« Something You Should Know

Are We Killing English or is It Just Evolving? & How to Make Big Changes Easier


Springtime means the return of annoying allergy symptoms for a lot of us. I begin this episode with some simple but very effective techniques that can help minimize the suffering from allergies and they come from a top allergist. http://www.forbes.com/sites/melaniehaiken/2013/03/20/allergy-alert-worst-allergyseason-ever/

If the English language is constantly evolving then what is “proper English”? Should you judge people if they use the language differently from you? Is it okay if someone says, “Let me axe you a question?” These are some of the things I discuss with Anne Curzan, professor of English, linguistics and education at the University of Michigan and host of a series of online courses at The Great Courses (https://www.thegreatcourses.com/professors/anne-curzan/) After listening to her, you may look at the language in a very different light.

Should kids question authority or follow the rules? As a parent, you would like them to behave but if you look at the effect it has on their future income as adults, you may change your mind. Listen as I explain some fascinating research into this. http://www.businessinsider.com/kids-personality-salary-money-science-study-2016-3

We all know that making changes is hard even when those changes are exactly what we need. So is there a way to approach change to make it easier? Yes, according to Gregg Clunis, host of the podcast, Tiny Leaps, Big Changes and author of the book Tiny Leaps Big Changes (https://amzn.to/2OfDDFr). Gregg offers some important insight to making personal changes whether it is reaching for a big goal or eliminating something negative in your life. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today, on something you should know our springtime allergies, bothering you I've got some great advice for that, then, should you judge people by how they use the english language, because the language is always changing if you're a young people- and you will hear them- say, for example- who, if your team bursting tomorrow and by that they mean? Who is your team playing again, you can either get annoyed about it or you can think this is completely fascinating plus. Is it better that kids question authority or follow the rules and making important changes in your life? Why is it so hard it's hard because we logically want to, but we subconsciously, don't change represents loss of of your identity, loss of who you currently are, and even if that change is good and for the better you're still feeling the loss all this today on something you should know.
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spring time can be particularly tough on allergy sufferers. Allergies. Dr Clifford Bassett has some steps you can take to lessen the impact of all of those things that are causing your allergies to flare up this spring This recommendation is, don't vacuum get somebody else to do it and if you have to do it, where a mask pollen gets tracked in on our clothes and shoes and you mean really stirs that up next report, sure air filter in your furnace and air conditioning unit, its worth your while to pay a little more for a good one. The good ones really do filter out pollen, pet dander, dust mites and debris. You should know your lawn often its best. If you can get someone else to do it, but mowing often helps disperse and reduce the effects pollen. Recommends that you wash your hair at night
probably full of pollen, and you dont want to then put that all over your pillow and that something you should know what so interesting to me about the english language that you and I speak and write, is that at point in time, we like to think that there is such a thing as proper english words, phrases punctuation there, either correct or their incorrect And yet, as you look back in time, English has always been in a state of change, new words and phrases and grammar come into the language and old words and phrases and grammar disappear. Even still, I am one of those people whose a bit of a stickler I like it when words are spelled and pronounced correctly. I, like good grammar,
and one of the reasons I like good grammar is because I think people judge you by how you use the language, and I think you communicate your thoughts and ideas better. If you is the language correctly, but there. people, who are less strict about the whole thing, including my guest, curzon, she is professor of english, linguistics in education at the university of Michigan, teaches a series of online courses in english and grammar for the great courses, welcome thanks, I am delighted to be here. Now. I know there are people who are concerned about english. The phrase you often here is that someone has butchered the english language, as English seems to change. It seems to change for the worse. Do you agree delighted to report as a linguist that English is fine despite their, rumours to the contrary that but things are happening. What I love
but that is that, if you go back a hundred years- and you see what people were complaining about, an english that they thought was terrible. For example, people like the verb donate when it came in or Ben franklin. that when the now notice became the verb notice, that was horrible? and we look at that and we think what is their problem. and I try to keep a perspective when people are saying to me I hate it. When young people are using this slang word. One of the new ones is young people who are using the verb verse and I can explain, you want me to. But people say this is terrible. Say you know in fifty years we're gonna look really quaint that we thought that with the bad thing, how do they use were averse? That is so objectionable. If you listen to young people and this seems to be happening across the united states.
