« Something You Should Know

How to Be the Best at Anything & Why It’s Hard to Ask for Help (But Do It Anyway)


What makes a good dancer? Some of it is subjective but there is one particular body part that seems to make all the difference. This episode begins with an explanation of the magic of good dancing. http://www.nature.com/articles/srep42435

How do you get to be the best at something? You might think those elite performers are just naturally gifted in some way. However, science says no. Anders Ericsson has been studying what it takes to get to the top of your game for several years and he joins me to discuss the surprising results. Anders is the author of the book Peak: Secrets of the New Science of Expertise. (https://amzn.to/3athIoj)

People disagree over whether vitamin C can do anything for a cold – but there is no disagreement over the benefits vitamin C offers when you are under stress. Listen as I explain what it does and how much you need to take to get the benefits. https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200304/vitamin-c-stress-buster

You’ve heard your whole life - “If you need help, all you have to do is ask!” Well that turns out to be more true than you probably ever imagined. Wayne Baker has spent a long time researching this. He is a professor of Business Administration & Faculty Director of the Center for Positive Organizations at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. He is also author of the book All You Have to Do is Ask (https://amzn.to/2VMts12) and he joins me to explain the amazing power of asking for what you need. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Today on something you should know. Are you a good dancer, I'll explain, which body part makes all the difference? Then? How do you get to be the best at anything, whether it's your job or a sport like tennis, but just keep on playing connect with friends? We know it's not going to improve your ability where we can actually measure your performance, but in contrast, when you're working with a coach than with the substantial improvement, also vitamin c may or may not do anything for coal, but it does wonders when you're under pressure many of us are reluctant to ask for help when we need it and that a big mistake. I'll always have someone take me aside and say you know, I'm not going to ask her what I really need, because I know no one here can help me and my answer is always the same, which is that you never know what people know or who they know until you ask most people, in fact, will help you, if you ask all
today on something you should know are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another pine cast out then follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen. something you should now fascinate again tell the world's top experts and practical advice you can use in your life to read something you should make, rather, as a welcome to something you should know, here's a question for you are you a good dancer
Judging how someone dances is at least partly subjective, but we do now have a pretty good idea of what may for good dancing using motion captured technology researchers turned real women into featureless Dancing avatars and then showed the videos to two hundred people. A hundred and four three women and Fifty seven men, ages, eighteen and over by watch the avatars, rather than watching actual women, the pretty happens, work distracted by clothing, facial links I shouldn't or hair they ve raided, the moves and the big inclusion was it's all about the hips swaying, hips and dancing in sync, with the music. What preferred bad, answers tend to waive their arms about two wildly or they hold their limbs really rigid and close to their bodies like dancing, robots dancing is fun,
but it also communicates a message. Good answers are showing off qualities that people want in a mate such coordination, strength and creativity. It seems to be best expressed with the hips and that is something you should know. What does it take to be the best it something weather? tennis, sir baseball chess math. Writing whatever are the very best people did just have something innately better about them. Today they have some the rest of us just don't have or is being the best all about commitment and dedication in practice, or is, whatever it is, undefinable an unidentified unidentifiable. Well, it's something I've always wondered about, and my guest Anders Eriksson, is someone who has made a career of study.
