« Serial Killers

“The Baton Rouge Serial Killer” Derrick Todd Lee Pt. 2


Derrick's fixation with stalking, raping, and murdering women leads him to the University of Louisiana campus, where he terrorizes students and locals alike. As police work to crack the case, a false assumption leads them down the wrong path.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this episode. Listener discretion is advised. This episode contains discussion of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape and murder. That some listeners may find disturbing extreme caution is advised for listeners under thirteen, but the evening of september. Twenty third, two thousand one thirty three year old, derek Todd Lee walked down stanford avenue in stoic concentration around him university students rush by ready to party the night away, countless young bases, passed him, but Derek didn't care about them. These people, nothing more than a distraction. As the night progressed you up and down the same block waiting for the crowd too thin out. He was does, the lights went out in a neat row of houses, one
I won. Finally, after midnight, the street was quiet again and derek was alone. He could be. and slowly he made his way to a house he'd been watching for the last several weeks. He was a. To find a way inside to get close to the woman who lived there for em. He does I did to make his move Derek moved quietly towards the back door and gripped the door knob, but is he turned an alarm. Blared derek lip backward in surprise rushing back to his hiding place ass? He sat in the Mark catching his breath, he wants bedroom light click on inside the house. While long continue to shriek derek sat perfectly still seething with prostration this wasn how things were supposed to go, he was supposed to have control and now that he'd lost it, he'd stop
nothing to take it back. hi, I'm gregg pulsing. This is serial killers, fi original from podcast every episode we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers today were finishing the story of Derek totally otherwise, no one as the baton rouge serial killer, I'm here with Michael most finesse richardson pie, everyone. You can find episodes of serial killers and all other spotify originals from part cast for free on spotify. Last time we took a look. derek's childhood and early adult life as an obsessive peeping tom and how The fixation turned deadly by night ninety eight he killed at least one woman and was hung, wait more today will although Derek as he terrorize as the city of that rule louisiana, and
they'd, the police until a major technological advance, stops his killing for good we ve got all that and more coming up stay with us. This episode, brought to you by booking deck. Looking back, gas are a kind of escapism, but when you need to act, we get away, there's booking dog you can choose from that friends of unique stays across the. U s from hotels and beach houses to wooden cabins and dreamy vacation runs so whatever type a trip you wanna take lying on. The beach camping in nature exploring new citys find your perfect place to stay. Looking back com booking that yeah tap the banner to learn more, in writing. I age. Thirty year old, directed lee had finally step into his darkest fantasies, graduating from people and women to murdering them. He
killed one woman in the small town of Zachary louisiana and may have been a response for a second, but his predatory streak was far from over. still by the spring of nineteen. Ninety nine derek was tired of searching for women and zachary plus. Here, What would be risky for him to dip into the same pool for a third time? And he had a point though, he wasn't on any official suspect list to Zachary police officers, liked him for the brutal murders. tactics, David MC david and danny mix and had a hunch that derek was connected to those crimes. Given us history of peeping tom charges and violent behaviour. They thought Derek could eat Lee be the murderer, but they had no solid evidence to prove it, Derek likely didn't but that these two officers were keeping an eye at him. But all this he was careful not to return to Zachary in steady prowled around hometown saint Francis Phil, that's where he spotted
Thirty, six year old, collect walker, once he'd seen collect derek, couldn't take his mind off her by the sun. Of ninety. Ninety nine he'd been stalking her long enough to know where she lived and something, Him made him bolder this time he wanted to talk to her so on june. Twenty first he made his move. Derek approach collect just after she parked in front of her building. He block the pastor. Her house and came out strong He asked for a series of questions that god increasingly invasive, did she have a my friend which given the ride somewhere? Would she go for a drink with him. She turned him down and asked him to get out of the way, eventually Derek stepped back and allowed collector pass, but that wasn't the end of it two days later, Derek watched as collect parked her car and walked toward her apartment ass. She opened her
front door. He rushed up behind her following her inside before she could stop him in one swift, move derek closed. The door. Borrowing collects only way to escape she stared at him with her. Stunned by help quickly. He had appeared, but, unlike his your crimes. He didn't attacker right away he made himself at home, he picked up a framed photograph and west. If the girl in the picture was her daughter when she didn't answer, he asked her again if she'd go on a date with him as collect stood and stunned silence derek moved around her apartment ass. If it was his own picking up items, and turning off lamps, she followed him her shock turning into an urgent desire to get rid of this creep. She turned them. its back on and told him to get lost. She didn't want to go on a date with him. Not that night not ever but he wasn't backing down. He simply
