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How to Make Smarter Choices in Every Day Life & Why You Must Have More Fun at Work


Hot summer days are often called the “dog days of summer.” Why? This episode begins with an explanation of that. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a21725/dog-days/

You make a lot of choices every day. Some are harder to make than others. Listening to this episode will likely help make better choices. Joining me is Joseph Bikart author of the book The Art of Decision Making: How We Move from Indecision to Smart Choices (https://amzn.to/2xsIwmW). After listening you may change the way you look at the choices you make. 

It seems a lot of homeowners are over-watering their lawns. Doing so not only wastes water but causes some other problems as well. Listen and discover how to check that your lawn is getting just the right amount of water. http://livinggreen.ifas.ufl.edu/water/lawn_care_and_irrigation.html

Having fun at work may seem counterproductive. How can you get work done if you are having fun? Well, it seems to be more complicated than that. In fact having fun may be just the thing for getting more work done – better! Joining me to explain is Dave Crenshaw a speaker and trainer who has authored five books. One of them is called The Power of Having Fun (https://amzn.to/2xoQYUj)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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today on something you should know why our hot summer days called the dog days of summer I'll have the answer to that. Then understanding how you make choices and the process is fascinating. I mentioned to know that the thoughts below prefer and in the seventeenth century he said, every decision you make the right decision and the wiki explains it because you took it. The decision was taken to the EU. Turkey deal with the right decision. Also, there's a good chance. You're watering, your lawn too much I'll, explain how to tell and the importance of having fun at work, and it is important. The biggest reason is that it boosts productivity and the reality is when you schedule time to have fun when you make it not something that gets fit in at the end of the day, you got your work and if you make it a top priority, everyone's performance improves overall, all this today on something you should know
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Something you should know fascinating, intel, the world's top experts and practical advice you can use in your life today, something you should know MIKE carruthers. I welcome this. Episode is being published on the fourth of July, two thousand and nineteen so happy. Fourth, and we are also in the dog days of summer, we ever wondered why hot days are called the dog days of summer. Why must you know the story? You'll, never guess some have suggested that when things get hot it makes dogs act crazy, but that that's not. He has nothing to do with. It does not even close. according to the farmers almanac that dog days of summer, refers specifically to the forty days span. Tween July, the third and august eleventh, and it has to do with the dog star serious.
august eleventh, coincides with the rising of the dog star serious in the early morning sky, for ancient egyptians. They realise that serious appeared just before the season. of the nile river flooding, so they use the star is kind of a watchdog. For that event, since its rising also coincided with a time of extreme heat The connection with hot weather and the dogs are serious, in the dog days of summer and that is something you should know think for a moment about those decisions you make that you struggle with where to go on vacation. What color to paint the house or what kind of car to buy you really can struggle and become paralyzed trying to make those kinds of decisions. but in the long run, does it really matter what color you paint the house or which car you buy it,
probably doesn't matter as much as you think and not in the way you think Joseph be cart. Is a british based investment banker who has struggled with decision making and indecision himself, so he decided to really dig deep into this topic and he wrote a book called the art of decision making, how we move from indecision, too smart choices and he's here to shed some light on the process of King decisions that I think will help us all make them a bit better. I joseph- great to be with you? so it does seem that so many decisions that we are faced with our hard to make you know do we do we state that hotel or that hotel? Do we move here or there do I take this job or that job? Do I go to that school or this school and I know people in- and I know myself I have sometimes been in that position of feeling just parallel,
Is that really knowing what to do being unable to decide anything but a very common thing, and also what interesting is that the same decisions that committed to some are difficult to others, and vice versa? one example I had in mind my professional life. If you want with working with the chief economist, But at a u s bank, they imagine this person It would never have any problems making any decisions said to me that that's true, I find it really to make decisions on. Interest rates. Were the economy is going, but I find it pretty much impossible to the color for my walls. He said Luckily, my wife is very good at that or she wouldn't help me much with interest rates, but I thought it was really interesting what he was saying was. I don't have a model for that. I don't have a an algorithm to choose the colorful, the wolves so Everyone struggled with a decision.