What makes the best performers the best he's author of a book called peak, secrets of the new science of expertise. I anders welcome. I am looking forward to talking. so when you look at whose the best one Is it your looking for what what make someone the best? We really look for people who can do something that other people camp for that kind of requires that the people were studying a really able to do something that other people given the same sort of opportunities wouldn't be able to do so like for you, ample up a chess player who is winning and beating all the other people. That person is actually able to do something that other people camp
and I guess what's fascinating to me- is that you can see now that the chess expert or master he's thinking about the positions in a much more deep way than less skilled players and his sort of able to find the best move by exploring all sorts of possibilities and then ending up identifying the the one move. That seems to be the best for a given chess position, and I think that is quite different from a lot of people who think of basic experts as being intuitive and not really understanding how they come up with their various actions. You know so it's very automatic, so ethically that's where we have that extreme contrast between sort of the idea here that people just automate and are able to do things intuitively. You said at the beginning that you look at people who can do
something. Other people can't will if no one else, and do it, then why are we even talking about it? Is it is it something people can learn to do and they just or is it truly that these people do something that up people can never do while our research, Looking now at how these individuals who reads, very high levels of performance, how they actually do things we ve now basically looked at the the training that they engage them in order to develop these abilities here like, for example, if you basically look at very good tough players, they can actually play blindfold, so they don't really have to see the board to play a very good chess game, They can basically do it in their heads sore interested in how do this kind of abilities here.
Mentally, representing these situations develop. And what is the kind of training that people have engaged in an order to basically be able to reach and execute this mouth? activities and what we find is that no takes many many years, sometimes decades for people from the time they start, but to the time when they, actually reach their pig performance. Does it always or are? There are some people who are just inherently for whatever reason, they're just incredibly good at chess or incredibly fast, runners or incredibly good at something, and they don't have go through all this training? They just have it well, you know I've been looking for those kinds of people
and what I find in all of the cases where people suggests that individuals needed much less time more, that once you more careful and look at what they were doing, I think there is an alternative explanation here that in this really developed there is one a kind of general question that I have tried to address it. couple of papers, and that is that when you start out of a beginner now you can actually find that some individuals, when they start playing chess, they seem to be kind of her for being no kind of a beginner, but what s interesting is that when you actually are now looking at very skilled chest players like up international masters, there's basically no evidence here that I q or cognitive abilities or other kinds of things. I can really explain
sort of the differences in their performance, so you're saying that that in the realm of beginners that their will, be some people who have more natural ability in the beginning of learning, to play chess or being a better runner or or why ever. It is, but the battle yet you so far, if you really want to move into the realm of master the best that takes something else that takes those hours days months years of of training is so what is it that happens during all that training that man,
It's a master, a master. Well, all research in it was focused in on instrumental musicians and- and I think in that domain it's very clear that nobody plays the violin that sort of the highest level. So you can win competitions for violin playing without having had a very long history or have teachers, and what we find is that you know as children, sometimes as early as you know, four years of age, you know they start now. Kind of practicing may be only like fifteen twenty minutes per day and then eventually, as they get more skilled, they increase their practice.
We estimated, basically how much time the top level of necessity that we identified in a music academy in one the average they had spent ten thousand hours, basically in this kind of individual practice of solitary practice where they were basically relying on their teachers, a recommendation about what they should try to change and improve, and what kind of training activities they could use to effectively. Do that in chess there's similar results, namely there. That seems that the activity that is the key that is predictive of how good a chess play you are, if you're playing in chess tournaments, which means that you know you obviously are a little bit better than the average chess player was not even competing. But among those
players we find that the amount of time that people put in in solitary practice and typically what they do is get a book from an international kind of chess game and instead of just reading what people are doing, you know they can almost simulate playing against these world class players. So that means that you can try to figure out what you would do and then you can actually look what the international master did as a way here of getting feedback about whether you're in alive, so what the best move was was the best one, and today we have now achieved computers that are actually even better at finding the best moves than human players, and so Oh, and in that ten thousand hours I mean that's. No Malcolm Gladwell wrote a whole book about that. But but, and was criticized, though, because there
also people who practise ten thousand hours and don't do it so so it isn't just the time, there's something else going on, because some people can do the same thing over time and be the best and other. people will do the same thing over time and not be the best of your action. Looking now at individuals who are being supervised and and kind of guided by a teacher, that's a very different type of practice. So when people talk about practice, you know I I've talked to mew to teachers, who said you know next year, I'll be have taught here for ten thousand hours, so I'm going to be an expert. Basically just doing your job is very, very different from what we're talking about deliberate practice, because normal practice means that a teacher is looking at what it is that you can do and now identified something that you can do.
