« Something You Should Know

The Power of Things That Never Change & The Magic of the Doctor/Patient Bond


A kiss can be very powerful. It can make you feel wonderful and connect you to a person – or it can really mess things up. This episode begins with some interesting intel about the power of a kiss, both good and bad. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-we-kiss/

Change is sexy and exciting – and it can also be your worst enemy. On the other hand, there are some things that never change. You can count on them. And perhaps paying more attention to things that stay the same can be a huge benefit to your life and well-being. It is likely better than trying to predict what changes are coming since humans are particularly horrible at such predictions. Here to make the case for embracing things that stay the same is Morgan Housel. He is a partner at The Collaborative Fund and author of the book Same as Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes (https://amzn.to/3SwWn6u). This is a conversation that will bring you a new perspective on how the world works and how people live.

Complaining about the healthcare system is easy. Many people feel it is really hard to develop much of a relationship with their doctor when visits are so short and it’s often hard to get an appointment. So perhaps it is up to us – the patients - to squeeze out as much as we can from the healthcare system to get better care and a stronger doctor/patient bond. Joining me to explain how to best do that is Ken Redcross, MD. He is author of the book, Bond: The 4 Cornerstones of a Lasting and Caring Relationship with Your Doctor (https://amzn.to/461Zh6l) and founder of Redcross Concierge, a personalized medical practice designed to enhance the patient-doctor relationship. Listen and you will be much better equipped to interact with the healthcare system.

Having little kids is actually good for your immune system. In fact, the more kids the better. How can that be? Listen as I explain. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120703142858.htm


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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positive that the things that do stay, the same traits of human behaviour that keep repeating themselves, are the most important things you can pay attention to also How having kids can improve your immune system and the more kids the better and how you could improve the quality of the medical care you receive and there's a lot you can do Studies show that when you go to your doctor's office, you only remember about twenty percent of what you heard by. Can you believe that so eighty percent, you totally don't know, and the twenty percent you do remember this study show half of it is wrong. All today on something you should know. I don't know how many times this is come up in our house. Someone needs to see a doctor and there's either three month, wait for an appointment or the doktor. You want. Doesn't your insurance, something. just be me, I'm sure this has happened to you too, which why you need zadok. Zadok is a free up where you
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also matters what kind of kisser you are interesting Lee a Gallop survey found that fifty nine percent of of fifty eight men and sixty six percent of a hundred and twenty two women admitted that there have been times when they were attracted to some one only to find that their interests evaporated right after that first kiss, what's fascinating is that the bad kisses had no particular flaw. They just didn't feel right and that ended the relationship right there, and then they can became the kiss of death for that couple, and that is something you should know I think all pretty much bought into the idea, but everything changes, changes, exciting changes, inevitable. We change as we age. The word
changes, technology changes everything changes, quick, think of something that doesn't change it's hard to come up with something actually, though some things do not change or they change in dick double cycles and they're, just me these some value in paying attention to the things that stay the same. That's! According to my as morgan housel. He is a partner at the collaborative fund and a two time winner. The best in business award from the society of american business editors and writers, he's author of a book called same as ever a guy. Do what never changes a morgan. Welcome to something you should know. Thanks also happen. So in a world where everyone is talking about change, why are we talking about stuff that stays the same? This is an issue I think for two reasons. Number one is that change is exciting. That's what's thrilling, it's fun! To think about changes
so the biggest threat in your life like how's the world going to change and affect your job affect your career. That's one of the reasons I I think. The second reason is that we're just so bad at predicting what is going to change and our collective track record on predicting the stock market, the economy, the presidential election cycle, whatever might be, is not as bad as horrendous. So then, what you come to that realisation? There are two things you can do, what you can become cynic and say nobody knows anything about the future white and bother or you can step say: okay. Well, if we don't know, what's going to change, what can we put our weight on? What do it? What what do we know is going to stay the same So that's why over the years and I started thinking about what is going to stick with, what do we know with certainty? Is gonna be in our life, ten, twenty fifty five hundred years from now so one of the things that are going to stay the same ten twenty
