« Serial Killers

“The Acid Bath Murderer” Pt. 2: John George Haigh


His first murder in 1944 had gone exactly as planned: the body had dissolved in acid, and he was sure no one would ever find out what he had done. So, with that in mind, John George Haigh set about repeating the process again, and again—always chasing the next big score.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode, includes discussions of violence and murder that some people may find offensive? We advise extra caution for children under thirteen George Hague made his way to the corner of his dilapidated workshop. He greeted his teeth ass. He pride the top off of a nondescript forty gallon. Drum Hagen Gag does a wave of sickening gas wafted from the barrel. It smell of rotten eggs mingled with the unmistakable stench of death. Having his breath, Hague used a metal rod to stir the black sludge in the barrel. He frowned there were still chunks of human bone and pools of liquid fat floating in the acid. This was frustrating his latest
victim hadn't entirely dissolved, but Hague was out of time. He had done rid of the evidence with a heave Hague pushed the drum into the yard behind his laboratory. He glanced around to make sure he was alone before tipping the barrel over. The issue spilled on the grass and seeped into the ground Hague. Smiled and bring decide of relief There were no traces of his victim soon he would be a very rich man. Hi, I'm Gregg pulsing. This is serial killers, a park ass to regional, every episode we dive into the
Mines and madness of serial killers today were discussing John George Hague, but diabolical acid bath murderer. I'm here with my co host commit us. Should sit by everyone. You can find episodes of serial killers and all other par cast originals for free on Spotify or wherever you listen to pod, casts stream serial killers for free on Spotify, just open the f and type serial killers in the search bar forecast were grateful for you or listeners. Bula was to do what we love. Let us know how we're doing reach out on Facebook and Instagram at PAR cast than Twitter at Park Network in Ireland, step aside. We talked about John Hags hyper religious upbringing and beginning of his career as a con artist as the there's went on Hague schemes became more sophisticated and violent, leading to his first murder in nineteen. Forty four today will
La Hague, see continuous his monstrous killing spree. Ultimately, Hague murdered at least six people, though, possibly as many as nine people before his capture, John Hague disposed of his first victim on September, tenth nineteen, forty four, the thirty five year old kid hardly contain his excitement, as he poured a of noxious black sludge down the drain. Less than when he for hours earlier this substance had been his long time friend William, Swan but William was dead. His body broken in a solution of sulfuric acid, there was nothing to tie Hague to the crime that he planned to make quite a bit of money from Williams demise. What use did he have her friendship when there was money
be made after dumping the evidence. Hague left the dingy basement workshop and return to his swampy apartment in the heart of London. He said down at his desk, smoothed out a sheet of paper and started: writing drafted, a series of letters to Williams, wealthy parents, informing them that their son had gone into hiding Hague claimed he was helping William dodged the draft, so he could avoid fighting in world WAR two, while their son was indisposed. Hague would be too in charge of Williams finances shortly. Afterward Hague went to see the EC swans in person again did charmer and trusted former employ ye. He didn't have much double convincing them that their son was safe. European debate eating them swans even thanked him for his help. They didn't want their son to risk life in the war and depreciated Hague, keeping him safe with their blessing Hague
to work posing as a middle man between the Mc Swans and their son. They believed everything he told them We're suspecting that such a charming well done man was taking for a ride over the next few weeks, Hague collected rent from tenants of the properties William, and he also regularly ask the mixed wants for money to cover their son supposed expenses. Hague even travel to Scotland, Justice and Postcard to the mix swans in Williams, name Williams. Parents were convinced he was in hiding and very much alive. It was easy four Hague, to keep the game going, but he also had keep Williams friends from getting suspicious to do this. Hague, forged mountains of correspondence. He spent hours, perfecting Williams handwriting an cadence he was
Nicholas writing messages to all Williams, friends and acquaintances. In the end, even those closest to William were fooled into believing he was writing a letter. Hague made sure to manage everything from his former free his bills to his membership. In the amusement caterers Association he tried to explain Williams absence as vaguely as possible to anyone who might notice something was amiss. Venice is going to take over psychology here and throughout the episode. Please note: Vanessa is not a licence psychologist your psychiatrist, but she has done a lot of research for the show Greg Hague went to extreme lengths to keep up his ruse and spend a significant amount of time covering his tracks. It wasn't just Bob Money for Hague. It was also about the thrill of tricking his marks according to say, ecologist Erwin Burg. This mindset is typical of cereal forgers. He writes Evan
