating apps and those moral and smart? Nowhere was this information stored? Was it? Was there some kind of leaderboard? I thought I remember hearing something about that. Like was it literally just you do it and it goes away. Hey man- I don't know he ends and out of space. Smart, a smash did they did the work, they did store the data and the he also at harvard at the time they had a physical thing, the old of face book there's more than one, and these just had a picture of some one staff alumni or current student and a little blurb of information about them, sort of a who's who kind of thing, and so facebook, Lee online platform was named after this, because Zuckerberg thought they would try to digitizing like look. I could do better
and I could do it in a week and it turns out. He was right because today is because of the largest repositories of this sort of information on the planet and euro, to your quest, and I wonder I I wonder if somewhere deep in his own secret files, completely air gaps if mark Zuckerberg is still going through. His hot and thinking for the world for the world, how Jeez envy It was one of those things we are creating. Creating a facebook like that you're gathering information and one person or a team of people are creating that physical book. With that information right, what huckleberry realized- is that people would voluntarily insert their own blurbs and then add picture and then videos and then check in the places and say where I ve been: we was under something pretty crazy, kind of deep in the heart of all of us to very true it's very if you you now, that's why we're getting into this later, but it's hard to accuse people of steel
your data, when you give it so willingly, yet they think the common human treat we're talking about his narcissist is. get me I'd right, which we we suffer from his species, but also compels our species. To do some amazing things, and now what happens? What happens? One company has All of this information at its fingertips fast forward way past two thousand four, but not as far as you would think and enter cambridge analytical right this company, cambridge analytical, which I knew pressure little about until the kerfuffle of late was started in twenty thirteen. The company markets more and marketed in markets continues to markets, as a source of consumer research targeted. Retiring and other data related services to both political and corporate clients. So you know, in short, there there
end of mining data and crushing the numbers running it and according times it was launched with fifteen million dollars of seed money backing money by bill. In a republican donor. Robert Mercer, an steve Bannon, oh If that sounds familiar stevie b, yes, the advisor for the, campaign and later for time and adviser to the trump administration now bitter enemy also was the power behind the throne of bright bart. There are some very divisive right wing website, and everything was going along swimmingly until that as in march of twenty eighteen, when the house of cards began to tumble.
We will sort through the debris when we return from a quick sponsor break hey. This is jason alexander for visible wireless that you may associate me with a few important phrases like yada, yada, yada, meaning the details, and I dunno some people might think to just gloss over that. But not me When I saw a wireless company recently say they didn't have any of that yadda yadda stuff didn't have any details of feeling. Something was because there's always details any matter and you deserve to know what your signing up for yadda yadda. That's, why I'm in a pot, gas than for a different wireless company, visible, on the visible plan, get one line of wireless on verizon's five g network for twenty five dollars a month every month. That's it there's no activation fees, no need for a family plan, just unlimited data talk text and hot spot, but twenty five dollars a month, all taxes and fees included. There's no
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They don't want. You to know is brought you by top gatt tomcat makes rat snap traps and a bunch of other rodent control products and since their fans of stuff, they don't want you to know they wanted to share a little rat history with us. Did you know, folks, back in the fourteenth century, flee ridden rats inadvertently helped spread the black death this wiped out about a third of europe, population can during world war, one soldiers in the trenches had to contend with not only enemy forces, but also with massive rats. They spread disease and added to the psychological stress of the soldiers making the harsh conditions of trench warfare even worse and in october, I eighty seven, a rat chewed through a power cable, causing significant blackout in new york city, financial district, this led to the new york doc exchange, delaying its opening, which was a big deal. Given the aboard
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Dont him among leading brands trojan bear skin raw. Let's go here are the facts. On march contains twenty eighteen reports from the guardian and the new york times revealed that cambridge analytical again a data analysis firm that have worked with president trumps campaign at harvested. The personally formation of quote around fifty million facebook users without permission, whether that's permission from facebook, whether that's permission from the users further like they would this revelation came from a whistle blower named Christopher wily w. Why l I e, who states that he helped build the firm and worked there until twenty fourteen, the
the way this worked, is that cambridge analytical retrieve the data from an outfit called global science, research or gs. Are a company owned by university of cambridge professor alexandre Coggan yeah, and he collected all this data and twenty thirteen. He used. Psycho graphic personality test app and it was called. this is your digital life. All one word just This is your digital life, There were other around three hundred thousand people who- and I who actually, like god, I've installed it and then they- permission to collect their personal information from facebook, putting the city where they set up the profile, the content they any information about them. And now this is the most important part it it. You David permission to collect information about your friends so that three hundred thousand people jumped up exponential. What are you doing? You hear about like recon, I recall that one the agency's react baidu, where you can
know something about who people in with that, actually knowing who they are kind of way. You can see the web of communications and starts to give you a real, clear picture, even without knowing the specifics it out who's in the chain, Do you can do that with the white pages? Secularism is Emily with this is where they literally have like. All the information is leads, does no no end to the kind of stuff you could learn about people with this kind. Access right, yeah, oh so this is what happens. You get three thousand three hundred thousand people to bite on the hook, and all of a sudden you ve got the information on over fifty million people. At the time. That's where we estimate exactly and in the other, the other sticky problem with this without going too far into big data, we can reckon in that you check out our earlier episode on it. If you would like to learn, frightening things about target
I can find that on our website. I won one of the sticky insidious things about. This is what facebook would refer to as frictionless sharing re. It's a very it's very fluffy euphemistic phrase for the process that noel and matt are describing here. And it does expand its like that six degrees of Kevin bacon game, although use they're, using their nation that they had aggregated facebook later found. People are more like three and a half degrees separated from each other, including maybe Kevin bacon. I dunno it's an average and how often have you like have met a new random person on facebook or then you've ended up different of them on facebook and realized that you have several mutual friends. Even if there's somebody from like another state, you know what I mean.
