« Serial Killers

“The Giggling Granny” Pt. 2 - Nannie Doss


Behind the cheerful demeanor of a sweet southern grandma, lurked a vicious killer. Nannie Doss poisoned her husbands, killed her children, and even went after her own mother. This week, Greg explores Nannie’s use of the lonely hearts columns to find victims, and Vanessa examines how social conformity and societal norms helped this killer fly under the radar for so long.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode include dramatization and discussions of murder and assault that some may find offensive. We advise extreme caution for children under thirteen I want you to picture the best pie. You ever even think about it carefully. The golden flaky crossed the warm and we centre, maybe was a chill delight on a warm summer day, or maybe you had it served warm, but the big dollar of ice cream, slowly melting next to it on the plate, remember how its the sweet sugary sent that filled the kitchen and lingered in the air. Imagine a general helping of that same pie being served you by someone, you trust- maybe it's a parent, grandparent or spouse may be a long time friend this person smiles as they serve you, the pie
it looks amazing. It seems like a pretty sweet seen right makes you feel right at home. There's thing in this scenario that should provoke any suspicion its justice, supply. The only damage It can do is to your waistline, but no In that scenario, the person you trust it has been lying and the pie is absolutely deadly. Realizing the pie was poisoned, hurts, but not as bad as the realisation that you'd been betrayed by someone. You thought you knew someone you loved. What you just imagined was the last moments of nanny. Does his victims by the late night Jeanne forties? She had already murdered five people in her home state of Alabama to children and to grandchildren, and her second husband, Frank Harrelson, for most of these murder
man? He had kept the same modus operandi, arsenic hidden in a nice home cooked meal. Her broom pie was a particular favoured by your husband's, which made it the perfect delivery system for a lethal dose of poison. All these deaths The world is natural causes and nobody suspected that nanny was anything other than an unfortunate widow, but as many wide internet, the body count was about to grow very quickly. While it had taken her eighteen years to killer first five victims, the next six would come and very quickly In this episode, you learn how nanny dos evaded capture for twenty seven years. What mister finally led to her getting caught, turned about that last prune pie. She ever baked statehood
hi I'm Gregg Colson, and this is serial killers. Podcast die into the mines and motives of the world's most notorious serial killers. This week we will conclude our invest, nation into the life and crimes of many does the grandmotherly black widow who killed multiple husbands and family members over thirty years as easily as she would poison around If you want to listen to any episodes of serial killers, you can find them all in your favorite podcast directories or in our website forecasts. Dotcom spelled p r c s t dot com Don't forget to subscribe, because a new episode comes out every Monday. Now, I'm here with my, criminal psychology, loving co host Vanessa, Richardson Vanessa, like a rag thanks, it's important to know openness is not a licence psychologist psychiatrist, but, like me, she's fascinated by the psychology of serial killers, It has done a lot of research to answer our questions for the show. Thanks, Gregg you're welcome as we
discussed in our last episode. Much of many doses horrific crimes stemmed from the abuse she suffered throughout her childhood and early adulthood at the hands of her father, her huh and at least one of her inlaws, her apparent total lack of if he may have also been caused by a head injury. She sustained when she was only seven years old, so that covers both the environmental factors I could turn someone into a cold blooded killer, as well as possible internal or physiological factors like brain damage. Right. If I've learned anything from my years of studying the psychology of killers its it, there is One factor that guarantees someone will grow up to commit the unspeakable therapy. People in the world who grew up with abusive families and later go on to do great things, helping us who may be a need, but their results a clear link between serial killers and child abuse. A two thousand five study from Radford University about the incidence of child abuse and serial killers reported that sixty eight,
send the serial killer studied had been abused at something in their childhood, as opposed to the thirty percent where did in the general population. The study also broke the types of abuse down further into physical, sexual and psychological abuse and neglect. The person Jeff. Serial killers, who had been sexually abused, like many dos had been, was twenty Three percent higher than the general population of this is referring to nannies later confession that she had been raped by several local men while living at her fathers farm, correct that's right, and we also know that nanny was sexually abused as an adult since it was there and she gave her killing her second husband, Frank Harrelson. Of course, none of this excuse nannies brutal acts, especially the poisoning of her own children and grandchildren. How? nannies history of sexual abuse does shed light on her underlying psychological motivations she
