« Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Citizenship and the Census

2020-03-04 | 🔗
Every ten years, the United States conducts the census, a crucial survey of the country’s population meant to help Uncle Sam figure out how to plan infrastructure and distribute funding over the coming decade. In recent years, people have argued for and against including a question about citizenship on the census for any number of reasons ... including accusations of conspiracy. Tune in to learn more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
My name is kinda later. If I've learned anything in my ears are studying uplifting black artists is that we all have the power to create something beautiful. That's why employees introduce you to people who have broken down boundaries incensing and help to create the first ever smart sore there a big deal, and it's time we give them our attention. Listen to your attention! Please Hulu Pie, CAS with I hurt radio on the radio on Apple pie, CAS wherever you get your black ass, its inspired by your attention. Please now streaming who lived, watched or a fresh point of view on black history, either from Zagreb and I'm gonna phase on we're real life best friends. We met pulling fake life best friends, Turk and GDP. Understood come scrubbs. Twenty years later, we decided to relaunch the Series One have pursued at a time and put our memories into a pod cast. You can listen to at home
We're gonna get all our special guess. Friends, like sour chalk, John C Mckinley meal Flynn, Judy raise show create a bill. Lawrence editors, writers and even prop masters would tell us about by the series and how we became a family. You can listen to the podcast, vague doctors, real friends with Second Donald on the eye heart radioactive apple podcast and wherever you get your mind cas. From you at those two psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn stop they don't shoot a production of. I hope we use our stuff works, hello, welcome back to the show. My name is Matt, my name is they called me bad? We are joined, as always with our super producer, Paul mission, control, deck and most important.
You or you are here and that meets this stuff. They don't want you to know. Let's begin today's, soon. A little bit differently, we received an email we receive a lot of emails. Some of the best suggestions for show topics come from. Favorite part of the show your fellow listers, this email comes to us from a guy will call Jonathan B, because that is his name giant and be says good evening, gentlemen, I have to I d as that genuine questions about any. Would honestly, like an open minded answer to. I feel you guys give a fair perspective and I'd like to hear your thoughts on these matters. And Jonathan email goes on for a while, but he had one point.
We wanted to investigate today in this episode, and it is the Eu S citizen ship question on the? U S census Jonathan questions are, why is this scene is offensive and wrong to ask? And what about those who believe the question should be on their? How were their voices heard? You know these are pretty good questions right. I think a lot of people who have been paying attention from two thousand eighty, two thousand nineteen- is we gear up to the senses, have Heard at least about this debate- and we brings us to some basic questions for everybody listening we mainly gonna be focusing on the United States. Today, however, If you live in any country in the world, there are thoughts. Are there something like a census in your neck of the global woods like you guys, participate in the last census, which was two thousand and ten here right
I guess I love. I love that I needed to provide how many people, including babies, live at my current resident. I think I did that. What was it like mandatory my getting in trouble so like not doing your taxes, wait you, you didn't, do your senses manner now, let no one came to me. No one Bobby one was ass. Well, so I find it myself think you get something in me: Ok, good citizen use. That was that from a job will it's it's tough, because it is a matter of hurting, so many cats where's He sees where legitimately more than twelve people can't seem to get along right. That's. Why would cut juries off twelve? And now we are asking millions, hundreds of millions of people to answer questions and we're trying to get all our ducks and roads. It's a herculean impossible task and the census is a pretty unique experience.
Here in the states, we've been pretty Prosensor since all the way back in one thousand, seven hundred and ninety, the first census census is mandated by the constitution. It was instituted by George Washington and ever since that point, our country has conducted one of these things every ten years every decade. To matter fact, is we record today's episode? It is twenty slash. Twenty and Uncle SAM is once again gearing up for the census. However, this time around, it's it's become a little bit different, as you could tell from Jonathan Turley or email. The senses has become a hotbed of controversy and it at least more so than in the past. Actually- and it's become the subject of no small amount of criticism, as well as, of course, conspiratorial allegations, but to look at the
about the citizenship question on a census. We have to start at the beginning. What the heck is a census actually will here are the facts before we had the facts will. Maybe this is a fact. It makes sense that the censuses haven't really rough time. Going through changes right now and makes census it makes census because its twenty three number twenty three it's turning twenty three, it's early twentieth. You know, really I mean rent a car in our known I'll call you! I can't be President yeah yeah, but you know it's. It's a lot about itself would say and we're in it really as interesting. This episode, I'm really happy that we're doing this just want to put it out there. This is the kind of thing that is tough to talk about, as we said by our you know, listener who wrote to us there were going to
We're gonna talk about some things that make us in you and everyone in the world a little uncomfortable, but it's important. We didn't make your little uncountable. We wouldn't be doing our job right little, just a little dago. So, let's, let's get to the fact Stuart. The concept of a census is in fact ancient at least nine separate censuses censuses sentences are mentioned, says there are mentioned in the Bible. Quite don't quite agree on when the first North American since occurred some the first, the first one was in fifteen seventy six, two hundred years before America gain independence from the british spanish king filled the second who wanted information on some of his colonies. And what taxes they pay in reasonable sent American Indians through what is now Mexico with a list of one hundred question slightly less reasonable. The Indian spoke no Spanish Gore, so they record of the answers.