some great pleasure when beating a guy out of something is encountered frequently among members of this group. Some forgers would probably per or to work a victim for a small amount of money. Instead, earning a larger sum honestly for an equal effort. This was certainly the case for Hague. There was already in decent money as a salesman at the time he killed. William, though his work provided him material security, he didn't enjoy the job Hague needed to constantly feed his ego to feel superior to those around him run scams was the easiest way to get everything he wanted and it made him feel invincible. It may have been this arrogance that drove him to commit his second murder at some point between September nineteen, forty four and may of nineteen forty five Hague said that he killed a middle aged woman who lived in West London. However, he never
learned her name and no victim was ever identified. It's likely the story was fabrication Hague claimed to have killed several people who were never definitively attributed to him in stark contrast to his verifiable murders. He could not provide detailed information. About these attacks as an experienced con man, Hague The value of big talk and a well to lie or two in the midst of a true story. On the other hand, He was also incredibly confident in his ability to get away with murder. He was certain that, because he destroyed the bodies of his victims with ass, it were he's good, never gather enough evidence to convict him because of this it's possible. He could have recklessly killed a stranger if the opportunity to make a quick bach and it itself whether or not he made his second attack in West London. Hague certainly kept busy by June.
Of nineteen. Forty five. He had decided that he couldn't keep his scam with William going forever the war would be over soon and there would be no way to keep the MIC swans from finding out what had happened to their son. Something would have to be done about them. Hague made preparations for its next attack weeks in advance. Upgrading is basement workshop for easier body disposal. He installed a steel, bathtub and fashion several face masks to protect self from the acidic fumes to Hague murder was a business like any other, and he strode to be as efficient and professional as possible even bought a pump. The liver, the acid into the bathtub without it splashing onto his skin Hague set his final letter. To the mix wants in June painstaking imitating Williams, handwriting Hank asked them to read
night with their son at his underground workshop. The meeting had to take place in the dead of night Hague claim that this would avoid attracting attention to William since the war wasn't, quickly over. Yet the mix swans were overjoyed at the prospect of seeing their son again. They agree to them in and made their way to Hegel basement on the night. July. Second, nineteen forty five Hague met them outside affecting an air of secrecy. He convinced them. They had to be led into the workshop wanted a time too, wait attracting attention. Seventy year Old Donald, Miss Swann, followed Hague into the building. First, he chatted have Lee with Hague, as he was led down the stairs, but he stopped talking when Hague finally opened the door to reveal the dingy spartan workshop egg didn't give Donald much time to taken the scenery as Donald took his first With this stuffy acrid air Hague
each for his weapon. He grabbed a black jack and I heard nights Dick, sometimes carried by police, which each stashed within arms reach of the entryway. Then he shut the door and slammed the rod into the back of Donald Skull. The old man gasped crumbled to the floor, just ass, his son had nearly a year earlier it had all gone perfectly to plan Hague? Why his brow and dragged Donald away from the door. Then he's the black jack down and put on his best smile Amy Swan was next just like her husband, Amy, followed Hague into the depths of the basement and was what down by a single blow from the black jack haggling said. He wasn't positive, that the mixed ones were completely dead after he hit them with the night stick its possible. They were only unconscious at four. It didn't seem to matter to Hague, one way or another he claimed to take
pleasure in his victim suffering. In reality, he didn't even Father to make sure they were dead before cutting into them He focused only on the task at hand without feeling the slightest bit of remorse or anxiety. He took his victims, valuables first part eating their jewelry and wallets. Then he prepared for the dirty work Hague golf his pants and changed into a swimsuit. He didn't want blood on his clothes. He d and his tin face mask and dragged Donalds body to his work bench. He some dissecting to do in order to dissolve both mix wants in the washed up at once, Hague, butchered them into pieces. It was a demanding process over the next few hours he cut into Donald and Amy breaking their bones, severing their ligaments and removing there,