Why do you think it is so hard when people are faced with a choice like what car to buy or what color to paint the wall? Why is it so hard to choose it it it on? The surface doesn't seem like it should be that hard very often, We struggle with two in two choices between two options is because both both options are acceptable to us. The choice between two colored is typically because in voted down boy downswing, a hundred colors down to two, and and presumably we like, both on the way they wouldn't be. The college which yields from. Though a philosophical view on that from the? U s philosopher with Chang, says these choice probably the most interesting choices we make because they are normative it's when we to decide between two things that are equally, but to us that these choices are present The the decisions that make us who we are that's what you mean by normative so wishes
be fazed by them. We should, on the contrary, welcome the difficult decisions I know said than done, but we should welcome than in that they give. It the opportunity to be who we are when you think about how people make I mean we make decisions every day we make decisions about the smallest littlest things up to really big things and at some point along that line gets harder, and, and what is it that makes people so indecisive when they are indecisive, when Other things there is no indecision, it's just you just decide and that's it you're something your answers. I like something when we decide very instinctively and thence occasionally was trouble and What I've been working on this precisely? What is the struggle about? What is the source of the struggle? And ultimately it's about here?
Ultimately, what we struggle with decisions, because we're afraid that we, We regret that decision And what I found red interesting about that that there are two types of of regrets. If you want as well, for what gold errors of omission, the other one in four areas of commission and what that means is that areas of emission is something I regret, because I haven't done it today, I haven't taken up an opportunity there the commission is the other way round. I regret something I have done, and most people are afraid of committing to the wrong and of acting based on the wrong decision when, in fact, in the long term Patients will regret the both of you too. of a mission in the long term. What we regret the most things we haven't done So this is really a manifesto against procrastination, because when we think that by not doing something,
We live a safer life, it's actually the other way round. It does seem at least to me anyway, that procrastination to some extent is human nature, that people have a tendency to put off what they can put off and you're saying that it plays into something that that we end up regretting later. So I wonder why human, nature leads us down the wrong path. you know really when you think of decision, even though decision there's something interesting when, indeed the of the word comes from the latin route, which has guided area which means to cut off. For so we need livened act of using a knife to cut off cuts, got something in two and There's something about the human mind, If these are decisions, it's sees choice as the potential of we lose the other option. And this is associated with suffering, and he would do anything in the world.
the feeding of suffering so you're saying that that by procrastinating, which so many of us do, keeping all our options alive. When we make a decision, when we choose one all the their possibilities die end, and we suffer from that. So to avoid the suffering, put it off and keep everything alive, so So what's the advice that of it of all you know about the decision making process and how people struggle with it. What's advice that helps clear the fog hear them. the essential bit of advice, I would give, is try to the stand, the sought after indecision, what we understand, what Our fears and what I've looked at all the of fears that can generating decision procrastination. So once we have identified the type of fear, we can you almost as a mere and realise that the fear about decision is very often hear about the self
I give you an example: if, with here the fear of rejecting the better option, it's me You a fear about the self which, which is the fear of being rejected, the fear of being missed out. if the fears, the fear of failure. the main you're here about the self that I may be a failure. So what I'm saying is deep down at the at the root of indecision that fear about the self. And and if people are interested in any long term. solution if you wanted their indecision. The first thing is that, the thought of introspection. The second Maybe more practical aspect is, as you were in the army. We should not look at decision in isolation of all the decisions we make so a decision, maybe. Regarded as right or wrong and in any case
that may seem to be wrong in the short term can turn out to one of our best decisions in the long term. So what I'm saying is it's not healthy to look at a decision nice relation of other decisions, I'd rather people looked at decisions as string of decisions that are consistent between themselves and then act based on this new decision in line or not in line with my habit of decision making with my pattern of the sea, Making also lets take an example. Let's say a couple wants to take a trip. They ve always wanted to go to england from the: u s and its inexpensive trip, and maybe they don't have the money. They're gonna have to charge up their credit cards, but something they ve always wanted to do. And so they do it, and so now they ve had this experience, which hopefully is a nice experience of having gone to great britain. But There are also saddled now with credit card debt, Was that a good decision,
because I imagine spinoza before the upshot of the fur and and in the seventeenth century he said This is you're making the right decision and the boy That is because you took it. The other decisions we're not even worth taking, so you took you go with the right decision, so we extrapolate from that. What he actually means is if you ve taken that holiday proven to be expensive, you may have regret, while we grab never helpful, removed regret. Never helpful regret, needs to mourn twice, remove means to be beaten twice, the top of backward doubling the pain in that, that like Spinoza, I would we got every decision at the right decision in that it informed on next decision. If I feel I have spent too much money on that holiday, I may be more cautious next time or I may not take a holiday every six. But one year one your the tears and spend that kind of money.