Eric lifts and made maps. The same exact were very interesting process here. Others claim it occurred in Canada, then known as New France was connected by Jacques Delors, on behalf of the french king, tell on apparently himself went door to door during the winter of sixteen sixty five through sixty six, and I counted three thousand two hundred and fifteen people of european descent. New there's an important point here, because you ll notice when we talk about the disagreement over the first census in North Amerika, both of those possible predecessors to the? U S, senses are also european in nature, so it's quite possible say the population of coca or something had their own version of a census or one of the empires and Mezzo America. These are the ones we know about, because we have documentation. Canada, to the Bible really fastly. I feel we just hit it and then went because we're about to talk
well why, in the United States, the census exists in what it's about right the reasoning behind having won in the Bible. It least it appears from a lot of the verses in the stories in which these verses are contained, that the census was used to keep track of certain populations Right I mean all populations, but very specifically certain try. Of Israel lights are in there and it's the way it spoken about in those verses. It seems like attempting to make sure that those number don't get too high or them orders at times make sure those numbers are rising or make sure that those people are located in right region, or not moving into a neighborhood where they're not desire yeah, it's it's weird, and also did you. I know you like Mitchell and web. The Mitchell web look tumor that sketch about this, the good Samaritan. Ah, yes, I do
I do so ridiculous. We see a little bit of the prevalence and widespread discrimination racism in the Bible, just based on on that sketch, which was written. My atheist, so pretty hilarious buggy. I just want to put that again before we jump into in the: U S: how will at least paper or in you know in actual firms the reasoning behind the census for sure yet make no mistake, the first census in the? U S, that's innocuous is amazing. The first senses was entirely meant to figure out how many do too are eligible to join the army. How many people can we put on the ground, with guns in the trenches, how many people we can. We send a die we're in
they are within the territory Mozilla how many men can be deployed from this area right rights, and this was a big project. Six hundred and fifty U S, marshals, took eighteen the figure this out and they were fly and by the sea to their pants or their horses were running by the sea to their hooves, because had they were literally taking guys, quill pins and whenever scrap of paper they could find out the processing we house to house and being in asking asking like six questions which were or did not age. Well, the aged, like milk, is read, it would say who questions like how many people in your household or white free men, under this in over sixty, how many white free men in general How many are white free women? Ok, how many are for people in how many your slaves. It was like that kind of stuff. You know
household income question, no that none of the more nuanced questions that exists today? This whole project took more than a year. Eighteen months it cost forty five thousand dollars. That's about one point: two five, so one point six million in today's cash and sounds expensive until compare it with the twenty twenty senses. The one happening this year next month. In fact, it is projected to cost fifteen points. Billion dollars. Oh yeah, yeah bubble. Lillian barbellion. It works out to a little bit less than a hundred dollars per household. That's insane is aiming at an onawandah poohpooh on the Census party living, but is it really there valuable there? Are there not better ways to do it till I do Nielson
like the way you do for television readings else's our whole her for me either. But at least you don't have to go door to door, he had ever guys is it does it have to be like really precisely where we using this information here, you're talking about sample size because in Nielsen nine realizing the lean, how do you blanket every thing right if you're, because we're we're talking about a little bit later? Maybe, but if right now, you're gonna proposed to do it electronically, you'd have to guarantee that at least one person from each household has access to the internet, a machine that can access that internet has the understanding, like the full understand who all lives in their house. We know the income
the all the questions that are included in the census. I mean it's obviously gonna go there and is going to have to go there at some point. I think right now, if you try to do that, you would get a samples since trip to get my man it's. It's also a good point that the technology is outdated. There is in theory and opportunity to get a better answer, but it sounds like the one I address the the first question. Yes, there are no witches. Is this worth it? That's it that's a great question. The answer is yes, but maybe not the way people think so now the senses is less concerned with figuring out who they can t from a house and put on a battlefield and more concerned with political power in the in the United States. The main purpose of the senses is to figure out how many seats each state receives in the? U S house of Representatives,
Since nineteen eleven there have been four hundred and thirty five seats in the house. Each state gets at least one, even if you're really small state like Delaware. In terms of population, you get one but wait. You might be saying where there are big differences between how many representatives are in each state and isn't that a little screwy. Yes, your correct on both both counts mass, yes, there's a big difference, and yes, it is screwy, because these extra representational seats are apportioned by population are signed by population. The most populous states get the most seats. That's why you ever a huge stay.
Play California with fifty three seats in the house, representatives and representatives and don't like Delaware? Sorry, not picking on you, Delaware, Alaskan, South Dakota only have one representative, that's the legal purpose, and that's where a lot of the conspiracy actually hinges today and the constitution describing the senses just listed as a quote enumeration of inhabitants. But it's evolved into something else along the way, as our our methodologies nor metrics get more more sophisticated. Now this gives us a window into habits of people living in the United States- and it tells us a whole lot about them. That's right. I mean it. It does do kind of that. The same thing in theory, the mules and pull does in terms of getting a demographic snapshot, ran it's a little bit more of a looking for trends, kind of sick
creation right, so we might be trying to see where the population is growing, whereas declining our people moving. How many people live in the big cities, how many children are there in average household and then there's some controversial ones that potentially our little bit of a divisive? How these might be use. What is the racial and ethnic breakdown, in particular regions and overall on all? This is important for a few reasons. Right, it's great for quick shoes like jeopardy. These stats, her handy in and what the Pike S industry a few years ago, used to call snack apple gladden cringe with us to that one a second reason, it's important that federal and state governments heavily rely on census. Data to budget for social welfare programmes is a crazy begin of data every ten years
every ten years very for ten years. We use these statistics. Will you back to you right, we'll get some updates here and there too, born the year after the senses? You just got out and wild decade, but that this is this important too he's gonna hit on that term. For some, he's in the term social and her welfare have both become scene is like bad words right or black
Social welfare is part of the duty of a state in some one degree or another. Some states in the past have have approached it differently. Like theocracies, award certain rights to people who follow the state religion while punishing others, there have been more nationalistic states. You know that only grant certain rights to certain ethnicities. But if you look at every state every state in history, they have some form of what we would call social welfare. It sort of like, if you are in a country club, think of a country like a country club. Yes, you paid dues and said
schedule those your taxes in return for that you get certain things like protection from, say another country gloved levers of reasons as an army a whore, you know what I mean. Are you get to use? The golf course stuff like die, other their perks to being a member of it right. It's a club. You pay dupes, Suez, mostly sea. Can gender darkened room with other people of your social strata therein a different industry, maybe in steeple your fingers? Yes, so it is true that cities and and industry alike. The use these figures to do things like planning hospital expansions, where seen a lot of kids being born. Let's put some money into an ear or New York is exploding? We need more maternity wards or something like that, not just an example were making up, but that much tracks. Where do we need to prepare for new housing developments? Where do we need to build more schools and that's a huge deal as
thing to do in this way? It has nothing to do with performance necessarily of like how schools doing how a group of teachers are doing. Your students are doing on steroids, testing. That's a whole. Other thing in this case is just how many people are in this area and how many schools are there, but since seats recognize, it poses a huge amount. Of cash, so we said we named a pretty crazy number for the cost of the senses and twenty twenty it's gonna, be over fifteen, billion, whereas you said no, but a billion dollars, your house. Could that be worth it well yeah we have to consider waiting its investing almost sixteen billion dollars, to figure out what to do. With the more than six hundred and seventy five bill, in dollars that federal and state governments put towards public service and infrastructure. So this data is crucial. It is so profoundly important.
