« Something You Should Know

How Intellectual Property Laws Can Get You in Trouble & How Noise Harms Your Health


While you are probably more careful about the surfaces you touch and keeping things sanitized, you may have overlooked all the surfaces in your car. This episode begins with a discussion on the surfaces in your car and what you should do to keep them as germ-free as possible. Source: Westways Magazine Nov/Dec 2020

Can someone really sue you if you use their picture on your website? Will they win if they do? This is just one of the areas of intellectual property law I discuss with attorney Devin Miller, CEO of Miller IP Law (www.milleripl.com) and host of The Inventive Journey podcast. Devin explains how to protect your intellectual property and what you can and cannot do with other people’s. If you’ve ever wondered about copyrights, trademarks and patents and what they do, you need to listen. 

How do rich people become rich? There is actually a simple formula that most wealthy Americans follow that reliably builds wealth over time. Listen as I explain how most wealthy people get that way. https://consumerfed.org/press_release/how-americans-view-personal-wealth-v-how-financial-planners-view-this-wealth/

We all know that too much noise is a problem. So how big a problem is it? Are there really serious, long-term effects of noise? What can you do to protect yourself if you are bothered by all the noises around you? Listen to Marcia Epstein, a musicologist and historian at the University of Calgary as well as author of the book, Sound and Noise: A Listener's Guide to Everyday Life (https://amzn.to/2HEH5KG) . Once you hear her I think you’ll realize that noise is a bigger problem than you imagined. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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bare minimum. If they decide we come after you, but doesn't matter if it's intentional or not. If you copy a image from the internet that is copyrighted by somebody else, is a minimum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, then the simple formula most wealthy people use to get rich and the problem with noise. It's worse than you realize people who have hearing damage. Get old her they are more likely to get dimension, is also stress levels, wave chronically, that of Hampshire, cardio vascular system, and you knew all this today, something you should know the answer. Dawn, farm income in the united states was a loss of eleven hundred dollars. Sixty percent of u s, port comes from one company wholly owned by the Chinese, and farmers are more like to commit suicide than veterans. Folks, we got a problem, I'm listen, a generation farmer and founder of mine.
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something you should now fascinating in town, the world's top experts and practical advice you can use in your life today, something you should now make her rather ass. I welcome to another all new episode of something you should know you have, probably in the last several months, become much more aware of the surfaces you touch and to wash your hands after you touch certain services, we ve, become more aware of germs and keeping things clean, but one play swear you may have not paid as much attention is your car interior according to our rentals died com. The typical steering wheel has four times more germs on it, then a public toilet seat, in fact that dirty parts of the interior of your car in descending order the steering wheel, the cup older seat belt, latches
door handles gear shift and yo controls. Also the trunk, a child seed? If you have one are really disgusting, so cleaning and disinfecting the interior surfaces of your car is a really good idea. You just have to be careful What you use alcohol based price. ex can dry out some of the interior services and to of any product is not good, remember, though, you can disinfect all you want, but it only lasts until the next time you contaminated so rather and grabbed the steering wheel right after you pump gas said ties your hands first, because the virgin gas pomp is eleven thousand eight hundred and thirty five. times germany. Here, then, the public toilets he'd do and that is something you should know, the
you have intellectual property, you write a story or a poem or you take a picture or your rights, a music that is your intellectual property. You own it that may not mean a whole lot, but it might- Also, true is that if other people take a picture or write a poem or they rights and music, their intellectual property and you can't just use it which is sometimes where people get in trouble. If you see picture on Google that you would love to put on your blog? Well, you really not supposed to do that. Unless you have permission, many here, peep say things like well, you can use a little bit of the picture or a little bit of the song as long as you don't use the whole thing well, it turns out. That's not true. It all gets little confusing and here to sort it all out, is attorney devon miller Is the ceo of miller ip law? He is all a host of the inventive journey. Podcast- and here
an expert on intellectual property, copyrights, patents and trademarks. I Devon welcome Thank you for having me on this fund to be here. So Let's start out with the basics. What is intellectual property? Intellectual property he's kind of an umbrella term, it really has three things said under that umbrella: its pans, trademarks and copyrights. Sophia in, if you this is a quick waste of you to think of patents are really for an invention. If you create something make something, that's a patent trade marks or for breath, if you want to create a brand or you know, for goods or services, that's a trademark copyrights or more for creatives, sculpture, a picture a painting, a photo, something about age or taxing following a copyright, take all three and eight there is what makes up intellectual property so on a very practical level, because I see it all the time, people use pictures that aren't there's on their website or, though use
