« Serial Killers

Jack the Ripper Special - Pt. 1


He's the world's most famous killer. But how could a series of crimes committed in a few weeks in 1888 still be so famous nearly 130 years after the fact? In the first episode of this special series, Unsolved Murders Hosts Carter and Wenndy join Serial Killers hosts Greg and Vanessa to explore the most infamous anonymous killer the world has ever known: Jack the Ripper. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to their graphic nature of this murder, case listener discretion is advised. This episode includes dramatization and discussions of murder and assault that listeners may find offensive or distressing. We advise extreme caution for children under thirteen a little hole was with no hope of Heaven. Headstone may save one, then they'll be seven seven, applause begging for a shilling one stays and manage court. Then there's a killing. Six little horse glad to be alive. Cycles up to Jack. Then there are five foot more and more, Am I right so do b and me the town or light air? There were two too little horse shivering with fright,
see a cosy doorway in the middle of the night Jacksnipe dashes. Then there is, but one last ones, the ripest for Jack side idea button You know where he lurked can you spare some change. You know whom he killed: fancy a drink love. You know what he did You even know him. I name the wrapper strikes again, but what you dont know is what troubles you most? Who was, and why did you do it? Like many before us, we will embark on an odyssey of investigation into the slayings of histories, most notorious serial killer, Jack, the ripper, but that's not all. We will also
explore the psychology behind his actions. Some of the most group the murders known to mankind, we can speculate with. Some of them ready to try to understand his motivations and perhaps what catalyzed them history of terrorists. Dance yet is actual crimes, but was short lived experts have to do Then he was only active as a serial killer for ten weeks. Murdering at least five women all sex workers from August two October of eighteen. Eighty eight in and around Whitechappel England, one of miserable and destitute slums of Victoria in Europe. This timeframe is comparatively shorter than that of other famous serial killers, That's one of the reasons he remained such a notable figure of unbridled evil and darkness the damage he was able to inflict in only a few months that and the social and cultural maelstrom he left in its wake, which continues in spirit to this day jack. The ripper has becomes
just symbolic force in history and in popular culture that he has listen to nearly mythological proportions, as society continues to give life to his violent and Cobb story. We strengthen its sitting, power proving once and for all the eternal draw of the serial killer hello, and welcome to a dual edition of unsolved murders, true crime stories and serial killers. Your listening to the first episode of our three part Jack, the Ripper special on TK, the right and I'm Wendy Mackenzie, we host solved, murders each week for the serial killers fans out there and murders is a modern twist on old time, radio that delves into the mysteries of true cold cases and unsolved murders. Have you haven't heard it yet you can listen and described on your favorite podcast directory. Why certainly
students subscribed, I'm Gregg pulsing hosted serial killers I'm Vanessa Richardson, the other hosting serial killers. Every week our podcast glimpses into the mines, methods and madness of the most notorious cereal killers subscribe and listen as Gregg talks, listeners through the life and crimes of a serial killer every week, and my partner and crime Vanessa provides psychological analysis this week. Vanessa the psychological voice, as we try to pull back the cerebral layers of Jack the ripper and attempt to pinpoint his motivations, its impact you know that this is not a psychologist, psychiatrist herself, but has done a plethora of research on this subject. Special leave this subject jack. The ripper has fastened me for years, and I can't wait to dig into the inner workings of his twisted psyche- you're, not alone Vanessa. In fact, a cult follow
has developed around the story of Jack. The ripper, which has given birth to a technical term for those who investigators crimes and you mean Reparata, suggests that's right reparation just those who study the White chapel murders can range from sea scholars looking to unmask the killer once and for all to those who just consider themselves jack the ripper enthusiasts. We followed somewhere in the middle. Now I like to think of serve as a serious scholar of them? Cobb, regardless weak and examined Jack, the ripper without understanding the time in which he lived and, more importantly, the setting of this vicious and terrifying crimes so travel back with us to the year. Eighteen. Eighty eight, Victorian England, Queen Victoria, the woman who redefined english monarchy had been ruling for over fifty years. And believe it or not. She would actually play a role in the jack, the ripper investigation in its later stages, Roy
England, however, was a far cry away from where this story takes place. White Chapel London part of a region known as east end, whatever darkest tear lurked in your childhood. Nightmares could never compared to the daily reality of this area. Unbelievable poverty, rampant crime, a plethora of diseases, The slums of east end were like hell on earth and in the winner, not nearly as warm the infant fatigue. At any rate, was staggering. Fifty five percent of during died before the age of five, was literally a daily battle for survival in the streets were unbearably wet, called, noisy and full of treacherous threats cops, would only venture these streets in groups no less than four people at a time. That's how dangerous it was. Women had to adapt to the violence come quite hardened and brutal themselves. In fact, most, if not all,
