« Serial Killers

“The Trash Bag Killer” Pt. 2 - Patrick Wayne Kearney


After luring in victims using a false sense of security, Patrick Wayne Kearney earned his title as “The Trash Bag Killer” by murdering a confirmed 21 young men and leaving their remains in trash bags along Southern California freeways during the 1970's. But when he targeted 19-year-old Tony Stewart, everything changed. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode in who'd discussions of murder and assault that some people may find offensive. We advise, extreme caution for children under thirteen Patrick Kearny his slight build building, docile demeanor, to lure his prey into a false sense of security. Once they climbed into his truck Kearny quickly shot them in the head. He then took the corpses home rape them before bathing and dismembering them in his bathtub. He placed the various body parts into industrial strength, trash bags before stuffing that bag into an everyday green garbage liner, you could get it any store. The remains then discarded on the besides Southern California freeways, hence cornice, nickname the trash bag killer from Nineteen sixty two to nineteen. Seventy six Kearny success
We killed eleven victims without a single survivor or dutch one night in April of nineteen. Seventy six when Kearny spiders latest target nineteen year old, Tony Stuart in front of a convenience store hi, I'm Gregg pulsing, and this is serial killers. Today, we're going to continue our dive into the life of Patrick Wayne, Kearny better known as the trash bag killer. Here with my co host Vanessa Richardson, this is not a licence, psychologist psychiatrists, but she's done a lot of research for the show. I everyone we'd like to ask a quick favor You leave a five star review of serial killers on your favorite podcast directory. It seems so simple, but it really helps us out and don't forget to subscribe or your there,
because a new episode comes out every Monday. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram at PAR cast and on Twitter at PAR cast network Tony Stewart was one of seven children born into a poor family. He had graduated school a year earlier and his life revolved around beer, girls, skateboarding and searching. He was hitchhiking five miles from the beach to his home because is below Nineteen sixty four, a chevy Impala, had broken down on the way Tony saw a convenience store and decided to stop in I did talk someone into by him beer. After a few unsuccessful attempts. Tony was ready to call it quits of familiar trot. Pulled up and Tony recognised Patrick Kearny, as the driver Tony had previously? four carnies landlord. He had more.
Carnies lawn for about four years after Tony jumped into colonel truck two men made small talk, Tony told Kearny. He was hope, to find someone willing to buy in beer and amused Kearny agreed to make the purchase under one stipulation Tony had to come back to Cornice House too. Think it Kearny claimed that he was looking out. Fraternity The boy was a minor he could get in trouble if he was caught with alcohol. Tony agreed to colonel offer. An Kearny bottom is six. It was around midnight when Kearny drove Tony into the same yard. The boy used to mow once in sighed, the house Tony drank his beer as he and colonel small talk, then Kearny went into kitchen returning with a doctor's bag, Kearny opened the bag and removed the stethoscope, claiming that he used to be a doctor. Kearny asked if he could listen to Tony's heartbeat to see
it slowed down while he drank naively Tony agreed and consumed. Another beer at First Kearny placed the instrument on tony shirt, but insisting he couldn't hear anything. Kearny asked Tony to remove his shirt only felt that since Kearny had bought the beer he was obliged to play along Tony, took off his shirt minutes. Past, as Tony Drank and Kearny placed the instrument on various parts of the boys chest. But when the stethoscope move past his belly button Tony began to feel uncomfortable Tony told Kearny that he needed, leave, claiming his parents would lock him out of the house if he came home too late before current could protest. They heard someone unlocked the door. Kearny leaped, Bacchus Hill entered the room. Kearny grew nervous as hill stared at a shortlist guest Kearny made it point of reminding hill that Tony was the boy who used to motor lawn hill only gave the boy quick high before walking through the house to the better
Tony reiterated that he had to get going loud enough. Hilda here Kearny went into the bedroom and Tony Heard him tell him. He was going to give Tony right back to his house Kearny remit. Silent during the right home Tony nervously, blathers about how good it was to see Kearny again thanking him for that here then how they had to do it again, some time that is when, honey turned to him with what Tony described as hypnotic big eyes and made him proud Mr stop by very soon said, in danger Tony pointed out a house and pretended it was his after when he drove away Tony ran around the corner towards his real home. Only this Corny make a? U turn as if he was trying to determine if Tony gave him the right address. As current Slowly scanned the street Tony left behind and his houses fence and remained hidden until the killer drove by Tony later remarked, I thought it.