It's not that far fetched the web starts to shrink, or at least the access to it. In other, more you think about this, these connections nea absolutely and on the issue more seventeen. This all goes public right. The next day facebook bans cambridge analytical and they and its parent company, and then they ban coggan himself. They all on the same day, ban Christopher wily, the whistle blower near a march. Nineteen facebook stock plummets takes nosedive On the same day, congress starts to stick around Senator edward marcie from Massachusetts. Says, hey, we get our wholesome hearings against these facebooking cambridge analytical jokers hand paraphrasing and specifically he, wrote to the ranking members of the Senate committee on commerce, senator John thumb and senator bill, nelson of south dakota florida respectively and
archy, says we need to move quickly to hold hearings since facebook is required to quote obtain explicit permission before sharing data about, its users. Facebook holds an emergency meeting. They also- and this is enjoyable they also for everyone- at the eating their version of in all hands. They have a pole for the employees swale. You think Zuckerberg doesn't say anything about this for three days since not until march twenty first that he addresses it with a post on his facebook account get a respect, the consistency and he says what happens is his responsibility. But there are changes made to the. a form that will prevent it from happening again. He proposes a three step playing going forward: investigate third party apps, restrict developers, access to user data on the whole and give users too to see what information of theirs is being shared, so
and if I didn't install my digital life, what was my data breached the capacity and so Can you explain why there's this there's this thing we're in the rules of facebook, if you're in advertiser anywhere collecting data? In this way it says that you can as the developer of an app take you like in the information of friends of the people who have actually installed europe Whenever, however, you have to use that data in a very limited way and all- to improve your app figure using. You can actually tell that data to a third party or you data for any other reason that that was the original, like rules that were set right and then to clarify. That's exactly why they may at change where the third parties don't have quite carte blanche, access to Your friends data only to yours directly, as you have opted in, to write that third parties as again it's restricted yeah, that's a lot, like not that's alike,
retardant or water resistant. It's not proof now water. If we improve it's, not it's still not ban the other, still afire, and this is where some dicey things are happening march- twenty second, this whole happens so quickly march. Twenty second, didn't donald trump goes on twitter or which is his social media of choice, and he appears to boast about. Our partnership with cambridge political. He doesn't name them, but he says people are no longer claiming his use of social media was less robust than Clinton. That being Hillary Clinton during the twenty sixteen campaign and election, and while he as an outright name them? The timing suggest that he was talking about cambridge general. It would certainly that both he makes where he says. I don't pay my taxes, so I'm smart risks Like him saying I figured out how to exploit social media, so I'm smart, yeah
I guess you know I don't I don't follow, is tweets very closely. It is this. What is it? Don't you think it's sort of an odd thing to say, given How controversial the stuff has been firmly come out and say that sure, if you some kind of trying to visit himself in some way or say that, like I, don't you see a little boastful to me, it's its puzzling indeed yeah he did a baby is clearly a boast on march, twenty third elon musk, our modern tony star Our modern tesla, I guess he would want, is to say I get spooked and delete since space ex account. He deletes a tesla account Zuckerberg is invited on the same day to testifying for the house, reps house representatives, men of whom will go on to thoroughly embarrass me house. But there is a lack of knowledge regarding social media platforms, and technology in general is a really good mean where it was like a screen shot of available that we're quizzing him and it just had like fifty spyware, search bars like stacked up
on top of themselves like in their browser. You know, like those ones that, like automatically install in king rid of 'em, where they can there's filled their whole screen, giving is photoshop Oh yeah, I was is vicissitudes its worth in the ice it well in his here's, the whole other that we're not even going to get into too deeply in this episode, but some of the sum of the ways that cambridge analytical was using this data included. Influencing, if not just the mayor Can president presidential election the entire breaks it situation? Yes, that is true. That is true. And this is one of and their uk based company to cambridge. So this is the primary It is for officers from Britain's information. Commissioners offers getting involved there, a data watchdog
bruce so they read the office is a cambridge annelida in london. They take their time there. They have seven hours. I heard it in pr peace where someone like was able to get there. the dossier there, their digital genome dossier. Cambridge, let assembled about them, particularly, and it's not most alarming kind of sounding stuff that you might imagine it's like you Who are you what party or you more likely to identify where fino unrepresented that kind of often in Zuckerberg, even in his testimony, said this is all stuff. People would share openly themselves. So that him in an attempt to absolve him. So I was wondering what you guys think like how was this different the cat, how it? What makes this so different, I were a walk through the rest of the time line and get to the testimony here, because that is a good question, so the
