« StarTalk Radio

Off the Blockchain with Dr. Sandra Johnson

2022-02-01 | 🔗

What the funge is up with crypto? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Marcia Belsky talk about the science behind cryptocurrency, NFTs, bitcoin, and the blockchain with electrical engineer Dr. Sandra Johnson.

NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can watch or listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: https://www.startalkradio.net/show/off-the-blockchain-with-dr-sandra-johnson/

Thanks to our Patrons Thomas Cochran, Tony Wilson, Rachel Farrell, Casey Bailey, AIDAN BARNETT, Sahil Gupta, and Jennifer for supporting us this week.

Photo Credit: Jorge Franganillo, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following message is brought to you by wise, the smart wage, a move money international in the UK. We call it money who does in Mexico we call it the middle or landmine Brazil. We call a teenager. I grant no matter what we each call money. We all use wise, descended international shop online or travel abroad on get paid from overseas, because when we use why, as we know, we are getting the real exchange rate with no mark ups and no hidden fees, try wise for free at why's that come slash, podcast welcome to start off your place in the universe where science and pop culture collide our top begin right now. This is the start of the other grass Thyssen here, your personal astrophysicist, and it's a cosmic. Where is it on a subject that I don't know a damn thing about Blockchain Crypto currency. We
I heard about it. We ve seen it count myself among the profound ignorant had subjects subject, so we had to do it on it. I have a new caused. Oh my gosh more, should briski Marcia welcome to start up. Thank you so much for having me I'm excited to be here. I am also very ignorant of currency and when people have tried to explain it, I mean I'm not even good at the basic financed stuff. So this is like Nicaragua. Is I've been I'm a phd and I haven't gone my undergrad, but I'm gonna, try virtues. Are you? stand a comedian musician, a writer and you had a hit song recently. That's just completely crazy to completely hundred tampons we'll get you to explain it later, but with its sat tat, all right that you know we need wheat. What we're gonna do an explanation. Yes, but you gotta and its space related inspiration
later? That's what makes it even better settled introduce our expert here, since neither you nor I Marcia carry that that expertise. We have got Doktor Sandra Johnson Sandra. Is founded. Let me check out my note, its founded and ceo of multiple companies. her day. Job currently is glow mobile finance egg, which is a thin tech, start up companies he's, got multiple degrees and electrical engineering and as forty patents, that more than forty patents pending? Is that right or then come on behalf of the Epp issued impact Ok, thank thanks for that and you also visiting scar at North Carolina. The Santer Johnson welcome to start talks you're very much nail. It is certainly a pleasure to be here. I look forward to having some fine the youth action on the part of your background checks you through IBM
in Africa. So what was that about us tonight? What would happen if that is the twenty six last year's at IBM. After about I dont know twenty two five years- and I was thinking about what I wanted to do next- we have agreed on a trip to Africa and had a u weaker, Mama when I visited a slave castle and Ghana and it was the fanatics failure that now I found my purpose and destiny, and that is true. focus on leveraging my technical steals ah to help the people in Africa so I went looking for opportunities to do that with IBM. ended up spending three years on the Middle EAST in Africa to use in Dubai and one you were never became here, but all three years travelling threw out the bill. Eastern Africa.