you know like a big hit song on their website or in a podcast, and how likely is it? they're gonna, get in trouble and then what kind of trouble could they get into? Typically for right now in the past? If you were to go to pictures. If you to find one that you loved on Google you're searching all your favorite cat or whatever it is aiming to put on your website, Small, you know website it's a small blogger is a personal, my side, or even this a very small, the com, inside your problem, your odds of getting someone. You know from a practical sense or business sense of them catching you or doing anything about it are going to be a reasonably low, mean they're likely not going to do it. It's going to be more time, money and effort to do it than it's worth. What's the point Ruiz I say is getting worse. Is that you're getting to the point that the internet or computers and in tools are getting smarter to wear a lot of time. you can view, was called the reverse image. Spiritual people just upload their image. They'll have the tools search the whole internet find that
page and then they'll the start to send out letters to everybody so where's that used to be. Then currently, is not that big a deal if your small, it certainly is getting worse than that cost of you know what does it mean poor cost wise. You know bare minimum if europe, if they decide to come after you, but doesn't matter if you men to or not if its intentional or not, if you copy an image from you know from the internet. That's copyrighted by somebody else is a minimum seven fifty seven hundred fifty dollars, and so, if you were to do that they can send out a letter for each time. He is at image. They can charge a seven hundred fifty it can go up from there. If you do it intentionally, it can get up into the tens of thousands of. If they can show, you knew that it was copyrighted and you did it any way they can come on, come after you for tens of thousands of dollars and do they have to. prove that they ve been damaged to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars, or is this more punitive like me,
caught you and so now. You're gonna pay ya is usually a combination of also, usually the combination is one is: did you do it intentionally? Not if you did and intentionally you're going It hammered a lot more if you didn't unintentionally, if they can show, you know you didn't, can there is anything, So hey I didn't know this was in copyright, it I did it and get paid I made a mistake: it was an air, then it's not going to be. The other thing is, look at it and say one is how much shit harm your competitor, meaning son, because you started using their image. They stop making as much money. They didn't get as much of my income in they'll. Look at that as a factor and if you, if they reduced the our competitors, income alot they'll, give you more images and allow So what is it they'll? Look at him. Now, how much money did you make off of from using this copyrighted material? Did you all of a sudden go for making a thousand dollars a month to twenty thousand dollars a month? And if so, a lot of that income. have gone to us and so is kind of those three factors, the more damaging in any one of those
actors, are multiple ones, are the more likely it is gonna, be those tens of thousands. If you want to use a picture. or music or whatever what you really are supposed to do is get permission right permissions great. If you know this is copyright, as somebody else zones yes get permission and getting up and get it in, writing, though, does get vocal permission or talked him over the phone Does memories, change and people change their mind and why you talk to them? for the phone may not always come to pass later on, but if he is so, if it's one day you can get one the other place you can do. There's a lot of places. Adieu do a good job of having stock photos, so even if any an ip firm. We use a stock photos all the time and will go to a few different place, is adobe. Has one that you can pay is a subscription. There are other out there that tear you know that are called burstin splash in others. They really do a good job of giving you free images or on a subscribe
and basis that you did not have to worry about. If you go to a pretty reputable size, sure good, the other one that you can do is a little more questionable is less perfect. When you do an image search on Google, if you go into the advance or settings, you can act We say now is this: when a copyright free one is free to use without having to do anything. If I take a picture or I write a poem or a sculptor sculpture because I did it. Do I own the copyright to it, or do I have to take some overt action to register that, as opposed to panzer trade mark but you do have to do more of an action to it with copyright you're really wants you would they would say you put you produce creative into tangible medium. That's illegal speak to it. What does that mean this? To your point? You take as soon as you take the picture. So did you make the paintings Do the sculpture soon get beyond film, the video or whatever it is then you're going to have the inherent copyrights associate,
with that now the reason why you may go register the copyright is a couple of old one. Is that you're going to look at it and say? Oh, you know. Sometimes it's hard how you gonna approve the day that you came out with the sculpture or maybe, if you take a picture and it's timestamp. they're gonna, say oh yeah, but that's easy to change or say you know you do something else? It's really hard to show's on, sometimes whether or not you you created. So if you register the copyright, say hey by this date I created and the other thing is if somebody were to come along and now infringe your copyright. Then if you register the copyright, then again you and increase damaging, get more and more money to recoup the damages? Then, if you don't a register, the copyright so in essence, you're really creating a paper trail. So you can say I own this, and I did this at this time. So you you now have the proof. You know it's kind of like showing your homework. If you to go to a court case, you always want evidence right. The more evident