and then giving you exercises that would allow you now to change that and in most jobs, where people refer to what they're doing as practice, they very rarely get immediate feedback. They don't have the opportunities hero. Once I see something going wrong that they actually have to deal with that problem, as opposed to being able now, when they're practicing by themselves, if they make a mistake, they can actually repeat and gradually refine what they're doing so they can actually change that performance. A lot of people who play tennis-
recognise that if they were to commit to working with a coach that they could actually be substantially better than they are currently the death keep on playing tennis with your friends are we know it's not going to improve your ability when we can actually measure your performance, but in contrast, when you worked with a coach than with these substantial improvement and a most of that change happens when the individuals are working on practising by themselves, but knowing now what they should be working on by basically having been told by their teacher we're talking about what it takes to be the very best at anything? And my guess is Anders ericsson he's the, author of the book peak secrets, of the new science of expertise. So Anders is you're saying that, if you want to be the
Instead, something basically go get a coach. That is the first advice that I give to people, and that's been a number contacting me. You know they want to maybe learn how to play a musical instrum. or or something like that, and what I think is a key here is that you find a teacher who is actually work with other individuals. So you can actually see for yourself that this teacher has been successful and helping other individuals reach the level of performance that you want to reach an end, obviously need to have that validation of a teacher, because obviously it somebody claiming to be a teacher wouldn't be convincing here that they actually have the knowledge, so they can help individuals improved.
The level that you aspire to reach, but when you look at the top tennis players, the top athletes in anything, if you look at the probably the top musicians anywhere, they all have coaches, they all have teachers, but they'd all get to the top. So there has to be something about just innate ability. Doesn't there You know I've been looking for evidence for inability and I think it very clear that when it comes to basically huh,
and actually more generally the length the bones. We don't really know any training process like an actually increase the length of bones and her thing lay. We know that for kenneth players, the arm that they're playing how the racket in is going to how much thicker bones, so the thickness of the bones can actually be influenced thou by kind of vibrations that are being generated when you hit the ball and- and I guess my feeling is that I've been trying to summarize the research on genetics- is that it's possible that we will eventually find some in a constraint, but so far, even with a new, you know basically studies here of mapping the entire genome or even people within that field,
I have to agree that the least right now we don't know of any genes that we can individually pinpoint as being necessary here to reach the highest level of performance. What about, though and this is perhaps especially true with kids, who will pick up the guitar and teach themselves or will really good, at tennis on their own or really good at chess on their own. They don't have a teacher. They just get good. Is that it's, not innate ability and isn't that perhaps an indication that if this person keeps going they'll get better and better. The problem is that no looking at individuals who acquire their performance by themselves without now this enow individualised feedback from attacks?
it. It's likely that they are kind of learning incorrect things. So it's a basically I've talked a lot of coaches in sports who say that that's the worst thing that they encounter as the fourteen year old coming to them and quite successful and then basically they look at how that individual is doing it and they have to tell that kid that it in their experience, if they don't burned a year, re learning the fundamentals, so they can actually do in a way that, in the very best people are doing it, that they are basically gonna be constrained in there
women's that even in something as simple as typing speed, you can actually see how people allocate fingers to the keys on the keyboard actual predict how fast somebody can type- and there are some mapping that we know are the best, but if you dont spontaneously or through instruction acquire those. it's going to be a limiting factor for how good you can get. Doesn't it often happen or doesn't it sometimes happen, or maybe it's just a myth that when people do things differently in a way that Other champions? Don't do them. I can think of you know the way base all players, will stand in the batter spock's in they. Have these really weird stances that nobody stands like that, but they do fine, or you know, when the first tennis,
player started, hitting a two handed back hand and people probably thought well, that's you can't do that. That's crazy! but it turns out it actually, for some people works really well that that that their pioneers more than their doing it wrong, and I think that's a very good point that obvious people who pioneered various activities and became sort of very successful well before there was any teachers available. What they found out by themselves obviously was very successful. I guess the particularly long distance running now. Everyone recognises that interval training is a very effective way even to improve your speed and long distance running. Basically, there was one athlete who can have discovered that by himself and eventually people realise that power
The reason why he was so incredibly good, one study engaged in this type of training activity, so that is The message here is it: if you really want to be good at something you need to have a culture, teacher a mentor somebody they can guide you as opposed to try to do it yourself, Well, I would love to see basically examples that are inconsistent with that. Now. Obviously The comes to new domain fear video game. or whatever, be any really teachers, because the very best people are the Sir, currently now come competing and probably wouldn't be all that interested in advising their competitors about what they think. They know about the game that people don't yell. Video games are a great example of of there's. No one teaching it so much is you just have to wait?