Holy Africa visiting more than twenty two countries, many of them several times and so on. Was the city of IBM, central, EAST and West. I've itself, including creep for other, shows placed on your life, we have to let any selective and so right now we're we're gonna, be thinking about cripple currency. We solicited questions from our eager a fan. is our but the patrons patriotic members, and the just tell me centre what got you into cripple currency by always meant to always be aware of, and try to learn about it. Jane of leading edge of leading edge technology is leading edge, dress the south a few years ago when black chain was just starting out. I started talking to
people about it, reading up about it, learning about the technical details, and then it just really took off in terms of hype by ah- and so I said, of gold, the wave in terms of keeping myself a blast from our analysis, active of of what black Jane is all about. What Crypto Committee is all about. It even thought about leveraging it and my friend tax start up as well shoulders. The first We ought in Russia, and I ought to be asking- is what is blockchain delays we just yes, that is the entry level like kindergarten priests, The question you are entering the old stuff you ve been listening to them, since the old records like you're in before everybody knew it was cool so. What is black saying? What is crypto currency was the difference between the two you're. Ok, so so black Jane, I think of it as the foundation that technology found
to get things done is really I'm. So all of us are familiar with maybe not all of us all of us all. The votes a familiar. What was called the ledger? You think about a black bank ledger where you put and trees and the ledge, and the ledger what what? What black shame is, as you can You were as a distributed, Ledger Zen Electronic Ledger, but is distributed, ledger awe and each entry is was considered a block. If you will and a black essentially contains so transactions, ok as our black trained as essentially a China blocks, riches equally distributed ledger that is public. Anyone can read any
I can read anything that was ever written on that blockchain back, that link of ledgers, awe and once its placed on the black chain is immutable. It cannot be changed as out any lessons that what a black chain is So what is a good computer ledger seems so far when, from what you described, the only difference is everyone can see it. It's on change your boys. Most ledgers really should be, and then is distributed. Okay, so on our anyone in a well can see it does no central wise mechanism forward. So that's what I mean by distributing way
we believe in the day the Baker plan right. Why in fact, start by just a little bit about history behind this? Suffice black train was the coin black changes, but because it is a critical, in fact about that minute, but it was the brains out of this individual or group of individuals. Are that we talk now they won't this white paper. The author is Psychology knocker model, we don't know He or she is at this point, but he wrote this white paper. That is this paper describing this idea of having a currency that independent of companies,
It came right after the recession in two thousand. It right so offers a financially based recession. So we came up with this idea. How can we come up this car, that independent of that's a of central bank. answer that. We not only independent central bank independent of a country- yes, yes, and saw. That was the basis for the Bitcoin blockchain that was then created and January. Two thousand so has been continued right, but again is the foundation for distributing ledger. Where you put information about transactions are that anyone can access and is unchanged. check, I gotta check with Marcia at intermittent opponents of Sub Marcia have you heard enough yet to be paid in the coin? For your stand up I am
fully not, but not because I don't trust it only because I am fascinated first of all, but also have like never felt more stupid in my life, because I'm realizing, I think, I'm at almost and not there People may generation with this is probably different, but I'm realizing that I am in I'm a millennia all! You know I'm thirty, two Simon the exact age where I dont actually really know what a ledger is they don't really than who does any financial literacy. School. I don't really know how banking works. It's always mostly been that like when I was a kid you I remember, they taught us how to write checks but lake. They didn't teach us the deepest of, and I am also Genji and younger, who knows all about the internet, You know I've been living there, dangling over the curve of ganglion the cosmos I'm like, but it's so fast things, because I can see you now. Cuz people have been long, but I have heard talking about cryptocurrency as a way like you said to work outside these establishment
and I got never made any sense to me, but that's I'm starting to see how and why I it in our budget up to alert Sandra. What it means is, some people are not being here. By your analogy to alleged nobody knows about how we are going to put my age are probably listening. Thinking like no, I know at it ass. She says an area that is out of it should include more, were we're not say I'd like to turn the latter put in the Olympics next to Michael Valves to show how fast is actually swimming, I'm how dumb people actually can beyond this I'll go to the South South South. So at this best at a high level, what black Jane is like enriches the foundation
Now let us talk about picked up by an EU that example, but most successful the most popular with the council, which is becoming a lie, and so surely, without getting into a whole lot of going detail, are Bitcoin was created and set a wise, people, the blacks to the black change, is a global China blocks the faced going in January, two thousand, not so. so every few minutes a no black is create. So how is it created? Well, you have people better call minors. All over the world are competing to be the next door to have the next block. To be so the blockchain, so they all minors, not young people under eighteen, These are minors like
more minors, mining for mining, for gold, for example like the servant worse, nor the several factors warlike right right, And so a round the world, they all have their own blacks, that they have locally and they all compete to be the next black and the global train, a blacks, ok, and how will they compete round? They were that is very complex, cryptographic, algorithm better use. I like it two while the dice right, and allow while in a nice and an end, One of them is looking for the double sick. While they are looking for the double six but the face when they get it. Is the winner ok and applies as you get your black to be added to the blockchain, but you also get better and better
Bitcoin spread, so I dont get twelve and hamlet. I initially was twenty five bitcoins announced Robert. I have you get twelve. I have bitcoin if you get a double. How do you know how why should help me here? I found it all. Is it our luck? It's all your! How do you know any dice when we say yes with your days? We think of luck. So so so I dont have a sound rhythm, Can I make my own algorithm and how do I know if I've landed on the dollar six pray they are, they are used as sang cryptographic, advise a very detailed having taken. Is an algorithm, that's program and they are looking for a certain results.