one hundred years from now I focused on twenty three of 'em, some of my favorites. Just a couple of my favorites that I think apply all over the place is the idea that the best story wins not the best idea, not the right idea, not the correct answer. What really gets people's attention and get people nodding their head. It's just the best story. I think this drives a lot of people crazy. If you are the kind of person who thinks the world is going to be governed by the right answer, you're an analytical thinker- and you see all these people being persuaded by just a great narrative. A great worry it can drive you crazy and it's it's also actually a pretty optimistic thing for people to realise that you actually make a lot of change in the world, whether it's a new business or new career, not by inventing something new, but just telling a better story about something this already existed. One other than I think about is the idea that people who think about the world indifferent is that you admire people whose traits at you really admire entrepreneurs, politicians, whoever you me
almost certainly also have traits that you would not admire and you usually do not get balance out of people who are thinking outside of the box of speak. So elon musk is the example of somebody who has these amazing positive traits in terms of his his entrepreneurial abilities, his engineering abilities his willingness to take a big risk, and also what comes with that as part of the package are all these traits. Second, rub people their own way in terms of what he does on social media, some this political views- and I think that, like all those things have to come in the same package? You know what I find interesting is that we have so bought into this idea that everything changes in it Change is always coming in its inevitable that things will change that. If you ask someone And only on the street tell me something that stays the same. That doesn't change. I think most people would have to really think that way
I don't know what doesn't change, because it seems like everything changes but, as you point out is sometimes it's something so simple Like you say in nineteen sixty the most popular candy bar was snickers, and it is so today. as well and has been ever since it doesn't change. It stays the same. One percent told me about a year ago. I thought this is really brilliant. He said the most powerful brand that's ever been created is the beatles as the beatles why and he said, because the beatles have remained cool across about for generations, and that is a very, very difficult thing to do. Something relevant for more than one generation and what will the beatles still be relevant and cool thirty years? So now I would bet- probably that's, think it's extremely rare that that would occur. So you there's there's a court at the very start of the book that I really love
which is coffin. Voltaire- and that is history, never repeats itself, but man always does. Every recession is different. Every war is desperate. Every presidency is different. Every technology cycle completely different in terms of the detail what's happening, but man never changes so there's always gonna be worse. There's always gonna be recessions. There's always gonna be technology cycles, It's just kind of separating the thirty thousand foot views of how humans behave. That will never change It's interesting what you said about the beatles, and I would disagree someone in that. I think it's not just the beatles its rock and roll that has remained cool for, Generations, unlike any other form of music, I mean other forms of music, classical music are still relevant. I know that their cool, but rock and roll is still cool ends. There
link stones are still cool the who pink floyd fleetwood mac me. They ve been cool for a very long time, their art in a classic. radio stations that play rock and roll in all these radio stations that play old songs it that rock and roll, not just the beatles, has remained cool. Yeah and definitely defy some survivorship ship bias in terms of I'd, I wouldn't be able to name the top twenty rock and roll hits from. Sixty five, but everyone knows the beatles. Everyone knows mick Jagger. Of course, there's some survivor should by us It's very rare if you go back and look at the top bands from nineteen. Ninety nine nineteen eighty nine, the vast majority of them not only don't exist anymore, but most people, particular young people, never heard of so to have that kind of an doorance across different generations is. Is it is pretty rare? I don't think it's true for some cities at its hartford. It's hard for individual cities to keep it going for
more than about twenty or fifty years or origin say that they are very cynical. So, in the nineteen fifties, once from the best cities in america were detroit saint, louis baltimore or, if you like, back to the nineteen seventies and eighties, one of the grungy dirtiest cities in amerika was new york tenure, ago san francisco could do nothing wrong in san francisco today is collapsing by the day, so that it was all all these things that you would think would be really immortal tend to go through a lot of cycles in life, like the number of things that do change and go through cycles vastly outnumbers the things that will stay the same over time, but I would just posit that the things that do stay, the same of the traits of human behavior that keep repeating themselves or the important things you can pay attention to, because why? Why is that so important, rather than trying to figure out? What's gonna change? Next? What's the next big thing, I think that that the
pretty phrase that use there was figure out because it's impossible to know. We can try to pretend that we're going to figure out when the next recession is going to be who's going to win the next presidency, what the next big technology is going to be, but the history of it is abysmal meal. My knife, my background, is really been in finance and economics, and so the most important things that you want to predict, or once an ex recession, winds and expert market, and we ve never been able to do it, never? I did the interview with robert schiller from yell university about a decade ago. Schiller won the nobel prize and economics for his work and behavioral finance. And he did a lot of work on the great depression, studying the great depression and he and other economic historians have dug from newspapers articles research reports with the idea of. Let me find one person who predict
