« Serial Killers

“The Shoemaker” Joseph Kallinger Pt. 2


In the 1970s, after abusing his children and getting away with it, Joseph Kallinger enlists his son in a mission from God that terrorizes the suburbs of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode includes discussions of murder, sexual assault, rape and child abuse. We advise extreme caution for children under thirteen january, a flighty seventy five, The romanian late based down on her living room floor, her hands and feet, were bound behind her and a coach was draped over her head. Her twenty one year old daughter, rata was next to her restrained. In the same way, her daughters friend Rio was on the ground to legs and feet tied up with a blue. wolf jacket covering her face it. We listened strange man and a teenage boy dragged read his boyfriend Jeffrey down to the basement. Meanwhile
Her hands worked slowly and deliberately to untie the cords around her wrists minutes later Edwina heard footsteps coming back up the stairs and she stopped moving careful not to arouse theirs. Mission the intruders paste around the room she held her breath ass. They stood next to her. She could tell, from there anxious whispers and indecisive steps that they were trying to decide. What to do. Next little did she know the man knew exactly what he was going to do. Joseph calendar was just trying to decide which woman he want to kill. First, hi, I'm gregg pulsing. This is serial killers, spotify, regional, from forecast every episode we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers. Today,
We're finishing our look at joseph calendar killer, some I've known as the shoemaker with my co host vanessa, Richardson hi everyone, you can find episodes of serial killer. and all other spotify originals from par cast for free on spotify or wherever you listen to cath. Last time we discussed the brutality and torture Joseph suffered as a child is escalating mental illness and a severe abuse of his own children today will delve into the robberies Joseph committed with his teenage son and the un. global acts of brutality he performed even against his own family. We ve got all that in more coming up stay with us. This happened It is brought to you by booking dot. Looking back. Ass are a kind of escapism, but when you need to act We get away, there's booking dot. You can choose from power
friends of unique stays across the. U s from hotels and beach houses to wooden cabins and dreamy vacation runs so whatever type a trip you wanna take lying on the beach camping in nature, exploring new citys, find your perfect place to stay. Looking back on booking dat gear, tap the banner to learn more. On january, seventeenth, nineteen, seventy three thirty six year old Joseph counter walked out of the philadelphia court room, a free man despite being found guilty of several child abuse charges. His sentence was just four years probation as well as court mandated therapy, which he didn't do before. We continue a quick note to protect their privacy. We ve checked
some of the names in this story, even though Joe had burned is thirteen year old, daughter, isabel at her thighs and beat his son tommy. The court decided as family was still better off with their father. even though we ve got enough with the smallest slap on the rest, Joe wasn't satisfied when he returned to his shoe repair shop, he lost nearly all of his clients. No one wanted to get their shoes fixed by a man who beat it children Joe decided that the only way to get his clientele back was if he cleared his name. So that's what he set out to do, most immediately after his release, Joe got to work trying to convince his children to recount their statements. And to admit they'd, made everything up. If they wanted live a nice life. He needed people to trust him. He said after some convincing tommy agreed to so Joe. Had his son right out a set of backdated journal entries to prove the kids were lying, the entries written by tommy, but mostly dictated by Joe
claimed that isabel had made up the whole story to get back at her father for not letting her date older boys his lawyer worked on getting him a new trial based on the evidence in the journals the hallucinations Joe had been having. He was a boy escalated in the past. Voices had ordered him to do things like burned down his house or to heal humanity with shoe he'll inserts, but now the requests were more criminal and sadistic. We should note that Joe claim to have these visions. We can be certain. He was telling the truth, it's possible that it I too diminishes accountability, which would explain some of the contradictory statements he made after the fact. However, that country actions could also be due to his mental illness. Schizophrenia is a serious disease where reality sometimes becomes distorted. What followed