you can get one year of more like to win and tumult year more likely to get better damages. It's kind of the same case here you don't have to register the copyright, but differ, cheap and relatively inexpensive- and it gives you a whole lot better ammunition if you ever need to enforce it. What about you try to register or trademark like a name or a business. Name like Bob's restaurant I mean there's, probably a million bob's restaurants or in our view, You have a business and you use your last name that mean neg. Can you do that any time you lose? use your own last name, it's very difficult, if not near impossible, to get a trade mark on meaning unless you reach the level in for me, like a Michael jordan work, everybody thinks that, Michael during the baseball player, when you say Michael Jordan or tom, cruise, someone that is just so famous it when you say their name, you that's what you think for ninety nine point: nine percent, the rest of us, if you tryin to mark your own name. You knock can be altogether because you can't stop other
people from using their own last name in a trademark. Now to your point: you can do a was called a design mark where you do more of the logo right. So it's not just a word, but as the look and the feel of your logo, it's the colors, its images. You know you think of the starbucks mermaid, those type of things, those are all designs and those ones you can protect. Now why you're protecting is a nest the word Bobby, knowing your bob restaurant example, but rather you're protecting the look and feel so you're protecting the starbucks mermaid, and somebody makes a logo that similar to that, then they, then you can say no this. Yes, you using different what year logo look so can similar to mine people. Don't know, you're selling at her I'm selling it or who selling it, and so that we can protect with logos. Does that make sense That makes sense so what about in the case of, say, apple apple just a word in the english language, but the Company apple seems too kind of coal,
did I mean that when I hear the word apple, I mean I might think of the fruit, but I often think of the people that make the iphone some. Says I want to go out and buy a apple to eat for dinner tonight, you're, probably not going to be gonna go by an iphone right that Michael you're gonna need that for dinner and so apple at the way, the trademarks work as you define your types of goods or services that you do it so different categories, so apple has trade marks for the word apple that is going to be for iphones smartphones incomplete his on laptops and those type of things. But if you were to try and go to the same, unless you say you wanted to open up, you know your own fruit stand and you're going to call it apple and all you're going to sell it as a fruit apple. We are not we'll get a trade mark on the word apple, because that's how everybody describes a word, the fruit, and it's not that identifies your your goods or services, your products or services. It is this how you described the product, and so it be the same thing you couldn't go out and get a trade mark for the word. Smartphone everybody uses the word smart
they destroyed smartphone, but if you were to go and get a trademark apple for smartphones, that's how you can get it talking about intellectual property and how things like copyrights, patents and trademarks can affect you and my guess: is attorney devon miller see oh of miller, ip law Are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up? Then? You need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yap going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the podcast community, so switch to another podcast aben. Follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen so devil. I want to talk about this concept of fair use and I I think people probably get in trouble because
there's a lot of definitions of what fair use is. So what is fair use very uses, basically an exception to the copyright laws or saying yes, you're you're, using somebody else's copyright, but the poor that buying purple is that all the wool say are ok or allow boy you're not getting in friends. Are copyright so give you a few examples as to what fair use is at the very core. What they say is that china has to have a transformative nature, has the kind of change use of the copyright that their materially you're using this copyrighted. So give you an example. You know if you're a given doing credit to them or you're doing a review of a product in you. You know you quote the passage of the book and say this: is the worst book ever go watch a movie and you use the image of the movie and say this was the best movie ever you should go see you know if you're doing that kind of criticism, critique reviews, that's one or two hey, hey we're you're you're able to use a copyrighted material in that context,
other one there's a bit more in the grey areas harder to define, as was called parity, where you're making fun of something on this kind. Do you think of Saturday night live how many times they go. Make us something one of my favorite ones is when they go, you know alexa and they go make fun of alexa more obvious lay there using alexa that the copyright materials and even the trade mark, but the using it as a parity, and so you get some protection that we, the last week is generally on. The fair use is on educational stuff. So, if you're, a teacher you're an educator a universal year in? Oh ok, through twelve type of a thing anger using the material in an educational purpose within reason, then you can say they're gonna, give all of those reasons and say: well, those are exceptions to the normal copyrighted rule sesar will allow you to use it, and yet you hear people say things like well, it's ok, if you use you know a portion of the picture or you use ten seconds of the song or six seconds of the song or those kind.