the great depression in the nineteen twenties find one person who saw this coming and he says zero does not exist, and so, if you have a full blown profession filled with very smart people, very smart academics, pouring through data and not a single person, could have seen the most important economic event of the century. Coming then, what Do people like you and I have to rest our hope on its pretty that? So that's I think, those that's why important. Is that the things that we know are not going to change or just the only things that we can put confidence into in everything else is kind of dust blown in the wind. So that's why they think so so important, and I think if you, if you don't acknowledge that concept than the danger is, that you put confidence in your ability to predict the next recession and when you have confidence and that those are the people who tend to make the biggest financial mistakes, and I think you could extend that to politics relationships whatever
maybe if you're putting if you have overconfidence in things that you really have no idea what's gonna happen next for we're talking about things that don't change and my asked is Morgan housel. He is author of called same as ever a guide to what never changes? U s. Cellular wants to help everyone get the gift of connection this holiday season already. Customer? This applies to you too. because right now knew and current customers can get any phone, and I mean any phone for free, yeah. Really free sounds like it's time to me: this, which spread holiday, cheer far and wide this season with a new phone everyone. Can get the gift of connection at u s, cellular get any phone for Today? U s cellular built for us terms, apply Is it? U s cellular dot com for details, money
it's the common denominator of so many things in our lives, whether its climate change, labour strikes even you're crappy office, printer money, economics, its part, everything it fuels our lives even in play is where you least expected since you like. something you should know you're, obviously the curious type and, if europe greece about money, I commend you, listened to the planet. Moneyed podcast from npr. But you will enjoy, are bored I enjoy about planet money. Is it makes the topic of money in economics? It makes its simple interesting Humanizes it and makes it very accessible. They recently had an episode about taking vacations and why we, in the? U s, take so little vacation was really interesting, planet money answers some of life's burning questions light?
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then there are always wrong, and so so why do we keep listening? I think and the the first point is we are always going to keep listening, no matter what the track record. It is we're going to keep coming back and listening because I think what we want is we don't want to necessarily know the future. We want someone to read, remove uncertainty from our lives and even if we know that this pundit is full of it, and the track record is awful and they ve never predicted anything accurately in their life. If they tell you what you want to hear, which is, I have a solution to keep you safe or I have a secret to make you rich Those are things people want to hear and back to the best story. Winds. If you tell somebody what they want to hear, You can be wrong indefinitely without penalty. Because you are actually delivering what they want, which is a reduction of uncertainty in their brain, and that feels good. It gives him I had a dopamine of all this is that actually makes me feel better that I see that the economy looks really bad,
you're telling me were actually gonna be. Ok, you made me feel better, and I appreciate that. But do you why, of course you do you realize how stupid that towns that we listen to pee will that we know were wrong and have a history of being wrong? I always wonder, like you know, there are plenty of economists. Are experts on the economy that will come on tv and write in whatever and they're always wrong, and I wonder like do they go home at night and go god I really suck at this or do they think? Well, may maybe I wasn't quite on the mark there, but you know I. I did a good thing. I think by and large it's the latter and the huge majority of these people are good, honest well meaning people, but I think there is a truth that not just in finance but in or geopolitics when the stakes are very high, when it looks there is a lot of uncertainty, there's a lot of risk shrugging
shoulders and saying nobody knows anything feels reckless and therefore, even if the track record on these predictions is terrible, the fact that you trying to come up with some sort of vision makes you feel better and there's the famous quote: from from world war, two where there is a general asking for the the weather forecast and so one says journal or weather forecasts are not of a don't, don't have any accuracy, we have no ability to print the weather for the next five years and the general terms Can he says the general knows that the weather forecasts are inaccurate, but he needs in any way for planning purposes, and I think that's it's really. It gets down to just saying. We have no idea feels reckless and it makes it adds to the uncertainty that we're trying to battle inside of our heads and even to answer question as ridiculous as it sounds. I'm sure, of course, I do this
You do this because the act of removing uncertainty gives us a little bit of comfort in a world that we can accurately identify as so risky and so answered. It was one thing: it's one thing to predict: your in future and be wrong. It's another thing to tell the world what what's gonna happen and be so wrong, but but but I want I want to get you to comment on it because We say that everything changes and changes in Irritable and everything's going to change, but when change happens we resist it we we claim that oh that'll never work, or I like the old way better, like there's this big resistance to change even though we ve all kind of given into the fact that everything is going to change yeah. I think it's it's common that when there's a new technology, that's doing something different. You almost resist it because adapting that new technology is it admission that you ve been doing things wrong.