would carry guns and knives when going out at night and court, the brave new world, while the This climate was moist in dank the social climate of stand wasn't much better tensions, work, constantly in the air is stifling. Is that hatred scent of horse, droppings and body odor, an influx of jewish hence into the region, began a trend of xenophobia as well as Anti Semitism, many british law most feared the outsider, but also hated him and there was a societal belief at the time with an England that, because jewish immigrants de less money for jobs that they were taking all the opportunities from their english neighbours. The bottom line was no matter who you were native immigrant was fairly miserable, and this was before and unbridled psychopath terrorized, the streets of White Chapel, considering this places so atrocious. I wonder, Vanessa
what was the psychological impact of this value could been a product of his environmental just acting out as a response to it. That's very simple, but then we have to assume that Jack emerged from this environment. We're not positive, even lived in east end their theories. That Jack was actually an upper class citizen who lived outside of. Why chapel but travelled there too, snare his victims more easily in the slums where policing was lax and it was basically a criminal free for all. But this also, theory that he lived very close to the locations of skills. Within the last few years, crime experts have used to computer algorithm and geographical profiling to try to pinpoint the location of Jack the Ripper. So now they can do that. Apparently S. They use Jack's movements around you stand to come up with the hypothesis that he lived at flower and Dean Street smack in the middle of the slum region of White chapel. That's incredible,
doktor camera smoke. I used to work for the canadian police force, led this digital age investigation and came up with this conclusion. Here's a direct quote. I would be very surprised indeed, if the ripper had not had some involvement with flour and Dean Street, he might have lived there drank their picked up prostitutes there he might have even had a relative there there's a high chance. It was within his area of activity. This would make sense for another reason, what criminologists deem the serial killers comfort zone. This reform to the concept that killers tend to kill where they feel most comfortable. This may mean in close proximity to their homes or where most of their data day activity takes place. In other words, their first instinct is to hunt in territory. They know best. It gives a sense of confidence.
As a new or foreign environment may make the killer feel like here. She is not in control of them, a lot of sense so for argument sake. Let's say Jack was indeed from me, stand with that impact him emotionally and psychologically. Well, if you witness the daily struggles first hand, such as poverty, disease, crime and, let's face it utter hopelessness, this could translate into a strong and desperate desire for a better life is could mean desire for more money, more comfortable living arrangements, more opportunities, this discontent with starts as a desire for something one doesn't have festers and turns into anger and resentment if he didn't have an outlet for these emotions such as drink or fighting or even positive outlets like art or writing. He may have channeled all this rage and aggression into its most violent form. Murder, grotesque, brutal, almost savagely
murder. We cannot ignore the fact that newspapers in circulation referred to stand as the abyss and had been doing so for some time this place was one of the most dreadful and crime written and there wasn't much reprieve from it, but I already mentioned drinking and fighting these were daily rituals for Eastenders. Yes, like Starbucks, Contemporary America, a myriad of local pub, started the street corners, offering cold beer and cheap gin. That's right. Although money was scarce, the gin was plenty and people often wasted what little coin they had on this stiff nectar. The more people drank the more their tensions and aspirations bubble to the surface which manifested in constant violence, and there was but solace away from those threats. Most residents didn't own or rent property. They rented bed buildings, known as lodging or dos houses line the streets. The twin beds to sleep in
guessing these bids, word of the past, repeating variety. Hardly the word soft and clean not come to mind when picturing these beds, because most inhabitants couldn't afford a room or an entire flat, they spend each day trying to scrounge up enough money for a meal and stiff drink and somewhere to lay their heads at night. The poorest of the poor, who couldn't even afford to rent a bed, were given the cheapest option to sleep, upright standing against a rope tied across a wall. But never be able to sleep standing up. You say that now, but if you're tired enough, probably right families who could afford a place to live stayed in single room flat that measured about ten by twelve feet, sometimes as many as nine people lived in this claustrophobic space, but where would they sleep right there in the room? Probably piled knew each other like a wolf pack to keep warm. Where were they eat that same room, and sometimes if the parents worked from home, they use