like many other serial killers perpetuated cycle of abuse. So what you're saying is its common for people who grow up in violent or neglectful homes? To believe that that kind of me, my view is a normal. It certainly seem to be the case for nanny. Does the common thread between most of her five eventual husbands was it? They were alcoholics herbal, your physically abusive or womanizer, all trades that, And he would have found normal if she saw them in her own father growing up. It was just that she had more experienced, more compassionate kind of love that is outside
the lonely hearts columns and romance magazines. She obsessed over all her life, although its unclear whether she gravitate towards the lonely hearts com to fewer unromantic fantasies or scout her next victim. Maybe it was a little bit of both in any case after poisoning a second husband, Frank and nineteen. Forty five nanny skipped town travelling, nearly four hundred miles away from her home with Frank and Jacksonville Alabama. To start fresh on her journey, she turned once again to the lonely hearts pages to find her next bow for the next few years. Nanny travel throughout the south, never sting in one location for too long, but always stuff to check the local papers for a glimpse of her ideal mate. She finally stopped in Lexington North Carolina when an ad by a man named Artie landing caught her eye. She sent him a letter back the two met up and three days later was the new MRS Lanning, the speed with which net
attached herself to another monogamous relationship can tell us a few things about her First nanny wasn't as picky and finding a man as she may have claimed. Despite her insistence that she was looking for true love with a man who would finally treat her right nannies. Action spoke otherwise. Secondly, had perhaps more importantly, it tell is that she was ready to kill again after killed her own grandson, Robert in order to collect his insurance money nannies, priority seem to have shifted, she began to realize that there was financial gain to be had from her murderous impulses and, after three years spent travelling without a husband to support her nanny must have felt increasingly desperate for cash at first. It was enough for her to settle back into married life and rely on her husband to take care of both her emotional and monetary needs, but that never be enough for nanny soon. She would see the cracks in the exterior of the prince, charming. She saw in the lonely. Hearts column already was just like the others, although he didn't physically abuse her.
He still drank and cheated on her regularly nanny begin. Taking longer and longer trips away from home herself reluctant to play the role of housewife to an alcoholic the nicer yet again and she started thinking that already my be worth more to her dead than alive varies two already lasted about two and a half years, just a fraction of her last marriage of sixteen years. It ended with Artes death in nineteen. Fifty of what appeared to be heart. Failure, after
Neil of Stewed, prunes and coffee. If anyone by Nanny Artes illness had started with what looked like the flu that had been going around town, he had a fever, vomiting and stomach means, but its condition worsened and already died shortly. Thereafter, doctors noted artes, long history of drinking and came to the conclusion that his body was simply to ravaged by alcohol, to fight off the virus and no autopsy was performed, but ass. He died already seem to realise the true cause of his sudden illness. According to nanny Artes, asked. Words were, must have been the coffee still neither the doctors nor nannies, Lexington neighbour, suspected a thing at the widow Lanning after all, who else could already have died of his doting wife, had been at his bedside the whole time. Of course, if any one had been able to follow nanny at the time,
I've, seen striking similarities between artes, flew symptoms and the illnesses that led to the deaths of Frank Harrelson and to have nannies daughters, but since no one likes ten had any idea: Nanny Shady passed. They, overwhelmingly supported her at her late husbands, funeral and yet, even with husband, number three dead. Nanny still wasn't done taking every last bit of money from him, that she could, just a few days after the funeral, Artes House, burned down The insurance money went to his recent widow, nanny, had the house survived, it would have gone to Artie sister instead, her home. With already, now destroyed, nanny went to live with artes, mother, just a few blocks away and Lexington. These mother was an older gracious woman, so. Easily, allowing her widowed daughter in law to stay with her until she got back on our feet. Unfortunately, her curiosity, was her undoing art,
his mother died under mysterious circumstances just days after the death of her son. And nanny left town shortly thereafter. Like me, de nannies. Other victims no foul play suspected in Artes mothers death until nanny confessed to her murder. For years later, since the elder His landing was an elderly woman unable to fight back against her daughter in law. It is most likely nanny killed her simply because she was a loose end in that ace nanny would a poisoned her to make sure? No one else could claim the insurance money from the house or connected to artists death. Even in her confession. Gave no real explanation as to why MRS landing had to die ass. She left with a trail of devastation in her wake and a great deal of extra money in your bank. Account nanny returned to Alabama to live with her bedridden sister, although its natural, to want to be with your family after the death of a loved one, nanny was no grieving widow. What