Strange that he turned around. I wouldn't realise until months later that, if his roommate hadn't come in when he did, I might have been killed only had one more run in with Kearny, although indirectly, just a few weeks later on June twentieth of nineteen, seventy six tonia friends, Jane Austen and Billy piled into genes Red Ford fan, excited to be driving to the biggest party of the summer gene so brought along John Woods. Twenty three who went by the nickname woody he was a tall redhead who looked a little like the folk singer, art Garfunkel. After a few pre party beers, the quartet arrived celebrate only to discover the police had gotten there. For them than shut down the festivities. The for young men spent the remainder of the evening driving around in the Van drinking beer and talking about
Vietnam WAR, not finding any excitement they finally called it an evening they drop Billy at home. Would he was old enough to drink legally. So he asked the boys to drop him off that in nearby bar it was the last time Tony ever saw the man Tony state overnight at genes, so they could get up early for funding of surfing however, the waves were lack lustre. At best, the two boys decided to return genes house to wash his man when they were half. We finished police detectives arrived and got out of their car with pistols drawn before they knew what was Bidding Tony and Jean found themselves laying face first in genes lawn wondering what was going on one of the detective step for and demanded to know why they were washing blood off the van. It was then that the two boys learned that Woody had been found earlier in the morning in San Diego Kearny, shot him in the head:
cronies need to kill, and rape was accelerating doing a. Why will too understand why we first have to know what category of serial killer Kearny fits into according to the homes and de burger topology. Yes, back in nineteen. Eighty eight Ronald M homes, James De Burger, Stephen T homes designed a method of cataloguing various serial killers by their motives and actions. The four categories were visionary mission, oriented hedonistic and the power control, oriented killer. The difference. Well, visionary killers killed because they hear voices commanding them to commit murder. Why mission, oriented killers, believe they're, ridding the world of people who are undesirable and harmful society, but that's interesting because graver those really so my Kearny. Well, there too, categories, power, control and hedonistic power control motivated killers is just what
sounds like these murders kill to fulfil a narcissistic need to control others. What about hedonistic killers they Minister killer is broken down into three sub categories, based on their motives. Why Is a comfort oriented killer a serial killer who kills for financial reasons such as theft or two in an inheritance, as we have seen in previous episodes. Many female serial killers fall into this subset oil since turning over robbed victims. It she wouldn't fit into this category right. The second subtype is a thrill oriented killer about cells, Morley Kearny, yes, and no. The thrill killer is excited in the process, as well as the actual act of murder. However, the His killers often keep their victims alive to degrade and torture them before actually killing them. Once again, damn dies, the killer loses interest, although Kearny did torture Ronald Dean Smith, the five year old he abducted from the park he
old, most of his victims quickly, with a single shot to the head, which leaves us with the law story after killer s, as the knee implies this killer those for sexual gratification. They violate them victim after killing them sexual. Suffocation is obtained by acts of dismemberment, cannibalism and necrophilia. That says, the mostly curry book suffer the cannibalism exactly what's more lust oriented killers are described as above average intelligence and able to have normal sexual relationships with others that really does somewhat Kearny. After all, Kearny was able to me pain is relationship with hill, even while murdering and raping the corpses of young men. Less there's also maintain similar killing patterns to Kearny Kelso Alaska. Becomes addicted to murder. Just like a drug addict as addicted to narcotics as the addiction progresses, Attic needs a stronger high esteem.