holiday really want. But one thing is the remorse or regret attitude is, is always a negative one. The attitude of learning from our budget decisions is really what What helps us growth in the long term? So I get the philosophical concept of every decision was the right decision, but on a more ethical down to earth level. Not every decision was the right decision. If, for example, you go out drinking with your buddies and you drink too much in you drive and you get pulled over by the police and you get arrested most People would probably say you made a poor decision so again, the difference between the short term and self and the future self decision that is made only with the present self, in line with high it is the wrong decision. I think the way used by the person that that ended up in trouble is, it would
will every future decision that they make in that situation such we. the question of whether the right decision on that occasion it in ring of decisions, how did that help me? Because, but the decision maker going to where we started this interview And before by carry that we are the sum of the choices we make with that learn from every choice we make what I like to be a good one well it starts with. You know when the child puts his hand on the hot stove top well, he's made a decision to do that and has learned and probably never does it again, and so Haiti has informed his future decisions. Could say at the moment it was the worst possible decision for the child about me. Save the child from wars trouble in the future, so uncertain advocating that the child should do that. But one thing is while the culture of of judging in isolation is not me.
Thirty one which helps without growth. We should look at these decisions as a strength as a top system joseph be card. Is my guest he's a british based investment banker who has really studied this whole idea of decision making and procrastination and indecision and he's written a really interesting book called the art of decision making how we move from indecision, too smart choices if europe, Aren't I bet the subject of technology has come up in conversation with your kids. You S, cellular, knows how important your kids relationship with technology is, and they ve made it their mission to them establish good digital habits early on. That's why partnered with screen sanity, a nonprofit dedicated to helping kids navid the digital landscape,
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and he was giving advice to a friend. That's exactly what I do a divide, my pigeon too, and I write the pros on one side cons on the other side. And then what I do is when one element on the left the same weight as two elements on the right like all three and that's how he would decide he would do they found the left a member from the right and then according to the weight of each element. That's right out all these things until there were few left lead. and then he would much he would be able to take more informed and better decision now notion of the pros and cons can be misleading and the reason for that is if we believe what freud had to say about it, which happened to do Freud said: when making a decision of minor importance. I've, always I it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons, so he wasn't against it in vital matters such as treating.
why, for husband. What using the profession, the decision Should come from the unconscious in those important decisions about personal life, we should be governed by a deeper in our needs: So absolutely in favour of the pros and cons of the starting point, and I think, as as freud said on the less important decisions, the great formula, but when it comes much more meaningful, something but more important. We need to dig deeper. One of the things that you said that really resonates with me and that I have always believed and that I think, helps me be a better decision maker. this idea, that so many of the decisions that we struggle with Why paint the wall bluer green? Do we sit on the window or the I'll? Do we travel on thursday or friday that at the mall? it seems like this is such an important decision.
Very quickly becomes inconsequential that it isn't even so much. doesn't matter in the long run it only matters in the moment it doesn't really even matter in the short run for the most that most of these kinds of decisions, don't matter so if you can make them not struggle over them, not worry about looking back and wondering what if you'd made the other one? and just move on thirdly, it doesn't matter as long as you have honestly thought about it. Consider the options and then came You the conclusion that it doesn't matter- it's not an invitation to be irresponsible to anybody, and do your homework to think about it carefully and then two committed vision, but but it's really did. To avoid procrastination and industry
and you know I'm reading spied by one line in theatre, which is probably the most famous line in theater and that line. But that's used by the famous progress to nature in future and that Hammett, you know he said to be or not to be. That is the question. while interesting me, that's not what shakespeare road when it I hamlet the first version of that has a different likely to be or not to be, that the point. So what shakespeare's indicating that life is not about choosing between a and b the question It is not my this. my back to achieve this, or do I too, that the queen neither the already answered the point, the point that we are able to decide between envy Is not whether we come to a ought to be and I think that's what's got to be nurtured. Celebrated in humans is precisely defined. That we are able to make these choices or words
trysting to me about procrastination? Is people put off making a decision. Thinking that they ve put off making a decision, but in fact procrastinating is and of itself a decision you ve decided decide. So now you have this weight of decision still hanging over you because you didn't choose, and that is itself a decision, you're, absolutely right, third side for the fact that we do not decide on what to do either decision in itself. It's not the lack of a decision So there is a mess around procrastination that procrastination and just postponing the decision Thirdly, wrong procrastination means identified. Today that I'm not going to decide and then have to move this decision anyway. So what there is one decision, but because I avoiding one decision, I have to make to decisions one today, twenty five today or not, and once more if I thought so,
across the nation is not. The solution is actually making our life pointed difficult right and I've. I've. I've always sense that one of the reasons people procrastinate anything is it comprises the amount of time that things have to be done, whether it's making a decision in writing a paper and and pressure of having to make the decision or do something quickly and under pressure. I think some people like that There is a reality behind that, and that was not of the rich Professor chick me, hottie from from chicago university, which showed that when we are at our best when we function at our best when we're we're were inflow and ended Principle of flow is one that comes from doing something that uses all ass kills. Situation which is challenging. you could say that there is something almost pernicious about not divide.
