« StarTalk Radio

The Edge of Our Understanding with Brian Greene

2023-09-19 | 🔗

Are humans smart enough to uncover the secrets of the universe? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice explore the singularity, string theory, free will and more with theoretical physicist Brian Greene. 

NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: https://startalkmedia.com/show/the-edge-of-our-understanding-with-brian-greene/

Thanks to our Patrons Christian Attwood, Tyler Loveland, Ruhan Periyacheri, Jeff Parker, Ed Thorton, and Dakota Ponder for supporting us this week.

Photo Credit: chris ringeval, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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things about measuring the size and position of particles inside of atoms. We talk about string theory. Of course, we talk about the equals m c square. How does it work where's? It apply that and more on, startup check it out. Welcome start on your place in the universe where science and pop culture collide knocked off begin right now. This is start talk meal, the grass thyssen. Here, your personal astrophysicist. gacek, nice with me jack. Neil you, we gotta cosmic queries. Yes, one that, back by popular demand, one of one of the most popular. Oh yes, we had My friend and colleague, brian green theoretical physicist, professor physics and math,
columbia, university. After the very best selling the elegant universe, followed by the fabric of the cosmos, I will buy the hidden reality, my boys into all kinds of freaky cosmic stat, and we got him back for more by popular demand. Brian green welcome back to start. Ok, thanks It is you guys yeah yeah, for those who are watching this on video. I think that's a black hole behind your head. It it'll full war size just like that did you just emerged from their black hole for this in Iraq, done- that I would have broken the laws of physics. You know. That's all. we can't have that yes, all of your knowledge would still be in tat, or is that that that's information dies and for very good point? subtle boy. I don't know how many of your audience just got the subtlety of chopped comment, which is quite my truck
I gave him a little diploma recently for how much He learned of physics, I created just a little sort of start talking diploma. Well, you could hear yeah, oh yeah, I love it. Let me tell you something I did. that is the reason I do this job damn sewing for money we gets bigger money. I just wanting so Brian. What you are. You have two professorship was one not enough. Professor physics and professor mass yeah department doesn't know about the other, which is now drawing to paychecks. Ok startled for you don't tell anybody has. Sadly, we meet every day that a very small affect me in a mass of liquid
it reminds me of our colleague I sean carroll who move from caltech to the johns hopkins university. He has a dual appointment there in physics and philosophers me yes, the us, so their feeding is his interest by those two affiliations. So I guess what's happening with you right to some extent? Yes in I started out as a math kid and then became a physics nerd, so you know go way back from. In fact, you know what I when I was in junior high school, went to the math department, colombia, that's where I first really learned advancement. I just not on people's doors and say teach me stuff in one. Gradual enigma. Wow value and neo have suffered become sick. As you put it, learn something. Ok, these universities, I don't care if its Carl Sagan or the math department at columbia. They time on their hands up
that I see as being someone young and ambitious you can you can't know you can learn that away. No matter what you learn, turner were not given the culture we have cultivated, as it just as a nation that values achievement and an excellent or these most people, do, I think, ok, some people I was gonna say I was say we are to nation all, but hadn't resent do a break I remembered: did you tell this on the air, or was it off line that you were not interested in a book unless they're equations on the pages yeah we didn't. I talk about that. Once when I was in college, I would go to the bookstore to look at the assigned text for assigns class there were a lot of words. My heart would sing if it is chock full of equations of thy. Ok because in a words can be ambiguous, but the equations are so precise that that, certainly at that time,
was, but I was dragged through more fully, ok, so brain what you say is so that none of us misunderstand you, you should only speak equations, for there are things I should add I've matured matured since as early counts. The road taken on one february, men being, has become more important. It I'm just trying to figure out what he's sitting in Brien's bathroom right now that I remembered my freshman year to go way back? I predate you Brian, I was taking a computer class back before computers had their own department. Because it was not yet enough of a thing to justify an entire academic commitment by university where I was becoming very fluid than for train, and then I had my first dream in fortress and I