Mr, why not perhaps hoping to keep em cause. Collect tried to be patient with Derek. She explained that he was a stranger and she didn't trust him. She even reason that he could be some kind of crazy killer amused debt. Calmly responded if That's how I am. I could rape you right now and no one would know at their to collect, told him to leave actually David stood up, scrawled his phone number on a piece of paper and walked out of the apartment a few days later, collect reported Derek to the police, which landed him, another peeping charge and two years of supervised, probation and walk Let had escaped the worst of derricks impulses. The incident for a brief glimpse into his mind. Vessels. To take over the psychology here and throughout the episode as a
I wonder if she is not a licence psychologist your psychiatrist, but we have done a lot of research for the show. Thanks Greg in a nineteen. Ninety three study published in the american journal of psychiatry researchers created a method of categorizing stalkers. They group them into five set. types rejected, intimacy, seeking resentful, incompetent and predatory and derek seems to fit the predatory, stalker profile. This type may hope for a relationship with their victims, but that desire comes from a greater need for power and control. These kid he's fine delight in learning about their victims and often fantasize about physically or sexually attacking them by Eighteen, ninety nine Derek had stalked and murdered at least one woman proving himself to be violently predatory, but he's interactions with
Let demonstrate how is stalking now affected all elements of his so called romantic pursuits. He couldn't simply approach and attract woman and ask her for a date. He mean to assert his dominance to this need for violent authority seeped into Derek's other relationships shortly after collateral acted him. He took out his frustrations out as long time girlfriend consent, raw in february of two thousand and concerned. We arrived at a local bar where derek was waiting to meet her for a drink once she'd parked her car. Dare threw open the driver side door and beat her with his bare hands. The bar owner, witness this sudden brutal attack and call the police once again Derek had to face the cards quences of his actions
like his earlier crimes. He didn't get away with a slap on the wrist this time he was convicted of assault and sentenced to a year behind bars, but as they admitted, derek into prison. local law enforcement made a huge mistake in two thousand prison. Were required to take a dna sample of every convicted fallon to add to a criminal database, but dna sampling was expensive in a small town like saint Francis Phil, so the law and often enforce their so Eric dna wasn't logged into the database of it. He was paying attention to that. He just wanted to say about a sentence and go home his plan. To keep his head down and hope the year passed quickly as first We can tell his sentence flew by without incident and in january of two thousand one. Third Three year old, Derek was released from prison. It took him a few months a readjusted civilian life and he kept a low proof
I'll during most of the year, but by the fall, he was on the prowl again new, that all eyes were on him in Saint Francis Phil, so it would be to risk He d try to revisit, collect that didn't bother and though yet another, far more exciting option. Thirty four miles away in batten rouge the louisiana university, or else you in, timber of two thousand one throngs students took over this slice of the city and Derek quietly join wandering the neighborhood in search of some one knew he found his way It is stanford avenue. In no time it was the heart of everything containing a mix of tommy's and students. Most importantly for Derek. There is new crowd of women who wouldn't notice a stranger in their midst, one of them forty one year old, gino, Wilson, green by this point. ex stocking methods were second nature. He figured
where Gina lived and watched her through the window. She We had no idea, he was there, but on the night of september, twenty third she got her only warning that night Derek try break into genus house, He set off the alarm. Does he want from the darkness Gina wandered her house. Looking for signs of an intruder. She found nothing and eventually she went back to bed. It was too much of a close call for Derek, but he wasn't entirely deterred. He d to wait a few more hours before trying again by the early morning derek tried again with a more direct approach, its unclear exactly what happened. Buddy we knocked at the door and attacked you when she answered, as usual, Derek was brutal and unrelenting. He assaulted gina with his fists and tore at her clothes. He chased
the bedroom, where he sexually assaulted. Her then strangled her to death. As the life disappeared from gmos, eyes, Derek felt that same familiar release wash over him. He stood up draped she'd over the naked body and left the house through the back door later that day, one of genus coworkers found her body and called the police when the cops I've they wandered through the carnage that derek left behind. Looking for clues explain what happened Meanwhile, Derek was back home in saint Francis Phil. Killing Gina had fulfilled his desires for the moment, but that feeling wouldn't last What about lying low for a few months, just to make sure that the police didn't catch up to him body? Wouldn't wait too long. now that he knew what Stanford avenue had offer he knew he had. To go back coming up Derek.