is jos version of the events that took place whether or not there completely true isn't for us to determine, but it's good to keep that in mind. According to you, Oh god spoke to him. In the winter of nineteen, seventy three, he told showed he had a supreme mission, a task only he was capable of something so big. It would change the course of human history, but first Joe had to prove himself he had to demonstrate that he was worthy of the undertaking to prove himself Joe had to rob and ransack people's homes and for some reason he enlisted his twelve four year old son Michael to help him the two. Had a pretty reliable foolproof system. Twice a week, father and son would board buses headed to random towns in pennsylvania and new jersey. They never knew where they were going, but when they got there, they break into a house and steel as many things ass. They could jewelry electronics, cash, anything a value that It could get their hands on my june of nineteen, seventy four
they'd robbed dozens of homes, steel thousands of dollars worth of stuff with that Joe had successfully proven that he was up to the task, and now it was time to up the ante. God had spoken to Joe again and this time he had revealed his mission jones. to slaughter every living person on earth with a butcher knife. Then he descend to Heaven and become a god himself. It was a daunting task. and Joe didn't want to embark on the assignment alone. So he asked mike for his help again: twelve year old got on board, even though Joe didn't how about his mission from god. Mike's willingness to help index it's a troubling dynamic in their father son relationship vessels going to take over psychology here and throughout the episode. Please note There is not a licence. Psychology is your psychiatrist, but we have done a lot of research for this show thanks gregg. According to social learning theory, children exposed to violent or criminal b
Viewer will often replicate those actions in their own lives if a child watches their parent beat another parent or child, They begin to internalize the idea that violence is how to solve a problem or to successfully get what one wants mike may have been modeling the example given by jove that aggression and cruelty or acceptable ways to behave. It's also important to note that since Joe was diagnosed with schizophrenia, it's possible that MIKE also had the illness. Schizophrenia is heredia, harry and, if one parent has it, their children are more likely to inherit the disorder. There's no way to know for sure, though, whatever the reason MIKE agreed to help out with his father's new, more violent plan, and there was no turning back in July, seventh, nineteen, seventy four. They headed out on foot to look for their first victim. Unlike the robberies, though, they decided to stay in philadelphia around six thirty that evening they stopped in front.
recreation centre and community pool, even though it was getting dark. A lot of kids were still gathered around outside. That's when my spot a ten year old, jose He also standing apart from the crowd. The pair approached the boy told him they need. help moving some boxes and said, they'd be willing to pay policy agreed to come here, but told them. His mother was expecting him home by nine, Joe and MIKE nodded assuringly insisting that they had plenty of time. They knew then jose. Mom would never see her son alive again showing like took them. way to an abandoned rug factory, just a few blocks away when they want inside the building was pitch black. Jose must have suspected that something wasn't right, because he tried to back away saying that
had to go home but Joe and MIKE grabbed him by the arm and led him up a staircase jose tried again to escape, but it was no use when they got to the top of the stairs joined MIKE sexually assaulted and killed him. Then they grabbed his clothes dump them in a nearby scrap yard and went home after they killed jose. The father and son were even closer when you told MIKE it would kill again. He was apparently excited at the thought. According to Joe MIKE, had always had an icy unemotional, demeanor and committing Murder seem to do very little to change that that their next attack would test both at their ruthlessness, because this time the victim would be someone they both knew very well. you weeks after they had killed, Jose Joe, had a vision he saw boy being pushed off. Mountain and falling to his death. The boy was his thirteen year old, son, tommy
Joe believed that the vision was an order from god to kill tommy, even though they had it. turbulent relationship. He was still his son and was distressed by the command. Still he built that he was on his way to becoming a god himself and he was determined to prove his worthiness. with that in mind, Joe told MIKE that he wanted to kill tommy initially here, nervous that a son might refused to help or that he'd be repulsed even terrified at the suggestion, but the only Reaction MIKE had to the news was excitement jill with surprise is but relieved without MIKE's help, he didn't think he could go through with it. He told them they'd strike in a few days, then he got to work planning. What are the first thing Joe did was take out a forty five thousand dollar life insurance policy on tommy. This is an import detail, because it brings into question jos real motivation for killing his son. The pair had never had the greatest relationship-