in the end, Hague was left with a stack of bloody appendages and flesh. Alright, de the smell was overpowering, but he still himself to get through it. This was his ticket to wealth. His mind, all the extra effort was proof he was earning his keep. Finally, Hague brought body parts to the bathtub and prepared his acid pump. This time he added hydropower gas into the sulphuric acid mixture, to make the solution even more caustic Hague, drop the hooks of flesh into the tub and spread them with acid. He watched as the bloody skins sizzle the chemical reactions made him so he pumped into solution slowly at first as the chemicals continued to decay. The corpses the sludgy muck folded in on itself sue. The evidence was entirely submit
urged once he was sure that the mixture was working Hague, cleaned up and left the mic swans to stew. His work wasn't done yet up next Hague milks, mixed one name for all its worth through the hustle and bustle and stresses of life. I need the path to positivity has never been more crucial at the more fulfilled. You feel. The more grounded you become well. Parkhurst has a wonderful new series that can help you in this quest. It's called daily quote, and it's a quick two to three minutes: Dingley Podcast for you to get inspired by every day on daily quote you'll be given a quote, meant to motivate uplift and renew your outlook on life. You also died deeper into the context surrounding the quote: learning more about its board.
And the meaning behind it. There have already been so many inspirational quotes featured so far, but hands down. My favorite has been by singer, songwriter Leonard Cohen, so whether you jump darting the morning searching for that midday pick me up or trying to finish the evening off strong Dingley quote: offer some of histories most inspirational quotes whenever you need them. Three hundred sixty five days a year followed daily quote free on Spotify or where ever you get your pot casts Go back to the story on July Second, one thousand nine hundred and forty five John George Haigh killed Donald and Amy Mcswan, the wealthy parents of his first victim afterward. He put their bodies in a two above sulfuric acid and left them to dissolve now that he
and rid of the evidence. It was time for him to cash in on their deaths. The next morning, thirty six year old Hague unlocked the door to the mix, wants posh apartment in central London. He left a note for there. Lady telling her that they were travelling to America and had no idea when they would come back. He then, what turned to his workshop to check on the bathtub of acid. It had to once formed into a revolting black soup smell of sulphur and spoiled meet with a he had turned the tub on its side. Then watch as the eye cord trickled down the drain in the center of the basement, the deed was officially done, Three peace was in its place with no one in the mix one family alive to stop. Him hang seized their considerable property a week After murdering Donald and Amy, he travelled to Glasgow where the mixed swans lived for most of the year, he break
We walked into a lawyers office posing as their son, William Swan his first victim there. He forged William signature to grant himself John Hague permanent power of attorney over Williams assets. Were again hang display his masterful ability to manipulate every one he met. He played the of William so convincingly that the lawyer never suspected. He was dealing with an impostor power of attorney in Hand Hague have the ability to do as you baked with everything William owned. He didn't waste any time, taking full advantage of his new wealth continued collecting rent on three properties that William owned Southwest of London, while cleaning out the FAO please valuables back at their home after waiting a few months he added another property to his portfolio in October nineteen, forty five, this time he used his forging skills to transfer apply of land from Amy mixed one to William, once Willie
was the owner on paper. Hague used his power of attorney just sell the land told Hague stole close to six thousand pounds from a mixed wants equivalent of around three hundred thousand. U S dollars today. He used the funds to quit sales job and move to an upscale hotel. But though Hague had enough money to live comfortably for the next few years, he wasn't content to just rest on our laurels. Quitting sales job simply gave him more time to pursue his true passion, swindling people after taking control of the mixed Swans Assets Hagen. Parked done a new, less violent con. This time He posed as a patent liaison officer. It was a somewhat amorphous position, but essentially Hague promised to help budding investors design x and assist them with their patent applications. Of course, Hague had no useful expertise that mostly sought to collective consultants.
