« Serial Killers

“Montana Child Murderer” David Meirhofer


In 1973, 7-year-old Susie Jaeger fell asleep in a tent with her siblings while on a camping trip with family. When her siblings woke up, the tent had been slashed open and Susie was gone. A team of profilers believed David Meirhofer was responsible for the kidnapping — they just had to prove it.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this episode. Listener discretion is advised. This episode contains discussion of sexual assault. Physical assault induction and suicide that some listeners may find disturbing extra Caution is advised for listeners under thirteen in the early morning, hours of June 25th, one thousand nine hundred and seventy for Marietta Jaeger waited by the phone just as she'd been instructed. It was a only one year on from the worst day of her life. The day her down There was taken Marietta check the tape recorder. The FBI had given her making sure it was all in working order. She didn't wanna, MRS Second of the call she was sure would come soon. She still hope that daughter was alive, and if that was the case, investigators needed Ray scrap of information. She could get for them.
at last around two in the morning. The telephone rang Marietta steeled herself. Then she clicked on the recorder and picked up the phone readied. It to her daughters, abductor ready to forgive Hi, I'm great pulsing. This is serial killers. Spotify original from Parkhurst every episode we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers today recovering abduction of Susie Acre and the story of David Meyerhoff, her I'm here with my co host. thus Richardson high everyone, you can find episodes of serial killers and all other Spotify originals from par cast for free on spot, I or wherever you listened podcast in the first part of this episode, It will take a look at a crime that horrified a small town and changed a family forever,
later will examine how the burgeoning field of criminal profiling, helped investigators connect David to the crime and how it led to a gruesome confession. We ve got all that in more coming up stay with us this epoch, of serial killers is brought to you by future. Finding the time for a fitness programme is hard to heart, get up in the morning too tired after a long day too far to drive to the gym enter future. future is the new app where you partner with your own elite. Fitness coach, who builds a worker programme to be flexible for you with future it doesn't matter where you are home the gym, podcast studio, your coach will adapt Europe Grandfather, wherever you are that the future of fitness get fit percent off your first month at try future dot com, Slash Spotify, try future calm, Slash Spotify. This episode has brought you by progressive. Are you thinking
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There is no greater nightmare more apparent than loose a child. It's the kind of fear that keeps people up at night, tossing and turning in bed. How do you face life when you are child is gone. for the Yeager family. This nightmare became a crushing reality overnight. A real life monster, crept into their world and a high pathetic Fear became their day to day struggle. But, like me horror stories. It did Start all dark and foreboding. No, it's Where did on a beautiful summer day in June, one thousand nine hundred and seventy three thirty five year old, Marietta Yeager her husband bill and their five children loaded up for a month, Long cross country, camping trip, starting at their. Detroit Michigan the family made their way to the Missouri Headwaters State Park near three Fourths Montana, Nestled right by the river, the campsite was breathtaking. Making the two thousand miles journey entirely worth the trouble
wanting to miss out on the Fun Marietta's parents met them at the camp ground for an evening spent around the fire, but eventually the party broke up and prepared for bed due to the site. The group they slept in separate areas: the boys in a camper. grandparents in a tent and Marietta and bill bedded down in their truck, meaning The youngest kids, seven year old, Susan and thirteen year old, Heidi settled into a tent on their own. The girl, spent the night chatting away until they couldn't keep their eyes open. a few hours later before, the sun had risen. Heidi awoke to a strange wind blowing through the tent when she look to see where it was coming from. She saw a gaping hole slashed in the sight of the tent, then to her horror. She saw that Susie was gone. Heidi immediately ran and told her parents at first to marry and build wanted to believe that Susie had wandered off on her own, but the hole in the ten told a different story, fearing the word