oh ok, I guess I crossed over. I've never had not have one of those, but I have had my first lucid dreams. Have you had any of those. Oh, these are the kind of people where they were. They meet aliens and things right Well, who always mine, was a mine was a dream. The I think the commercial definition is. and in the dream you become fully aware that your dream it, and yet you realize it, but I was thinking to progress in different fields. so ok, with your hired everywhere, narrow view. He has very good experience you the first time I said I know I'm dream, because the architecture of the building was different from what I knew it to be. I think this must be a dream We all know I'm an approved by waking myself up, and I shook myself in a dream. and I woke up in real life in their whilst the architecture the building is what gave it away. They are interested
suddenly up here, so you want to know here's the thing. I had a lucid dream where I was on stage and I was doing material. I've never done. Before I was literally writing material in my dream and hears when it when it dawned on me that it was really I was bombing I was I I cannot believe I am bombing and then it occurred to me. Wait a minute. This isn't real and I'm in the dream- and I was like now wait you not. I woke up good Jesus Christ, you ever dream and you get yourself bomb in your own. Drink like you could have had a dream where you were at madison square garden, but instead you're at the same comedy club. You always work at and you're failing the usual anxiety, anxiety, driven dreams, but that's what, is that an anxieties driven dream will check. We questions lined up for brain gas Patriot members, five dollars a month gives you access to
the genius of Brian green. Well, listen! That's a deal you're! Not anywhere mirage neighbouring, like I always have to like you know, calibrate the answers to reach that level. now are. We are all areas No, no, the ideas, it's a bar, often dry and you're, not supposed to give him the actual value with the value added services. is the entry level that rich people have access there you go, let's go to Colin Bertram and Collins says: does quantum mechanics an infinitely small singularity inside of a black hole. I thought nothing could be smaller check it out. Then a plank length, So, if we're infinitely small, you know how We violate that precept. Brian. You got one with a black hole above red one,
with when we preface for I think didn't einstein were or was it hawk? Anything einstein said: there's gotta be something to prevent the singularity, because that's just not physically good god is fighting by zero. Yet her so there's gotta be something to preventive. We just haven't discovered again, So, where does all that you actually right? In nineteen thirty, nine einstein wrote a paper where he basically tried to prove that the mathematics that suggested singularity this through a black hole could never be realised in the real world and a real world situation and just because singularity is infinitely small infinitely day. I'd like to rephrase it because, yes, that's the language of people. The news, but singularity really means any place where mathematics can give us insight. What's going on any play for the mathematics breaks, down. So that an important point because to the questioner, question.
where I go to the same lanes where it gives a cop out, but I like you're right you're right about now right, it goes right. You're, not a cop out is because, if you take the mathematics to seriously and you push it into, infinitely small or infinitely dance. Then you do run into the kind of questions that the questioner asks. Like does not conflict with the statement. That you can't really go smaller than the planck length and those are just two different perspectives. One is going to take the math and just push it regardless of how far it's going to take you. The other says, let's really evaluate step by step, whether this math is we applicable okay, so you're saying it's a mathematical singularity, not a physical, singular, that's the best that we can say today. Now we need to go further. It sounds to me like it's time the term that we use where it we don't have the adequate language to actually described, because when you say infinite, one thing
comes to mine, ok, but the fact is that it's really not infrequently I buy, but here again the point since can actually do the experiment? We have to rely on equations equate just take us so far, because the equators are beautiful. They not only give you inside, they also tell you. We can't gibbey insight into that. May we're not powerful we're, not refined and not an equation, clearly tell us going more than the planks are higher than the buying density is beyond the reach of today's equate Remind everybody about a applying think so applying claimed is a very specific number. It's about tend to the minus thirty three centimetres. Incredibly, I said we are in the world at length, come from or come combining newton's gravitational, constant planks, constant from quantum mechanics and the speed of light. If you
Those together in the right way of late popped out. Net late is the plank way and the minus thirty three centimetres and its importance is equations. Pretty clearly say, don't push us small them blankly, because we are not applicable that, though, and people who talk by infinitely small are disregarding that and saying the keep on going and see where the math takes us and it takes to a crazy place infinitely small employee and singularity. We need to fill it. And more than the playing plant or whatever new idea for land comes into play. order to have a complete period, the world. We don't have that, so we sensibly should stop at the plank blame, because that's where the math ends its applicability, Ok, so so what you're saying is that, since the fanatics. We we create that represent a physical idea.
