« Serial Killers

"The Granny Killer" John Wayne Glover Pt. 1


He started by stealing and shoplifting as a teenager in the UK. When he was 24, John Wayne Glover moved to Australia, where he became a peeping tom and eventually escalated into physically assaulting older women. It was an obvious red flag, and yet nobody realized he would become Australia's worst serial killer.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this episode. Listener discretion is advised. This episode contains discussion of murder, sexual assault and assault. Extreme caution is advised for listeners under thirteen John glover was handsome knowing argue with that at least not to his face glover had developed fondness for brawling. In this teenage years, an army training had only made his thick chest more intimidating. It also helped fill out the stylish outfits he where the local dance halls, as the toy something made his way through the crowded room. He imagined that the women were turning to look at him. No doubt they heard the stories about him, the ones about how good. He wasn't bad glover stepped away the dance floor and into the bathroom to freshen up after a while, his hands. He checked his tie in the mirror made sure his shirt was still tucked neatly into his trousers. He didn't everyone for looking at him. He had to be
one of the best. Looking guys in the place for him. He had one the most beautiful women in town on his arm that night, Frida Naylor wasn't award winning beauty, who always dude out in the crowd, and here she was dancing the night away with him. They certainly did look together. No one was denying that, but people worried, eyeing, glover and frida, because they were an attractive couple know what had people whispering was the fact that they were mother and son. I I'm gregg pulsing. This is serial killers, spotify original from her cast every episode we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers today were done. into the life and crimes of John wayne glover australia's, called grannie killer, I'm here
Co host vanessa, richardson high everyone. You can find episodes serial killers and all other spotify originals from par cast for free on spotify today will four gloves early like in england and his mercurial relationship with his mother but will follow him as he put down roots in australia and watches petty I might turn violent next time will chronicle the shocking murders that sent sidney into a frenzy and left detectives desperate for answers we've got all that and more coming up stay with us. there's a strange irony in getting older, after all, supposed to be our golden years, but us we want to stick around longer experienced long, full lives. There is also a paradoxical: does and for the way our bodies deteriorate around us. We want the privilege of growing old, but not the wear and tear that comes with it. Everybody,
this is the side effects of aging and their own ways, some focus on the physical determined to stay fit through clean eating and vigorous exercise have an eye on more cosmetic issues, wrinkles blemishes, hair color, and then there are those who have a more extreme reaction to aging of vine went one and of course no one thing it'll, never happened to them. They'll ever get old. How could they so in our youth, the world feels shiny everything within reach. probably how John Walter glover felt as a young boy watching his mother frida at the hairdresser ass. She had her blonde die job touched up in her hair set in waves. Frida attended. Her good looks like a garden carefully. Turning back the key with regular maintenance in comparison to his wife, walter Glover was a modest man with little used for vanity and, despite his family's comfortable wealth. He seemed disinclined to spend it. This didn't sit well with
reader. The parrot married young, and perhaps she thought, she'd build a grand future with her in laws wealth, but walter lack, ambition and seemed content with a small life which caused friction. Young glover frigate heard his parents arguing after we went to bed and eventually freedom, started. Looking elsewhere for affection, Frida winner to local dance halls in pubs with friends, which is how she met Clifford Naylor. He was about fifteen years. Her senior but, alas, walter and his family clifford didn't mind. Spending is money, something Frida probably found refreshing. It was a tantalizing glimpses dreams realised by nineteen forty one The temptation of what, if was too great, an frida left walter in her divorced, I think she accused him of infidelity and cited his lack of ambition, as reasons for her walking out, then she moved righted with clifford leaving glow behind with his father
years later, glover spoke with others, lindsey simpson and sandra harvey for their book. The killer, next door, death and australian suburb, he told them that, after his mother simply abandoned him for her boyfriend. He taught himself to shut off any unwanted feelings to lock them a small room in his mind, so they couldn't hurt him vanessa, to take over and the psychology here and throughout the episode. As a rule under she's, not a licence psychologist your psychiatrist, but we have done a lot of research for the show. Thanks grand hearing that description, it sounds like a textbook case. suppression, and it might be why glover didn't seem to express much emotion, ass. He grew up. It also might be one we'll see lovers, disturbing behaviour and crimes gradually increase and get worse throughout his life, see
ignoring emotions that make you feel badly might seem like a good way to regulate or well being. But research has shown that it's usually not the case. Suppression typically in unwanted thoughts occurring more frequently, so by pushing them aside, it's possible gloves worst emotions stuck around longer than they would have if he'd confronted them head on, of course, No one could have known what was going on and lovers head from the outside, but despite his stick exterior he missed freida and relished any chance he got to see her Firstly, he started resenting his father, who he blamed for frida, leaving in his mind walter was a loser, but freedom was a winner. She knew how to survive idols his mother, in that way, might have been what push glover to start, laying the foundation for a successful life of his own after he left school glover got an approach.