You will hear them say, for example, who is your team first thing tomorrow and that they mean who, if your team playing against and if you think What kids have done you can either get annoyed about it or you can think this is completely fascinating, has, if you think about the yankees versus the dodgers or serena versus venus William. If you did you hear that That sounds a lot like tonight, Serena wave vena and if virtue Is a verb. Well, then, you can have versed people and ask who are you versing? In other words, have taken this latin verses and reinterpreted it as a verb would arthur's. things that bother you is it all just all, okay and one day will all just be saying that or do you know what really bothers me is when people say real iter
especially realtors when they say realtor, there's only two syllables in the world word, but a lot of people make it three and for some reason I don't know why, for some reason that really bothers me- and I don't think that's ever while it, people do it, but I don't think it's acceptable. Do you before I answer that which I may opt out of entering I let me see we have a couple of questions on the table. One is: are there things that happening in the language that I don't like and the answer is sure, I'm very open about the fact that I do not like the word impactful. I think ugly daddy You feel about a pact for I've. Never thought of a word is ugly, but you know I have never thought that much about impact I dont use it very often. I can imagine the last time I used it, but it doesn't bother me like it bothers you. It doesn't bother me like real iter does right and that's it
exactly the point. My brain has latched onto impact full and decided that it is ugly and so for the moment I have opted out, I've decided I'm not going to use it, but, Give me the right if a student uses it in an essay to say it's wrong heard it's a new word, it's happening. If you look at trends in the language is becoming more popular, because there are a lot of people like you who aren't thinking about it, find it useful so they're using it. In other words, I have a peeve owned it, but it doesn't mean that I'm right, it just means that I don't like it, and so then you ok. What do I do with that? Does that mean that I opt out, but particularly if you're, a teacher or you're someone who is based on a cover letter deciding, should this person get this job or not, and you see impact full
would not be a good way to decide if someone should have that job or if they say real ter in a way that you dont like that, would also probably not be a good reason to say. I don't think you should have this job, because there's lots of very soon an pronunciation change over time. Your example made me think there's. A wonderful quote about a hundred fifty years ago about the pronunciation of balcony and persons has the pronunciation balcony just me sick. I know because the word had been borrowed in from italian and italian, the stresses on the second syllable thought would be bow coney, but an english we often like a have the stress on the first syllable, so it became balcony and this person found that pronunciation just awful sickening in fact
people have pointed out. Other interesting pronunciation variants to me, for example, is it lackadaisical days ago What is it's lackadaisical? It is, but many many people say lackadaisical. Or I ll just give you one more cause. I could do this all day long, but it does entertain me, which is, if you go to the drug store, and your doctor has found in something for you to pick up. What are you picking up a prescription paying. If you hear what you said, you had a prescription, but the spelling, His p r e a prescription, I didn't say per I said pro prescott like p r a prescription. So I pick up my prescription like it with me yeah and many many speakers would so we see these. We see these little ship language and again you're talking to a historian of the language, and so I
well, you know the word bird used to be bred and the word third used to be thread which actually makes much more sense to have three thread than three third, but I still think big, looking to stand firm on this- and I am probably putting too fine a point on it right, later is not A three syllable word: you can't look at the it is. your mispronouncing, it you're not saying some. You you're putting an extra syllable and To me, that's wrong, I mean it's not like it's ever gonna, be right here, shaky ground say that english spelling needs to correspond with english pronunciation, because we have them whopper examples. For example, c, o, oh and e, oh yeah,
it's always been colonel. It was never colonial and color, and now and then somebody started saying colonel like it real ter and then somebody started say saying real iter. Well, it's always been colonel in our lifetime. What was it before that? Where this money, an interesting little oddity about english witches. That the reason that spelling is so far off is that in the sixteenth and seventy- and her we're borrowing in all these words from other languages, and in this case English double borrowed. and we borrowed from italian colony, yellow with the owl and we borrowed in from price coronel c, o r and in the end, we standardize the italian spelling and the french pronunciation. So
I'm just going to agree to disagree and just say that that's my that's my thing like your impact full is easy impact full in the dictionary. Is it or has it been a word in the dictionary for some time or not? I think at this point you find it in many standard dictionaries one thing that is, important to think about with dictionaries is that we can think about them is the place that you go to say: Is this a real word? Is this an authorized word if you type the editors of dictionaries. What they will say is we're just trying to keep up with all of you you all change the language If a word, a new word has happened, then we're gonna put it in our dictionary because we're trying to be a record of the language And they recognise that they will always be behind us, because we are very creative and we are all changing the language. So it's it's a tough game cause whose keeping up with who.