Feed without actually doing any work. In many ways the scam was a repeat of the fake investment firm. He had run years before he said a small office in a city tat his way into jobs then collected a fee for it long as he could without doing any actual work, when his marks eventually got wise to what he was doing. Hague skipped town and started the whole scheme over over the course of the next year. He set up phony patent liaison offices and several cities around England. Combined with the money he made. Collecting rent on mixed swans properties Hague show have been set for life, but it seems that no amount of money was ever enough for him. Hague was want to save his cast for a rainy day. He believe enjoying all of lights pleasures as often as possible much of his income to paying rent on a lavish room at the Onslow Court Hotel in London, when wasn't at the hotel bar. He visited the race track,
to bet on horses, his pen, and four showmanship and flashing s made the track attempting place for Hague. Now that he had plenty of money with nothing to stop him from bedding hundreds of pounds on a single race. Needless to say, it wasn't long before Hague developed a full blown gambling addiction, one again, Hague, extreme self confidence may have been his downfall, professor psychology Doktor Ronald Reggio Rights, gambling is, by its very definition, a random event. Yet The gamblers firmly believe that they can devise a system to win. Gambling can be terribly eating, and these psychological processes often work to increase. Addiction, because he believed he was smarter than everyone else. He mail I believe he could reliably make money while gambling he constantly felt he was due for a big when they became unable to stop himself from bedding every.
He had in a matter of months Hague, wrapped up significant debts. Even with income from the MIC swans and his phony patent scheme he couldn't afford to pay his debtors, but no more how much he struggled Hague was unwilling to come. For Missus lifestyle. His desperation may have led him to take it. Dream measures. Once again, he later said that he killed yet another victim toward the end of nineteen Forty five like his earlier tale about slang, a woman in West London after Williams, murder. This one is dubious this time, hey get. He's provided a name for the victim claiming He killed a man named MAX who lived in Central London. However, authorities were never able to fit broad who max may have been it's likely, this was another banishment by Hague meant to confuse police sore Somehow raised is criminal profile, either way
He spent the next year living Opulent Lee, while privately stretching himself thin He barely managed to stave off his debts and maintain his room at the Onslow Hotel, in addition to its luxury and prestige, the actual hotel provided here ideal pool of marks in nineteen forty seven thirty eight year old Hague was much younger than many. The hotels guests most met his age couldn't afford to places like this shows the Onslow Hague stood out and he loved the attention he used it to make new friends and acquire fresh targets. In the fall of nineteen, forty seven he chose his next marks Rosalie and Archibald Henderson. No forty, nine year old, Archibald Aunt is younger, wipe Rosalie after learning the cat were selling an upscale property. Nearby hang had his eye in the land and attempted to buy it from the Henderson's
Ultimately, the real estate deal never closed by this time. Higgs debts were piled high, He couldn't pull together the money and time to buy the Henderson's lot, but he did use the deal get close to the older couple and kept up a friendship with them after things fell through. It seems that for the most part, the relationship with genuine, like Hague Rosalie, was loose with her money, then, like being the life of the Party Archibald had its fair share of vices as well, while Hague favoured Gambling Archibald indulged in alcohol over the next few months, made himself a central figure in the Henderson's lives like most people. They appreciated is friendly manner and fastidious appearance. It seemed like hey:
Had the world figured out in private, though he was plagued by anxiety. He was on his last legs financially and couldn't stop himself from spending. He went back to scamming this time. He tried flipping used cars, though he stay clear of the authorities. The scheme Failed to urge him the cash he needed, Hague, running out of options in D sporadic. He turned once more to murder In January of nineteen forty eight thirty, eight year old, started, making arrangements for the Henderson's demise he rented out in a bag. In building the small town of Crawley South of London. He spent the next two weeks turning the place into a second chemical laboratory similar. His basement workshop back in the city, the
building was decrepit, and the yard surrounding it was a mess, but Hague didn't mind it suited his purposes perfectly. All he needed was a quiet place where no one would combine to poke around Hague, furnish the lab with two forty gallon drums: a huge quantity of acid and high quality protective equipment for himself In no time the run down, building look just as foreboding inside as it did on the outside. Meanwhile, he strengthened his relationship with the headrest sins, regularly, inviting them out to dinner or to the races he needed them completely. On his side for what king the Henderson's were happy to have Higgs company they enjoy. With his stories and lust for life when he and did them on a vacation to the coastal town of Brighton date. Eagerly accepted the trio left in February and joy.