if things that that's fair use, but that isn't You just said is not true at all. You know you can take depending on what the copyright material you can. you know, one second of a video or one second of music or whatever might be, and you're still infringing their copper, On the other hand, if you doing it a parody, are you doing in other contexts? Maybe it's not copper. So there isn't a ten percent or taking out ten seconds or anything, rule. I had a you know when I was in Moscow. I had. One of my professors was, if you I am pleased that funky, music white boy, it's an old tom, you know fairly famous. He was one the band did that he would show that we know one second, if it's, that kind of that hook, that catches audience and is the thing that nobody remembers about that song. It can be lessened the second and you're still infringing their copyright. So just to your point have you seen on television red on the internet. Is you a an old myth that keeps being perpetuated
what happened some interesting cases where be especially with music like stairway to Heaven, and I knowed george harrison of the beatles. What went through a copyright infringement problem with one of his songs, there's only so many notes that can have, and they can only be in so many orders that I wonder how often that happens where it it's it's not intentional. It's just that the uno, ultimately lots, people could have written that song yeah. It is a very hard won it. In going back to law school example, the same thing that you just said. I had the the same professor got up and he did three different songs completely different, but if you're at a slice out just enough, then they all sounded the same if you're just take a few notes, and so it is difficult to say, You know, there's enough of that and that's why do the analysis when they look at it. If it's kind of a commoner hey this, then used over and over and it's a fairly, you know repetitive tunas.
Use them all different times. You're gonna have a hard time really saying that you and friends, a copyright aside from if you just downloaded the music and snipped it I'll bet, assuming you did it yourself where it is. It's going to be as they try and delineate. What is that hook. Is that something that the tone, the tenor, the type of instruments, how fast it is how slow it is, how loud it is, how soft it is that makes that hook. That makes that catchy note and if they say okay now for me to enough of those criteria, you're still going to, you can still call granted, so that is kind of that balance of in the one sense there are only so many ways you can play so many notes with so many instruments and yet is one that you know it's fairly unique. It does have a different. Sound. and yet you know, then they can start to say. Well, it's not all of the song. This probably copyrighted, but this hook in this portion is one about colors I think of you know some companies like tiffany that have their blue and that there are our key. there's that are associated with brands, but can you
a color, yes to a degree, So you can own a color and use the one. You know there's tiffany's there's. I know that there was Mary kay that I think was a you know I love a marketing ban. If you got enough, if you so, if you got high enough up on the level, they give you a pink catalogue. So tipp unease did the blue mary cato the painful cadillacs and really what it boils down to is a type of products that you deal with. So you think of the mary kay example. They have a specific pink, but it's only for cars, I mean you could use at pink same pink, color, to paint your house or two do you know, you're a gift bag or whatever else, because they've only got that pink associated with the car's tiffany. Let's say they have the blue color for the the you know: the gift bag. If you were to go now, take the tiffany, color and paint a car with it then you're at where you're perfectly fine, because it's not the same goods or service. is, is have whether using their color. I wanted to talk a little bit about you know we hear about china
being very cavalier about intellectual property rights and laws and things, and it opens up conversation to you know just because you ve got you ve got you Copyright or your trade mark or your patent here? How does that protect you? in their a global economy? You know china to their credit, I'll give it that they are trying to do better and there they are far from perfect and are still work, on it, but they are improving. They release realise as they enter the global market there trying to get a better system for a long time is really culturally that they say hey. How can you on an idea? How can you own a brand is really everybody can own or has ownership to that and says that that kind of mindset are now trying to shift and adjust, but now two years question about a year you s, company, and somebody in china- starts to
off your brand knock off your copyrights or anything else. Then you have to look it with across all been intellectual property copyrights, trademarks, patents is state your country by country, specific meaning. You have file, your copyright europe trademark, whatever it is in each of the different countries in order to have protection for that, so gentle if you're saying hey we're we're only going to do ninety five percent of our business in the us, then you're, probably just going to get protection in the. U s, you're, not going to worry china. On the other hand, you're saying we're gonna do ninety five percent of our business in china. Then you probably want to go file in china. Now to your point in what now, though, their question didn't ass is: let's say that you were doing it in hi. How are you doing all of your business in the? U s being at all the chinese knockoffs over coming into the EU s we're right Do allow you to anybody that imports a product they bring it into the country they are selling in the country. Anything else you can protect her brandy can protect her copyright. You can protect your pen