I know what that result is right. Ah, but only is very difficult to get back that result in oats double sexism, a lot easier than the Ets on board that they're looking for but there were a number of experts the number and the calculated calculating this or whether that will give them a torn in fifty six bet results. How do you know if you hit the number. Because you know what you know the number with an uneasy? I didn't know what a double six is trying to find a way to get to them. were using this algorithm. Yes, yes, the face. Wanta get a result. And the Algarve among users airport somebody that they have on their block, don't care, so they want to Know-
using the data on their black and allow trying to get this result that they all know what it was. Result it. So this ledger to this. So this distributed ledger is a ledger of pathways. Through the algorithm, you can follow up man Yes, yes, I do EVA politicized about it does. Actually I don't wanna, like Mr Poetry at all, knew about it, but it is not. It makes sense to me if you doubt whether the same event sending plasma teachers going. What do you think it means I'm going. You know you tell me what it was short center. What you say is that the minors are bit took to borrow terms unfamiliar with their printing money, but is that fact- and of course I did-
Billy printing. Yet you look look at it that way, because the winter, the double six, whether the person who gets that actual result first, is the winner and the prize is twelve and a happy. so there are workin further pay assets. Are we gonna take up our first break about when we come back? I want to know what the hell and if these are- and I soon Marcia does too and right. After that. I think we might have a foundation to go to our questions. Yes with our pitcher on member, ok. So when we come back more of talk, cosmic varies with Doktor Sandy, ass an end. My new colors Marcia Dusky, yes, of a reconnect? Asthma varies
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Your Johnson who's got huge pedigree. An attack world started companies got patents, Did you graduated? Is it Summa come loud with highest honors in in and what was that in what The subject was that other electrical goods, genuine. Yes, rather than of stay back virtually zero, this would have been. I don't who you are, but if you go back enough trickle engineering was the department that had computer science in it, and so later on. Computer science at its own, but of identity on campus, but that men you are in effect, a debate at the at the ground floor, front door that and that that farmers throughout almost like a fat. My page as also an electrical engineering, electrical computer and gender doubled up right right, so much in fact most of which your Ph D.
oh? Well, I got my underground sociology is so let alone if you will be familiar to know their sociology. Oh my god, exactly how the material understand that floor? Is there this, the oligarchy, exactly yard. I you know I am so lost on the engineering stuff and it's like but its fascinating to me because yeah, but I it makes You feel better that you also don't know hopping about grass. Do you mind if I were you know for me now I like, because then it's like? I listen. I know its not just my intelligence over all browsers in our exists, a new field that a lot of US door
about end but its last saving. It really is it's crazy cause. People talk about it so much on line and we do, as they just don't know, replied the occupiers online charter, which will soon returned with water enough to use Ok, so I put out Cryptogams is like Bitcoin, ok awe and though the livery thousands of crypto currencies Bitcoin. Why an end! Those crystals are interchangeable. That is, you can buy and you can use days, crypto Crypto to buy or sell goods and services and quick, closer watch tower fungible, that is, you can and to change them of Turkey as a man. Fungible told them. That is something that you cannot you now exchange is very
your date unit of data. You can compare it to likened to like a deed, honour house right there's only one day for that is not in a changing well and end of tea on non fungible falcon as very similar. To that basically has two poised to what this is. All electronic out. Digital usually has a digital asset. Ok, and that desert digital asset associated with it that digital asset had a certain value. Then I'll write a piece of awkward. For example. Hours on end of tea is Nick. You need a data that that eleven technology to enable this digital asset to be placed on a blank cheque And they can be bought and sold on the block.