position. The information commissioner's office was given the search warrant by the high court judge to determine whether the group tampered with breaks it as much as you just brought up and we are currently still analyzing, considering the evidence ripe on march twenty fifth Zuckerberg, who has become at this point known as the zadok lot of online forums, takes out a fool age ad and multiple uk. U s papers! It's it's! A profound apology repeats is three step plan, the F you see. The next day confirms that their investigating facebook for these privacy practices on the twenty seventh Zuckerberg. Fuses to meet with british law makers. He sends one of his employees, but he does agree to me with: u s congress and while britain is investigating this wily that whistleblower from earlier tells parliament the facebook uses microphones to improve our targeting, which we have talked about before on the show
What do you guys think? Do you think? That's a real! Thank you mean like on your phone yeah I've, certainly We all have, I think, had a situation. We were chatting about something and then got served with at about at the next day or later on me. I yeah, I think, is highly plus I am utterly convinced, even though I have that seen absolute like damning evidence line. Convinced I ain't. You know we have to ask ourselves at what threshold can the sheer number of anecdotes and first hand experiences be accepted as, as you said, bat damning evidence? I think we're close to that threshold. There's there's something we should fast forward. When April fourth buried in a blog post about changes, facebook is making to quote clarify the terms of service. Like that clarify, not correct the compass. casually increases the number of people affected by cambridge analytic his efforts from fifty million to aid.
Seven million. Ok, just a couple more. the few just a few dollars. Yes, all almost half again These are bees are individuals. There were compromised right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and they do go out of their way to see people not profiles, because I think they're pr team is working around the clock to humanize lady lookin zuckerberg birdie They ve called out. Like a lot of that, we talked about fake profiles and botz and stuff I mean how do we know the number like how many that number do, you think, could be fake profiles and my guy Do you remember the number of fake profiles from the top? No, it was how is high eighty three million so these are all fake, no they're, not all fake the ages is a proportion. I'm sorry I that, I think, would be hilarious. If they only got fake profiles, tat would be That would be a relief for Everyone involved, except for the body mass
oh yeah, but they continue to their credit. Facebook suspends two more companies doing similar stuff, one called cube b. U, called aggregate I q and then they start informing users who are affected by the breach and folks here. Listening to this today, the eye are. You probably have some sort of facebook profile and if you have some sort of face will profile the odds are not insanely low. It's it's not super likely, but it is quite possible that you open your facebook one day. You saw a notice that says that you may have been affected by this, because either you or a friend used the app this your digital life. This is your digital life that sounds like a soap opera or something for the future. Yeah
a man or a black mirror episode right. Ebby goodwin area should pocket that I get that. I saw the Here too, will also harvested not just the what we will I, like the matter- data connections, the time of law again the time spent somewhere, but they vote were harvested content, private messages, because there were harvested again his neck at dark. To me it's really creepy, the other cinemas scraped. Ye have heard that a lot soothing said. A small number of people who logged into this is your digital life. All shared their news, feed timeline, posting messages which may have included pose the messages from you. That's, according to cambridge analytical facebook. they also gained access to information from the friends of the aps. Users- and it's still honestly, is not clear how many users
affected. What's like a diseases like its can contract it from others, it's a vector from contact and us dude listeners, you noticed earlier that mark Zuckerberg himself refused to go to british law makers, but did consent to go to? U s. AL makers, and we were taking this around a little bit off here. Why? Why I think that is all I mean he spent two days giving testimony to to the united states lawmakers that sounds so much better when you, when you call them law makers, it'll, just you know the house or congress, but anyway yeah. He spent two days there and he had not much of a problem at all fielding questions, like you said, Ben from people who had barely a grasp on what an online advertising is or what an app actually is or how day and data transfers
and correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that british lawmakers do more so than than american law makers or these. They know how to dig deep and and put people's feet to the fire, maybe a little bit more than we do at felt. This is a bit of a soft ball. The situation o agreed yet, and this goes into maybe journalistic culture too, because BBC reporters are generally thought to be harder hitting as journalists. I ve got a short distance the couple a choice. Questions nos I'll makers asked mark Zuckerberg. Would you like to hear some? Yes, please leave some cake senator lindsey, graham from south carolina asked mark Zuckerberg, is too the same is what you do. Lindsey, graham asking lindsey grandpa. Am I right?