learn to do it and put in the time to do it and some people get better at it. Others, so that would seem to be innate ability, but if it So brings up another thing, and that is love of what you're doing and video games are an example of. people not only love it big hagen addicted, do it but the people who get really good at it, really do love what their due and I would imagine that's true of anything that, if you're going to be really good at it. You can really like it. Well, I think that's a big question air about whether the love comes before or after you're successful,
I don't know whether you know of examples here where people love something, but a really thinking out at me. It's more kind of love is a word that people use for your commitment and I've seen that an athlete were basically have been warming other reasonably good level. But then they basically say ok I have two more years that I can play this game. I'm going to give it my all, I'm going to see here how good I can get and that changes everything changes their sleep habits. It changes basically their priorities in terms of them going to practice when they're, really, you know full of energy as opposed to try to squeeze it in and compromising you know, having practice being compromise.
by going to parties or having all sorts of other social interactions. So what you're saying is counter intuitive, I think for many people, but some might even say it's revolutionary. That you're saying that people who play at the time of their game. Whatever the game is work or sports or whatever it is that they are at the top. Game, not because natural ability got them their natural ability only gets you so far into the game, but to get to the top, the very top that requires practice with a culture teacher who is correcting you and helping you improve your game and its made ability will- and I guess that that actually is good news, because if you have an innate explanation runners
Not very much could learn here from studying somebody without an eight, unattainable, basically ability or capacity, and that is why I basically take the view I have no problem with innate differences. Like when it comes to hype and length of bones, but I need to see the evidence as opposed to take the view that at least some people that I talked to they say it's so obvious- it has to be genes, but when you ask them in a what is the empirical evidence and and how even be able to predict how somebody is gonna be good? Does now, research is showing that the coordination between your performance as a swimmer when you're twelve thirteen, on correlated with your ability of an adult swimmer. Well, it real makes you stop and think, because I think, generally speaking,
people believe that the reason people get to be the best at whatever is because of their natural ability. And you have some science that says otherwise. That makes you really stop and think guest has been anders ericsson. These a career out of studying what makes the best performers the best performers and he's of the book peak secret. Have the new science of expertise you'll find a linked about book at amazon, and the show notes thanks anders thanked MIKE, a real pleasure, the something I've always find. Interesting is how so many of us are reluctant to ask for help when we need it, for whatever reason yet when people ask me for help, I'm usually willing and often uttered that somebody asked as it turned
out getting good at asking for help, can really accelerate your success at anything way baker is somebody who's really studied. This wayne is perfect. of business, administration and faculty director for the centre- her positive organizations at the university of Michigan ross school of business, and these author of the book we have to do is ask I way thanks for being again, today on something you should know, I mike I'm glad to be here So this all sounds incredibly ridiculously simple. If you need I'll. Be you ask for help? Everybody knows that. So why is a university professors studying this in writing books about something that is so seemingly simple, sound simple, but it's often hard for people to do and the ring. and that is important for people to ask for what they need is eight could be much more productive. Efficient, creative performance
higher level. Everything about it, one way to approach Work is to put our heads down and just the work at that task, but we can be far more effective if we reach out and asked for in good advice and resources from other people. The research is very clear that that's what leads to superior performance for an individual for it or even for an organization, and why don't we do that? It is it seems like well. If we have to ask for help Maybe that means we don't know what we're doing we ll look week, will look stupid or or is there something beyond that There are a number of reasons in the when you just mentioned, is one of the main ones, as that often You don't ask because we are concerned that we might look foolish needy, incompetent, weak ignorant, don't gotta, do our job But what is interesting is that here the real urges helpful researchers That is, as you make a thoughtful request, people were you you're more competent, not less