or is it home right, I know, lie at the heart of its all. Other problem is I beat to let you know whom has many stories attached to it to the thing I would want to make sure to say is people, Hear me saying this step and what they were and sometimes they say to my face: is you have standards and you're willing to say that, however, people speak is totally find. What I would say is as a link I am absolutely gonna say that language. Various language change is a natural part of language and that its really fun to watch how people are changing the language to look at different pronunciations different construction texting is also a way to write and its away to get things and not the undergraduates. I work with really sophisticated actors. I am a really bad texter. They laugh at my text.
And one of the things we do in class is they help me understand all the nuances of what a period means versus an exclamation mark verses got that which mean totally different things? I now know, but I didn't know that boy, To know that, let me ask you that for so let me remind people that I am speaking with an curzon. She is a professor of english linguistics in education the university of michigan and teaches a series of online courses in english and grammar for that courses if europe Aren't. I bet the subject of technology has come up in conversation with your kids U? S? Cellular knows how important your kids relationship with technology is, and they ve made it their mission to them, establish good digital habits early on. That's why? partnered with screen sanity, a nonprofit dedicated to helping kids navid the digital landscape.
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npr wherever you get your podcast or so tell me the difference between in attacks. The difference between a period, an exclamation mark and dot dot dot. Oh, this is great. For young people when their texting each other. If we imagine a text that just has who letters? Ok, if you just said ok with no punctuation. That would be equipped, I, a neutral sort of like ok capturing that tone you type ok with a period, this is serious potentially angry, and if you type, ok, dot, dot dot. That would be the gap, call ok, ok, really you're talking about, or I think it's a bad idea. What that captures is that, What young people have done with texting in other?
texting alot. They don't have faced spread they don't tone but, and there or, as we all know, bottom miscommunication can happen, which I would guess it happened. You certainly happen to me sure, where I met someone, you know get your tone wrong. So what people have done. If they have. I like to use the verb re purpose. They have re purposed punctuation help capture tone to capture serious tone or the exclamation mark, which is to express men are happiness, and it also why people are using the current and emerging smiley faces winkie faces the J k just kidding is that were tied to use aspects of written language and imagery to do that, work that we have when we talked to another person of hearing there. a voice seeing that their smiling seeing that their nodding their head, which is really useful context and your by china, recreate that on texting.
Don't you think back to when you said that people sometimes accuse you of not having any standards that, in fact, there is a special In the professional world there is a correct english and if you go in and use slang, maybe that's fine, but people judge that peat. When you say. Let me ask you a question People judge that so the person. save I would not use the word correct. He said there is the correct english there. Our formal varieties of english, less formal, bridesmaid, there are standardized varieties of english and you're out right that they are different contact. Different work environment, where different kinds of english are gonna, be expected We know that wearing a talk to a barbecue, not a good idea, so using your form, variety in an informal setting, not persuasive,
can I help you navigate that situation. So there is a simple entered that I also circle back to the axe question. Historically, it is as a whole ask and there is a good chance that actually, historically, that acts in to ask and in english acts with the high form, for a long time? If you look at charter in the wife of bath here, he has asked the question a ex ii through the sixteenth century, act was actually the high form. and then back I turned on its head and ask became seen as the standard form and there's a lot of judgment about active question. That is not about language thats, about speakers that and this is a point that link with make witches when word
judging language were judging speakers and in a way that people discriminate against other people. Yeah. Well, I I guess it is burmese. People judge people by how they use the language and and as language changes. It seems that in every person's mind it's wrong until it's right and an until it's right, it's wrong yet, part of that can be it. The new form- and I judge it and others can be it's a form used by a group of people, and I've decided that their language is not as correct right there's nothing about. If you take the form acts. there's nothing about that pronunciation. That is wrong in any linguistic sent, there nothing wrong with it. You have to from the cave, changed places and one of the eggs For that I will sometimes give is. If you look on a key if you hit shift eight there's a little star thing.