Up until that point or that there is a better way to do it up until that point, so the stark exhibited starkist examples of this is when the our first came about in the early nineteen hundreds. It was universally panned as inferior to the horse and how dare, people want to writing cars. Could that's a danger to the horse industry too, that the noble horse and one nuance here is that by and large in the beginning they were right. The early additions, the car word less efficient than the horse and the early of the airplane were much less efficient and more dangerous than the train. So it's true that, like, those v1 technology like first version. First edition technology is inferior to the incumbent, and that creates a lot of pushed back on on on what we have, but I'd I'd. It is also true, I think that it just makes you feel bad about what you ve always been doing. There is a great school
douglas atoms in a hitchhikers, guided the galaxy where he says on paraphrasing, but he says any new technology that comes about before aged thirty. You less positive because you can make a career out of it, like all there's this new thing and I can start a career in and build my career on top of this new technology, but any new take energy that comes out after your age? Forty, I think he said, is a threat to the clear that you already built up the idea, though, that today we hear that it seems we've heard this before that with ai, and you know that today's technology really is going to put everybody out of work that that it seems like that, the the It is always the one that's looming and that some have, but but somehow,
kind of figure it out and things kindness settle down, but today we hear that you know. Everybody's job is in jeopardy. Because of this is that historically true, that that the threat seems horrible at the time and then it goes away. I think there's some there. Some new to this in terms of let's, let's go back a hundred years when I knew machinery was gonna, put some farmers out of business because while farming used to be manual labor. Now, all of a sudden you have tractors and whatnot that can do the work of what ten people used to do. So at the time there was a pretty fierce pushback among farmers during this period that some of 'em were going to be kind of not relevant anymore. Their their labor was not going to be needed anymore, and
I think that was true for them, even if those machines for the economy as a whole may become as a whole, more productive and increased employment. So if you are one of the people who got pushed out, then yes, it was. It was awful for you, but for the whole economy, it was boon for virtually everyone else. I think that's the truth, so the internet near by and large kittle travel agents will. That was, if you travel agent in the nineties that such for you, but the internet by and large has created more jobs, more opportunities, higher paying jobs for people writ large. So it's it's not blacker way. It's just. If you are part of the industry that is being forced output, doubt particularly if you are an older member of that industry and you feel- or it is too late for you to learn a new skill if you're, if you're twenty five and your job becomes obsolete by and large, you can probably cover if you're forty five and you have two kids in college, it's going to be a lot harder way harder. So I think that's where that loot, a tendency comes in
of of saying this is gonna put everyone had a jobs abroad versus the other end of the spectrum, saying his great. We should all embraces both of those can be true. There's definite gonna be a subset of people. for whom a I'm gonna put out of business, but I so be shocked. If it were not the case that in ten years in twenty years we look back and say the economy, is more resilient and wealthier and there more jobs in aggregate because they are women Somebody telling me once I always thought this was interesting advice in it, as it relates to a lot of different thanks, but there's really something to be said for low expectations, because because if you're, wrong your pleasantly surprised and if you meet your low expectations? Well, your expectations were met, theirs
quote from Charlie munger to the billionaire where he says yet. The the secret to a good life is low expectations and there's another quote that I love from montesquieu. When he said this three hundred years ago, he says, if you only wish to be happy, that's very easy, but people wish to be happier than other people, and that is much more difficult to to accomplish, and I think that gets to the point, particularly in a world that most of us living in the united the western world, in which things tend to get better over time. There's a lot of artillery there's a lot of ups and downs, but over the course of a generation. Most things get better for most people in that world. If your expectations are growing faster than your circumstances, if your income doubles, but your expectations triple, you feel like you're falling behind and one thing that has really sent us into overdrive. Just in the past