You're saying is that mathematics, which is essential relativity admit: There is a point on which I had relativity general quality in quantum mechanics in were combined fearing suggests anybody alone doesn't have the plane lamp in it I mentioned you need planks constant from quantum mechanics, the had the playing all yes on its own either because you need newton's, constant from newtonian gravity or from the general, the relatively that both make use of that number. Only when you try to have a more complete description, you have all these ingredients and when they come together, we are told of the math. Hey you ve gotta start thinking differently. When you get to the planned claim, but is sounds like worlds collide: world colliding jerry world, collecting worthy of its kind. It is right, I'd like europe, europe. What did you call it Brian? I a shock
wedding between quantum physics- and relativity the early universe, where the two were paid to I don't know if it had a voice and dance and small that you need a both the theory of gravity and their quantum physics you, Sir Brian, might my sword. Esther old version of that, I think of lines, longitude on earth as separating time zones at twenty, four or so time zones that we have but, of course, As you move away from the equator towards the poles, eliza, longitude, get thinner and thinner right. There's like the slices, like many slice, an orange top down the narrow an hour and they meet at the pole. So you can ask the question: what time is it at the north pole and there is no time it has no means that question has no meaning at the north pole.
All time zones meat- and so that's my my my baby, for example, accident pulls out a very important point, because that analogy site at historically with black holes in black holes, in clarity, because you know, of course, on planet earth is really no singularity. There are other ways that you could define time zones wouldn't run into this particular problem. So it's really a singularity born of human invention, because of the way we set up these lines, people early on with black holes, thought that a certain similarities were real, but they turned out to be the hour of back coordinate, singularities and choices of law and the lines of longitude. If you will and and that's what happens at the edge of a black hole, the edge of a black hole, people thought might be singular, but it turns out that
It is not a way down at the center. That's a real one! Mathematically speaking, if you push all the way down, as we said, the infinitely small size, you can't get rid of that one eye, a change of lines born to change. The court should watch your coordinate system. The US authorities great You want to make sure your day goes smoothly. You want your voice, to be smooth as well road irritations like hoarse voice, throw tickles, and can we get in the way. For making a good impression on a first date to perfecting that presentation you ve been practising all week or just kidding those high notes for everyone in the car. Whether they want to hear them or not, you need something you and your voice can rely on. That's where new rico
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Capella university is rethinking higher education, but their games Jim flax path format, you can earn your degree on your schedule, see convey. education seamlessly into your life, Imagine your future differently. Capella. Idea, hey, I'm royal percival and I support start talk on patron, bringing the universe down to earth. This is star talk with neil de grass Thyssen alright. So if you go jack little good, let's get to william silverman and william says: high doktor thyssen doktor green. Lord nice, from a photons perspective, does any time passes. It travels at the speed of light if no time passes from the photons perspective as it makes its journey, but the light years pass from the perspective of the observer was it.
pre destined to hit my ratner. Will it left its sore soon run bill servant? I love you. I hope so he's gettin philosophical night, their number, my man to be set. The physical and and got philosophically here s a weird concept when you think about it, but it makes sense year. Yet you know it's it's a good question, because when you look at einstein's bash relativity, you find at the fact that something is going. The slower time elapsed, It's yeah so as something goes closer and closer to the speed of light and we're watching a timelapse ever more slowly for it. So if you take that with logical extreme at the speed of light, no time would be a lapsing or have voted now. Poetically, that's true! But when we try to interpret it, we make a real. Because photon doesn't have any consciousness. It doesn't have any means of reporting experience.
Ideas. Don't really have any relevance so to say that time doesn't elapse. Oh tom doesn't age, is a very human description of what's going on, and this is a perspective that we we can never have, because mass of bodies can ever travel at the speed of light. So there's a barrier for us to ever really know what that experience would be like this. A second part of the question which is predestination, and I don't think that has much to do with the notion of how time illapses at different speeds it wants to do with how the universal balls and yeah. I do think that the universe above I laws that do not have an opportunity for humans to intercede, and so is there a kind of predestination built into physical laws, even with the probabilities of quantum mechanics I would say it away, but let me let me make a practical example of this sort of photon leave the centre. The galaxy might
This is data was on star, is at the centre of the gods and are always think each night that is photon he's been travel. the thirty five thousand years, and it hits my detector instead of some summons buttocks, on a beach okay. So I could I'm giving value to these vote on rights or side? But my question is: if someone if I were able to watch it travel. stick a mirror half way through to just ascended off in another direction. Then the photo on being emitted. Didn't know I was gonna do that, and so what gonna hit my detector, so time gets emitted and absorbed in the same instant, because it has no concept of time There have been any thing else: could the head of the coup that have had a different fate than the one I gave it?