again. She was an opportunistic killer ass soon ass. She heard her sister was dying of cancer nanny the window of plausible deniability. She needed to kill again bring any the benefits of using arsenic to killer. Victims were obvious, the symptoms of stomach pain and vomiting could be pinned on any number of causes, allowing her to shift the narrative in the direction she needed, while still seeming like she did everything to help her victims before they died. We return to our story in just a moment from the park ass network by its Gregg, but I am beyond excited to tell you about another fetching show from par cast. Therefore legged full
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And now back to serial killers, Nanny DAS was fixated on the idea of being a caretaker. In our last episode, we touched on Nannies case shows signs of mud chosen by proxy a disorder in which care makers, deliberately fake or create illnesses in their victims in order to garner sympathy from others, but another factor note is that nannies role as a caretaker may have also been a survival mechanism. Knowingly or unknowingly. Nanny was high, behind societal norms in order for her crimes to pass unnoticed for over three decades in her as a mother, grandmother, housewife and caretaker nannies. Deception relied on the implicit bias of observers that someone in those roles would never harm those under her care. The psychology and societal norms has a lot to do with group psychology as humans. We generally want to be accepted by the larger group in order to strengthen our social bonds and keeps us
a functioning as a whole humans? social animals, I mean that's exactly right. This human tendency to conform can sometimes cause us to overlook things we know to be. Wrong, simply because every one else goes along with it. We can see this. Societal conformity and experiments like the famous nineteen. Fifty six Solomon Ash Conformity experiment lower for this one. This was the experiment where they brought together a group of what seemed like random individuals to answer a simple question, but the group was actually made up of one test subject and several other people were told to give the wrong answer deceive. The test subject would go along with right. The group was told to judge the lengths of three lines labelled a b and c and asked to state which, When was the same as the comparison line? The test was design to be obvious, but the group was made to answer in a certain order for people working with the experiment. This would give the same wrong answer first and then the test subject would have to decide whether,
give the answer that was obviously correct or go along with the group at first, the test subject showed a bit it hesitation but went along with the group anyway. He didn't believe the facts that were staring him right in the face. These because for other people before him seem to re on another answer. In fact, seventy five percent of tests, subjects and ashes experiment were swayed by the answers of the rest of the group, so they trusted the group more than they trust with their own intuition. Yes- and there is evidence to suggest that this is How to follow. The herd is a primal one. In a recent study of south african verve monkeys, researchers look to us
a bushel local tradition and for monkey populations. They did this by giving each group to trace of corn one died, blew the other died pink in two of the groups. The blue corn was made to taste unpleasant the monkeys and in the other group it was the pink corn that was tampered with. Eventually, the first two groups of monkeys learn to avoid the blue corn, while the second two groups avoided the pink the adults even taught their young, about which corn was best for them to eat with me so far occurred a few researchers, monkeys to avoid certain colors of corn. Now, why would they do they? Will? The real interesting part is what happened next after the event, you'll pattern was established. The researchers removed the unpleasant taste from the corn in all groups, so that pink and blue corn would taste exactly the same. Of course the monkeys did no, that and kept on eating the one color of corn that they deemed to be safe. Next came the real experiment: the researchers studied monkeys, moving from pink, only groups to blue only
groups and vice versa. Amazingly, they found that the monkeys who had moved began to adopt the customs of their new group eating the color of corn. They had previously thought to be distasteful or possibly even harmful. Here's some boring steam science writer for the Associated Press, giving an excellent the researchers findings nine out of ten monkeys. It went from one color to the other instantly change food. The Messiah set out the shows either that they're just lying to eat with locals, eat sort of women room. Do as the Romans or most likely. It's the peer pressure, the only one that didn't do it was an alpha male monkey and they think that he just didn't need to fit in since he was the top of a heap so either, Monkeys capital peer pressure to eat, something they might find dangerous just because everyone else around them is doing that's what the research seems to show its clear that then humanity's distant cousins. There is pressure to conform, that might say something but the reason why we feel that pressure so deep down in ourselves. So what has all say about