Bill rushed into town and alerted police just like Marietta Dill authorities hope that Susie had simply gotten lost crimes. Child abductions were a rarity for the small community of Manhattan Montana, but when they saw the state of the tent, the officers knew she'd been taken, determined find the missing girl officers with the Manhattan Police Department and the Gallatin County Sheriffs Department spent the day coming through the area by land, sea and air during the Sir they stumbled upon a set of footprints that lead to and from the girls, tend and followed the tracks to a parking lot. But by then the lot was deserted Looking at the evidence, it seemed that some one had snuck up to the tent. In the middle of the night, cod and opening in the fabric grabbed Susie then drove away even ass. They peace things together throughout the day off sure, is found nothing that pointed to the kidnappers identity. Even worse,
knew that the likelihood of finding Susie Alive was again slimmer, with every passing our with life on the line. More more officers joined the investigation and the search spread, to the neighbouring rural areas, but this is the search provided. The Eggers Little Comfort Marietta, was particularly distressed and was hit with a wave of emotions at first numb. Then fearful and eventually angry her own corruption of her state of mind makes it seem like Marietta, was displaying clear symptoms of trauma vessel go to take over the psychology here and throughout the episode. Please note Thus, it is not a licence, psychologist or psychiatry list, but she has done out of research. For this show thanks Gregg according to two thousand six study by researchers. Sarah case Spellman, the trauma pair experience in cases of child abduction. Typically me the first says: increased anxiety, depression and difficulty
with interpersonal relationships in case of non familial abduction, were a child is taken by a stranger, Spellman, founded, distress, parents feel is far greater than any other type of abduction. This is because power, We have so little information to go on. As such, often left in the dark, Annette to gauge the likelihood of their childs return, need to say both Marietta and Bill felt swirl of complicated, confusing emotions, as they say go to understand what happened to their daughter. They could only hope and pray that Susie would be found alive authorities Montana warrant has hopeful they suspected the seven year old had been killed the same day. She was taken so in a dish discovering the campgrounds for clues. They began dredging the river for a body, the press This brought up discussions of an eerily similar crime from five years earlier, at the very same
campsite in May of nineteen. Sixty eight someone had broken into the tent of TAT. The old Michael Rainy who was on an overnight trip with his boyscout true, when one of the other scouts The next morning he was shocked scupper, Michael Unconscious and covered in blood he'd, been struck in the head and stabbed Sadly, Michael, didn't survive his injuries and the police never caught his killer, but littering both he and Susie were targeted inside their tents at the same state park. Local authority suspected that both crimes might have been committed by the same perpetrator. Of course, this I'll, just speculation. Nothing was certain without more evidence or an idea about who to question. Fortunately, Portsmouth around their way, as was routine and This is of child abduction. The FBI called into assist meanwhile old, Marietta Bill and their kids found a place to stay in town rely, and to leave until Susie was found but Eve
with the addition of federal officers, the investigation made little progress. Then the case took a turn. The arrival of a chilling call about a week after Susie's disappearance, a man called the home of one of the officers working the case. The voice the other man said he had Susie Agar, but that he'd returned her safe and sound for fifty thousand dollars prove he was the kidnapper. The man described deformity on Susie's fingernails. It was it you tell that only close friends and family members knew about, and then had been intentionally withheld from the public based and his description. Yet and build new. The caller was telling the truth that he had to be Susie's kidnapper, hoping to get their daughter back. They scrambled defined the ransom Meanwhile federal and local officers. Man did the phone lines waiting for a follow up call, so they could arrange the hand off, but the call her came without the second call