no, but I would also say that your act is putting the mirror was also free, determined in india miller sands, that europe collection of particles, governed by physical law, I don't believe that you have intrinsic control over those particles. Does you dont control max was equated? You don't control einstein's equation. Show you sick so so. Yes, the events of the universe. themselves out in a manner that dictated by physical law, and that means that human free damn of will that we ordinarily feel that we have, I think, is of a different variety than we intuitively. You know that my hand, you, I feel, like I've, made the choice to lift it. When I think about it fully. I truly believe that it was the laws of physics that require
that to happen, and I just them observing how my particles are moving. Robe, wrote I am sure that this right about now that when pulls out some we'd said about Pullao, they said yeah? I don't have to pull out Here we go, let's go to Liam cochrane. and Liam says hey. This is liam from rhode island. Why is it that string theory proposes that the fundamental particles we know quirks flew guy glue on etc, are comprised of a combination of strings vibrating, a different frequencies rather than just another type of power, the call. What is the purpose of the string idea behind an analogy to help people understand the fear
in more simple terms. So why not a particle that makes up the smallest particles instead of this idea of a vibration were string that causes it to be more easily understood and brian? Let me let me pretend that by asking our you proposing that everything is made of strings just so that more elegant now Who wrote the book the elegant universe? Is this a philosophical motivating force for you, because cap were at his own philosophically motivating mathematics where the planets were platonic solid and it was beautiful, because it was mass, and it was an hour you why don't like what do we have the euro? describing reality and not a reality. You want to be true so that the universe becomes elegant, so you can sell more books,
where to you, you you in the industrial string, complex you're, walking brighter so so that is a key question at the earth, so you know go on. But what is the aesthetics and in making these decisions- and I would say that we fear, is, do you mind medical aesthetics at times, but in the end of the day, it's observation, its expert meant and real tension in existing understanding that drives our ideas, so we and this conversation with a question questioner asking about the plank light than this tension between gravity quantum mechanics and I said we need to go further because just saying that they come too loggerheads an end to the modest thirty. Three centimetres is not enough as non answer it,
letting you know that you can't trust anything beyond that point. String theory is an attempt to fill in the gaps, to try to put a general relativity and quantum mechanics together and at least on paper, and we've known this now for for many decades it succeeds in putting general activity and quantum mechanics together, whereas it was just a portfolio particles, you don't get there. Benefit. Well, here's the interesting thing. If you said that to me seven or eight years ago I ma, maybe ten years ago, I would have said yes rhapsody right there. the progress. It happened and now we realise that a lot of the qualities of string theory have a dual description. A sort of mirror image version, in which point particles do play a role in that description. It's a description that differs from the way we describe point particles in the seventies and eighties in certain berries. Specific and important ways over beginning to learn that strangely
is one language for describing this unification, but for other languages and languages sometimes do invoke point particle, so it's all kind of coming together in a in a beautiful tapestry and are still trying to you know, figure it all out and bread has been forty years, so I am very disappointed. I thought you wanna had a saw back in the nineties to ask why I do not want the amount of actually addressed that, because I know it's like partly a job, but there are people who, with a straight face really, do you say that you guys said you'd wrap it up in fibre. Seven, yours what's goin on it, then I just how to educating them. That science is not like. You know a com nay where you'd lay out your product development by ray. You know you, you you, you have goals and, as you're going towards those balls, new ideas emerge and follow those new I do they take it. A wonderful
easy places, and as long as you're not stock and were far from stock. That's what pouring unknown is all about it. You know was weird is like when you put it that way, a kind of sounds like someone is saying to you now the assignment figuring out the entire universe. Why you laying? Why does your paper ladys asked you to do? Was figure out the entire universe, yet. Here you are saying you need more talkers I've. I've said he has publicly to brain onstage. So this this this is not. we mean sounding them. When I first set it it's the same, it's ok, I've asked stray fears. What what's taking is showing that it it's all hard problem so, I said. Maybe you are all just too stupid visits that that's nice
separation here that we need a different cross. A people to enter your field lies a somewhat different question: why young students You know who are vibrant and energetic that, though I agreed by, could it be that the species does to stoop talk a yet that it's a real poverty. There's a lot of evidence to back that, and you know as a track records gonna. Let me just calm down that ireland, the camp, the too stupid care from em down here, we gotta believe they're. Not we go eat, give and take it out of our species. Right, I mean I respect the intelligence of the dogs, do some remarkable things, but they don't do quantum mechanics so there's a species that, as limit on how well I can understand the deep wasn't universe, and so why would we write? the different limit of understanding here right here