eleven March asset in the end they open market. Ok, what you're saying as this is, so you turned physical objects like I thy own Picasso than I have ever cos. You don't and if you want to buy, you kind me and pay money for it, but that's that's. A physical objects may lack canvas and and you're telling me you have Europe. There is this world. out there now of digital. Assets that are the and digital analogue. My physical thing that I have a possession it. You can think of it that way. Its lack of white because the legal is sound new leading edge that the legal, the legal focus has not kept up with just for our discussion purposes. You can view it as a german
enough. We can think of a fact where he could hear her right march. At the outset. I just at the end of tears, need better pr, because that what you said makes sense to me where it's a token of like cause. What people on the Do not think it is, is people paying thousands of dollars for a photo of an ape that you could google and it doesn't make sense to anybody you know, I mean boat, but your explanation as part of these other two things that make sense. I think I think just need better pr out their explaining its people. so Marshall. When we go to our patron questions right now, maybe in a foundation there so was check it out and tell me what their names and if they say whether from I've always want to know that two ok, absolutely yeah. Let's start with this one. talking about working at IBM, so this is from you there, Vonder Vike, which was taken. In the Navy a name,
as hello Sandra Neil, I am work in finance, and my girlfriend is a blockchain developer at IBM. Most of the blockchain talk is about crypto currencies and end of tears, but the technology offers a lot more solutions that will change our lives We would love to hear from Doktor Johnson about how did your identity applications work on the boy chain and how they will impact our lives. It's a sociological question in a way gas crisis illogical, Clarets Y yeah, yeah Sandra this is you know, just live within it will be no within the ledgers up tat gene, says, or does it have any real world consequences? How absolutely absolutely, I believe, blackjack technology will change? Are the welcoming interact Ah longer right now, there's not a high, but I think moving forward in trying. So so tomorrow s answer
start I'll, give you an example, for example: unexampled supply Jack, you you're the manufacture. manufacture, manufacture something and you wanna shepherd somewhere by you- can actually use blockchain technology and put on the black Jane when it was manufactured. Ah well, it's Darwin and who's gonna pick it up all the details. Of that you can. You can write aid programme yeah. Well, that's how they smart answer. That gives you all other details from a to b and then, why shoe finish that digit and put it on the track that automatically stars a chain of events that now many times is manual stuff get lost. dont know where it is it is on a black eye. You know exactly where it is at all times from
putting it on the ship from the ship region, its destination from buying from ship to another trot and from the tractor where it Fedex does there for me, a blog, and I know where my packages I'm no one I know what a label was created. I know who sign for, but if that got disrupted, it sounds like this could be, could maybe fill in some of those gaps cause we're seeing all these problems like that's interesting because it works outside of. lake, I thought about it, I'm starting for absolutely Martha. Yet you're gonna make you, professor, you now able Fedex products as partners base. They they may have their own separate databases. Storing information were black trying. Everything is that everyone can go there and find out at the same time where everything is
things have been lost and you know what that actually losing an all general costs a lot accompanying. I've worked for. They are not all digital bright We could also accept so ok so that that blockchain is not currency. That's a blockchain of information This that's why I remember, I said endlessly: black train is found that a general onset flight current serious, establish okey dokey. Do you foresee a day in the not so different There were all information transactions happened on block change. Well, the overwhelming majority bidding occurrences. Yes, I didn't think about buying a house. For example you now,
then all you have to make sure that we all know is the owner yet now and you pay somebody to do, Do a black eye like I'm gonna, have to do that. He's gonna be there, for example. Ok, as does one example, so you can just take that no thought and Canada Strap related to look at how we do things now and how we can do. It evidently had this. centralized place where everything is place. Nothing is modified and you get your have access the committed, blockchain really put funny jokes on and then everybody you'll know your last say you can never delete your interpretive. No thank you. I'm gonna buy back about this. If you haven't n n n T associated with your talk, that of other people knows it. You get it hey. This is what everybody has been target. This is the first time I heard about adoptees was somebody advised me