investigators had no means of tracking the culprit down because in the early nineteenth seventies call tracing was somewhat difficult, especially advance notice that a call was coming in unless the kidnapped rang again. They had nothing to go on. They were back at square. One. Days turned into weeks and soon and entire month had passed and Susie disappeared Marietta bill wanted to stand by and wait for Susie's return, but they couldn't put their families lives on hold forever. They eventually made the painful decision to return home to Detroit. shhh again. Fortunately, there, something many parents in their situation, dont have open communication with law enforcement. According to it, many twenty qualitative study by Michael Wing Eagle Parent The child victims often feel frustrated at the lack of information and transparency they receive from police, so much
that some of these parents even end up feeling animosity towards the officers trying to help them. However, it appears the euro had a wholly different experience. In fact, when they arrived back in Detroit FBI, Those were already waiting to meet them. De Marietta. This made her feel that she could trust the authorities and their process crucially part That process involved help from Marietta and bill as they can upper had already called the home of a police officer. They reason that he might just reach out to the yunkers too so federal agents, began tracing all calls coming into the agar home. They also Wednesday. Did the family to connected tape recorder to their phone line, ready to turn if the man ever called Marietta wasn't contented just sit by the phone and wait Susie's face in the public eye. She set up a reward, fun and organised friends and family to help distribute posters in Montana she refused
give up on her child not yet coming up. Another crime rocks the small Montana town and a suspect emerges at last. hi listeners. Aids Carter from PAR cast an eye thrilled to tell you about a new limited series on posting just in time for fathers day, it's old, devious, dads and it produces you to some of the most feared fraudulent and it or fathers in history, every Sunday on Spotify over the men who started out as role models and ended becoming real life. Criminals like was finding a seer Bernie made off billion dollar ponzi scheme destroyed countless families, including his own, or Marvin Gaye Senior,
envy and resentment towards his son. Successful music career drove him to murder each soda, devious dad's has been hand from shows across the park. Ass network shining a light on the men who were far more wicked than wise this summer, glimpse of the frightening side. Fatherhood follow this I defy original from Parkhurst devious dad. Listen free only on Spotify. These episodes, brought to you by Navy nourishing body wash enriched with plant. Arrived Doyle's, essential, skin, lipids and vitamins. It provides the we're sure you need for healthy, looking skin that feels completely nourished and its formulated without pair of hands or failing to get them stay out of your shower and your day with Libya nourishing body washing. So what are you waiting for visit, Namibia, USA, dot com, slashed Spotify? If I now know back to the story,
in June, of nineteen seventy three seven year old, Susie Yeager was abducted from her ten at the Missouri Headwaters State Park in Montana, authorities scoured the area and tried desperately to find her, but hidden in best negative dead end. Fortunately, they weren't on their own sympathetic locals, felt compelled to do their part in the hunt for the little girl. And began informing investigators of any suspicious activity, officers for load up on these leads and met with numerous aspects. However, none of the tip ever turned into something concrete, even the lead federal investigator on the case FBI agent, Peter Dunbar, was at a loss, withal tradition avenue. Spent agent Dunbar turned to a new fleet of agents for help. In the early night, Seventys, the F B, I had assembled a team of experts and the emerging field of criminal profiling agent Dunbar had heard about successes of individual members of the team, but they'd never worked a case as an official
FBI unit eager, prove themselves the profiles delve into Susie's case and emerged with a thorough picture of the unknown subject or unsolved, Who'd committed this crime based on the phone all they knew. The answer was male. We also he was white and relatively young. While we can confirm, why they came to these conclusions. It was likely to do with the demographic make up the area as well as the physical strength wired to carry Susie away. they were also certain that the unsolved lived near the state park likely on his own and had a happy prowling the area at night, but the profiles believed that the abduction was impulsive. They region, that he'd likely come upon. The tent late at night then decided in the moment to take the girl, the particular time of year action also made FBI profiles suspect that the kidnapper had a military background which works plain how the on sub was able to navigate the dark would so well.