Today, because by moving decision tomorrow by adding a long list of things to do tomorrow, I will then be in a challenging situation which will offer matured all my skill, but again that. self awareness is important. This is pattern. If this is how I how I behave, I'm leaving for life good, I may be more when all these things at up and pile up. But what am I today well, apparently not making a decision is what I'm doing today, In speaking with Joseph, because he is a british based investment banker and he's author of the book, the art of decision making how we move from indecision, too smart choices- and you will find a link to his book at amazon in the show notes for this episode. Thank you, Joseph thanks. Her thanks for joining me look MIKE. To sum up, it's been a pleasure to continue today.
You ve probably heard stories are seen pictures of how some companies allow for a lot of fun and play time for their employees, but isis. Tat most of us work in places where people are not writing their skateboards down the hallway or playing ping pong or video games on their coffee break but what about the concept of fun at work? Does it, A place could fund at work, actually make the workplace better and make the people more productive and if so, what kind of fun. here to discuss. This is Dave. Crenshaw davies, a leadership expert, a speaker and a trainer who has written five books, one of is called the power of having fun. I d thanks are being on something you should know thanks,
I had to be on mic. So, let's start with the benefits of having fun at work, I mean other than being cool to let your employees play and have fun. What's the benefit of introducing the concept of having fun at work opposed to we're here to work. So, let's all go work well, the biggest reason is that it boost productivity, I'm I'm a productivity guy on the very tactical practical. Let's get things done, sort of mindset, and the reality is when you scheduled time have fun when you make it not something that gives fit in the end of the day, if you got your worked and if you make it a top priority, everyone's perform and improves overall there's a lot, a lot of research plus a lot of just field. Experience of my own coaching people that backs that. That claim up. Ok,
so define fun. For me as it applies to the workplace. What does that mean to introduce fun and have fun The things that I make is the difference between on as a car and having fun and the reason why I make that distinction is because, to me fun is an action. It is a verb until we want make having fun priority, meaning we are going to take action on doing it, and so that would be things like what the answer is. It depends because the best answer, Whatever is fun to you, person has something that they enjoy doing, for instance, my oasis daily, personal oasis is to play video games for thirty minutes now sound, like a strange thing for forty two euro, hope to admit publicly, but for some people
going for a walk or its walking around their building listening to their favorite music, one to do that. I worked with he's into Emma may so for him it was shadow, opting for fifteen minutes. The key is choosing the that you enjoy doing not something that you feel that you're supposed to do, But how do you then incorporate that into your day? Where do you put it and how do you get permission to do it and how long does it last and that kind of thing yeah? Well, you you use the word, which is permission and as I go through the power of having fun. I talk about the five steps that people have the go and the first one. Is we too agree that this is a good thing so many people feel guilty about taking a little bit of time to do that
when, in fact, when you do it, you'll perform better, which is why you want to make it a top priority. So first is is permission, and then second is discovery going through the process of figuring out what you want to do and then that leads to probably the most important step which is scheduled. You want to find a consistent time distance rhythm that you can get into where it's in your day count on it. It's not something that you get for good behavior. Here, you know, pay yourself on the back. Mike was a good boy. He gets to play. It's not like that. It's a priority and you schedule and then you have to protect it in your day speck, there are a lot of employers managers who would frown on this because it seems like fluff, it seems like were indulging people for the sake of indulging people and what we really need to do is get the work. Let's just take a look at