And that's why everybody who lives in the? U S right now, Everybody lives here, regardless of your immigration status, regardless of your citizenship status. Everyone is technically required by law not only to fill out the senses form, but two, not lie on it. Basically, I must have done it. I must have just blanket out because it was such a benign activity. I should like that it is like doing mine. You know social duty, though, like them the way that mean a jury duty right, but Twenty two was a weird you just gotta have end, and then it was over and mental. Remember much of it honestly, you distinctly remember both of you doing the sensors do. Did you someone come to your door, me in the mail was the process like for you guys whose mailer for me ok, Why? I remember because I have I have certain there's no gotcha answers on the senses. Are there weren't So that might be part away. Don't remember it, but I remember
Any government form like that because their answers there are things after leg legally put in that are different, there. I remember when I write them down just because, just because its euro, as well as things we have to check other and they like you, have to explain yourself. I knew that those these days I fill out things by hand, so infrequently vat long would be like a memory jogger. I just have to say remember: we are you know, ostensibly three white males. You know most we here in this room who were like doing ok actually in all these things like it's a different experience for us than it is for a lot of other piece short right, yeah, just making sure put out there. Just if you're talking about my wife
whose cuban it becomes a very strange thing in what you're talking about having to kind of clarify some things. You know that yeah, then all this not just the standard mark a box, and it's always a weird. It's always a weird feeling when you get a form from a government or a large, and to show this says, explain yourself: what's your whole deal? Are you? Are you are you white. Are you latin ex? What kind you know what I mean like those questions, those questions can seem really off putting especially the stuff about race or ethnicity. There are a lot of people who would legally put other, especially you know in the like we have to consider now in twenty twenty many people have dna test results There are many more people who, wouldn't normally checked just one one thing:
gonna be so interested in a new and now they're like well. I am definitely not just one thing because races such it I shall comment struck wagon with so great I am not an idea as late as the census approaches so well. This is this. The thing now this the law. Everybody who lives here, regardless of what- not you ever citizenship, you're supposed to fill this out, the idea being that this. This is a team effort in this helps us figure out where to put our call, where best, to put our collective duty that we ve been paying all the time aside from hospitals, side from schools and all that other stuff. There is a sinister side, too,
the senses, but we'll get to that in a moment? First, let's look at the senses today, after a quick word from our sponsor this episode of stuff. They want you to know is brought to buy lifelike tax season is here. It can be a pain. Emotional roller coaster. Sometimes it's all feels worth it. When you open up the mailbox- and you see that one envelope you been waiting for unless it Somebody else already filed your return, which is a real thing, look into it. It's kind of scary, during taxis in your personal info, like your name or social security number. All that stuff can be emailed in shared more than usual, is true. Criminals can steal information from
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remote wilderness of Alaska, specifically a rural alaskan village called, took silk bay or tee o k s. Oh ok Bay. And this will hit the majority of Americans until MID March twenty twenty next month. That's when households across The nation, including yours. If you live here quite possibly, will start receiving invitations to complete the census. You can respond a couple of different way. Yes, you can respond on line. You can respond in the mail they they want to give you multiple avenues to. Let them know who war? What your deal s rear, a really is a fun season. There were in you guys we get to feel Sensus and then immediately, if you having yet scramble to get your taxes filed. Oh yeah, that's right!
You know what I wish to do on the census is make it just so. I know this sounds a responsible to make it just a little more fun have some randomly distributed. Wildcard questions like the theoretical lead to fewer and animal. What an animal would you be every section or a mad, led Bray right, yeah and then maybe it because it's the senses, dont, let p It is right in the animal just give them the choice of lake seven animals that are not particularly popular choices. You know if, if the next Batman Move could contain any villain. What would it be I wonder, then that would be appropriate for the census, taxis and tat. Can you guys are you familiar DC comics gentleman undermine there was no real yeah. There's a real counter may look above. He has no superpowers. He like an accountant by day, like no has costume. That's calendars
Super Barrack. Any light does Emily bailout I'm now. He knows exactly what happened every day of every year at any moment he's an inventor. He's a calendar, themed inventors, so many DC villains have no powers. They just have weird costumes and then the thing they love like. I was so surprised. Captain Boomerang made it into suicide squad cat you his whole. Is that he is, is a bogus stereotype nor the Bogan is it's an Australian. Forget the redneck Lee S here, a charm that did that their senses. Captain we re? Let us know you're you're, weirdest, Deasey villain. Let us how will you think would be an about my movie. Let us know what you think about the idea of some mad lives or some hypothetical some fun questions on the census. What happens next so
were at MID March. People are starting to get the letters, and now the Census Bureau has to deal with one of the biggest problems they will deal with in the course of their investigation, which is finding people who have slipped through the system. More live on the edges of it. So that's why they ll spend three days projected March thirtieth table first attempting to count the number of people who are currently experiencing homelessness. Only three days This is not crazy. Only three days he had the number of people involved must be staggering. So the ill Buddha shelters they'll go to soup kitchens mobile food vans, they'll go to places on the streets, every
City or town does have a place. Where you see people who have to sleep rough, they tend to congregate, there may be for shelter or something I wonder, Faye employ any kind of social services assistance. I know a lot of those organisations are so strapped for you now resources already, I kind of think not, but I also think that just your average census worker going into situations like that they could be simpler. Go for some tricky situations. I think right, like imagine, imagine you are a census worker you're, a college student in just found a cool tim, regime. Job and you're in allay you're you're, not you're, not from a for some reason or your unfamiliar the territory and you have to go to skid row ran You know what I mean. You probably want someone who has on the ground experience of familiarity. I think that's a very good point or disappear during a rural home in some way in iowa- something new