action of the room is a workspace, its unimaginable. This was the common existence for most people in EAST end yeah jobs were lost did times were desperate, so it's no support is that women turned to sex work, it's a cold night. I got something that can make you warmer its estimated that out of over four hundred and fifty three and people in east end? There were about twelve hundred sex workers working during the time jack. The ripper begin his killing spree, but he was about to make a small danton that number a dent that would leave a lasting impression. Its import to know that there are actually ten murders that can be attributed to Jack the ripper, but their only five that have been deemed canonical. This means that research is believed that these murders were committed by one man noticed Jack, the ripper, whereas the other murders
could have been jack or other killers entirely for the purpose of this series will be focusing on the canonical five victims as their known, but before we need jacks, victims. Let's explored the geography of EAST end. This element prove very cynical, to Jack slayings and how it carried them out with such dexterity inefficiency, the maize like complexity of east and streets, analogy ways, most notably its tiny passage is between lodging houses and shops, made it easy for him to carry out his killings and sneak out undetected makes me wonder. Do you think he improvised his escapes or did he know the blueprint of the area like the back of his hand and planned accordingly very interesting thought like Hetty studied them beforehand, or was he lucky
employee, weaving in and out a valley weighs heavily veiled by the cloak of night. Well, I'd like to think he knew his way around the city to some degree, but when it actually came time to evading detection, there was some thrill of having to think on his feet ass. He turned a corner slid through passageway, but it's hard to say for sure. Regardless here come wished what he set out to do. We returned to our story in just a moment from the park hast network heights
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I also loved our deep dive into the life and crimes of killer clown, John Wayne Gacy. What are your favorites? I liked her episodes on David, commits also known ass son of SAM I was also really intrigue by ad camper, a disturbing Syria murderer with near genius level intellect you re living some of your favorite episodes or hearing about these chilling murderers for the first time, these eighty Ray episodes are available right now, plausible still releasing new episodes of serial killers every Monday get caught, up on serial killers for free on Spotify or wherever you listened to podcast enjoy, and thanks for listening and now back to our story ex first of his five victims was Mary. Ann Nicholls Nicholas was three years old and a mere five foot two inches? She had dark skin brown eyes and dark hair speckled. With gray she was the daughter of a blacksmith and apparently was fairly close to her father.
In eighteen sixty four. She married a printer named William Nickels and eventually bore him. Five children, however the two separated on and off until they find they called it. Quits in eighteen. Eighty apparently their woes stem from marries love of alcohol, which her father acknowledged as well. When she split from her husband she abandoned the rest of the family to and began working at Lambeth Workhouse Workhouse, such as this one were established in the Elizabethan era and existed to provide food and shelter for the destitute, elderly and ill in return for unpaid work. However, by eighteen eighty Evan Nicholls was no longer at Lambeth. Instead, she was broken homeless, which lead night sleeping under fog or swear She was eventually sent back to Lambeth where she met the matron of the workhouse who found a receipt. People job as a domestic servant at an estate in the country. This was a huge to unity and step up for Nicholls. However, it wasn't long that Nicholls took a different path. She stole expensive clothes
former employers in phlegm, and she was soon back in Easton, sharing a rented room with three other women and soliciting herself for money August 30th, one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight it was a day like any other, except for a particularly tumultuous case of lightning and rain, which colored the after. Skies oblique gray, it's hard to say What Nicholls did that day and night when she walked the streets of e stand, but based on her track record We can assume she engaged in some quality drinking by twelve de I am the next morning August thirty, First Nick as was seen, leaving a pub called the frying pan. She made her way to a lodging house where, once inside she warmed herself by fire, you'll have to pay for a bed. If you want to stay by that fight, I'm afraid I'm a bit short today will be we have to find a house that accepts a smile instead model now soon get my Dost money see what
Lee bonded I've got now. Oh a fine hat. Now off your Go Nicholls left the lodging house and began walking the streets again stumbling a bit from many drinks at the pub once at the corner of Osborne, treat and White Chapel Road Nicholls Ray did it against the wall of a grocery store at this point, her friend and roommate a woman by the name of Emily HOLLAND approach. Nicholls. She told her to go back to the lodging house and talk. House deputy into letting her stay, but Nicholls refused