Stay at a seaside, Resort Hague made sure to cater to the Henderson's. Every need playing the role of holiday, organizer and indulgent friend after us. You days of excitement. The group found themselves looking for a bit of relaxation Hague could Hell Rosalie needed some time away from her husband, just as he'd planned to give Rosalie and Archibald a break from each other. Hague invited art Baltic Sea, his workshop in Crawley. Coincidentally, it was only about twenty miles from the Braden Resort. His Hague drove Archibald to the laboratory. He taught friends, ear off about an exciting new investment opportunity in what was no doubt and intentionally ironic Pitch Hague claimed he want. Archibald to be his partner in a new business we're going to make a lot of money together at last Hague, pulled up to the dilapidated workshop to his delight. Archibald didn't seem to notice,
the deserted lot or the crumbling fans surrounding the property, or else he didn't care. He had no reason to be suspicious. For almost a year Hague had been completely trustworthy and kind friend there was no room in his life for real companionship. One, was expendable long as Hague could live. A few more months in a luxury hotel ass, he opened the padlock on the workshops, door, Hague, try to suppress the evil smile spreading across space, he opened the door wide for Archibald and waved him inside by the time they both crossed. The threshold Hague was beaming. When we return Hague the Henderson's, an acid bath. Now, back to the story: in February of nineteen forty
Eight thirty, eight year old, John George Hague, lured forty nine year old, Archibald Henderson to a deserted warehouse in Crawley England, He claimed that he had an exciting investment opportunity for the old man to look at, but the pitch was nothing more than a route as soon as Archibald entered the building Hague closed the door behind them pulled a revolver from his pocket. Shot. His friend in the back of the head Archibald was dead before he hit the summit floor. Hague put the revolver back in his coat and began his practice disposal routine. He took Archibald wallet a gold cigarette case aunt his fancy laser. He then dragged the corpse to a forty gallon drum in the corner of the room. After some effort he managed to lift the body and dump it into the feral Hague Change disclose Don protective equipment and pumped acid into the drum this time
bother dismembering his victim. He didn't have the time. Rosalie and sin. Archibald life would be wondering where her husband was Hague had to take care of her. That's why Soon, Archibald body was completely bathed in acid, the liquid in the back, took on a brown brackish hue and stank of decay. Hague closed the lid tightly changed into a street clothes and jumped back in his car from there. He sped back to them or did Brighton a man on a mission to deliver some terrible news before talk Rosalie. He took a second to compose himself. He knew, to appear earnest without scaring her too badly. It was a delicate balance, but Hague had over a decade of experience working his marks. They would believe what ever he wanted them Hague not sharply on Rosalie Hotel Room Door and asked her to come with him at once. He claimed that
sure bald had come down with a sudden illness back at the workshop Rosalie rushed out of the room and followed him back to his car. On the drive to Crawley Hague work to ease her mind, trying to make sure she wasn't too panicked. He needed her actions to stay predictable. She had to remain calm until he could get her inside. The building Hague was cold and calculus, being, even when taking advantage of people. He seemed to like, by exploring His friends for his own benefit Hague displayed would psychology George Simon calls covert aggressive behaviour. There are charming liars who have no qualms about manipulating those closest to them. To get what they want, he writes they very actively try to control other people. In other words, they behave exactly like John George Hague. Once he had Rosalie, the car Hague was hardly even nervous about what
came next. He had her exactly where he wanted. Once again, hangs plan went off without a hitch Rosa He barely notice the miserable state of the building and do wonder why Hague had taken her husband to such an of the way located as soon as well Molly was inside the workshop Hague shot her then hauled your body, with second drum Next Archibald. Both husband and wife suffered the same toxic fate. At least five people, and possibly up to seven, had now met their end at the hands of John George, hey the next day Hague poured out the soggy remains of his victims. The building and Crawley didn't have a convenient floor drain like his headquarters in London. So Hague dragged the barrels out the back of the building and poured the sludge