Additionally, they believed that the perpetrator was someone who obsessed over his victims, he likely kept some kind of coffee and object in Susie's possession or even a body part. Unfortunately, Yeah acres, the FBI profile, is also agreed with both state and federal investigators that Susi was dead. Nazi likely had been killed the night she was taken because This profile plays such a large role in this story. We're going to pause here. take a closer look at the concept of criminal profiling and varying successes at its most basic little behavioral analysis is effusion of psychiatric evaluation pattern cognition and straight up. Instinct first profile is look at the details of the crime, like the method of murder. Demographics of the day, damn and location of the crime scene. Then they can these factors to earlier crimes that share similar trades and the criminals behind them. Eventually, they find a pattern and are able to create a profile but
Does profiling work The short answer is no, but it's complicated in the two thousand seven study, a team of researchers looked at how well trained criminal profiles could determine facts about a crime in Paris, into the guesses of random people in any their field. The experts should about performed the non experts, but they didn't the pro m- is the underlying assumption that someone's behaviour during a crime can predict their data day, behaviour and fortune led, the moment in which a culprit commits an act of violence may be a complete departure from persons. Everyday life simply put its difficult to make these. types of predictions just might be accuracy of profiling. It's not a useless exercise. Pedro analysis is often used as a jumping off point. To start, a search, even at the profile is wrong, and they often are you can lead. Investigators to information that ultimately helps them solve the case in this
instance. When agent Dunbar read the report from his colleagues, he was struck health familiar the profile sounded in the the days of the search for Susie amend. Hoddan Resident had called to report. The strange behaviour of his neighbour David Meyerhoff her and he seemed to fit Profile to a t. According to the tipster twenty three year old David lived, close to the Missouri Headwaters campgrounds and had a hat of coming and going at all hours of the night. But when police, arrived at his home to ask questions about Susie's disappearance David claimed. He knew nothing about the case and the police had little reason to doubt him likewise Dunbar, never imagined David was the culprit. Found the young man to be sweet, respectful and gentle. Still ass. A young white man who lived near the camp ground David match The FBI profile very closely bottle local man matching the profile, wasn't enough for authorities to make an arrest, Dunbar
new. He needed more concrete evidence to solve this crime, so we put us These thoughts of David Meyerhoff her and focused on finding more clues banking neutral. aid Susie's mother, continue to rally friends and community members to help in the growing search, but strong, as she seemed on the outside thirty five, old Marietta was a swirl of complicated emotions. She felt hatred for whoever had abducted, Susie and guilt the daughter she hadn't been able to protect, but more than anything she was determined to find the man responsible and get her d. We are back to marry The best thing she could do was to stay vigilantly by the phone in case the cat ever called again but being at home twenty four hours a day was difficult with four other children to raise. and when one of our kids rides fell through one day, she had to leave the house to pick him up. The time couldn't have been worse. Just it's after Marietta left they kidnapper called fortunate.
Her son Danny was home just as F B. I had instructed Danny STAR. the tape recorder and answered the phone. Unfortunately, the all was brief and the kidnapper offered no clues to his identity, though before he hung up, he did. the hint that Susie was still alive when Mary had learned about the call she was devastated for me she been waiting to speak with a man who had taken her daughter and now she'd. Mr chance, all that was left to do was hope that the FBI could trace the call they could investigators determined that the call came from a bustling diner in Wyoming, however, with so many customers coming and going on any given day employees couldn't fight officials with any useful information about who used to pay phone, and with that the case went ice cold, while dejected search, fruitlessly for Susie the coming
The men had Montana was rocked by a second disappearance in February of nineteen. Seventy four mother of nineteen year old, Sandra Small, again called policed, porter daughter missing. She had heard from centre in days and was worried, something terrible, it happened, Luckily, authorities in Montana took her concerns seriously and began searching properties throughout the rural area while explore and abandoned ranch and horseshoe hills. One deputy founded air of women's underwear. After a little more, exploration. He discovered a car the neighbouring barring this project officer New Sandra. So, although Vehicles license plates had been removed. He recognized did as hers immediately back up I've to scour the property and investigators? Soon came across a large steel, drum full of soot ash and Schuman Bone, fragments