And I dunno how you pronounce that word: asterisk. I'm sorry, asterisk, okay. Well, so two things to happen there in at first. He said after it without an ass and then he said after risk within us ass to risk is how its spelled. I actually, if I'm not monitoring my speech. Very carefully, I will say asterisks my cane s, it's not that I, the us. My cannot have changed places much away. That ask and actually have a cave. It s a case places, but people do judge me harshly as far as I know, when I say after it well, but linguistics aside in the real world, people do make judgements about how people speak. They make judgements about people's accents. They make a judgement about people's pronunciation. They just do that's what people do
to not like that is fine, but but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen I want they know. What I want you, a couple things one is you may judge. If you say acts the thing that I want the people who are judging is to say that is discriminatory. That judge people for saying acts instead of ask you shouldn't do that so it for me. It goes both ways. One way you put off the burden on the speaker who is using a standard, form or new form and say you need to accommodate. You need accommodate the prejudices out there of what people think you're right and wrong, and certainly it is helpful to know that too you can navigate the world, but I am not willing to stop there. I also want to say for all those who have our peace. We are We need to educate ourselves so that we aren't judging people unfairly. Four things we shouldn't be judging them for
well, but that's unfair according to you, but people are gonna, say acts instead of ask their essentially try change the language and change like this: never comes without conflict and struggle and pushed back. So if you're, try to change the language. You're gonna get put back from it. You may win, but you're still gonna get people who die approve and that's it. just, is there is one change going on right now in the language that's happening seemingly quickly is the gender neutrality of the language. Do you think that will stick and that that will work? It already has worked actually done. Research on this, if you look at example on an airplane. We talk about flight attendants way, you look at who fights, fires its firefighters. drive the car with the siren at the police officer that we actually have?
already in writing. Less successful ways created gender, neutral language, and often it wasn't with person that for you know people worthy and was going to be. A care person was not easy. Chairperson, it's just a chair that we decide to have the chair of the committee and have a flight attendant one very the person word, which is spokesperson, you'll, hear that but we have male carriers its interest. If you look around, we have actually found a lot of gender neutral options in the leg, For professions are there any don't seem to be budging freshmen yeah right I actually here at the university of michigan a lot are now using first year. Will this it's fun and and, as you might be able to tell I'm a fan of the english language and what people do or don't do to it. So I enjoy the conversation and Qur'An has been my guest she's
professor of english, linguistics in education at the university of michigan and teaches a series of online courses in english and grammar, for the great courses and there's a linked to her great courses page in the show notes for this episode. Thanks in thanks, like this the really fun conversation. If you want to have some fun it's football season after all, and it is a great time to play some daily fantasy sports and what maybe you haven't played before is prize picks, play it and what's cool about price pixies, you, playing against the thousands zillions of other people. It's just you against the numbers, civically you pick more than or lie stan on tuesday, ex player, stat projections, and then you wait to see if your right- and if you are you, watch the winnings role in it is so cool this policies and price picks. It is the most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports and, if you're good at it,
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Even if it's the best thing you could possibly do for yourself. Making a change is difficult. Well, maybe there is a better way to approach change that can make it a little easier and more manageable. That is something great clueless has spent a lot of time studying Greg is the hosted the podcast tiny. Keeps big changes and he also has a new book out coincidentally, called tiny lee big changes. I grey welcome Thank you. So much ram me. It's an absolute honour sure, so why is changed so hard from looking at the research and and all you ve done in this subject? in a big picture way. Is the recent changes so difficult? It's hard because we logically want to. But we consciously don't chain
represents loss of of your identity, loss of who you currently are, and it seems small write something as simple as the way that you get out of bed in the morning like which leg you swing out. First, like those things are tiny, but they add up to sort of create, this identity, this version of yourself, that that you are recognised and in changing those things you lose a piece of that person now even That change is good and for the better you're still feeling the loss on subconscious level, and so we sort of resist it, because we I want to deal with that, the waiter to stimulate that change and make it easier is to become consciously aware of what that identity is and what it is. Where sort of fighting against, when we try to make those changes, and in his lungs. You come consciously aware of it. It doesn't necessarily I become a snap of your fingers and now you're different person where does become easier, to manage and planned for.