to the ground. He then set off to the Henderson's valuables altogether. He only snagged a few hundred pounds, but Hague didn't kill for pocket change. He had been her plans now that the Henderson's were no more, there was room for him to take their place. Over the next few months, Hague hold the same scam that had worked so well after he got rid of the mixed swans. He forged documents adding himself power of attorney over the Henderson's assets. He sold their properties and drafted phony correspondence to friends and family to account for their disappearance. Time without a war going on. It wasn't as easy to explain why his victims had vanished into thin air tanks. Excuse was that Archer old and Rosalie were in South Africa on vacation and had put him in charge of their assets while they were abroad in particular,
Rosalie S, brother Arnold needed a lot of convincing that his sister had suddenly decided to leave the country, but Hague had an answer for everything and supplied Arnold, with a deluge of phony correspondence from Rosalie. Eventually, Arnold accepted Hague Excuses and The matter drop by August of nineteen forty eight Hague had liquidated the assets and earned around eight thousand pounds. Worth nearly half a million. U S dollars today, he returned to his life of luxury. At the Onslow Hotel and kept up is excessive. Gambling Oh he meticulously planned. His murderers Hague was reckless and short sighted Everything else he blew through. Henderson's money even faster than the MIC swans. By late night, in forty eight thirty nine year Old Hague was again running behind on his rent at the hotel. He later cod
but he committed is third unverifiable murder around this time, supposedly killing welsh woman named Mary. Apparently, the violence did nothing to lessen Hague's financial hardship and he knew he would have to strike again soon this time he was gunning for an even larger, take one that would keep him in Peru rules for years to come. His latest target, sixty nine year old, Olive Doran, Deacon of friendly widow, who also lived at the Onslow that had taken a shine, the Hague. She didn't usually associated with people who hadn't been born into wealth, but she made an exception for Hague. He had this still sophisticated manners. She liked he was always well dressed and only enjoyed the finest things in life. The pair had plenty in common, or at least that's what Hague wanted her to believe. He cultivated the relationship for months waiting for the best opportunity to make us move, though he was in dire straits. He
Mendes patient as ever on Valentine's day, nineteen, forty nine, he finally God his opportunity that day all show Hey guess: set of plastic fingernails telling but she had an idea for a new beauty product she knew Hague had some periods as an engineer it he could mass produce the finger nails they could go into business together. Hague was only too happy to oblige the following week. He told all of that. He made progress on the artificial fingernails he invited her to his Crawley workshop to see the fruits of his labour. Olive was giddy at the prospect. The two of them left, the Onslow in Hags luxury car I'll leave me Stu been shocked at the dreary state of hags workshop she'd put. Diamonds rubies and a lamb coat for a trip to a wasteland. Nevertheless, she followed Hague into his work
Turkey has a willing we as all of his other victims. Sadly, she met the same fate as soon as the door closed Hague shot her in the back of the head this time. Hague claimed he took his time disposing of the body. He also stated that before He loved all live in. The corrosion proved wrong. He made small incision in her throat and drank a cupful of the woman's blood during his childhood Hagen plagued by bloody nightmares, often involving images of the crucified Christ. After murdering his first victim, William Ec Swan Hague had been overcome by a need to drink, as friends I'd, let same desire, overtook him after all its death, or so he said. Ultimately, the claims are impossible to prove whether he drank olives, blood or not. The remainder of his story followed a familiar pattern: Hague, stuff
body in a large drum and submerged turn acid. While he waited for the corpse to dissolve he drove back to London and aid and expensive three course meal to celebrate the next day. Breathe a sigh of relief, soon, he'd be rich again. Unfortunately, for Hague, he wouldn't be able to relax for long People are beyond low immediately noticed, olives absence another guest at the hotel. Who knew her well asked Hague if he'd senior the previous day, she knew all a plan to go with him to his so called factory in Crawley, Hague had encountered on any one else. Knowing about their meeting, he dashed off a lie too. All his friend that he had planned to meet with her, but that they'd never onto the workshop. Instead, he claimed that when went to pick her up. He hadn't eating lunch. Yet so he went to a restaurant while olive when shopping, she was supposed to meet him to drive to Kali when she was done