Just as soon find a gentlemen willing to offer the necessary funds, and so nickels and HOLLAND parted ways right before Nicholls, ventured unto a path off the main road where she was hoping to find in eager customer. But what she found was much more horrific. Three forty a M Charles Cross was walking to work. It was still dark a couple hours before sunrise and something caught his eye, bundled up torp but ass. He approached it soon became apparent, that's not what he was seeing. Dear God come and look over here. There's a woman, I believe, she's dead. Now I can feel something I think she's breathing, but its very little. If she is no, I don't think so. There's not much to do. We should find a constable. Then this way
only a few minutes after the two men left police cars. We'll John Neil on patrol approached the scene. He kneeled to inspect the body and discovered something the other two men hadn't the woman's throat had been slit a moment later. Another constable walked by John for God's sake, confession doktor. Eventually a doktor arrived and examined the body briefly and then Edna those taken to the morgue, a spot of congealed blood from the net, who had slowly moved towards the gutter at a slugs pace until it was Washed away by a neighbor some little did. They know how much blood was about to run through these streets. The murder of marrying Nicholls was mild nature compared to Jack's future victims, but it started the conversation. This was the first sex. Worker that would die the hands of Jack the Ripper. It's a common question, because
We cannot help but wonder. Why did Jack target sex workers well Greg? One major theory is that he wanted to rid society of this form of sexual corruption. He didn't morally again with women selling themselves for money in fact may discuss it him so much tat. He took to killing them like a vigilante trying to remove a black mark from society score. He took it upon himself to eliminate one form of evil from the earth. So that's one theory. Yes Second theory is more general. He had an urge you kill and his easiest targets were sex workers. Why? It's simple? These women were voluntarily venturing into dark, alleyways and corners to conduct their business. They needed the dimly, lit spaces and pray see to commit their sexual acts. Imagine jack accepting a sex workers solicitations. She thinks she's in control, leading him into the darkness, but in reality she is actually making herself more vulnerable and creating her own snow
allowing him to strike when she's most unprepared, this theory, although since testing and certainly seems to play a role in the narrative of the killings feels a little unsatisfying. Agri Jack was probably much more complex than that. This brings me to the theory which revolves around the psychological concept known as mother hate. We know that childhood play a pivotal role in shaping an individual, and where does childhood begin with the mother? She literally brings a person into being into the world and has the closest relationship with a child in the majority of cases. So the way a mother treats her child specifically, her son greatly affects how he will view himself, the opposite, sex and the world as a whole. If a mother or mother figure treated her son poorly, let's say with physical or sexual abuse to go to one extreme, there is a strong possibility that this child would develop a powerful hatred and resentment towards his mother
and that's where it starts, but hardly where it ends. This mother hate can balloon out to include hatred of all women in general crime lighter steed. Show refers to this as malignant massaging. Every female in existence becomes just an extension of the mother, the child so vehemently D. Ices and the same goes for women who were mistreated by their fathers. When these women grow up men become the enemy and many of the abused girls either avoid men completely or take out their anger. Bisexual exploding, men and an eternal quest
for power or control. This idea of mother hate was a very popular theory when discussing jack, the ripper intention to kill sex workers, and it makes sense because we don't know exactly who jack the ripper was we have to speculate. We can propose that maybe he had a terrible and dysfunctional relationship with his mother and began a killing spree as a symbolic way to get revenge on her, because his victims were specifically sex workers and not just women in general, safe from different occupations. We can also infer that Jack may have had a sexually confusing relationship with his mother would have me mother. Maybe she abused him sexually or maybe he was attracted to her, which hyper sexual advised him to early. If he had these inappropriate feelings for her, they could have transformed into guilt you're not supposed to love your mother like that, and so he began a cycle of trying to destroy over and over again his mother or what she did to him or what he consented to do with her reject them
FBI profile conducted many years later in nineteen, eighty eight at Lutz to this idea of a dysfunctional relationship with his mother. It states quote: he came from a family where he was raised by a domineering, mother and a week, passive and or absent father. In all likelihood, his mother drank heavily and had enjoyed the company of many men. As a result, he had failed to receive consistent care in contact with stable adult role models on the fact that one hundred years later, the FBI, was still investing the cases and credible and lucky for us. We can use this profile of the killer,
annually, adding to it as we go to help us decide the identity of Jack the Ripper ass. Now. One interesting thing to note about that excerpt from the FBI profile is a suggestion that his mother was an alcoholic, as will come to discover all Jack's victims had a history of excessive drinking which caused the many problems and life. It's fair to say that drinking was common in London slums in the late nineteenth century, but I think it's also important to note that Jack's victims all had become slaves to the substance even before they were sex workers living in the east end. So maybe he targeted specific victims because they share the alcoholic trade like his mother, who certainly possible? Well now the jack had one murder under his belt. He was ready for another. This time the unfortunate victim was Annie. Chapman Chapman was born in eighteen, forty one, which would make her forty seven