closely in the surrounding fields, they found hundreds of additional bone shards which were collected and sent for analysis and pathologist assembled the fragments compare the jaw to Sandra Dental records. It was a match at this stage. Detectives began to wonder if Sandra Murder and Susie's abduction were connected, the count was home to only one hundred thousand people and violent crime of any kind was rare, subtle likelihood of a single culprits seemed high with that in mind, the local departments working the cases agreed to meet and compare notes, but for some reason they chose to meet not at a police station, but at a dying in town, this man, that they had an audience during the busy lunch rush. Customers would listen in and interrupt with questions and well We were just concerned citizens. One young man seemed particularly interested in their discussions. His name was David Meyerhoff, her eight months
you're the contractor had been questioned by FBI agent, Peter Dunbar, about the abyss of Susie Acre when Dunbar heard about David's interest. In the two cases it ray his suspicions once more. Keeping the criminal, profile in mine. He started dig deeper into the young man's life, perhaps hoping a clue that would tie him to either crime. Unfortunately, there wasn't much information for Dunbar defined. He ascertained that David born and raised in Manhattan, daddy, I join the Marines and that he served in Vietnam as a communication. Specialist while there was little else to uncover aid, Dunbar came across to other troubling details. First, he discuss that David had done some contract work in the horseshoe Hills area, where Sandridge remains were found. Sec David had gone on a date with Sandra, but she had reportedly declined his invitation for a second with those two striking coincidences
Two gaiters brought him in Davidson. Happy to submit to questioning both by the people. gruff machine and under the influence of sodium amatory barbecue at all, used as a pseudo truth. Serum these days now that these are imperfect methods, but at the time they were highly Did interrogation tactics when asked bout, Susie and Sandra cases. David, explain. that he wasn't involved. He said that, didn't know what had happened to Susie and well. Freely admitted to going on a date with Sandra. He assured detectives that he had nothing to do with her death. According to the polygraph David was telling the truth as such invest The greatest thought they'd must have made a mistake, bringing him in, however, back and Quantico the behavioral analysis. Team was convinced that David was guilty. In fact, they felt that passing the tests We may David a more likely suspect without behavioral analysis. Team investigators may have given up on looking into David, but the
It believed there was a good explanation as to why David pass the test. To them. He likely lived with schizophrenia in simple terms. schizophrenia is a personality disorder that disconnects a person from reality. Hallucinations or other forms of psychosis. As As we know, David was never officially diagnosed s gets a frantic but profiles strongly that he was somehow dissociated from reality if there. Ass, was accurate. It's possible that when he said he didn't know anything about what happened to Susie and Sandra, it felt to him. Therefore it will register as a lie, into this analysis, the F b I profile is believed that the perpetrators likely obsessed over his crimes and while he hadn't contacted Sandra family to claim responsibility. They predicted he'd be tempted to contact Marietta Yeager again, perhaps on the other the anniversary of Susie's kidnapping, trusting
profiles, instincts investigators reached out to Marietta and got to work, laying a trap after a year of dead ends. Everything would come down to this coming up, A grieving mother does something? No one expects Sir pursuit is brought to you by progressive. What's one thing: you'd purchase with a little extra savings, waited blanket smarts Baker, that new self care train you keep hearing about well progressive ones. Make sure you're getting what you want by helping you save me on car insurance drivers who save by switching to progressive, save over seven hundred dollars on average and customers can qualify, an average of six discounts when they sign up discounts like him multiple vehicles on your policy progressive offers, standing coverage and award winning Claim service day or night? They have customer support twenty four seven, three. Hundred sixty five days a year when need the most there at their best a little
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I listened carefully clinging to hope that hurt order was still alive. Marietta was desperate. speak to the man who took her daughter, but in a different way than she wants was in the months just Susie's abduction. She felt unbridled rage toward the kidnapper and wanted to kill him, but now, twelve months later, Marietta's catholic faith helped you discover something. Unexpected compassion. Well, it seems impossible forgiven towards those who have committed violent crimes might actually be an evolutionary instinct in their two thousand fifteen article to blame or to forgive, again sailing punishment and forgiveness and criminal justice, professor Niccolo Lazy and Hannah Picard explore those incongruous concepts. They write that Forgiveness and vengeance are both universal human adaptations that workers
