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Listen First! KILLER KNOWLEDGE, A Parcast Original Series!


Sure, you’re a fan of true crime—but are you ready to put your skills to the test and be crowned an undisputed expert? Then try your hand at Parcast’s new trivia podcast, Killer Knowledge. Every Tuesday, two competitors go head-to-head to correctly answer multiple-choice true crime questions. Whoever gains the most points after 20 questions, wins! It’s all the murder, mystery, and suspense you’ve come to expect from Parcast, now in a fast-paced, interactive format. 

Play along in this exclusive clip from our episode on the Manson family with a couple of very special contestants and Parcast hosts, Greg and Vanessa, and see how well you measure up! To find out who wins, follow KILLER KNOWLEDGE free on Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There are true crime fans, and then there are true crime. Experts see where you fall in the park has trivia podcast killer knowledge. I had the distinct pleasure of getting to compete in episode to against my good friend and co host Vanessa, and let me tell you, we had an absolute blast uncover more about some of the most shocking topics in history such as the Manson family, Jonestown and even Jimmy Hoffa here. Carter. To tell you more about his new show. Thank you so much Ray Tuesday on my new trivia, show killer knowledge. Two players go head to head to correctly answer multiple choice. True crime questions, whoever games points after twenty questions wins with each questioning answer comes additional context surrounding the topic: enlightening, even the most knowledgeable, true crime lover play along in this exclusive clip from our second episode with a couple very special contestants and park.
Toast, extraordinarily Greg Vanessa, and see how well you measure up If you want to listen to the full episode, follow killer knowledge free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcast, the nineteen sixties were a decade of divisiveness and change, while some protested peacefully Charles Manson and his followers made sure this era, counterculture ended in bloodshed? The summer of sixty nine is now forever synonymous with the Manson family murders. Welcome too Killer knowledge, a par cast original, I'm Carter, Roy and it's time to learn
some true crime history, as two players go head to head in this twenty question: trivia, podcast every episode. We cover a new topic like the headline making Zodiac murders that shocked the nation violent mobsters like John Gaudy, who gun their way to the top in serial killers, like TED Bundy, craved notoriety this week, we're looking back at the Manson family, murders that resonated beyond the California culture joining me today are two very special guests ready to show off their incredibly deep, true crime, expertise, hosts of multiple podcast here on the park, Ass Network, Gregg Paul and an Vanessa Richardson. Are you both ready to face off yeah, regret eggs trepidation and to you our listeners play along as we find
now who has killer knowledge, Gregg and Vanessa. Welcome to the show we'll get into the trivia in just a minute, but first before we start, let's remind our listeners, you can play along with more episodes of killer knowledge and find other Parkhurst originals on Spotify or wherever you listen. A pot casts we all. Want to hear from you are listeners. Leave us review where your listening and reach out on Facebook and Instagram at PAR cast and on Twitter at park, ass Network, Gregg and Vanessa. Let They are the rules of killer knowledge for you and our park ass listeners. There will be twenty multiple choice, questions a b and c broken up into three rounds of fair warning. The questions will get more difficult as the gain plays on a correct answer. Earns you the point for that question and incorrect answer gives the other player the chance to get it right. Gregg, if you buzzing first, will hear them
sound Vanessa, your buzzer sounds like this, and one player will be eliminated in round to, while the other move on to play for some amazing prizes, including the par cast golden headphones, makes sense to yes. Ok, let's play killer knowledge. Here we go with round one for this first round. The questions will follow the story of how a young trials Manson developed into the cot later. We know today a mansion had a rough childhood. He was born in nineteen thirty, four to a sixteen year old, runaway mother, in Cincinnati, Ohio and the Father, who is a well known, local, con artist from Kentucky being in and out of a boy school in Indiana Manson, eventually found himself living with an aunt and uncle truancy became an issue
young Charles, but it wasn't long before things got more serious. Manson got caught stealing from his uncle on Christmas day in nineteen, forty seven, when he was just thirteen years old. Here's question number one: what did Manson get caught? Stealing a money, be a gun, see cigarettes Vanessa. I believe it was a gun. You are correct, a gun. It was ass. That incident Manson was returned the boy school, but he ran away again. Okay, so are often running Vanessa. One Gregg zero.
