« Serial Killers

Dahmer: A 3-Part Special


You know the name, but do you know the whole story? Jeffrey Dahmer: one of history’s most notorious serial killers, and our most requested episode, is now the subject of an exclusive SERIAL KILLERS 3-part special event. To show our appreciation for our loyal listeners, we’re taking a deep dive into Dahmer’s life and crimes to understand where his behavior went off the rails—and why he continues to fascinate us. All 3 episodes will be available on December 23rd across all of Parcast’s true-crime related feeds!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
He's been called the devil that walked our streets, one of the most infamous names you ever hear the archetype of figures impurity, the representative of a world which needs cleansing, the Milwaukee. Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most noted Morpheus murderers of the past century. In a recent poll, twenty one percent of respondents named him as the first serial killer to come to mind. The details of his case are shocking: necrophilia, cannibalism, dismemberment a shrine of human skulls inside and unremarkable Milwaukee apartment, complex, seventeen victims, some of them children
and little to no investigation from the local police in the three decades. Since the housemaid team p
axis of human remains out of doors apartment. The world has been asking why? Why did this man become a monster, and why did no one do anything to stop him every week Gregg and I host serial killers. Many of you have asked us to do an episode on Jeffrey Dahmer to show our appreciation for our loyal listeners. This holiday season, Parkhurst, is getting you something even better. A three episode special released across all par cast beads we're taking a deep dive into dollars, wife and crimes to understand where his behaviour went off the rails and why he continues to fascinate us all three of us, so it will be available on December. Twenty third, listen on Spotify or wherever you find podcast.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-20.