Georgia. You know Georgia has a lot of separatist groups here, the sovereign state of drew up this. The suffering Nixon of Georgia one of my favorites veto. If they get in trouble for actually out of all their stuff, they get in trouble for printing their own license plates ever our ideas- yeah, oh man, but but what really you know walking on to someone's property where there are laws in states that so you can fire a weapon at someone at an properties its. Yet it's a terrifying thought. Seeking a dog on you, for instance, or maybe even accidentally, I had You I had a old associates who took a job in two thousand ten working for the census. Does he like the hourly pay and he had some wars
worries man. He ended. He had to drive out into the buoys and met a few people who are convinced that the census was a sign of the Times government over each that there were things in the book of revelations in their version, the Bible that were tracking with what was happening. Specifically with the set a census in our social security numbers, are the number the beast and things like that. You know Barcodes man, actually yeah like pc they. So so here we go these. These people are trying their best and then people working for the census, bureau or not. They are not participating in some sort of vast overarching conspiracy, or at least not consciously the other person at your door right right. It's it's just like if you have a problem with what's the most hated company in the world,
now or in the? U S its Comcast right every year, it is certainly show every every year Comcast has been the number one most hated company myself. I visited biggest customer service or just like perceptions of greed? No, it's Mercer, but I've never had a problem with Comcast, I would agree with you living ninety five percent. Time is one of the only companies where I've had a terrible experience, wonder Do you think I'm another Billy Comcast biologist believe my my internet went down. There is even a thing where you can look for outages new area and actually use your phone to restart your modem and fix it instantly. So I'm as far as I'm concerned Comcast as Ale, Kay Well they did change their name to ex finicky, because the heat got to remember that, after day after day I came over, which here was that set them over the threshold, but they won worst company in the ship S. Lake
after some amount to you. So maybe it's just that when people have problems with them, their very bad, but yes, soup, the and bring up Comcast's euro, even if have a problem with your telecom company. You have to be a human being. Were impersonate for a minute and realise that the person you're talking to on the phone as nothing to do with your problem. Exactly you know, they're being paid there to keep the people who are causing your problem from having to deal with you directly? That's what they are. There finch tree being thrown into the front wise suchlike. There's some kind of thing matching up there with the sensors in allocating many fighters there are now guy. Here we are now well, that's eight.
Look, I'm not saying anything on my personal being Comcast, I'm just saying the the results of one of what has happened right now. So it's true. You have to be human. The people asking these questions are not out to get you. They don't want to ruin your life by April, first April, fool's day, as the census days observe nationwide. How crazy that yeah on April fool's day is when This is observed, or this this is the this is like the milestone date, where every home should have received an invitation to participate in the Sensus and like every census before it to the points made earlier than twenty. Twenty census is not going to be perfect in about when you call it. An invitation does sound a little more fun, threatening invited to a party or something the centre, s invitation. We feel special. The I know it's true in this one in particular, has got some my some kind of
dickie, sticky, wickets wrapped up at them. It's true. We know already going in that, like every other senses, not everyone's gonna be counted for one reason or another in the: U S. There is a very large population and people who live pretty much off the grid, no folks From this point. Examples here met stereotyping November Lake, but like folks who go from one rainbow gathering to another one burning man kind of event to another and end live, maybe in a vehicle or living campsite they're, probably they have a very high chance. Miss by the census. Someone is living in a hotel for an extended period of time. Moving around in hotels and have you ever been to a fish cancer? But there's a lot of people that go to those so swimming men had they not been counted a tunnel
just be at fish concerts perpetually, while the senses arrives at their place of residence wherever maybe here's my my pitch for a For a new Netflix, many series? It's it's the track team of census, Viros specialists, who have to find those people at fish concert Try to track down following fish, trying to get the census questions. Yeah, we'll do a kind of like the wire with his greedy more thing. You will but will invest our own slang for it. It's great. So it's like you, know, people like you. You have to be a net squad if you're either a problematic, brilliant veteran or you been busted, down in the organization because of some slight and the like we're gonna, send you off the count. Fish heads, that's really great eaters elbow is running the office. Oh yeah, you let him keep the british acts into for some reason
Oh then it becomes really sinister. That is a fact it somehow great Britain infiltrating and trying to gather until I, like your always a step ahead. I love that anyone could have what was the monarchical couple who moved Megan Monarch earlier the Prince one of those guys yeah. Yeah Harrier, William, get a fifty fifty g, I didn T go Harry yeah? Maybe they can have a cameo in a wicked we, we can go a couple, different directions. It's like a door opened at some point and Yggdrasill was I walk and in its the prince in his data at you need to know how many free white males rights do. They settle your highness, your princess
we don't use those questions anymore. Denmark goes back to breaks it they're, trying to get as many people of british back after the island, its breaks it quite, but yet I mean jokes inside the census. Does sound like a great idea, not for nothing. Have Thousands of other civilizations and states use this in the past. It makes sense, but, like you said earlier, goes its becoming increasingly controversial, some people on both sides of the political divide in this country allege. There is something rotten about the entire thing, especially this year. Why we'll tell you, after were from our sponsor, deserve a sort of stuff they don't want. You to know is brought to you by
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A people who may be work to sport in this country had citizenship, because the way citizenship works in the? U S is not the way it works everywhere. In the world. Correct raised you. If you are born on this soil, this country, then you are automatically a citizen. No other concerns right eye in some other countries. That is not the case at all. So in the U S, for many people seems like a fine Amis citizen. I mean don't ask me to tell you where my social security card is guess who keeps track of that thing bite but yea. I am. I am here, but for many other people you know we have. We have a lot of students right. We have a lot of people who are in the courts.