After running away from school, this time, Manson got involved with a group of petty criminals on this is when his own criminal record with began so for question number two: what did Charles Manson first get arrested for as a child? A arson be assault, see burglary. We have a taker with Vanessa, ah
I'm going to say his first was burglary. Burglary is the right answer at the time he was with a friend's uncle when the police caught them at a grocery store in Illinois at thirteen years old. He was then sent to the very strict Indiana Boys School Vanessa, with two points Greg at zero, while at the Indiana Boys School Manson claimed he was severely bullied and assaulted. In response, he developed a defense mechanism in which he would screech and wave his arms to scare off his attackers for question number. Three, What did your Charles Manson call his defence tactic? A the insane game, be the bully game, see the screaming game break a
steam game. That is correct. Size are out now was as small as a boy I even as an adult many believed he was somewhere between five two and five slash. Six Apso is a very short in your child. Charles hoped, the insane game would give him leverage and convince anyone trying to attack him that he was crazy and would leave him alone right. Gregg is on the board, so it is now two to one in favour of Vanessa, and you won't be surprised to hear that Charles eventually escaped the Indian Boy School with some other kids. They were eventually caught in a stolen car in Utah Sixteen year old trials, Manson was attempting to make his way to California, which we know he would do yours later, but from nineteen fifty one to nineteen sixty one Manson would end up in prison multiple times from juvenile detention centres to maximum security facilities, but he didn't we
What is time in jail in nineteen sixty one twenty six year old mansion would find himself imprisoned in Mcneil Island Washington and that's where he learned to play an instrument from famous depression era. Gangster Alvin, creepy Karpis here is question number. For what instrument did he learn to play in prison? A piano be
The tar see harmonica Vanessa, big tar guitar is correct. It is now three two one Vanessa on Charles Manson also educated himself in other ways, while he was locked up in Washington, he reportedly spent a hundred and fifty hours studying a religion before deciding was too crazy for him for question number five: what religion did Charles Manson reportedly spend a hundred and fifty hours studying a christian science, be Mormonism, see so Technology investors in their it see. Scientology Scientology is the right answer. Its believed Manson studied Scientology from a cellmate in Macneil Island. It's even been reported that he declared himself a scientologist in the summer of nineteen sixty one, but in reality was
an official member after auditing the religion, the story goes. He declared it too crazy. So we now stand at Vanessa Food or Gregg one, but don't worry Gregg. There is a long way to go even though Manson was still imprisoned in Washington. A popular urban legend says that in nineteen sixty five he audition to join a popular rock band. Here's question number six. What influential sixties rock band did Manson allegedly want to join a the beach boys, be the monkeys, see the doors.
Greg the beach voice, a that his income, it seemed to make, but there s a door for you. You can guess. I think it. I would the doors also in line to be no I've been the monkey, it is the monkeys. Does the rumour ban the monkeys, member Mickey Darwin's confessed? It was a joke. He made that got interpreted, as fact. The rumour was also debate since Manson was still serving time in nineteen sixty four So the point tally, doesn't change or Gregg one now. In March, nineteen sixty seven at thirty two years old,
I Manson would be released from prison and finally make his way to California. But he had one request before being released. Question number summit. What was Manson's request before being released a he wanted to stay in prison, be he wanted his record cleared, see he wanted his cellmate release to crack. Hey he wanted to stay in prison. Hey is the correct answer. He wanted to stay in prison since by this time he had spent more than half his life behind bars. It made his prison cell feel more like home than any place. He knew. Okay with that. Greg now has two points, so it is four to two
in favour of Vanessa. Well, we now know Charles Manson, the early years, so as we bring this round to close, let's transition from prison to freedom in California, after being released, Manson made his way to San Francisco right as the summer of love was starting.
Are the hippy culture at the time voted well for Manson's, unconventional lifestyle and love of hallucinogenic drugs, and he began attracting groupies soon he was pushing religious philosophies on them. So for question number eight, which spiritual figure did several followers soon compare to Charles Manson, a Jesus Christ, be the Dalai Lama, see Mohammed Vanessa Jesus Christ, a yes had his right Jesus Christ is right, Manson began talking about the end of the world and the judgment of humanity which only push their comparisons to Jesus more. So it is now five to do in favour.
The NASA soon Manson and his family of six women move towards LOS Angeles settling in various areas. This is when Manson's interest in being a singer. Songwriter comes into play, but for question them or nine, which member of the beach boys did. They me, and move in with, for a summer a Dennis Wilson be Brian, Wilson, Sea Coral, Wilson, Gregg be Bridewell. Since that is incorrect, I'm afraid. Do you have a guess, a Dennis wealth and Denis Wilson is correct. He meant to have Manson's followers when you pick them up hitchhiking on Sunset Boulevard and took them to his rent.
Home little did he know the entire family would eventually show up and stay Manson even shared his desire to be a musician with Wilson who introduced him to industry contacts including executive, Terry Melcher, who at the time lived on CLO Drive in LOS Angeles. Ok, the score stands at sixty two in favour: Vanessa. How, after Dennis Wilson, purposely let his lease expire and moved out of his rental home Manson and his followers discovered what would be come their headquarters in the San Fernando Valley. Question number ten to finish out this round. What the name of the ranch where the Manson family would become famously based a pang ranch, be spawn, ranch, see, cal Amigos, ranch, Gregg B
mom Rach that is correct and other small ranch was an old fifty five acre movie rynch used for westerns in Chatsworth, California, and its where Manson would settle his family and really begin to pushes Armageddon conspiracies. Okay with that point, Gregg is up to three and Vanessa has six and we are now at the halfway mark. We followed Manson from troubled child to full blown California. Caught later, when we come back, the trivia gets more. Difficult and round to as we get into Charles Manson's teachings that ultimately lead to murder and one of our players will be eliminated from the game. Why? Looking at me, to find out what happens next: listen to killer knowledge free on Spotify or where you get your broadcasts.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-16.