florida senator bill nelson is fond of a particular type of chocolate, any mention that fact to some facebook, friends and now he's seeing ads chocolate. So he said what, if I dont want to receive ads for chocolate, I am in Senator Roy blunt for Missouri, says my son is dedicated instagram, so he'd want to be sure. I mentioned him. While I was here with you David, a question they're going to kill you sign this. Does that mean for me, mark Zuckerberg for my grandson, yemen, good or how much more this is comically softball again like I mean you know, there's probably a committee that, like is how the internet works or white way wired the fcc involved. I don't know I just did it seems very like what's the word a lot of pageantry, no real action like a lot,
Like a lot of theatre in you, can you can read in depth some of these? Some of these questions are mat. You really took the really took the took one for the team because you watch I did. I started watching the first day. and I got lost after about forty minutes. I just couldn't it became noise and I just shut. Can you do an impression of Zuckerberg? I dont Then I can. I was listening to and d and What kind of summing up some of the major parts and I him say of this is a quote. So I guess I'll try here we didn't a broad enough view of our responsibility, and that was a big mistake and it was My mistake and I'm sorry, I started facebook, I run it in responsible for what happens here and I swear. I am human rights. I swear hallo friend it just the responses that work.
Into a lot of the major things as you can expect. Since he's under oath, he is he's on the surf. Everything is on the surface to seems pretty surface in general, oh- and I don't know- I don't know much about the zirk men I feel are going to talk about the zirk ivy. I have this of envy, just about how young in success Oh and really, you think, he's happy that I think he'd feel really isolated and, and I dunno I, much more money more problems and he's just trying to connect the world will mark if you would like the hop on our show in the future, for an interview or if you just need some actual friends too- maybe bowling with you or something? Let us now hit us up on facebook, where we are He said that the fact that the us just so I will say one last thing: there's one one even it's kind of a low blow shot sender,
dick Durban at one point of all the sun ass mark Zuckerberg what hotel he was staying at his I won't. So what? What hotel? staying at while you're here. Would you be comfortable revealing that information exactly- and you know mark of course, as I know absolutely not because again, all information sharing here, they were talking about his voluntary yep, and As a point, he has point is interesting, you mean because a lot of this is based on the increase problems of social media, but as a contract that we all sign on four, and we the trade off because surely we all took the time to read the terms of agreement in full now been. I would think it's possible mind you possible that you you have.