She was the illegitimate child of a soldier named George Smith, and a woman named Ruth Chapman in eighteen. Sixty nine Annie Batman actually married one of her mothers distant relatives, a coachman named John Chapman when John acquired a job working for a wealthy cup lived in a lavish mansion. He Annette state on the estate grounds in an apartment above the stables, but it didn't take long before any developed. A pesky drinking habit is created problems for her husband, whose It was to interact with and serve the wealthy elite eventual. Her habit escalated. She was several times in known throughout the area as a drunk, it became too much John to bear. So he in any separated. She went to London, leaving her two children with John who sent a weekly allow, and so she could get by, but in eighteen, eighty six, the allowance stopped and whose husband had died and now She was truly on her own
For a while, she tried to survive by selling flowers on the streets or doing whatever crochet works could get, but it wasn't enough. So, she turned to sex work. The days leave, Up to Chapman's death are well documented, a couple of nice before her murder. She had gotten into a fight with a woman by the name of Eliza Cooper, Chapman left with a black eye, then she spent. The next day with one of her regulars labour by the name of TED Stanley, the following she wasn't feeling well and procured some pain pills that she wrapped up in a small piece of paper. She shared a drink with the pain, turning William Stevens and then took to the streets to find some money for a bed that night she was last seen heading towards a church.
What the hell, when a man by the name of John Davis stepped outside his apartment. One morning he discovered, Annie Chapman slumped next to a dilapidated fence. She was dead and her body was badly mutilated. Please be advised that the following information is disturbing and intended for mature audiences. Only like Nicholls shipments Throat had been slit almost down to the smiling, but there was more her stomach had been. With a knife. Her intestines were removed and strewn over her shoulder. Her uterus was missing and so were parts of her vagina and bladder the killer had most likely taken the body parts money left when China. And was examined. Her swollen face and protruding tongue suggested that she had been suffocated before her throat had been slit. When detective came to the sea, They question the neighbours and other citizens Elisabeth long who worked at Spitalfields market.
Reported what she had seen. It was about five thirty in the morning, because I just her the clock and in very time I looked up. And I saw a man and a woman talking can you described the man? It is hard to see him he is facing their direction, but I dead man She get a look at his robot and he was dark a foreigner I think close. He wore brown dear stalker Hoddan the dark coat. I was his appearance, fairly genteel and his age. Now, maybe forty is there anything else? You can tell me well, they were talking very loudly. Where are they talking about not sure all I heard with a man say WWW and the woman answered him with a simple. Yes, Chapman was taken to the mortuary where she was examined by the reputable Doktor George Baxter, Philips. Theirs bruising about the face, Bruises around the eyes are older:
on the chin and sides of the draw afresh. The murderer must have held the victims Chin to push back the head, so he was able to me the incision across the throat her swollen face and extended tongues suggests suffocation prior to the incision. Can you estimate the term death? Do rigour mortars. I would say she has been dead for at least two hours. I'll write these incisions or what will they were made very cleanly, almost expert, I venture to say I think whoever did. This is a fair amount of anatomical knowledge. What are you saying? He could be a doctor, yes or a surgeon. He worked quickly in a poorly lit environment and must have felt the and measurable pressure from a potential threat of someone stumbling upon the scene Considering all this, he demonstrates almost exquisite skill with a knife and so This is how the theory emerge that Jack, the ripper was a doctor, and
Reparata just still maintain it to be true, the idea that job had some medical knowledge, also made it into the FBI's one thousand nine hundred and eighty eight profile, which stated he sought employment where he could work alone and indulge his destructive fantasies and job such as a butcher, morticians helper Medical, Examiner's assistant or hospital attendant. So by this point we know he targets workers, possibly due to a mother complex and he may have had medical training or work in the medical field. What else do we know what Chapman was the second murder victim, and by now we can start to see a pattern forming with his m o and his ritual or signature as it so called for those of us not well versed in serial killer lingo. Can you explain Vanessa? Of course, Emma refers to the latin term modus operandi, which simply translates to mode of operation. This covers how a particular serial killer operates, how and where they hunt how they carry out their crimes and