those on killing spree and the baron rouge police take notice. Toby twentieth twenty eighty one day until the end of the world on the compound of secretive religious organisation interviewing time. Member, their leader has predicted that tomorrow will be the beginning of the apocalypse. The prediction I am prepared it will purify life from a lot of illusions. When I started working on this story- and I was hoping to profile a unique apocalyptic group that had survived through many failed doomsday predictions, but the end of the world was just the beginning. The only way to get to Heaven was to allow him sexual activity with me I didn't specifically, give my consent. I was frozen at the time the angel, they arranged that he is supposed to have sex with his students. He
is an amazing teacher and also he's a six. This is revelations. Spotify original from parkhurst preparing Sunday october, third, now back to the story, in september two thousand one thirty four year old, Derek Todd Lee killed his second confirmed victim near the baton rouge. Can the sub louisiana state university, but for the rest of the year nera kept his head town. He likely knew that the bad roof police would be investigating the murder and he didn't want it. Come a suspect. elsewhere. Zachary police officer David, make David and his colleague danny mix them followed. The new of this newest killing with grim conviction. They were still sure that derek Todd Lee was responsible for two murders in their town, and now we're trying to gather some convincing evidence to tie him to this third midday
and mixing noticed that the killings had taken place near locations where Derek worked, but Wasn't enough to make him an official suspect so I'll be could do was wage hoping that something else. smith surface. To justify their hunch. However, bad maroon police didn't share their suspicions to them The murder of Gina Wilson green, was a stand alone crime. With no actions to any murders committed in other parts of louisiana, but was good news for Derek he flew under the radar are addressed thousand two began the cops didn't see suspicious of him at all. Even so, the alluring pull of baden rouges stanford avenue was too dangerous right now. He would have to she ate his urges somewhere else and He found the perfect spot in january of two thousand to Derek was working at a new job at the doll chemical plant just outside of baton rouge. After a string of firings the position
find the gave him the kind of stability he desperately needed most lay the salary helped him support himself, his family and his girlfriend. He trusts to work on the wheezy anna's highway, one, a lonely strip of road that wolf through the states, marshy landscape, Usually there wasn't much to look at just the swamp and a few birds, but there was one spot on his route that Derek liked best. It was small unassuming trailer park off the site of the highway in an isolated town called at is about forty miles away from saint Francis phil bear derek but at a woman with dark hair and bear skin twenty one year old gentleman desoto he's dot. General and from a distance moving closer all the time Actually, he was watching her from her window, get to know her evening routine as usual. he wasn't in any rush to take action, but on january eleventh, two thousand to directly
the news that made him speed up this process that day, chemical laid him off. Derek had lost was jobs over the years, but this hit him ass hard. All sudden his life was thrown into uncertainty and with two in age, children, a wife and a girlfriend who all relied on his financial support. He couldn't afford this kind of financial setback. His stress levels, through the roof, and it led him back down a dark path this study posted in the ninety. Ninety nine issue of american journalist psychiatry provide its useful information about. The things that trigger this kind of behaviour, doctor Paul molen explains that stalking can often provide a facade of power. So when it visuals face destabilizing life, events like being rejected or dumped, they turned to stalk to take back control, one of the most powerful tool. where's is rejection because it puts the person unbalanced position, losing
His job may have given Derek the urge to seek out something anything that restore his sense of control for derek that meant, murdering the recent subjective. His fascination gerald de soto. two days later: Derek picked up. His final pay check and drove in furious silence down highway one Ben headed toward at us. It was the middle of the day, He didn't want to wait until nightfall he wanted gerald. Now. When he arrived at the small trailer park, Derek pulled. The road and parked he strode. right up to general front door and knocked a beach german open door and Derek asked if he could bar her phone to make a call she inside happy to oblige, from her perspective, Derek didn't see dangerous, but when she handed him the phone everything chain