ship with a local electrician who thought he was polite, eager and enthusiastic, but though glover might have been all of those things on the surface. He was also a thief well, I'm the job and other people's homes. Glover took every chance. He could. snatch cash from dressers and even chomsky off shells. You also like to live tools from his bosses. Workshop at the end of the day Teen brought his loot home to frida, showing her the law we things he didn't turn she never asked where he got it all from and apparently even jested. They display some of the nicer items in her home, despite frida's tasks Endorsement of his petty theft, glover didn't get away with it for long police connected him to the string of I'm in early nineteen, forty seven when they searched his room, found a collection of pilfered treasures and cash, as well as the stolen tools when he appeared in court that march walter was tat with keeping his fourteen year old son out of trouble, as well as paying
five shillings in compensation to victims glover himself was put on a good behaviour bond and as far as we can tell he stuck to it the next few years passed with incident as he grew into a young man, but glover didn't I have many friends of his own, which was something of a hallmark of his whole life. Still he often frequented dance halls, or to the movies. He also ass time by lifting waits to sculpt his body into the shape in vogue for young men. His newly hewn muscle gave him a sense of confidence and he might get into fights every now and again he enjoyed his strength, inaction. He was also keen to flex his independence, so it seventeen. He moved out of Frida's house and into a boarding home owned by one of her friends according to glove, his landlady. Let him pay rent with sex, though how much truth there is too that is anyone's ass, glover light to boast knowing that he
The embroidered historian places its easy to imagine that blubber talked a big game about sleeping with his mother's friend in exchange for room and board. Even if it wasn't true went this tuition at the boarding house. It didn't last long after about nine months. He couldn't pay the rent anymore. Apparently, sex wasn't an option by then, and he had to home to frida, still only seventeen, it was probably humbling for glover to feel like he stumbled at the first hurdle of his adult life, but once he turned eighteen He got a chance for a fresh start when he was called up for two years of national service and the armed forces when the call came through however, was ready and excited. He couldn't wait to get out of will and hall for here. real life to begin coming up John glover makes a habit of it.