it is quite possible, but one thing that is impossible for us to do now is to pretend that this is not an ongoing thing or pretend that there's a fool, number of full solid number of people that we know have been impact it we can predict the future. what we can do is explore the troubling implications after that is a word from our sponsor hey. This is jason alexander for visible wireless that you may associate me with a few important phrases like yada, yada, yada, meaning the details, and I dunno some people might think to just gloss over that. But not me when I saw a wireless company recently say they didn't have any of that yada yada stuff didn't have any details. I had a feeling something was off because there's only details, and they matter, and you deserve to know what you're signing up for yadda yadda. That's. Why I'm in a pot gas that for a different wireless company visible-
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condom among leading brands trojan bear skin raw. Let's go use where it gets crazy. This granted, even though the three of us our hilarious, sounds, sounds kind of dry running, but that's because we are at the beginning of a much longer story in a much larger revelation. It's a story. That's been going on untold, silently for you since shortly after facebook was opened to anyone who wanted to law again and while those instigations are ongoing, it's safe to say, more more unpleasant discoveries link on the horizon, waiting to be discovered. One of the first questions is or what other operations are occurring. At this point, we don't know not very few people actually know leg just just
for we have in the studio today a few hours ago, it was revealed cambridge analytical was planning to launch its own crypto currency yet, they want to raise money though there they want. They want to raise money to pay for the creation of a system to help peoples, or and sell their online personal data to advertisers. Oh come on, True story called a dragon coin after a famous gambler in macau, but I thought we agreed that like, while in the aggregate on the whole, our data is worth a lot. My data is not worth a lot. Your data is not worth a lot sell my data and have it may well? Maybe correct me: if I'm wrong, although their using the thing is, they were hoping to build a system that would bat the same kind of activities. They did idea being that who knows better how to build a hen house than the fox who got fat. Ok, that's interesting guy
I understand what you're saying almost like a password wallet or something like that or like a vault that you can keep your stuff under wraps, which would also be supervised by cambridge Analytica and their parent company. There's there's this other question, which is: is it that bad as you know, I, the the effort for this was overseen by their former Ceo, the disgraced chief executive, a guy named Alexander Nix, he was forced the company in march of this year, because he was caught on tape bragging about his companies approached the political work in other countries across the world, including using EL companies and strategies to entrap opponents, the air they leave fame please state- and this is cambridge themselves- that their database contains over
five thousand data points on nearly every american consumer, and if you do some due diligence like noel did, then you will see that a lot of it seems kind of innocuous letter I was talking about earlier. I think I jumped the gun a little bit and talking about that pr peace, I wear a gentleman was able, to obtain his cambridge analytic profile. Let's call it I a dossier and he was pretty sure that it was an all of it could certainly wasn't that five thousand points, but it was too now a pretty basic little collection, data points that, yes, you but absolutely glean from this kind of trolling someone's feed their there their page, you now they're wall. Can I is personal republican or democrat you know most likely are. They
wait: what kind of income bracket are they, and this is all stuff you can kind of figure out by looking at pictures and seeing the kinds of stuff people actually post about themselves already, but then much fewer than five thousand, and he was pretty sure that he didn't he that they weren't going to give him all five thousand there'd be stuff that I love that point you make about a lot of this stuff being things you were? I could find just by looking at someone's page without even being their facebook, for it was not my point Zuckerberg point here. He said that to us lawmakers and of his defence rain. Maybe and that's why I was really interesting: I shouldn't you you raise ban. Is that bad, and I want to know, what's the difference, the stuff we share and what cambridge analytical doing with this stuff there harvesting from us. Yes, ok, it becomes. murky and dangerous when it goes into political influence, so cambridge,
I wanna get did use this information, this data to influence elections, matthew, us caskey at cambridge analytical, we up our data into three buckets political, commercial and first party? We work with several of the main voter file providers, depending on the preference of our clients to access vote, history and budapest files and then the couple that, with top commercial data providers for on a licensing basis that stuff, like general demographics, geographical purchase, history, interest and so on. Then they get out. Do you project data, internal surveys, research, what they call exclusive data relationships? which, as you know in this kind of conversation, the most now laws. Phrase is usually hiding the strangest stakes, and data collection through direct response projects, which is actually asking people what they think whistleblower
it's not just wily alleged that cambridge worked with steve banning too way the vote, starting as far back as twenty fourteen and this not really a big deal. Does it seem it's not unique there, it everybody we ever meet is going to try to persuade us to do so. Thing without falling into relativism railing The three of us are pretty opinionated people and we're trying to persuade each other stuff, all the time, usually we agree, but if it's a larger company that doesn't make that impulse, self, inherently nefarious. Until we get to what nix actually said yeah he was secretly. recorded being a bit of a braggadocio a break do shall I try to, squeeze align in their somehow abroad?
He was bragging about how his firm cambridge analytical was largely responsible for or the the election of donald trump. As president of the united states, he described all kinds of questionable practices that they used to influence foreign elections like of because member. This is a british firm. and their influencing the american election. But why? thought russia was influencing the election, you might say, oh well, maybe it was also our friends over in britain. I mean look at you. I say I pulled up this press release from cambridge analytical website and they They, they lay out a few points here, one no laws were broken. Came Let us not hack facebook to cambridge analytical did not use the data or any derivatives, the data in the? U S, presidential election, He came agenda could not work at all on the brakes referendum. for mister wily is not a whistle. Blower goes on well well, in this see her recording of alexander next, the former.