So at what point is it really worth it? I mean if you're starting a little company with your buddy and you have a logo or you have something. Do you really Emmy. Are you really going to be worried? The somebody's gonna steal it at a mean at what point does it become? important enough to register copyright, trademarks, patents where most businesses, land the depend a little bit on the value of your business and where you see your business heading so give you a couple examples if you're a small, mom and pop shop, can be universal between all of intellectual property, you say: hey. I just want to operate in the local community. We want to. You, know I'll, give a restaurant, as example. We want to sell what shakes and hamburgers really all we want to do then prob It doesn't make sense. You're you're, going to you'd be better to spend the money elsewhere. You know on the office. If you say hey, we really want to get a french I only want to sell nationwide or want to give you come about
coming or we want to set ourselves up to be acquired by someone else have bigger aspirations. you're gonna want. Do you much more seriously, look and see now where the value of our company, meaning is a value? company in our widget and our products, and if so, get a patent? If it's on Hey brand, and you know you the next starbucks year, the next dino nike air, whoever and a big ran Eminem, then you're gonna say we need a trademark, because that's a lot of where the value are branded, you think of you know starbucks yeah. They they may make find coffee or donuts or muffins, or that are really a lot of the reason people go back to them over and over is not because they're not better than the competitor is this. They know that brand and so you're, saying hey, wear brand product same on copyrights. If you're going to make write a book and I spent all of this time and money and effort really your whole value of your company is in the book book he wrote for the video series. You did then you're going to to look a lot more seriously at protecting and so kindly depends. One is too big you wanna get in where the value of your company is
when you invent something one of the things it's kind of confusing to me. I suspect other people is. so you have a new way of doing so a new invention, but it bill. on somebody else's invention. Every some of the things have already been invented and patented, and you can't Do your invention, unless you infringe on their patent or get permission right. There are some areas where there very crowded, they're getting very difficult and bent in one is honest: Lee is in the golf club arena is bear hard to get a patent and golf clubs anymore, and the honest reason is because you have had a lot of rich doctors and rich lawyers allowed to go and gall they are all think they've created the next best golf club to increase their swing, and so there's very difficult to invent something in that area, vice versa, take one of the new areas, augmented reality, your virtual reality down here much more open area, because it's just up and coming so kind of depend
the industry in the area at something's, yeah they ve been reinvented, very difficult mouse traps or another one very hard to invent something: a new mousetrap. On the other hand, if you're in a new industry and something different than you, a bit more room to play. While, if you work, invent a new pen. is it going to be impossible to create a new pen without stepping on their toes in and infringing on copyright of who ever invented the previous pens patten's. Unlike copyright, have a longer life and trademarks and live as long as you want to keep using m patents have a life of twenty years, meaning once you ve at once. You file the patent has been an issue. You have twenty years from the time that you file that within which use it. So a lot of things like you, take the pen example or other things. One of the Interesting ones is a pencil. You know, I remember the old style pencil that has a lead and eder. The graphite has a little metal cramp and then it has eraser on top of that, little metal crimp was actually patent
it was you know, one worries had this is how you attach eraser to an a pencil and not one had been long enough ago that now every no for a period of time, only the person who had the patent could do that. Now everybody can do it because it's been overdue many years since said I originally invented, so there is a bit of that once you bit out there long enough, has been patented long enough. Everybody can do it. I know may be hard to generalise. But if you are going to invent something in wanted to patent it, just in general, what kind of investment in time and money is it to get a patent I mean I'll, give it based off of kind of averages, because there is a bit of variants. But if you take a general, let's say you wanted to get going today to get it file I heard about a month so takes about a month prepare the pattern. The cost of at you're gone, you know, kind of where whereat we're about fifty five hundred law firms that are on the east coast.