Citizenship question which is just what it sounds like it's as simple as that is: are you a citizen of the United States one? It would seem that his face like such an easy question. Yes, it now, but it's still, I wrapped up in that question is a lotta nuance. There certainly is especially when you take into account current events over the past. What let's? five six years sure a euro for a lot of people who may be work just born in this country had citizenship because the way citizenship ship works in the? U S is not the way it works everywhere in the Eu correct, raise new. If you are born on this soil in this country, and you are automatically a citizen. No other concerns right eye in some other countries. That is not the case at all. So in the U S, for many people
he's like yeah, okay, fine and I'm a citizen, I mean. Don't ask me to tell you where my social security card is cuz, who keeps track of that thing, but but yeah yeah yeah, I'm here, but for many other people have we have a lot of students right. We have a lot of people who are in the course of getting their citizenship rights and are definitely here is legal residence. We also have a lot of people who may be brought over into this country at a young age when they add, did not have the ability to consent, This is the only or home I've ever known. Easily they're, not technically a citizen, they are very much resident or why
Where are they supposed to go? You know what I mean is difficult to differentiate. If you, if you looked if you took one person who was brought to the United States when they were, let's say two years old, one year old and then somebody who was born in the United States, if you look at those two people and just sit in a room together, I have a feeling it would be very, very difficult to figure out who witch hunt which person was born in the United States unless you directly ask them yet that's the thing so much. Of what binds people historically are gonna, be things like family ties, not that I mean maybe the say, combo also just the actual family ties of of blood and shorter relationship, or religion and things like that. What is the one of the bold things about the United States as a geopolitical proposition? Is this this concept of people being able to say
you're America, where bananas were very different. What were united by this one thing and it's interesting, because we can see that of all throughout history it used to be called instead of the United States. The these United States, each be more plural, and people would be much more likely to describe themselves as say a Virginian. There were a fuller ready and then they would just say they were an american right, and so this, this concept of an idea means that people are bound by culture. Now, sir, to your example of taking a person a person basing down and talking with them, they probably they. They probably are very much aware of the same things. They probably like a lot at the same time: and they definitely participate in the collective memory of big events right like they aware of the moon landing, even if they dont think it happen. They are aware of
nine eleven or who won the Superbowl last year. You know what I mean absolutely absolutely. So, let's get to like why why the the political left and right are having such a hard time and squabbling over all this yeah. Ok. So, in the months leading up to this year, the census year, politicians on both left and right, were fighting over the concept of adding any questions pertaining to citizenship. Because remember you know all that all its legally required when the census is that all people living in the country answer to it, even if they aren't citizens. Your citizenship should not. In fact you when it comes to the senses, also right leg, you could be a non citizen, but also be working under a visa, a temporary worker of users of them
and then you would have to answer. No, it's a very vague question without giving the proper contacts could be. Very misleading and perhaps used in a divisive manner, a guess: oh yeah, better. What few accidently answer, inaccurately dependent, we know of framing, is a huge part of how questions are answered. But we also know this country has launched a silly requirements in general lake. Consider the fact that as far as the IRS is concerned, it doesn't matter if you sell illegal drugs. You're. Just poster reported on your taxes, It was weird yes, very weird. Like luck, guys, it's just its in of bureaucracy right. The idea that one department of the federal government and say look man move all the heroin you. Why we're the accountant people just tell us closer the profit. Is we want thirty to forty percent of it? Now I know you
and you know, hopefully the IRS doesn't go around and say Mr Deck, and that this is an awful lot of one hundred dollar vin mode charges or what What are you doing with that? absolutely as it is everybody's, I knew it tell Applebee's gift card specifically that is Paul. Life is literally run by Applebee's get out. I know it I'm so sorry sitting. What's up in honour of Paul deck into my wife and son, and I tried to go to an Applebee's where we thought there was one and we did. We made the mistake of not checking Google maps rating- we re- ok, we're gonna, go to this particular area this kind of close to where we are, it turned out. It was a chile's I had to eat at the chili's you guys. I got to tell you that I was picturing. Even sadder result cuz. I actually prefer chili's over Applebee's, I'm going to put that out there Paul's giving me the
guy, but what if it had been like an abandoned, sad derelict, Applebee's with tumble weeds rolling through just littered with chicken wing bones and in skeleton civil, small children? I mean downward I mean that I'd be re dope run is start rolling in like when I say that I mean I can't around a third of you being turning I am really happy and area may arise because your nerve and explore you be into that yeah him I mean candy flipping at an Applebee's, has always been a dream of mine. Now now, but nobody seriously we turned out it wasn't Applebee's and get turned it had damages see shifting demographic, it's really and trends go so maybe will. These are proliferating somewhere else manual,
fulfilled our Applebee's mention thanks again to corporate for monitoring Michel than global illumination, unlimited and, of course, the only the only of force with the power and the pool to make endless apps affordable for the common man, so true in kids, eat freely way more than you'd think so eyes. Yes, descent. This. It is weird because, ostensibly the seems like we can understand how people might think this would be a small thing, the fighter, but the Lincoln also understand why people might think it's a there's something else it play however the individual it could be dire. There could be dire radical exactly and there is a time of misinformation and disinformation floating around this issue in general. Here's the digits, the lay of the land, the forces on
We call the political rights of the: U S, what generally want to citizenship question and the forces on the political left, generally don't This went all the way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court agreed. I don't know if you'd say that greed with laughter the right they agreed with the constitution and the ruled against the citizenship question in June of twenty nineteen at the time, the presidential administration balked this ruling and sought to keep it in. They were taken the idea of doing an executive order for this, but ultimately did not here's here's the idea. The political left say that this is a cynical illicit move. By the political right, and that it's not on the up and up they say. The whole reason this is happening is because of the right is conspiring to gain more congressional power. We have a quote from Reuters that breaks it down pretty well states