I think a miracle always a problem, also exacerbated by observation that the the inability to actually observed because only omby amby that's will we do we observe first rex Here's your goes right eye so bright. What particle accelerator do need now That was what was It sends a scale. So take that point like that we mention before a guy just to give a field how small that crazy number tend to minus thirty through centimetres is, if you take the plane flame is too in an atom right as as it tree is today higher unitarian. So that's how small, even on atomic scales we're talking about a year. We can't pro they are directly. We don't have accelerated to probe that kind, tiny deaths, and so we from what we measure here, and we use our mathematics to push as far as we can and that's it Paul
order and set it off. Bro that that analogy, you just gave gave me an entirely new perspective and respect for the entire building, because my answer to that once you said that is up to hell with it the commonwealth, less. Let's talk about something and say that's insane buried yeah, but, as we saw in the first question, it comes into play the deep centre, a black hole at the moment. The big bang for these are questions that are relevant they're just produce three, when you
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Who cares that some I mean the questions are so good crisis, still good? What we're gonna do people. We agree that these people are on point till you handle. It is all right. Let's go upstairs ryan bruce rises. I agenda was right here from how its andrea virginia everyone knows, equals m c square. But how is it the form you are actually used in practical terms? How is the form the actual used impractical? I mean if you want to determine the energy of an object. What values do you plug into that equation? Is the massive grams or pounds is the speed of light miles per second kilometres per hour, or does any of that even matter thanks you're. So where do you use that? Formerly you dont use much. Of course, day life, but if you're look had a nuclear reactor, and you want to know how much fuel needs to be
and it gives you an order of magnitude sets of what it will require. If you're trying to understand the sun and the amount of energy that produced by fusion reactions, it gives you a sense of the scales that are involved now had actually use the phone well. The key thing that you learn in science is: you have to use consistent, yet So you know kilogram meters per second. Is the year number The units that we typically will use- and so if you want to use those for mass and for the speed of light, that's really way of getting an answer out and jewels, which is a particular unit for measuring energy, for just three clear meters per second would be the speed of light for them square that maybe programme meet a second squared. It is the unit of a dual frank. Precisely now I say you typically done used in everyday life.
But there's something misleading there, and I had a lot of arguments with chemists about ten years ago about this point. They were all I bet. I know what kind arguing argument they were thinking, the energy and their things had nothing to do with equals empty square. I bet that yeah. For instance, you know an example that is, if you take a flashlight, you turn it off and you put out an incredibly sensitive scale the reading on the scale will go down over time. Is energy is going out with a beam of light and that energy has a mass equivalent and mass equivalent will register on cloning. Regrettably, say I'd have the time or I've had the same debates with them, interesting brian, if he said, if only nuclear, not work clear? How that doesn't make any sense? We don't you have to go to the flashlight an incredibly sensitive scale.
Five, zero unemployment wherewith, but there is energy contained within nuclear atomic bombs, okay, so bright. In your conversation with the chemist. They surely mentioned their exothermic an end of firm reactions. Energy coming in and out is that you, equals empty square go into ways there. He learned squared is at work all the time, for instance, in this simple example, take a pot of water. It turn on the gas right as the pot of water gets hotter. You are on a sensitive scale. It would register a bigger number of small, bigger, no small trade but a bigger numb, because energy is when in and its energies goin end in the overall mass of this entity called the pot. The water is increasing. Always when I do this calculation, so I drive an electric car, and so I wanted to ask myself
How much more does the car way on a full charge? All alright, and so I ran some numbers on that, some back in the envelope numbers and- So some queer look what I've read it was right. Now, I'm not really. This is like a thousand of an ounce or something tat would take us these YA, but it's important point, because so many students obviously summoned the feel conflate. Equally, these were only with nuclear power for physical physics. Thing here, in fact, is one chemist came back, do you have arguing and said this has been a year, soul searching I now I realise it you're right, and I didn't really understand so much of what I thought I thought I understood it was sort of an honest and physics there's, no real understanding of chemistry without physics,
and has no real understanding of biology without chemistry. Sir Brian is justifiably cocky in that role, as we all know that chemist. Why. Why was just be? We have common knowledge as it has become. Even now. It's all right, he bound video, have not lightning round speed by the way, but guess what that was, I keep doesn't make a difference. We keep getting the areas that we the wise would never getting you're gonna show gases and asked, and we can see just how Brian back again, people you know, what's a real, so he's got a he's, got a agendas in his own life. When I know I know, he's got a life, but you know I'm selfish. So what can we do here?