Tommy was rebellious and unruly and he was always getting into trouble. It's possible that Joe was tired of his defiance. Maybe he saw, opportunity to make some money and get rid of his disobedient son at the same time. Whatever, real reason, Joe faltered, in his plans once more each time. His resolve weakened at the last minute, but after two failed attempts to kill tommy Joe another hallucination. God reproached him for not following through on his mission and reminded him of his purpose, eventually decided. He couldn't put it off any longer, Angela a twenty eightth joe gather tommy and mike and took them out for a bite to eat them. He told they were going to an area north of market street to take photos their dozens of bill, things were partially or completely torn down, making it an interesting backdrop for a photo shoot and the perfect place to dump a body
Joe knew that tommy loved having his picture taken and that his tastes were far from conventional between sometimes took photos wearing handcuff sore and opposition So when Joe said he brought chains, Tommy was eager to try them out in the photos after walking through the neighbourhood. For a few minutes, Joe MIKE and Tommy found an old novelty shot that had been stripped bear in the back of the shop was a door slightly open. It was dark, so they pulled out their flashlights and shown them inside. Why'd. They could see that they were at the top of a spiral staircase leading them to a partially flooded basement, Joe and MIKE nodded at each other. This was it oblivious to was about to happen. Tommy lead way down the stairs the farther. They went. The weather the stairs became. Eventually the steps were completely submerged and they couldn't continue.
Walking around Joe spotted a ladder leaning against the wall. He knew exactly what to do like told his brother to stand with his back against the ladder, so they could chain them to it and take some photos mike bass and Tommy's wrists and ankles to the steel then nodded at his father It was time together. They leave the latter forward and dropped it into the water Tommy's head, thrashed vi and beneath the surface, but he was trapped after a few moments he stopped struggling. He was dead Joe and mike fish, the latter out of the water and unchained tommy's body, laying it on the steps. Then they grab there things and made a hasty exit jill had just done the thinkable. He had murdered his own son and now nothing would stand in his
coming up join my crush a party and things turn bloody I am ceretani host of disappearances, a spotify original from par cast in twenty two I use social media to help bring justice to my sister unless, as nearly two decades long disappearance now, I'm exploring the many reasons people disappear and finding The truth, maybe even harder to locate than the person who forced a seemed explorer to lose his way, What did he missing hollywood starlit leave behind how could the arrest to chicago candy fortune just vanish, every thursday and disappearances join me for a deeper look into histories, most gripping missing persons cases
in time, timelines, analyzing, clues and piecing together as many answers as possible to find the actual truth follow the spy. If I original from power cast disappearances, listen we only on spotify now back to the story, on July, twenty eightth nineteen. Seventy four joe calendar headed home after he and his son MIKE killed his other son thirteen year old tommy later that evening, Joe and his wife betty reported tommy missing must immediately after Joe set up a tip hotline at issue, repair store and pretended to search for leads about his sons, whereabouts. He cooperated the police in their investigation and insisted that tommy hadn't run away, not this time
jill would later say his actions warrant a performance. He said that had no memory of killing his son that he really did believe he was missing whether or not he was lying. We can't say, but it's possible He blocked out the memory of the murder or that his mental illness caused him to dissociate. Nevertheless, august. Nine demolition, crews discovered tommy's body in the basement of a building theory circled about the cause of his death with many neighbours believing been killed by some of the shady characters. He hung around with the police, however, had their own suspicions in september, they brought Joe in for questioning to them a father who severely abused his children and then took life insurance policies out on them was more than capable murder, unfortunately, they did
have any evidence and Joe insisted that he was innocent as hard as they try to break him. He refused to give them anything. They will just have to wait for him to slip. Joe was bothered by the police is constant badgering and incessant questions and accusations, but he had other was on his mind his youngest daughter. Fourteen months old brittany had been born. with their rare medical condition that left purple patches all over her skin. During one of hallucinations a demon told him about a cure for her ailment. He had to combine his seamen with a woman's virginal fluid and perfume then rubbed the vile mixture on brittany source. So november. Twenty second nineteen, seventy four when Joe and my carried out for one of their robbery excursions, the elder collar george had more than daft on his mind, he wanted to look for a whole with a woman, preferably one who was alone. The pair boarded a boss and headed decamped in new jersey, fifteen minutes away from philadelphia.