in a sudden terrifying motion, derek structural and with the phone she fell backwards. Stunned then scrambled toward the bed room, her husband captain shock on there and she hoped it was loaded but when Carolyn got to the gun, there was no ammunition inside Derek quickly caught up to her overpowered, her and the useless weapon out of her hands. He stood aside as german claude at him fighting for her life in a desperate lunch general and rushed toward the back door of the trailer, but dared pulled out a knife from his sheath and stabbed her seven times been determined to. Finish. The job Derek dragged his knife cross journalists throat this was the kind of power that derek craved in silence. He stood up, recieved his knife and left the same way he came in through the front door
didn't even bother closing it that day, germans husband, dare discovered his wife's mangled body. He called the police. And they descended upon the crime scene. Unsurpassed Finally, Darin became a person of interest and was interviewed several times. He'd been abusive. For general and which might have given him motive but I also had an alibi after a month, So digging investigators had to accept that they had the wrong man mean while in saint Francis Phil, Derek revelled in the fact that he got away with yet another slang without any attention from the police. He carried with his life and even landed another job. But a few two months later. Dare I got fired again after that he was itching to prowl. Any figure enough time had passed so he paints and further avenue. Another visit, while stroking his previous, victim gina, wilson, green, derek
just another woman who lived on the street twenty two years. Charlotte marie pace. She was you graduate student and he'd never forgotten her sharp must have been on high alert after hearing about the brutal murder of gina, a woman who lived only three doors down from her but Derek was good at keeping is distance when he needed to As usual, he lurked outside charlotte's apartment watching her from afar for a long time he even was a the figure out when she moved out of her place on stanford avenue and into a new town house on shore low avenue. Sheen ever noticed him until it, too late on may thirty in two thousand to Derek drove to show avenue in the middle of the day, wanting to feel and country. once more. He strode up charlotte's front door and knocked when sham Third, he asked to use her phone charlotte
handed derek her telephone and immediately he swung it at her striking her in the head ass, she stumbled backward stepped inside, raising his arm for another strike, charlotte pulled herself up from the floor and ran toward the back door, Derek followed, well bring out his weapon of flat head screwdriver, Derek quick, caught up to charlotte and started slashing her with a tool. He chased her into the bed, where he raped her, while continuing to stab her with a screwdriver by the time charlotte was dead, Derek had stabbed eighty three times once you This done. He left through the front door, charlotte roommate came home and discovered the gruesome aftermath a few hours later. She called the police and they what evidence they could find blood tattered clothes and semen samples, hoping that something would point them in the right direction:
wake up, charlotte's, murder, charlotte's, murder, ls. You erupted in shock and fear dismayed to murders and just five months and both victims at one point lived on the same street. Some one was out for blood and showed no sign of stopping investigators scrambled to interview more potential witnesses again a list poured over the bloody evidence taken from both murders. They wanted to find peace, that the murders were connected. They found what they were looking for in the blood from each crime scene it matched, but because Derek dna, wasn't in the criminal database, they weren't any closer to finding their killer still, the information help bat roof police form a picture of their suspect. He was a repeat: fender and had a particular interest in the sl use campus. Although Derek wasn particular. He simply too those women whose thrilled him, whether that
the college or somewhere else. He didn't really care and July of two thousand to he already had his sights on a woman who lived a few miles outside of bat and rouge PAMELA, can a more forty four year old PAMELA was older than derek's last few victims, but she fit the physical profile the kind of woman he liked they are skinned with dark hair and after watching her from her window for an unknown period of time, he decided it was I'm to strike on the night of July, twelfth two thousand to Derek lurked in the shadows. He saw well a drive up to or building and watched her enter her apartment. He wait a few moments then approached the back or of her unit when he got there. He couldn't believe his luck. keys were still in the door, so he let himself in Derek walked through the