He'll kill her will further increase the frequency of the kill or increase the amount of sexual stimulation. Often they do both also explain why Kearny changed his ammo and when, after children, it could be pedophilia may have added to cornice excitement. Will we do know that colonel, killed more frequently the next victim to be added to cronies Evergreen we list was Larry FC, seventy your own white male, who made the fatal error of accepting a ride from Kearny. Although colonel remember exactly what date he murdered Hepsey the Tina His body was found in multiple trash bags on August, twenty third nineteen. Seventy six the five days later, another body was discovered with a gunshot to the back of the head. It was Wilfred Lawrence Ferrety. Like John Woods, his body was discovered, the same day as his murder, colonel soon, snatched another victim off the streets. This time it was
Orange counties turned to discover. The ghastly remains of the trash bag. Killer Jim was twenty one year old, Mark Andrew Iraq, whose corpse was discovered the same day, he was shot in the head October, sixth, nineteen. Seventy six Kearny. Named another victim in the summer of nineteen seventy six, but he could not recall the exact date of the crime sixteen year old, Randal Randy Lawrence more What is an somewhere on the streets of San Diego, his body was found October, tenth, one thousand nine hundred and seventy six between November 15th and November 24th, one thousand nine hundred and seventy six nineteen year old Timothy Diango was hitchhiking eastbound on California state route. Seventy six not far from Indio when a truck pulled up and ride. The driver was Kearny not long after Ingham accepted the killers invitation, he fell, asleep. Kearny took the opera
unity to shoot income in the back of the head. His corpse was discovered. Discarded intervene on November twenty fourth nineteen. Seventy six two more victims died in the fall of nineteen. Seventy six, although the exact date of their deaths, are unknown. One of the victims was Robert Billy beneficial. A seventeen year old student at Torrents Aviation high school, whose bicycle broke down in Redondo Beach, California, not far from courteous home when Billy was reported missing by his family. The police assumed the boy ran away from home, something he had done in the past. At this point, no one too directed cornice involvement in any of the murders that until a neighbor saw newspaper article and convince the family. The Billy could have been killed, just like so many of the other young men who had gone missing and just as he had with the others, Kearny shot billing, the back of the head and drove home with Billy's corpse or he raped and dismembered it, unlike most of the other.
Victims. His body was never recovered. David Allen was luckier only in the sense that at least his body was found in the fall of nineteen. Seventy six Kearny could not remember the date of the murder, but did confessed to picking up Alan, and fall Brook a small community in North Santiago County Ellen was too. Seven when Kearny shot him to death and dumped his corpse alongside the road. The Lease had no inkling. That Kearny was behind the killings, but he was about to come the murder that would finally led police to his doorstep we'll returned or a story in just a moment from the park ass network high? Its Gregg and Vanessa, and we have Great NEWS for all of our incredible cults listeners as it. Thank you for your wavering dedication and support. We re released
Eighty three episodes of serial killers from our back catalogue and are already in your feed and available to listen to right now. Do you have a favor from these episodes. I really like our exploration of Harold Shipman, otherwise known as doktor death. I also loved our deep dive into the life and crimes of killer clown. John Wayne Gacy. What are your favorites? I liked her episodes on David commits also known ass son of SAM I was also really intrigue by ad camper, a disturbing Syria, murderer with near genius level intellect whether Europe living some of your favorite episodes or hearing about these chilling murderers. For the first time these eighty Ray episodes are available right now. Plausible still releasing new episodes of serial killers every Monday get caught
up on serial killers for free on Spotify or wherever you listened to podcast enjoy and thanks for listening high its Gregg, but I am beyond excited to tell you about. Another fetching show from Parkhurst. Therefore, legged full love and oftentimes more like family than their nicknames suggests. Dog tales tells the truth stories of heroic canines who have gone above and beyond their best friend duties. Every Monday dont tales embarks on a new journey of courage, service and unwavering sacrifice by our most loyal companions. You'll hear tales of inspiration from all breeds of life like Buddy, the german shepherd the worlds
first seeing eye guide, dog or Huskies Baltic in Togo. The sled dogs, who made a lifesaving medical delivery from Anchorage to NOME each episode of dog tales, is as unique, ass the pumps themselves and sure to bring it closer to the furry friend in your life, so get ready to sit, stay and roll over with excitement for Parkhurst Endearing series. Doc tales, listen to dog tales, free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcast and now back to our story. December came and went without further killings. If Kearny Hudson there he may never have been arrested. However, on January twenty third nineteen, seventy seven state employee was beneath the sea