strategies to reduce the risk of re offending with that in mind, lazy and Picard point out that people have a choice between the two when confronted with violent offenders, Everyone has the capacity to seek retribution and to offer compassion. They argue it's the latter. That is more in line with a socially liberal society. That said it. Important to remember that forgiveness isn't about excusing someone's actions or saying the pain they caused didn't matter. It's letting go of the need for an apology or for revenge. Merrier recognized that distinction and decided compassion was the only way forward by the time and does the gaiters were preparing her for the impending phone call, she'd moved beyond her anger and sought to we understand how a person could make such horrific choices, Maria. This transformation, moved investigators and they hoped better. Passion would have the same effect on the kidnapper, so
the days leading up to the anniversary of Susie's abduction. They re four Marietta. To give a newspaper interview in the peace she revealed publicly that cheap, Given the man for what he done and mentioned She wished to speak to him to understand why he took her child. It was the perfect bait to ensure the kidnapper would make the oh sure, enough. In the early morning, hours of June, twenty fifth nineteen, seventy four, the egg telephone rang when Marietta answered the man haltingly ass did. He was speaking with Susie's mother, the man toys the grieving mother claiming still had Susie and that he was thinking of TAT in her Disneyland, ignoring his taunts Marietta begged, to talk to her daughter or for us prove that she was still alive. He refused her desperate, please seemingly intend to cause Marietta more pain, but He remained calm and stayed on the line she told
that she forgave him and said that she simply wanted Susie back. Somehow Marietta kept the phone call going for over an hour and by the end of that, our she had her daughters, kidnapper weeping. It's likely he called a victim spam. to feel in control and never expected, What happened instead, he genuine emotion for a woman. He knew he'd hurt While Marietta kept the man on the phone federal investigators raised to trace the call unfortunate the system failure kept them from pinpointing where it was coming from. He could be anywhere and there was no time to fix the problem before the man hung up. When Mary, I learned what had happened, she was understandably upset. She feared that, daughter was alive. They just lost One chance at bringing her home fortunate, a new clue soon reinvigorated the investigation.
following months, a rancher in Montana noticed a long distance call on his phone bill, one he'd, never made determined, understand what had happened. Examined his phone lines and discovered that some one had messed with the wires. When the rapture reported this to police authorities looked into the unexplained charge and quickly realized, it was the anniversary call made to the Agar house after ask the rancher some questions. They discovered that a young contractor had recently done some work on the ranch David Meyerhoff per Mille but David had communications experience in the Marines authorities. Reason that he could have easily tapped the phone line to make the phone call and why It seemed like a smoking gun. It was all The circumstantial evidence It was enough for authorities to bring David in and have him take part in an audio line up for Marietta one at it, I'm he and other participants red quotes from the call which were sent directly.
the phone to Marietta in Michigan, this Second, she heard David's voice. Marietta knew he was the man who had called her. It confirmation, they'd been waiting for David was there man, but two gaiters knew they still didn't have enough evidence for conviction, so they let David go free. While the team regrouped by this stage, the F b I profiling, had listened to the entire recorded phone call, an expert did their analysis of David. They guessed that he could likely be mediated by women and suspected a few Marietta were in the same room. She could make him confessed Once again, Marietta was ready for the challenge, so in September of nineteen, seventy four she met David at an office, as instructed She tried to take control of the situation. She said she knew David had taken her daughter and told him that. she'd forgiven him. Then she, just
to bring this saga to a close and know what had happened, but unfortunately, the planned didn't work. kept his cool and denied any involvement in Susie's abduction. Then he want away from the meeting a free man, was a frustrating setback. Investigators felt like they were so close and they could find a way to reach the finish line, but then David, finally slipped up, not law, after Marietta returned home. She received another call, the manage just himself as Mister Travis then claim that he and not David Meyerhoff, her had kidnapped Susie, then to prove his point he played, recording of a child he claimed, was Marietta's daughter. Marietta saw through the paper thin ruse. She knew she was speaking to David, also knew that the recording wasn't her daughter when she refused his game David became increasingly frustrated that