It would seem that that, based on what you just said, that what one of the weapons to use in in accomplishing your changes being pretty clear on why you want to change, because that could could sustain you when you are trying to fight the fight that you just described Absolutely I mean, though, the. Why is the the emotional driver? It's a thing that can override that emotional fear, and so one of the things that I like to do for myself is once I have figured out what that deep personal. Why is what that that reason for this change looks like, and it might be something like changing my day to day habits, because that's going to create more revenue in my business, which will allow me to create a better life for my family, like that sort of emotional attachment and putting it in of myself as much as possible, so whether that is in the basic form of there's a sticking out with that goal written out in the why behind it or
which is the case, a friend of mine, does us all if his wife has to do with his daughter and so every single day when he sees her, he is reminded of that big. Why and and the reason for, why he's trying to to change his life and that sort of keeps him on track when he may. Stumbled without that reminder. Do you suppose that is there any is red research that would indicate that that people try to change for the wrong reasons. Then that's why they fail yeah, this sort of act as every single year of new year, a new eu creating resolutions and sort of trying to stimulate change based around this time of year, it's become a cultural activity in a cultural norman. This thing that we all sort of do together, but the prom, with that, is that there is no emotional. Why oftentimes its purely a change made from a logical place? I k that sounds like a good girl and it's that of year saw set that goal
There is no emotional, deep reason for that choice or if there we haven't taken the time to identify it in and name it Of course, it always seems that change is easier when in a catastrophe strikes, you know when he had the heart attack, then maybe you're you're more willing to change our diet. You know when, when you ve had the car accident, maybe you're more willing to wear your seat belt that you didn't wear before, but too bad that it takes that, for so many people to actually facilitate hey. Well, maybe I need to do something different. This is one of the things that I'm so endlessly curious about, and I talk about my father, the massive change that he made in his life in a very short period of time. I'm talking he had smoked for fifty something years straight, always struggle to quit,
and then within a two month window after being diagnosed with lung cancer. He he quit call turkey and it always struck me and like to this date. It's on my mind is how, possible? How is it possible that somebody who receives that kind of diagnosis, or has a certain sort of serious event, happened kin? let this switch all of a sudden and in the change just becomes instant and my fee, free and I'm going to be honest with you MIKE. I don't know the the solid answer, my theory, based on what I saw with my dad and and stories I've read since from this curiosity, is that there is some mechanism in us for survival, and if there is an opportunity for us to turn to come out on the other side may be getting hurt, maybe getting scrape up, maybe being in a knot, great place, but we're still alive. Dr almost
overrides the innate fear of losing our identity and almost overrides like that. That fear that keeping us where we are because it becomes the lesser of two evils situation. Would you rather lose a piece of your identity, or would you rather die an? it's a mod like it's a pretty clear choice which one your your subconscious is is going to choose, because it wants to keep us here and have a sort of go through our our day to day lives. So that's my theory and, and it's a it's something that has become very personal to me and trying to understand why these life or death situations often produce that kind of result. But I'll be honest in saying that I I just don't know the answer yet yeah, because it does seem an otherwise pretty typical that we'll try and fail and put it off and procrastinate, and you know all change my diet tomorrow, but
but today cause there's no chocolate cake for dessert tonight. Yeah- and you know it's always later later later until that that big thing happens, it'd be nice to be able to figure out how to short circuit that and and make the change, because this is a good time to make the change. Wouldn't that be wonderful the ability to sort of flip, that switch whenever, whenever we need it and tap into those read our resources and Think maybe the closest that I've been. to come to. It is when you remind yourself every day that life is short and we don't know when we're going to go in. I live in new york city and one of my biggest fears and it's a little irrational, but it's definitely happened eyes somebody pushing me in front of a subway now Is that likely to happen? Probably not is possible? Yes, absolutely and in so, when I tried it
remind myself of the fact that, anything could happen at any point and I may not be here to morrow, and so, if that's the case, then today's really my only chance to do whatever it is like this is the only guarantee chance that I have is right in this moment. Right now and so, if it makes sense to item to make sure that I forced myself to do it in that moment, when I can so, the prescription. Here the title of your book indicates what the prescription is, but but if somebody says well great okay, so I want to change. I don't wait till I avoid away wait till I have the heart attack or the car crash show. So how do I do it? What's the what's the step by step process here below it? accepting that you're going to fail it stood. Acting that every single day, you're going to wake up and sometimes you're not gonna, be able to do whatever thing you said you were going to do for any were reasons, and beating yourself up from that not