New beginnings. High listeners is vanessa from the podcast series mythology Every tuesday join me on a wondrous journey back in time, exploring the most epic battles. So being love stories and harrowing adventures ever told heroes, gods, ma stirs mayhem, this podcast has it all the knights of the round table and haughty. The hunter to Paradise lost and the lost city of Atlantis, episode of mythology, dramatize is histories greatest stories bringing their origins to life and giving insight into our ancestors saw the universe, ancient myths, modern twists, catch, knew it
sort of mythology every tuesday and binge the classics, any time listen free. Only on spotify, now, back to the story, in early nineteen, fifty one John glover arrived in lincoln in england's east. He was ready to get to work with the sixty two heavy anti aircraft royal artillery battery after spending to his adolescents shovelling around between family members, army was a refreshing change for the eighteen year. Old glover enjoy the more artery, routine and discipline that came with his new life. He also relish the fact that no one cared about his past, his broken family or his gold digging mother, though heed once idolized frida glover had gone cold on in recent years. Perhaps he didn't like that. You cheating on her second husband, or maybe he resented her for favouring her younger children
It- was glover. Didn't waste. Much ink writing to her. That said, he didn't leave everything about it: past behind during his time in lincoln lubbers finger fingers got him into trouble in may of fifty two. He was four pounds for stealing a code from a servicemen club. That december he in a couple of bodies were taking a car on a joy ride with those to be, mrs on his otherwise spotless record, glover completed his service and return home two willing hall ready to make a new start again by that time. Frida second husband died, as you supporting herself by running a wine shop that made it easy for her too glover a job as a wine salesman, glover was strong. From his time in the army and cut a reasonably handsome, somewhat intimidating figure, but his mouth its wings were the most notable part of his personality. He could be Dour one moment, then and laughing the next he'd also developed it's a vanity, probably influenced
by years spent with frida at us twenty first birthday in november of fifty three frida gay glover twenty one pounds today, would be the equivalent of a little over a week's wages for the average brett, so It's a generous gift that he could have used to start a healthy nasdaq for himself. However, lover took the money to london, the very next day there he spent most of his birthday present on clothes. He splashed out on a wool overcoat that would stand out amongst unless stylish wardrobes, back home and willing hall dressed to impress glittered like to step out at local dance halls but he wasn't usually there to meet women his own age. Why would he be when he had his mother on his arm? There was no one in town who dressed as well as them, and they turn heads wherever they cut a rug together, whether that was for there matching good, looks or because the mothers son jitterbugs was kind of weird is up for debate, but with a decent job and willing dance partner. Glover was restless. He got his job
stealing and shoplifting whenever he felt like it it wasn't enough to satisfy his urge for something more. So when you, I ad in a newspaper for bus conductors and Australia, glover was intrigue. He bought his boat ticket for ten pounds and set sail on christmas day. Nineteen fifty six excited for yet another fresh start when glitter in melbourne. He was assigned to work on tram numbers, sixty nine, which tickled him perhaps inspired by the route he started, boasting to his new colleagues about his prowess, in the bedroom, even if he was an extraordinary lover. Glover wasn't in pressing any one in his professional life. He took a lot of sick days, was regularly short on the takings and often showed up for the job drunk as
out, there, melbourne metropolitan travellers board sacked glover. After three and a half months, it was supposed to be a two year contract, so the fact that he got fired so quickly was not great, but glover. So just with his image, didn't let harsh reality get in the way of his story and he kept up the charade His wonderful fresh start later year. He sent a pair of photos home to his family in england in one like he was a western movie star double down and his celebrity inspiration. He dropped his middle name. Walter and swapped it out for weighing it might seem like a trivial decision, but possible that changing his name signified some deep seated beliefs and glover. So by unpacking at. We get a better idea of what kind of person he was an who he wanted to be socio. Just darrell drury and john D mccarthy pointed out in a nineteen eighty social psychology quarterly paper that our names announced
There's an resonate to ourselves, who we are that idea in mind. We can get that glover wanted to rid himself of the name he shared with his father walter who he saw as weak in its place. He assigned him the name associated with the strengthened masculinity of John wayne, star of countless me, westerns, though it wasn't as pronounced, some of the others. The name change was definitely kind reset for recover a sort of rebirth to go with this new home? with his shiny new name and his self made reputation as a tiger in the bedroom. Glover can and the young woman to be his girlfriend, but his roommates at the time notice that he was very possessive of her answers. Did that he might have been a violent partner, though, as far as we can tell was never any evidence to confirm those suspicions. Of course, even a girlfriend could her gloves love of a good boast. He told me nobody at another two women on the side, whether or not they trusted