They stopped in the neighborhood, a blended, walden staked out the area. The first house they tried was empty. They ransacked the home stealing a suit case a camera and jewelry and then continued on their way. It's unclear what might believe they were doing that day but he seemed to understand they were looking for more than things to steal. They were looking for a woman to kill her walking around for a while MIKE saw house on a corner lot, a little away from the rest. It looked perfect. Joan cardy was home alone that day and when Joe and MIKE knocked at the door, she turned them away, but they weren't going anywhere. They pushed their way inside shutting the door behind them. They lead june to the bedroom, forced her to undress and bound her to the bed. then they put a pillow case over her head and began going through her things. Stuffing com
and jewelry into a suitcase they'd, found Joe also made sure to steal a bottle of her perfume for britney's ointment. When they were done ransacking the bedroom Joe told mike to search, the house he was going to deal with joan when MIKE left the room yo undressed and tried to rape her, but he was unable to perform the inside purity had about his body since childhood refuse to go away. Jill was frustrated, but he was going to leave completely empty handed. He made sure to still collect. Some of jones general fluid setting it aside and a rubber gloves. He brought with him when he was done. He got dressed and prepared to leave as he turned to go. He looked back at Joe still bound to the bed, a pillow case over her head chillingly. He said you just don't my type: that's all jill found mike sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for him. There perverse mission complete the two headed
out when they got home later that evening, Joe headed to his workshop to create is twisted concoction. Then he placed brittany in a high chair and rob the mixture all over her skin. He continued applying the ointment over the next couple of days, Joe eventually realized it wasn't working the spots hadn't faded in the slightest he was, I agree, but also felt renewed in his mission. Once he was a god. He'd be able to fix any problems. He just to keep going. So he told like that they were going out again the next day and this time they wouldn't leave their victims alive. On December third, nineteen, seventy four helen bogan left her home in susquehanna township pennsylvania to run an errand. She was having some friends over later for lunch in a game of bridge, and she had a few last minute things to pick up to sure the afternoon went perfect
a little while later she pulled back up in front of her house and walked up to the door fiddling with her keys anxiously. Your friends would be there soon and she needed to get everything ready. But when she stepped inside a pair of uninvited guests were already there waiting her, Joe and my calendar Joe tackled Helen to the ground, put a butcher's night to her cheek and told her that if she screamed he would come her, then he and MIKE led her up the stairs to a bedroom, their mike wrapped, her head in hate, leaving only her mouth uncovered Joe. Had a very special plan in mind for Helen images of gorged and burned eyeballs flash there was mine the whole morning. Now he wanted to be those visions to reality. After leaving Helen with MIKE. He went to another area to prepare an improvised operating room. He removed the mattress from,
twin bed and flip the metal frame so that the legs were up in the air. He brought Helen into the room and later down on the makeshift operating table, he stood over with a can of lighter fluid readying him of two scorcher eyes about, as he brought it hand down just above her face. He lost his nerve and couldn't go through with it. In jos, own words, his cup ray dry, and this wasn't the first time it had happened His resolve had also disappeared several times when he first tried to kill his son Tommy even I wasn't going to burn hellenes eyes like he planned Joe wasn't done with her. Instead, he decided he would slice off her breast and take it home with him as a trophy stealing self. He pulled up her shirt and bra and place the knife at the centre of her breast, but he had barely bro in the skin when he stopped he rearranged, hellenes clothes and told her. I don't want your friend