numbers of immigrants and latino residence led by New York State soon to block the citizenship question. They said would cause an undercurrent of their populations and disproportionately heard their regions by costing them U S, house of Representatives, seats and milieu of dollars in federal funding. Immigrant advocacy group said the government's plan aimed to discriminate against non white immigrants, so will dig in tat in a second, let's go to the other side of the argument. This comes from. U S, commerce secretary will
Ross and energy goes something like this over Ross argues that reinstating citizenship question which had existed on smaller questionnaires, sent to smaller subsets of the population in the past, would produce better data on enforcement of the federal Voting Rights ACT. Protecting the electoral power of minorities, so on that side there saying this will give a better understood and even of the of the population- the U S, and this will allow us to do a better job with the federal Voting Rights ACT and then run This also has roads is afoot. Only weak argument, which is every that everybody else is doing an argument and says you know plenty of other countries asked this question on their senses, which is true, but it doesn't, it doesn't necessity. Problem is doesn't necessitate what one
Does this not mandate the actions of another country like when your mama is ass? Use because your friends put a citizenship question on their senses? Are you gonna do do it is an interesting point therein and its causing me a bit of. I I'm having initially with this internally. As talking about ass, I could see what you're saying where get, what you're getting anything we're just where to pending on where you're you're lying, what you're arguing it does feel like. If you did have better data, on the voters in people who are being affected by voter suppression. Then you could help to fix that problem, but you could also identify people to suppress votes. Some
tediously. It's that weird thing of by observing right, you're, going to change the whole thing like by taking the census alone. It's also it's it's technology is dual purpose technology. It's it's a question of trust and good faith. You know your building the same kind of centrifuges. You you used to create nuclear power can create nuclear weapons. Let's be real, though I mean that the backlash in the the the controversial ality controversiality of this is largely because of the state of politics. Right now, it seems divisive because people are interpreted as a direct. I think request from our current president, who has made some slight pretty divisive statements about how he feels about immigration and how he feels you know. The quality of human that he considers to be
coming over to our country right yeah. This may not did no judgment either way. You say he has made these comments and I think a lot of people on the left, especially or associating this question with: let's figure, a root out illegals? Absolutely I mean that That's absolutely worthy concerns re, because we know that the immigration policies have been a hot button topic for this administration since day. One now one and point out that there were people who didn't agree with Secretary Ross. One group that did not agree with him was the actual census Bureau they found that a question about citizenship would lead to less accurate. Rather than more accurate reporting, because their estimates found that something like six point- five MM, we people would not respond to the senses if they knew. This question was on their massively skewing data. For this reason because their thinking given the
cavity of ice and other law enforcement agencies. Am I just raising my hand to say, discriminate against meme. Kick me how the country, or you know like what happens if you what happened, if you're here on a student visa, which is completely of the board and legal by all the laws in the land, and you say hey. I am not a citizen, I'm a student here, yearn a visa and studying neuroscience or sports medicine or art history, or something like that right sure engineer in one of your answer and then later shortly thereafter the administration changes some law, which means you are student visa, is null and void, and Europe planning to be here to finish school, but now you're being deported. You know what I mean: that's like that's quickly: hypothetical pathetically their allotted ifs involved there, the lot, if thence, but do you can understand where people are coming.
I'm other here, I'm still going down mildly conspiratorial route. Is that let's say you did have something like six point: five million people not responding to the census because of the citizen, ship question if you did get it on their, you could just take that six point. Five million people are households. They know, because you know the address where the census was sent to, and you knew you would know that it was not responded to. You could use that as I in a fine potentially either. You know people staining in protest or people who are actually perhaps have an issue with Sir Andred Azra enemy. You know everything about like we talked about. The sort of antiquated nature of the work done in college. Acknowledge is basically to human beings, and paper in the male is barely mainly others overseer webpage.
You can use to register, but such blunt instrument technology doesn't seem like it's very precision targeted that you know you could be hard to glean that much specific about what you're talking about, but I guess you could be could to turn the screw a little button and you know, and indeed consider targeting people who did not participate in and say, oh instantly. That means, they're here illegally and then we can send ice to their doors to say, omens, security nice need to always have a bigger budget the next year bright every that's the thing every government organisation needs a bigger budget every year. I think we ve talked about this in the past right, just
reiterate the weird thing about at least the: U S government the way budgets work so, regardless of budget cuts where your voice, whatever group your naming most? U S, departments from what we understand have to spend the entirety of their budget by the end of the fiscal year, because if they don't than their budget gets cut cut to lake, take the gap away for the next year, new role it over like roll over minutes. Uneasy anti, now every little boy, if you didn't need so much money, you're not gonna, get a next year. You tough world. If you needed more money and you had to spend every single time you had, and we really could. I used another two, twenty million
two billion k I mean, I'm gonna, tell you guys a secret. I don't know if I ever mention the sun it. This is. This is an open secret. This, not anything, that's gonna, get anybody black aggregates. This is just kind of Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut Level, hilarious, public schools or are ultimately getting destroyed on purpose by private industry. Mozart is, I mean I start by doing there is a day a single day in the year were aware. People in the military industry clamour to spend the last of the budget there in charge of and the day ends on mid at Lake midnight Pacific Coast time, and so this day is this day, is famous in the industry. Make no mistake very much as an industry stays famous
in the industry as such, that people very important high level people will just put aside a few hours when it gets around like ten p m, because they know they're gonna get calls and there it is, maybe from their peers, and they see how they can move the money around, because no one wants to get caught out. It's like a weird game of musical chair Yeah. You know what I mean very expensive game of physical or a cake with a billion dollar cake, very expensive chairs for sure. Yet so we who acted as we already know that the financial situations little bit absurd, but back to the Supreme Court. We know that these this idea, the Census Bureau, essentially says this- could mean six point. Five million people go missing from the census. The court's also disagree with Rossi reasoning.