and there is an approach that I advocate for coming up with a thought for requesting when you followed that I see that people make requests that are effective and get the resources that they need and actually increase perceptions of that person's competence and when you get the research. What is the big over arching benefit to asking for help with the main thing? that you can be much more effective and productive? If you do it and what found over the years. Is that the? barrier to generosity is not the people are unwilling or unable to help, but the people don't ask its. They ask that's it had a litter, the driver of the whole giving receiving process a so it another common barrier. Is that we Don't ask us we figure. No one can help us and I'd done many exercises in but many sessions on this over the years and always have some would take me cited, say you know, I'm not gonna ask for what are really need, because I know no one here can help me in
I answer is always the same, which is that you never know what people know or who they know until you ask and so important realises that most people, in fact, will help you, if you ask, is that true, fascinating study that was done by four flynn and associates, columbia university, where a they asked study participants to go it to go out into new york city and then to approach a stranger and ask to borrow a cell phone and all they could say was. Can I buy self on to make a call. They couldn't give assent story or explain or plead and is funny make that a lot of us. The people who signed up for it said Forget it I'm not good evening and participate in this expert what's the realise what they had to do and they were getting paid as well, but another people did they went out and they were shocked to realize easy it was to get a cell from from a stranger in new york, eight know they thought maybe to have asked for five ten people before I got a phone
but what do we say shows is that the first or second person that lend you their phone- and there are many other studies that support that finding getting people to fill it questionnaire make a donation could go on and on most people do want to help. as long as you ask when people ask me for help, I'm often flatter and willing to help. I mean I I like when people ask me to help so imaginable. people do too. That's right. That's what the research shows that people come to for advice, are acknowledging that you have advice, that's worthy. You know that they want to come to become you're the expert or that you know and they're acknowledging that when they make that request so, Imagine there is a right way to ask: there's a prescription for how to ask whether the main prescription is to be prepared. Before you make your request, say one and all what's the goal, what are you trying to accomplish and then
Once you have that enhance able. What's the resource that you need anything? We broadly maybe its advice, information, referral, a connection and, maternity, a brain stem session financial support goes on an odd but think. Okay, if via their goal, and mine? I what source that I need, and then you want to formulate what I call a smart request. The smart request, his look different than smart goals. So there s this for specific. You want to ask for something very specific. The reason is that a specific request triggers people's memories of what they know and who they know. A general request won't do that, The press, the most general request ever heard, was from an executive from the netherlands who is engaging in one of my exercises, and he said my request is for information.
and that's all he said, that's a walk. Nor can you elaborate, and he said no- it's confidential. I can't say anything more in a while. He got no help whatsoever, but you know it's: it's people often think that a general request is more effective, you're casting a wide net, but that's not true. You want to asked for something specific the m- and this is very different than the emperor sparkles, which is measurable measure ability is nice, but here the m, meaningful. It's the. Why of the request in a house is gonna you do your job better or to help your boss meet his or her objection. so how's it aligned with the organisations, goals and objectives the areas for action? You ask for something to be done: the r is strategically realistic. I encourage people to make stretch, requests but it's gotta be within the realm of possibility and then the tea is time or deadline. You have to have a deadline and the more specific that deadline.