of the science behind it. Many people are aware that dopamine is chemical. That helps us feel good. What they need I'll be aware of, is the dopamine is unnecessary comical to help us perform better than with a steady out of the university of washington where they had. It was They are studying mice and one group they deprived of the natural occurring chemical of dopamine, and they kept report This task over and over and the interesting thing about it is no matter how many times they did it, the group that was deprived of dopamine there, times got were their performance degraded overtime, whereas the group that had the naturally occurring dopamine their times got better and they increase performance, that relate to the workplace will we're not mine, but some of us are treating ourselves, and maybe even our employees, like the rats in a maze, and we have to allow people to have that
be in ourselves. We have to allow ourselves to have that moment to just do something with no, other than enjoyment, because that reply This is our reserves and improves our performance during the rest of the day I imagine a natural inclination would be if we're going to introduce fund into the workplace and because we have all these people here, we need to introduce fund as a group activity that we need to all, have fun together and and that'll be good and honestly that's a common state that people make. Not thing? Having fun with people doesn't have value, in fact, one one quarter of the book is dedicate toward having fun. He relationships and our lives, whether that's our spouse or children, or our best body or just our dog, is important for us Those kinds of interactions,
but when it comes to the workplace, one of the biggest mistake that executives make is assuming that what they like to do for fun is what everyone else will want to do for fun. So they say: well, let's have a company bowling day. You know golf their whatever. They may have this big van and everybody goes out. Well that works for the few. percent of their people who love owing or golf it actually alienates the other, sixty percent, so instead, I recommend, as it is a strategy more like what linked in does linked in something called in days in their dedicated days in each month where They allow people the freedom to do something their choosing within the day. Now they give a suggested theme and some possible activities that they could do around that thing, but and it's self directed and self directed fun is the most powerful kind of fun,
another company. That does something like this is: is key. They have what they call a recess, risa and baker. They provide base and time and the day where people get together and do whatever they want. They want to do something together, that's great, but if someone wants to be by themself and just watch funny videos on youtube that also acceptable when you to people about this. I imagine there is some push back. So what is the big objection to this one the biggest things that I run into is not so much the objection, but the the logistical challenge of it. In other words, well, I schedule it in my day, but work is just going too fast. I have had too much to do. I can't take the time to do this, and so we can some things to inoculate ourselves against some of these actions or were obstacles is probably better word. For instance, first of all we have to have it scheduled, but we can also sure that our schedule
just before and after the activity isn't pact pipe you you want to have buffer time in your day, and this is actually just a general. the pool of solid time. Management in the twenty first century is not scheduling your ear, your calendar completely, for, as you will be interrupted, and so it You have a little bit a buffer room in your schedule. You have room to bring handle those interruptions so that you're not tempted to say well that having fun thing that I get this away since this is a low priority, so it ok if it gets pushed off now we already have time set aside for the interruptions, but you must protect that time so much as one of the many things that I see be a challenge to having fun, and you said at the beginning that their science behind this could can I hear a little of that. What's the proof that this really is effective.