Diego freeways Lennox Tunnel near the LOS Angeles airport. When he tripped over a garbage bag, the man was horrified to discover the dismembered corpse of Nicholas Nicky Hernandez. He menace Nicky was a sex workers from the LOS Angeles area. His body was neatly wrapped in Kearny signature triple lined trash bags at age. Twenty eight Mickey was the oldest of all of known victims, but not the last however, Cornice next victim was his undoing. John LE may seventeen year old, with long sandy blonde hair. From else again, do he told his friends that he planned to spend the night with his friends, Dave and Pat who live Redondo Beach. Although John had spent the night at his friends houses before this Sunday night, a school night Johns There grew uneasy when John did not come home. She called
one of her sons, friends who repeated what John had told him about Dave. The boy said left Le May at five thirty p m. It was the law ass time. Any of Johns friends or his family saw him alive. John I bet Cornice House at six p M David Hill was not home, but Kearny invited him in The two sat on the sofa to watch television, presumably await hills. Arrival, not law after. Turning on the set Kearny produced, his twenty two caliber geringer placed it on the back of the boys head and pulled the trigger fearing hills. Reaction. Kearny hid the boys body in a closet. Later he took the corpse to the bathroom to drain. Its blood bathe an dismember it five days later on the eighteenth of March in the desert, south of Corona, California, the police
found five separate industrial trash bag, sealed with ivory tape. Three of these eggs had been stuffed into a fifty gallon oil drum to others that did fit in the drum were discarded on the ground near by on further stagnation, the police discovered the bag held the torso, an limbs of John the May, but unlike the other of Patrick Cornice victims, the head feet and hands were missing. Do dilemma. Having a rare kidney configuration and a birthmark, the police were still able to it. And if the remains, although the police didn't know it, ll amazed COS gave them the clues they needed to capture the trash bag. Killer from one thousand nine hundred and sixty two until one thousand nine hundred and seventy seven had managed to stay below the police's radar. Only one neighbor had recognized cornice description from the newspaper, but quite a few other men could also fit that sky
there was no hard evidence to indicate. Kearny was a murderer that change shortly after the maize body was discovered on. The eighteenth March nineteen, seventy seven and detectives outset: and Roger Wilson, from the LOS Angeles Sheriffs Department were assigned the case. The question is why it takes so long for the police to recognise carnies pattern and respond to it as we saw in the last episode. The country was in a flux more and more gay men were coming out and flocking to the relative safety of a more tolerant California. Many of these young men and boys were runaways who had no social safety net. Some became poor. Stated sword drug dealers to survive, on the mean streets of LOS Angeles. Dismay, vulnerable to strangers by the late. Nineteen seventies. Homophobia was and in many religious communities. The police efforts solve carnies murders, often reflected the nations homophobic attitude. The police handle
each killing as if they were isolated lovers quarrels and gave them a low priority. The police didn't care about cornice victims were unwilling to use extra resources to find their killers. This is an old sir worry with serial killers, who often initially get away with their murderous by preying on vulnerable social the isolated populations, detectives out, set and Roger Wilson, recognised at Le Maize, murder and disposal matched a good dozen other killing, it wasn't long after they began interviewing John, the maize friends that they learned about Johns friend. Dave who lived in red, no beach, they are learned Dave lived with Pat and quickly determined carnies address. When the detectives arrived, they found both men home according to some Rogers, Kearny and Hill, we're both plight and cooperative. The couple express shock and grief upon hearing that John there may have been murdered. Then they invited the two detective
into their house Kearny became concerned. When the detectives took a sample of the couples carpet. Forensics headphone move members on GMO maize body and stuck to the Nile on tape used to seal the trash cans. The corpse was disposed in after thanking Kearny and Hill for their time set in Yours returned to their station. They had the carpet sample compared to the fibers found on the May. It was a match. The active, returned to her knees, Redondo Beach, home and asked the two men for samples of their pubic care as well as here samples from their white poodle. Although Kearny seemed reluctant, he complied with the police's request. Setting Rogers had collected all the evidence they could without a warrant and returned to their station, although Kearny knew he was under investigation for Le Maize murder. He could not conceal. All his need to kill one more victor