if executive of cambridge analytical he said, at his firm did all the research analytics and targeting of voters for trump's digital and tv campaigns. He was recorded, saying that he also said, that he had met personally met trump when it was the candidate many times and that they deployed dirty trick including all school espionage stuff like honey, trapped, setting, someone up of the sex worker, prostitute, fake news campaigns, fake bribery scandals, operations with ex spies and espionage agents to swing election campaigns- and this was this was courted by an underground reporter working for the observer. What they did is posed as a member of a wealthy family from sri lanka seeking political info. And then, when the rapporteur as this wealthy sri lanka in person when they asked. If Cambridge analytic, I could offer investigations into damaging secrets. Arrivals digging up there. The centrally nick said that cambridge worked with four
her spies from britain and Israel to look for dirt and said they were doing it as they were speaking. He also volunteered that his team was ready to go. further than just a keyboard investigation. I got one guy he's a master disguise. We can sit Maybe you can be anybody. Psych also weaken entrap people with some sex workers, bring a few ukrainians with us, the trip. If you know what I mean ever p p party, that was the implication something some the untoward right and then he said that we do. It is a deep digging is interesting, but you know it can be equally effective to just go in and speak to the incumbent and offer them a deal. That's too good to be true and make sure that video of it is recorded wow. Hence the dirty tricks and also ok. So, according to wily the whistle blower, he says quote, we exploded spoke to harvest millions of people's profiles in built models to exploit what we knew about them and time
their inner demons. That was the basis the entire company was built on alleged whistleblower. oh yeah, ok, guys, we have their early ever gonna, get alleged heavy here, allegedly heavy. That's not abandoning for an album of some sort. We should put that in the book allegedly having what is its heavy, allegedly, I feel like theirs. I forgot to get a concept album here now to just, but the the question remains like what is what is wrong with this in a legal sense if we have signed a contract, essentially if we have assented to having this data traded in exchange for using? free service, then, what's what's the big hubbub? The problem here is that it was. You without notifying facebook, users and facebook
really does not want this to be characterized as a data breach for a number of reasons, one of which is. worthy of american states have laws requiring notification. Indifferent cases of data breaches, including California, where miss is based in area of emails from your bank herb target or something saying hey. You are part of it, essential bundle of a trillion users who may or may not have had your information compromise, you'd, probably ginger beer. toward. They didn't just send that d out of the goodness of their heart. Did they know no, there's a lot of sea way there and that, as we know, being a family show that stands for cover your actions or aardvark cover. Your aardvark, which I like better the ultimate goal of cocaine who worked at the universities in petersburg by the way and receive russian grant money, was not just to collect this in building an anonymous database.
he was working with cambridge analytical to build a database of identified profiles, whether we call matched profiles, they started The aim of making two million match profiles, meaning I to electoral registers. eleven states withdrew He would spend much further, ultimately aiming to get all fifty states to what end send them targeted messages about candidates, very specific personalized, targeted less so like if you're working for working for the republican party or something that your client right and you. Want to split a vote. I you could say: well here's some fake news about Bernie sanders or Hillary Clinton, or something or
You could also put out some fake or embarrassing news about a republican rival and say: oh sen, ted cruz is I dunno stealing peeps from kids on Easter sunday, and you can do with a facebook. Add like you could buy. A facebook adds by the only targets, one human person ray, and I think another thing that came from this in terms of facebook changing their guidelines there. and be much say, say: they're gonna be much more strict about selling political advertisements that they're going to be much more like knowing, where the This is coming from or something re earlier this year and that's it. That's a tough question too, because it was very Is it a vilify five facebook now, but there's it similar to the problem with youtube like how can youtube catch every? all sparrow of inappropriate stuff people post wild west man
I bet you it's going to come out in this, that facebook didn't really break the law, not necessarily true of cambridge analytical, but it doesn't seem like significantly. Why would you do something if you're not? I fear that if there's no monetary rub consequence employee for doing it? You know like, as regulations, are all about right so it, but you also don't know how to make regulation until that the case comes up, where is needed and I think we're gonna see that now, but I do think that facebook probably didn't break the law. Since your scheme, because your legislation, wag so far behind technological innovation, which we ve talked about in the chauffeur, long time listeners? But something else, a big implication that a lot of people are just now becoming aware of in a real spooky when the at that might surprise some folks- and that is the question. Ok, let's say I don't have a facebook profile of say I've net,
logged on facebook or instagram. I know their fingers on the same hand in twitter or whatever and even anyone mess with myspace or friendster. How much could facebook know about? well, they know a whole heck of a lot because of things that are called shadow profiles, all shadow profiles by literally every one that they spoke. Yes, so late working to call him show, profiles because, as an awesome sounding ominous thing here, you you I may have never started facebook right or even open it up, not once not a single time, but guess what I hate books and faces bright I'm with you brother, I'm off the grid. Matt, you are off the grid, but you ve got this friend the works over at the piggly wiggly. Here's the problem. She loves facebook she's on it all the time