Interesting, we enough for inviting who themselves being overly partisan. This was ruling by chief Justice, John Roberts, who himself as a conservative judge she's, is not going to be overly by us, the least not ostensibly so just because an ideas coming from the conservative side, he ruled against this citizenship. Question for liberal judges joined him just this is joined in and then he also noted this is interesting in the in there decision. They know It's weird Wilbur is that you have seemed determined. To specifically add this citizenship. Shit like that- has been your main thing since your first day at the Commerce Department, implication being don't, you have other stuff to do wise it just this one issue,
right, so its common for maybe a local politician to run on one issue- was fixed. The pot hole on fourth street, but it's not common for a secretary of an entire shouldn't, be common for a secretary of an entire department to do this. To buy optically focus on this one thing that's when that's when a guy, that's when a guy named Thomas who feller or hustler comes into play, he died and twenty eighteen years republican, strategist and reduced picking expert, a gerrymander extraordinaire and he was one of the biggest cheerleaders of adding the citizenship. Question too the census. I was instrumental in it even way back in twenty fifteen. Where did a study and concluded that this would the adding this question would be quote and we're quoting him we're not we're not spending this. This is what this man said. He said we need a system,
the question, because it would be quote advantageous to Republicans in non hispanic whites in redrawing electoral districts based on census data. So it appears that at least in one case, what the political left was saying when they said was a grab for power and our representatives near it appears back done by at least one guy, the guy who were was in charge of so many plans for district the district design. The current administration dismiss this as a conspiracy theory and the court we should now. While shooting down the citizenship question, they did not address the idea of the ultimate argues minimizing the influence of dawn, white residents or voters or maximizing leave the white residents right. Don't act like that as the argument any got cloudy because there was a ton of misinformation. There were radio pundits who were
leginn, that the preceding press, central administration, the Obama administration had removed the the question from the census in two thousand ten, that's at best misleading right but whip, but Why was it such a big news item for this senses, but not then, if it was removed as well? How even find out about a question before it comes out of some of those kind of war you know about it right because there's a lot of people wanting to beyond. There is a lot of people who don't want it to be our aim, and they're they're, both alleging that the other party is conspiring to do stuff right. So it strange because again to be clear, there have been citizenship questions before. I think from eighteen. Ninety, three, nineteen, fifty according to the senses, bureau were. Questions are forms that asked citizenship information
There are other forms that are not the political, big census, but their smaller versions of it, and they have asked questions too, but this thing has really been around of war for a long time. At this point, the Trump Administration has decided not to do not to fight the decision any further. The senses question has been confirmed. Its official
removed, but social media would have you believe differently. You'll see a ton of things coming from what seems to be both sides saying that this citizenship question is still on the census. That is just not true. It's not true, as it is, is the age of weapon. Ized information. I would argue yes, it's also euro, a clear lack of critical thinking, but we have people like temples and the associate director for field operations at the senses, bureau on record multiple times saying gets its not happening. Stop soon. Freaking out guys in EAST say, stop happening exactly if you, if you are sceptical of what we're saying here, you owe that view because you on social media. You think o the scent. The question is either deftly gonna be there or whatever social post he happened to see. You can always go to censor.
See and ass. You s dot gov through there. You can find what what is a sample since a survey of this gonna come to your door if it has an already, if you're in Alaska, nor whenever your hearing this perhaps come your door ready, but you could you can go online and find what is going to look like yeah yeah and you one thing is for sure, citizenship. Question aside this decade, census is going to have a huge number of problems. We barely talk the apocalyptic conspiracy. So I know right here just a few other things. Politicians are very worried that the bureau is under prepared.
Very worried that the technology being implemented, won't work and, after you see the way that different electronic voting systems and strategies have gone caput over the years. When you see all the problems that happen with things like having an app for a price, Mary and so on Yeats, pretty easy to understand why would be a lot of people saying this is this? Is a recipe for disaster? Are we gonna do on the cost the Bacchus may? That would be a lot of yeah, I wonder how it's going to shake out. You know it's crazy, honestly, what's happening haven't heard anything well, They are deciding South Carolina based oiled up arm wrestling, he yeah, oh, I really need to check my news f. More often it was it was Joe snake bye, bye,
his idea. He goes by the Hague, by which these allergies, to use the one, the Clinton Foundation designed because that's that's the one you should be using the Clinton Foundation NEWS ass up here. Is it really? I did I make this up as it was in there. There is a connection with the Clinton's in the app the no I use the clean foundation, email, server, email. I miss you what I miss blending with a self destruct button built I miss primary new source for. U S, news were used to always be call a swede when they were still open. They were just so much more well informed that I was, You know you call a random swedish person. They were breaks up down there, also good it sang it very gently. You now in a way that doesn't like get your stress levels right yeah. I again, while I just heard about these natural disasters that are happening in our country. Dear sweeter. Stranger, could you tell
more and there you know they gently so there you are so silly a longer time, others yeah. Can we briefly just mentioned something. Some people have written to us and we ve seen some reviews on the old apple pie gas app about what was it political adds showing up in Show oh yeah. We did not have a say in that when we found out about those we went and got them pulled post haste. Yes, where this issue is, This shows not a show for political advertisements. We we think stupidity tends to be distributed. Unfortunately, as we also noted the season and a certain now certain former New York Mare has really been pump in some some pony bones.
Into the old the ad machine- and you may have heard one or two from him by accident? We ve taken care that, and we know the two to arm or bosses creditor our companies growth. We are almost always able to that those these just kind of snuck through There was no one's vault, in particular its Bloomberg vault Elsie and, I am sure yeah that was going to name names but on the table. So Ireland, ok, I dont, understand no coming in hot. Does we just learned about those Nepal? Please just give us the second. I do not yield meantime a door. I always did. How would you spend ass much money on these adds when you have no chance being president leaks system. There is not a model where works out unless multiple other candidates including the person's currently in office, all somehow die. That's the only way we visited Galaxy jockeying for a cabinet position may be Bay. I will talk to affair. I said you know the only calculus that makes sense.