was destined to fall prey to Kearny before the police had enough evidence to arrest him or April sixth, pointing seventy seven less than a month before his eighth birthday, Merle Hondo, chance of Venice California was writing. Is Bike you're cornice place of work, family and schoolmates described Hondo as a dark haired boy, with a sweet smile who was known to protect, our children from bullies April six. Nineteen, seventy seven and it was riding near his home in Venice California, when his bicycle broke down, Kearny spotted the young boy and asked if you need a ride home. Unfortunately, Hondo accepted soon after the boy He got into the car Kearny smothered him with a sweater. He then drove the boys corpse back to his Redondo Beach home, where he did the boys remains, lay hidden and Cornice home overnight. The next day Kearny dumped Hon does
in the Angeles National Forest near the angels Crest highway. Flee eleven miles north of outer Dena, California, hunters badly decomposed body was found on May twenty six. Ninety Seventy seven little Merle Hondo chance was Patrick Cornice. Last victim weeks later there also the tests and the pubic care and dog hair taken from Cornice home matched those and John, the main body and the trash banks he was dumped in detective, set called Kearny to inform him. He had a warrant and he was returning to thoroughly search the duplex panic. Kearny immediately gathered his collection of newspaper clippings about dean, coral and others. Real killers and threw them in the trash he contacted his employer Hughes Aircraft Corporation and resigned driving to his office to get his last paycheck Kearny and Hill fled the state
he'll felt the need to run with Kearny is unknown. Meanwhile, Oh said in Rogers searched the deserted home one of their most important, discoveries was a hacksaw that still had the dried remains of John, the maize flesh and blood on its teeth. Technicians arrived use luminal chemical there reacts to the iron and hemoglobin to discover traces of blood in the bathroom in other parts of the house, they also found a roll of nylon philammon tape like the kind used to secure the trash bags. Further search of cronies office at Hughes, aircraft corporation revealed were colonel fired his industrial strength, trash bags. It was enough put out a nation wide bulletin. That Kearny in hill were now considered fugitives for the crime of murder, wanted posters, reprinted and sent to every law enforcement department in the country. Newspapers also carried photographs of the two men most to the stories referred to them, as quote at
Did homosexuals unquote a phrase that clearly shows the homophobic attitude of the times the two men over the hills- mother's house in El Paso, Texas, surprisingly without incident, but they won't accept, We welcome with open arms hills, mother S, and the remainder of his family convinced him an Kearny to drive back to California, where they could prove their innocence. Improbable as it seems Kearny agreed and the two men drove back They arrived on July first at the Riverside California, Sheriffs information centre after unifying themselves, they were quickly taken into custody by detective Joe selfish. When detective selfish, asked why the two men hadn't waited until after the fourth of July weekend to turn themselves in, he was told that hill and Kearny. Had a nice forth the year before that same day, Tony was. It is girlfriends house when he received a call from his brother to turn on the television
Tony later said quote, I did most went into shock at what I saw, it was Patrick's fee on the television, and they were saying that he killed thirty two people, including boys. I almost fainted. I began to humble thinking about the night, I was at his house alone drinking beer. In the middle of the night, I had nightmares for weeks after that evening, reliving that night, over and over. In my head and quote, although curry returned to California to prove his innocence, he immediately declared he wished to make a full confession. According to detective said, quote he wanted to talk for some reason. He wanted to talk, I'm known as a pretty good interrogator Kearny really wanted to talk, he wanted to get the stuff off his chest and quote Vanessa. Why would he want talk other than the Le May murdered. The authorities had almost no real physical evidence proving Kearny killed. The other victims of this is It gets even otter. According to deputy,
strict attorney John Bro Kearny agreed to thus to his crimes of the death penalty, was taken off the table. Robots, that's reasonable, except there was a moratorium on the death penalty. Fact that Kearny should have known wisdom, we're. Torreon knew no. Nineteen. Seventy to the Supreme Court of California found the death penalty unconstitutional due to that change of law. One hundred and five prisoners had their death sentence, commuted from death row, life in prison. Both Charles Manson answer. Hans Hans were part of this group, so California, residents voted to change the states constitution by voting for proposition seventeen, which declared that the death penalty was not cruel or unusual. In nineteen, seventy six California passed a mandate that a first degree murder conviction was to automatically be given the death sentence.