to see you in that condition once again couldn't finish what started four, but he was a boy to have more opportunities because Helen's guests, worse, Darting to arrive. as the women got to the house Joe and mike with them each up the stairs, bound them and led them into separate rooms, ones that was done Oh paste around the house trying to He gave his sense of purpose eventually here settled on another objective. If he couldn't take a life, he could at least take something The women were all upper middle class and wearing expensive jewelry after swiping thousands of dollars. The valuables in cash from hellenes home. They also stole. Women's wedding and engagement rings to when they stolen all of their things Joe and MIKE left the women bound in the house and fled. He believed he was meant to kill every single person on earth
but all he managed to do with steel jewels from a few women Joe was frustrated but wasn't about to give up on his mission. He was determined to see it through over the next month, jill broke into two more homes, both time He failed to kill the women inside, but his action, it's got more and more violent each time. Instead of just dealing Joe also sexually assaulted. The women came across it seemed he was finding his confidence at last. Unfortunately, that count and meant jill was more dangerous than ever after ringing in the new year. He would go farther than he ever had. Before coming up, hallucinations have a bloody consequence. Now back to this sorry by december of nineteen. Seventy four thirty,
Eight year old, Joseph calendar and his thirteen year old son mike had broken into and robbed dozens of homes. Sometimes they sexually. Salted the women unlucky enough to be there in less a year. They made off with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stolen property. They also mean a ten year old boy and chose thirteen year old son after killing Tommy Joe, had tried futilely to commit murder again. He believed that god was commanding empty hill, everyone on earth after he did, he had become a god himself. However, every time he tried to kill, he'd lost his nerve. but that all changed? On january eighth, nineteen, seventy five july before sunrise that morning feeling determined he got MIKE out of bed and the pair headed to the bus station. A little later they arrived in the town of leona new jersey, a two hour drive from philadelphia when they got there
walked around looking for a home to target in the afternoon. I saw a twenty eight year old, dd romain wiseman through a window and something about her caught their eye. That day, dd was at her parents' house with her young son Looking after her bed ridden grandmother, daddy's father recently had a heart attack and her mother Edwina was at the hospital visiting him, but she was due home soon did he had seen Joe and MIKE walking aimlessly around the neighbourhood earlier that morning, so when they showed, at the door. She was hesitant to answer. She did, though, so Daddy asked him to leave, but instead he pushed his way inside MIKE fur. load behind and locked the door. Didi tried to fight off intruders and Joe was taken aback by her resistance, but when or four year old son, why?
do you the scene and started screaming Joe, saw an opportunity. He pointed to gun at the boy told dd that if she didn't comply, he would shoot Didi had no choice but to obey which made Joe happy he'd faltered on his mission before, but not this time now he was ready and he wouldn't leave any one alive, Joe ordered duty to close your eyes, then let her up the stairs and into a bedroom. He forcefully undressed her and bound her arms and feet so far, so good things were going according to plan jill then left the bedroom, tick ill dvds, grandmother at that moment the door bell rang and for Some reason Joe rush down the stairs to answer you look at the window and saw a young woman standing on the doorstep. It was perfect. He'd have the opportunity to vote Research is, after all, the woman was deities twenty one year old, sister, randy, Joel
the door and pulled her inside before she knew what was happening. He ordered her to be quiet and closed her eyes. Then he pushed her up. The stairs to where didi was already bound and waiting like didi. He addressed round and bound your hands, speed and base. It was then that he knows both women were on their periods, Joe huffed, in frustration. It was fine. He told himself this was the complication, but it wouldn't disrupt has plans to kill again, not this time ass. He stood over. Two women deciding what to do next. The door bell rang again getting annoyed Joe headed down to answer it. It was dead. in randy's mom edwina with her was Randy's twin sister, russia and her boyfriend. Jeffrey Welby? Having a house full of people to kill would be difficult, Joe thought, but it was also the perfect way to redeem himself for all of us. Other failed