The people around nanny does because it was normal to see a mother or wife is a caretaker people. Nanny were condition to see her as a kind of loving person who only wanted the best for her family. They could overlook the deaths that seemed to follow because societal norms told them she wasn't a threat. Plus there was the national societal stress over being the first person to accuse this seemingly normal housewife, what who had suffered so many tragedies of anything close to impropriety, so we ve nannies owns you couldn't see that she might be inviting a killer interim and even issue did begin to realise what was happening. Debbie, to seek to do anything to stop her sister from poisoning her as well. What an absolutely horrifying situation, although its uncommon, define serial killers who consider themselves mercy killers. That is someone who only key
people. They believed to be suffering in order to put them out of their misery. It's very clear that this was not nannies intent. Her use of arsenic only served to make Duffy's death prolonged and painful, although there is no record to show how long it took four doubly to finally succumb to the poisoning, it can take weeks for a victim of arsenic poisoning to die. If the dosages small enough, and on top of all that, He had only return to see her sister in her final days. She hadn't been. There too where does he at any other time. In the last thirty years, we can safely conclude that the product daughter had only returned to collect on her dying sisters, insurance money in any case, Dhabi didn't long under nannies care and anyone. Back on the probable for her next husband, unable to wait for the happenstance of the perfect lonely hearts at Then he decided to widen her net and sign up for a dating agency. Perhaps she thought the goat.
To an agency. Would let her a better calibre man that she could truly fall in love with, or be she realised that the more exclusive agency system would have richer suitors with more bankable assets that she could inherit after their untimely demise. Whatever the reasoning nannies ploy worked like a charm, in nineteen fifty two she needed a man from Kansas named Richard Morton at First Richard seem to be a better prospect. The nannies last three husbands Nut it- was a very high bar to begin with. That's true, but the dating agency seem to have done it matching Mammy with a respectable suitor Richard rarely drank, and he treated any well compared to the rest. Richard was a real charmer and the couple was married in Kansas in nineteen fifty two, so Richard was her next victim. Not exactly what for the first few months, Richard seemed almost too good to be true. In fact, he was such a catch. Nanny even decided to introduce him to her family and ninety four,
The three nanny invited her mother, Louisa Hazel, to visit her and her new husband. However, the visit didn't go very well. Perhaps nanny and Louisa had a falling out too Louise I didn't care for her new son in law or nanny, simply he's an opportunity to make some quick insurance money. You don't mean that's right only a few days, her visit, Louisa complained stomach pains hand, her condition quickly, worsened just like that nannies own mother was dead, but unfortunately that didn't mean Richard was safe. If he seems too good to be true compared to nannies other husbands, it wasn't without reason soon. After her mothers, death nanny found out that Richard was still seeing one of his old girlfriend on the side
three months after Louise's death, Richard Morton died much the same way. The body surrounding nanny were starting to pile up and quickly, although there is a span of sixteen years between the death of her first victims, her two daughters Hunter next victim, her grandson, Robert by the nineteen fifties, nannies murders were grouped much closer together at the time of Richards death. Nanny had killed five times in three years Vanessa. Do you think you could speak? to what was happening with man here was certainly the refractory period between a serial killers. Individual murders is a topic that has been of interest to both scientists and mathematicians two thousand twelve study by man. Petitions at you see allay investigated the length of time between the fifty three murders committed by serial killer, Andre Chick, Attila, the butcher of Rostova killer. Who certainly merits his own investigation and this programme in order to draw conclusions about his brain activity just before, and just after each killing the scientists
prophesies that Andres neurons were most excited just before he killed his next victim, which caused a chain reaction of new excitation that could only be sedated by further killings. The six lanes. Why most of Andres murders happened in clumps within a very short timeframe. Follow by longer intervals, where no killing occurred, basically the firing of neurons and Andres Brain reached a certain threshold. He would have it nearly impossible not to save his murderous urges, but each murder he can it had a sedative effect that brought his bloodless down to a more manageable level where he could lay low for a few months. The paper compared is heightened level of neuron firing to an epileptic fit as soon as brain activity. Cross a certain threshold. It creates a domino effect throughout the rain. That makes its effect impossible to ignore the math medical model theorized by these scientists was remarkably accurate. The timeline of Andres actual murders and it seems to fit in