they make their escape. So what can we say was Jack's ammo at this stage? Well, we know that his hunting grounds, as their called were the slums of EAST London. He went out late at night wearing dark in conspicuous clothing and use the shadows to his advantage. He then scooped out a possible victim alone, sex workers, potentially one who looked particularly desperate- to earn some money at the time. Maybe he approached, maybe he waited for her to make advances either way. He probably indicated he was interested in a sexual rendezvous. They would go into a dark corner. Passageway and Jack would survey the location making sure no witnesses were around
then he would strike. He strangled a victim first incapacitate here then slid her throat. It seems that's where he stopped with his first victim Marian Nicholls, but for Chapman after slitting her throat, he went on to other mutilations, cutting open, her stomach and then going for a genitals. So there was obviously some escalation between his first crime and a second absolutely. What would account for this? The most common answer is that early in his or her criminal career, a serial killer will experiment with the act. Maybe the fur
kill us the quickest, because there's some insecurity wrapped up in it like maybe the killer is thinking. Can I really pull this off? What if someone catches me exactly, you have to remember that the first kill for a serial killer is a very powerful crossing, a threshold, the first time its new and frightening territory, but also exciting, and once the act is successfully completed, that excitement remains embedded in the emotional and psychological and even physical, make up of that person and that's when killing becomes like a drug driving the murderer to reach desperately for the next, even greater high sulphur jerk. Could it have been that only cutting the throat of his first victim was his way of testing the waters? Yes, I think so, and obviously he liked what he did and he got away with it so for his next
kill, instead of simply dipping a toe and the cold river. To continue your metaphor, he put his entire foot in it's more of a rush. It's definitely more satisfying. My question is why the intestines, why? remove any Chapman's innerds in draped them over? Her shoulder will now work, into the realm of ritual and signature. These terms often used in her changeable. I refer to the specific details of the killing, such as unique mutilations or assign left by the killer at the crime scene. In Jack's case. Removal of the intestines and the placement on the woman's shoulder is a very specific choice and will see he continues it for some time disempowering. His victims became a pivotal part of his signature. We can look to other serial killers for their own unique signatures. There's the aptly named eyeball killer, Charles Albright. Also, a sex workers killer, murdered three women in Texas from ninety ninety two. Ninety ninety one. He earned this moniker by skilfully
moving the victims eyeballs seriously. Where did that signature come from may have originated with his fascination with taxidermy as a child. He would torture and kill small animals and then stuff them himself. Think about the cold dead eyes of stuffed Fox squirrel. I'm guessing that's not a typical extra correctly. Their activity no and when he was finally caught it imprisoned. He would spend his days in his cell. Drawing pictures of female eyes. Betsy It can also refer to an object left behind by the killer, correct right. In that type of scenario, the signature is more like a calling card. Let's take a look at some of the most famous and fascinating serial killer.
Calling cards starting around one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven across eleven US states. Someone begin targeting White College age, males and drowning them, and bodies of water is believed that about forty murders may be attributed to the same killer or killers. In over twelve of the cases, a symbol was left near, the crime scene, a hand painted smiley and so this killer, or these killers came to be known as the smiley face killers footing, the famous Zodiac killer, who we featured on both unsolved murders and serial killers, maybe the most popular example of this phenomenon of the signature in the late nineteenth sixties and early nineteenth seventies. He murdered at least five p Will it northern California but claimed to have taken many more lives man he didn't leave a call. Hard at the crime scene per se, but is most
closely associated with, but has become his literal signature. The Zodiac killer famously wrote letters to various San Francisco newspapers. He would sign them with a peculiar symbol. A circle with the jagged cross rank through it. That image became synonymous with him and his crimes and then there's Randy Craft, a k aid, this scorecard killer between nineteen, seventy, two and nineteen eighty three craft raped, tortured, mutilated and murdered. At least sixteen men ages. Thirteen to twenty five. He kept a coded record of his Kells with references to the victims in the trunk of his car. The list contains sixty. One names and phrases which refer to the traits initials or locations of his victims doesn't seem like the smartest idea, like keeping a diary of all your murderous conquests, write craft was found guilty and then formally sentenced to death on November 29th. One thousand nine hundred and eighty
He remains on death row at San Quentin State prison, there's something else we can examine when thinking about Jack. The ripper method of killing. Generally speaking, serial killers can be grouped into four different categories, based on what drives them to kill. The first type is known as the visionary killer. These are people who are basically driven by psychosis. They may hear dark voice.