The better. If you say, oh, sometimes, twenty twenty, that's less likely to motivate people to rest but few saying I really needed by and a business on friday and here is why that will motivate people to respond How much asking is is enough or or how much is too much, because you don't want to be the guy where people are going? Oh, you know here comes Bob he's going to be asking for more, because all you're doing is asking that's a very good question. It is possible to ask too often and it's possible to not ask often enough, so we want to be somewhere in the middle ground, and there is this four types of people that I've And we ve done research to show that this is the case. The main,
position. You wanna be the main role as an individual or a team or even organization, is what I call the giver request her that someone who was generous, who freely helps other people, doesn't keep track of, who helps whom it's not about keeping score and they make requests from when they need something the the opposite of the of the giver request. Her would be the When was the person who doesn't ask the person, doesn't give as part of the most tragic role to have because you're, just disconnected from the world you're, not gonna, giving you're not helping you're, not asking for what you need. The most common category there are for the most common category is what I call the overly generous giver and that's a person was extremely generous, but does it asked for what they need and that leads to burn out in the stream it could lead to compromising once resources were not taken care of oneself and
The remedy there is to substantiate the book boundaries around your generosity and balance it by asking when, have something that you need and then the fourth type, which is the opposite the overly generous giver. Is this offers taker person that you were thinking about before they see that, im coming in to say: ok there and ask for something else are not going to help anyone ever friend of mine. I described this to he used to be a consultant. He said. Oh, we called those people, sponges. You know they just suck in everything and they never give a thing back. So most people in the overly generous category, but the most effective people are in the giver request her category? and I would imagine that you want to be careful not to look weak, why not you know, I don't know how to die? Need some help. Do I don't know what to do that that that that that doesn't play? Well. Yes, absolutely that's when I think back on that
this is of no use to communicate to the person and to do it. You know at a time and a place in a method of good communication that works for the person who say, look: here's what I'm trying to accomplish here's, the resource that I think about those five smart criteria. In explaining why it's important whites meaningful when you needed by thus much much more. Like that's a strong request. That's an effective request! That's not a whining request! Sometimes people go through that preparation process. They realise that the resource that they thought they did it not what they really needed or the person they thought they needed to ask was not the person is. So I encourage people, that's the last process. The last step in the process is who do you ask No, you addressed me. No, we always think of the usual suspects. Those are the people are in our our friends, Only coworkers two people right around this is sometimes that's the right person. Sometimes it's gotta be the boss. It you gotta, ask but encourage people
beyond that, so there's another way, as called the two step or two degree method, which is that I might not know who the expert is, but I know who to ask who knows where the expert is a colleague of mine who I'm coming in atrium trim and innovation entrepreneurship space and he use that to step method. He tommy keeps track of a hundred and eighty times in one year to another, noble success. Another is to use our dormant connections at dormant connection is something that you once had a really ship with, but your lies have gone in different directions. Now we might be very reluctant to try to re activated dormant connection like through linked in but the here the research is helpful, because richard says that most of your dormant connections are delighted to hear from you again. And they are delighted that you reactivating the connection and they want to help and there even better sources of help, because your lies and got in different directions? That means
what they know and who they know is really quite different from europe, what bends, though, when you ask someone for help and and and Their advice is horrible and and youth. You know that's like the dumbest thing you ever heard of wool Do you then not incorporate there advice and and and not upset them yeah. I think it's important to express gratitude for help that is offered even, if turns out, not to be the best help, or maybe it's the first help. You know the person that least tried, I think it's important to do that. Isn't it interesting? I guess it's just cultural that this idea of asking for help is is so. just so not natural and and yet it's it's like how like and men are often accused of. This of you know not asking for direct