these cases well, that's true. After nanny committed the first suspected murders and nineteen twenty seven poisoning her to middle daughters, she didn't kill again until dispatching two of her grandchildren and nineteen forty three. That was quickly followed by her second husband, Frank and another dry, spell until the end of the nineteenth forties. The next murder already Lanning, took place. Five years later and was followed by Artes mother, Richard Morton Duffy, an Louisa all within a three year span, the rate of and he's murders was increasing exponentially just said, had with Andrea, Chick Attila each time she killed. I need more to satisfy her, however, for killing streak was about to come to its end. Maddie's next victim would prove to be her undoing, bringing thirty years of violent crime. To its final conclusion, Nannie Doss killed five of her eleven victims between one thousand nine hundred and fifty and one thousand nine hundred and fifty three
doubling her previous body count in only three short years. Getting away with all those murders must have made nanny feel like she was invincible. After all, was no ongoing investigation searching for a serial killer, no one suspected foul play police had no idea that nanny existed much less suspected that the string of tragedies in her wake were all her own doing. In light of this, it is to see how she could have gotten cocky by nineteen. Fifty three, and he was getting older. She was approaching or fifties already a grandmother and had been married for times by this point Viable bachelors we're getting harder and harder to come by, so it seemed like fate when she met Samuel. Dos Samuel, like nanny, had recently lost his spouse. Unlike
However, Samuels. Why that actually died in a tragic accident. She and nine of their children had perished in a tornado that tore through their home in Arkansas. He had recently moved to tell some uncle homer to escape his grief, but instead of meeting someone who could help him turn his life back around. And his path crossed with nannies. Poor Samuel dos was about his unlucky as you could get nanny used her own husband recent death to get close to Samuel strategically omitting the fact that she had been the cause of his death grief, stricken Samuel saw kindred spirits, nanny and the two were married in June of nineteen fifty three just months after their original meeting Samuel was very unlike nannies. Other husbands
wasn't an alcoholic abuser or Womanizer Samuel was instead a Nazareth Minister who couldn't stand. The foolishness of romance novels worse for nanny was that he kept tight control over their money, giving or very little to spend on alcohol and other frivolous pursuits. Of course, this didn't sit well with nanny and she even threaten to leave him if he didn't give access to his checking account that should have been the first red flag for Samuel. That nanny was in this marriage for something other than true love but model did she managed to convince Samuel to let her into a bank account. She also took out to life insurance policies on him that left her as the sole benefactor red flag two with their finances. Now, in order nanny moved quickly along to the next stage of her now well practice plan in September of nineteen, fifty four, she fed Samuel one of her especial prune pies and he immediately fell ill to her dismay. However, Samuel realized.
The symptoms are bad enough that he went to the hospital where he eventually recovered. On his return, nanny decided she wouldn't make the same mistake of slowly dosing him again and put a much higher dose of arsenic and his morning. Coffee. This time, Samuel died in mere minutes Gazing patients turned out to be a fatal mistake. Samuel sudden death after recovery in the hospital made doktor suspicious enough to finally perform an autopsy. However, doctors needed consent from the family. In order to perform an autopsy, case Samuels closest family member was nanny, but she didn't consent. Autopsy right, I mean it would prove he'd been poisoned. Actually, sign the consent forms and a heartbeat. She seemed all too eager to find out the quota unquote true cause of her husband's death though at first glance this may seem like an incredibly short sighted move for nanny. She had plenty of reason to believe
we wouldn't be able to pin anything on her. After all, she had survived this long by hiding in plain sight. She simply followed path. Any grieving widow would take. She wanted to get to the bottom of her husband's death and clear her name. She did exactly what was expected of her, until the aura of suspicion cleared then left to start again, a risky plan may be, but it had worked. Her in Jacksonville, Lexington and James Town. So what was different about this? Well, a more thorough investigation for one on nannies ploy had worked before, because her methods were subtle and her motives were unclear investigators, also, the long She stayed in one place the more time she had to make the impression on friends and neighbours that she wasn't the type of person to murder her husband but then he had only been until so for about a year, so she was is well known and perhaps more importantly, she had failed he'll Samuel DOS on her first attempt his first trip hospital aroused unavoidable suspicion and his death shortly
thereafter after only raised more questions about nanny Since she was unable to explain away with a smile and a giggle Missis Dawes, do you believe there should be an autopsy to determine your husband's cause of death, of course, it should be, it might kill someone else, whatever. Recent for submitting to an interview. This time then charm wasn't enough to keep detectives. Looking closer at her husband's body, I story will continue in a moment after a brief message. Now the story continues. So the investigators found the poison that nanny Darcy used variously did corners found enough arsenic and Samuel DOS system to kill forty horses.