West coast, Sarah anywhere from eight thousand to ten thousand to prepare and pilot once you file it you're you're about to get to the rest of the prostitute about eighteen to twenty four months to get through it. Now you have patent pending to you, you claimed. You said this is the date that I invention invented it. This is eight that I own these rights, assuming that it gets patented, but do. The rest of the process is getting about. Eighteen to twenty four months and you're, probably another five to seven thousand to get through the rest of the process, have your say the whole process, probably about twenty four, hans and cost you somewhere on the lower end of twelve twelve thousand the upper end of seventeen to twenty one. This is a time where I think, there's a lot of confusion. This whole thing about intellectual property and who owns what and who can use what, and I think it's really important that people have some understanding of how it works like us it's been attorney devon miller. He is c o of miller ip law. He is hosting the vented journey podcast
and there is a link to bad podcast and to his website in the show notes. Thank you. Devon guy thinks Michael I think we ve all heard that noise is a problem too noise can affect your hearing. It can raise your stress levels. It could just make you grumpy in general Boys we ve been told, is a bad thing, but just how bad is it? and what is noise? What's the difference between noise and sound howdy reduce noise levels in your life if their causing you harm. While here too Gus. This is Marcin Epstein she's, amuse ecologist in his story and at the university of Calgary, and she is author of the book, sound the end noise, listers guide to everyday life, hi mom welcome to something you should know? Thank you like to be here so
start with distinguishing between sounded noise? What's the difference and and is noise really that big problem for the average person the big problem, the difference between sound and noise is somewhat philosophical, but there are universal. but apply everywhere Noise is terribly defined, sounded, isn't wanted, whether its this particular moment or in this particular place, for example, why what strikes you as just ordinary, sound in the daytime might be noise at night because it makes you up- and there is a lot of concern in medical circles about this. For copyright, one- is that people or damaging their hearing recreational habit and it? Has the technology for amplification of music keeps getting louder and louder
and that even affects children, smaller children, one of the things I discovered, if that there are very few regulations in north america may be none for sure these toys and live the sound they emit, which can had into dangerous decibel levels, especially when you consider little kids, who have short arms and holding me the device close to their heads soda something that I haven't really been given publicity and it needs to pay the price who work on the clinicians, their finding that a lot of people now have the hearing, that's typical of of people over fifty. who have worked in industrial jobs and that shouldn't be happening. The reason it's a problem,
in the long run, if not just because of hearing loss, because it doesn't make you go completely deaf, which has damaged certain frequencies but totally frequencies speech its recently been discovered that people who have hearing damage as they get older. If they get into senior hood they are more likely to get dimension, is also stress levels being raised chronically Not just for the noise is on, but even at a low level, it can affect your nervous system that affects or cardio vascular system and your immune system, so in germany, where really detailed studies have been done, they discovered that people who live near major traffic intersections in cities are more I quit you develop heart disease than people who are living in quiet areas will
I think everybody has a sense that there's a problem. I I have this experience. I just had it the other day where I I'm in my backyard and it's quiet and fairly quiet, and I think or or I think it's quiet and I don't even notice that my neighbors air conditioner is on until it goes off and then Those are often it's like. Oh, this is wonderful. I mean this is so much nicer. I didn't even realize I wasn't here- I was hearing it, but I wasn't listening to it and when it went off it was like this, like stress relief, yes, your shoulders go down and get your neck relaxes. All of that, yes, that's another concern that everybody knows that we're under chronic stress it's the way we live and sound of one of the contributing factors you pay
turned out very correctly that there is a difference between hearing in listening. If we're listen what's going on or likely to notice, what's annoying and try to do something about, if we are hearing without listening, all of this goes by and you're nervous system ray your muscles tense up. You might get a headache you might feel fatigued end of the day is common in workplaces, and we think of offices. quiet indoor workplaces right well, not exactly, there's the ventilation which can be boring in the background there's a hum from the fluorescent light and there are little boy is going on all over. There are printers. There are computer fans.
you're getting quieter than they used to be, certainly, but there's still a sound coming from them, and if you pay attention to it, you're going to notice that exactly it sounds better when it stops, but there must be something about the human brain that copper states for this and that's why you don't notice it because you are you're trying to get through what is important to you. So somehow your brain puts that in the background and you don't notice it and the and that's functional that that's helpful. A brain has set us up to deal with. Ordinary environmental noises, hello. Those are depend a lot on where you are what it Ben Gunn, is figured out a block out noise. Consciously we are blocking it out by becoming used to it. we don't react anymore.