he said is another matter, but at least in his mind he was a lothar rio worthy of his hollywood inspired name. In addition, do as roommates suspicions about him being violent. They knew he was a creep one night. His Hello borders watched him prowling through the neighbourhood climbing over fences and peering in windows when they confronted him, he outright I'd he done any such thing, despite the fact that they'd literally watched him do it. His chilling stare stopped anymore cos genes in their tracks, although those closest to noticed some red flags glover manage to stand feed and under the radar for its first few years in melbourne, eventually got his true driving licence and took a job hauling in setting up equipment for the australian broadcasting corporation public service work is usually well paid in Australia, so is paycheck would have been healthy, but that didn't stop him stealing tell him, and equipment whenever he could. It seems like he just couldn't help himself. The impulse
control turned violent in nineteen sixty two in september. Twenty nine old glover, had a massive fight with his girlfriend frustrated. He not for a walk since childhood he'd been going up his emotion, so he couldn't feel them, but that night things came tumbling out in a terrifying, at some stage on his prowl glover, no seventy three year old myrtle ends walking from her car to her home, something stirred inside him and cited that he didn't want her to make it to her front door. He tackled heard of the ground then struck gold, her until she passed out once she unconscious. He hiked up her skirt, pulled off her underwear and tossed it off into the darkness plan. Next, we can only guess, because, when glover heard voices he bolted myrtle lying face down on the pavement, according to what he told, authors, lindsey, simpson and sandra harvey
of never realised that he felt strangely better after that attacking myrdal had come armed him down. However, it was a fleeting com, he'd gotten a before anyone saw him, but myrtle was still alive if she was but to identify him he knew he'd. They severe charges. Myrdal spent a meal recovering from her attack, which had left her with injuries to her throat, neck and ribs. However, she couldn't describe her attacker, which meant that investing peters, couldn't make any arrests and also meant glover went punished and wood dangerous new outlet for his bottled up feelings less than a month he let us anger, spillover once again on october. Fourth, another fight with a girl and sent blubber out on a nighttime drive around the city. It's on clear. If you went out looking for someone to attack that night, but one saw a young woman walking alone his plan solidified, blubber peter
over and started following val bird on foot. She was much under the myrtle. So her hearing was probably better when she knows the strange creep behind her, she started to run now wanting his prey to escape glover pounced, but he didn't expect her to put up a fight, He was undeniably stronger, but thou turned and screamed. He had a few seconds a rustle her to the ground and pull her clothes aside, but she'd been so loud. Knew it was no good hanging around. He scramble up and ran for cover, hoping you could make it back to his car for help arrived glover, haven't counted on bells youth and clearly underestimated the protective nature of her neighbours. residents in the street rallied around and called the police they search through backyards until they found glover and carded him off to the station, the detective assigned case was unsettled by how com glover seemed twenty nine year old, admitted to the assault and explain that he attacked avow, because he was in a bad temper
chilling rationale and the detective later said he was sure glover would have killed vow if she hadn't screamed given nature of the attack and gloves peculiar emotional state investigators were confident that vow wasn't his first victim once that's it Fishing arose. It didn't take long to connect him to the assault on myrtle ants a few weeks earlier when count searched his room but the boarding house they found a nest of scavenge two items. Mostly stolen during work events. As a result, he was charged with four counts of assault and council. Larceny he's been the next two months in jail. Turning thirty. While he waited for his day in court. That december he pleaded guilty to all charges. And the judge gave him a lenient sentence. A five year. Good behaviour bond in order to seek psychiatric help trick. Monthly, probationary meetings after that glover had to find it who place to live as well as a new job. Luckily, for him he was no
stranger to starting over. He quickly found a in a boarding house in a suburb of to rack and got work installing tvs around the city, however, link into a new routine might not have been the only thing on gloves mind at the time. Questions about lovers, activities, in his early years in melbourne, persist to this day. There are several murders, some believe were his handiwork, even though he was never officially connected to them. Will point out those. I'm when they happen, but leave it up to you to decide what the truth is, When we want to mention happened in march of nineteen sixty three sixty two year irene kettle was a champion bridge player who friends described as a gentlewoman, so when she was found stabbed, as in an alley near her home and windsor people were shocked. Whose of I murder, spread throughout melbourne at anonymous, call key into the police. The tipster named john