When he made a mistake, David mentioned, something that he and Marietta had discussed during their face to face meeting inadvertently. Giving himself away it took him only seconds to realise what he done and in a fit of anger, he hung up Fortunately, this time around authorities were able to trace the call to a hotel, room and SALT Lake City. You talk they raised to the hotel, but when police arrived at the room David had rented, he was nowhere to be found fearing better frustration over the phone call might make him violent officials obtained at torrent and made their move. They eventually try David down and took him into custody for the abduction of Susie Acre around the same time. Authorities finally got a warrant to search David's property in the hopes finally uncover the physical evidence stayed long needed, but they weren't prick. Air for what they were about to discover inside
its home. They found some blood soaked bedsheets and a horrific packaging. Light. Is freezer parcel was marked with Sandra Small, against initials and contained a severed hand clutching two fingers this make churning find put all doubts to rest. David was guilty of murder when he heard of the evidence in his clients home the twenty five year olds attorney arranged a plea deal if prosecutors took the penalty off the table. David would confess So when the fall of nineteen, seventy four David finally admitted to a string of murders, starting with two Norman expected. He revealed that he first killed years earlier in nineteen, sixty seven that MAR Cheat seem to boys playing in the woods and shot one them: thirteen year old, Bernard Pullman dead. A year later in nineteen, sixty eight. He came upon a boy scout true by the Missouri Headwaters State Park. He explained that
initially wanted to kidnap one of the scouts, but that he changed his mind and stabbed twelve year old, Michael Rainy to Deaf five, years later and nineteen seventy three David returned home the stint in the Marines and wasted no time in finding his next victim that summer, came upon the Yeager into State Park right where he'd murder Michael Rainy heard Susie and her sister chatting their tent and waited until Girls were asleep before making his move around two in the morning. He cut his way into the tent and strong gold Susie until she fell unconscious, then took her to a nearby ranch in the horseshoe hills and molested her before he choked her to death. After all, he dismembered and burned her body eight months later, in February of nineteen. Seventy four David broke into the home nineteen year old, Sandra Small, again and attempted to abduct her. It's unclear,
or if he planned and killing centre all along. But he told detectives that it was an accident. He covered a mouth with duct tape to keep quiet and didn't realize the tape was also covering her nose while he was loading sum of Sanders belongings into her car. She Suffolk did to death once again David dismembered and burned his victims body, then scattered the bone fragments on a remote ranch. But there was one part of Sandra. He couldn't bear to. Let go we Susie's abduction. The FBI profile as guest at the culprit would be tempted to keep a trophy to. Remember: is crime but while there's no evidence David kept anything of Susie's, it's a suit that the severed hand belong to Sandra a woman. He once sued romantically with his confession. and finally, on record the case, would have been a simple trial with a swift and decisive outcome, but it was. To be just our after admitting to four murders. David
I'd buy suicide in his cell his death is puzzling, given that he confessed to avoid facing the death penalty but perhaps the reality of finally owning up to his crimes was too much for David conscience, but his reasons don't change at the story. Sending David Meyerhoff, her was dead As a result, the case was never brought to trial, possible that, as a result, other information about David was lost details of his life and crimes are scant making it hard he's together a full picture even still David Meyerhoff risk. I'm slept an indelible mark on the state of Montana and the case. well remembered as one of the earliest successes of criminal profiling. instead of pointing to this story is an example of a psychological guessing game that got it right. We shouldn't true, the legacy of a mother who overcome tragedy and found renewed strength and purpose,
Marietta Yeager came to terms with their daughters, death she governance sense of clarity in the years since then she dedicate herself to helping victims of violence, fine healing and forgiveness, and acceptance for the survivors of violent crime. Uncovering the truth might bring satisfaction, but it's less likely to bring peace or a semblance of closure, punish can feel vindicating, but for given this can bring healing and story wraps up one feels altogether more impressive than that, the other thanks again for tuning it serial killers, we'll be back soon, with a new episode, invite all episodes of serial killers and all other Spotify originals from par cast for freons, modify. I'll, see you next time ever killer weak
serial killers, is a original from par cast. Exec producers include MAX and wrong. Cutler sounded by Russell MASH, with production, as is thence by IRAN, Shapiro too Williamson, Carly, Madden and Bruce Guiteau Bitch episode of serial killers was written by John Mcdonough, with writing assistance by Jane, oh and Joel Callum fact: fucking by Hayley, Milkin and research by Brian Petrus and Chelsea, would soon Killers stars Gregg, Paulson and Vanessa. Richard seven hey there Carter again as close out here. Andrew to check out my new park ass, limited series, devious dad's for ten weeks, we're exposing the men who were far more flawed than fatherly ruin anyone who stood in their way. Even Their own families follow, do
these dad's free only on Spotify
Transcript generated on 2021-06-30.