but she never showed his lie, shifted suspicion away from himself in the moment, but it also made olives friends even more concerned for her. They asked every one of the hotel if they'd heard from olive recently soon, every one was whispering about her disappearance realizing there was no way to stop the story from spreading Hague decided to pivot and act like a concerned friend. Instead, he agreed to company another hotel aghast to the police station to report olive missing? He likely what hoping to gain. Some modicum of control over the situation just spend the narrative in his favour, but the gambit was a mistake. The police New Hague had a history of fraud, once they learned that he was routinely late, paying his rent? The suspicions were peaked even further. They came by the hotel de Quest the Hague and he remained remarkably cool under pressure. He was almost
we go to assist the police and their investigation volunteer. To do whatever was necessary to help find all live beneath his comics terrier. However, Hague was cracking Alice body hadn't completely dissolved, but he decided to dispose of her remains any He sifted off the remaining bone and fat from the acid mixture and poured the liquid into the grass he stashed, olives, mostly intact purse, under a stack of bricks at the edge of the property when he returned to London. He got word from a friend that the police have been asking about him: now, what must have been cleared a hague that he was a suspect in all its disappearance, yet he never considered making a break for it. He was entirely confident that of the police couldn't find olives body. They couldn't convict him murdering her the delusion and led him to continue living. His life ass before
king no moves to cover his tracks more thoroughly, but he should have the police located eggs former boss, who led them to the workshop in Crawley, a simple search of the property revealed ample evidence of Hague. Skilled officers found his protective gear, the acid proof drums and the revolver. He used to shoot This final three victims Hague, was arrested on February twenty Eightth nineteen, forty nine after he was present With the mountain of evidence against him. He quietly asked one of officers. How often inmates were released from a local psychiatric hospital, Clear He was already planning to plead insanity to avoid the consequences of his crimes. Even so Hague confessed to his crimes still mistakenly believing that without a body there was little chance he could be sent to prison. He couldn't resist bragging,
referring to olive. He told the police I've destroyed. Her with acid feel fine. Sludge that remains at Leopold. Road every trace, has gone. How can you prove murder there's, no body to say it was just above the stupidest thing he could have said. Police convinced tag to give them a full confession. He admitted to killing six verifiable victims and added potentially fictional details like drinking their blood. A few days later, he confessed to killing the three additional victims who were never identified. Whatever Hague Scheme was in mixing facts and fiction, it ultimately did little to save him. It all nine psychiatry, evaluated Hague and only one believe that he had a paranoid constitution that led to his actions and even the dissenting like high interest, admitted understand that he believed Hague fully
His actions were illegal, if not morally wrong, in July of nineteen, forty nine forty year Old Hague was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death The media had a field day, plastering the front page, with hags, coy smile Hague loved the press He even mentioned didn't letters to his parents. Writing it isn't everybody who can create more station that a film star only Princess Margaret or Mr Churchill could command. Such interest A month later, on August, tenth Hague was sent to the gallows. He seemed com as news was fixed around his neck, and, as always, was impeccably dressed Hague ended his life much ass. He lived it. The centre of attention, surrounded by a crowd and yet completely alone, locked in a world of his own Hague, never had a friend
didn't abuse. In the end, there was no one to comfort him in his final moments. All he left, behind was a legacy of violence and betrayal. A monument to his arrogance and evil. Thanks again for two It is serial killers, we'll be back next week with the new episode for more information on John George Hague, amongst them resources. We used. We found the book frenzy by Neil Route, extremely helpful to our research. You can find more of a sort of Syria killers and all other park ass originals for free on Spotify Natalie Spotify already have all of your favorite music, but knows
is making it easy for you to enjoy all of your favorite Parkhurst originals like serial killers for free from your phone desktop or smart speaker. Just stream serial killers on Spotify just over the app and type serial killers in the search bar and don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at PAR cast and twitter at park. Ass network will see you next time. Have I are weak. Serial killers was created by MAX Cutler and is a park asked studios original executive producers include MAX and run Cutler Sound design, Russell Ash with production. Assistance by on Shapiro, Carly, Madden and Freddy Beckley. This episode of serial killers was, by terror wells with writing assistance by Abigail Cannon and stars, Gregg pulsing and Vanessa Richards.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-30.