apartment looking for his prey, but then he heard it the gentle sloshing a bath water. He followed The sound of the bathroom threw open the door and stare down at PAMELA who was in tom. He lunged forward and grab PAMELA, throwing around to the bathroom or in striking her with his bare fists. He dragged her out of the bathroom and back down the hallway PAMELA thought claude at him. Drawing blood in the process but dare blows didn't stop in a matter of minutes, PAMELA was bloodied and probably losing consciousness. Derek picked up her limp and carried her out to his large white truck. He threw her into passenger seat and sped away Derek I drove through the night for nearly an hour before he swung the truck toward an exit he stopped underneath
if the chaff, elia basin, bridge almost thirty miles from baton ruse, he dragged PAMELA out of the car and through her on the ground he raped. Her then cut your throat then watch your die afterward he loosed covered PAMELA naked body with leaves. Then he com, returned to his truck and drove away. four days later, on July, sixteenth, two thousand to local police found PAMELA body working quickly. Officers took blood samples from her house and sent them for forensic testing, the horror of the analyse the blood matched the specimens founded charlotte murray pace and Gina Wilson greens murders. That's when police finally realized they had a serial killer on their hands they nick TIM, the batten rouge serial killer
hearing. The news southern louisiana locals began to panic, Alice you, students, here for their lives. But so too did prank Please everyone else in the bad rouge area, the killings felt random, no woman was safe and no one knew who would be next, not even Derek todd. Lee knew that not yet anyway, coming up Derek but lies as on a major police mistake. Now back to the story. in July, two thousand to thirty three year old, Derek todd, Lee murdered his fourth confirmed victim, and it was this I'm that made the batten rouge police, realize they were dealing with a serial killer. So in august of that year, they created a task force to investigate the slayings batteries
officers joined with state police and other members of local law enforcement, hoping their combined efforts could crack the case to the members of the group David Mc David and danny mixing bizarre officers who had been keeping an eye on Derek totally for years now that they were part of larger investigation. They felt embolden to voice their theory to their surprise, the rest of the task force, wasn't convinced sure, Eric, had a track record of peeping and of being violent toward women. But the other cops just didn't think that Derek could be the killer in their minds. The bat bruce serial killer had to be a white man. With that in mind, the task force unlisted an fbi profile or to give them an idea of who they were looking for After examining the killers known murders, the bureau returned with its findings. Their profile pointed to a store An impulsive male who was likely between twenty five,
thirty, five years old and although the profile or didn't special the race of the killer. The baton rouge taskforce continue to focus their efforts on white men, it's possible. They were also operating under the commonly held belief that cereal murders tend to kill only those of their own race, as we do, dust in previous episodes. There's also a prevailing stereo type that all serial killers are white males. We know that isn't true, this fallacy. is dangerous because it can lead murder investigations in the wrong direction and Derek todd He was just one glaring example in a two thousand twelve article, published on practical homicide, dot com, former n Y p, lieutenant commander vernon J gabarus examined why this happens and then nineteen seventys when the FBI's behavioral science unit began profiling, convicted serial killers. It shows a subject pull that was predominantly white, so that
typical serial killer profile, became a white man by default and throughout the following decades, white serial killers were often granted an immense amount of media attention. People liked TED Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer became the de facto image of what a serial killer looked like it's hardly surprise in that this assumption crept into murder investigations, not to mention it. Is statistically evident that more than half of all documented serial killers are in fact white men, but gabarus explains meant that police often ignore clues. That point to a non white suspect like Derek todd Lee the baron rouge task force immediately set to work. Searching for white men who might bit the fbi's profile throughout tooth I to the police, over one thousand local men to submit dna samples, of course, none matched as this
drew to a close. The task force was nowhere closer to the killer, so the police, just issued a week warning to the bad rouge women to remain vigilant. But by this point that wasn't good enough bad in bruges residents were worried and law enforcement was clearly floundering. As for Derek, he was far from it she well fear, gripped the city dare began wandering outside his usual hunting grounds, time. In november. He ended up in lafayette. Fifty four miles away from batten rouge there he spotted twenty three year old trainee shook cologne and stopped her from a distance for a while. on november twenty first, two thousand too. He decided to get closer treaties was visiting her mother's grave at a nearby cemetery outside lafayette. Derek probably spoke to her first to set her at ease, but at some