If he is able to do a backroom sale of any votes, he gets too to broker that as a trade off for a cabinet position of some sort, with a bag of votes to understand so like if you so, if he rule, for instance, of voting population people who were proved blue voters and then he, you know a definite what did not have a shot at getting a damn nomination or didn't run as an independent, already endorsed or something I said I am going to your own gonna. Throw my votes. Do you know insert here the Richard Summons, Harvey Keitel friend, rasher sentiment who has a new shown by the way for a treasure. I resent hearts for her. I've carried a torch for the loan I'm from the nanny a euro we watched, it did not age well did not age. Well, I can only imagine player but
You know, then he would say them. Bloomberg would say: hey I've got. You know celebrity endorsements, like friend, pressure of gap, ya, like three or five percent of the vote, or ten percent voted whatever I'll throw them to you. If you make me secretary bloom, burglary, but again throw them. You mean just endorsed this candidate sneer right, but Also take his mass of war chest from his campaign and maybe start donating God. Of the email Email is generated in the phone numbers on cars, just all. It's all monetize employees and their I'll just really quickly. Please on selfishly. And for no reason other than for my own delight. I very much want Bernie Sanders to become the next presently United States be as I want to watch as I knew you were going to further for the four,
in future in the next four years or how long it is with Larry David. Just on the screen. All the time so because this is the of new courtesies in which it outright the area. You think he'd carry that towards the way that that out Baldwin have you yeah it's it's. It's probably a contractual thing too. Also you know. They are actually related. They are cousins, no there and I don't know I found- I believe it either, but its J, our cousins, this dinner you're, like a cossiga all you're, born reminder are now well I mean that great and didn't come out of nowhere man by this, so this we're putting a light spent at the end, because this is an issue this issue. You know we we tend to be pretty mindful report. Things are ongoing. This is beyond nine going this hasn't happened, get really, This is happening next month? I the we can confirm officially that these
the bureau says there will not be a citizenship question on the senses. Where social media of choice in this just my opinion, needs into a much better job of facts, checking and Stopping some of this kind of copy pass through the proliferates because Eddie, it's misinforming, PETE and the only way that a crazy experiment, like the United States works in time I patriotism is showing here, is when the people are informed in a world of information warfare which make no mistake, is in full swing and has been then one of the most power. Resources of any republic is being crippled and one of the most powerful resources of any republic historically has been an informed public. And how long will we have that? I did. I didn't
Add anything to those or something I don't know. I mean I'm the guy rhetorical question how long somebody in Vegas has taken bets on this right. Now I guarantee it we're do right, This historically were do know yet written that two hundred earmark yeah man gosh were passed. It yeah nineteen, seventy six or eight, yet yeah we're overdue. Oh, so before in all burns down. We would like to hear from you. We want to know your taken. We spent a lot of time on the citizen ship question, but we also want to hear your favorite census can speak. MRS, maybe no, even necessarily in this country, but or in this time, but in other times and in other parts of the world. Let us know you can find some facebooking via on Instagram. You can find us on Twitter. We love to recommend our Facebook group page. Here's where it gets. Creed You can also find MRS individual human people of the internet. I am at how now no brown exclusively on Instagram,
the I'm mad, Frederick Underscore I heard, and you can me on Instagram, where I am at Ben Bowling, you can see some of my latest misadventures in other countries I got successfully in and out of Japan. Again, that was that was and one unexpected, but cool memories. We say we couldn't tell you about where urban yeah yeah well is on Instagram. She went to find it Is it those on your great? I thought I was only on your story. It is yeas my headed up, my first onstage appearance in Japan, which was not on jumbotron stage. Wait. No. I saw a video though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. I was on the video and then I was on the iraqi. Say. Is this whole thing? This is a problem. The scenario Paradise amusement Park. It's a long story if you ve ever been Iraq City in thought. You know this that whoever made this needed to do more acid than Pearl land is for you I'm all right,
chosen leg out of the audience. History of well, it's too story for aid and other you're, also quintessentially american. Looking dear Miss can appoint that yeah. There's that you know. I think that had a fat outward to play, you can also, if you don't like the social needs for one reason or another, you can also call us worthless. Listen call Matt directly directly to his on which, by the way, by the way man. How many times do know. The volunteer to two beyond voicemail ring, I send it to you as you all know, login dear of all, whilst also do it again- and nowhere is on your piecemeal, no I'll go back and fight you shouldn't, be you should that be shouldering that cross alone? I it's all good eye. We ok
putting is out there. No one, I while you were in Japan, did a listener. Voicemail episode, I only went through about fifty sixty voice, males to get the batch that we ended up using methods still travel when we didn't use all of them, we certainly did you. Fifty we boil down like ten, maybe in that time that day, until right. Now we ve received another forty voicemail, sir. I'm like well, then I wanted to say to it and we totally duties when someone's out of town or something, but we really good time doing it, and it's been found that it was a pretty great organic way to just like talk about a bunch of different stuff, and I personally had a blast doing and I say I would put forth: maybe we should do them a little more often they come in
you're gonna cut into the backlog in a lotta goods. Actually I mean I'm on the research side, because I think that I think that it's good to have some more substantive stuff, but I see what you say about the list or mail to lay down the aisle I would love to do more, just because everyone who is calling in just has wonderful, really interesting, he's a say. Yeah yeah was, Our number is one eight three three he D, W why D K is called three minutes. Even we more than one, if you wish, or you know, just leave one nice in short, when those are the best, because they work really well for us our aid here? Eureka? If you want to do that stuff, you can always send us a good old fashioned email. We are conspiracy, thy heart, radio, DEC
stop it, I want you to know. Is the production of thy heart radios? How stuff works for more podcast from my heart radio visit, the I hurt, radioset Apple podcast or wherever you listen to your favorite, shows
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Transcript generated on 2020-04-22.