it's when they are trying to get somewhere, although now you don't really need them, but men for a long time have been accused of you. You really just ask that guy how to get to the the street, and and yet when people ask have asked, for directions. I voice always happy to help flattered to help I'm busy bike and help this person. It's it's. I don't know why we don't get that why we we we dont mind giving help, but we're so reluctant to ask for it. I think we can blame herb educational system for part of that. Much students growing up most kids growing up here, you're taught to focus on your work. Take your test by yourself. It's all about individual achievement in individual performance and thus you get rewarded and so in a locker reinforces the idea that You really should ask for help. In fact, in a educational context. Asking for help is sometimes consider cheating. But the fact is that we know the work
the team sport would you get into an organization? Is a team sport and the only way to be effective is to overcome the reluctance to ask for what you need I don't know how you whenever measure this, but when people ask for help generally speaking, is the help. All that great it in other words, is, is benefit of this because you get inside that you didn't wooden otherwise have because this per it had something brilliant to say or is it that it just helps to create a better atmosphere or both? I think it's both, but you want to think about what you can ask for. as including lots of things so going to so many asking for advice or input or review on a report. That's you know, that's one thing, but sometimes what you need is a connection or a referral. That's a different kind of help. People can give. Sometimes you need it. Oh social support, or its financial resources. If that's what you need to ask for a good
that you need sponsorship. Sponsorship to be a part of program, or perhaps you need a mentor that something else you can ask for, so it all comes back to What's the goal, what are you trying to accomplish then? What are the resources and there's you probably an endless list of the sources that are possible, say one thing throughout about. We know what is it that you really need to accomplish that goal? What you know occurred into one of the reasons that I think people are reluctant to ask, and it depends on what you're asking for is. Is you know the fear of of being rejected being told? No, no figure it go. You do know, I'm not going to help you but probably doesn't happen anywhere near as much as people fear. Will it doesn't happen, often as you would fear, that's for sure, but it does happen sometimes and so is appalling. Think about what new? What is a no really mean? Maybe the person was just having a bad day or they wanna help, but the timing was bad or who
Those is that you really don't know why someone says no could be a whole number of things, is to realize it had. No is information. no. So sometimes you could follow up with ok, fine, I understand, but perhaps could you say could you explain a little bit so I could come up with a you know, better request, next time. I has somebody and ass. Sometimes the explanation, for the no is something you didn't expect at all something completely different. So think of a no as information that you can use to find a request to make europe a more effective one later on, but it seems pretty clear that review. hell, probably the simplest, easy the most effective way to get it is to ask. I appreciate you sharing your work wayne, acre has been my guest. He is a professor of business administration and faculty director of the centre for Positive organizations at the universe
the of michigan ros school of business, the name of his boy is all you have to do is ask, and you will find a linked to that book in the show us thanks when This has been wonderful. I've enjoyed our conversation. Thank you, the People have argued for quite a while now about whether or not vitamin c is very effective at preventing or treating a cold, but one thing: scientists don't argue much about is how good vitamin c is for stress. studies show that people who take vitamin c before giving a speech have lower pressure and less of the stress hormone cortisol compared to people Don't take vitamin c people who have high levels of vitamin c. Do not show the expected mental and physical signs of stress when subjected. Other acute psychological challenges, what's more, they
bounce back from stressful situations faster than people with lower levels of vitamin c in their blood, vitamin c is present in fresh uncooked fruits and vegetables specially citrus fruits and red and green peppers. Vitamin c is an unstable substance and it is destroyed by cooking and by experts. you're, too late, generally agreed that to get those stress, reducing benefits of vitamin c, you need to take. A thousand milligrams or more, and that is something you should know I'm sure you have friends, family members who would benefit from all the things you learn in this podcast. So please share something you should know with someone. You know I might brothers, thanks for listening today to something you should know.
to talk about the ultimate smallville rewatch podcast below. We have a lot of fans. We have a lot of people that watch the show. We have a lot of people that still watch them, although they show up to the cons, are glorious, they're, awesome, they're, just loyal is the word. I guess I'm proud of the show so come on man, it's novel because now everybody's like arrow and this- and these are all great- shows- I'm not knocking the shows. I'm just saying: don't you remember us before the social media name may may catch up with season one or start season, two on youtube or wherever you listen.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-09.