in glover, as the killer, then abruptly hung up detectives, wintry when they saw lovers. Recent convictions for assault, including as attack against a woman in her seventies. Once more, he lived in to rack which right next to windsor, where Irene's body was found and to top it all off glover match description of a man locals had reported prowling around the area. In recent weeks, it seems like they had their guy. It was time to pick John glover coming up glover swaps, handcuffs for wedding bands and heads to sydney for one final, fresh start now back to the story. with their sights set on bringing a killer to justice. Investigators in melbourne, Australia, headed for John wayne lovers address they wanna do Ask him a few questions, however, when they arrive
get a thirty year old place around the end of march, nineteen sixty three he wasn't home. Instead, the cop spoke to gloves landlady who said she remembered being around on the night irene Kittle was murdered. Glamorous current living girlfriends said much the same thing which solidify the alibi. Satisfied that he wasn't there man. After all, the detectives crossed glover off their suspect list and continued their sir elsewhere. Authors, lindsey, simpson, and Sandra Harvey wrote that glover was never questioned over the crime and as of this recording irene killer, has never been found its unclear how clever knew about the irene kittle investigation or how high he'd been on the suspect list. But even if he was aware it didn't convince him to adhere to a good behaviour bond too, closely By the end of nineteen, sixty four he'd made a habit of sitting in the bushes outside homes, where he'd installed televisions a pair of binoculars clutched in his sweaty hands peering through the windows in hopes, he'd catch a woman changed
in April of nineteen sixty five, someone called the cops when they saw him in their neighbors yard, which was disturbingly cod to the alley where Irene Kittle had been murdered in court on trust us charges glover was sentenced to three months behind bars. However, the thirty three year old was a calm again just after six weeks. Looking for yet another new beginning, and this one completely changed his life glover and at a job as a driver for wine and spirits distributor. But perhaps thanks to his previous experience The wine salesman. He was quickly promoted, dual role in the company's retail store. From there he said sites on being a sales rep to help him get He went to wine tastings learned the lingo and got to know the business. It was a window into a middle class lie, that it always seen just beyond his reach. His dad never have the ambition to be truly successful and, although was
they're married into money. She never really been accepted by her new environments. She had stayed what she'd always been a pretty face with an eye for a finer things. Glover was gonna, be front. He was gonna, make something of himself. The first step was the sales rep job which he landed. Long with the sudden tie, uniform and brand new company car driver was. Up in the world and that included trading up his girlfriend. He met twenty eight year old girl rolls toward the end of nineteen sixty seven and she seemed to be thing. He was looking for first ardors she was stylish and smart and somewhat classier than the girls he was used to meeting the pears started dating and right off the bat they seem good for each other. He was fun outgoing and she was encouraging in the same way Frida had been of his father. She also do mess around after they had been data, for a few months. She cornered him into a proposal then went right out and bought herself an antique diamond ring. That was the other thing
glover liked about gay. She had money, not only She has a steady job. Her parents live comfortably in moscow in a suburb months. these lower north shore in a house with views of the city's glistening harbour for those not familiar with the area. The north shore of sidney is known for conservative middle class wealth, in other words, gaze family were exactly the people, glover aspired to be So, with his eyes, set firmly on a shiny future. He and gay set a date for june of nineteen sixty eight before he could trip down the aisle, though Glover had some personal drama to deal with in the early part of that year, he was having some trouble at work, his boss suspected him of stealing how glover muscle, felt about being called out for his thieving ways, again, isn't totally clear, but it's possible but he unleashed any frustration on a local woman. Five year after irene, kettles, murder, a similar crime, rocked melbourne, christina yank
was sixty two years old when she was to dinner albert park home, the killer beat her then strangled her to death with a cord from her dressing gown. again, the crime there striking similarities to gloves later attacks, but it remains solved to this day. So it's possible that of had nothing to do with the brutal murder. After all, he did have other things on his mind. Just then only after the wedding gaze parents suggested that they moved to sydney and live with them as clever. I just lost his job for stealing was all for hitting the reset button. So in early sixty nine. He and his new bride headed north. Fortunately, life under the same roof, as is in laws, wasn't quite as peaceful as glover probably hoped. Accordingly, authors, lindsey simpson and sandra harvey gaze other essie was a nosey sort of woman with a vindictive streak to boot. She left fish in may