sure what I mentioned. The steady at the university of washington in terms of the role of dopamine there, thereafter studies, you know, like in terms of the great places to work, where they look at which the top rated companies is done by fortune. And they survey and they do research into which companies people want to work out. There is why they ask a series of questions of people. One question they ask is: this is a great place to work right. Yes, You agree with this their question? They ask that correlate most strongly with their response to this. Great place to work is this is fun place to work. In other words, from a cultural standpoint. If you want to have a great company, you need to have a place, it's considered a fun company. That's that's one side of it
The other side of it is there that the study done by the energy projects in the harbor business review, where they took a look at how often people are encouraged to take break and people who were encouraged to take breaks every ninety minutes, or at least three breaks per day were far more likely to want to stay with her company? They reported better health levels, they promote, reported better crew, turkey and better focus, and yet yet a very small percentage of people less than twenty percent of companies encourage people to take break that frequently so depriving ourselves and our workforce of the very thing that would help us retain people get better results in terms of productivity. Do you ever find that people say you know, and you know I don't. I don't think I want to do this. I mean I, you know what I'm at work. I just want to stay focused on what I'm doing, maybe grab a bite of lunch and then get right back to work that this. This has
We appeal to me sure that occasionally and so the perspective that I take whose work I can ladder you up with all of the scientific studies that I could find but in the end, this isn't about the experiment of other people. This is about the experiment of you. So when I'm coach Somebody want I'm working with a client privately, I say: look, don't it. word for it was created. schedule, let's try it out, and so we figure out What they're always is we create schedule for it- and we do say we're going to test this, no matter how you feel about the on the moment or whether or not you fill this is going to help you be more productive. I want you to do it consistently for two weeks and then we're going to reassess your results and see What comes out of it, Personally, I have never found any one, but when we do this, they dont say
you know what I'm not only a better, but I was working a lot harder in time. between that sort of it. Quit that I thought lead with, because if not no one wants to hear this, the reality is when you schedule these oasis and keep them consistently, it motivate you to be more focused and be harder and harder worker overall. What are some of the other effects, good or bad, the unintended consequences of having more fun at work. First of work standpoint. People are going to feel closer to each other, because they have this opportunity to interact with each other outside of the normal flow of business. It does create with the sword. but bonding experience. It also is going reduce stress overall. So I we can go on at length about the impact of stress in the workplace, gb ever work
there is less stress: they're gonna perform better there's. Also, though, an interesting thing on the on the family side on the personal side, there's a state published by the american I mean it, I think was the american psychological association that time about the work home resources model and essentially, what what are discovered was when you have better relationships with people at home, you performed better at work and versa, so taking to do this, not just at work but outside of it gives you a reservoir of strength, you can use to perform better when you gotta work each day, so it's hard to find fault with this. So why do you suppose? There's resistance and and wise and everybody doing it. Guilt is the biggest obstacle guilt and
lack of understanding, lack of understanding. There really is something that we have been hot from the beginning that we should focus that we should keep our heads down. I am now, saying that hard work does not have value to the contrary. As I have I mentioned, people do work harder when they do this, but what I'm saying is it relentless? Unstoppable work is not the most productive way to do things and that the suite bought for most people is around ninety two one hundred and twenty minutes. This is It's on something called the old trading and rhythm, which is the cousin to boost to the circadian rhythm, which was discovered by sleep researcher. He performed best. Oliver a cycle of around ninety two one hundred and twenty minutes. So we push to that point. Can we stop and we take a break, do something fun and then
back to work and we return to the previous levels that we're out before and most people feel guilty about that moment of taking break, which is why it is so important for for me to begin with that concept of you permission and if you don't believe you have permission believe that I'm giving you permission and just try it just tested out and and prove whether or not what I'm saying is true for you yeah. I think anybody who has really tried to push themselves hour after hour knows that their performance suffers there. Suffers as a result and that you need to be able to take breaks in, and now you ve, given everyone permission to do that my guest has been dave Crenshaw. He is a leadership expert, a speaker and author of the book. The power of having fun you'll find a link to his book in the show notes. Thanks dave but they lot mike,
If you have a lawn there's a good chance, you're watering it too much and here's how you can find out. First, get yourself some tunafish cans, the tuna first and then clean out the cannes and then put the cannes around the law on them tuna cans. You can round up the better than you turn sprinklers on and check the time. The cannes have about an inch of water in them check the time again and turn off the water. Now you know how long to let your sprinklers run The epa says: grass needs about an inch of water a week to stay healthy, and that includes any rain. They get as well people actually water there, grass too much which encourages the growth of weeds and waste water. When you mo. You should only cut about one third of the grass height and leave the clippings there. and make sure you clean up the tuna cats and
that is something you should know impress your friends by sharing this podcast with them on most podcast platforms, including most likely the one you are listening on right now, there's probably a share button which you can send to your friends and I'm sure they and I will be eternally grateful. I like her brothers, thanks for listening to date, to something you should know stacking benjamin's with Joe and his good friend oji. Not only has great financial insight, its lay backlit humour to the lehne, pens, oh say much survey I wanted to know: was it really cheaper to around bag it every day or was it cheaper to go through these school lunch? The most expensive sandwich of all? Forty six percent increase is the first time a sandwich has ever touched five bucks before anybody gags on at them. It's a great sandwich find out more vice searching the stacking benjamin's pie cast wherever you listen,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-19.