right, and you know you guys you're just paso your texting every once in a while. I am on my flip phone well yeah you're on your foot phone, but she's got that sweet, iphone five and you know she's on facebook with her app. That could be a problem, for you and then she may be saves your number and labels. You is Mary yeah, how many inner contacts? That's that's the author go than I am. Minimum piggly wigley illegally, regular barrymore, the area, and so yes, so then the then facebook has that piece of information and then let's say, because you allow facebook to see your contact yes and ending upon your interaction or your humanity well you're willing to go to its very easy for facebook to do that. In some cases you cannot avoid
Do you have to opt in for that, though? You notice any apps like that bassoon as you do an action on that at the requires it to have access to your camera, have access to your microphone or have I As to your contacts, a little pop up, up. You have to say yes, and you know it's a permission thing, but I guess once you ve done that, that's just for you! It's not fair those around you. Well, it's also. If you use an iphone, it's gonna be a tad bit better about that in it, the blue, where it can be put it by a provider I see now A bloatware may be such that you would have to perform a process called rooting, your phone to actually get rid of it. You mean, on a on an android link on an android cause of your voice. Hey I've always heard that pcs are more susceptible to spyware and things. I guess that's true of the phones as well yeah I could yeah. I could easily see So so, let's it was just quickly jumping why facebook hates that term shadow profile. Oh, why do they
woods cause. It sounds like they're straight up making these hidden profiles somewhere on your phone or your app or maybe just in facebook, at large profiles of people's people. In your contacts list that don't have a face, the profile, and they say that's not what they're doing it doesn't do that. It's in twenty third thirteen facebook said it discovered and fixed a quorum quote bog The bug was that when a user downloaded their facebook file, which you can still do today and I'll give you all the nation. They say they have on you. It will give you all the early The information you're allowed to see they have on you all your likes comments. In exaggerate your messages, the thing was that in twenty thirteen, this quote unquote bug included not just people's visible contact information for their friends, but also their friends
shadow contact information, so they were seen stuff that they weren't supposed to see in the problem with the bug for facebook was not that all of this stuff was lumped together, It was that it had shown people that it existed so the extent of the connections there It built around. Every user was supposed to only be visible to facebook near and the they admit that. Since the in their phrase, it's getting information from a friend or someone you know or might now, But what does that mean? That means anyone any point who might some are labelled your phone number, your email or even your physical try not to curse here. Even your physical address will be added to that that as agglomeration of information. That is, who was so whether it's the piggly wigley
at whether it's an old, I email address from college that a friend of yours has you know like it's like dot, natty at eugene. Don t do you. It was Obadiah fourteen oil. I knew it was him and then well Obadiah just thought he looked. This thought he looked like an open voice of its me too, were why so. This means that the average user is much more exposed than they were led to believe and facebooks position is that mistakes happen now and will be improved and I think I you make a really interesting point in prediction. Here will turn out to be so illegal. Do laws exist, for this sort of situation seems like right now. Not many do is This is a key
that will lead to change. We are already seeing it, but you know big big changes, then tech companies have to abide by. It also makes you wonder: is this going to affect user experience in a way that is unpleasant because I think it might The ethnic. Some of the things that we take for granted is on an open internet or on like an app like facebook are We because of the lack of berries There is in some of these kinds of things and we may spined ourselves being inconvenience because of fall out from the story. Right I mean that's it. That's a good. That's a good point integrate perspective to raise because, as we know, history proves that privacy, as a concept, is a relatively recent. phenomenon the the idea of privacy. As we understand it did not exist in centuries
past and it may well not exist by the end of this century. Much by the end of by the end of this next decade start like twenty twenty eight yep. But the other thing is this: is the current lay of the land folks? The other thing is that force. Facebook is concerned. None of that information that other people have about. You counts as your information shadow information. Yet it belongs to the people up who did it. There are the only ones with any control over it. That's why, for instance, you can remove attack of yourself on a photograph right. It's not shadow stuff. This is public profile stuff. You can move a tag of yourself in a photograph, but if you want the photographed be taken down, you have to get the person who put it up take it down? This is dangerous stuff and This is why, even though it's not illegal, this is why I could put people real danger. Nasa someone cannot have
your identity known yet like an undercover cop, for instance, or let's say a prosecutor for criminal case. Is anybody in law enforcement. Anybody alarm for enforcement people have lives working in so LEO and allow the u s here, but some I was working in the sex trade or having, and you can find these various stories of people who deleted their facebook, because you were in a profession like this, and they got the scary thing that can happen which is someone they knew, maybe even someone they like put away in jail or something pops up on the people you may know list or or for instance, there was their little. Things are just twilight zone moments like you'll, hear so is about someone who works as a reception. Is that an office meet somebody for the second time and they call them by their nickname in their say,
in conversation, because they popped up on their facebook list or If you are a therapist and your clients start popping up on each but persons facebook list This is I mean this is dangerous stuff, especially when were what we're getting too is, regardless of the intent. What we're getting to inaction is a violin. June of confidentiality, is a dangerous thing. But then we have to ask that you go back to the question you ass, nor how can governments police international entities like this should be even be trying. You know it seems like the EU is taking this more seriously than the? U s, but there's pretty compelling evidence that this is not? in any way new website to our alphabet. In Google talk about the cia and face cambridge analytical its is it.