Again, the California Supreme Court found this unconstitutional, as it did not for mitigating circumstances another. Seventy prisoners were taken off death row in nineteen. Seventy eight proposition seven was passed, which dictated that all death sentences automatically be appealed to the California Supreme Court. Supreme Court? Could now reverse or affirm the sentence and conviction by passing. The court of appeals. Also life without parole was added as a choice of punishing so because cronies murders took place before nineteen. Seventy eight he couldn't be sentenced, death or even life without parole. Exactly we may never know cronies motives for offering a full confession, but he was definite
eager to confess. During the initial three and a half hour interview Kearny confessed to twenty eight homicides and insisted that he and he alone had committed the murders. Usually, when Hill was out of town, he claimed that he was so afraid of hill, discovering his activities that he once hit a body in a cloth. Four days before he felt safe enough to dispose of it, trying to solve more open cases, police in five counties reviewed their missing person, reports going back to the sixties and began to Kearny. Some very pointed questions did colonel Target Marines had used alcohol our drugs to incapacitate his victims, the police pushed for details and asked Kearny. If he ever inserted anything into his victims, Anus this was the modus operandi of the other freeway killer, Randy Craft and indeed,
in Kearny, angrily retorted. That quote, I am not the wooden stake unquote. This was a reference to a victim of random craft whose corpse was found with a wooden surveyors stake inserted into bodies rectum. It's always interesting and disturbing to hear what line a serial killer will not cross or finds offensive. Colonel openly admitting to necrophilia but finds inserting anything else into a dead body distasteful. As the interrogation preceded, the investigators realised that they only had enough information for fifteen workable cases, although Kearny had confessed to it, Twenty eight kills on some of the murders. Kearny could give precise information about his victims and the sordid details about their last few minutes on earth. Other time arms he was more vague, could not member names and dates or how or where the victims were disposed over. The next few days, Kearny walked detective set from US
first murder and call the city you, nineteen sixty two. Until at last in nineteen seventy seven, he stated that he dispose of all of John Maize body parts that could be used to identify him, such as the hands and head out in the desert, explaining that the desert was his favorite dumping ground because quote things disappear, rapidly in the desert. You can put a small animal on an anthill and disappears right in front of your eyes and quote. Kearny then explained how he used towels during the dismemberment face, so as not to have the blood seep into his floors, when prodded on his motivations for the killings, Kearny replied that he did it because killing exe aided him then gave him the feeling of dominance. Did you ever see why he washed his victims before dismembering them? No, which makes me wonder if there could be a psychological Reese behind it.
In western civilization, washing or preparing a corpse before burial or cremation is a sign of respect and love. It was done at home by the family members of the deceased right up until the twentieth century word is now usually performed by the funeral homes. Of course, the way Kearny too did his victims corpses after baiting them, and his total of remorse about the murders doesn't leave me. I believe that the motive was respect Fortunately, if Kearny never talks about it, it'll be one more mystery in this case. It goes unsolved. That's true, on July Third Kearny and he'll were reigned. Both men were held on five hundred thousand dollar bail. Preliminary hearings were set for July fifteenth when the judge Ass, the man we should have a lawyer only Kearny answered. Yes, he was assigned to public defender pills. Mother Edna released a statement that she knew her child could never do anything like what Kearny was describing and the law
it was going to help and take care of him even with the lawyer, Kearny cooperated with the police. Including giving them a tour of six possible locations where he thought he may have disposed to the bar some had already been found and Kearny was able to identify the victims. These short trip led to a I've county search for more disposal sites, as well as a trip to the California mix co border where Kearny claimed to have dumped six more bodies. Finally, Kearny took them to the desert for five and a half hour tour in the sweltering son. After week, the authorities had recovered twelve more body, the last place Kearny took the police was his old home in Culver City. California, body was unearthed. Behind the building, Patrick Kearny was
formal indited on July 14th, one thousand nine hundred and seventy seven on two counts of murder. The next day July, 15th curry signed a confession admitting to killing twin eight men and boys. Twelve. Those had already been confirmed by the police on July fifteenth, it was David Hills, to face the grand jury. He was acquitted distant. Attorney Byron, Morton stated that quote the ever against Mr Hill is too weak and quote to avoid the frenzy of the reporters was secretly escorted out of the courthouse and driven home by his nephew, Michael Hale. He'll. Refused all interview, requests and also refused to meet with writers interested increase case. At the end of the month, Kearny was indicted at Riverside County for the murders of Albert Rovira. Arturo
Marquez and John Ola may his attorney J Grossman requested the indictment proceedings and his council Steve Harmon, requested a gag. By November, Kearny, had become disenchanted with his legal representation, and to be his own attorney? The request was in really turned down by the Riverside superior court pending a psychological evaluation of cronies mental competence? A couple of weeks later, Colonel have been deemed competent to stand trial. Since the court granted his request for Self Council He was now going to defend himself under most usual defence. It was. Our story will continue in a moment. After a brief message. Now the
sorry continues on December. Twenty first Patrick Wayne Kearny began his defence by pleading guilty to all three counts of first degree: murder waving approbation report and asking for immediate sentencing. They request that superior judge. John Hawes was only too happy to oblige Hoskins Kearny three I've sentences to be served concurrently with the possibility of parole in seven years, but the League system was not done with Kearny. Definitely not Kearny had confessed to twenty eight killings soon after being arrested, but was only convicted of three, as there was no The possibility, no matter how slight that Kearny could be paroled. The authorities were determined to gather the physical evidence to convict him of all the murders, Kearny seem determined to make the police's job as easy as possible, while colonel.