birds, mailboxes or cut flower heads off their plants. She was racist get it and loud mouthed all trades. That only seem too worsen with age, in other words ass. He wasn't it the person you wanted to annoy not glover, though he seemed to take vindictive delight in pushing his mother laws buttons and he started must as soon as he moved. In gaze father yeah. I had always been the gardener in the family, but it got harder as he got older, so glover arrived he took over and his first act was to cut down several trees from the front yard trees jack had planted when they bought the place in the forties. Suddenly an x burden, horticulture glover said that they were causing issues with the rest of the garden, but s he loved those trees, not that glover cared. Where does he thought he hated her, to complain to the neighbors whenever he was annoyed with her nagging the only time he confronted her directly was money through a garden house at her. It was a surprisingly
violent move, given that he usually waged war of passive aggression ever in nineteen, seventy three ass, he wasn't the only mother. Forty year old glover had to contend with that september. Frida stepped off the boat sidney ready to join her adventurous son in Australia, but despite his obsession with her as a boy he moved on with his life and seem to think she should do the same. He did invite her to stay then, when she arrived and when she moved to the suburbs gosford about three hours drive away at the time he didn't make a habit of visiting her, whatever energy he had for family glover devoted it to his own? He and Gay had to orders by that stage and were very proud parents, but providing for them prove difficult for glover. He had pretty steady work as a safe men but never seemed to progress beyond the role by nineteen, any one. He was working for foreign twenty pies, which required him to visit retirement village.
hospitals and nursing homes in its territory and nineteen eighty or his region grew to include the central coast where frida lived and where some unsolved murderous occurred. Like with irene kettle and christina yank os, there's no definitive evidence tying him to either of the following cases. However, there are some intriguing similarities between these and his later confirmed crimes in august of nineteen, eighty four seventy two year old, Josephine mcdonald was found, beaten and strangle to death and her at along home. Her killer left Joseph face down with her legs blade enter pantyhose tight around her neck she'd been hidden ahead with what investigators believe was a hammer two years later in november of nineteen eighty six wanda months and was bludgeoned death with some kind of blunt instrument less than two miles away from where josie was killed. Like josie detectives believed the been, was a hammer. But had little else go on neither woman's
showed signs of forced entry, which suggested that they neither known their attacker or had invited him in willingly. Both cases baffled local detectives and they eventually, when cold Coincidentally lovers, marriage had also cooled off over the years. He apparently thought about d. We're seeing gay but decided that he should stay until his daughters had left school. The couple barely kept up appearances, though in the mid eighties, he moved the smallest bed room in the house, while gay kept the primary for herself. It wasn't all bad news for glover, though, On the same time that, as marriage fell apart ass, he moved into a nursing home, his father in law jack, died years earlier so with see gone glover had no one. Looking over his shoulder, it was his house now, of course, they see.
Doesn't give with both hands in nineteen. Eighty six, fifty four year old glover noticed a lump on his chest, daughters diagnosed with breast cancer, which Frida had contented with in recent years, and the solution was a mastectomy. This experience probably had a profound, impact on glover sense of self. As we discussed, he seemed preternaturally concerned with projecting an image of rugged masculinity in the classic talks. sense of the word and according to it, thousand six article published in the journal of clinical oncology. A breast cancer diagnosis can trigger insight, Security is about a man's. Masculinity of fear of stick over having a disease primarily associated with women and a sense of isolation, so aid with the general lack of awareness and information about the condition of breast cancer weren't enough blow to glover sensor virility. He developed stated use. The following year, as well as europe retract infections. He told gay that the problems had made him impotent
but they were having sex anyway. How However, an inability to perform sexually didn't stop glover from stepping out on his wife. For years He'd ended his work day with a visit to the moss men are a cell for those familiar and our sl offers cheap drinks, gambling facilities and or popular with older, locals glover like to play the slots before we went home to his cold marriage, but he also liked to flirt with the older women even carried on There's with at least two ladys. He met at the ira, sell the second and perhaps long list of these was with Jones sinclair glover and joan met in nineteen eighty eight and they clicked early on. She was widowed lived alone and had plenty of money. It's unclear exactly what the pair got up to, but he visited her home every two or so weeks, a brief escape from what it come his rather monotonous lonely life, but there was a disturbance.