Making yourself feel bad. Just acknowledging Hey today I didn't, do it tomorrow, I'm going to try and through of accepting that. Eventually, you get this pattern where wake up every day and you try to do something and some days you win some days you lose than you but the next time you try again over time, the balance shifts because, maybe beginning you were going to the gym one out of one day out of every three weeks, then somewhere in the middle now you're at three days per week, then some at the end, you your target five days per week and in that balances ships over a very long period of time of waking up every day in trying to do We are trying to make those changes so that simple formula that I boil it down into is step one figure out what it is, you want. What change you want to create in your life, whatever that might be, to identify where your currently at in relation to that change, and then step three
wake up every single day and grind it out tried. Make it work, do never be yourself up, never make yourself feel bad for it just accept reality as it is and try to remove as much of the human element is. You can in your decision making, so that, eventually, that balance shifts and an you before you now are the type of person who is doing whatever your coat was what changes that you know, maybe not so life and death changes, but we want to be a writer, but you never mind your. You never seem to find time to sit down and right and and at some point maybe maybe it's time to decide. You know what. Maybe this isn't for me: so I would say that its own, the time to decide that if you genuinely dont like it anymore, side of that. I see no reason why you you ever need to make that decision, so
here's what I mean by that lets plug it. That goal into the formula step one you want to be a writer call. You gotta figure out step to you do and it's audit of what your life looks like. I would argue that even If it's only three it's a day. Everyone and find some amount of time, because there is not a single human on this planet, at least not that I know of whose use every single second of every single day, constantly always forever. Now we technology around us we can find. A minute when, wherein the bathroom a minute when were walking in and out of the office a minute here and there were weak and jot out three words or five words are ten words. The problem isn't that we can't find the time to write it's that we feel silly for doing the small things, we feel silly for opening up our notepad in just riding a single word, but
that's how you start the process. That's how you get to the point where now you're, starting to prioritize it now you're may be pushing off going out to dinner with your friends, because you want to spend that our writing instead and doing that once every other week I go, sacrifices do need to be made eventually, but the only way you get to that place. We are willing to make them is by first step to gain the identity of being a writer, and you do that by finding those tiny little moments where your prioritizing it for a minute, your prior to prioritizing it for that thirty second elevator ride, like whatever it is there, are these moments in your life that you're, just not using an The other cool part about this is that a minute twelve times a day is still twelve minutes. Even if it's broken up a minute here- and there are sixty times a day is still an hour, even if it's broken up, but there things that People say they want to do.
I mean how many times since you you have a podcast and you tell people and they go yeah. I I'd like to do a podcast they're, never going to do a podcast; they they they. They say they are, but they never are. So it's on their list of things to do that they never ever get to it's, not that they they had a minute to take out in the elevator there still not going to do anything. So at what point you say, alright, let's cross this off the list, cause it's weighing me down. I really don't plan to do this and, let's be honest, and let's move on Yanza goes back to step one deciding what you actually want. What what changed you actually want to create in your life. Now I am personally mrs just what has worked for me. I'm a fan of trying every single thing that I'm interested in and then throwing it out. The man I had the taste for the experience, for it guessing something that for a very long time, I thought seemed silly. It's only four
five years ago that I decided to try it and fell in love with they became a great source of expression for me, so I would say that if you're, that type of person who just feels need to try everything then go down the list and try everything and make that decision quickly. As far as do I like this, do I not and am I gonna, keep doing it or not, if you're the the type of person who has that ever extending list of things that you'd theoretically be interested in then you you have to sort of prioritize well. What is it that I actually want? What are you actually doing, and and what is your, your? What are you constantly thinking about on a day to day basis when you have those moments and anything that isn't in the? category gets put Off the list are pushed onto our maybe one day list so I have this theory about goals and change and things because I've seen it happen so many times were people.