terms. He rushed everyone into the house at gunpoint and force them to the ground in the living room. He bound their hands together, using cords he'd cut from curtains in the home, taking off all of their jewelry and the process, then he covered their heads with their coats. However, Jeffrey was another matter. He was six foot three and looked to be almost two hundred pounds worried that he gave them trouble Joe decided to kill him he bound Jeffreys hands with cords and forced him to the ground on the opposite side of the living room, but before he could figure out what to do next The door bell rang again Joe looked out the wind and saw another pretty young woman standing on the porch. He opened the door and and randy's friend Maria fasching smiled at him. He smiled back kindly and invited her in when she got inside Joe pulled maria's arms behind her and told her that if she did ass, she was told he wouldn't hurt her maria
looked around the living room and saw the three bound people on the floor fearlessly. She EL, the Joe and MIKE, to leave and reproach them for what they done to the romaine family. She walked edwina, enrietta, presumably to untie them. That's one might pointed his gun at her head and told her to get down on the ground. Maria complied. continued to rewrite them, as they bound her, like the others. Jill was beginning feel overwhelmed by the scene unfolding before him. He needed to get things go, lying before. Anyone else showed up, so he stuff a handkerchief and Jeffreys mouth wrapped his face with tape and took him downstairs to the basement boiler room his hands and feet still bound with the cables Joe pulled down. Jeffreys pats, sings victim exposed and helpful. gave Joe a sadistic idea. He was going to bring one of the women downstairs and get them to do his bidding. He wanted to watch me
while the three women in the living room, Edwina, Reta and maria, were trying to plan their escape at when his fingers worked tirelessly to loosen the cables around her hands. She was nearly free when she heard footsteps coming back up the stairs. She lay completely still whole Seeing her breath Joe grab maria and pulled her up. She had been the most vocal and resistant let her down the stairs and stood in front of the room were Jeffrey was waiting within if in one hand he held maria by the shoulder and told her, they were standing outside the boiler room Jeffrey was inside, he explained and he
ordered her to go in and bite off his penis. Understandably Maria refused. He told her that if she didn't do it, he would kill her according to Joe Maria told him kill me without thinking Joe raised the butcher knife over his head and plunged it into her neck. He stabbed her again and again until Maria's lifeless body, slow, that his feet jill was thrilled at what he just done, and he was ready for more he'd, gotten a taste for blood, and now he was insatiable, but any plans he was formulating were about to be cut short at that moment, mike yelled down the stairs that someone had got loose. They had to go now turned out, Edwina was free and outside of the house screaming for help. Joe ran up the stairs and the pair bolted out the back door as they fled. They dumped the jewelry they'd stuffed into their pockets, then
dump their gun and the knife Joe had used to kill maria as they ran through leonia, the pair passed a park and Joe stopped at a puddle to wash his face and bloodstained hands. He also took off his bloody shirt and threw it into bushes. Eventually they got to the bus station and headed home when they got back to philadelphia. Laid down and dozed off as if nothing had happened, Meanwhile, beckoned leona, an investigation was already beginning to take shape before joel cut even left. Town police had sworn the scene of the crime sergeant. Robert Macdougall was one of the first cops to get to the house unsure who was inside he quietly made his way around the home when he went down to the basement heath and Maria's body, but she was so bloody and disfigured that it was impossible to identify her ass. He inspected the body
jeffreys, muffled groans coming from another room and went to investigate once Macdougall had cut him free jeffrey identified, the mangled body as maria flashing Macdougall was insured, Marie S, father had been his partner on the leona police force for years, and he'd know Maria from the day she was born lithuania. The small town and word spread fast about what had happened in the russo house before long tips and started pouring in one. Woman reported that she'd been walking in the park earlier that day, when her dog ran into some bushes and came back dragging a blood soaked shirt and his mouth shut So the shirt away from the dog and threw it back into the bushes thinking very little of it until she heard about the murder police quickly recovered the shirt and after performing some tests, they traced it. to Joe. They knew they'd found their man on January. Seventy nine