ninety snapped grabbing her and throwing her into his truck. he drove back toward lafayette, eventually pulling onto a street filled with abandoned buildings and surrounded by woods. The area was totally isolated, perfect fact forward derek plan to do next after parking. The car, dr drag tunisia into the woods or he beat and sexually assaulted. Her then killed her three days later on november. Twenty fourth, a local hunter found trainee, naked body, lafayette, policing the task force of this latest slaying and they, Send it upon the crime scene to gather evidence, blood samples proved what every an already suspected the baton. Serial killer had struck again, but this murder, fuse bunny the taskforce officers to their knowledge,
serial killers didn't usually kill outside of their race. The police had believed their killer was a white man. Killing white women, but true nature was black. Eventually, investigators were forced to admit that their assumptions about the killer may have been wrong, but there was a new, technology that would help them find out for sure at the time dna. Racial profiling was a relatively experimental form of analysis, but it worth a shot, so unfair, where he twenty fifth, the test for a set a sample of the killers blood to genomics lab and sarasota florida. Then, while the police, waited for the results, Derek struck again, he raped and physically assaulted, ls you employee, carry yoda drew. Begging her under the chaff, eliah basin bridge before killing her. He about and her there in the same spot where he had left PAMELA Kenmore the previous summer. When carries body
discovered. Several days later, the people of batten ruse looked to the task or for answers, but found none. least, were getting frantic. They needed an accurate image of their killer before he struck again. Oh later on march, seventh, the bad rouge task force finally heard back from the genomics lab the risk is determined that the killer was eighty five percent sub saharan african and fifteen percent native american for David make David and danny mix. This moment was the one they ve been waiting for. They began gathering evidence against Derek todd. Lee mixing study derricks file for two months and eventually noticed a pattern the murders, had taken place around the same time that derek was fired or experiencing kind of financial trouble. The others occurred on is when Derek wasn't at work, in other words dear
was either highly stressed or unaccounted for. At the time of each slaying, he had no alibis this was enough to warrant swift action on may fifth too, thousand three danny permission to take a dna samples from Derek it directly any inkling that the police round to him. He didn't show it when the cops are I didn't ask to take a sample from inside of his cheek. He didn't protest here. had calmly, as he was swathed, sank the officers for their time and then watched them leave, mixing washed off excited to submit the specimen for analysis but Derek and waiting around for the results the moon the officers left. He got moving. He told his wife jackie that they needed to leave louisiana because the police were after him, Jackie leave. Her husband was innocent, so they came up with a plan she'd taken
children to her aunts home at detroit, while Derek fled to atlanta. He studied until it saved enough money to eventually join her luckily for Time was on their side. The police, had to wait weeks for the dna results, giving Derek ample. I'm to escape a day The cheek swab was sent for testing. He was already gone before low, paying job at at atlanta, motel unsettled and there. He probably hope that thing would blow over. But the dna test wouldn't leave him after all, but he was wrong, weeks later on. May twenty? Fifth, the police I ve got the results, dare dna was a match. After Over a year of looking in all the wrong places. The task force finally had their killer, but there was no time for celebration too. Officers immediately drove out to Derek's home to arrest him only to find
the house empty turned out. This was nothing more than a minor set back. The police shared their findings with the public. The news hit national television soon after that Derek Lee was the bad and ruse serial killer network, asked anyone with information about his whereabouts to come forward in detroit Jackie watched in horror as her husband's name and photo crossed her tv screen suddenly his years of late night. Disappearances made sense. So on may twenty. Sixth, a day after the news broke, she decided to speak to the authorities, Jackie content. did the detroit office of the fbi. She told them that derek was in italy, working at a motel. She wasn't sure we, one, but that was enough information for the police. The cops moved quickly.