That study sameness than october of nineteen. Eighty eight: that's! When the world tilted sideways, when Frida died,. its unclear whether losing his mother was the catalyst for what came next. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but around that time, glover picked up a disturbing new habit. He started wandering the hallways of the nursing homes he visited for work. He looked in on the way in their beds. Feeling simultaneous sleep, disgusted and engrossed by their age. There deteriorating bodies and how close they were to death, eventually Glover wanted to do more than just look he's step quietly. to a room, checking to make sure no one was around. Then he'd approached the bed and go The women touching their breasts their thighs, their buttocks
given that the women were in a nursing home. Not all of them reacted right away, but when they were visibly distressed, that was what he liked the most site. Men came with some risk, though, in december of nineteen eighty eight glove and his family were visiting his mother in law when he broke off too dull gene is twisted new impulses, but the woman victimized that day called out for help. There's noticed him fleeing the room and went to investigate several residents had planed about a strange man assaulting them in recent months, so the staff were hi alert when the nurse confronted him, glover deny doing anything wrong, but he wasn't very convincing the nurse told them he wasn't allowed to wander the halls anymore. Many times it is mother in law. He was to park right by the front door and go straight to her room. In so many words, told glover that she and her colleagues had their eye on him. He didn't argue with that
restrictions, but he stopped visiting assay. Quite so often after that. Instead, he found a different outlet for, as complicated field things about older women. In january of nineteen. Eighty nine. Eighty four year old, Margaret Todd hunter was in glover suburb of moss men visiting friends and when he saw walking on the street, something about her maid glove angry. He felt dark inspiration, straw, he got out of his car approached her and punched her hard in the head knocking her to the ground. Then he grabbed her hand, bag and took off. Despite her age margaret was built of stern stuff she got herself to a nearby hospital and told them what happened when the they survive. She gave them a good, clear description of glover. He stood around I've, seven with gray hair that stuck up as if he used hairspray. He was clean, shaven and his shoulders were broad. If she had to guess she put a minister
forties too early fifties as far as evidence went. It wasn't much go on and though they likely kept an eye out for margaret stolen person. The following weeks, it never turned up. Glover had taken two hundred dollars from it then thrown it in a dumpster. Even if there had been more to work with local authorities soon had more pressing cases on their dog it because something about a tie king Margaret seemed to unlock glover unhinge him less than two months later, on march, first glover spotted another eighty two year old woman walking on the street, and this time he was prepared. He felt gwendolyn, Mitchell hill home to her muslin apartment, a hammer tucked side his shirt. It was just before four p m when he made his mood Gwendolyn was entering her building one glover darted up behind her. He pulled out his hammer and struck her in the head. He purposefully used the flat side of the
or had to lessen the chance of blood splattering everywhere when Gwendolyn lay crumpled on the ground. but of the door. He pulled off her shoes and placed them neatly. Next to her then glover rifle through her handbag, grabbed her wallet and took off running if any and was paying close enough attention to notice a pattern. It was the second brutal attack on a woman in her eighties in just a few months, unfortunately No one was connecting the dots just yet so gwendolyn mitchell hell lay bleeding on her doorstep. No realized that one of australia's worst serial killers was just started The thanks again for tuning into serial killers, we'll be back soon with the conclusion. John glover story will why,
has gloves. First confirmed murder, rock sidney's north shore and signals the start of a bloody killing spree, but as his crimes headlines in the cities. Older residents start to fear for their lives, police, misread the signs and look for the cap. or in all the wrong places. Information on John wayne glover amongst the many sources we used. We found the killer next door death in an australian suburb by sandra harvey and linsey simpson, extremely helpful to our research. Combined all episodes of serial killers and all other spotify originals from part cast for free on spotify. We'll see you next time stay safe out their serial killer Spotify original from parkhurst executive producers include max and enron. Cutler found designed by one border with protectionism. Since by IRAN, shapiro nick johnson trench williamson and curly matted, this up, sort of serial killers was written by Joel Callin edited by abigail can in fact
by Kevin Johnson researched, my brain dressed in chelsea wood and produced by joshua kern serial killer stars, gregg, pulsing and vanessa richardson.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-19.