Was so much arsenic and system. Foul play was obvious and figures quickly pointed to the woman who had served him coffee just before his death at first nanny tried to play innocent for once the detectives weren't buying it. However, when police brought many in for questioning, she wasn't quite what they expect it please didn't know quite what to make of the widow does she didn't seem to be grieving, but you don't seem like a murderer with a guilty conscience. Sheep. After she made jokes she'd much added with the officers as if they were old friends, she seemed perfectly harmless. Every bit. The kindly grandmothers for trade to friends and neighbours. But every time tried to get a confession out of her. She would dodge the question after doing some going into repassed police finally started to see a pattern, a tree
LE bodies following nanny all throughout the southern United States, Alabama North Carolina, Kansas and Oklahoma, when they asked her about Richard Morton, her fourth husband, nanny, Clean she'd never heard of it before. Finally, they were able to catch her in a lie, and you say you ve never heard of a man named Richard Morton. Now this marriage certificate we found in Kansas, says otherwise. Well then, I guess I wasn't telling the truth. I was married to him at this point. Investigators had enough evidence to charter with the murder of Samuel DOS once that became clear to nanny, She agreed to give them a confession on one condition they had to return the romance novel they confiscated from her when she entered the station. This was a very classic traded of nannies. She was more focused on the ideal of romance than on empathy for other people. That book was more in
Orton to her than her own late. Husband had been yes after nannies Booker's returned to her. She confessed everything, not just a murder, Samuel DOS at the detectives expected, but to four of her husbands, her mother, her sister, her grandson and mother in law. She even confess to being in correspondence with the potential six but that she would have met up with assumed a Samuel dos was despatched, whoever that man was I'm sure he realized soon. How close he had come to meeting his own demise. Investigators were initially shocked by revelations, but when several of the bodies were zoomed, arsenic was found in each of their systems once they realize nanny had been telling the truth. Her case exploded and popularity. People were shocked to hear that the woman newspapers called the giggling Grannie could have carried out so many
blooded murders without authority, suspecting a thing not only were readers shot that nanny could have gotten away with her crimes for over three decades they were horrified by her complete lack of empathy, not only she confessed to killing innocent members of her own family. She laughed While she did it work giggling nanny did well in the interrogation. Room was an interesting thing for the press. To pick up on, laughter is over well, namely a social action. We laugh at jokes. Other people make we laugh when being tackled by a friend we might laugh nervously during an awkward conversation, but were unless fleet, a laugh when we're alone, a study published in two thousand for article in current directions and psychological science thumb People are thirty times more likely to laugh and social situations than when alone. Laughter is a signal He sent to others a signal of camaraderie, of agreement and of being at ease,
So when laughter seems inappropriate, as it did in nannies case, it can be very joy. Owing to the outside observer. Maybe that's what fascinates and terrifies us about nanny the most her laughter in the face of her own atrocities and certain capture. She didn't seem to be concerned with what she had done or what was coming next, a lifetime in Peru, and or even the electric chair. I might be able to shed some light on her reasoning. It's true that by the time she confessed to police that it was clear to everyone involved. She would never be a free woman again, however, nanny may actually wanted to be captured in order to die by the electric chair during it. She gave it the Sarasota Herald Tribune and nineteen. Fifty seven, two years after she been sentenced to life in prison, she had Fitted to losing the will to live time passed slowly here at the prison. Behind. My smile is a heavy heart. I have always made people think I
happy, even though I wasn't my daughter is ill and North Carolina, and that worries me. I should at her side, nursing her back to health of Jews. Lost. My desire to live, you know I was in here I had to heart attacks, wild ones. You know nothing that could keep me down. Maybe the laurel take me soon. Is there anything that you do look forward to a while in prison? Missis Dawes I attend church here in prison every Sunday, my last husband was a minister. You know, and I work in the prison laundry it's the only place they'll have me when they get shorten the kitchen. I always offer to help out, but they have never. Let me work there,