a massive squadron of officers descended on atlanta and found out across the city patrol. Darkened alleys. They showed their his picture to anyone and everyone it didn't They long for their efforts to pay off nine p m. The same day, Jackie made her call police Dan anonymous. Tipp Derek was parking lot of attire. Sharp cut descended on the scene within minutes surrounding Derek and a sudden rush of sirens and flashing lights. He didn't resist. He was completely silent, As the officers placed him in the back of a squad car, he knew It was all over After at least half a decade of killing the batten ruse serial killer was finally caught. The followed months were a blur of interrogations and news coverage. Derek proved to be a difficult person to interview
he was remorseful and kept declaring that he was ready for death, but when pressed, he never admitted exact what he was so sorry about Derek sat in jail awaiting trial? More murders were linked to his dna. A year later, in february of two thousand for animals, place derek at the crime scenes of seven different murders, randy brewer general and de soto gina pace, PAMELA kinda more training the cologne and carry yoda, but investigators believe Eric was likely responsible for many other murders in the bat rouge area, including of Conny lynn warner, but her case had no genetic link by the time police found your body at each the derricks dna had been erased by hurricane, and without that connection it was never confirmed. Out of the seven cases that had strong dna evidence against Derek too were brought to trial short
marie pace and general and de soto and in the it's summer of two thousand for the trial. Began. He was found guilty of both murders and sentenced to life in prison for killing gerald, but for charlotte he sentenced to death by the injection as baton rouge celebrated thirty six year old, Derek todd. Lee was taken away to a maximum security prison in Angola louisiana, but it can take years even decades for prisons to complete death sentences, derek todd. Lee was no exception. He never faced lethal injection angie im worried twenty first, two thousand sixteen. He died of heart disease in a prison hospital at age. Forty, seven in time. The memory of the button rouge serial killer, faded students continue to fill the less you campus and populate the busy strip of stanford avenue the story
Derek Todd. Lee may be little more than a ghost story now something too scare your friends during freshman year, but for the families of Derek victim those wounds may never heel. There are others who are still convinced that his death toll is much higher than people thought. They believe that derek killed their friend, their child or their mother. for these people. Any sense of closure is long gone. It die along with Derek todd, Lee the thanks again for turning into serial killers will be back soon with a new episode from more information on the vat merou serial killer. Amongst the many sources we used, we found bloodbath by susan de moustafa tony.
Wheaton and sue Israel extremely helpful to our research. You can find or episodes of serial killers and all the spot, a rituals from parkins for free on spotify, I'll see you next time have a killer weak Serial killers is a spotify original from par cast. Exec Producers include backs and wrong cutler sound designed by Michael motion with production assistance by IRAN, shapiro trent williamson. carly, madden and bruce couteau bitch this episode of serial killers was written by georgia, hampton with writing systems by mallory, cholera and joel callin fact. king by cheyenne lopez and research by Brian petrus and chelsea. Would syria killers, stars gregg, Colson and vanessa richardson. The only way to get to Heaven was too low
in sexual activity. With me, these not the people that you would normally associate with a cult tv. I too am worried for my safety. I definitely think you shouldn't be putting this is revelations. Spotify original from podcast premiering Sunday October third
Transcript generated on 2023-06-20.