of years. Is social media, of course, because there's no such thing as an objective measure of wealth. Everything has its relative to people around you. You look at your economic circumstances. Your life circumstances relative to your neighbours in your co workers in your siblings, whether it might be, and that that's it's always been like that that everything is relative. But now the people who we are judging ourselves against- It is a curated highlight reel on instagram or facebook or tiktok or whatever. It would be and so now we are comparing ourselves to the highlight real of the entire world. That is our rhythmically curated. show you posted we're. Gonna get the biggest emotional response out of you and I say this to my own- it, my own kids, my son- is eight years old when I was a kid in the nineties, my definition of rich, were the people who bought new pickup trucks, an average where people who die of use pickup truck
but that that was that that was the scale. That was a spectrum of which I was looking at where's. My son today, his definition of like moderately well off is a labour guinea in a private jet and a private island is that's what he sees on. Mr beast, one. It's a toll different world of comparison then? I grew up and we're talking one generation here. I think we don't fully wreck. nice or know what the consequences of that will be to have a generation of young people who are were growing up as we speak with way Higher expectations in any generation has had a came before them will. This has been really fun because it makes you think about the things that change the things the stay the same, this things that cycle and repeat if it is impossible to predict, but but it's fund a watch. I've been talking to morgan housel. He is a partner at the collaborative fund and author of a book called sir
same as ever, a guide to what never changes and if you'd like to read it. There is a link to that book in the show notes appreciated thanks for coming on, morgan go. This is fun thanks, so much Pritchett, simply safe word: winning home security has advanced sensors, hd cameras, and now this twenty four seven lifeguard protection, only from simply say monitoring agents can see and speak to intruders through our indoor camera, to help stop crying in real time and for fast police response. Now get fifty percent of any new system with vast project monitoring as simply saved a slashed, spotify advanced on security, twenty four seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. There's no, like simply safe crypto like the financial system by different, it does care where you come from what you look like you're credit score or your outrageous through delivery habits. Crypto is financed for everyone everywhere, all the time
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explain and offer some advice is: can red cross? He is a medical doctor and author of the book bond, the are cornerstones of a lasting and carrying relationship with your doktor. Hey can well there's something you should know, My cover you thank you so much for have meal, and so in broad street Caesar. What is it? People are supposed to do to improve this relationship it you know. It usually takes two to improve relationship, and it does seem that the doctors less time, they're, always in a hurry. It's it's all filling in the camp Peter forms and not a lot of eye contact, and you know deep, thoughtful question, so is so what the person to do how? Guy that's a great question. There might look so I wonder what to think about this. When you go to see your doktor lies at times, I sometimes we're just running around ray you. I hope I have adopted appointment at three o clock, I'm running around from work and I'm running, and no I want everybody now to think about going to your doctor's office, almost really as a strategy, in other words
would you be prepared before the visit as to what are you want to get accomplish? What will make this a visit? it was really really fruitful for you and, if you think about it, that we make it becomes a little bit more than just all. I have an appointment. It's like you know. This is a time for me to kind of hit the pause button figure out? What do I really want to happen at this interaction and after this interaction with your doctor, so often muttered when I go to the doctor, what I want to get of it is get out of there as fast as I can. That's all I want I'm gonna go in there. Gonna look around, you know turn and coughed. Do what you do and let's move on with life, right. Well, it should. It necessarily will put it this way. Each and every patient is different. I live here might because you're right, you have patience like yourself who We call him walkie talkie, she does come in and you want to walk and talk and then go, but then there are some people who need more from there from the visit and so forth.