Or have violent visions that push them to kill and destroy. The second is the mission oriented murderer. This person generally kills because of what he or she believes to be a moral crusade. Then there is the hedonistic killer here she kills for lost the act of murder itself as a huge turn on and finally there is the control oriented serial killer, taking the lives of victims gives him or her an intense sense of power and control, which is actually more gratifying than anything even sex so which one is Jack. I think he's all four and the reason for this is that, because he was never cod, we don't have any real answers. All we have are the deed tales of the gruesome remains of his atrocious act? It's a really good point Vanessa. If we look at what he did targeting sex workers, we could say he was a mission, oriented killer, ridding the world of what he saws unholy or corrupt right
but considering that he mutilated the female body to such a degree and took precisely female parts like the uterus. This again, sexually perverse undertone. This would then reflect the hedonistic type right. That's right and since he targeted sex workers who are vulnerable because they were women and were alone and in the dark, he was ease. Be able to assert power over them exactly right, which would speak to the control oriented category. The fact that he strangled them first also suggests how much he craved to field dominant there's, one other type of the four we haven't touched on the visionary killer. Yes, Gregg, is it possible that Jack was simply insane driven by voices commanding him to carry out these horrific crimes, and I think so, yeah so do I, when we think of Jack, is all of these put together, he's very much like a mosaic of every serial killer, archetype speaking of serial killer,
archetypes in Emma was in signatures. There was something founded, Annie, Edmunds crime scene near the body. Investigators picked it up thinking. It could be a helpful clue. It was a torn piece of, envelope, which bore the seal of the Sussex regiment, which is the symbol of an infantry unit of the british Army. The other side of the scrap were two things: the litter M, seemingly and by a man and a post office stamp dated London twenty eight August. Eighteen, eighty eight, the investigators jumped this finding thinking that Chapman's murderer, was possibly a soldier. Seven indicators went to the military camp of the Sussex, Regiment and intent eighty two men, but what they discovered. That the envelopes with military seal were common in the camp and in the Post office of the nearby town, and so what police believe could be. A valuable piece of evidence essentially turned out to be nothing Chapman and found a scrap of paper on the ground and used
to wrap up her medications when you're Pill Box broken and just like that the trail was cold again. It was revealed later, though, that any Chapman had been suffering from a severe medical condition, which is probably what caused her pain in the first place. She acts didn't have much time to live, but sadly, what little time she did have left was stolen, firmer by the anonymous killers stocking the streets of white chapel. Our story will continue in a moment after the break and now back to the story. By this point, with two brutal murders, fairly close together and time and location, the press began its literary crusade to expose the horrors of e stand and it's terrifying new foe. Now it's important
understand that jack. The ripper was the first serial killer covered by the press, which means we cannot deny that play a pivotal role in the creation of him as a killer and, ultimately, as the dark legend, he would forever remain at the time the murders begin. And there was such a clear divide between the classes. The prevailing public view was that West and was made up of the middle class who lived in wealth, cleanliness, incivility, but east and was a breeding ground for the squalor of society. The darkest vices imagined, but there was something else associated with east, and that was the concept of the foreigner as kinda earlier many immigrants had migrated to EAST London in search of jobs and opportunity. Citizen living in west end and other middle and higher class areas of London. Primarily in a state of xenophobia, which is an intense fear or dislike of people from other countries,
cultures. This social Malays would be illuminated by the Jack the ripper case through various obligations. These papers aim to expose the and address the unbearable conditions of e stand as well as suspicion. The jack was a killer from a foreign land of all the publications. At the time it was the star that would become most famous for reporting on the White chapel murders. So we can acknowledge that because the press had become such a powerful motive information as England neared the turn of the century jack. The ripper in turn became a powerful representation at the cereal murder. How the press sensationalize his crimes is one of the reasons is left such an indelible impression on society as a whole right and around the same time that the press began covering the White chapel killings. A new investigator entered the scene of All the authorities involved his name.