We're still hearing it. That's the problem. We have any airline which of them Thing has been around for a long time and acoustic ecology and yet then there's music and music seems that its sound in and some music is noise, the other to some people but but music scene to have this opposite effect. To that we like we like music, and it is one the glories of our species. It's just that we all have it around so much so constantly that we lose the ability to listen to the external world, and this is one of of the principle of a college. that we need to know what the natural world sounds like because we evolved in it. Are we didn't have the abyss
the carry music around with us until just recently and are our nervous systems. Haven't much if at all, since prehistoric times, though our ancestors that far back got all kinds of signals, And warning move and points of interest from the natural some. What are the birds doing if they're allowed you know that something exciting is going on for them. Maybe there's a lot of food around and you go in search of that food if their quiet, it's likely that there are predators and they left the area for you want watch out for those predators. If you hear water in the background, you know that there is a place you can get water, which is essential for life and over a very long time, these signals, were,
it up by the human nervous system, where they, the proton human nervous system. We share that with mammals, all mammals, o survival, signals and dangerous thing came out of that heritage. We will carry that heritage. still carry it and them Article sounds the city sounds the traffic and what The music of coming into our ears cos reactions that we're just necessarily aware of until, as you pointed out, the mission stop and you notice oh yeah, that was making me tense up. and so what are we supposed to do about this? But I think what what people think is the inner there's not much. You can do about the noise in your life unless you know you're the one controlling the volume control but
The noise of the city, the noise of the cars in the street, the noise that we deal with every day we no control over that's true on an individual level for sure, but there are ways to solutions going. It requires pity planning in many cases there is a study from Sweden that discovered that, if architects, planners plan, their communities and the structure of their houses, so that bedrooms are at the back of the house there then overlooking the street. There is less noise when people are trying to sleep, so that's an example of design that can make it where there was a study that it. I could have told you that if you called yet the fact that it doesn't seem like it. I do know daddy it. People are going to spend government money on this kind of thing. They pay need studies they need.
in order to go ahead with that. So common sense, unfortunately, doesn't get counted much, but is Is there any kind of? I think everybody has a sense that less noise is better, that you should, if you can turn the noise down in your home or your officer, but is are any sense of like how much how do you Do it what's the worst noise there is? Is there he kind of guiding criteria, or is it just you know if you can make it a little quieter? That's why I'm here? Aren't I criteria they have to do with decibel levels. The decibel was the unit of measurement for loudness, of sound and You can look up anywhere on the internet, charts that show what sound level of what some pressure level of or loudest levels are produced by different machines and different situations. You think of
airports, ground workers, for example. They have to wear very large, earmuffs style hearing protectors in to be around the the planes that are going back and forth because they they would be pretty quickly deafened if, if they didn't have your protection, so that an example of something that up at the time but the scale of their louder example of people military can encounter them bombs, for example, heavy artillery fire, also deafening at certain levels but in everyday life. There are examples as well. Stadium sports in enclosed areas can get two hundred twenty decibels, which will cause hearing damage. Pretty quickly rock concert likewise,
hence in her clothes, you are to the speakers. So this is something that a lot of people encounter on a regular basis those are typically in people's lives. Those are special events. Those are you know, going to the baseball game or going to your favorite rock concert. What about just every other day when you're, it isn't a special event. You're, just in the city you're driving in your car you're around noise is that it is just a general noise level? Ok, it's not going to death in you, but it can definitely put you into a state. Stress, and so what can we do about that? Well again, design help. Another possibility is wearing earplugs, something that's very simple: they they cost very little their approval with any pharmacy and even if you're, going to a large party if worth
acting your hearing. It will not stop you from being able to be in a conversation, even for a rock concert. Earplugs will take out some of the decimal level and you can protect us that way again. You will be able to enjoy the music, but you won't get hurt by it. Orchestra musicians have specially designed earplugs that block out certain frequencies so that a they dont get problems from being next to the trumpet, for example, or right in front of the trumpets which can be too loud yeah. So the design of air plugs is quite buried. They can be put together for special situations depending on what were you doing, or they can be just the basic ones that show up in the drug store and they do make a difference?