Well that's, why I say when you go in there if you go in there with that plan mike, like you, already know what you want, but you want to make sure you leave with something you know. The studies show that when you go to your doc, to office. You only remember about twenty percent of what you heard by. Can you believe that so eighty percent, you totally though no and the twenty percent- you do remember, studies show half of it is wrong. So that's why I say it's important that you come in with either taking note figuring out what you wanna get from this relationship, even patients like you MIKE who come in and kind of want to go while we still need to have a plan for you as well. Wait. So is it go back to that statistic? You just said that when you the doctors office. You only remember twenty percent of what the doctor said and half of that is wrong. How can that be? Well, if you think about it, when you go into the doctors, officer usually going and because there is a problem, something is wrong. So your mind:
does not necessarily perfectly focused on each and every word is coming out of your doctors mouth, especially when you're getting news that you don't want a necessarily here, one of the things I talk lot about as well make as coming in to your doctors, employment with a friend or a family member. You know to eat. Two sets of ears are better than one because you'd be surprised, is like that old game. I may I made date myself here might, but when you have that you talk in this cup in everybody has a different message and by the time we get to the end you like. Oh, where did that come from I don't install, that's, why I say it's important to make sure you possibly can have someone with you as well, because yeah the study showed you may not necessarily remember it accurately and there's also some big word, being thrown in their from time to time as well. Yeah. That all seems too often happen, and part of this is not just it seems the patient's responsibility, but the doktor
There has been a lot of concern about how doctors are pushed their time. As you know, the patient's move, a man move em out, we gotta go, we gotta go and there really isn't the time to span talking about, things that you might want to talk about. Well, I'm going. Creature? You bring in that our because your right, this patient doktor bodies should be a sharing sort of thing and I always like to but make sure the patient should feel equal to their doctors in differ, ways now as his physicians, you're right, you know, the healthcare system has changed. A landscape is, as I said before, really focused on. on volume instead of value, and so that's? Why is always important? Did you make sure you have this discussion with your doktor to say: hey, look, you know, these are certain expectations that I'd like to have and what sort of invitation would you like from me? In other words, your doktor me,
hey. Can you please arrive on time? Can you please follow my recommendations, but those are the important discussions you need to have, and it's also funny bike, because pages will say gosh. You know it feels, like my appointments. So fast. Well, you know what guys they are on average. Appointment time is ended up being only about seven and a half minutes with your doktor. So you tell me how you can really get in get a chance to another patient, well see how things are going in their lives and their families, and what the new tiktok craze raises seven minutes it seven and a half minutes is almost impossible. Well, so what is this? This is something I think a lot of people wonder about. So when the doktor asks about the latest tik tok craze or you know how things are going at school or how things are going at work. What does that have to do with
you and you and whether you're, sick or not, and what's wrong with you, it seems, like you know, filler talk that it's not very relevant. Oh god well look I'll. Tell you this! There's so much this important about this patient doktor relationship than just the problem. You have people who are dealing with different challenges, whether it be anxiety or the s word, which I always call the s word stress everyone cause. I don't like to say it, but the point is: when you have some of the was things going on if you don't really dive into that with your doctor, we won't know those things because they can cause true physical manifestations So one of the bigger things I try to make sure when I talk to other doctors and professionals as they try to train them, so that we can improve the emotional focus on the patient actor relationship, because that such a huge part of how we yeah when you really think about it, everyone we are really emotional beings and I think that's what healthcare has kind of forgotten a bit, because we all need to have that time with her
doktor. Even if it's you running in running out like you need to know that the doctor cares about you and really has your best interests at heart before you even trust him or her to take their advice, recommendations yeah, but it seems like that would be up to the doktor to bring up, because I can't imagine for me that you know When I'm talking to the doctor that I would bring up trivial things about my life, I mean this is a matter well doctor. He wants to hear medical things, I'm there for a medical reason, I'm not going to I'm not going to bring up trivial stuff. If he wants to know, then he ought to ask or she we all know well tell you, so it is dependent sulphur for it. For instance, I have someone like yourself whose busy or an executive they come down, but you know it's him For me to know how was his daughters wedding you like or wow what that? What does it matter? Well, he tells me as bad as doctors, where his daughters, where,
We find a. How wonderful was how happy it made. Him were now also dealing with his pride pressure issues and his s word issues and so forth, start to recognise that that's been the bigger challenge, but if I don't ask some of those things that allow me to kind of appeal back the layers of the onion. I can't get into the soul of the patient the same way and so here, what you're saying and that that's kind of the doctors point as well, but once again, if you're, really thinking about european everyone as a strategy think about some things that you want to get out as well or get from the doctors visit that you didn't think you could, because you thought it was kind of a one sided discussion. Seems, though, that if there's going to be this, you know casual chit chat conversation about what's going on in my life, that that's more up to the doctor to bring up because I'm not going to bring it up at the this is, as a doctor he's a medical guy with medical questions and I'm here for a medical reason. I'm not going to be talking about
settings in tik tok in that kind of thing, unless unless they ask, but I'm not gonna bring it up. Well that statement it gets back to the other important point mike, and I'm glad you said that, then that's why it's important. You have to interview your doctors ahead of time. You need to know, itself like, for instance, you know yourself might to say, hey look. I'm a guided was come in dog, wanna be seen taken care of and reminded ever that's. Ok, so you know what type of doc you need, but about I went to my nine year old patients who I just saw before we came on now. She needs my time. She We use it together it together today about an hour and for me five minutes. She. She picked me as a doctor because He knew that I could provide that. So all of are there listing is the same thing, whether you're like mine, nine year old, patient or like like MIKE here, you need to know what kind of doktor fits me, who am I? What kind of time do I need from my doctor, twenty the doktor booze open to alternative?