Is the one most linked to the jack. The ripper investigation. Forty five year old Inspector Frederick, Amber line came from Scotland Yard, which is just the fancy name for the British police force airline was originally a clockmaker who join force in eighteen, sixty three quickly rose to the ranks in eighteen, seventy three became an inspector who, through his experience and dedication was well versed on east end and all its criminal prowess, and so when it was time for authorities to choose a new leader, Abner line was at that their short list. He quickly took charge of the Round investigation Walter do Young detective at the time alluded to every line. In his memoirs, inspector herbaline was partly in gentle speaking, the type of police officer, and there had been many who might easily have been mistaken for the manager of a bank or a solicitor It was also a man who had proved himself in many previous big cases, his straw
suit. Was his knowledge of crime and criminals in the east end? For here been for many years the detective inspector of the White Chapel division. So basically for Scotland Yard EAST end was stamping ground exactly it was almost as if our line was coming home. We a killer moments, what do we know about him? He hates prostitutes. That is key, structure. We know he has attacked and killed two prostitutes weather, hates them or simply finds them. Easy prey is another matter. What else do we know he strikes late at night early in the morning he chooses secluded locations and he leaves quite efficiently. Yes, what else he's cunning maybe or perhaps the issue is not what he is, but rather What we are not so we need to more ground with more men, that's a given, but what will make the difference? We need men who are alert focused
We need men who see better in darkness than in light. We need men who feel more comfortable in corners and doorways we need men who think like this White chapel butcher, is that understood? Yes, understood Sk Gather, who we have and rally various men from the surrounding areas. It's time We take this seriously airline arrived on the scene. He had a newspaper article to contend with the star had recently published an hour called detailing the exploits of a man known only as the leather apron. He was a local criminal His identity are known that the sex workers EAST end, feared and hated. It came right Missy may and put a night your throat, I saw it all. He told to give whatever she had in their pockets or heeds letter open right there ever accosted. You know he hasn't and you better have in mind not to the letter
apron would approach sex workers and threaten them with a knife, as he demanded they give him whatever money they had on them, his moniker, from the leather apron that he wore when he came in contact with these sex workers will vote for a moment. Think this was an odd item to wear in Working class London. Many tradesmen worked in jobs that require the use of a leather apron. It was events We believed that the man was a shoemaker with the amount. Smell of the leather apron and the suggestion that he could be the White Chap a murderer came a wave of fear and anger is caused mobs to take to the streets in search of the solution and troublesome thing and this created even more may him any stand by the search for the leather apron proved fairly fruitless. That is until sergeant William Thick pursued a man? He thought was a viable suspect sergeant thick, a dedicated, incapable detective was once described by well. To do.
As an unholy terror to the local lawbreakers, not to shabby of a reputation for right, well, apparently, thick heading and with various criminals and believed you the lead on the identity of the leather apron. Another inspector had followed the police. Report about a man suspected to be the criminal. All of the authorities whereafter and thick new, where to find him so uncertain amber tenth eighteen. Eighty eight thick paid is it to a man by the name of John Pies, her? Yes, Mister poyser. I am arresting you on suspicion of committing the murder of Anna Chap. John Poyser was a polish Jew who worked as a bootmaker He had a leather apron and was suspected of threatening several sex workers. Get this. We had a prior conviction for a stabbing offence Sergeant they called him away. There was a vapor of hope in the air, sir.
We have the leather apron and custody excellent. It was hoped that John Pies, as indeed the man responsible for the ghastly white chapel murders you there are, you knew yes keep to the main roads. Make sure there's light where you are. He has come for ones like us. A hope that EAST London could be done with this unmitigated terror. But sadly, as we know, it was only the beginning don't forget to subscribe to unsolved murders and serial killers on Itunes, Google play sound clouds, teacher Spotify or any other podcast directory. If you like what you hear Leiva five STAR Review or tell us what you think I'd Facebook Twitter,
at PAR cask network. A new episode of serial killers comes out every Monday, a new episode of unsolved murders. True crime stories comes out every Tuesday and mixed, Thursday will continue our investigation into the infamous jack the ripper thanks for listening, we'll see you next time. If we live till next time and until next time covered killer, weak, the jack the Ripper special, was created by MAX Color, is a production of Cutler media and, as part of the park gas network, produced by run and MAX Cutler Sounded- by IRAN, Shapiro with production assistance by Goldstein and Maggie admire and written by Jessica, Malo, the Jack, the ripper specialists, Tars Carter, Roy Wendy, Mackenzie, Gregg, pulsing and Vanessa Richardson. The amazing a voice actors includes by alphabetical order. My composing Kimberly HOLLAND Harris
Eriksson Vanunu, Ryan, Steve Pinto and broken Sarber dont forget to check out par, casts original series dog tales. Every Monday dog tales shares inspirational, true stories of loyalty, courage and sacrifice by some of the most heroic canines in history. No mystery Noma, Cobb, all heart search for dog tales in the spot. If I am and listened free today, Remember. There are eighty three episodes of serial killers from the summer of two thousand seventeen through early two thousand nineteen that are available to you right now park ass, his actually released over seven hundred episodes from the back catalogue of sixteen different shows, including cults, haunted places. Fiend criminals and many more and you can listen.
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Transcript generated on 2019-12-13.