Serving his sentence in Chino California. He rode investigators, numerous letters confessing to eighteen, more murders. Kearny gave enough details of his crimes that infer We were in nineteen, seventy eight he was charged with seventeen more counts of murder. This was the large complaint ever filed in LOS Angeles County, and still there was more to come using some of the details they had received from Kearny Detective Set and Wilson play. An advertisement in the South Bay Daily Breeze asking for any information concern a teenager, shot in the fall of nineteen. Seventy six, a woman answered the add, an had enough nation, to confirm that the victims identity was Robert, William many feel of Redondo Beach. The seventeen year old boy, with the broken bicycle on February. To First, nineteen, seventy eight Kearny plead guilty to all charges. J Grossman had tried,
talk, Kearny out of pleading guilty, claiming that Kearny Head in psychiatric defences that Kearny refuse to employ two Grossman of exploiting and by psychiatric defences, and fortunately, no judge d to vision stated that he had the obligation to the eighteen victims to ask Kearny why he did when the prisoner remained silent. The judge asked again quote: can you tell us why Unquote Kearny stated, I preferred to its understandable that Kearny would be reluctant to answer any question that may lead him to admit he killed for sexual gratification in death and the displacement. Beauty, foundations of violence. The author race, Janson states that we live the society of Necker phobia. We fear death, fear it so much that we built a whole industry to evade death, or at least hide it once again,
since dies. The body is wisdom by a funeral. Homeward is washed clothes embalmed and made up to look as lifelike as possible before return, into the person's loved ones. With a society so terrified of death, the idea of for failure, which translates to death affection in Greek is the ultimate taboo. As we discussed in the last episode. Necrophilia stems from a person's fear of rejection, perversely This very desire would make the necrophilia can object of discussed the fact that call he killed in order to have sex with corpses, a social pariah, lower than other types of admitted killers. Vat would explain why TED Bundy refused to talk about, his sexual relations with the dead or wide Dennis Nelson was adamant that he never penetrated as victims? Although he did masturbate on them, it would seem that quite
few Necrophilia. Serial killers worry about the social stigma, their lust for corpses and often refused mid to this sexual activity that make sense. After entering his plea on the fifth floor of the criminal courts, building Kearny was brought to appear before superior court Judge Paul G Breckinridge to be sentenced. Breckinridge sentence Kearny with the harshest punishment at his disposal. Eighteen life sentences to be served concurrently, big All of cornice crimes had taken place before nineteen. Seventy eight before Caliph your reinstated. The death penalty, the most com- could be sentenced to was life with parole, Vista sit well with Judge Breckinridge, who declared that Kearny had quote, certainly perpetrated a series of ghastly, grizzly and horrible crimes unquote Breckinridge went on to call Kearny an insult to humanity and hope the computer
Release Board will never see fit to release Mr Kearny, since the lie the time prevent Kearny, from serving his twenty one life senses consecutively and big There was no option at the time for life without the possibility of parole. Kearny is four parole every six years, which means that every six years, the victims, families must release the nightmare of losing their loved ones. Elizabeth Magee, the sister of Michael Magee lamented that her family, always quote presumed he'd, be in prison for one hundred years and quote Detective Outset spent much of his reach government making sure Kearny did not walk free for years. How set appeared before the board asking that cornice pearl be denied? He stated quote: it is clear,
call that we testify at his hearings to make sure we keep him where he belongs. This guy's a killer, a brilliant mind. My fear is that he gets out. He won't make the same mistakes again and we'd. Never catch him. End quote said, worries at the Parole Board may eventually decided to grant Kearny his freedom Louis NET off. Another LOS Angeles, Cutty share of homicide. Detective who worked with the colonel case, also appeared at each and every of colonel Pearl hearings. Downhill said He has a masters degree murder, we're trying to alert people about him and keep and weary is one of our concerns. Is people have forgotten about it? quote. The one person who never attended cornice parole hearings was Kearny himself, preferring not to face the friends and loved ones of those he killed. Good Kearny did not go gently into the dark night True Kearny had more surprises for the authorities in nineteen eighty one