to create an end of tee from some of the material, and I was like I have. No, idea you're talking about, but thank you so much fur suggesting that. But people are a thousand notes, a some commedia made like thousands of dollars. Doing that basically- and I dont know How- and I don't know who about people have made millions about budget billion. Last year on this I'll get you suffered that that's lake. I take a video of us and I dont want a real, never lakes and again sequence of jobs right like I got a bit I, like nodded LEO an hour an hour of jugs bit me sought mouse, right right, all right for an industry that is right and what is your getting up with the microphone and sitting down and everything you did between better, but so then it's like the end of tea would be the video itself that somebody then privately purchase says so that their own, that,
said that I did ask away there on the material they just on that video, which my be valuable if someone were like hugely famous rarely if ever like. You know, like some the is like if Amy she did us that that was released, and then somebody private. loud Marcia. I think you just about whether the teacher, but that that is absolutely correct and I'll, give you some examples of some recent empty of major league baseball, imagined baseball cards. You write that down that are made. Thousands of dollars offer that a year ago December Twenty eight fifteen year old teenager you up, I learned about this thing called end of tea. Ah he's an honest soundly, what the put his artwork ah created Emma ineptly and
sell it on an exchange and as of December twenty twenty one just last month, he's made over a million dollars. Wowed see! That's our understanding this. would be so liable well, sir. I invited by the way, just just for fun, loving trumps eyes, her eyes, as also then created as an odd work that she soldiers in an empty online. Last month Ah, oh good shots can someone a hack into the blockchain and shape What everyone is thinking is permanent. Ah it is highly unlikely that I will never say? Never, you just did that's why I said Like you, I will hardly ever say that
home is hardly ever ever say. Never but and highly unlikely is highly very. Forgot to the digital. Now, but I mean you know of quantum computing, You can always say the algorithms to make him out of sorts its inertia catch. Twenty two They have displayed catch twenty two, the martian. This, who was that from now on Nor can it that one argument, so I thought I thought a red just nothing else, we have one more question before we take a second break, so what he had margin? Ok the sun was interesting to me I'm. So this is from Richard L Sanders and says once all Bitcoin has been discovered. What,
incentivize anybody to keep auditing the blockchain if they know doing so, will not result in discovering any bitcoin like that question. If I liked it so much, we can take a break pick it up at the end of every did there thou and when we come back more with Doktor John, and my colleague, comedian Marcia, Bosky Unstartled Cosmic, where all about Bitcoin, blockchain and non fungible open the tickets, none fungible on We are black and whenever we want to be black and outdoor adventurer in countries singer blackened cosplay fan? black and vague in for who we are and anything we want to explore. There's Walmart! We can,
gotta yoga mad to be blackened then or escape board to be black and red and fearless because we are blue, and unlimited Walmart. We're back startup, final seconds, very small about Watchin and bit what you get Sandra Johnson here who's it one of the world's experts on this subject and been at computing that forever at this, you're out of people find you are you on social media, or as social media gas would recall you there, so what you call that as a factor Sandra K, J gap We are the same throughout the sand. Bird cage Doktor Sandra Cagey. I love it. how bout you more sure how we gonna find you. I am Marcia Bosky on Twitter and they are seeking a mouse
I want to talk that same name and then Instagram its Marcia Sky, asking why Marshall Scar, Murray's Marcia, you you may the headlines for the song about a hundred ten points. that's just a weird topic to title assault. Does Europe Europe musician and- and I am asking a jury because I knew it has to do with space, but I dont see. I know That is true, but I dont know why gas rocard, who is so the story is the song is about the first american woman. They ever sent a space names Sally ride. They tried to give her a hundred tampons to take with her for one week mission and the story. She technically never officially took them with her, but they they gave. A bag of a hundred templates, tied together by the strings, is how this is from her an oral history. I believe, and they, the way said is a high.