after the attack, a group of officers from pennsylvania jersey and maryland descended on the your house in philadelphia. They arrested Joe thirteen year old mike and the pair were charged for several offences across each state. In pennsylvania, Joe was charged for the string of robberies and kidnappings in new jersey. He was facing a murder charge from ariyas death, however, is lawyers to negotiate and insanity plea to save him from having to go to trial After several psychiatric examinations, doctors determined Joe, was saying at least saint enough to stand trial for his crimes, regardless of his mental state. They believed that he understood right from wrong and that made him culpable. His trial in pennsylvania began in september of nineteen seventy five and lasted less than Two weeks Joe testified for himself telling the jury about his mission from god and how we ve been ordered to commit crimes, he also declared that he was
one hundred years old and claimed he had existed as a butterfly before inhabiting as current body. It's hard to know if Joe trying to trick the jury into believing he was crazy or if he really leaved what he was saying regardless they weren't convinced the liberated for only an hour before declaring him guilty on all counts. His punishment was thirty. Two eighty years using which was an unusually harsh sentence for robbery and definitely not what Joe was expecting. He was shocked. He thought he'd be back on the streets fairly quickly and that he returned to his bloody mission. Instead, he was taken to the state correctional. to do that, huntingdon to await his murder trial in new jersey. A year later in september of nineteen. Seventy six, his murder trial, began throughout the case
nine year old, Joe, acted erratically, often jerking his legs and arms around and gyrating his body. Sometimes he chirp or burst out random chance in court many experts in june. It is believed that Joe was acting out for attention or to drum up sympathy. They believed he was faking insanity to prevent a guilty verdict Nonetheless, after a month long trial, the jury found Joe guilty of murdering maria fashion and he was sentenced to life in prison. Joe was never charge for the deaths of assent, me or jose co jaso. He only at me it murdering them years later, to writer florida schreiber. Meanwhile, MIKE was taken. Do a youth we litigation centre in and dale pennsylvania. Shortly after his arrest, he was eventually release to live with foster parents and put on probation until he was twenty one years old after that, he too His name and left pennsylvania. It's not known. Ere. He went or what happened to him after that would happen
Joe, though, is less of a mystery in nineteen. Seventy eight he was transferred to a hospital for that Only insane in way mart pennsylvania. Some doctors and experts who examined him at the facility agreed with his earlier diagnosis of schizophrenia. Baby A lot of his behavior could be attributed to his illness, but others still thought Joe was faking it. They believed that his actions were too calculated to be the product of a disturbed, mind like he and his lawyers claimed it's impossible to know the truth about Joseph counter. Was he a man suffering from serious delusions and in your constant state of psychosis, or was he simply enable person trying to fake his way out of the consequences of his actions, likely, never know, and since he in nineteen. Ninety six there's no way to get more answers from the man himself. What we do know is that jill killed three people, including his
son along the way he dragged another son into his schemes, manipulating him into being his accomplice. Mentally ill. Probably evil on deadly, thanks again for turning into serial killers, we'll be back soon. new story for more information on Joseph calendar. Amongst the many sources we used, we found the shoemaker the anatomy of a psychotic by flora a schreiber, extremely helpful in our research you can fight all of, serial killers and all other spotify originals from park ass for free on spotify will see you next time have a killer. Weak syria killers is spotify original from par cast, executive producers, food max and wrong. Cutler sound design
I brendan hawkins, with production assistance by rhone, shapiro trade, williamson, carly, latin and joshua kern. This episode of serial killers, written by saddam hussein with writing assistance by JO callin back Checking by car macher lean and research by Brian petrus and chelsea would cereal killers, stars gregg, paulson and vanessa richardson.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-20.