it does seem that which I imagine if you were to talk to people they would say you know it would be nice to have a quieter environment it, but it's more of a nice to have rather than a half to have it, then it just it doesn't it doesn't rise to the level of this is something we really need to deal with you right and if you look at faint public public health emergency from coal evade its considerably down the list from that But it's something that always around corporate will get the would eventually one way or another. The noise of urban surroundings is not like to get a whole lot quieter, although there is still hope on the horizon. Electric cars dont make much found at all some of them don't make any, and that actual your problem in another way,
he's working on them are having to put some into them for that people can hear the next car, overcoming though there is some disadvantage to silence as well that interesting, because when, when you think about looking both ways to make sure that cars are coming, so you can cross the street. You think it's a visual thing, but, but I think you're right we we tend to listen for a car coming and if the cars or silent well, the you might just- about in front of it city, Think the world is their evidence. Do we know that the world is getting louder? Oh, that's it question. Ok, the world is definitely getting louder and part of what I was searched is about the history of noise, complain, at first, we talking about noise, annoyance because unless you were
the military working with cannons back in the seventeenth century, there wasn't much that could harm your hearing, except if it worked in certain occupations like blacksmith carpenters that sort of thing we ve got hounding and grinding going on all the time miller's as well, though, most people need to worry about losing the acute, if their hearing noise annoying for men, In ancient rome, there were ordinances against bringing market wagons into the city, except at certain times in the evening. They cause they didn't want to wake people up and they they couldn't bring the market wagons with all the food for the next day into the city during the daytime because the roads were too crowded. So it goes that far back.
because even further, but we don't necessarily I have written documents about that from very many places. Way back then when you look at let's say the seventeenth eighteenth centuries, most people lived on farms, those cities warrant that much I have a problem, but if you did live in a city there was traffic on cobblestones streets where and carriages going back and forth drawn by horses for this and of wagon wheels or coach wheels and just clapping around not to be annoying. If you open window right near there and complaints For that happen, mostly from professional writers who were interrupted in their work by the city. Sounds traffic passing and
and people were talking and screaming, and just normal sounds of everyday life. When you have some density, population. Ok, the real complaints, though we got one, the more intense ones, don't start until the industrial revolution. Lady came through them. century, and that when the seems come in and you get trained. crossing the countryside. And you get factories anyone. Working in a factory would probably have here damage pretty quickly. There was no protection. There. still the problem in a lot of industrial areas in the western world, where there are regulations reasonably controlled in some places. Very well controlled error laws about that. Many places especially places where the economy
These are developing quickly. There are no regulation, for if there are some they're not enforced, so you get the same problem people in england found in the nineteenth century happening now in in china in central erika in south east asia all over the world well. It seems as if the world has gradually- and I think you use the phrase you know crept up on us of It- that as the world, gradually gets louder? We go actually get used to it? We we learn to accommodate the additional noise we get used to it in so that's now normal and whenever says, will wait a minute what, rather than keep getting used to it, let's turn it. Let's turn it down. This is partly because
We are constantly bombarded in the news by more immediate situations, but media situations have to be. With immediately, and we tend to ignore what need to deal with in the long term. From all you ve researched and what you know about noise. What's the prescription? What what are you recommend? People do differently, One thing that everyone can do is find I'm in the day when you can be in a quiet space, whether that's indoors in a room where you can. Here, the outside clamour. It give your ears and your nerve system a rest, take a break from the sound and you bugs. Lately. I've noticed that I've become more sensitive to noise, and I appreciate the more the quiet, maybe faith, it's I don't get it that often, but I think
your message is important, I think noise affects us all. Clearly it does and it's important be aware of how it does Marcin Stein has been my guest cheese, author of the book, sound and noise listeners guide to everyday life, and you will find linked to that book at amazon. In the show notes, the media is full of stories of extravagant wealth, and perhaps that's partly I most americans are pessimistic about their ability to become rich. They see themselves extravagantly, healthy like that, but here's the good news, average people get rich All the time begins. we're federation of america studied how average people become wealthy, here's how they do it. Is the formula to become rich? They control you too, a retirement plan and take advantage of employers matching funds. They
a home and pay off the mortgage and then don't borrow against the house based and less than they make and they invite the difference. They let the miracle of compounding generate money over time and start a small business or by investment property. That's the formula. for becoming rich in america, and that is something you should know, where ever you listen to this podcast, whether it be spotify stitched tune in cash box theirs described button you can subscribe to this podcast. Have the episodes delivered right, to you as soon as they are available, and it is all free. I might carruthers there for listening today to something you should know well:
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-05.