read the right number and she said, but of course, how would you connect? Temple was the obvious and the song is learn about our. Even even our rocket scientist might be a little blind when it comes to the lives of women and just about how funny it is now so you know, obviously, is still pretty a mail or dominated industry and others to a lot more women than there as at the time you then they also designed her a make up kid to take with her to space because they figure that he would want, and they re only exactly. I gotta look pretty forever. She basically said nothing for you and so fell guy. I wrote a song about how you know remember when NASA a woman, the space for six days, and they tried to give her or tampons or a nice song. I say they gave her a hundred tampons cause. She never officially took them, but in her oral history they did, they did try and give them to
and where there is a hundred at the right number and she said that would not be the right number. Then there like right visits to migrate, Sandra Sweden, space and an alien encounters were where apparently Sally doesn't need. Make up, could blockchain be the basis of a currency, interplanetary, intergalactic currency, sure, that's like a debate about letting the apple crypto. Two programmes have answers. Yes, just like it could be a basis for a global governance ES blotchy area to study us yeah. I'm a motorway marcia. Actually, with amid the salmon enough to be as ok, I get ok, I'm not gonna message you about how to do that. Let's go I'll, give you up everything? Ok,
So more should just before we did the break. There was a great question. What you did me the real, quick and absolutely said this is from Richard Al Sanders and he said once all backwards. been discovered, Babo incentivize anybody to keep auditing the blockchain if they know doing so, will not result in discovering any Bitcoin South. You are assuming that the Bitcoin exist to be discussed. So, like Bitcoin is created to gag, Oh, what a web pages alone is not like exists and then you can argue, titular picks like a minor and I'll find it. Can be sure. Why would write like White South South is created when we I know black white
Now there is a limit to the number of coins that will eventually be created, but is not like it exists. somewhere hiding and you'll, go you you're going out to look for. So it's just. You keep trying to get back next black on the blockchain, and when you get it, you get them So you said there, thousands of currencies such as Bitcoin also. and is there any limit, could be a billion currencies, and at that point there is no currency, what does it away that that that does not just like one about thousands of currencies but just like your different currencies with coffee at car, since that is what we now paper dollars for them
what is a fear that the different types of currencies now there are also different type of types of crypto currencies? Are thousands actually over ten thousand right now right? So obviously, as is done a bit difficult to have a global currency with greater than ten thousand like, while best one of the issues. This is still bleeding edge saw that moving forward time. That number will Blundell down for the most part. Even now, most crypto currencies, I'm not used to buy things. People just invest right. Yes, yours crept out o by and of tunes is probably the most popular away. Crypto itself is used to purchase. Things now talk to buy and of trees, since this is the same speed right, verified by rights out, but movement forward in time there will come a time when we will use crept up to just buy goods and services that we
that we by normally now using fear. What am I to happen in a little. and were given is a dreadful to buy at one point in the future that that's funny Khazar about those I I was just going to say that some businesses, ah that allow you to ah poachers their goods and services. Using quicker and there's a website that you didn't go to that list. The different big businesses, and then the type of crypto currency that they accept. I can really relate mostly to the people that we're like living when dollars took over four goals and their legs. Just gonna keep my gold think you're in our language and wage restraint transition uses piece of paper and why would I trust that? And now we're going from paper to Digital, and I think people are feeling similar way. Spooky yeah, he's welcome here here,
Ok, Marcia, Gimme, some more assuming we can fit into this. Second, yes, so this question I think, is just think, as there were a few questions about the environmental impact of criminal currency. I'm sure your asked a lot so the says hello, Johnson and Doktor Thyssen. How can someone invest in Crypto, ethically it something I've been interested in, but the environmental implications of the incredibly high energy use have kept me from getting involved and that, as from Chris plots words, why does it take? energy at all young transition. Time on your computer is just that pattern rotational power. It takes a lot of top mutational power. The computer quenching numbers that very, very happy. patiently intensive, which means it takes a lot of our electricity for actually did Obama six, in other words
right at an end and for some large chains you now it takes amount of power, the equivalent of a smile city. Ok, one transaction? has computationally intensive, particularly the bitcoin and the second most popular, ah, the blockchain, Assyrian, ah with its crypto chemisette. Very very massive amounts of electricity light. So unless you gotta believe that a cool name, more sugar, Mibray visa waiver I think that we need a real ran along. I some now other ah black chains, that ah I have a different type of metal. Biology to a why that hold the next, hold the runaways. For example,