Gimme it's a home run. If we, if we were intelligence agencies or if we were these businesses, we would feel like it was foolish not to be doing this agreed It feels like there needs to be some kind of united nations style thing just for digital matters for for international digital There's something really good point, something where it's like, I'm an international body that can make decisions and say anything that occurs on networks that go across what lines of of states and countries they it, have. You are beholden to our group. I say we set it up and then immediately neuter the heck out of it. Yeah yeah good, let's give stream it I think EU needs to be run by a group of eight eyes to pause.
nodding? Nannie s run a robot he's got five to mark Zuckerberg will be the head- oh boy, have you seen those means where they lay pain him up like a data from star trek. Yes, it's really good and is eagerly. Early work tell ya. but I m kind of serious with people the elder actually know what they're talking about and understand, a technocracy sort. I mean, I think there should be a body that at least can enforce regulation. Will there Several there there's a wealth of bodies in the. U s and abroad that were built with that purpose. But, of course, as you mentioned before, are a little closer to the entities and institutions in industry. is that they are supposed to oversee here. What's the question: what what happens next? Is this gonna be a a flash in the pan news wise? Will the new cycle move on to a different
as the u s and russia continues to wage war for the pipeline in Syria I'm sorry the There we would, you say proxy, more freedom in whatever was a button but the euro? We is is discussed, stay in the headlines. Will we ever knew the full story, the forecasts, the players, the extent of their involvement? Will. will anybody at facebook be charged with a crime, we'll anybody. Cambridge annelida did facebook even commit a crime. You know that that's what I keep going back to cynics in the audience will probably say: no guys. If you token scapegoats will be proffered out for some public pitchforks and political theater, and then it will be business as usual yeah, but the better
but today we are by the way we're on facebook area. If you have any thought on cambridge analytical and facebooks use of diet of data and data However, you say that you know write to us. You can find us on facebook. We are conspiracy, stuff, like really just find us there. May tree put any and all identifying information just directly into the common ass cool they now but just you put more just as much as you possibly yes to your fears. You blood type things that you worry about. When you walk into an elevator full of strangers, you had a realisation that they were looking at some of our breakdowns of legless ownership, and there is a real huge percentage of our listener ship that is comes up in the data that we get as unknown. Thirty, six percent and Ben mealy was like well, it's probably because our listeners might be more likely than some other shows to use of gps.
We know what you're doing right now with all your encryption and we applaud it. We think its awesome. Maybe a virtual private network rights. Yes, let us know what you think, This, what do you think about the scandal? Would you, for example, would you be ok with it? If you received some sort of compensation other than the use of that platform like if you gotta check every three months or something where they said. Hey great great job cares for being you whose free in. He has used her being used to dragon coins. Here's two dragging coins and a couple embarrassing pictures view from middle school. Think us you have. We like to thank you and if you just do, does no one side your bed is made. Just remember. If you know you stop using our services, we do have these pictures and they may or may not end up in the hands of your enemy. Is he a shame with enemies found out that you use your head?
here grace face. So do click lie, angry or wow. If I was a o face, yeah oh face, I dunno, I I do the heart yeah, that's much like the heart. So Let us know, thank you so much as always for tuning in stay tuned, as we return with more strange usual fascinating and at times terrifying stuff. They don't want you to know in time. You can the end of this classic episode. If you have any thoughts or questions about this episode, you can get into contact thus in a number of different ways, The best is to give us a call or numbers one, eight, three, three std w whitey, kay want to do that. You can send us good old fashioned email. We are concerned. for she had, I hope, radio dot com stuff They don't want. You to know is the production of iheart radio for more podcast from my heart radio.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-03.