Kearny wrote a letter to the Riverside press enterprise from a solo dad prison cell. In the letter, Kearny wrote quote, I have a two bit of news for you. I didn't kill anybody. That's all I'm saying for the moment. End quote: this surprising recantations was Kearny. Second time claiming he was innocent a month before In writing. The letter to the newspaper Kearny contacted the Riverside superior court requesting that he be immediately released on the grounds that he did not kill anyone and that he had received unfair advice from as legal counsel. He further wrote quote the person in question He pleaded guilty to felonies, which he did not commit, but please were given due to threats and other forms of duress. Unquote, the court, was unmoved by his suppose, it plight Kearny still pops up in the news now and then in October of twenty seventeen.
Crime, author Amanda Howard, appeared on the australian morning show studio ten claim but she had received a handwritten letter from Patrick Kearny in the letter. Kearny claim I've been friends with Lee Harvey Oswald. The man who assassinated President John F Kennedy in nineteen sixty three, the letter clean, that Kearny met Oswald through a mutual friend from language school when he was in the? U S, Airforce Kearny stated that he and Oswald had taken a trip to Mexico, so Oswald could get a visa to go to Kuba but then changed his mind and returned to Texas. The assassin then took another trip down to Mexico, where he attempted to contact the Soviet Union's embassy accord two Kearny. He had initially planned to go with Oswald but for some reason, could not make the trip at the time as this recording no reputable story and has ever giving credence to this claim colonel
presently serving his life sentences in Mule Creek state prison near I own California, roughly forty I'll sell these to the state capital of Sacramento. So far, Kearny has confessed to twenty eight murders, but could only be held accountable for twenty one. However, police believe that with the murders he committed in Mexico included, the number could be as high as forty three I didn't the mexican authorities prosecute him. Well, with the exception of joy urging Tijuana Kearny never confessed to any of the Mexico murders if he was careful in Mexico as he wasn't Amerika, there may be a little fish go evidence directly linking them to the crimes. Remember Kearny confessed to his California murders and lead the authorities right to his victims, grave sites, if he hadn't done that its doubtful he would have been convicted of any murder other than Le Maize, and we Kearny already serving twenty one life sentences. They may,
I wanted to go to the extra expense and time to extradite him, maybe every, law enforcement agency has to use its resources. Where will do the most good? That's true, but you know really surprised me about this case that there's so little information concerning carnies life for his crimes unless other serial killers. Only a few books have been written about him for such a prolific murderer. Patrick Kearny is barely a footnote, serial killer history. Yes, what do you think that is, I'm not sure I have to believe because Kearny gave himself up and confessed to all the crimes and put guilty. Yes, because he plead guilty. His trial was quickly over maybe too quick to capture the public's imagination, unlikely Charles Manson Kearny never made a mark on popular culture. Kearny may also have failed to stay in the public's mind, because many sea
killers around the loose. At the time of his trial. Kearny was followed by the murderous breeze of a hill I'd stragglers from nineteen seventy. Seventy. Ninety simply eight learn Sigmund bit her and Roy Louis Norris the toolbox killers in nineteen. Seventy nine, William Bonding the freeway killer from nineteen, seventy nine to nineteen eighty Randy Craft, the scorecard killer from nineteen, seventy one to nineteen, eighty three and Richard Ramirez, the night starker from nineteen. Eighty four to nineteen eighty five today Kearny is seventy eight Although there is little chance that he will ever see the outside of his prison, he's who has away to be a menace to society. Thanks again for turning into serial killers. If you want,
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Transcript generated on 2019-12-12.