on that as computationally intensive, even assyrian, although the main target of others, quite a while is moving towards a never a type of other, whether that is not as a computational entrance and therefore I will not take as much electricity did not there yet How about a couple of years saw there are alternatives to Bitcoin Assyrian that are not as on intensive in terms of the amount of power it touches, contribute green cripple. Currency. You create a solar panel farm. There just drives the computer that the enemy It's it's a solvable problem and says that all energy on earth comes from coal. That's right, that's absolutely That's another that need to be sustainable. That's Ok, Marcia Cuba go okay, so this year talking about how why this work really, and
fired you early on, so I think this is interesting. It says is from data from the Netherlands. She says you're everyone. So that includes me. I guess as someone who has almost no knowledge about crypto currency and enough to use. It scares me that these these are growing and that paper money would be something for the poor people. Why does crypto have so much preference by so many people, and how can I prepare myself for them? future. I relate to that. I would like to know love their question very important. I once again, a sociological doesn't aligns I'm tryin exactly the the halves be crypto rich and the poor is be. paper poor. You know what went over to the house. Look like so whatever Disney blame you does not. Now it's not me. I just know about it. I don't know about that. Leverage
but anyway, sampling tokens. These are very expensive. You now, for example, Bitcoin last fall November, got up to almost Sixty nine thousand dollars now to about thirty, seven thousand herself sounds It would have pop pop, could talk. I'd, say yes, as others very expensive but then there are others that cost much less okay. So in times of cars it really depends upon the actual crypto currency. Not my view is that as we move forward and it becomes used more properly, the past will go down.
That will double addressed the issue of costs signature. I never saw a sort of a question. What does it mean for crypto currency to cost anything? Because it is right now, unlike the dollar, why you can actually invest and practical we'd movement with it I will buy crypto currency with my american dollars. You can do that pass or I can buy cripple currency with some other crypto currency. Ah, you can that as well Yet- and there should I buy with american dolls to pursue with add the crypto now as my dollars, and I have their crypto currency in exchange for that's correct, but it might be a day, we're ever the only ever wants crypto currency to acquire other cripple currency. And so the normal one, the dollar, and that we draw
Down the value of the dollar on it, a modern economies, we got out a street, the homeless person Jahannam some court, or if you are now our cryptic say throughout the mayor of New York, the mayor and also wants to be paid and crystal when people are kind arresting and alive for it to be taken, because it has also occurs when the Bitcoin is down people here, well now this is like where Eric Adams, his paychecks, actually gonna, be this per cent less than it would have been, and I think people are just so committed it has such a lake reputation as yeah for, in my mind, like White Tech broke that I don't think people understand that there is like different people and like the incentives working on this, because I think a lot of the fear is like these are just the top one per cent making
new set of money for themselves. By hearing you talk, it seems like something so much different than that right right now, because it still new most of the people who buy Gretel Bitcoin Info and They use a smoking whenever speculated speculating structures in the wild West myself I four years ago, and they even though we thought it was then it was like twenty thousand right, right, allows that up to almost seventy that, so you know it's speculation. That makes sense and you have to have a certain bravery. It's a lake or certain comfort levels rights you that right. We have time for another question, but I do since I'm host. I can make time for my own question Self Sandra, so I I've bidding computing for a while. You know, since high school, Waste and I'm old, sober website
I've seen the power of computing grow, I've seen what happened sickly astrophysics. Your categories are problems that are interact. People at any given moment with what the computing power is at that level, and so we civil we need this extra power and then so new problems give sought as computers get faster efficient and have get more clever, so why lock anything into? Why walk? economy into Something that's fundamentally seems to me about the power of computing at that moment, because if, in the future, computers are billion times more powerful, what telling me who takes all power of a city. Look at tat, computers from eighteen, fifty eight, their entire rooms to just to do for function, math so so
so why walk into something that seems to me to something on a moving target for the power, the computers and bring to their problem. So, let's go back to the house how much power tapes to up to complete a transaction and up but that is because you have my nose. Remember them all over the world so as we move forward in time More and more Myers minors are competing as tagging significantly more computing power because of the bottleneck like south. As you increase the power of the computer, that will do said the power to actually do the mind. Your sound increasing the computational power of the kind. It helps status, I get there, but then no ever computer. They just fines, every single bitcoin their ears- and I can do it this afternoon.