Have an idea. They want to do something they're going to change something or make something or invent something or do whatever it is. They say, they're gonna do and they start the process and then it stops it before it gets anywhere, and I my theory is that sometimes people do that, because they don't really want to know, whether or not it's a good idea or not so they leader in that halfway limbo place where their work and on it there not doing really doing much of anything, but it now it gets to the point where some one can say: no, and that way it just lives in their head and it lives in their imagination as the what if what the world, will be wonderful when this is done, but it'll never be done. What? If it feels really good the fields way better than having to face the reality of maybe you're not as good as you thought, in as a personal example, I've spent a lot of time doing this in my business I having that thought process of you know
I could be doing x amount in revenue like I know what to do for it. I'm just not prioritizing it right now arm, just the you know, building it rain or whatever excuse I'd come up with, and I had to sit down and analyze and realize, while, if I'm so capable, why am I not doing it while its but I'm afraid of finding out what that, maybe I'm not that capable, fraid of of the action putting it out into the world and punch in the face and realising our I'm not as good as I thought? I think that it can back to sort of where we started this conversation of there. Is fear of losing that identity there. There is a fear of feeling, like your good enough to accomplish something and then having to face the reality of maybe you're, not right, and so maybe it's just a difference and personality, because I'm not one of those people. Typically,
I would rather find out. I would rather not look back and wonder what, if, because I never tried it and regret not trying it I'd at least like to know that I gave it a shot and yeah didn't work, but at least I tried it's interesting, because I find that every success, person that I've spoken to has given that same answer for whereas I am I'm curious, I'd love to to turn the tables on you a little bit here where that that comes like why regret why's, that the big driver I don't know that I can explain it other than to say that it's just part of who I am it's part of my make up my personality- that I'd just wanna know No? I don't want to regret so I'll, try things and that's just who I am now. That's that
that actually tells me quite a lot, because I mean I guess, if you really look at it, it is scary, guess what it can never be reversed right it. It's a final, like you didn't, it in that moment and for the rest of your life. You the wonder what, if, in its just sitting on your mind in it, it's it's this massive weight on you but, like I said that is, that is an answer verse. The every successful personal spoken too, as a mentor or as a friend has given that as one of their reasons, it is fascinating to to keep hearing it over and over again. while there is no doubt that change is hard, whether you're trying to accomplish a goal or whether you're trying to eliminate something out of your life but thank you. You ve helped to clarify the process and perhaps make it a little easier. Great clearness has been my guest his Work is tiny leaps, big changes. His podcast is also called tiny leaps, big changes. There is
linked to his book and linked to his podcast in the show knows, thanks greg Listen. Thank you. So much for having me So is it better for kids to question authority, or should they follow the rules While there certainly is a lot to be said for doing what you're told, but there may be a downside to being a rule follower, it seems kids, who question and have a problem with authority more money later in life. over five hundred people were questioned first in nineteen, sixty eight at the age of twelve and then again at the age of sixty two kids they answer to hundred and eight questions about their daily thoughts. They later discovered that the kids, who had less respect for rules and parental authority earned more money later in life than those who were the rule followers, regardless of their intelligence or socio economic status.
they also surveyed the teachers of those kids and found that kids, who were more studious? All attended to make more money as adults, regardless of their feelings about authority and that something you should know, hey you on twitter right most, so where we come check this out there we're at something why s k, acts thing why s k I might carruthers thanks for listening today to something you should know: stacking benjamin's with Joe and his good friend oji. Not only has great financial insight, its lay back with humour to the lehne, pens, oh say much survey I wanted to know: was it really cheaper to around bag it every day or was it cheaper to go through these school lunch? The most expensive sandwich of all forty six percent increase is the first time a sandwich has ever touched five bucks before anybody gags on at them. It's a great sandwich find out more by searching the stacking benjamin's pie cast wherever you listen.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-20.