is healing or supplements and so forth, and because there is such a big, so submissive become so import. and you have so many people who were having some challenges with their doctors around that, so Make sure you have a doctor who fit. Who you are at this time Imagine that one of the problems- because when you're talking to your doktor about mean oak very, commit things. You mean it's your body that people are in, arrest about saying thing: and so they don't say anything at all, because they don't wanna talk about embarrassing subjects which leaves a big hole. In the story, no, it does and that's gets back to make sure that the connection is exactly the way you did. It should be. I say to the doktor to feel like a member of your family. Would you ever be bashful about sharing something with you with your brother? Your sister is someone or cousin now, and so that's why I say they beg it's back to europe, making before
are those little tiny, emotional things: the daughters waiting in the example and those other things. The little things are in they really allow you to really open up, and even when sometimes is on the flip side, mike when you're doing things that you know you should be doing that coming clean peace is incredibly important, but you can't do that unless you really there with the dark and believe they're dead. They care about you and and really want you're best interests at heart, those as important to make sure that connection. If right, one of the things that I don't think it's just me what I find most challenging about going to the doktor is having to wait that if you have an appointment, the clock and you're still sitting in that waiting room at three o clock that that's frustrating, that ridiculous, and then you hear that- well, you know it's hard bed patients run over and what factor that into your scheduling, but but dont those people,
regarding the doktor and have to wait an hour and think chee this. This isn't right, it does Seem to be a problem, that is why I am so glad you ve brought that are because well, one of the problems is what is called when you go to your darted off, as is already called a waiting room right, that's the counter should have to me for somebody who loves a patient, doktor bind, it should be reception area, and I do tell pages a couple of things number one. When you go to see your doktor do your best to get the first appointment of the day. The reason why I say that is there not only the doktor really focused and ready to go and bright, eyed and bushy tail, but they usually on time. The other thing you can do you call them medical assistant before you get their mind, so you can say: hey is doctor eggs. Is he or she is they re running late they on time today? Should I reschedule
and also to have a little someone on the inside somewhere or sometimes as well, can make sure that you don't get a fifteen minute appointment, but that your kind of allocated for thirty minute appointment. So there's all these little thing. You can do to kind navigate the system a bit to make sure that, to your point in I sitting all day waiting waiting for the doktor, but tell me why that happens. Why they, can't figure it out well, because it gets back to that big piece it that healthcare has just said I did that volume is more important than that value and spending time with the patient than the other thing guys is that when you come into the doctors office, I may have somebody who comes in and once again there dealing with stress or anxiety- and they say, oh doctor, I've had is having its own. My chest, well. I have a little bit of knowledge sweating their nets. Like oh, my gosh. I need to get in cagey now to see exactly what's going on. So some of those hiccups can happen within the doktor scott. They do not see why you're in that reception area,
you're there not to realizing that, like you know what the doctor has some things going on behind closed doors that he or she are kind of managing. But I agree with you that some of this stuff needs to be built within the doctor schedule ahead of time. I used to do those sort of things are often because I knew that there were patients who, whether they were I diabetics and had other challenges that we're gonna kind of say. You know what miss jones has allowed how do things going also maybe to save miss jobs for my three o clock and last appointment of the day, so there didn't get behind It does seem- and I know I've heard discussions about this before that- that in medicine today, when people go to the doktor, they expect something to be done. they want a pill or they want to test or they they want something that people are we satisfied with MEL you, your fi look good. You can't find us single thing wrong with you, you're good to go and be people don't want that
some. Fortunately, our society ray. What did you want? Something that you want to feel good now? Well, you know a lot of things you're wellness side, don't necessarily denied intended to feel good. Now was intended to keep you here on this beautiful earth longer in a sample. things are so you're right. You know a lot of fixes. Everyone don't necessarily require a pill. Sometimes just requires a good talking to, and a good discussion about is actually going on in your life now There are a lot of things that are important. Did you can? Do we talk a lot about her? I talk a lot about exercise being important also management of your food on alike, to say, diet, because hacking now cause a lot of different, visible responses as well, but you know what you're putting your body and in exercising are all these, things that are medicine as well. They can make a huge impact in your health without taken a pillar supper But diet and exercise seem to be kind of magical prescriptions that, if p