This is our sir John searches high my questions regarding the supper time at world. If we could scale up an atom, what would it look like would have some kind of shell of yes? What with shock just ask the same question regarding the smallest particles. What is their composition and what is their appearance? If the cork has this rose particle? What do you get if you divide it into smaller pieces old man Really what does the subatomic world lujan air? What does it look like now think that sum is really challenges our intuition, because our brains in our eyes evolved for the purpose of survival and to survive? We just need be able to see on the scales of everyday life If by a lion, that's it my line and about its dark several languages, we developed in the sense that we have are tuned to the kind of physics that dominates the scales of everyday life in those physical prince
are not the same ones. I come to the fore in of atomic realm. So when you talk men, Adam emerge, we'd have up an electron cloud, its a probability. No, what does that mean in terms of visualization math? equally, I know what it means, a lot of locations where the electron might be found. actually see it literally. I need to bounce some white off of it when about light off of it. What mechanics tells me I've affected the thing that on observing seeing the probability cloud any longer, I'm simply seeing the electron at whatever low patient in it on in it s open their britches spooky remit spooky disturbing when you think about it, you everything we He is larger than the wavelength of light. That's reflected off of it right, sir yeah yeah yeah. So if you, if you have things that start becoming smaller and smaller,
then the wavelength of light we used to detect it with the single, doesn't work very disappear, so so So brain you need light waves with wailings on this scale, the things in the autumn you're. Looking at his neck, correct everyone s ear, that's right, and so and those are those are more energetic. Then were you Stu in, and they have more of an impact than the kinds of things you know you shine a light on a wall. The waters, a move right, you know, feel the light bouncing off of us been electron, feels the light bouncing off of it and that interaction effects? How it then subsequently looks as though it's really hard to given every day visualization. That's it accurate for what things were like a realm that we dont inhabit directly? I wish we learn. Where were you
I later are here's a lightning round. Question Travis knob says high doctors, thyssen and dream. Thank you for taking my question. I would like to know if there's a geometric center of the universe and what works and what might we find there me ha ha ha ha ha. Is that you you're there there, the senators against the workers or what my highest re tweeted tweets ever was a simple sentence. I said, because the universe has no under you can't be it what's somehow that didn't we resonated would like everybody, gets great trouble. Why can we talk about a center of the universe if we include the time coordinate, and so we say that
If the direction of the center of the universe go there and you'll see it, and that direction is back in time to teagle zero. Isn't that a good? Can I say that? Well, you see center to most people. Mines is especially low occasion within a larger reality. It's like that. You ve all these other points setter somewhat secondary, and then you got this centre would do a primary and that we don't think applied anywhere or any when view even go back to the big bang. The conventional story of other modifications of this, but the conventional story is all of space is in this point, it's not as though it's a point in a pre gotta thing right girl, so there's no cod drop you dont have a construct, there's no contract with with signs of rent or even at the beginning. We keep going to begin. Everything was a quote the center, but then I have to read. think how we use the word centre sent
little even once that comes once that it will at once the explosion both spans. The expansion takes place. It's like what is the center of a ball where's the centre on abolish surfing, and they were all on this year on the surface ass, the key thing, because if you then imagine the centre of it, then rear misled, but on the surface of a balloon, all points are equal and there is no sense point, but if you do point to the centre of the ball, that's why? whole boy was at the beginning and then back to the ridge. issue about? I find in the centre. You can do that at any point yeah, any point, any point of the boy you could do said the retorted tweet might be because universe doesn't have a centre you, and everyone else occupied the centre. There's no location, that's more
special than the one that you occupy? It's not as fun wow, yeah yeah that doesn't make people feel stupid or makes them feel special. Nobody wants that. Okay, okay, this is Andrew coffey Andrew says hello to the best science communicators together, creating cosmic vibrations that Radio knowledge cultivate curiosity and enhance our understanding. Please help me understand our limits. Will we ever reach a point where theoretical physics can no longer be explored, probed or even proved experimentally? Maybe we are. already there thanks to these from vancouver british columbia, and he says I truly love your work for it.