The richest person in the world. I dont want we'll get to the point where it out at some the computer, because more computational computationally entrance, more minors are at it and it's sort of a loop keeps like more minors, more pollinate it he beheld minors, more power needed, etc. I guess Marcia that the comedy club owner who offers you because I guess they now want to theory and, like you I want the problem is, I would say no just because his eyes still it's it's tough, though, because it's like I take cash and stuff even though I probably would still need to hire an accountant. But it's like guy I feel that I am on the the bleeding edge enough. And to be able to do it, but then it's you know. I think it's like anything to its like I've heard sore. is of. While there was this one guy really trusted he got me in.
bitcoin. It turned out to be like a bad investment and that I've heard stories of the exact opposite. So I think that's what keeps people afraid, as the inconsistency of What the reward but like for me. I still want my cache because I'm not at the point in my life I can risk my paycheck being two thousand dollars less than it was supposed to you, but I can understand why but he who is in the financial position to do that, would do that because they could potentially have a great bigger future pay off, not just for them for their sir. I think it's like diversifying your portfolio in a way it would make sense to have stocks, have Krypton and also have cash, but you need to be it certain level to do that, so Marshall, you have taken, ass, though you come along, went but you you, but you, as as representative person, In this conversation, you come a long way from the days when you might just accepted a chicken for payment.
Right, yeah, exactly we ve, that's that's like it feels so scared I'm seeing it in my head. Like that words, I bet it's the same that people fell we went from you- cowrie shells to gold from gold, sir, whatever bad Not for me not yet, but I am, but I am interested buyer. Sandra we're gonna have to do that when we discuss this topic is ever ever growing We may have to do this again to a part two, to give us buying to evolve. we're gonna be restored, I presume ever our do we really want that? I feel I must say, I'm not a professional ads, and so you know you buy a job, but there is one thing I do want to point out: the marshal and envy off out tunnel Lula, so are the bow,
Charlie I've kept house, but that there are some, ah some court, some tokens, if you will crypto policies that state their costs We'll I'm and these are associated with a physical entity. For example. There is a! U S day. Point is acceptable, but is backed by the EU is done by dollar four down the same thing with golden diamonds, so that are stable, crypto crises that you can it actually hold many people. They they have these take on coins and then day they use them. to buy the volatile grip dolls and they go back and forth like little southward to me soldier when I first came up with their MECCA and they had the windowpane system
you had a file and you wanted to save it together with other files. You put them in this icon on your screen that look like a fold not an actual over it's a virtual folder and the need for something where the little trash can. So they they try to emulate, office environment, the space that you're operate out for comfort levels. Where I get us I make special noted in recent Macintosh up dates of their system. There icon further mail, which used to be a stamp, is now just an envelope both of those are still kind of work. But especially a stamp because the new generation of Cuba's awaited Z, whatever they ve, never liquor stamp in there like. What is that
So anyway, we gotta colleague, which their great to have you both on start, both for the first time, new new new bees, they're, very excellent love seen some new new blood flowing, through the rivers of scientific enlightenment has been ok, I gotta go now make you never have any. This is the violent events such it was so great, I hear you talk. Doktor Johnson. Thank you saw TAT has been a pleasure. Marcia call me about that. I well tempered visit to happen then have to be on the lookout. Is. Are you two brothers cigarettes? So has been startled cosmic queries all about crypto currency with doctors, Andrew Johnson and my new boast of Marcia Bell Ski? Who will never have you? Forget
meaning of a hundred temp on his face I'd meal. The grass Thyssen. Here, your personal.
Transcript generated on 2022-02-11.