actually. Wouldn't do them so many. Problems would disappear, or at least get a lot better. If you want to live on this earth, twenty three or twenty, eight percent longer decrees: your mortality, the cdc sage exercise, a hundred and fifty minutes a week. S thirty minutes. Five days think about that. If that's not magic, I don't know really what is and then, when you think about hmm, how can I get this sort of exercise? It doesn't to be running. They did studies mike and actually you can even walk and get this exact benefit as well. We all do it and is not when you say, oh, I walk a lot at work that doesn't count. You need to make sure that you can't breathe a complete sentences, that's actually exercise and then, when you talk about food, you're hear this cliche, but it's so so true everyone, food is medicine in I have friends, I know people who have high blood pressure sure and they take pills for it, but there also overweight and I'm not adopt
your, but from what I understand they would lose weight. Much of that problem might just did. here on its own without the pills, but but they don't so they just rely on the pills its heart. You know why make us hard. It's hard is hard go out there and go walking it's hard to maybe get on their treadmill were first has taken this pair, we think everything's gonna be better. You know is the same thing for four for diabetes is well, you know so much diabetes. Take two in particular. Everyone is based and being overweight. and managing that sort of thing can make a huge difference and really eliminate a lot of pills. But it's hard to do the hard work, and so does when you're gonna have to the dead, look in the mirror, a moment and kind of say. You know- and I heard this this no light. Showy talked about my life experience and so really
look in the mirror and say: how do you want your life experience to be, and how can we make that easier? I think one of the ways to do that is to have the best patient doctor pond, but I also think the mixture of nutrition movement and spiritual? however, that is for you. Do you have a seat suggestion, because here's here something that I think happens- a lot you're sick, something's, wrong you have a pain you want to get in to see the doctor and they say: ok great. We can see you in three months rate. He well how out today or tomorrow, and is there like the secret password or something you can do that help circumvent, the well meaning person gatekeeper at the front. Who is just scheduling and the next one is in three months, but I need to see the doctor. Now what we, Do here is that we will call the front office person will let them
number one you're gonna be placed on a weightless right away lists in case. There is any cancellations, because I'm here to tell everyone, no matter what they tell you, there are cancellations every day. I think about the times when you were running late and traffic, and you had to call because you couldn't make your appointment that's happening every day. So my point is you call you'll, make nice for the front office person and say: hey look. Can I please be put on a list that, if something were to happen, if there is any cancellations that I would be called whereby can check into out today in the future, I'm almost look. I'd hate to put guarantees will be used, gonna get appointed within forty eight seventy two hours just because when you look at the no show numbers and things of that nature believe me, somebody has not come to the doktor s office. Earlier three months. Believe me what it does seem that more of the risk,
instability for them. The doctor, patient relationship, falls on the patient to kind of insist and pushed to get what they need, and I appreciate the advice on how to do that. I've been speaking with doktor can red cross. He is. author of the book bond the four cornerstones of a lasting and carrying relationship with your doctor, and if you'd like to read that book, There is a link to it at amazon in the show notes thanks doktor thanks for not being here proceeded thank you you take can be well. The next time, or child coughs. In your face, you might just won a phantom if you ve got little kids no doubt there sneezing around you and touching your stuff with their filthy fingers and that actually helps your immunity, a study found at paris.
Are actually fifty percent less likely to catch cold than non parents and the more kids you have the better protected you are. there is one exception to the rule. In this study: younger parents, ages, eighteen to twenty three actually have less protection, then parents, who were twenty four to fifty five years old. The younger pair, car, just as many cold as non parents in their age group, and that something you should know. One thing that is very good she hated and really helps us out is when you If a rating and review of this podcast on whatever platform, you listen to only takes a second and you would do that. It is really a great way to show your support for this show. I might carruthers thanks for listening today to something you should know,
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-14.