So it's o brien, we we all know cocky physicist a century ago, but but you know the turn of the previous century saying I'd physics has done is known physics to be discovered. Just a few decimal places and a few touch up some confidence and we should do on another field. So Are you do you see? Where do you see the field right now? Well, there is a huge amount of progress, but I can certainly envision that if we don't build new accelerators and if we were to stop building powerful space, tell us arabs we wouldn't have any new data and without new data I can imagine, I dunno ten. Twenty one hundred years of totally abstract theoretical research might grind to a halt and it wouldn't be that we'd sort of reached the end we'd simply reach the end in the
europe until we have the wherewithal to explore more fully, there has to be an interplay between observation experiment in theorizing, and so yes, I were far from there now but can I envision that if we lose the will to put the effort and the resources into understanding the micro world in the map or with greater precision. Could we reach an end for awhile shore, absolute jerk? I just have to get a priest. Ryan in this moment, because there are many fearest he's a fearest who Hardly ever mention talk about or think about, experimental fists during their own world and and brian who was it the said. I never. Trust and observation, illicit supported by a good theory. I yeah The coin- I don't know somebody said that desert here, there's an asshole fearest talking a foot but brain
this humble, and he knows that at the end of the day, a good aggravations of the universe? Not only will strang, where he can or should think, but can also extend what I what new ideas might be from out of that. So I see well, and on that note, this would be one more. We think we got time for this is that this is a good last once to dovetail on that last thought. David Liese says high this David residing in young, my thailand. What do you think will be the next major breakthrough or shifting of our understanding with respect to the universe yeah. I think everybody will have a have a different answer on this, but I think that in the next who knows next few decades,
We're gonna have a much more refined understanding of the big bang, the work that is being done in in underlining quantum mechanics and gravity, I hold, I think ultimately the lens will be turned fully on cosmology and I can in that we will have a different or is more refined. Version of the theories that we currently have on the table and in the best of all worlds, will finally be able to answer questions that we began with light What really do we mean by the singularity, the big bang? What really happened there? I think there is a chance that will have progress on questions like that. Do you think there's anything, any understanding we have that we feel good about that is at risk of being dismantled by new or better
innovations. So in other words, is there a shift in the paradigm as the as they would say in the in the linga. Yes, I two things one I mean your inflationary cosmology is the the most refined version of cosmology. I there are competitors now and who knows scales, bay shift and our view on that may change. The other thing, I would say, is quantum mechanics. Many people are quite comfortable and around four hundred years in it works, but there are unresolved questions that many physicist dont really spent much time, thinking about, and I can imagine that in the coming years, those problems and their real- I assure you there are real problems- may flare up, causing us to rethink the foundations of quantum their origin flared up in your face. O Brien has been a delay to have you back on starter,
You know, I don't wonder, assert my preferences on our audience cause they express their own, but this is where my preferences and their preferences intersected an overlap. Getting you back on. the programme everything no end of cars, module worries that we have for foreign mounted. The truth is, Can we say that you're coming on and we put out a call to the listeners for queries. We get like six or seven pages, you They lose their ship is. What actually do I argued all right and you turn your books are still out there elegant universe, gimme. The other two fabric of the cosmos hidden reality it, but the most recent is until the end of time and my most favoured so and is yet to be enough to get us out. And who publisher that was cannot. Cannot very nice until the end of time will look, for them are right. Dude.
thanks, jerk always good to have you. Man always applies all right. This has been cosmic queries with the one, the only inimitable brian, green friend and colleague, professor of physics, and math right up the street here new york city at columbia. This is near the grass tastes and, as always, bidding the. When you're in american express platinum card member, the trip starts in its interior lounge and, as you and joy, the chefs local dish, you think what will be the venue for your lay over see how to elevate your travel at american express dot com, slash with annex don't live life without it terms, apply capella university is rethinking higher education with their games? Jim flax path format. You can earn your degree on your schedule, so you can. education seamlessly into your life, Imagine your future differently and
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-20.