perhaps nanny intended to confess to crimes in gruesome detail in order to force the judge, in her case, to scent inserted to death. However, her plan backfired as her fits of heckling and her apparent lack of understanding of the gravity of the situation caused the judge to doubt her mental faculties, not wanting to set a poor precedent. Why executed woman, much less one whose abnormal psychology may have been caused by brain damage. In her youth, the judge spared her the chair and sentenced to life in prison. Instead, Vanessa do you think. Is there a psychological reason me? No one that would cost someone to prefer death row to living out their life in prison? I can think of at least. One phenomenon that might support your theory, the term suicide by proxy It refers to an incident in which a suicidal individual causes his or her death to be carried out by another person. Usually, this
because the individual cannot, for whatever reason bring them selves to commit suicide unassisted. There certainly reason to believe that this may have been the case with nanny dos In the end she had felt enough remorse over her crimes to become suicidal. She could have easily poisoned yours, for the same arsenic she gave her victims, but, having seen it suffering up close for so many years. She may have been afraid to take the same painful avenue of deaf. Instead, She may have believed the electric chair to be less gruesome option and formulated a plan to let the law organizer suicide for her, but key is of suicide by proxy or almost impossible to confirm without a suicide note or any other form of admission from a suicidal individual themself. All to go on are the few interviews nanny gave during her life sentence and by then her own failing health and and may have made her rethink their own mortality still even when talk but her own diminished outlook on life, nanny
to throw throwing a joker too about working in the prison kitchens. What do you make of that in her own words. Many used her persona as a happy housewife and loving mother to mask not only her greed and lust for killing, but also her own deep sea. Insecurities her constant search for the so called perfect man. An obsession with the trappings of romance conflicts with the images we get of her multiple husbands. None of them were close to the kind of lofty suitors she read about in her lonely hearts columns most were alcoholic cheaters or abusers oftentimes. All three. The disparity nannies, dreams and her reality shows a lack of self worth. Instead of striving for better men, she played the part of, happy homemaker until the reality of her situation was impossible to ignore much of nanny, life was spent going through the motions of true happiness faking, an exterior that would full both the neighbours and herself into believing a lie, but instead of straw
looking for better nanny, simply killed when reality didn't live up to our impossible expectations, but her husband's warrant, the problem. She was all the time folks are the gig laying all of the curated senses. Mr City, was a fiction created by Annie to mask her own and securities and crueler tendencies. It simply tragic that so many people died because of one woman's poor self image, eleven people in all and most via the arsenic nanny slipped in their food. However, she was only officially prosecuted for Samuel, docile death, although it was still enough to put away for life in the end. Nanny dos spent more time active as a serial killer than she did in prison in nineteen. Sixty five nanny dos died of Leukemia
Oklahoma, state penitentiary, hospital word and the tenth anniversary of incarceration. She was fifty nine years old, interesting Lee arsenic exposure is known to cause cancer in humans. Although I have no way of knowing whether nannies many years of handling the poison led to her death or not, but it would be a dose of karmic revenge if her murder weapon of choice eventually caused her own demise. One last dose of revenge from beyond the grave. Just as bitter does one of many dossiers, special broom pies Thank you for joining us for a second week of investigation into nanny dos, the giggling grannie note for get to subscribe on Itunes, sound cloud stature or any other podcast directory or through our website. Car cast dot com spelled p a r c s, tea
a new episode of serial killers comes out every Monday. Please let us know what you think enjoying the conversation on our Parkhurst Facebook page. You can tweet us at forecasts, work? That's p, r C S, T network. As always, we thank you for listening. Half a killer, weak serial. Killers was created by MAX Cutler and developed by IRAN. Cutler, it is a product of Cutler media and is part of the park ass to network it is produced by me. Enron, Cutler Sound design, IRAN. Shapiro with production, assistance by Joel Stein and Maggie admire serial killer as is written by Jordan, Lyric and Stars Gregg pulsing. Vanessa Richardson the amazing
a voice. Actors includes by alphabetical order, generously, Bert and steep pinto. Don't forget you check out per casts original series dog tales. Every Monday dog tales shares inspirational, true stories of loyalty, courage and sacrifice by some of the most heroic canines in history. No mystery Noma, Cobb, all heart search for dog tales in the spot. If I am and listen free today,.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-13.